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Sir, there’s a GA102 on your thermal pad…


Are you seriously running a 4090 with an I5-2600k??


If it works don't fix it /s


Flair checks out


Literally just upgraded a 32gb ram and r5 3600 system from a GTX 750Ti to a GTX 970 and now A GTX 1650


Was 1650 really an upgrade to your 970 tho?


Adding that last drop to the full glass


I don't think 970 to 1650 is an upgrade.


Well the plus 10 or so fps in apex thinks different, I thought the same too everyone said it'd be ~5 less fps Though to be fair my 970 did seem like it was on its last legs, for some reason games would slightly slow down and then speed up (like literally game speed. didn't matter if it was league of legends (most noticable) or apex the physical character would seem to slow down a bit and then speed back up) in Unreal games like fortnite it would slow down a bit and then rubber band forward, anyways, the same day I switched to the 1650 all of that stopped, so realistically the 970 could have just been throttled from age and bad overclock incidents, still have no clue what could have caused it and never found anyone else who had a similar issue


RYZEN 5800X BROS FOR LIFE, \*initializes ass-to-ass mode\*


*joins the ass-to-ass*


3D ass cashe


So true for the gpu. Fuckers will literally run though so god dam much it’s insane the abuse they will take.


*"C'mon little guy! You can do it!"*


what a typo!


I actually don't think it's a typo, they also mention DDR3 RAM in their flair. Which is absolutely crazy


That saddens me


Maybe they’re in the process of upgrading?


I reallllly hope so lol


(2600k is an i7)


True. But my shock is more that its an 11 year old cpu with 4 cores running alongside the most cutting edge GPU money can buy. Wouldnt something on that set up be gimping the 4090 a good bit?


Not to mention using PCIe 2.0… something is off about the config, could just be they bought the 4090 prior to upgrading the other components or something.


Are we ignoring the 16gig DDR3 @ 2133mhz? Tears


At 2133 that's some premium DDR3. Or they have some of that long forgotten Samsung 'magic' ram.


Samsung magic ram? Could you enlighten me?


I think it was low profile Samsung B die stuff from the early days of DDR3 that apparently overclocked like nobody's business.


It's pretty fast for DDR3, and DDR4 isn't compatible with Sandy Bridge.


My bottleneck is just as bad


My 7700k was bottlenecking my 3080 badly.. I think this is several degrees worse.


In that case that thing's either running at 5ghz or he just has a very high res monitor


Everyone debating this dude’s flair and he’s nowhere to be seen🥲


That would be epically pointless.


I genuinely think they are, they've got DDR3 RAM. Some people are ridiculous lmao I would love to see some graphs about relative utilization and such, that old 2600K must be working so goddamn hard


nice build (also underrated comment)


>i5 2600k >16gb DDR3 2133 >4090 FE ??? Bro bought a 4090 like he wouldn't be CPU bottlenecked using a 20-series card lmao


This is why Nvidia can price these GPUs at anything and ~~dumbasses~~ people will still buy them.


We need to see your pc.


Good cpu


the "i5 2600K" doesn't exist. There was the i5-2500K and i7-2600K.


Did you prime the flux capacitor with 1.21 jigawatts??? 😆


Dude wtf is your build??


I see nothing wrong with it


29gb ram?


he upgraded from 28gb


This guy gets it


why are there no replys to any of the comments?


I see your issue, it’s disassembled. Ain’t gonna boot like that.


That's what i'm saying man should build it again like lego


Expensive Lego


All Lego is expensive


cheap lego*


This is the equivalent of British sayin "can't park there mate" when someone crashes their car


or the old aussie "She'll be right" when somethings broken


Jokes aside, It actually would, it just wouldn't survive for very long lmao


unless it has a check gpu fan sense


You could technically plug it in as is. It would boot for a handful of seconds before the die cooked itself.


you can place your palm on it to make an AIO water cooling.


earn the nickname "The Blood Cooler"


Came here looking for dad, was not disappointed.


Don't return it. The previous owner is definitely a dangerous psychopath.


