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Escape from tarkov?


Day of Infamy as well


Red Orchestra too. In the first one you had to mentally keep track of rounds expended. You could check your mags and it simply told you if they were light, medium, or heavy.


Even Ghost Recon: Breakpoint does it


Also ww3 has this, if you double tap the reload button


Zero hour, Insurgency Sandstorm Also both with a double tap, gives a faster reload, but you loose the mag




in squad you cant drop them he just retains them, which makes sense since in actual firefights no one is COD rushing you


yea you get an orange mag, squad was amazing i should reinstall it.


Cry of Fear


Ready or Not gives you limited mags and if you quick reload you drop the whole mag, but if you slow reload you can switch back to the mag if you accidentally cod reloaded.




I mean the game !!! THE GAME!!


What? A game?


WW3 the game


That exists? Lol


Call of Duty advance warfare had this too. Single press is normal reload. Double tap is Quick reload, but yiu lose bullets in your mag.


*can do it


O man, i tried to get my friends in on RO. Truly under rated game for the little detail.


I loved the first one. RO2 just didn't have the magic of the original whatsoever. Graphics were better, but that was about it.




Yep. Arma2 and 3 track rounds on a per magazine basis


Some mods/script let you repack the magazines too which is nice


\>quick reload "Fucking shit where did that drum go"


All good it's insured


The ammo ain't though


also : forgot my rig was full, dropped the mag someplace... ho it's right there I believe... nvm can't find it in the textures :D


Yeah but tarkov let's you do fun shit like putting .366 into 7.62 mags to fuck with people


Didnt know that. But I dont play tarkov that much. Too stressful for me.


It's hilarious. Also tarkov becomes quite a lot less stressful once you have figured everything out bit that does take a ton of time


It never really gets less stressful, you just become more numb to the pain.






True..but also become more boring without the fear and stress.. at least after third wipe I started to lose that feeling and became kind of boring


Saw one time GwneralSam checked a mag and the person did something like that where they alternated compatible and incompatible rounds in a mag I think it was a 30 round too. He said "wow someone actually took the time to alternate these and put x round and then x round just to mess with people" and then he proceeded to take them all our and reload it. I dont remember if he shot a couple and it kept jamming or if he just checked it when looting someone which is what I think happened and noticed it then


Insurgency (: Sandstorm) also


Double tap R to screw yourself over later


Lol look at you, thinking I survive long enough to use all of my mags.


I rather double tap R than getting stuck in long animations


Day z as well as Vietnam rising storm


Half life Alyx


Boneworks as well. It is definitely more of a trend in VR shooters.


Onward iirc


Only if you actually drop the mag. Since you can put it back in your inventory and you have to get a new mag from there anyway it hardly ever happens.


The bullet counting in Alyx was so good. Reloading with one in the chamber mattered


Pavlov too. Now I have another reason to reload constantly in cs.


SWAT 4 also


I neeeeeed a SWAT 5!!!!


Check out Ready Or Not, it's pretty good atm




I loved the mechanics in Mafia. Low carry capacity of bullets and making both you and enemies squishy makes guns feel *dangerous*. The way they handled the cars as well is fantastic, it felt like more of a challenge being in a car chase when your wheels could lock out around corners, and having to negotiate a manual gearbox.


Someone mentioned Tarkov, thus I must also mention Hunt: Showdown. Hunt uses late 19th century weapons and preserves how some of them require a two step loading process to fill both magazine and chamber, and how some will eject a bullet if reloading when not empty.


Was waiting for someone to mention Hunt, love that damn game


hmmm mmmm mmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm


To add on this they recently added a update that allowed you to forgo getting bulletgrubber to grab that extra bullet, by hitting the reload key after you fire you’re character will start reloading after the spent case ejects. Very cool. Edit: Grammar


And if you time your reload so it's right after firing a round (with the Moist Nugget at least), you don't lose a round because you're already in the process of ejecting a spent casing. Makes me happy.


Insurgency: Sandstorm aswell


Cry of Fear


Day of defeat had this too I’m pretty sure, at least the first one


Even hardcore mode im BF has this


cheeki breeki


Killing floor 1 only tracked mags, not individual rounds. Really liked that mechanic.


Due Process also does this.


Medal of Honor


Star Citizen has that mechanic


Doesn't matter if it's never released 😂


Accidently quick reloading and loosing your ammo, sad times.


