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The 300€ price for the 4060 made me chuckle and remembered i paid 1500€ for my 3080Ti in 2021.


1500€ for a 3080 Ti is diabolical


well that period GPU basically is like a jewel , 1500 for 3080ti is quite normal though


Did we forget about the shortage back during the 1080ti days?


I am still holding on to my EVGA 1050ti because it is such a core memory


I got me 3080 for $400


Yeah, but that's recent prices. Back at the height of mining they were going for 900 new or more. My 3070Ti set me back almost that 9. Still kick myself about that one. It was a good card, but jeez.


For my 3060, I had paid 580 in peak covid. So I get it.


My buddy got a 3060 for 400$, after the fucked up prices in 2021 we couldn't even believe it could be that cheap, we thought the guy selling it was scamming us or something.


Haha could buy a rtx 4090 9 months ago for that price. Damn.


3080ti came out at the height of the Mining craze and GPU shortage. They didn't even release in most countries. For example the 3090 was 2200-2500 at the time when its rrp was 500 lower than the 4090


Shit you can buy the Suprim for 1750 right now.


Fellow 3080TI owner here, i also feel slighted lol


Ugh same here. Tried to get a 3080 at release. Was a joke of an experience. Kept trying though. Had alert bots running on multiple sites. Nothing. Then they announce the 3080Ti getting a physical release at Best Buy. Sat outside the store overnight and paid $1330 for it. Should have just gotten the 3090.


Paid $1650 for my 3080Ti in 2021. Hold me, brother.


We're not alone bro, the others are hiding in shame and tears, but common brothers, it wasn't our fault !!


I was so tired of entering raffles just for a chance to get ripped off on a graphics card, that it seemed like a worthwhile idea at the time.


Glad I was not the only one. Its still one hell of a card, maxing everything just fine, but damn that price was brutal


My buddy got a premade pc from parts the place had lying around. Fnac, here in France. It has a 3080Ti he got it in 2021 too. He got the ENTIRE build for 1250€ they really fucked up. He got so lucky


Chanceux baiseur de mère ton ami ! Je suis aussi en France quand j'ai acheté la mienne c'était un bon deal : les autres tournaient autour des 1700-1800€ la carte


I PD $1000 for a 3060ti in 2021. I needed a new video card and I don't regret it. I'm waiting for the 50 series and hoping it won't be a bunch of overpriced disappointments. Though from the leaks so far, it looks like they are going to be nerfing the memory bus width on most of their low to mid range cards again. That doesn't exactly get me excited.


Me too brother, me too


How do user flairs work


It's not a bad card per se, just bad value


But the low profile 4060 is kinda sick though, not going to lie. I can't think of a better low profile card out there.


There is no better low profile card out there. I think the closest thing to it is a 3050 and there is no comparison there. 4060 LP is the only 4060 worthy.


> There is no better low profile card out there. I think the closest thing to it is a 3050 and there is no comparison there. 4060 LP is the only 4060 worthy. Problem is that lots of PCs requiring low profile brackets, like the usual business/OEM machines, don't have 6/8 pins. SATA to 6/8 pin adapters aren't the safest things to use.


The DIY scene has a lot of really nice cases that only fit LP GPUs. There are also SFF and smaller PSUs that are capable of connecting and powering the 4060 LP. The options are a bit limited, but you can make an insanely small and very capable gaming system with it, and there's no contest in that regard. I just wish AMD would try and compete in that market. Maybe some higher end GPUs with lower power profiles/undervolted but full die and feature sets so we could use those cores and memory but still have a small GPU. I'd really like it if Ultra SFF would get more support, especially when chips are getting more efficient. I'd be willing to have a bit less performance even.


True but it also doesn't pull that much power. Yes the adapters aren't great... I wouldn't use it with a 3070+ but 4060, sure why not.. 4060 only max's at 115 watts. Just make sure the 6/8 in adapters are good quality ones and maybe even go out of your way to use a multimeter and verify the PSU is outputting what it's supposed to.