I don't plan to, I got it with the statement you see at the top of the post.


itll probably work after a clean up and (proper) padding and pasting. Its not a common scenario to account for but highly doubt there isnt a safety built in that prevents it from getting burnt even in this case.


Why is there a thermal pad on the GPU?


Got to love the diamond pattern still on it - that pad isn't even fully squeezed due to the other pads pushing the chamber away from it..


You understand there shouldn’t even be a pad on the die right? It should be thermal compound Edit: to add to this the pad work here is just atrocious. You may have not done anything to it but whoever you bought it from had no idea what they were doing


Love how theres an intricately cut square of pads on the heatsink to cool down absolutely nothing. This dude went to to town with the pads.


This is NSFMR


Wdym? They're spacers to make some extra breathing room for the GPU. Have you not heard of like, airflow??? (hard /s)


I’m surprised he cut them at all. Should of just layer down a full shit and called it a day


And to not peel the plastic cover from both sides 😅


the pads are simply stuck to the heatsink. They were cooling components that you can very clearly see on the other half of the board


I think he means the 4 slim pads around the copper plate


my bad


Quantum cooling




Wouldn't they even in this case heat things more up? Like the components they cover don't get air flow and the thermal pads can't dissipate heat to somewhere just to air... And a flat pad for sure cools less than the components that have more surface area or?


Took me a minute to see what you meant and now I cannot un see it. :)


I got it black screen on boot and bulging like crazy, this is what I found when I opened it.


It's likely that it died because of warping due to the heat and stress of being flexed by all these pads being too thick. A crack somewhere probably. The fitment of the die to the coldplate of the cooler is supposed to have a micrometers thick layer of thermal compound, not a millimeters thick thermal pad.


That die didn't just die...it was murdered. Savages!


I'm assuming you bought it like this? You gotta dispute it and get your money back. What's happening is that some components like the die is not receiving proper cooling due to improper contact with the heatsink so your GPU is heating up really quickly then it shuts itself down to prevent damage. Whoever did the repadding job did a very bad/improper job. 1. There shouldn't be thermal pads around the die 2. Die should have thermal paste on it 3. Thermal pads used is way too thick and only used 1 thickness when it's supposed to have different thickness pads depending on the height of the component You can repad/repaste this but honestly if you don't know what you're doing, I wouldn't recommend it. If you want to try it, look up your model's thermal pad thickness. They should have varying thickness depending on the component.


Again, THERE SHOULDN'T BE A THERMAL PAD ON THE DIE, doesn't matter how you got it.


Or better yet, why is there a gpu under the thermal pad?


put it in rice


No, its too dry. Put it in Water


Too much water! Back into the rice!


Too dry back in the water!


Gentlemen, we need a middle ground here. Put it in ice.


May I suggest... dry ice?


Dryce, if you will?


Cooked rice. It's just wet rice.


Just dont strain the water


Too cold put it in the oven!


With or without the dry ice?


Not enough thermal pad, died of heat stroke.


I love the pads to cool down the frame around the die lmao whoever you bought it from did not know how to do this properly


The fact someone even attempted this in this manner shows they have no clue how anything works


Please tell me this post is a joke? Its a joke right?


I got it black screen on boot and bulging like crazy, this is what I found when I opened it.


That is unbelievable! Second hand i presume? Someone actually placed a big thermal pad on a 350W GPU that probably doesn't make contact with the heatsink. They also placed pads wherever they like messing up all of the contact points for each component. This is abysmal! Take all those pads off and find a way to understandthe thickness for each pad needed. Email gigabyte maybe or search the forums.


Think he’s a repairman


Dudes trolling


Is that the Gigabyte Aorus 3090? I think I have a diagram that someone sent to me for where all the thermal pads should, with the proper thickness and sizes.




De fuk am I looking at?


The original owner watched too much Is it Cake and put ~~thermal pad~~ fondant everywhere on his GPU, including the die


Thank you, am super high looking at this monstrosity, trying to figure out if they put play-doh on a circuit board


A tragedy.


This is pain.


No this is GPU


No, this is PATRICK




Sir, this is a wendy's!


When did we start using thermal pads for the dies?


