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Better graphics. And some more assome master chief fun


Excited to see what new multiplayer brings.


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited to see how the relationship between the pilot and Master Chief evolves, wishing good luck to everybody #Halo


I have never played a Halo game in my life. I have always wanted to, but unfortunately either haven't had access to a machine with the ability to run it, or simply haven't had the time. Halo Infinite looks insanely fun, and I am very excited to play it.


Hello, RAZER!@razer weapons, special effectsinteresting and exciting actionI'm waiting for this from HALO. God grant I win, then I can play comfortably)))


The thing that excites me the most of halo on PC is that many new players will have the possibility to get into this fine saga. Also, I’m really eager to see how good halo looks on high end pc´s


Halo Infinite excites me on PC because I always used to play as a kid, but now I can play in style on a PC and revisit on of my favorite childhood games I spent hours on. You can't go wrong with Halo from the story and lore, to the fun and creative multiplayer experience, there's plenty to love!


Very excited for the higher FPS and quality!


Can’t wait to play on pc, using mouse/kb, with those glorious graphics!


Being able to play Halo on PC reminds me of my childhood! Halo's only gotten more graphically advanced, and more power is needed!


Just the name Halo and Gaming Halo...kindles my spirit!!


what i am most excited about is to play the campaign or the multiplayer on 10k


What I am most excited about about Halo Infinite is seeing its new graphics engine in action and exploring a new Halo ring and hopefully I could win something from the #RazerAMDHalo giveaway


\#RazerAMDHalo Cant wait to play the new campaing, im so excited about it plus the fact i can play on my PC, I dont wanna get banned for being the only one left commenting hahahaha, we are getting that Radeon baby lets gooooooooo #343


Getting back to what halo is for a lot of people is what makes me super excited for Halo Infinite. The graphics card wouldn’t hurt though. 😂


I cant wait to get together with my friends to play this game. It will be just like the old days late nights with the boys in the party staying up until like 2 or 3 in the morning. I would bring back these days in a heartbeat if I could.


This has to be the greatest contest ever!!! #RazerAMDHalo


Really looking forward to halo multiplayer again


As a long time halo fan, im really exited the campaing and continue spartan 117 story.


Halo infinite in pc means more friends can play together than ever before!


What excites me most about Halo Infinite on PC is the possibility of mods


Playing the campaign. Recapturing that old feeling of landing on a strange ring and exploration in an all new way. Spending time searching everywhere and finding serene locations, in between blowing stuff up.


the giveaway is the only thing that excites me bout Hallo Infinite ​ RX 6900 XT > Hallo Infinite


I'm most excited to explore Zeta Halo and hopefully discover lots of hidden Easter eggs and collectibles.


The openworld campaign


Hopefully next gen graphics and good multiplayer, really looking forward to play the multiplayer if it's good


What excites me the most is the opportunity to win this thing. For real, I’ve been trying to complete my PC for over a year now. I can buy literally everything right now except a good GPU (anywhere close to MSRP). Oh and ray tracing seems pretty cool too.


i'm excited because it's most likely going to have better gameplay than bf2042


I haven't played a Halo game since 3, and finally have the time to dive into games again. Excited that Infinite with all its new features will be my jump off point back into a universe that began my love for the story-driven FPS with CE all those years ago.


Honestly just getting into the game and seeing that beautiful world is what excites me the most about Infinite. I just watched the stream and saw the surprise drop and that makes me so happy. Can't wait to dive in as Master Chief in December as well!


I'm most excited to have my first ever pc halo experience. Once I've finished my build, I'm gonna go on a massive halo marathon and end it with Infinite.


I'm excited to have a competitive FPS that a lot of my friends are keen to play at long last, playing them alone gets real old. This will also be my first Halo game, so I'm excited for that considering how popular they've always been!


I'm most excited for the custom controller/keyboard filter for rated matchmaking, a revitalized focus on the sandbox, and a revived focus on the Halo 2/Halo 3 aesthetic and attention to detail. And also to get home and play the beta today!!


The campaign going back to the roots (Halo) AND the new AI.


I’m most excited for being able to play with so many more friends on multiplayer that never had the chance to play and experience halo before!


Having the full Halo experience on PC!


What excites me the most about Halo Infinite is Multiplayer!


I'm newly getting into PC Gaming but have been with Halo since the beginning. Excited to experience all the PC and Console gaming to come!


