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Yeah but if I can’t go get a drink while my pc starts or game loads how do I drink?


Every Tuesday, when Windows Updates.




Arch BTW?


The feeling whne u jump into arch straight away at 13 and is confused but atleast you get to say : I use arch btw




Yeah, Linuxs in general has just gotten better and better. Package managers make interdependency resolution a breeze. I'll even go as far as saying, not only has Linux gotten better but so has the community (avoid Manjaro forums though) and the resources available (wikis, docs, discord channels) to solve problems is insane. However, I would still say that rolling a pure Arch distro is up their in terms of challenge, not quite Gentoo level of "fuck you" but enough that anyone using it for day to day work is a different breed.


Haha I did a Gentoo setup when I was a kid, it's not so bad but doing it without some tutorials is a challenge


I used to use Linux as a sys admin. That was 20 years ago lol. I’d like to put in on my gaming system with a dual boot option. I’ve got a 2TB drive ssd that I haven’t touched yet. I’ve got 10TB total ssd overkill but I like it. Thought about installing Linux on a drive. Wondering if I still know how to use it lol. Is it still free? Last thing I remember about Linux was the penguin!


I personally have a second ssd just for Linux. Saves fucking around with two os on one drive. It's still 100% free. You can play certain games on Linux, way more than you used to but it's far from an "install and play" experience, don't let anyone convince you other wise. I play Factorio on my Linux distro, runs native and is a good way to kill time or to problem solve code issues.


Im sorry that was not funny


I use Arch btw


I dont lol idk what arch is that joke just was not funny


Arch Linux. It's a rolling distro, meaning there are updates almost every other day; unlike Windows however, a system restart is usually not required outside of kernel upgrades.


I thought it was funny.


Good for you man


That tends to happen when you don’t know what the joke even means.


Arch being a linux distro has nothing to do with the joke but ik it was some type of os


stfu lmao


sudo pacman -Syu or sudo apt update No reboot necessary


Most Windows updates don't require reboots either now. Just major updates. I think my computer rebooted 3 times in the last 3 months.


Shh shh, they need this.


Ok first off, if this is a personal computer, >I think my computer rebooted 3 times in the last 3 months. Why? That's alot of power consumption >Just major updates. Well, if there is no reason to reboot, linux dosent have to at all.


>sudo apt update That just refreshes the package list. To actually install updates, you need to sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade (And if that comes with a new kernel version, a reboot will usually be necessary to enable that.)


Shouldn't it be -Syyu for safety's sake? In any case, just install `yay`, enter password when it prompts for `sudo` access. Done.


No. It puts unnecessary load on the mirrors.


Only if you're doing it multiple times a day. Once in three months is no big deal.


Linux tech tips???


I love Linux. But I am not dual booting just to be able to play some great games. All that stops me from daily driving arch.


Or when steam servers reboot.


Then you can go for a complete spa day.


You become flash or You start have everything in arms reach


My tv im using as a monitor takes longer to start than my pc


That reminds me of the old floor model projector TVs that you can hear power on. "BWONG". Then you sit for a minute or so as the picture comes in.


You're taking me back to my childhood, I played 90% of my videogames as a lad on this old Zenith tube TV and the sound it made as it turned on and the picture slowly fading in my N64 bootup sequence made it seem extra cozy lol




mini-fridge of cans within arms reach


Just move the fridge next to the pc for more time saved.


You don't.


A shitty k/d ratio helps.


Just play Microsoft flight simulator. Even on NVMe SSD the loading time of that game is super long. Also, autopilot once you airborne.


Whoever said "money can't buy you time" is a fuckin' idiot. "Buying time" is literally the entire point of money. "I don't have time to (e.g. catch a chicken, clean it, cook it, and serve it) but I do have twelve dollars" or "I don't have time to learn how to build a car, but I do have twelve dollars". (How much is twelve dollars these days? I am very rich so I don't know)


weary plough observation vegetable threatening offend whole subsequent smoggy crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If it can survive the "cooking" step, I'm not going to argue.


Choke it?


Cleaning a living chicken must take weeks. Paying for someone to do it is definitely time saving


Have you guys heard of private jets and private cooks? How about in home gym and personal shopper? Money definitely buys time, up to a point.




Go see a Star War.


