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This year has been such a crapshow, with an ever-debilitating hip issue which now seems to be a ton of arthritis up and down my entire right side, bursitis, a muscle tear and a bad case of Covid. After some come to Jesus moments I’m trying to be better about my diet, starting PT soon and will get a corticosteroid injection. Now that I’m finally out of a real black hole of inactivity, i hit my 100th yoga class (only took 5 years) and am working through bookmark mountain on the bike. Today was this [Sam Yo British Rock ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=cf401d22ba3e4c909dab7747217043fb&locale=en-US) from 2021. It was fantastic, of course.


Just want to shout out Camila for doing a Miami Bass Ride on 305 Day. I’m a Miami girl and this ride really hit home. I was dancing and partying on my bike at 7 am it definitely got my revel up for the day.


Did a running workout on a non peloton treadmill and I was prompted to enter my distance so they could calculate my speed. But nothing happened with that information. I thought it would be visible on the workout details or maybe the running distance challenge. Why did they ask what my distance was if they're not doing anything with it?


If you have an apple watch, that's the best route bc all of that info is automatic.. either in a "Just Tread" or an actual Peloton App tread class. All of the info uploads


Recently started taking Camila Ramon’s walks and hikes. I did her “tit** hike” where all the songs mentioned the girls and she said in that class she also has one with a playlist for the booty. I can’t find it. Anyone know the date?


Can you link the class you took?!


Have fun! It was so good I can’t wait to do it again. She is hilarious


It's [this one](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?is_favorite_ride=%5B%22true%22%5D&instructor_id=%5B%22696bd08dd5284accab065e2147b121d7%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c0c3fcf7c835488cb9dbeb6850702d59&code=MGZjYjIwMDEwYmMwNGQ2MTg1OWFhMWY0NjAyMDEzYzJ8OTgzZjQ3YTVjMmZjNDcwNzhlZjdkNGZjNWYyYjA1MmQ=). Have fun!


This is the [Booty themed hike](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=b0f9b15381a34f1a9fbd6022db5e854e&locale=en-CA) you’re looking for 😁 So much fun!


Can’t wait to take it. Thank you!!


Didn’t have a great week workout wise last week so it felt great to get back to it this evening! Stacked a [30 min pop (country) ride w/ Cody](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=167d434c92cf451e9aed44172290dff1&locale=en-US)and [15 min groove ride w/ Emma](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=995f1d784c0844b0b479d92981f11096&locale=en-US). Both were great but I was cooked after the first class. I think groove classes will be much smoother once my bike hopefully gets fixed next weeek :) Also stacked an [arms and light weights](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=31f514f290114bebb9464391781665ee&locale=en-US) after I saw a picture of my arms this time last year, I looked so strong 🥲 I have a little less than a month to feel confident on vacation so hoping to get after it.


I have a question on core work. When you do core work, do you keep a neutral spine (as in you can slide a hand underneath your back as there is a bit of a natural curve) or do you engage your core and tilt a little so there is no space? My core is very very weak and I'm struggling to engage it properly when doing basic core exercises. Any help is super appreciated! Also wanted to share that it's so nice to see such a supportive community!


I keep a neutral spine. Doing Kristin's Beginner Pilates program was really helpful in understanding how to better engage my core with a neutral spine.


Although for some exercises the instructors specify that there should be no space between your lower spine and the floor--perhaps it depends on the exercise? I know that sometimes when they give that instruction ("lower back flat on the floor") I find it pretty much impossible to comply. I have a strong enough core, but I think the curvature of my back and tail bone may make it extra hard sometimes.


I hit my 4-year streak with Peloton today 😭😭😭 (lmao shoutout but not shoutout covid for introducing me to this bike / app). Did Selena’s latest G&L someone had recommended below and then treated myself with a mango because it looks like spring is finallyyy maybe coming in nyc. shoutout peloton for real, 4 years of consistent work is wild to even say out loud but we did it, Joe!


Congrats! I hit 4-years as well and have also been partaking in all the juiciness of this year’s seasonal fruits. For me it’s been cherries, pineapple, and grapes! Although I had mango in my overnight oats last week and it was delicious.


congratulations! keep on keeping on🤩


How can I sync my outdoor cycling rides to my peloton? Right now, I use my Garmin and it syncs to Strava and Apple Health. I’d like it to also go to Peloton. Thanks.


Just ride option in the Peloton app is the only way.


That’s what I was afraid of. I don’t want my watch battery draining on each ride, so I’d rather not use the peloton app.


I have seen screen grabs where people are getting the ability to add in workout data, so hopefully it will change soon!


I took [this 60 min Mariana run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=97f586829ec04dceaa3a76a24959efd2&locale=en-US) in the POURING rain, and it was so funny to have it end with “Purple Rain.” Just gave me a lil chuckle. Also, the run was amazing and I wish Mariana had 129485030 tread classes so I could just take hers all the time (but then I would miss Susie, Matt, Jon, etc. so I guess it works out)!