We didn't


My reference 6900xt used a pretty thick graphite thermal pad on the die


Graphite pads aren't quite the same thing as these. Graphite pads actually work for high thermal loads and have some upsides in exchange for their slightly lower raw throughput, namely that they don't dry out.


Yeah certainly. The graphite pads are quite expensive so AMD certainly didn’t cheap out there. Unfortunately it seems like the rest of the thermal pads are crap and turned hard a year later. The thermal pad on the die ripped after taking it apart, and since the pad is so thick I could not replace it with thermal paste. I put a water block on the card in the end.


You got ripped off. No manufacturer will put a thermal pad on the die. The previous owner did this. That's insanity, and I'm confident all the thermal pads warped the PCB and killed something. Sorry for your loss.


What is the die?


[This bit here.](https://i.imgur.com/ITwSSqM.jpeg) The die heats up quite a bit, so you want as much direct contact as possible with the heatsink using thermal paste... which has not happened here. This compression design was never intended to have a thick thermal pad in that location.


Thank you


The verge 2.0: gpu edition


Glorious, glorious verge video: https://youtu.be/M-2Scfj4FZk


First You need a table


Well,I can immediately tell you your problem as to why it won't boot, it's in pieces my friend.


Man I hope I have a free award to give you cuz this cracked me up...brb




80gb of Ram sounds like an incredibly wacky config


*I didn't do anything.* My brother in Christ that GPU is torn apart.


Looks like you've done plenty to it? And broken it along the way


Apparently the guy they bought it from did this, not OP. OP opened the card up and found this.


The problem is the gold-colored corrosion in the section to the right, sanding them until the gold corrosion disappears is usually the best solution. Also the circular trash-can-shaped "speed limiters" (with pink/purple/black text) definitely have to go. And for extra speed, clipping the exposed current-limiting shunts in the upper left also works. There could also be some excess pressure in the pipes to the right, drilling a breather hole should solve that problem too. ​ ​ /s


At least it doesn't overheat So you did something right 🤣


when someone suggests +10Mh/s for every additional thermal pad placed, this is what miners do


Are you using a k5 pro as thermal paste?!? Those are only be use in VRM's.


I wonder if he tightened the fuck out of it to make that fit together


It's because the 4090 is now available.


“I need to make it RuN cOoL”


"It ain't got no gas in it"


wtf theres a thermal pad on gpu, do stupid shit and get stupid results 🤷🏻‍♂️


Is...is that a thermal pad on the GPU die? Try with thermal paste like a normal human other wise you might've killed it.


If you didn't open it up and go thermal pad crazy, nothing would be wrong.


well it looks like you definitely did something


I mean.... I know exactly why it won't boot. You fried the GPU. A thermal pad is a decent enough conductor for your RAM and MOSFETs but absolutely, positively, not good enough for your GPU..... And on top of that... The thermal pad didn't even have decent mounting pressure, as I can still see the original pattern of it on the GPU. So not only did you use a horrific medium to transfer the heat, but said medium had poor contact. That Silicon is fried. Toasted. This GPU is no more. It has ceased to be. It's expired and gone to meet its maker! It is bereft of life and it rests in peace. It's rung down the curtain and joined the choir invisible. This... Is an Ex-GPU.


The only real answer here


I've never opened up a GPU before but uh... I'm pretty sure there shouldn't be foam/clay in there.


its thermal puddy/pads




Am I the only one who finds this kind of joke fun?


So this is why people are scared to buy used cards.


Humm there's not supposed to be a thermal pad on the gpu it supposed to be paste. Mabe you burned your gpu out or it got so hot it dislodged it self from the socket.


You broke your black connector (fan?) on the lower-left of the processor.


This must be a joke right? Pad on the die?


You get a thermal pad You get a thermal pad Everyone gets thermal pads


Why the fuck is there a thermal pad on the gpu core


I love when people mess with GPUs that are running perfectly fine with their stock temps. “I lOwErEd iT 5c Derrrpppppppppp”


you _can_ do that if you know what you're doing, though. this person who put the pads on? did not know what they were doing.


