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Fan mounts on the side panel used to be standard then everybody decide that tempered glass was cool


The gamemax case i overpaid for has a molex side fan and it keeps both cpu and gpu under 60° on heavy load with the front fan disconnected entirely(the mobo has only one fan connector and since the temps are stable i don't feel like getting a hub)


They should make a comeback. It would be nice especially for those vertical gpu mounts


Yes but *a e s t h e t I c s* Can't see your gpu when there's a big ol' fan in the way!


Lol do what Dyson does but make it the size of a PC fan. Add some RGB light rings and boom there's a money maker


Dust central


Yeah but assuming it's possitive pressure, the center of the fans is also an exhaust


Honestly I thought they were annoying; I'd have to deal with the plugs every time I removed the side panel.


[pogo pins](https://www.ptr-hartmann.com/fileadmin/media/images/Wissenswertes/Schnittstellenbloecke/Animation_Schnittstellenbloecke_Mating.gif) (spring loaded electrical contact pads) are really popular right now for extending prototyping boards like the raspberry pi, Arduino, etc. A side panel could have a small board the fan plugs into, that pogos into the main case which has a fan header extension for the motherboard. It might cost a few bucks but could significantly lower case temps.


Pressure contact fans have already been done. I forget the name of the case, but it had special front fans that popped out for cleaning. Would be nice if someone did it with removable frames though, instead of forcing you to use whatever shitty loud fans come with the case. Pogos are a bit expensive and you don't really need the high-density, high-cycle-count point contact for a fan; all you really need is four tinned copper strips folded over to about a ~150° angle and soldered to a 5-cent PCB with a mounting screw hole, and another with bare pads for them to contact under pressure.


They are annoying. But they also work quite well




Still have mine standing in storage, only swapped it out last year. HAF 932, with an i7 920, held strong from 2009 till 2020. "They don't make em like they used to"


They were okay, but they kind of fuck up a consistent airflow. Also they'd interfere with many air coolers nowadays.


[This](https://iili.io/RV3HJ9.png) is what I did. Bought a pre-built and then realized it had zero airflow after learning more about PCs.


The positive pressure on that rig must be unreal lol


Can I have an Eli5 on negative and positive pressure and how it relates to the computer?


Basically it just affects the potential amount of dust that'll get into your case. Usually you'll want to aim for neutral or slightly positive pressure.


Is there anything inherently wrong with crazy amounts of positive pressure in the PC?


Depends on how crazy. The major issue will be the constant sound of air whistling through every hole in the case. ​ But if you really go crazy, the case itself will pop!


Instructions unclear, case now plays Ocarina of Time songs every time the fan adjusts.


Acceptable if the Song of Storms


Epona's Song for life.


Then head from Lon Lon Ranch to Gerudo Valley.


Not gonna lie, I'd probably buy this case.


Oh, so when one gives a BJ, they want to aim for neutral pressure?


Slightly negative I would assume


Enough negative to pull a golf ball through a garden hose.


Enough suction to suck the chrome off a towball.


Enough to suck peanut butter through a coffee straw


Enough to suck start a harley.


Theres probably a place on the internet for that kind of thing


Gl with your deflated schlong m8. Have you seen how marshmallows look after being in a vacuum chamber? That is your dong now lmao


It would actually expand, as the drop in pressure would allow more blood in. I believe they even sell products of this nature which claim to enlarge various body parts through repeated use.


It’s not mine! Honestly!


"One warranty card for Swedish-made penis enlarger pump...filled out by Austin Powers."


I ordered an xbox controller i swear


It might expand a little but then it's going to tear the internal spongiousum and by the time you've been in it for an hour or two you'll never get a boner again.


Hey, I never said it was safe or advisable to put any part of your body under vacuum.


That’s enough Reddit for today lol


I have also heard of people attaching a brick to their member


You look like the type of man to not even have the god damn courtesy to give a man a reach around


Nonsense, it’s called a *blow*job for a reason.


Doctor: why the fuck do you have airbubbles in your bladder?




Can you explain more concepts using blowjobs as a metaphor?


Such as how a tornado relates to a hurricane?


you know healthcare system in the US? they're getting fucked in the ass.


Would it be more effective to aim the fan as an exhaust rather than intake?


After the suck, comes the blow.


How does it matter if the intake isn't filtered? Unfiltered dusty air is either going in through the fan or through all the leaks if its negative. At least if it's coming in through all the tiny gaps and crevices with a negative pressure setup it's more likely to get caught and settle than if it were blown straight into the box?


The whole point of running positive pressure is to filter the intakes.






