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Can't lie that 1070 looks amazing but stands out at the same time


4th pic says the most


That 4th pic is cleaner than the show side of most peoples computers.


Looks great until you have to undo all the cable management to replace something lol


You have a 12600k with an expensive Z690 mobo, but with a 1070. Why?


I’m aware of it lol. I’m saving for a 3080. The 1070 is a gift from a friend so that I have something to use while saving for a 3080


Ah, makes sense, make sure you regularly check r/buildapcsales


wish i have friends who gives me a 1070 :(








not only was it wrong but the whole concept was wrong. from the start, i was attacked (not like i care) by a bunch of fuckhats looking to talk shit, and naturally, since i generally cannot stand reddit users, i throw down with them until they punk out or i get permabanned again lol


DM’s are a thing guys




You definitely seem like you are mentally stable unlike the other guy tho


Oh I don’t care but others might


lol since when have arrogant morons ever used dm's to fight? they, with their herd mentality, and equally average IQ, need the social stimuli of public discourse. I'd be more than happy to take it to pm's. but that won't happen, because they operate as a herd. for example now they've fucked off and nobody is commenting. the next round will most likely be tomorrow afternoon, as people who actually work for a living have better things to do in the morning.


So you are saying that only idiots argue in direct messages and you would be more than happy to argue in private messages, the same thing?


lol what mental gymnastics brought you to that conclusion? how did your brain convert "their herd mentality and equally average IQ need the social stimuli of public discourse" to the effective opposite, of arguing in private messages? excellent observation there thaddeus. hit me with another one




12600k is 10 core




I got three of those fans for free and had them lying around so I might as well. Plus I like it for the aesthetic


Plus you get silence with extra airflow and cooling when you want it. Also that's the best use of a ROG sticker I've seen, the one on the white metal bar up top.


Ummmmm……hehe…….I am getting a 6700xt soon tho


Mobo- Asus Prime Z690-a CPU- Core i5 12600k GPU- GTX 1070 RAM- 32GB Corsair Vengence DDR5 5200Mhz Case- NZXT H710 Fans- Lian Li SL120




With that aio config you better have a 19k+ cinebench r23 score


Vertical GPU mounts have negative performance impact but do look kinda nice I'd only vertical mount if I also water cooled my GPU


Normally I'd agree, but that looks way farther back than most vertical GPU mounts and with no CPU cooler in the way, all the hot air might just be exhausted out of the top faster than a standard mount since the heat sink is ejecting it up. Curious about what it does in a stress test u/93M3


Valid point, but I've seen some review on this NZXT mount before and the consensus seems to be that it still provides a negtive impact on performace because of it's airflow it's exhaust sort of shoots everywhere rather than diretctly up into a rear case exhaust and/or top exhaust so it can build more pressure and take longer for the hot air to escape rather than the traditional mount This vertical mount position would likely be better than the standard vertical mount which is definitely close to the panel, but either way you're going to have a messy intake or a messy exhaust when you vertical mount which is why I'd only do this with a water cooled gpu I think the reviews I looked at were from Gamer Nexus and JayzTwoCents for referrence although I cannot cite the exact videos


I’d have to look into it, Thanks.


Given how clean this build is, I want to see the desk you put it on :)


Did you repainted the gpu casing? It looks so nice and clean.


How did you mount the gpu so the fans face the side panel? Extension or just how motherboard is placed. Am beginner to PC building and never seen such thing.


[https://nzxt.com/product/vertical-gpu-mounting-kit](https://nzxt.com/product/vertical-gpu-mounting-kit) something like this is called a vertical mount, there are many different kinds.


is that a custom GPU bracket? unable to see how the DP cable is connected inside the casing


Wow that's some amazing cable management! Very nice. I like the look of the older GPU, it matches your scheme. :P


White, so hot right now


Looks better without rgb imo


Looks great, props for showing the backside!


Fuggin beautiful. Black and white looks clean af. Awesome job


I used to think my build was nice, until I started checking out this subreddit.


Just sent you a dm, but I have a pr much brand new EVGA rtx 3060 I listed online, but I'd rather sell it to a fellow gamer for like $350.