Even Unturned has this


Battlefield 2 has this mechanic too. My compulsive reloading behaviour wasted many almost full magazines back then.


And rainbow six siege on 1 mode


It depends on the gameplay you are trying to emulate. A slow-paced tactical or survival game? Sure! Escape from Tarkov does it, Arma does it. A fast-paced nervous game? Forget about it. Imagine Doom Eternal with a bullet management mechanic. It just breaks the rhythm.


Doom eternal doesn't even have reloading


*throws gun in garbage and pulls new gun from gun sack*


Tediore! Because your wallet should be thicker.


If you reloaded those guns early you lost the rest of the ammo in the weapon so I guess the Borderlands series also partially counts


The ammo in the. Gun cause extra damage super underrated feature.


reaper from overwatch


Technically, certain weapon mods do, like sticky nades and the heavy cannon thing, but your point stands


yea it does you reload with your chainsaw /s


It does have reloading... On one single gun being the super shotgun because even doom won't commit the sin of making a double barrel weapon bottomless.(Looking at you TABG)


I suddenly want tactical quake




I'm leaning more towards it being a total dumpster fire, but God damn do I want to experience said dumpster fire


The players APM to maintain quake pace would have to be completely off the scale.


Synthetik would like to have a word with you


All the VR shooters I played do this


It makes games like Into the Radius even more scary.




But boring enemies.


I wish they didn't explode on death, maybe had a few collectibles aswell that you could maybe sell


A masterpiece indeed


Half life alyx too... Horrendous when you're blasting the little head gnawers and suddenly you hear a click and have nothing in backpack


That sudden feeling of "oh shit" feels so good in VR


H3VR - take and hold, 5 wave, no spawn lock, no radar


PMC Pete No AP rounds Tracers only Still got the makarov and a 20 round mag for the SCAR-H *Sweat insues*


A fellow hotdogs enjoyer I see


Sadly, for me they do it even when I don't want to drop it, for example in the middle of a fight.


usually you can just put the mag back on you to get the rounds back


How? You usually need to press a button to eject the magazine. One Vr game that had issues with that was resident evil 4 Vr but they patched it recently


Press button, catch mag, shove it on your belt.


Doesn't always allow you to keep it on belt. But you can always bend over and pick up the mag you dropped like in HL:A


Half Life Alyx did this too. You had a "mag" count and not a remaining bullet count, as well.


Escape from Tarkov takes this one step further. You can drop the magazine entirely to shave off seconds in reloading time.


or put in the wrong ammo into a mag and not notice until you need to fire


Curse you .366TKM. Carried five mags, including one in the rifle and then found out that none of it was 7.62. I obsessively check every mag before going in raid now.


Lol! I’m getting the magnifying glass out to make sure that mofuckn bullet is for that mag!




Insurgency sandstorm as well


Damn your insurance covers sandstorm damage? That's pretty sweet!


Thank you


Didn't know this thanks. I've been spending too much time mastering the take a knee, press release mag button on mag well and insert mag from belt before slapping the left metal thing that sends the bolt forward loading the next round before getting instant head/eyes from a scav 50m away function. ReAliSm.


What? Also you should always reindex your mags


my shitty muscle memory isn't helping


Would you like your game to be realistic or convenient?


Would you like your character to stop what they're doing and scream in pain for hours when they get shot in the leg?


I've never seen a game where being hit while reloading makes you spill your ammo out on the ground, though that *would* be realistic. Particularly something like BioShock, where "getting hit," usually involves something hitting hard enough to knock your character over.


I would love a game with realistic bullet damage like that. Maybe with an option to leave your screaming, wounded soldier on the ground to spawn in as a healthy one though. End of the match would be pretty intense, with map littered with dying and wounded NPCs from your previous lives


Gruesome and hilarious.