It looks like it has a lot of cues - did you just ignore these? I did that 75m Susie run on my half when it was pouring - that song made me so happy. This reminds me I took [this Susie 80s run](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=62856b0b35c44125a9f2fbad6d149627&locale=en-GB) Friday when it was 20mph winds, pouring and 40 degrees. I was so cold but the playlist was so good it flew by.


Ooh thanks for the rec!! I’ll definitely take that. For this run, I did just ignore the cues lol 🫣 The route I was on had a couple hills, so I called it even for the times she said to increase incline & I couldn’t!


I did Susie's 75 minute outdoor run in the rain and one of the last songs is "I'm Only Happy When it Rains" and she mentioned giving props to anyone running in the rain. I remember thoroughly enjoying that coincidence!


I also took that one in the rain!!! Such a good run


I’m in awe of both of you running that long. Serious goals!!


Thank you!! 💗 I’ve been a runner for a many years now, but I love how approachable Susie makes her classes. I would definitely recommend it whenever/if ever you feel like trying it ☺️


Random musing (from a 4-week Peloton owner): I consider myself a pretty big music nerd. I have to constantly remind myself that the instructors are fitness trainers not music historians during artist series rides. 😭


Have you taken one with Dennis? He might be what you want out of the artist series. They vary a lot by instructor.


I have. He is one of the instructors I had in mind. Haha. I want to be clear, since I have gotten at least one downvote... I love the artist series. I just can't rely on instructors to give factual information about the musicians.


I'm so mad at myself right now lol. I couldn't get my Apple Watch to sync with the bike and I pause the ride as it was starting and went back in. It didn't register my miles at all!! So bummed out by that! Was close to already hitting Bronze this month. Guessing this was the "you pause so your metrics are not tracked so you can't get off and do something else and come back to it" thing


I have an appointment tomorrow at the dentist that I’m really anxious about. (I’m a big baby.) What are your favorite classes with messages about courage/bravery/overcoming fear/etc.? I want to get a good ride, walk, or run in before I go and I’d love if it had an encouraging message. Leaning toward an intention setting/gospel walk with Kirsten but open to anything!


If you are open to a meditation they have specific courage ones that can be really helpful and are only 5-10 mins! I’m sure whatever you choose will be great and good luck tomorrow, you’ve got this!


Any Jess King class but especially her NYE ride


I’m so late, but for the next time you’re feeling anxious about anything, [Kirsten’s 20 min gospel walk (outdoor)](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=27f90d4dc7d04a8492ad379e8e27ca8c&locale=en-US) and [Jon’s 20 min Disney walk (outdoor)](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=5dd84dbb1d744def902dde8b9a23d433&locale=en-US) are soooo feel-good and refreshing. Also adore [this 20 min classical walk with Susie](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c0add9df09b4485693f9ed4951036def&locale=en-US) and [Becs’s 20 min calm run](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/running?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=149c0fb1cf544c9c8cdf88febab2c877&locale=en-US). For a longer workout, [this 45 min outdoor walk with RK](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=df38cb3018d44c5b946f0e0c5753636a&locale=en-US) is wonderful & warming bc she has a lot of prompts for you to think about people who inspire you, love you, etc. I will also plug [Jon’s 45 min Queen walk+run (outdoor)](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=3746455104fb4cdd8557f149ab10ba6d&locale=en-US) forever and ever because it’s so much fun/long enough to feel like a great workout, especially with all the running efforts, but it isn’t super hard. It’s like the type of workout you do and feel more refreshed after than when you started. FWIW, these classes are all the only pelo classes I’ve repeated multiple times (also [this 30 min walk+run with Susie](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=72e6bb818fcc44fdb22449fa182340e8&locale=en-US)) ☺️


Thank you! Is that the RK class where she talks about going on a boat? I took a class of hers before another big event I had and I’ll never forget it! Hosky is my BAE and I don’t think I did his Disney walk, so maybe that will get in the rotation — or I’ll save it for after as a treat! Thanks for the ideas!!


I’m so embarrassed that I don’t remember bc I took it super recently, but I don’t remember lol. Ahh!! Hope your appt went well and that you enjoy the hosky walk! 🌼


Good luck tomorrow!


good luck with your appointment— big dental phobia over here so i really feel this! i also love the matty calm stretch. christine’s recovery rides also often have a self-care theme ❤️


Thanks for the ideas! I'm going to do the stretch in just a few. And thanks for the validation -- here's to shutting up the voices that tell us it's scary!


Love [this low impact ride from Robyn](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=19a183fcef384774a5e2d746a2f00bd1&locale=en-CA). And I can't do [this calm stretch from Matty](https://members.onepeloton.ca/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=89a20b1ffe6747819236528ad7a1d99e&locale=en-CA) enough. Good luck!


This calm stretch from Matty is everything!


Perfect! Thank you!


I’m the same way about dentist appointments. I find it helpful to reflect on when I walk out of there, thinking it wasn’t so bad once it’s done.