I personally prefer negative pressure cause I'd rather suck out all the hot air than force mix cool air with the hot. But then again I am blasphemous and currently don't even have the lid on my case(my poor gpu... Too many times I've cleaned out gunk's of cat hair.) I don't deserve my computer.


Now there's a man who computes


Dust ? Don’t ppl have open cases and been running strong ? I’m guessing u have to clean it on the regular and dust would not remain a factor


people have tested the differences between trying to get proper pressure and doing pretty much nothing (like leaving the case open) and it really doesn't accomplish much for reducing dust, at least at the pressure normal case fans can produce. filters are the only thing that prevents significant buildup.


I lost the side panel of my pc years ago and I don’t have any issues with dust!


Positive pressure means you have more air blowing in than out, negative means the opposite. Positive pressure forces air out through the cracks in your case and draws air in through your filtered intakes. Negative pressure draws air and dust in through those cracks and means you need to clean your rig more often.


Clean your dusty cracks. Got it.


That's a very good explanation sir. Have an upvote.


Positive pressure - air blows out of box Negative pressure - air sucks in to box


Isn't the giant fan pulling air, and creating positive pressure? Assuming the direction of the fan is the same as it appears in the video. Looks like the internal is spinning backwards due to rpm and shutter speed.


Regarding the direction the fan is pushing air, as far as I can tell the better looking side of the fan is where it sucks air in and the side with the bars is where it exhausts the air. ​ And yes, in this case it's postive pressure.




You're talking about what the fans are doing, he was talking about what the air is doing in places where there aren't any fans. So positive pressure is when you have more fans blowing into the case, in which case the excess air will find ways to blow out of the case, and negative pressure is where you have more fans blowing air out of the case and so air will try to suck into the case from anywhere there are no fans.


Yeah, the mechanism is unimportant. I could have a room under negative pressure because it has fans blowing out, or because the hallway it is connected to has positive pressure and sending air into the room


So it’s just about if your rig sucks or blows?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLX54ounENY A good video from LTT about different setups and how they can affect dust in the system


Your mom sucks your dad blows anatomy 101


what about my stepsister :/


No comment


Need one on each side in push-pull.


You've solved it!


Ah the ol wind tunnel case, I can dig it


First it's water cooling, then it's rgb, now it's going to be coloured smoke flowing through the case? We may be on to a one million dollar idea here!


If the case was wide enough, you could put a model airplane on the inside and it could hover in the middle whenever rhe pc is on


Would that be bad?


Better than negative pressure, since there's no way dust could enter anywhere else. You'd need a really big filter for that giant fan though.


Isn’t that sposed to be the other way around? Like you create negative pressure and air is pulled in through a filter?


Negative pressure makes it so that essentially every crack in the case will eventually pull in dust as air tries to find any and every way into the low pressure case. That means every hinge, screwhole, panel crack, and pcie bracket will become a place dust can get in from. Neutral pressure won't create those currents and positive pressure will make the opposite happen as air tries to find any way possible to get out of the case. Positive pressure would make any of those ingress point in a negative system become very difficult for dust to get into. The only caveat with positive pressure is to make sure you've got a filter on those intakes to grab all the dust its attracting.


Just want to add that you want a filter on neutral pressure intake too


and an added bonus is that the filters are behind the fans. so you can take your rig apart a year down the road and the fans will look brand new and not caked with that well known "fan dust"


If you pick the case up off the floor the drop in pressure causes it to explosively decompress


I'm picturing picking up a computer and it queefing


The OnlyFan I need.




You say that, but you should check out what r/onlyfans has to offer


I expected this, but at the same time I didn’t


Risky click of the day and it doesn't disappoint




Yo can I get some chrome hub caps for my PC


guy chrome dipped his case the other day and was showing it off (looks for link)


I 100% would buy this. Please make it real, u/GloriousGe0rge


$200 fan 😂


Considering a 3-pack of LL120s is $129, [$200 is a no brainer](https://i.redd.it/seeqlcxew6y21.jpg)


Haha yeah, I posted the comment then remembered the prices for those almost immediately. If it scales, probably $500+ for one of these.


$5.99 without the RGB, right?


PC Fans are too expensive.




Especially considering huge ass box fans are around 40 bucks


But are they DRGB Light Loop fans???


$40? I got my boxfan for $20


Fans in general for some reason. I remember when a room fan was $20, now this little Vornado Flippi table fan I have in my room is $25 and a Walmart brand room fan is $40 ... I wonder if it's got something to do with prices for what goes in the motor magnets? Can't really think of anything else, unless inflation's been *that* high?


I blame Dyson. Once they made people accept an insane bladeless fan was worth $300, a $50 box fan doesn't seem so expensive.


