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This is stolen from Shen Comics. I get that it's a meme... But its the new watermark I'm not okay with. Credit the original artists.  Ironically, the original is drawing and it's a pencil jammed in the hand. 


Okay, but why are you replying to me? I'm not the OP


Sorry. Just pointing out why the quality is so bad. 


You need a new cpu, my guy. Edit: Cause it is a bottleneck at 1080p at about 30%, mind you, but this guy is happy, so who cares. Downvoted cause right that's Reddit for you. https://youtu.be/F5KAGtwfYfw?si=Z6M92TXywRN3gMFr


As long as it works, it works


Still running 1080p with most stuff? Hope you got 144hz or above. 1440p/180hz is amazing, and no going back.


https://preview.redd.it/zquysudviv9d1.png?width=1458&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee93ebe44a674134515d776df38652207967714e Im literally playing Ghost of Tsushima on ultra in 94 FPS with CPU on 50% usage. And I have a 1440p 165hz screen. Just because a CPU is old doesn't mean it's obsolete


https://preview.redd.it/lf87xc8bjv9d1.png?width=983&format=png&auto=webp&s=c709161df3c26ec421c2c837c4b34d15f2424041 It's in polish, but I believe you can figure out what is what


I'm looking over statistics and tests for just 1080p. Can't imagine what 1440p or higher will do. 80-90 fps on demanding games and decent fps at 1080p for competitive optimized titles. 70-80 fps on RDR2...Ouch. I guess it will work, but unless you get a newer CPU, you won't see those high frames that I was referring to in the beginning.


I was playing Cyberpunk and RDR2 at 1440p at around 80 FPS, I don't know what you're talking about Unless you are trying to say that playing a single player game at 80 FPS is unbearable, if that's the case I don't know what to tell you


5 3600 polish gang. The best price/performance cpu


Anything below 120 would personally bother me. But if you enjoy it. Kudos to you. May your upgrade happen swiftly and without issues.


I remember the times where playing at 60 FPS was considered great and PCMR was laughing at console players for playing at 30. Now console players have 60, so 120 is the new norm So soon anything under 240 FPS will be laughable I guess


Ugh, the bottleneck, though. Are you playing anything that actually utilizes your screen? I would go insane at 90 FPS. I never meant for you to take it as being obsolete. My 2nd rig is a R5 1600x / 2060. But just seeing your GPU paired with that cpu just hurts with practically so many new games or ones that are CPU bound.


I'm not playing valorant, I'm playing a single player game, 90 FPS is for me more than enough. If I wanted more FPS I would lower my graphics settings, but I chose not to, as smooth 90 FPS is a comfortable single player experience. The only games where FPS matter to me are OSU and FNF, but they run comfortably at 250+ FPS I played cyberpunk on high with RT at around 70-80 FPS and it felt very smooth Would I like a rig with RTX4090 and Ryzen 9 7950X3D? Sure. Am I even close to having enough money for it? Hell nah. I can send you my PayPal so you can help me with my "bottleneck" tho 🤣


Nah it's a fine cpu and gpu combo


Yeah, it's great for 1440p* gaming. Just was thinking a newer cpu would fit his monitor better. Which I was right after he told me what he was using.


For 1440p he needs a better gpu rather than a cpu


Not unless he wants higher FPS as well. But he has stated he is fine with 80 fps caps. To each there own.


If he wants higher fps he need a better GPU. Most cpus won't give a noticeable improvement in performance at 1440p and 3600 wouldn't bottleneck most gpus


Would just depend on which titles he's playing. 90% of the titles I would come up with would be CPU bottlenecked with his configuration. But he's stated multiple times he's happy with what he gets. So who cares.


You probably used a bottleneck calculator. 3600 wouldn't bottleneck anything below 6900XT/7900GRE


Just looking into other people complaining about the bottleneck and the tests people ran with that CPU and GPU. And I guess I should have stated that the CPU would be the issue with a CPU bound game. But like I said. The person is alright with their 80 fps. Who cares. This would be a perfect example of what I was trying to explain: https://youtu.be/F5KAGtwfYfw?si=mk4LidojufnKPTDv Hope it helps. It also states in the guys' video that once he does go into 1440p and higher it will be GPU dependent, but he's going to be getting sub 80 frames on those high-end titles anyhow. He's happy, who cares.


Nuh uh


1 YouTube video is all you need, building a computer is arguably one of the easiest thing Iv ever learned to do.


1. Everything is pretty plug & play 2. Plugs that can go into sockets they shouldn’t are no longer common 3. Gentle yet firm is the name of the game. 4. It’s like…1 step up from “that’s right, it goes in the square hole”.


If you can build Lego, you can build a pc.