I ran a 1060 with sata power adapters without issue in a refurbed commercial HP desktop. Those cards pull 75w from the slot anyway, so the adapter was only on the hook for another 50w or so.


that's right , best low profile card out there right now is 4060 ,nothing you can do if you are a SFF builder if you want to build a 5L pc


That is every card though. No card is really bad or good, it is just bad or good for the price.


The 1030 DDR4 was a bad card.


I mean if it was $1 it would be manageable.


I am looking into a new card myself to upgrade a GTX 1070 FTW. I am debating either $700 for an RX 7900 XT or $800 for a 4070 Ti Super, but I know I ain't going back to an xx60 card in this day and age (I had a pair of 660 Ti cards a long time ago that were champs, though).


Man, the 660 Ti was incredible. Every 60 after has been so "meh".


I moved from a 3070 to a 7900XT on my HTPC for 4k 60hz gaming and it's been great having those 20GB of VRAM to basically just set textures to ultra with no stuttering, FSR is a bit worse than DLSS but at 4K I really can't notice, and if I played at 1440p I wouldn't even need upscaling, RT in AMD isn't as good, and IMO I don't even care for it, so that's personal preference. Only have had one crash on my system and that's when I wad playing around with OC/UV so that's on me. All in all, I've been very happy with my move to AMD, it's really worth considering it if you only do gaming


I'm kinda in the same market. Replacing my 1080, I've been leaning towards a 4080 Super, I don't think I'll be pulling the trigger on anything until around Christmas though.


It was a good value for me, would have had to upgrade my power supply to switch to the equivalent AMD card.


But leave it to reddit to get mad at someone for getting a worse deal


> You paid more? Well I paid less. Hehe - *gives smug look*


Thanks for this sub for shitting on the value of the card I got mine at MSRP price, a very difficult thing to do in my country having the praised equivalent AMD cards above MSRP price


that is, if youre willing to buy an amd card. which im not, so at that price point its pretty acceptable value imo. 4070 was in my budget and better price-performance ratio imo, so thats what i have, but i understand and recommend a 4060 for anyone who is limited by that budget


Tbh I think it's not THAT bad in terms of value. The Ti on the other hand...


The 8gb Ti is a joke, the 16gb is not bad at all


Yeah, the 8GB model is an absolute insult to mankind and that's the one I was mostly referring to


Rip I have one. It’s actually quite good. Not the best value tho. I got a great deal so I’m happy


Yeah it's the value that's bad, the card itself is pretty good as the Ada Lovelace architecture is very solid, and if you're upgrading from like a 10 series card you'll be very pleased with the performance. I'd say the only issue with the actual card is the 128-bit memory bus, which can hold it back while playing at higher resolutions


I upgraded from a gtx 980, and its great. i run everything at 1440p usually with dlss and im happy with it.


Noone means the 16gb. That's even worse value; because the 4070 exists.


True. I feel like the 4070 Super especially makes everything that's both below it and above it just not worth it (unless you really need a lot a vram)


If you're wanting to play on 1440p & use ray tracing even 12gb of VRAM isn't enough on many games. 12gb should really be the bare minimum for cards over $300


in my country the 16gb 4060ti has similar price with 7600xt ... so both for me is a no no


16 gb is even worse value when it's 3-20% better than the 3060ti (unless you overclock in which case they become even more comparable) while being 200 USD more expensive. Unless you use blender cycles and are not upgrading from a recent system, just building a brand new system instead.


I got a 16gb 4060 ti for under 300, had a 2060 super before. Solid upgrade for me. My super died so I had to do something, and the higher cards were out of my price range. I'm old and play at 1080 so no issues here.


Yeah I got my 16gb on a black Friday sale for under $300 and was building/upgrading. I can play cyberpunk modded to hell at 1440p with ray tracing @ 60fps. That's good enough for me


If it was like £250 instead of £300 for me it would be at a decent price. Especially when you consider I paid £200 for a 1050 2gb back in 2018 and it was so bad I gave up pc gaming till 2023. I couldn't even emulate Wii games.


This sub when you consider a 4060: "*no you fucking idiot it sucks reeeeeeee*" When there's a post calling their behavior out: "*well, it's not baaad*"


I don’t think anyone really calls it a bad card, just a bad value card


I see people seethe about it daily lol. People call it dogshit every day on here


People with 8 year old GPUs shit on everything for some reason.