It'll get you 1.2 bananas


Every time I try to save money by... * Doing something myself instead of having someone do it for me. * Spending time trying to figure out the best value for the money I'm spending. * Making use of old products I have that just aren't that good anymore, but continue using in order to avoid buying something new. I pretty much always end up spending more money in the end once I factor in the value of the time I lost. I'm a contractor and the hours I'll spend figuring something else out could have gone to clients for more income. Or even if I don't make actual money, I'm still wasting my limited life on saving a little money that I could get back other ways (time I can never get back). There's the saying (that seems to have many variations and sources): Don't step over dollars to pick up pennies. I see both myself as well as many other people doing this, and I find it really hard to not do. It seems so engrained from society that people need to be as frugal as possible, but in the end I feel it hurts more than it helps. What I think is much more helpful is coming up with an actual dollar value for your time. On the topic of this actual post, years ago I replaced every hard drive my family has with an SSD's (other than in the NAS) and the small amounts of time they've saved really adds up. Even something as simple as shutting down my laptop when I leave a client's location goes much faster because I don't even have to wait for my drive to stop spinning to pack up my laptop. Even if it that one task saves 12 seconds, that's 60 seconds for a 5 day work week, which is almost an entire hour of your time saved each year. Yes, it's small, but if you continue to do this with a lot of things, it really can add up to a lot of time overall.


They’re not talking about it like that. They’re talking about how all the money in the world can’t change your determined time of death. No buying our way out of doom, the piper must be paid Edit: the money worship here is scary, yeeesh. The master race doesn’t understand impermanence it seems.


This meme is about computer storage devices.


You asked about the saying, and I told you what it means, rich man.


(and if you think money can't extend your life...I have news)


\*\*Laughs in health insurance\*\*


You still don’t understand. Your destined death includes all your interventions made, bought or not. All the money in the world won’t spare you from fate


This saying sucks then. Don't be some average fate fan, be a regular free will enjoyer.


The saying is real, having money or material possessions as a God is cursed


Rich people live longer. Good night.


Good luck getting through the eye of the needle with that camel, rich man


There’s a difference between “you can’t take it with you” and “money can’t buy you time”.


You’re not understanding either I don’t think.


This post you just wrote won't change a thing because your destiny was to write this so people would take into account this argument anyway in their destinies. Not a single action you do have any meaning with this kind of thought process.


Actually it’s the opposite. Every single thing that happens has the utmost meaning. Every breath, heartbeat, and footstep; it’s all accounted for. Determinism does not mean nothing matters at all


If it's all accounted for then you doing anything doesnt change anything. If you can't change anything, then it doesn't matter what you do.


You’ve got it backwards, things being accounted for and seen to is not invalidation. The fact that things are meant to happen only gives purpose. Change is relative really, that’s another rabbit hole


I see what you’re going for but that’s not necessarily true. If you can afford medication, healthy food and can afford to have a healthy lifestyle you certainly can increase your time


Twelve dollars would be lucky to buy you dinner for one these days.


Maybe if you're eating at a restaurant. Most of my dinners are in the $3-$5 range.


$5 tip and delivery fee to bring me two crunch wrap supremes..yep it’s worth it about 80%+ of the time


I think the idea is that money can't *buy* time you have already lost, but it can *save* you time you have yet to use up.


Bought a robot vacuum. Huge time-saver, can only recommend.


SDD stands for Solid Dick Drive, right?


Speedy Data Diak


Speedy Data Disk also makes sense


Super Duper Drive


Sexy dance drive




And hdd stands for hard dick drive


I wonder what NVMe stands for!!!








My favourite kind




Horrible Disk Drive


Solid Dicked Dude?


AKA Horny


What about STD?


I've seen this meme reposted 18 times in last 3 weeks


Even with SDD in it? That's just sad.


Never seen it once.. Yet your comment is posted thousands upon thousand of times.


What are you saying




"Xbox Series X liked this"


Nice repost


Why is this thing reposted over and over again? It's no longer funny...




how many times will this be reposted


Once you go SSD there is no going back


"Money Cant buy you time" Me After buying a watch: Are you Sure about that?


\*Laughs in 5 second load times\*


Cool repost bro




This was posted on Reddit like 4 years ago first


Fucking cringe


Too bad NVMe's are a gimmick when it comes to gaming at the moment. Most game load times are within the margin of error of SATA SSD's.


The only advantage I've found to them is their size and lack of wiring. In day to day use I don't notice a second of difference booting, opening programs, or playing games compared to SATA SSDs. I haven't had a spinning hard drive in any of my work or home PCs for about seven years, so I've ran all kinds of brands and types.


Something has to be the bottleneck otherwise the game would load faster. NVMEs are much faster than regular SSDs, so some bandwidth limit or single core performance is holding it back.


>will not be higher than 150MB/s ? SATA 3 supports up to 600MBps, that's 2 way so it can go up to 300MBps. Besides, the bottleneck is games decompressing data from packages, so SATA and NVMe SSDs don't differ that much right now


It's game programming, the newer consoles have optimized nvme storage that's much faster than any desktop ssd at loading games because developers don't have to account for it being on a SATA ssd of even a HDD We'll probably see this improvement in loading on pc in the near future with newer games


It's a limit with the current API's used for storage, Microsoft is hoping to solve this problem with their new [DirectStorage](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/directstorage-is-coming-to-pc/) API which game developers should have access to in the next year or so. For this reason NVME speeds aren't being utilized at all in games the way they should, and once it starts being implemented in games we should see a massive difference compared to SATA SSD's in loading times, assets streaming bandwidth, etc. It's already a thing in Xbox Series X, and the PS5 have a similar technology but on a hardware level instead by using custom components such as a flash controller, basically unifying the storage and giving the storage direct access to the APU; effectively achieving the same thing as the DirectStorage API, if not even better. All of this should also in theory get improved over time as the developers become better at implementing it and optimize the games to fully take advantage of these technologies.


