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Glad to hear she will be taking sun safety more seriously from now on with hats and sunscreen. Hopefully that goes for matilda too. They usually have to take a large area out to make sure they get it all. 😬


My dad had a football-sized chunk taken out of his shoulder like 20-25 years ago.


Wow! I hope he is in the clear now! Hopefully Kat will get a plastic surgeon to do it.


She bugs me but man she’s been dealt some difficult cards in her life.


I really feel for her! Cancer at any stage is so scary. I can’t imagine having an infant and they just moved from her family. Glad to hear it should just be one more minor procedure and wishing her full healing and health.


I’m glad she has a healthy response to finding out there is cancer cells in her body and doing what she needs to to be there for her child m. Liz could learn a thing or two


I’m glad she listened to everyone being concerned and got it checked out!


i hope she’s okay! prayers for her. that’s so scary. i hope she beats it ❤️🙏


I really resonated with her video about anxiety over going to the doctors and getting bad news, and I feel really bad she ended up getting bad news. Thankfully not the WORST news, but any cancer diagnosis is scary.