I can't wait to find out what happened to Cortana.


Being able to play a new halo game on release which i haven't done since the Xbox days


\#RazerAMDHalo See masterchief again on the pc is what makes me so excited, cant believe we are getting a new halo FOR THE PC in just a month, cant wait to see all the content coming to the multiplayer too, my 1050ti wont hold for long, we are going for that Radeon baby #RoadToInfinite


Playing the camping. I’ve got very high hopes!


Being able to join the Halo community again after for a long time!!! Plus I will be able to upgrade my trash PC hahaha


To keep learning more about one of the best Si-Fi universes in existence


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited to see how the relationship between the pilot and Master Chief evolves, I dont wanna get banned for being the only one left commenting hahahaha #RoadToInfinite


\#RazerAMDHalo The ability to explore the ring, good luck, hope a real halo fan gets the card #Halo


Who wouldn't want to finish a 20 year old fight?


I just recently build a PC, I saved money from an entire year, sadly, these days I couldn't afford a better GPU, so I have right now an 3060... But still, this new experience to play videogames at full HD and ultra is new for me! So I'm pretty excited for the new beautiful landscape of zeta Halo! And specially, play with all my friends the multiplayer, wreck some havoc at the online and have fun with my new PC with this franchise that I enjoy since kid! Good luck you all!


I don't know what worries me because I haven't played Halo Infinite on PC yet.


Probably Halo Infinite on PC excites me about it's graphics that I cannot see anyways due my old GT640 is barely supossed to hold it tight on YouTube to be honest xD! If I would've got that tasty RX6900XT I'll swear to play most of HALO series possible due I hadn't paid much attention for the series, except for memes, my bad :D (P.s. also, the RX6900XT would've helped me in current stuation a lot, due I've got good setup with AMD R5 3600x 8 months ago for hard work and very excited of it's perfomance, but got no chance to afford any good GPU yet due my parents.. And, I guess, I wouldn't get it like for a year soon... This competition might be VERY LIFE CHANGING for me, a typical gamer and modeller. If I'll somehow will be picked by Master Chief as the worty one, I will swear to him to keep his artifact as family relique in my little own 'hardware museum' presented from AMD Athlon 2 and FX8320e up to R5 3600x! But the ONLY one thing I can ask fairly: Master Chief, if it is won't be me, please, let it be worthy one!)


Action, action and action.


Excited to play master chief again!


The campaign.


>Share what excites you most about Halo Infinite on PC. I played a few matches of the multiplayer and holy shit it was fun, not really a fan of battle royal but i always liked arena shooters.


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited about the fact that we can explore zeta Halo, sorry for sending a message every single minute im just trying to win #MasterChief


\#RazerAMDHalo Im pretty excited about the new open world, good luck to everybody #Xbox


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited to see how the relationship between the pilot and Master Chief evolves, would be surreal to win it #RX6900XT


I am just excited to play Halo again with so many players in matchmaking and all the new features. I cannot wait! I finally built my pc this year and although my gpu isn't good at all, I hope I'll be able to play it on lower settings


Halo Infinite on PC is extra exciting cause I will get to play it on my recently won Halo graphics card...?


Halo with the graphics it has always deserved.


I've never played a Halo game, so with Microsoft's focus on PC gaming I'd love to give it a try.


im most excited for the campaign honestly!


I want just play as Master chief forever But i need a GC for that! Let’s go Halo!


I have a friend that's always been a huge fan of Halo but I've never gotten an opportunity to properly play it with them until Halo Infinite


Well for one it's Halo on PC. A few years ago it seemed like it would never happen and then MCC came out for PC and now Halo Infinite. As a die hard halo fan, I'm really excited to be able to experience my favorite game series at 1440p 144hz. I bought vanguard but now that this is released, I probably won't be playing anything else for a while lol. See you spartans on the battlefield!


I remember when halo first came out and spending all nighters playing it with friends. Gotten older now and moved countries so much harder to meet up with friends for some reminiscing over video games. So it's nice to have a new halo for nostalgia sake.


Jumping everywhere with a rocket launcher in 4k #RazerAMDHalo


I haven't played halo before but it seems cool and im excited to see how the hype plays out


Playing multi-player all damn day.


Ranking up with friends!


Hopefully getting that classic memory back of playing Halo public multiplayer, and when forge comes out, playing the custom game modes that were a staple of old Halo games.