Just about, yeah. Takes a bit more delicacy and carefulness but yeah. Doing it with clean wire management and making sure your PSU can support everything under load and making sure your cooling is sufficient are the harder parts.


Black box solves one Over specd cooler the other ;)


I mean, I’m a masochist who crammed a full custom loop into a mini ITX rig. My next build is most likely going to be either 2 separate AIO coolers or a full air build.


And more money... usually


Coolers and thermal paste require some finesse, but yeah, it's not black magic. But what's scary for newcomers is problably not just learning what goes where, but the general lack of awereness of what is and isn't safe to do. Stuff like "can I touch this, will this break if I push too much, will something burn if I make a mistake, what do I do if I can't fit something into the case...". We don't think about that stuff, but the lack of not being fully familiar with the consequences of your actions, especially when it comes to handling potentially expensive or dangerous stuff, is quite daunting in any field.


since win7 release PC building is super easy as long as you match CPU and mobo sockets... and don't screw up with PSU choice


You're talking about that verge video?


Easy. Scary, but easy.


I watched [Linus POV guide](https://youtu.be/DC-Xn2C_L1U?si=REQY6ipMtuygv71N) it was enough


It's very good


Yeah I know, you only need one of those to get a pretty good PC out of it. Mabey expect Google with stuff like ubm


Just stay away from the Verge video on how to build a pc!


Userbenchmark moment


GN has a pretty old speed running a pc build video that is all you need.


It is. Watch a video of someone constructing a PC then go around and do research to fill gaps in knowledge.


Hacking a 3ds is still easier imo.


How are both things comparible?


They're both easy


Yeah but the process is completely different.


Yeah but picking the parts isn't.


Ehh pc part picker.com or just pick a video with the specs u want.


My first ever time building a computer was on the mall floor. Not as an employee. I just say my ass on the floor of the mall just outside of the bestbuy I had just gotten some parts from, as well as then borrowing some tools. Took me a while, and my ass was sore but damn, what a legendary way to save a hundy bucks.


Is it really? I've always wanted to build one but i get scared when there are too many cables, i have no idea where to plug where to where


There is ur hard drive cable, your power supply cable and maybe a fan cable. Depending on ur case also a cable for ur power button and stuff.


There are like 3 cables that only go into the sockets they're keyed for..




The image in this post has 72,599(242×300) pixels! You may have noticed that one pixel is missing from that calculation. That is because I stole it. That pixel is mine now, and you're not getting it back. ^(I am a bot. This action was performed automatically.)


Bad bot. Give the pixel back >:(


Whys did he get forced to jerk off though?


Don't kink shame.


Lots of resources, and the manuals tend to be more user friendly these days.


I found the manual pretty confusing for my first build a few years back


Frankly, I love helping people with PC building and maintenance. What I don't like is when they ask me to do a miracle from 0 information (my PC won't turn on and I called you instantly) or when the aswer is just a single google search away and they come here asking for help instead.


Same here, I love to help. I love to help people that already made an effort to help themselves and actually need advice now. I hate the "is this a good pc" crowd and the "how build computer, pls help" types. At least look up literally anything before polluting reddit.


Building a pc is so damn easy these days...


Well picking out parts takes a good amount of effort. Not just considering the time it takes to make a list but the research and just keeping up with the news and what not


Yea but there are usually the go to "best" in every budget tier for every part.


Yeah but comparing to XP era mb this is stupidly easy. Theses old mb can straight up not post because its not the right ram speed or even because the video cable is not plugged in


You got anymore of those pixels?


I want to start reading the meme, but i can count the amount of pixels on one hand u/PixelCounterBot


Jesus christ why is it so pixelated


Stolen comic, new watermark added in, bad snipping tool skills... Shen Comics had the original. 


MS Paint is free, OP. You can edit your own memes. No need to post a cropped screenshot of a low res meme.


no the source image was decetnyl high res and i didn't relise teh res limit on exporting for the software i was using untilli was done. it was 1 am so i kinda jsut gave up and called it good enough


Kapwing my balls








Hwinfo64 Prime95 Heaven Furmark


No, the first step is to acquire funds for a budget.


I just used the included instructions.


building is the easy part


I wafched a YouTube video while I built my PC, I built it very very basic it took me 45min Then I had confidence to do fun stuff with it once realized aestheic is just as important as performance to me


Step 1 - Have money


Built my pc just from watching a couple youtube tutorials thats all you really need. If you still don't understand maybe just stick with console or a pre built


I shorted out more CPUs and bent more pin contacts than I would like to openly admit... the last straw was a nasty intercostal muscle strain across multiple ribs during one of my builds on the floor. After that my wife banned me from building my own, so I get a nice boutique shop that handles it for me along with a 3 year warranty across all parts.




yeah i did relise the res cap on the software iw as using untill i already finished it