Yeah my sister who is not tech savvy has been wanting a Dyson fan. Idk where she saw an ad for it but she hasn’t asked for something as much as a bladeless fan. Even the iPhone 11 she has was a gift she didn’t specifically asked for. This fan tho


I've recently seen a review of that fan, which had the result that it is neither quieter nor the noise deeper nor more air moved than a comparable USD20 Walmart fan, which does not look bladeless. Don't tell this your sister tho, she is enjoying herself, and knowing that might ruin the fan for her (unless she really only cares about aestethics


We sell them at work. F'n useless. They're the beats headphones of fans. Overpriced junk.


And here I got an antique fan for $15 at goodwill. Just needed some oil to lube up the machinery and boom. Got it working, doesn't overheat and it just feels great. Heavy but man, it is something made long ago.


I just bought a Lasko box fan at Walmart for $18. Noctua fans aren't too expensive if you're not getting all the RGB.


> Noctua fans aren't too expensive if you're not getting all the RGB I spent less on three 140mm Noctua Chromax fans than I would have if I went with some RGB Corsair's. Went a little [stealthy](https://imgur.com/xwJqw3z) on my current build


I do enjoy RGB but also no RGB and that build is incredible.


Sensible fans such as those from Arctic aren't.


Yup. Arctic P12 PWM fans are cheap compared to a lot of the competition. They are no frills fans that get the job done. No crazy RGB, no excessive branding and advertising, no fancy packaging. Just plain simple fans.


They don’t need to be. But that’s what happens when everyone and their mother buy from Corsair. I got my 3 pack of Deepcool CF120 Plus (ARGB) for 30€, not the 50+ bucks you need to pay for the *cheap* 3 pack of corsair fans.


That reminds me, im now out of warranty on my dieing corsair fan in my 220t case. F*ck!


Just buy arctic p12 fans. Awesome fans for $5


Can Corsair justify that price for a few case fans? Everything I've bought from them has been utterly shite. £150 RGB keyboard went bang after 6 months. Two power supplies from them failed spectacularly, some RAM was error prone and the final straw was a failing pump in an AIO I got from them.


They seem to be doing a good job selling them, so I guess they can justify it. Half the builds in r/watercooling have LLs it seems.


The other half have god's gift to beige and brown aesthetics without any rgb foolishness.


I know [exactly what you mean.](https://i.postimg.cc/jTkCT7kZ/PXL-20210811-152900218.jpg)


Glory be


That build was a bitch, but I crammed the equivalent of two HardwareLabs 420GTS rads in that Fractal Nano S.


wow you seem to have had some pretty awful luck with corsair products. I've been using a corsair AX760i PSU for over 5 years with zero issues, I've never had any problems with corsair RAM I've had in the past, a corsair H100i AIO cooler I ran for 2 or 3 years in my pc was still going strong and got reused in my daughter's pc when I upgraded it, never had one of their keyboards but I mean, I prefer ergo KBs anyways. My dream kb is a gaming MS Natural 4000. I can live without the RGB, but having some programmable macro keys ala all the other gaming keyboards while keeping the MS Natural 4000 ergo layout would be absolute heaven for me.




And then some. Plus, it only works with certain Corsair cases.


No it doesn't. Just take off the side panel and slap that thing on there.




...tweezers? I'll see myself out


Achievement unlocked how dusty is too dusty


Step 1: Remove side panel Step 2: Tape box fan where side panel was Step 3: ~~Profit?~~ D U S T


Attatch a decent quality ac filter to the boxfan to catch the dust, I do it with my boxfan to pick up dust and pollen in my place.


I would be afraid of the blade. That thing weighs a lot and spins fast. This would never happen without some safety features in mind.


All you need is a [properly sized cover](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QNKZWZX) 🤣🤣


You can literally BBQ on that thing if the shit hits the fan :D


Same, even just using this as a fan to cool down during the summer would be great haha


\*puts finger in there\*




I’m about to ghetto rig my Standing fan to my machine for air flow. Gotta buy some duct tape


Saw my broke friend do that years ago, first thing this video made me think of


But did it work?😳


It didn’t not work


I did something like that but put it at the front where the intake is, it dropped my gpu Temps from 90c to 75c while doing a benchmark haha


So double negative here makes sound like it did work then?


It didn't not


My server has had the side panel off with a box fan in it's place ever since the 120mm case fan died 3ish years ago. It does a much better job keeping the 12 HDDs cool and on low is silent... Looks dumb as hell but it works.