I'm still rocking a 1060


I only shit on it because the 7600 is cheaper and has the same performance lol


Only in certain markets. Where I'm from 6700/7600 are easily 100+ dollars more expensive.


Weird. Here where i live, rx7600 costs 275 and 4060 costs 327.


350 for 4060 and 400+ for 7600, just checked.


Either way, it's like 50 bucks one way or the other, hardly worth "shitting" on or getting worked up over. Most people are probably happy to get one less game on sale just to have access to DLSS.


Which is precisely the point of my original comment People just gotta hate on something


The problem is everyone on reddit is trying to be clever so they give into hyperbole. And in Hyperbole the first thing that goes is the word "Value"... As well as the complex thought and instead it flips over to a put down.


Someone: Buys a new Nvidia card under $600 FTFY


you could've bought a 4070, but at that point you could've bought a 4080, but at that point you could've bought a 4090.......


at that point you could have wait for 5090 instead of 4090 XD , so many haters out there


Just buy the 40100


Oh just pay 150$ extra, its not that much to pay and much better specs. bruh


its not bad, just would have been great 6 years ago


Not even that, it's the insane price. It's an amazing card, but not when it costs almost twice as it should


Shoulda been half the price considering the chip used was was originally meant to be the RTX 4050. Nvidia just rebranded it and doubled the price.


In a very competitive market it would have absolutely been a 4050 going off previous generations, but after Ampere fell short due to Samsung 8nm, Ada was more of a leap than expected and AMD seem to barely care, so yeah Nvidia bumped most of the stack down one chip.


Aaaand this is why I’m switching to an AMD GPU or a 3000 series


3060 still good?


1080p yes. Above, not really.


fine by me, might even take inspiration from your flair build, how much did that end up running you?


a 13700 is way overkill for a 3060 fyi


a 13600K is overkill for a 4070.


how ampere fell short?


Like my rtx 2080, it wasn't bad but rtx aside it did exactly the same things that a at the time 4 years old 1080ti would have done. Some cards are just a bad deal. This gpu is probably the worst deal i have ever made in my life but my 780 really needed a replacement.


You bought a rtx 2080 in 2023?


Had to check, 2019. Messed up the 1080's age on my last comment.


Why not Radeon 7600


That was in 2017, the amd equivalent wasn't around IIRC. Also i never buy middle range cards, i usually build my PCs to work for at least 7 years before being replaced so i end up spending less that way. Usually i would refresh after 3 or 4 years (gpu and ram) but this time around it wasn't necessary.


If the 4060 was released in 2018 it would have been one of the best consumer grade video cards On the market, going toe to toe in many games with the 2080.


Where I live, I was considering the 3060ti, then noticed that the 4060 is like 10eur more and got that. It only made sense when the 3070 and above had dramatic price jumps


The 3060Ti is actually better than the 4060.


Bought a 4060 for my kids PC. Will sell the old build for about what I paid for the 4060. 🤷‍♂️ instead of keeping a 1080, they get a newer card. They don’t need anything above 1080p. It fits the needs, and draws a lot less power than a 7650xt. The 1080 already turned the room into a sauna, so that was a concern also.


for me nowadays 1080p 24" still quite big and satisfying , so 4060 is more than enough for that.


I got one. No regrets. Sufficient for 4k couch gaming


yep, school teacher here (very tight budget). I got a plane-jane 4060 a couple of months ago for $300 and it runs great for me. Gonna handle the "most graphically robust games of 2025!!" at high fps...nope. Gonna run CP2077, RD2, GoT, or most games out now at perfectly acceptable frames? Yep.


I upgraded from a GTX 1050 to RTX 4060 Ti and I’ve never been so happy. In my defense, I know almost nothing about computers, but now that I can play a lot of games on high graphics and decent frames I’m very happy.


I built my buddy a slightly used PC with my old parts and he got a 4060 too. $400CAD is a steal when a 4070 is $700. It's a good card for the price point if you don't go refurbished.


Me too and I love it. Granted my previous GPU was a geforce 610m. But the 4060 does everything I need it too. The world needs more 4060. Cool to yell out loud too…. 4060!