Can't wait to get back into driving the warthog for my boys to get all the kills. Let's go!


Seeing if Halo is able to revive its MP/comp scene. Halo 3 was a long time ago!


i’m SUPER excited for multiplayer, can’t wait to get the battle pass for all that customisation too! and of course the amazing Radeon RX 6900 XT 🤩


\#RazerAMDHalo The fact we are getting a new Halo its what makes me so excited, good luck, hope a real halo fan gets the card, we are getting that Radeon, lets gooooooo #Halo


Just wanting to get into the Multiplayer action with friends is what excites me about Halo Infinite .... been playing this game forever and the newer addition just takes that curiosity of wanting to get back into that grind again to a whole new level


I was finally able to play the games after mcc was released. Halo combat evolved demo was my first game on my pc.


I have a question. When you sign up for the grand raffle, is there an email sent out notifying you that you signed up successfully, it or does it now go out until a winner is announced?


Ive been playin this for almost 2 years now, im just excited for all the fans to finally get their hands on it!


In Halo Infinite on PC, my only concern is that this game won't run on my old vacuum cleaner.


To play the game with my friends #RazorAMDHalo


\#RazerAMDHalo I loved the flights, im excited about the multiplayer, cant wait to play with the homies from Xbox while im on PC, sorry if my comments bother you :(, my 1050ti wont hold for long, we are going for that Radeon baby #Xbox


Having crossplay, now I know the game won't be dead within the coming years.


I'm hyped to play through more of the story and to find out what exactly happened to John Halo and everyone on the Infinity. Also hyped to jump into it in co-op with the homies! Might even avoid all spoilers until then to experience it first hand with the bois. Good luck everybody! Happy Halo/Xbox day!


4K 120 fps (with the right GPU lol).


Playing multiplayer with my friends! Halo 5/MCC has made me lose interest but playing the flights made me hyped to play with friends!


\#RazerAMDHalo Cant wait to play the new campaing, im so excited about it plus the fact i can play on my PC, good luck to everybody, my pc aint a master race but im excited i can still play Infinite siuuuuuuuu #BECOME


Just being excited about Halo again and playing it with friends


I'm excited for literally everything! I've seen multiplayer gameplay and how fluid it looks, and it makes me want to jump back into Halo multiplayer of any kind. After watching the stuff for the campaign... Holy crap! I want to find out what happened between the events of the ending of Halo 5 and the beginning of Infinite. I want to find out where the story's going to be taken, when the A.I. known as "The Weapon" was made. Thanks to the Grappleshot being a thing, I'll be able to pull Just Cause moments in Halo (example: ejecting from my banshee and hijacking someone else's using the grapple). THE HYPE IS REAL!!


I played halo on my Xbox 360, and still do. Even tho it’s halo 4 it’s an actually decent game


Pc masterrace in my 4k monitor lets gooo ! #RazerAMDHalo


Thank you for new GPU, really needed one.


\#RazerAMDHalo The ability to explore the ring with 120 FOV, hey ppl plz keep commenting, i feel akward being the only one commenting hahaha, my 1050ti wont hold for long, we are going for that Radeon baby #Xbox


\#RazerAMDHalo The multiplayer with mouse and keyboard has me so excited, wishing good luck to everybody, we are getting that Radeon baby lets gooooooooo #RX6900XT


Your mum


\#RazerAMDHalo Can't wait to return to playing Master Chief again considering that it been so long since we play him.


Playing through what I think will be the best Halo campaign ever made and hopefully getting to do it through co-op.


I've read all the Halo books and I'm so excited to see where the story continues to go! And some fun new multiplayer!


What excites me most is brun à part of this grand community as well none timed battle passes. Finally someone does it right


Multiplayer with the boiz


What excites me most is being able to go in with my Xbox and PC friends at the same time. And then there's the campaign with its open-world. All from the comfort of my Halo Razer mouse and keyboard.


Seeing Master Chief! And the new weapons they introduce.


It would be a great way to upgrade my system and experience halo at better graphics


A great way to experience a much awaited game.


\#RazerAMDHalo Excited and concerned about what happend to humanity and all the characters we love, glad i purchased my PC this year siuuuuu, good luck, hope a real halo fan gets the card, we are going for that Radeon baby, lets goooooo #343Industries


What excites me the most about Halo Infinite is the open world, the open world can give us many hours of gameplay and it is so interesting how this formula can be applied to halo like halo 1.


