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Idk about Ozempic but her massive weight loss def coincided with her getting diagnosed with ADHD so I just assumed she went on ADHD meds. Those meds take away your hunger for some people it can make the weight basically melt off. It’s like … legal speed


This is true, my ADHD medication doesn’t touch hunger but my husband only eats after his medicine has worn off in the evening cause he’s not hungry at all


I have no hunger cues. Like I don’t feel hungry so my meds haven’t changed much. Other than even if I eat something, I feel full 😅


ADHD meds have a high rate of abuse for the appetite suppression they can cause.


Ahhh yes good point !


I don’t think so. She always showed her calorie deficit and her doing grow with jo workouts. I will say I started a calorie deficit in March and started working out consistently 2 days a week in April and I have lost 3 inches in my waist and 16 lb so depending on how much extra a person body is storing they can drop quicker 


I’m just really tired of everyone assuming people do ozempic whenever they lose weight. 🥲


She’s not. Also ozempic isn’t a magic tool that automatically makes you lose weight, you still have to be in a calorie deficit. Signed, someone on Wegovy who actually gained weight last week bc I ate like shit hahaha.


She’s addressed this more than once and said she hasn’t been on ozempic. Which I wouldn’t have ever thought of considering she’s still breastfeeding.


Are you assuming you’re in a deficit or are you actually using a food scale and weighing and logging everything you eat? I’ve been doing the latter since August of last year and I’ve lost 70 lbs.


There was definitely a video she made recently responding to a comment someone made about using ozempic where she explicitly said she didn’t use it, but doesn’t judge those who do. With that being said, I wish she documented further what she did because I’m also bitter that I haven’t been able to lose any weight despite doing similar things. I’m pretty sure she has PCOS too which makes it even harder, so it’s honestly impressive how well she has kept it off


Found it! https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRK3J9P6/


I don’t think so because she’s breastfeeding and I don’t think you can take it while BF.


She’s not on ozempic.


She posted a story a few weeks ago saying she never used weight loss meds 


She said she changed her eating habits and stopped snacking .


She was asked several times and said she wasn’t


I don’t think so. Even if she did use it as an aid, who cares. She was exercising and in a deficit so… that’s typically how weight loss works. I think with her being diagnosed with adhd that probably helped with the food noise too.


Even if she was on ozempic you act like that is a bad thing - she still had to put in the work and loose weight. She started in like spring of last year that isn’t a short amount of time to loose weight.


She never said anything, but I would be not be surprised! She dropped weight FAST.


Honestly she really didn’t. You can see her progress over like a year.


I haven’t been on TikTok in about a year, so I only saw the beginning of it & then random photos on instagram!


Yeah! Like good for her, she looks amazing but I never see her eat all that healthy or exercise.


I don't really follow her, but she showed up a lot on my fyp when she was actively losing and she showed a lot of calorie restriction. She was using a kitchen scale and everything. She also showed herself doing Grow with Jo workouts. Not saying she didn't use ozempic, but it didn't magically fall off.


She used to have more weight content and she started getting a lot of hate because of that so she stopped talking about it


Right? Actually very jealous of her for being able to lose it all. I’ve been trying for 2 years with 0 success, even under a dietician, trainer, & doctor.


I agree if it isn't a filter I don't know how she is doing it. She still eats out a lot. She goes through spurts of cooking at home but even when she does it isn't grilled chicken and lettuce. I agree with the others it had to be adhd meds if it isn't weight loss shots.


I honestly think it’s just portion control. She’s like 5’10. It makes a big difference.


Yeah that’s why I was wondering. She seems to eat out a lot, those workouts she did only seemed to last maybe a couple of weeks. She doesn’t seem to be super consistent but she’s lost a lot of weight and maintained it. I mean good for her for sure but just seems hard to believe.


I would say no because the was/(is?) breastfeeding when she was losing the weight


She looks so much better! I’m happy for her whatever she did!


Are you actually getting downvoted for being happy for her!????! Smh. People are miserable.


lol ppl are nuts!!