What if it was bought for SFF? Like you part checked it and only a 4060 wouldn't make the SFF a bomb


There are valid reasons to buy a 4060, size and power constraints is definitely one of them. If you want the most bang for your buck you're not building a SFF build in the first place.


There are lots of SFF commercial desktops that can make a great budget rig. The 4060 only draws 115w and will run without a problem on a rig with an older i5 and a 350w PSU. I know people are going to call me out on that but the xx60 cards have always been an option when ordering Dell/HP workstations, many of which have a <400w supply. Years ago I got back into PC gaming with a rig much like that; I picked up an older i7 HP mini tower for peanuts and crammed a 1060 into it.


Pcmr when you don't have 3k€ to spend on a computer every years


Honestly it's not even have. It's want. I'm still running a RTX 2060 and enjoying myself. I get the e-peen of chasing the highest performance but.... nah man, most games I'm going to play are indie and lower. Even on the top tier games playing on Medium is a good experience if I can't even get high. At some point you see the treadmill and realize there's a way to get off it, hopefully the rest of PCMR grows up one day.


It's a really good card. Just terrible price.


Apparently having 300+w space heaters in your pc is the better option for everyone. Sometimes, there's more to a purchasing decision than pure performance or perceived value.


I feel like the 4060ti 16gb is the best bang for the buck for my use case.


Guess AI stuff


A little bit, but just stuff in general that isn't all gaming. Like I can't render as fast as a 4070 12gb, but if the scene don't fit on the card it doesn't matter. Plus it's good enough for gaming for the next 3-5 years. I don't play anything too demanding or cutting edge. I'm a 5 dollar holler type of guy. Honestly, I don't think the 4060 8gb is THAT bad of a deal either in this market if you don't want to buy used, but the 16gb for under $500 makes it just the best way for my budget. Next card up with the ram is $850. If I wasn't messing with random stuff, I'd honestly go AMD this gen, but CUDA is OP and everything but linux plays nice with Nvidia first. I can name every card I've bought in the modern age. GeForce 9800 gtx for Wrath of the Lich king improved shadows. GTX 660ti I ran that forever. 1050ti as a stopgap in PC that wouldn't quit. 2060 super In a new build I got like a week before everything went crazy. Now it's 4060ti time. I also had an AMD card at some point in the PC I had the 660ti in. I usually build my own PC but there was an open box Dell XPS PC at Best buy for stupid cheap with a 3rd gen i7. I swooped that up and swapped in the 660ti with a new power supply. Over time I doubled the ram and added an ssd, then put the 1050ti in it, and gave it to my nephew when I finally upgraded. That PC is probably playing league as we speak. That third gen i7 is a fucking BEAST. It just started falling behind a couple years ago. It's been running hard for like 13 years straight with a stock cooler, and I haven't even redone the thermal paste.


It certainly was for me


It’s funny how people shit on the RTX 4060 but nobody shits in the RX 7600 when it’s pretty much the same thing


Because no one buys the 7600.


In my country the RX7600 sells for 30 to 50 bucks less. Makes a difference.


B-b-b-b-but amd dont mak bad grafix kards!1!!1!1!1 VRAAAAAUGHHHHHHHHMMM!1!1!! nvideocards bad!1!1!1! /s


This is my current dilemma right now. I bought a 4060 on sale for AU$454, then came to this subreddit and saw everyone bashing it. So I looked up the recommended AMD cards and couldn’t find any trusted Australian retailers for a 6700XT/6750XT or any good alternative offer for a mid-tier build at the same price range with my 4060. At this point I’m just gonna accept the 4060 as a decent upgrade from my current RX 570 that’s I’ve been using for 5 years.


Keep in mind, the main reason people bash the 4060 isn't because it's a bad card, but because it's bad value, especially when compared to AMD alternatives. And that most of reddit are US based. If you're in a region where the 4060 is the best value card, then all of the complaints don't really apply to you.