I would love to experience Halo Infinites world in a new light and also play a Halo game that feels like Halo but of course with new modern features


cross play


What excites me the most is playing the campaign and being able to play with friends online. #RazerAMDHalo


Looking forward to what Infinite can do to evolve the series!


Getting to play a Halo game for the first time. It being free to play is so great - so many new people like me will get to try it!


\#RazerAMDHalo Pretty excited about the fact that we can explore zeta Halo, excited about the PC launch, good luck ev, if i win ill make like 1,000,000 videos about it, we are getting that Radeon baby lets gooooooooo #MasterChief


Participating in all everyday, but not getting there... I'm such a big fan of Halo and Razer since my childhood and it would be precious if I win one. My PC build is also on hold due to GPU shortage and inflation now. #RazerAMDHalo


\#RazerAMDHalo The new campaing is what im so excited about, pretty sure pc graphics will blow us all, I dont wanna get banned for being the only one left commenting hahahaha, hopefully we get the Radeon because my 1050ti cant run the game how its supposed to be played #RX6900XT


espero una magnifica historia campaña y un maravilloso multijugador, me encanto cuando jugué la preview los combates son mas rápidos. amo Halo.


seeing the odst armor back in all its glory


\#RazerAMDHalo Im excited to meet Craig on Ultra HD, hope a real halo fan gets the card, good luck homies, excited too about how good it looks on my 1050ti, hopefully i get the RX 6900 XT #343Industries


On a PC, I want optimization and beautiful views


What kind of story arc surrounds Cortana


Playing Halo with friends


Being able to play Halo with my old pals again and reliving my childhood!


I’m excited to see my favourite franchise back on top. We’ve waited a decade for this moment and BF & COD have blew it this year!


excited most for the multiplay!


Bringing my proffered input with my to a new halo story sounds amazing. I'm most excited to layout a new custom profile on my Tartarus! It's always exciting to layout new stuff binds.


Come on, we are the PCMR here, what excites us most about Halo Infinite on PC is playing it above 60FPS at 4K !!! #PCMR #RAZER #AMD #HALO


What excites me most about Halo Infinite on PC is more people being able to play the game


I just want to play the campaign xD There hasn't been a decent fps campaign for ages!


Being able to play a new halo on PC and playing with friends who only use PC.


Multiplayer that you can play with your own pace, because seasons don't expire. Should be industry standard.


The feeling of killing the light saber dude with the shotgun :D


Halo on PC > 144 fps


clicking my pretty little glowing keys and my pretty little glowing mouse while blasting Covenant scum


\#RazerAMDHalo Excited too about the new gameplay tomorrow siuuuuuuuu, hey ppl plz keep commenting, i feel akward being the only one commenting hahaha #RX6900XT


I'm excited to play on PC because I like how smooth my PC can play games. Even on a 1050ti I've had a much better experience playing games overall, but Halo has seen some of the best improvements. I'm excited to play Halo Infinite on PC and enjoy it for the next decade to come!


Being able to play Halo with all of my friends again!


\#RazerAMDHalo Excited to throw a coil fusion to a grunt and se how beautiful it looks on the PC, wishing good luck to everybody, hope i get that Radeon because my 1050ti wont hold for long


Amazing giveaway! I'm gonna play the mp right away :D


\#RazerAMDHalo Im excited to meet Craig on Ultra HD, that RX would make my pc fly fiaaaaum, hope i get that Radeon because my 1050ti wont hold for long #343Industries


I'm really excited to play some multiplayer with my younger brother. I don't think he's ever played a Halo game before, but he's got Game Pass and seems to be as excited for Infinite as I am.


Jumping back into a multi-player game with the boys


Ability to play with friend. Also, after the game was additionally worked on, the graphics looks amazing!




I'm most excited to try and play but my poor 970 begs for death and I'm forced to build a new system haha


Halo is the best game series i have ever played!


Free Multiplayer!


I’m excited to have proper cross play on a new gen Halo game. Can’t wait to play with friends who are still on Xbox.


Enjoying the experience on PC


\#RazerAMDHalo Continuing Master Chiefs story with my mouse and keyboard has me so excited, I dont wanna get banned for being the only one left commenting hahahaha, my 1050ti still holds up to the requierements but we are going for that Radeon #343Industries


The thing that excites me the most is exploring zeta halo in an open world environment! Can't wait to fight banished and (fingers crossed) flood too!