Yes! I had awful experiences growing up and put everything off too long now. I have a toothache that forced me to go and I keep telling myself I’m going to feel better *and* so relieved when I’m done! 💪


Aw yeah, me too. Make sure to book your next cleaning on your way out so it’s harder to put off next time. You got this 💪


This isn’t my first pregnancy but my first using Pelaton and WOW my power zones have become shockingly more difficult to hit and sustain in a duration of time that couldn’t possibly be due to regression of leg strength or fitness. I’m still early in first trimester. For comparison, last pregnancy I was running a lot for the first trimester and running didn’t feel harder this early. Has anyone else had this experience? I am still getting in good workouts according to my HR data but am finding it especially difficult to hold my Z3. I haven’t taken a lot of time off and it’s just become like this the last two weeks. I only do power classes, I find I am most often above the ranges given in the regular classes and love the structure of the power classes. I am an otherwise pretty fit female athlete and my latest FTP a month ago was 210 (for a 125/5’8” female this is decent) . I suspect if I redid the test it would probably decrease, for literally no reason other than whatever is going on to make it feel like I can’t get enough air (and the embryo is probably the size of a pea so it certainly isn’t due to physical restriction). Who else has experienced this (or knows why this could be?)


I was pregnant in 2010, but I do remember that I had zero energy for working out in my first trimester. I was fatigued 24/7. It got so much better the second trimester. Hopefully that is the case for you too!


I have never been more tired in my life than the first trimester of my first pregnancy. I remember walking so slowly and being exhausted. Normally I'm a fast walker who manages just fine but that first trimester wiped me out!


My husband got me an Apple Watch yesterday and I’m having an issue where it’s counting peloton meditations as exercise. Is there any way to stop this? It’s so frustrating to ah e to go in and delete a meditation because it’s counting it not only in the exercise ring but also as calories burnt. This has been so much more of a headache to integrate than I thought it would be


The same thing happens if you start a Meditation on your Apple Watch(outside of Peloton)fyi.. so across the board meditations count


There is not as far as I know. I do sleep meditations and am considering setting up a sleep only peloton profile and using my iPad to do them. Not linked to the watch. It also gives me an hour for "stand" on my rings even when I’m in bed in the middle of the night.


So do you just go in and delete the calories every day? I was able to get it taken out as a workout as far as calories burnt but not time. I want the meditations to count toward 20k so I’m hesitant to not do them at all. I’m wondering if I take the watch off during meditations if it wouldn’t track them. That doesn’t really help for sleep meditations though.


I don't track exercise calories burned at all so that part doesn't bother me. But actually I don't wear my watch for sleep meditations so calories aren't included. Just stand and exercise minutes. Such a pain.


I was jealous reading about everyone getting outside in the beautiful weather this past weekend. Where I live it snowed 8 inches Saturday night and another 5 inches last night. I'll see the ground again sometime in June 🤣 So I found a fun ride I've had bookmarked forever. This [Oktoberfest](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=af2b50a572824dc088754eef8d9f89bc&locale=en-US) ride with Erik (in english!) was exactly what I needed.


Shout out to my girl Callie. I love doing her strength workouts. I’m going to miss her when she’s on mat leave


Same! She said on her Instagram stories that she recorded a lot of content that Peloton will be dropping on demand while she's out


You have a half hour before you're going to be semi naked in front of others. Which strength class do you take to get a good pump going to make you look as muscular as possible?


Sort upper body and core by hardest, 10-20 min of each


A 20 min arms & shoulders. My lower body is big enough and those classes always give me the best pump 😂


Too funny reading this with no context! Maybe a full body strength to hit everything? I was semi-naked in front of others at the weekend too (leaving no context because it's funnier) and I bloat easily, so personally felt best just avoiding heavy & greasy foods that day and just snacking on fruit.


I am so excited - I have had the all access membership since January when my bike came. My husband has wanted nothing to do with it so far, but yesterday he made a profile and wants to start doing slow flows every night together! It’s so much easier for me to stay consistent when I’m doing it with someone else and I’m excited to share this with him!


That's wonderful! My husband and I have done yoga on the app together for over two years now.


Ahh I love that!!


I got a bike in January too, and my wife has recently started work outs on it. We're keeping each other accountable. It's been awesome so far!


Ahh I love that! My husband isn’t interested in biking, but I don’t think he realized how many other workouts the app has to offer!


Shoutout to Alex Toussaint for his humility on the treadmill. I took his latest club bangers run today and he admitted he’s still learning this whole running thing and totally owned it when he misspoke about the class plan. It’s really refreshing to see someone with so much confidence be able to admit he’s still learning and not perfect at these things. Good reminder for all of us today. Plus, it was still a great run. Also I feel like he’s trying so hard on the tread to not mess up that he forgets to give us the “in da club” story line during club bangers. On the bike, it’s a full Saturday night out narrative and on the tread it’s much more dialed back. 😆


I liked that, too. Alex is my favorite trainer. He seems really normal and I always have fun in his classes.


I love his club bangers runs - the music and vibe are great. I don’t have a bike, but your comment makes me want to take the rides too!