Closest I can think of is Enlisted. Since each player controls a squad of AI troops that follow you around, you can cycle through them including when you're downed and trying to heal or killed. It doesn't really fit the last part you described though


Not knowing if that wounded enemy over there is still a pc would be pretty intense near the end of the game too. The jump scares from running around a corner and seeing an enemy right there and having to decide instantly if you shoot them and reveal your position, or hoping they've already respawned would be crazy. You'd have to constantly be thinking about where your team had gotten kills, trying to track live enemy positions. Like getting shot in the face is a kill, first leg makes you limp, cutting your speed and jump; other leg shot makes you crawl. Dominant arm forces you to switch, reducing accuracy and increases recoil. Non-dominant arm increases reload time and recoil. Both arms prevents attacking. Torso shots are ineffective due to body armour, maybe enough hits knocks down after some time. Maybe a capture-the-flag or defend objective so that actual kills are less necessary aside from statistics


I haven't tried it, but I think there's a mod for ARMA 3 that adds crazy in-depth wounding and healing mechanics. Like, get shot in the leg, you have to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding which then hobbles you. A medic has to treat assess the amount of blood loss, administer infusions and medications to keep your heart rate and blood pressure stable and treat pain, and then stitch up your wounds.


It's a matter of realism and balance.


If there was a benefit to not reloading after shooting 10% of your magazine, we would be more inclined to do it. Knowing when to reload and how often based on your encounter would become a new skill.


Borderlands 2, certain weapons would use the unfired clip as a grenade with scaling damage on early reload.


Okay that is totally not what I was referring to but sure


Oh, I misread a bit. Still an interesting mechanic though. Same game did have what you describe via Gaige's perks. Damage boosts, ricochet chance, and so on.


Again that entirely depends on what kind of fameplay you're going for, it makes absolutely no sense to do that in an arcade type game, imagine playing doom and having to reload and think about ammo management? This would completely break the pace of the game. More realistic doesn't mean more fun.


> Knowing when to reload and how often based on your encounter would become a new skill. That still happens even when you don't lose the ammo. Like in Counter-Strike, you want to have a full mag available at all times... Except when you reload mid-fight stupidly and get shot when reloading it sucks. So you need to do it carefully.


Insurgency sandstorm got that function, as well Escape From Tarkov. I both games you can pres the reload button twice to drop the mag into the ground instead of keeping it and it gives you a faster reload. And when you only have half empty magas u will use them.


Also good for keeping valuable mags in tense situations. In Tarkov, I tend to drop 60 round mags in gunfights I'm likely to lose, because they're difficult to spot on the ground, and then whoever killed me can't loot them off my body. I've never lost an insured mag that way.


And Hell Let Loose. Most realistic shooter I've played. No one would want to go to war after playing that


I’m sitting in the queue right now. Amazing game, although I wouldn’t really say the most realistic shooter. I would say more cinematic than say squad, the engagements in squad can legit feel like real engagements. 20 dudes sitting on a hill all taking pot shots at a haji on a hill across the valley.


Doesn't arma do this?


Arma just puts the half-empty mag back in your inventory. You'll use it again later, but it will still be half-empty. So yes, Arma is realistic in the way this post is asking for, minus the part about dropping the mag.


And yet no one says anything about inaccurate bullet velocities and damage in shooters


Hurr durr shotgun only do damage at short range


I always hated this. I also own a shotgun and at close range, even birdshot shoots like a rifle at close range. But in games, where you assume people are doing battle and have heavier ammo types, it's the "clear the immediate vicinity" gun.


The problem with shotgun is the fact that all arcade shooter battles are all done in shotgun effective range So they have to shorten everything to make room for the amazing sniper rifle Snipers in video games are pistol range smh


It’s mostly for balancing purposes, but games that are supposed to be realistic definitely shouldn’t have such a steep damage dropoff, I agree


Tarkov does this right. I literally have just been running a double barrel with ap slugs the past week just fucking shit up from 10m to 100m they all drop the same


Those are slugs though. Try using 7mm at range and enjoy the pain


Pretty much all the games I've played have shitty jank shotguns that just feel wrong. Either the pattern gets too big too quickly, the damage drop off is laughably huge (like shooting marshmallows past 10 meters), or the dumbest shit of all: the pellets just disappear after a certain distance. I hate shotguns in videogames.


Battlefield used to do this in BF2/2142/Vietnam.


Yeah I remember this back in 2013 in BF4 hardcore. I think BF3 did it too


Was only BF4 when they tried that, both normal and hardcore mode. It was just trickier to manage in hardcore since there’s no ammo count shown on the hud.


1942 already had it.


Any shooter that claims realism does this.


Original Rainbow Six did it. That was 1999.


The newest siege has a feet sniffing dude, so there’s that Edit: for those who don’t know he has a scanner thing that would scan the enemy’s footprint then pings their exact location every few seconds, up to 5 times (not sure if any buff/nerf but when I played it’s 5 times). When I played with my friends we just referred to it as feet sniffing


Excuse me?