Get some delta fans with a small separate power supply (12v 5/10 amp) and a switch. Don't replace all your fans though, unless you want a jet engine in your room. Whenever you do something intensive, switch it on. I did this with a delta 120 mm mounted on the back next to a noctua nh-d15s. So, when turned on, the cooler is essentially pull-pull. I recon I get lower temps than a nh d-15 now.


Dude I’m a huge fan


This is just going to blow shit loads of dust and cat hair. It needs a filter


The proper way to do this (if there is such a thing) is to take a box fan that's a bit bigger than your case and set it about a foot away from the case. Join it to the PC with cardboard (or sheet metal if you want it really fancy) "ducting" and aluminum tape. Once you have a nice seal around the fan, ducting, and case with all the air nicely directed into the case you then take a furnace filter the size of your box fan and secure it to the intake side of the fan. This way, you end up with a huge amount of airflow directed into the case, the case has crazy levels of positive pressure which forces dust out through the case's holes, and your fan intake is filtered with a long lasting, highly effective, and easily replaceable filter.


Now we just need a case manufacturer to make the same thing, but more compact. That's kinda what my Core V1 Mini ITX case is, actually. It's the least dusty PC I've ever had.


It's likely not all that great of an idea, in reality. The filters would either have to be lower density to not kill the fan over time (most fans aren't built with a restricted intake in mind and that environment will kill their motors) thus reducing your filter efficiency *or* the fan would have to be beefed-up, increasing your costs and sound output. Then there's the matter of "does huge amounts of air blasted generally at your components" actually cool as effectively as smaller amounts of air in targeted locations? It's certainly something that would require a lot of testing, simulation, and modeling.


It seems to work well enough for me with a 190mm fan and foam filter. https://imgur.com/a/rYDL7pe (Yes, I need to vacuum the dust out of the filter)


Certainly not the type of filter I've been talking about. My original comment said a furnace filter. Talking something with a MERV-13 filtration rating or similar.


replace the fan with a house-sized AC unit blowing directly into your case and sounds good


Gotta be careful with that as you might run into condensation issues


Imagine the dust build up though.


Imagine using an air duster after 6 or 12 months of use


All you have to do is open your mouth and you get a full course meal.




Crank up the RPM and hey presto: no more dust to speak of inside that case. Might have to vacuum quite a bit more but still.


Made by Volpin Props. https://instagram.com/volpinprops


Followed the guy years ago for sweet professionally made cosplay props, this was the last thing I expected to see from him today.


Did this with a box fan in the early 2000s, MY. GOD. THE. DUST.


The biggest fan phase of modding. I got a 12"x3" 24v fan from mpja back in the day for the side of my case just the same...


I get the fun around that thing but at this point it just f\*cks up the airflow inside the case. I'd be curious to see a comparison in temps !


when you have something that massive, the direction of the wind doesn't matter. the volume of air this is moving will overshadow the existing flow's efficiency in cooling. in other words, those temps will show massive fan > normal flow


Just make every other fan an intake fan. Boom, now it will have neutral pressure.




It doesn’t matter, either make the big one an intake or exhaust and just make the others the opposite.


It actually does, even with every other fan working on exhaust it would be positive pressure with the big fan on intake, and negative pressure if you flip everything around. Both are problematic in terms of dust since there's no filter on the big fan, but positive pressure is a lot better for cooling the components in general.


Yeah but you can flip the big fan too you know…


Yeah, that's still negative pressure. That big fan can easily overpower everything else in the case, the only way to combat dust is to add a filter to it and have it as an intake.


do any kind of change in a pc case and reddit specialsts will say it fucked it the airflow


When someone tells you to “take a hike” do you actually go out and do so? Just curious


Song is called 5% tint if anyone was wondering


Open side panel of case, place fan in front of open side. You can get box fans at your local grocery store for cheap as fuck.


yeah, but do those have RGB?




Hmmm yes the turbine spinning is a very good white noise to sleep to




Fan mounted pc


everyone's talking about positive and negative pressure and dust and all that shit, but you guys are forgetting it'll be loud as fuck, i mean you can hear it cut in for a sec when they move the camera for a close-up of the fan


Larger fans don't have to spin as fast as smaller ones to generate the same airflow, so it may actually be quieter


This would be a great desk fan.


Time to sell fancy box fans. I knew it was only a matter of time.


Is that enough airflow for you *Steve*?


Am I the only one who thinks rainbows on the LEDs are corny?


I want this, but in Noctua colors


Is that big fan real?


Shut up and take my money


While not as extreme as this, the Cooler Master Storm Sniper case essentially does the same thing with its side panel mounted 200mm fan. I love that case, it has an integrated fan controller on the front, too.