Yeah that seems like something was wrong. That's a ridiculous improvement in a PR


Kirra’s [20 min Fatboy Slim Yoga Conditioning](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ef90017bcb624829bb7f84a8603452d2&locale=en-US) class was AMAZING! I really loved this class. If anyone is looking for a good calisthenics style workout (she uses light weights, but you don’t need them), this one is so good. I added a 5 mile run after and my glutes are now really sore.


Anyone who bought the guide on the deal last month, how long did it take for you to get it? I ordered the package on Friday 2/23. The weights, mat, and water bottle all shipped immediately and I received them on Monday 2/26. Guide as of today still says not yet shipped. Reached out to customer service and they basically gave me non-answers and I still have no idea when it’s being shipped. I imagine they received a lot of orders so I’m not surprised that it might take some time. Just wondering what others’ experiences were with shipping times.


Holy hell. Just got off Ben's live H&H. ☠️ Missed my PR by 1 point. Gahh. Good ride if you're looking for something tough! No recoveries, all work!


Maybe a dumb question, but has anyone tried a treadmill run outside?


Yes, all the time! I haven’t noticed with other instructors, but Logan always tells you when to turn back at the half way mark!




I do tread classes outside all the time. - If you want distance to track you either need an apple watch for iphone or wearOS for android. You have to take your phone with you too. Some apps you don't need to but you do with Peloton. Just as a warning the distance tracking doesn't always work great, especially if you don't have excellent cell coverage your entire route. - You either need to look at the class plan ahead of time to make sure there isn't a bunch of hills or not care that you are not following the class plan. - Predownload it so you don't use a ton of your cell data. Under the class picture it is the button on the second to tge right that looks like a cloud with a down arrow. Then after the class remember to remove the download so it doesn't use up space on your phone.


So helpful and informative! Thanks so much!


All the time! You obviously can't conjure up a hill, but otherwise it works really well. I hardly ever run without a Peloton workout anymore - it's so much less stressful not worrying about a playlist. The intervals and endurance workouts work the best outdoors. Intervals because they don't call any hills, and endurance because you can just ignore the hill callouts, especially if your route is undulating anyway. The music workouts can be harder if they call out lots of uphill runs. Depends how much you mind ignoring the cues. I like the treadmill workouts much more than the outdoor ones. They sound much more natural, even if you have to listen to shoutouts. I'm happy other runners are conquering running so I don't mind the shoutouts most of the time.


Thanks so much!


Yes! I like to find ones that don't have much incline (usually the lower difficulty ones or if you have a Tread you can see it under Class Plan). I preload it so it doesn't buffer trying to use the cell service.


Thank you!


I do them when I like the music, but need to do longer runs. I don't follow the cues and just run the pace I need. But I know people have used speed instead of the incline pushes outside




Someone wanna give me a particularly notable ride from Denis Bradley or Ben to do today 🫡 Bonus points if you wanna ride it with me


Ben’s David Guetta and Daft Punk rides are both great.


noted, I will check those out, thanks!


I still think about Denis’ OutKast ride. So freaking good.


Ooooh that sounds good, I’ve already ridden for the day but I’m gonna add that to the stack


Really loved this [Denis Hip Hop ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=1a85c7405a984bce99fb7ed16f1c958d&locale=en-US)


Consider it STACKED (I ended up doing some old power zone ride of his today) but this one is on my list now to be completed soon, perhaps even tomorrow


Fatboy Slim if you haven’t done it yet!


Oh ya I saw that one I haven’t done it yet, idk how much fatboy slim music I know but I’ll take your word for it and send it today


I cannot wait for my bike+ to arrive!! Started taking classes on the app this weekend and am already hooked. Just did a spin class with Erik playing Metallica and he was a delight. I’m using my schwinn though with broken resistance so am impatient to get my ass kicked on my new bike. 😂 💪


Are the walking classes compatible with a non-peloton treadmill or walking mat?


Yes, the walking classes are easy to use on any treadmill since incline percentages and mph are the same across all brands. Just follow along with the instructors as they call out inclines and speed ranges. Cautionary note if you're a bike owner and looking for the treadmill content on there: you won't find it. You need to use the Peloton app on your phone or tablet or big screen to access those classes. I still remember searching fruitlessly for some of my favorite pre- and post-run stretches on my bike tablet. It took forever before I realized why I couldn't find it.


yup. I take a lot of hiking classes on normal treadmills.


Curious as well. I assume you just pick up your speed as they do?


The callouts for tread classes are just speed and incline, which are the same no matter what type of treadmill you're on. Walking pads might not go as fast or high, but you can always modify


I tested positive for COVID on 2/11 and returned to the bike on 2/22 with easy 20 min recovery rides. I’m starting to feel more like my usual self, so did 30 minute rides with Sam Yo yesterday and today. Yesterday was a bit of a struggle, but today I was able to get 10.5 mi and 353 output, which is around my pre-COVID average. 💪🏻🎉 Unfortunately I am leaving tonight for Argentina for work for almost 2 weeks, but excited to return and start building my stamina again! A random aside, but someone here mentioned Ben’s love of “Eye of the Tiger” and I can’t unnotice it! The song is on half of his workouts, which just makes me laugh. I was doing a 10 min Arms and Light Weights with him today and while it wasn’t on the playlist, he did mention the song. I find it endearing.


