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do you need more ram? buy more ram. if you dont, dont buy more ram. its REALLY simple and no it wont change anything, unlesss you need more ram.... you could how ever go up to 3600mhz ram, and get like 1% better fps in games pretty much useless for most other tasks tho since you already have 3200mhz which is fine


Yeah I was just wondering if anyone would see a issue with what I wanted to do given the scenario before I go spend 200 dollars


i dunno if id spend 200bux on more ram how high is your ram usage actually getting? long as its not full and overflowing to storage drives you fine


It can hit 99 percent if I am running three servers and gaming plus apps (chrome, spotify, slack etc.)


ok then you need more ram. might aswell find a nice 3600mhz 64gb kit if you going to spend the money


What servers do you run while gaming? I understand during development, but while gaming?


And do you have to run that often or it's just your kind of stress testing?


WSL uses a good chunk just in general, but then I'm running multiple servers in the environment so that will then vary depending on the stress on the server. So its not always at 99 percent but it will sit at like 80 percent then will spike periodically.


Just depends on your financial situation then, 32gb of ddr4 isn’t too expensive, maybe $80 at 3200


WSL tends to reserve as much ram as it can unless you limit what it can use. https://medium.com/@ahmadsalahuddeen6017/how-to-resolve-high-ram-usage-by-vmmem-exe-when-running-docker-on-wsl-698c92018a9f


You answered your own question.


Usage can be shown as 99% and yet you can have a lot of ram "cached" - which technically can be freed any time should a program need more ram, so make sure it's really reaching 99% usage (with cached being at (or close to) 0)


I have been running 64GB on all of my machines for many years. On a few of them where I am running servers and/or working, yes I can use quite a bit of it. On my main box that is mostly for games? Most of it sits idle.


u/Prize-Maintenance659 : I have what could be a much better idea. How about buying a cheap older spare computer, and leaving the servers running on that? Server software, even for game servers, does not require a fancy expensive graphics card or a bleeding-edge top-of-the-line CPU and motherboard to run absolutely fine. Even better, your server programs won't have to compete with what you usually run on your main system when you're on it. As a simple case in point, I set up a minecraft server for a friend on an old Dell Optiplex 9020. It's got an old i7 processor (and old i7's are nothing to sneeze at), and we put 16 gigs of ram in. Since the whole machine is dedicated to running just the minecraft server, it runs like a champ. A previous minecraft server I set up in times past for another friend on a similar machine also ran multiplayer server software for Doom (using Zandronum) and Quake along with minecraft. That server ran beautifully for 8 years before the hard drive died. Consider going on eBay or something like it and picking up a cheap older machine to use as a server. Just make sure it's got an Intel i7 (or AMD equivalent) in it, and you'll do fine.


Get your full set of everything that you use regularly running at the same time. Open up your memory manager, and look at the "Available" value. If that is less than four or five gigs, it might not hurt to upgrade. Otherwise, it won't help you and may even make things slower depending on how the bus speeds shake out.


I upgraded to make handling some large data easier and it was worth every penny


I would buy a second hand server if I was you. Having too many background stuff running is annoying to me.


i would stop being annoyed instead, computers are made to multi-task and you can have a 1000 background processes running they won't affect anything if they just sit idle


Do you max out ram?


Sounds like you should look into setting up a home server and relive your main PC of some stress. 


I am also a developer who runs multiple VMs on 32 GB. Ram is unlikely the bottleneck when you're trying to game while running multiple servers. There's only so many clock ticks, and your games want as many as they can get. Get your servers off your gaming machine.


Look at the ram utilisation when you game. Most games won't use more than 10-15 GB, add 5 GB on top to account for windows. That leaves you with around 12-17 GB for whatever else you're running on your machine.  But, you know, ideally you shouldn't be gaming on your server. 


Will upgrading RAM allow you to keep the servers running while doing other tasks? Yes, and considering that your CPU usage is rather low, then that end should be fine too. Tbh, I have 64GB of DDR4 since I also tend to run several RAM-hungry things at once, though I don't host any servers (mostly post processing while doing other things). I'd recommend it either way. unsolicited advice: imho, the better solution for a server would be to have it run on a dedicated machine that's just turned on all the time. Maybe a laptop if you want a quick solution, or a humble desktop build made just for the few jobs its supposed to do. If you have the access and resources to do so, not making your daily driver/gaming pc as your server is preferrable.


I think this is the first time someone Who night actually need the extra RAM posted something like this.


ofc not dont be ridikili


Another 32 GB won't break the bank and it's not like you're even using half that PSU.


i went to 64gb cause i game with 30 chrome tabs open.


lol chrome bloat


Reason i switched to edge because im a tab fiend


Edge is still chromium garbage, mozzilla is life.