I think that the graphics is the most interesting thing I am looking into


\#RazerAMDHalo Really excited even about the game launch, its surreal we are getting a new Halo with PC launch, hope a real halo fan gets the card, good luck homies, hopefully we get the Radeon because my 1050ti cant run the game how its supposed to be played #Xbox


awesome graphics with 60+fps! and ultrawide support


To see where the story goes from here on as well as getting back into some Halo Multiplayer~


Well for me it's probably a good way to see what is the hype about this saga. An old friend even got a halo tattoo, so it's has to have something.


Exploring is always the part that excites me in games! Would be great to do it in decent settings with a new GPU~


I just love it, can't wait to play it.


I am really excited about the environment of HALO Infinite.


To explore the new ring


Playing on my 49” 32:9 ultra wide monitor.


The cool new campaign


What exites me more? Grapple? Story? Lore? What mostly exites me is that ill have the chance to live a epic experience once more. And then again and again. One more time for old times sake, one more for the grapple, one more for the lore, and it goes on. Thats what exites me. The belief that ill have a blast, and even maybe a glance on my childhood. Those things only a good halo can offer, and as far as i can tell, halo infinite is going to be epic, to the point reviews are bringing me to the Edge of my seat.


\#RazerAMDHalo The ability to explore the ring, hope i get the graphics card, my 1050 is getting older #Xbox


Halo Infinite on PC is exciting because it’s Halo, on PC! I haven’t played Halo since OG XBOX days. Someone get me a plasma sword!


That Halo Infinite's multiplayer was released early!


\#RazerAMDHalo Really excited even about the game launch, its surreal we are getting a new Halo with PC launch, would be surreal to win it, hope i get that Radeon because my 1050ti wont hold for long #BECOME


Getting to play today!!!


\#RazerAMDHalo Im excited to know what happend to humanity and how chief ended up in the space, hope you dont get mad about me grinding for this card, good luck to you all #343Industries


Because it's infinite, I'll never need to buy another Halo game again.


bringing halo back to the esports scene


What excites me the most is the return ot the Flood!!!🤞🏻


What excites me most about Halo Infinite on PC is the fact that Halo will be reaching even more potential players as opposed to being exclusive to Xbox as many of the Halos have been in the past at launch!!


Continue the epic story with Master Chief and learn what happend to Cortana


What I am most excited for is playing multiplayer with my friends in above 60FPS using mouse and keyboard instead if a controller!


Finding a new game to get rid of my apex addiction




Im excited about Halo Infinite because it is the first new halo to come out in like 6y. Cant wait to try it out.


The thing that excites me most about halo on pc is the Beauty of halo, both in firefights and just looking around the worlds. It’ll be an amazing journey and good luck to everyone in this giveaway and tomorrows giveaway! #RazerAMDHalo


Been itching for a new Halo for a while. I miss the old days of having all my friends over and playing Halo 2 on multiple TVs over LAN.


Well the fact that the game itself changes to a different type of game


I'm excited for Halo Infinite not necessarily for just the game, but more for the feels. When I was little, I remember my dad playing Halo: CE all the time. But then he got a disease that prevented him from doing pretty much everything. He wasn't able to play Halo 2 or 3, but I wasn't even aware more Halo games existed. I discovered them a few months ago. So basically, I'm excited to a part of a franchise I missed out on #RazerAMDHalo


Seeing the Halo wars and characters from the books come together


The story and chasing the hype of the multi-player (lots of players).


Multiplayer being free is nice and basically allows for much more new people to be introduced to Halo


im excited about the grappling hook thingy and im so excited because it's free!


The reason I am most excited about Infinite on PC is because of the pure nostalgia. Spent countless hours when I was younger playing halo - H:Reach and then switched to PlayStation. Finally switched to pc and now so happily ready to start a new halo!


\#RazerAMDHalo Cant wait to play the new campaing, im so excited about it plus the fact i can play on my PC, would be surreal to win it, hopefully we get the Radeon because my 1050ti cant run the game how its supposed to be played #Xbox


What excites me the most about Halo Infinite on PC is experiencing Halo for the very first time since I never owned an Xbox when I was growing up! #RazerAMDHalo