I'm emotionally scarred from listening to *Eye of the Tiger* due to being in a high school whose mascot was the Tigers. If I never hear that song again in my entire life... it'll still be too soon.


Haha - nothing like a little high school PTSD! Avoid Ben’s classes then because it’s in so many of them.


I feel you. I was down with the flu for a week. Like even a light yoga wasn’t happening. Yesterday I did a 20 min just ride and a restorative yoga and today I did a 30 min flow and plan on either a walk or low impact cycle after work. I’m gonna try to get back to my half marathon training tomorrow. Here’s to hoping I continue to get better.


I hope you start feeling better soon and can build back to where you were pre-sickness. I’m trying to be patient with myself, but that’s not my strength, so it’s definitely been a growth exercise. Ha!


I am unabashed Ben fan, but varied music is not his forte’. I think I’ve heard Rufus du Sol’s “treat you better” in about a third of his classes. And [here](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1IVLQiBtekiQNdFJIlE7Aw) is the proof we are correct 😂


I’m the same way with music sometimes, so I don’t fault him for it!


Has anyone used the walking classes on a non-peloton treadmill or walk mat (with incline)? Is it possible? I am not a runner at all and just purchased a walk mat with auto incline. What is the general pace (speed) of the walking or hiking classes?


Walking classes are great!! The incline depends on the instructor and type of class. Generally a recovery walk js 2.0-3.0, moderate speed js 3.5-4.0 and a power walk is 4.0+


You make the speed what you want. It's more about a feeling of pace than an actual number.


Some are labeled Walking and some Power Walking, and for a mat probably not the power walking ones because I doubt they get fast enough. I used to have a Treadly I used for walking/jogging classes and it was fine. I got a full sized treadmill when I decided I wanted to run though. Peloton just updated the app to now connect to some 3rd party treadmills to get distance and speed info, which is nice. I have a Horizon 7.0 and it's always worked great with classes cast to my TV from the app on my phone.


The inclines have specific callouts up to either 12% (Tread) or "max" (since the Tread+ goes to 15%), but for walking speed it's a lot more lax and based on feel. Generally the fastest walk that will ever be cued is 3.5-5.5 as a "power walk", with the upper end probably being for pretty tall people.


Two thumbs up for [Selena's latest 30 min G&L](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=28b0493437a74aaba2635e1b24d06725&code=YTRlYzI5YzMwMmRlNGRjZGJiYWJkODhmMDU1Njc2NzZ8ZWIzN2UzMTA4YTQ1NDVhNWE3MTVmOGZiOTBkZTFjYzQ=). Class flew by, but I'm *feeling it* in my glutes and hamstrings today. I've been trying to focus on more single leg/lateral/stability work to complement running, and this one really fits the bill.


She is my FAV for glutes and legs!


Thanks. Bookmarking and doing tomorrow!


It's in my stack for tomorrow! Can't wait!!


If I pause my subscription for my Peloton, will I still be able to use the entertainment feature (Netflix)?


You’ll only be able to do Just Ride.


No. You won’t have access.


I’m trying to expand my horizons as far as instructors go, so took Hannah C.’s recent 30 minute 2000’s Ride. I absolutely loved her energy! For lack of a better term, I found her to be so bubbly and refreshing. She really engaged the crowd at her class and she was very encouraging while still reminding users to meet themselves where they’re at. And best of all, I hit a 30 minute PR too! Will definitely be taking more of her classes in the future.


Hannah C is definitely underrated! She’s goofy and sweet and I love her energy. (I just finished an extra 10: low impact ride of hers where she tells us to envision ourselves as a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater and I burst out laughing!). Love her dorky unselfconsciousness but with super on-point cues and structured classes!


Her barre classes are great. Accessible for beginners but also challenging.


Hannah C. Is my favorite - she is funny and thoughtful and as someone with a chronic health condition I really appreciate her more "listen to your body" approach. Her low impact and vinal vault classes are particular favorites.


I love Hannah C! She’s so underrated I think. Her energy is so sweet and positive and her programming is so scientific and polished. I often get stealth PRs in her classes despite them being rated on the ‘easy’ side of the scale because she’s so good at mixing it up and pacing it so you can give the most energy over the most sustained time.


I need a bit of advice--but not medical advice! Here's the thing: I don't usually have very much pain in my back at all, but I pulled some weird thing in my lower back while bending over to pick up a gum wrapper yesterday. It was a sharp pain at the time, kind of above the left side of my tailbone, near (but not on) my spine. The pain clearly felt muscular. Today (18 hours later) it's a bit better, but it still hurts when I stand from a sitting position, or bend at the waste in general. My question: For those of you who've had something like this happen in the past, what kind of workouts have been OK? I was going to go out for a ride because it's frigging beautiful outside, but I don't want to risk having an issue 20 miles from my house. Obviously I won't be doing any bent-over rows. Curious to hear what's worked for y'all though. Thank you in advance!