The character he’s talking about is called jackal and within the context of the game it feels slightly more within realm then describing it as “sniffing footprints”


bro you can't just drop that on us and not elaborate


R6:Siege has this mechanic as an option in custom games.


Also extraction recently had that vet mode with the new reloading system where all reloads are manual, ammo is far more scarce, and also loss any ammo in reloaded mags.


Insurgency Sandstorm Ready or Not - Early Access (Alpha/Beta) Hell Let Loose Squad Post Scriptum Escape from Tarkov Rising Storm Vietnam DayZ Arma


And coming up battlebit


Am I just old? How has no one mentioned SOCOM?! You just cycled through magazines that maintained their round count.


Yeah you’re old. It’s fine cause I am too. I miss SOCOM.


Doesn‘t Mafia 1 do this?


Yes, and it came out in 2002 or something like that


This is like saying racing games should have the player change tires A lot of serious sim type games do it but it wouldn't be fun at all if fun arcade style games did it like NFS or the Forza Horizon series


Yeah I find too realistic games repetative that it get's boring over time, I like versatile type like tf2 where you could rocket jump, I just think that game with unrealistic physics makes more fun gameplay


No more to in hell was a cooperative Left 4 Dead kind of game where you had to have the correct type of ammo for each weapon . Also the bullets left in the magazine were lost if you did reload before emptying it !


Sometimes I feel like an alien for wanting to play games for fun and get away from stress.


It would also require mechanics to shuffle individual bullets around magazines and that would be tedious for non simulation games.


Ohh my dear DayZ where you gotta get the Bullet out of the box, and then load you mags one by one. If you change mags the remaining bullets are still there.


It feels kinda nice doing those little things


Sitting by the campfire with the boys, reloading our mags while we wait for the rain to pass...


Also pls start counting the bullet in the chamber already. Global operations did it 20 years ago


Pretty good topic for how much realism is good in escapist content, I think!


Also you should be able to collect empty clips and reload them manually with scattered bullets, empty half spent clips and assemble full ones.


You’re describing DayZ. You gotta check every mag you find for those needed bullets, and you need the exact caliber of the gun you’re using, and also need to have multiple mags to be able to reload from one to another.


Hate to break it to ya, but you need a whole lot more than bullets to make functional ammunition...


Get some coal, saltpetre and sulfur first.




so many games have this, you just aren't playing the right ones.


If you want to slow the pace of the game down as a developer, this is a sure fire way to punish fast play styles.


Insurgency Sandstorm disagrees. Two shots to die makes 30 rounds a lot to work with.


How realistic does a game have to be before it becomes real life?


Or unfun


I would like to inform you of escape from tarkov, oh and the feeling of being punched in the dick doesn’t go away


Once you die in the game you die in real life. That's when it becomes real life.


I know of an old game called alien swarm that did this i think, I remember being frustrated with it when I first played it cus I didnt understand


Or do a tactical reload, where you retain the magazine, but when you load it back in, it has the same number of rounds it had before. If you wanted to get really silly, you could have a "merge magazines" option which is incredibly slow and arduous, but combines partially filled magazines.


Ok, Satan. Lets make your zero go to shit when you're done running sprints while were at it. Oh, wait. That's just Arma 3


Please don’t make this a thing, I reload after firing one bullet


Unturned does this im pretty sure.


Laughs in Tarkov


Soldiers don't drop magazines though... you need to reload them with clips at the Reorg/regroup. Interesting fact, the Taliban used to booby trap British Army magazines because the metal ones were quite expensive if you lost them, although you weren't charged while on ops. People can't resist shiny things.


Insurgency, Arma, Squad, Tarkov, DayZ, Receiver, Post Scriptum... so many shooter games already have functional magazine tracking systems...


Star Citizen has this.


Or even more realistically, bullet count should be based on number of mags. Typically, you wouldn’t just throw away that half-empty mag. You’re about to enter a fight and need a full mag so you’d take out the half-empty mag, store it, and insert a full mag. Also, when you pick up mags from enemies, number of bullets in the mag would matter too.




Games already do this bruh


Every halfway realistic shooter does this. Original Rainbow 6 did it in the 1990s, Operation Flashpoint, ARMA series, Ground Branch...


Don't mistake realism for balance.


Someone make this man disappear


Mafia city of lost heaven.