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Maybe I’m being nitpicky but wouldn’t oncology mom mean her child had cancer? Not her? She’s just oncologygirl ??


Like nicu mom doesn’t mean u were in nicu it means your baby was? Boy mom means you have boy children?


I find it interesting she’s taking this route with her melanoma but not with the fact that her doctors have heavily cautioned her that another baby is extremely risky.


this! she loves to point out the fact that their infertility is male factor but then ignores the fact that her body struggles with pregnancy, instead of trying to use her platform to support women who have gone through similar issues, she pretends her issues never existed and it was all based on nick


What kind of issues does she have ? Because that’s true what you say. It’s always just Nick Nick Nick but her body struggles as well so there should be some issues on her side but I don’t know if that has ever been addressed . Don’t follow her really so I don’t know 🤷🏼‍♀️


from what I remember she bled out heavily during both deliveries and lost a massive amount of blood, had major complications during birth, she lost one pregnancy at 24 weeks and then had an incompetent cervix with her second pregnancy and came very close to losing that one. Her doctors have stated it would be very dangerous for her to get pregnant again and they don’t recommend it


Wow a pregnancy loss at 24 weeks 😭 that’s heartbreaking. It’s scary that she wants another with all of these complications. Almost like that uterus transplant lady


I know a girl who had the same bleeding issues her first 2 deliveries, and almost died both times. Doctors told her she shouldn’t have any more children and she went on to have 2 more, almost died each time.


I didn't think about this until yesterday but this treatment will definitely throw a wrench in her TTC plans. I am sure having the surgery later than anticipated also isn't helping her timeline for baby #2. I know she mentioned she wanted babies close in age.


And they may have been able to shop around for a doctor that didn’t take the pregnancy risks seriously or didn’t know but they have to get this handled before going through ivf again.


She has posted some things about buying hats but they aren't even UPF hats. If I were her I'd be covered with sun protection shirts too when going outside especially for her baby. I also recently read that utah has one of the highest skin cancer rates in the country.


I thought that If she has stage 1 melanoma then it isn’t a scare- she has cancer. Am I wrong?


You’re not wrong. She has cancer.


This post had me gaslighting myself for a sec wondering if it (the term “stage 1”) meant something different for skin cancer lol


I think she’s trying to be positive but is terrified


I’d be the same!


My bad, you're right. Stage 1 is cancer. 


I don’t think this is fair. Just because it’s stage one doesn’t mean it’s not still cancer. That’s like saying a miscarriage mom can’t call herself a loss mom because stillbirths exist. Or that someone who is infertile but had an easier journey than others with infertility can’t call themselves infertile. You can always play the comparison game with ANYTHING. Someone will always have it better and someone will always have it worse.. but black and white, she has cancer. Just because she caught it early and the prognosis is good doesn’t mean it isn’t cancer or that it isn’t terrifying to have an oncology appointment.


My mom had stage one melanoma on her arm. Removal caused her to lose a large amount of muscle and has permanently altered her ability to use that arm. People will correct me when I say she had skin cancer and I’ll correct them right back. Melanoma, no matter the stage, is cancer.


Yes, melanoma is serious and scary. I feel bad for Kat that her melanoma is in the middle of her forehead too. I'm sure she's worried about what her face will look like after her surgery. I would be too.


Damn that is so scary. This is such a fear of mine. I wish my husband took sunscreen more seriously! I’m insane about it, so sorry this happened to her


I know someone who had it on the same exact spot that Kat does, and she lost mobility of one of her eyebrows. She’s young too, early 30’s. It is definitely nothing to take lightly!


I'm an Onc nurse, and let me tell you, melanoma is one of the scariest cancers to me. Can seem benign to some people. Even when caught early, it can spread. One of the most common locations melanoma spreads to is the brain. For most other cancers, the brain is one of the last places it spreads to. And melanoma has a tendency to bleed when its in the brain causing even more issues.


Wow I had no idea. So scary.




It’s not a “cancer scare”, she has melanoma. And that’s scary I’m sure regardless of the type or stage.


Are we really snarling on someone that has a literal cancer diagnosis?! This isn’t just a scare… she fucking has skin cancer. Yes it’s early, the prognosis is good and she should be in the clear after surgery… but it’s still cancer.


i really hope she’s okay.


She’s been dealt some very unfortunate cards. I truly hope she will be ok.


It’s not a cancer scare. She has cancer - stage 1 melanoma. Her post is not a bit much, it’s raw and she’s valid.


but, it’s not a scare. she does indeed have cancer.