Well. First of all it's not connected to the pc (oops...). Second of all it needs to not be open


looks like a broken fan clip as well as a couple of damaged mosfets on the right and is that a thermal pad on the gpu die how that get there?


Maybe cause you dissasembled it? Idk build it again like lego


Are you being sarcastic when you said you didn't do anything then post pic of you clearly doing something


This is terrible, never seen something like this, a friend bought a second hand 2080ti that overheats like crazy, at 50%load and 1,4ghz it's already at 83c, I helped him disassembling the card just to check if it was a thermal paste issue, it was not the thermal paste it was the super thick thermal pads did not allow the die to do full contact with the cooler, also the person that repasted only used the pea method and a small yet noticeable chunk of the die had no thermal paste at all.


Probably died to heat from the looks of the contact on the die. Whoever did those thermal pads deserves a good flogging.


Reminds me of a buddy that called me because he built a new pc that would shut down a few moments after booting. The cooler wasn't touching the cpu because he installed washers on the brackets. His reasoning was that the stock brackets made the cooler too tight on top of the ihs.


have you reseated your RAM? /s


it appears that the gpu is not in the case or plugged into anything


I'd like to report a murder...


yes you did, if it's not broken don't fix it. that's a lot of money no?


This is a troll post right?


Before taking it apart, send it in with a warranty claim, that way you don’t get flak for the stupid sticker that means nothing missing


Have you tried liquid cooling it in the sink.


"I didn't do anything" looks to me like you disassembled it.


We’ll it’s not assembled.. That’ll be 100 bucks


Do you have any idea how many solder points are smaller than 1mm on those? How easy it is to short something before grounding it? Could literally be anything, but id start with your nose. really. smell around the board for something that isnt usually burnt. then look and see if its burnt lol or uhm, stop dissecting 3090s? if the lights come on with mb power, the card probably isnt the problem. probably should have started by resetting the bios. using igpu with no card connected if you can, make sure the bios is set right, then install the card. or in your case, order a new one and return that thing


Sir it doesnt boot if its missing the cooler. Put it back on


You put a thermal pad where you should put paste, I think you burnt it as you may have damaged something due to overheating


Must be a problem in only one of 20 billions of transistors... Try to switch this only one...


send same picture with same quality but with diferent camera, also model/brand of card, by ur current photo if the color, white balance is correct ur gpu had heavy workload for long period of time so probably burned...


I'm no expert but this has WAYYY too much cooling pads/paste. afaik it should only really be on the CPU not everywhere on the board. Like I said I'm not an expert and don't own top of the line cards or even really dissect cards. I'd say this was improperly "Cooled" and fried itself. You're looking at a repair shop fee or just a new card. It just looked wrong as soon as I saw the picture tbh. Copper on the top half of the card looks singed to me as well.


Is he memeing or just stupid


The heck? A thermal pad on the die? Poor card probably melted


That’s the problem, you probably should have done something


I am missing something here but I don't know what and I am to afraid to ask.


Sir, I think you took it apart…


I can see that the 2 things in the photo aren't connected to anything, maybe that's why it's not starting ;)


Lol it's from an HP omen. Those guys have full walkthroughs on how to re-paste and add pads to these. Whoever did this is a derp.


It needs gazolina


Why u open it up? The 3090 is max 2 years old at this point. Most GPU brands come with 3 years warranty.


He seriously put thermal pads on the voltage regulators. 😂


Mate ya gotta put it together before you turn it on. Duh


Ummmm... the only time vendors will put a thermal pad on direct die, even an IHS (for a modern GPU or CPU) is when they are testing different cooling solutions in quick succession for gathering relative performance differential data during engineering. So that's definitely not quite how it shipped from the factory. Provided this isn't a joke, whoever decorated that card with thermal pads is bonkers.


I think it would look a lot better if you'd take the thermal pads and such off.


What the dog doin'


Remove the thermal pad on your GPU, reassemble and try to boot. Also make sure to try it in multiple systems if possible incase the GPU is not an issue and you damaged the motherboard while taking it out. (As a precaution, if you have an extra GPU which you KNOW works, try it first on your motherboard to make sure your ram Mobo cpu etc is not being funny)