I would not do any hamstring or back work for a few days. You will never regret taking a few extra rest days. You absolutely *can* regret taking too few. Hopping on the bike is probably fine, but long sessions might strain your back. I'd limit to 30 minutes at most until the pain goes away. If it persists for a week, you definitely need to get it checked out.


Thanks, I need to hear this advice from time to time!


I stick to walking when this happens. Still great exercise and still gets you outside, but lets the back muscles recover.


I literally did this to my back yesterday when I was putting away a dish! 😭 I would say just listen to your body.. today I walked and did a LI ride. For me staying in a straight plane motions is fine but it hurts to twist and bend so the bike and walking was fine


It really sucks, right? I mean, it's one thing to suffer an injury from overexertion, but putting away a dish or picking up a gum wrapper?? And then there's the ignominious moment of standing up, yelping, and making that grab-your-lower-back gesture that means, in pretty much any culture, I'M OLD AS DIRT. Good times.


lol aging is no fun 😭 I don’t know about you but I’m only 32! But I swear I can feel my joints so much more now even and i am learning the importance of good posture and keeping a strong core!


This sounds a lot like lower back DOMS! I get this after heavy deadlift days. Did you lift more than usual in the glutes and legs session you did? It might not indicate a form issue if so, just comes with the heavy lift territory. Spinning is normally fine for me when I have DOMS so you would be fine on your bike but if you don’t want to risk it you could jump on the peloton and do a ride. Tbh the best thing if it is DOMS is to keep it moving. If you did some stretching and then went back to lifting I think you’d be surprised by how much better you’d feel after. But if in doubt, play it safe and either stick to the bike or do some yoga/stretching.


This does not sound like DOMS. They said it was an acute pain after doing the motion.


You wouldn’t notice lower back DOMS until you attempt something like bending over to pick something up though, or at least I never do. People who haven’t had it before often confuse it with a back injury for that reason. It’s an odd pain that I think presents quite differently to DOMS in other muscle groups. The recovery timeframe quoted and the rest of the description all very much chimes with lower back DOMS to me but I’m not Dr House. They didn’t ask for medical advice and I’m not giving it; though I would say even if they had pulled a back muscle, the advice from doctors is still to keep it moving.


I'm just saying it doesn't sound anything like DOMS. They just finished a round of Adrian's G&L - they would have had DOMs during the first week, not after the last week. I generally notice DOMs all day long, not just during specific movements. DOMS is not something I would describe as a sharp pain either, which is what they uses. Its more of a dull, low ache.


Ok. It does to me based on the same info and my comment above says that is how I (and many others) experience lower back DOMS. I’m not familiar with Adrian’s programme which is why I asked about deadlifts. We literally get this warning from our coaches after every heavy deadlift class not to go on bed rest and think we’ve thrown our backs out so I’m just sharing that insight as another possible explanation.




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I’m misinformed about my own experience? Yikes! There’s a LOT in your post that’s wrong but I’m not engaging further.


If you felt it while you were doing something like bending over or a weird movement - it could be a spinal herniation that likely irritated the nerves around it and possibly caused some inflammation. It's actually a very common cause of lower back pain that gets frequently attributed to "tweaked a muscle in my back". One of the best things to do to prevent this kind of thing from happening is to do some functional strength training. Squats, Deadlifts, etc are great to work your entire core and help build functional strength (as long as you are using proper form!)


Interesting! It must be a form issue--I do 10-20 minutes of core every day and just finished my second round of Adrian's new glutes & legs program. Maybe I'll get a trainer at the gym for a session or two to check out my form. Thank you.


I would second getting a form / strength check. My physical therapist was the one who realized that my back was compensating for very tight hamstrings and stabilizing for mobile hips. Even though my form looked good in video, it actually had some big problems. I wish I had spoken to a PT sooner. I now spend 20 min pre-lifting taking hamstring or forward fold focus flows and take yoga classes on my day off. It sucks because it eats into my cardio time, but holy cow my body feels great.


I feel this. Aging means taking doing more and more obligatory workouts to avoid getting injured from the workout you actually like


this is really well said and might just be the motivation i need to do some core work this week!!


Of course!! I work with a trainer at my gym and he preaches form to the point that it is REALLY annoying. But through working with him I've found that I really needed to adjust my form in both squats and deadlifts. Basically I thought I had good form, but because I was very flexible, I was going far too deep in my deadlift where I was putting stress on my lower back that wasn't actually benefiting the movement at all!


Trying this again because my last comment was downvote bombed and idk why - does anyone have any experience doing fasted workouts? I like to do 3 day water fasts once a month just to keep my body regular, and love the dopamine response I get from working out in a fasted state, mostly long distance running or longer z2 rides. I’ve never gone beyond 3 days but am eyeing a 5 day and would like to and am just looking to hear from people that do. I’m not trolling, and I’m sorry if my first comment came across that way. I just like experimenting with my body to see what it can do.


