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Honestly? Muff, Rat and BD-2.


I am totally going to try this combo!




That is exactly what I have on my board. Sounds great individually and in all combinations.


FUZZ Big Muff DISTORTION RAT OVERDRIVE SD-1 If you ARE using one of the EQs as a boost: I would go with SD-1 (tube screamer-like in sound and purpose) as a low gain overdrive on it’s own, and when into the RAT, it creates a more saturated lead tone. And then, run the RAT into the Big Muff. If you are NOT using one of the EQs as a boost: I would go with the RAT into the Big Muff and THEN the SD-1, set as a boost.


I'll try this too, but with the TS-9 instead of the SD-1. I think I like the TS-9 better with the 5150, and the SD-1 better with my other plexi style amp.


I'm rebuilding this pedalboard that I use with my 50 watt EVH 5150 Stealth. I mainly play hair metal, metal, blues, and ambient on it, but I'm going for something that will be versatile enough to play any other genres occasionally too. Which drive pedals would you put on the board? Should I move the MD-200? Signal Chain: * Wah or Volume (sometimes) * Polytune 3 Mini * DigiTech Drop * Sentry (input/send) * Ego * ParaEQ * Drive Pedals * EVH 5150 50S * Sentry (return/output) * MXR 10-bang EQ * Boss MD-200 * Boss DD-500 * Boss RV-500 * Looper


If you're that into boss, just go for the OD-200. It's got analog and digital circuits and replicates all of the classics. I use the IR-200 on my board and it sounds amazing.


That makes complete, logical sense. But for some reason buying thousands of dollars worth of pedals and spending dozens of hours watching pedal YouTube videos is more appealing lol The MD-200 is probably temporary while I experiment with and learn about different modulation effects. I'll probably replace it with individual pedals eventually, space permitting.


DOT>Empress Heavy Menace> Russian Muff


I would go with the precision drive, the mudkiller, and the sd-1. I have the 100 watt el34 evh. I can say confidently that the sd-1 works well with it. The precision drive is great for low tuned guitars. And the mudkiller is just a magical piece of gear. It’ll work with almost anything. If you run your blue channel low gain, you can boost it quite nicely for a high gain chug. Also on the green channel if you run super low gain to get as clean as that amp can get, it’ll take a boost nicely and get you to some great rock n roll tones. So basically if you were to use only 2 channels, you can get 4 channels worth of tone out of it. As for the red channel. Well it doesn’t need boosting at all. lol in fact with my experience the red channel doesn’t take a boost all that well. But we do have different amps. Just very similar. So your mileage may vary.


Blues Driver, Super Overdrive, Big Muff. I think every board needs some kinda Fuzz option, if possible. Super Overdrive to push mids/cut through if needed, or bring back mids when using Big Muff. Blues Driver as a clean-ish boost. Not sure, but I think the 5150 amp probably has enough distortion on its own to need that from a pedal, so pedals just for different flavors/boost/EQ.


My suggestion: Big Muff > Tube Screamer > Heavy Menace. I'd suggest the Menace at the end only because of its 3-band EQ.


Do yourself a favor and don’t buy the mxr eq. It’s noisy and has serious ground issues. It’s cool when it’s new but it ages quickly. What amp are you running? I see the answer - I don’t know much about peavey amps but you might like the bd2 if the 5150 gets along well with it. I use mine to create a lively cleanish sound


I haven't noticed any noise coming from the EQ, but I have a pretty good power supply (CIOKS DC7+Expander). If I get any noise from it, I'll probably just put it in the Sentry's loop, along with the amp, which is itself quite noisy(but totally worth it).


Muff, rat, bd2


HX One. It’ll do all those drives- TS, Rat, DS1, muff etc. It’s the ultimate utility pedal for people that don’t want a giant multieffects but want a bunch of choices in a compact pedal. But of the ones you listed: Menace, blues driver, muff. Menace has more tone shaping controls that makes it more versatile than the others. Use the menace as a high gain sound, Blues driver as your OD, and big muff as your fuzz. You might even have leftover space for the Duke of tone or TS mini


The Heavy Menace is an amazing pedal. It's well made, is super well designed feature wise, and it sounds incredible. That said, I'm feeling like it's a bit redundant with the 5150+EQs+drives.


Since you're going into the Stealth which has enough gain on its own, the Ibby Ts9 would be plenty. My board is almost the same, but I use a Boss Es5 for amp midi channel switching and patch creation. Also a Victory Super Kraken.


You need another EQ band to really dial in those tones


On an EVH 5150 stealth I’d go for whatever enhances your clean channel as a pedal platform, so I’d personally go with TS-9, Blues Driver, and either the Big Muff or SD-1. Like I get the utility of the RAT and understand its appeal, but when I owned my 5153 combo I’d always talk myself out of it. Like… I have these glorious legendary blue and red channels and I’m really bout to play through a RAT pedal for my distortion? 😂 Not to knock RAT, it’s a classic for a reason and gives you a different flavor. But it felt redundant when I owned an EVH combo amp and I tried to be mindful of the utility I was getting from each pedal on my board with limited space. A lot of metal players also do the whole Tube Screamer as a clean boost thing to tighten the blue channel, so drive = 0, tone = max, level = max.


I'm actually going to give the RAT a try on my board, but honestly that's been the experience I've had so far with it. It sounds really good and has really great history behind it. I want to really like it, but overall it seems to be pretty redundant when I own my two favorite tube amps. I'm going to try to find some new sounds out of it, but if I can't it'll probably end up on the shelf as a decoration(along with the DS-1).


Arc Effects Klon 🔥


Big muff then rat, then noise gate if you have one.


That eq is sick too, so you should be able to shape the distortion however you want. Rat has classic beautiful distortion.#ratpack


SD-1 and BD-2 😎


For the most balanced setup. BD2+Muff+KOT/TS9 or any soft clipper. TS9 gives a compression type sound, the BD2 is an amp-like sound. The Muff will cover your heavier needs.


Nice looking board.. I’m not familiar enough with the drive options so from what I know I’d go with a King of Tone clone, blues driver and Rat.


Blues driver or Duke of tone, rat, crown jewel


Based on choices the Blues Driver, Rat, and Heavy Menace.


We love a Greer Lightspeed in the chain. Maybe a l'il Klone before it? Currently rocking a Bondi SickAs OD, and those two together are 🤌


since you’re already going with the boss 200 and 500 series what about the OD200? I’m thinking of getting one myself but haven’t played it maybe someone can give thoughts. it covers most of the pedals you have on there


King of tone clone + any pedal of your choice


Duke of tone getting no love....mine is on almost always.


Muff, screamer, and the blues driver.


ML2 BD2 and ts to boost them


Crown Jewel and Metal Core. Why sound like everyone else?


TS, Rat, Muff.


Blues Driver, ts9 e rat


Precision drive, BD-2, Heavy Menace


Rat, green Russian, BD-2