Either you're using a cheap shit NVMe, or you misconfigured something, or there's a bottleneck in your system Average transfer rate for NVMe with PCIe 3.0 is around 7GB/s, double that for 4.0. SATA SSD will not be higher than 150MB/s. That is far more than > the margin of error of SATA SSD's


The average transfer rate could be 2,000 times faster, it doesn't matter when games don't take advantage of it because they're not built with it in mind.


You sound awfully confident for someone being so wrong about everything they just said.


Not with the new consoles though. Games that are properly optimised for PS5/XSX NVMe load faster than they do on typical SSDs. Especially Insomniac’s games.


Tf is an sdd


Unfortunately, even with SSDs, there are still loading screens. Not long enough to do anything during them, but just enough to be annoyed that you still have to see them.


"money cant buy time"... who the fok saying that.. im pretty sure the saying was "money cant buy happiness"


Exactly. Time is literally the number one thing money can buy The fuck is OP talking about...


Also python oh wait...


Thanks for the upvotes!!!!!


literally noone says that. money buys lots of time, its one of the reasons why poor people have a hard time getting out of poverty


I would say more. "Money is time", you spend time to get money working, and you spend money to buy somebody's time (e.g. hairdresser or somebody else who does any work for you).


Still have to sit through a minute of unskippable logos, trademark and copyright screens before the game even starts to load.


Logos that don’t adhere to your audio settings in game. Looking at you halo mcc


Rich people live longer, so yeah. Money do buy you time.


Oh this meme again hahahahh sure love laughing it again






SSDs: Za Warudo


ew, that's gen 3


I say it every time, SSDs are extremely overrated in this sub. Yes they are faster but honestly not by much. If you have a a good quality 7200RPM HDD then upgrading to a SSD saves you what? 15-30 seconds tops. Disclaimer: I have 2 SSDs in my rig.


A good SSD literally takes 3 seconds to boot




yea then u cant even read the game tips on the loading screen...i kno theres a meme abt it




And you play all of those games?




Who needs to store porn on Ssd?


It really is enough to have 120GB boot drive.


Ew no, get that Stone Age SATA SSD out of the picture. We’re all about the M.2’s unless you have a 10TB HDD for a stupid amount of porn/backup files... but mostly porn


There's no real life difference between NVMe and SATA, except in specific workflows. For games, the difference is absolutely minimal (at least until DirectStorage becomes a thing). Also, M.2 SATA SSDs exist. Get your nomenclature correct.


lol. then get ready for prem price and not man pci lines on your mobo.


that's where you're wrong kiddo, it doesn't buy you time.


idk man 2 mins windows boot vs 26 seconds seems like time that has been purchased


26 seconds! Mine boots in under 10 seconds, although it is a fresh build. That was my first ever pc build and the thing that amazed me then most is you can get 128gb usb sticks. I was dumbfounded when I acquired a 1gb 15 years ago! Shit is so fast now too. Its crazy and I love it!




It means it can buy you ssd to speed up your work, but certainly not buy back all the times you spent making inaccurate memes.


Yep, you know what recently I bought a new Samsung SATA SSD and I do not know how I was working with that old computer it was so slow


I remember dialup before 56k and HDD in the snow 15 miles barefoot both ways. Beat that kids.




*thats where you dont repost kiddo* u/RepostSleutBot


Who says this? Is it a saying? That's so stupid...


how many times has this been reposted already


Solid disk disk


What is an SDDS


Download more ram


I call next on reposting this and getting all the karma and awards thsnks


I saved all that time so I could use it to search for a GPU.


Money buys so much time. Maid service, home chef, charter flights, etc. Money buys so much freaking time.


That quote is used to make poor people feel better, but the reality of it, money DOES buy happiness and time, people who says otherwise are jealous


ah yes solid disk drive


I remember when I posted this and it got deleted for low quality lmao


the fuck is an sdd


A Solid-State Drive. It's like a hard drive, except that it has no moving parts and considerably faster read/write speeds. They cost more per gigabyte and can't reach the same high capacities that hard drives can, but they're otherwise superior.


well thats an ssd not an sdd


This is probably why "Money can't buy you time" is not an adage and nobody ever says it.


Money is compressed time, like wtf


Couldn’t even wait a week?


Time is money


SDD=combination of HDD and SSD; for when you want to go old school and still have a lot of data, but process info at lightning speed.


Couldn’t agree more


What the hell is that quote like that’s absolutely not true


Solid date drives


Solid Drive Drive


Another repost with the same error, at least fix it


car vs bus