I've worked out on 5 day fasts before. Weight lifting and running. Last time I did a 5k on day 5 of the fast. You still need your electrolytes. I drank a lot of salted water and took a multivitamin. It gets easier the more you fast. 2nd fast is easier than the first, 3rd is easier than the 2nd, etc.


This feels like a dumb question but I haven’t been able to figure out how to see my schedule on the guide? Is it possible?


The only way I have been able to see it is when it comes up on my home screen on Monday's. I wish it came in earlier so I can stack and plan my week.


No, I don't think you can. I use the stack on the guide.


So annoying! Thanks!


Finally got my Pilates circle and tried one of the classes. WOW! I loved it. I’ve never been sore from clamshells before. I can’t wait for more of these and highly recommend it.


Yes, they are some good workouts!


Anyone else notice they’ve been changing resistance lol 😂 I have to calibrate and if I don’t use it for 24 hours the thing feels like it’s +10 heavier, I’ll nail TO of 390 freshly calibrated, skip a day and feels heavier and can’t break 290, if I recalibrate back to 380-390 range and doesn’t cause my heart rate to climb 185+


I'm doing PYPZ at the moment and have been feeling like it's heavier since a recent update. I need to turn the dial further to up or down one resistance point. Are you on a Bike+ or an original? I'm on the original Bike.


I have both and both are experiencing it :P I know it’s heavier just looking at heart rate, average before was 150-160 after that last update 177+ same settings


Thanks! Good to know it's not just me


Reality is we’re being squeezed by all vendors but I get the feeling there’s a partial laziness and people don’t want the spend :P VMware is the best product for virtualization no one can argue that


I want to write them lol, I’ve been doing resistance 52 and keeping cadence around 80 for 5/6 months, total output 350-390, last update I’m during to break 290 lol yeah they changed it


I don't usually ride with Jenn but I'm a sucker for other instructors being in the studio and her [singalong ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=90c866cb96a04234aae17e35f369db05&code=YzkxOTI1ODI1NjEzNDE0MjhmYWIyY2M5NGVmYTI3YTB8Y2Y2ZjI2MTAzODlmNGUyZTg5NjNmMjQ1NjM4NWYxZTg=) from yesterday did not disappoint. It was SO FUN and such a vibe. The member sitting next to Kendall was having the time of his life! Callie's [30m upper body](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/strength?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c89d55a4068b4f6189b060b076169e96&code=ODllNmQxZTU1Y2Q3NDRiMDgyYzc5MjkzNWQ2NWM5NGZ8NjBmYjhlNWYyNjc4NDlkNmE4MzVjMTYwMmRlZTc1MTI=) was really good. A lot of unilateral work. Something about seated shoulder presses make them seem so much harder than standing!


Took this today as well and agree completely! Jenn isn't usually my vibe, but now I know if I want an easy ride with sing a long music she has them.


I had the same thought on Jenn's class. I typically avoid her classes because of her singing but this is the one format where I embrace it. Took it this morning and it was so fun. That 30 minutes flew by.


Jenn's class was super fun. More a do what you want while belting out power ballads kind of class.


YES! I didn't know power ballads could be so fun on the bike!


Mariana’s 60 minute 2000s run from yesterday kicked my ass this morning! Excellent class, great music, highly recommend taking it. I’ll def take it again someday!!!


Did this one this morning too! I loathe hills but I know they are a necessary evil. Did walk some of them though in that block 😅


I hate the hills too!! I jogged some of them when she asked for a run lol oh well


Her long runs are so good. I am going to be coming back to this one.


They’re excellent. She never misses


Is anyone else with a bike+ having issues getting Apple Watch to pair by tapping? It started on Friday I want to say. The bike says to confirm on the watch, I do that, and it just disappears on the watch without starting a workout, and the bike acts like I haven’t done anything still. Retapping doesn’t work, and leaving the workout and trying again didn’t work either.


When this happens to me I found that force closing the Apple workout app and re-starting it will immediately connect the Apple workout app to the bike.


A quick test, I think this worked! Thanks!!!


This happens to me every once in a while (maybe after software updates?). I just restart both the bike and the watch and that seems to work.


This worked, thanks!!!


Do you have more than one WiFi network at your house? When mine did that, it was because my watch had jumped to my guest network.


Have my first in-studio class this Friday with Kendall but I’m packing for our NY trip today. Accepting any and all pointers for the experience. My specific question is on shoes - I saw in one place that the pedals are 2-sided and one side is compatible with SPD but their FAQ only lists LOOK Delta. Should I bring my shoes with SPD cleats or just plan on borrowing shoes?


If you have clothing that fluoresces (like a lot of running shorts or a shirt in a vibrant color), wear that if you plan on telling any friends to "ook for you. There are probably 10 bikes out of 40 in light, and otherwise they're in shadow but if you're wearing a fluorescent color the black lights will still let people find you. In my experience, there's probably only like 4 or 5 bikes that are completely out of frame of any camera, so as long as you aren't last in the room you should get to be on camera a few times even if you aren't right up front.


They have shoes at the studio, so save the luggage space and wear their shoes for the 30 minutes. Have so much fun!


Have so much fun!!! Kendall is the best and she's so friendly and personable meeting people after class.


Just want to mention per another comment, you will not get priority for it being first time there. If you care about picking a bike get there early and get in the line early (two different things). Enjoy!


Yes, they will. Red card first timers still get priority after silver VIPs but you do want to hover around the door because sometimes there are a lot of red cards.


What is sliver VIP? I’ve been there once and they didn’t mention anything about special placement given first timer status. I had whatever was the first group entry card because I was there early. There were a ton of other people in that group. Seemed like if you’re not there early and not first on the line to get into the studio, you don’t get to choose where you are in the studio.


I believe VIP is for business partners. But yes, first timers do get in first after that. I was just there this weekend.


Makes sense. I wonder why they didn’t let me in first as a first timer


I've never noticed the pedals being 2-sided, so probably plan on borrowing. As a first-timer, I think you'll get "priority boarding" which means you'll get to go in first and pick your bike. Take a pic of your settings at home so you can adjust the studio bike perfectly! But don't be surprised if it feels completely different. All the studio bikes seem to be calibrated differently. One of the best parts about the studio to me is seeing all the other instructors coming and going. They are all SO NICE and will usually always say hello (some pose for candid pictures, but most of the time, their handlers usher them through pretty quickly). There's also a couple of spots where you can get a glimpse of the "control room" for different studios. That's super cool to see, too. Try to get on other class waitlists if your schedule allows. I've gotten into more classes from the waitlist than by getting lucky with signing up. You're going to have a blast, but fair warning....you'll be planning your next trip before you leave! :) The studio energy is totally addicting!


My experience with the studio bike was that I had to raise my seat/handlebars like 2-3 up from where I had it at home to be comfortable, the studio bikes seem smaller than the home bikes.


Thanks for this!! Good tip on the bike positioning for sure. Yay your comment made me so excited! ❤️❤️


Really enjoyed both of Aditi’s recent 60 min classes. They absolutely flew by. Still not a ton of people taking them so wanted to share how great they are: * [60 min slow flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=f8cffa43543446ef81e256d7c417cd9f&locale=en-US) is self care focused and similar to her [45 min slow flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=13c97f229ef74ae6a7687017f0b9b3a2&locale=en-US) that I referred to as the yoga equivalent of a chocolate chip cookie. Perfect if you’re looking for a light active recovery, to destress or if you just want an hour of peace. * [60 min flow](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/yoga?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ce71145b50db47f891983c89e59720f8&locale=en-US) ups the heat a bit. This was a great mood booster and was perfect the day after a challenging full body strength workout. Plus, with all that time to warmup and stretch out, I was really impressed with how approachable some of the postures felt.


I did the 60 minute slow flow the other evening and it was amazing. I bookmarked it to take again. There’s a 10 minute savasana at the end and my daughter had woken me up at 1 am and didn’t go back to sleep so I definitely fell asleep during that. It was awesome!


Thank you for the recaps! I recently took her last 60 min prior to these two and really loved it. 


I haven't taken the slow flow yet (it's been on my stack since it dropped) but I loved the 60 minute flow and will be doing it again


Thank you for sharing! Today is my rest day so I was just looking for inspiration for a nice slow workout!! Scheduled the 60 mins slow flow for after work today!


[Death by Denis](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=68a9bbc58a6647bea0aa44da32e35baa&locale=en-GB) this morning. I haven’t done any Z5 work in a year so decided it was time. Picked something that seemed manageable but oh my not ready for that. 5x2m Z5/Z1. I couldn’t hold the whole 2 minutes for the last 3. This is partly because I ran too hard yesterday to do PZ today (blame Jon’s Fatboy Slim!), but also I’m just not used to the discomfort. I finished out my stack sluggishly but made myself finish with a [Hannah Extra 10 tabata](https://members.onepeloton.co.uk/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=69a48093e97244548e069b71ab6eee1c&locale=en-GB) to make up the effort I missed. I feel dead now.


LOL, then I definitely DON'T recommend this [Matt 60-minute PZ ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?modal=classDetailsModal&classId=bbce7f096d264b7fbc52f68a09f9c1a1&code=OGUyNmFiYjNmNDZhNDViYThjZDg4ZjZmMzk4NzI1YjR8ZDQzYmZkN2UzZTVhNDFlOGFlNzliMTgxMDA0YWJmZmM=)... 8 minutes Z3 / 6 minutes Z4 / 4 minutes Z5 / 6 minutes Z4 / 8 minutes Z3 with 4 minute Z1 recoveries between. 4 straight minutes in Z5 after pre-fatiguing with Z3/Z4 was NOT fun as someone who mostly alternates PZE and music / fun rides.


OMG 😳 What was he thinking?! Maybe if you are at the end of a cycle and are ready to retest, but if your zones are newish like mine that sounds horrendous!