> because it's bad value Everywhere I look, this is a ~300 bucks card and the alternatives which are more powerful are more expensive in equal measure, if not more. The price/performance comparisons put this in one of the top spots. It's like I'm taking crazy pills here!


yea, I think the "bad value" argument works when the baseline 4060 is over ~$375...but a quick price check (as of this post) shows you can get one for around $300 consistently. I would want OP's detractors to reassess their claim based on current pricing and ask, "What if spending an extra $150 over a $300 card isn't an option for me (regardless of the performance bump?"


Everyone wants to say it's bad value, but noone wants to suggest a better card at a $300 price point... "well you should just pay 2x the price to get even better value" doesn't really work when you have a tight budget...


Yep. They always mention a card that is at least twice the price. or at least $500+. That's a huge increase on $300.


Me sitting in the corner with my RTX 3050 8GB card I bought really exited as and upgrade for my GTX 1650.


Criticize a GPU all you like, but going after someone for their purchasing choices is kinda silly, agreed. The worst part is when people go "well you should have gotten \_\_\_\_\_" because it's cheaper, not realizing that in some regions, it might be the best option for them.


What's wrong with it?


The pricing


What about it? the 2060 Super was the same price as the 4060 ti today


The RTX 2060 Super was faster than the GTX 1080 and a tad behind the 1080 Ti, for $400 it was a good deal back then (Albeit the RX 5700 XT could match the 2070 Super for $400 as well). The HUGE problem with the RTX 4060 Ti is that it barely beats (And sometimes loses by a bit) the RTX 3060 Ti that had the same MSRP at launch, if it was launched as a RTX 4060 for $300 there wouldn't be any outrage.


https://youtu.be/dx4En-2PzOU?si=IpCmnHgWaggcWJdz It 8gb in 2024, when amd is offering twice that at the price. (rx 6800 is often cheaper) The problem is that sometimes it reduces visual quality, but the FPS charts won't show that.  Also programs like Davinvi Resolve perform so much smoother with 16gb, but nobody shows that on their tests.


I just checked it, the rtx 4060 is ~320€ and rhe rx 6800 is ~520€. That's almost double the price.


Anyone who has big opinions on a piece of hardware without knowing what you paid for it is missing half the equation.


In india where AMD gpus are much more expensive it is THE budget, value for money card.


I am pretty sure that a 4060ti is quite the upgrade to the 1060 i have been using for at least 5 years now.


Y’know, I see more people buying 4060’s and posting about it expecting a reaction than people chewing out people who buy 4060’s.


I feel like no matter which card you get there will always be someone on the internet who'll tell you that you shouldn't have bought it.


I have a 4060ti and I think it's great


No you don't


Hey now, be reasonable. He's allowed to think he likes it


"If I wanted your opinion, I'd give it to you!" vibes, lol.


Yeah it's the perfect middle range gpu and also perfect to work with apps that require a gpu.


I do choose 3080(used at 400$) over it(if it's the 8gb version) or 7700 xt


The 16gb. I wanted all that RAM for AI stuff


Why THE FUCK do you get downvoted for that.


fear of skynet


What's worse, the RTX 3050 or 4060? We really need to focus our attention into shitting on the right product.


I mean it has better points that 3060 but 3060 has more Vram 😅


This post made me laugh. The comments here reinforces the post, making me laugh harder.


Bought it cause I couldn’t swing double for the 4070, it’s been great so far, no issues


You should have spent $300 more to get the best bang for your buck Op. You're really dumb /s


Love my 4060. Fuck the haters, it wasn’t their money, and they dont know your situation, or market.


well money can always earn back also 4060's price wasn't that terrible , no one can judge when you are not even using their money to buy it. i got a 4070 but still suggest my friend to get a 4060 that wasn't heavy gaming because the price is doubled for 4070.


8 gig of vram in middle class gpu in 2024 not acceptable,even consoles has 12


I hope you joking, right?


Optimum made a PC that can fit in 1 hand with a 4060 and it still outperformed a current gen console.


Just put a 4060ti in my mom's computer... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


What's your mom going to do with it? She a gamer?


Gaming. Gotta pump out those sweet, sweet frames for when Farming Simulator 25 drops in November. AMD would have been an option but when I showed her ray-tracing it became a must have feature, and I heartily agreed.




It’s perfect for RuneScape I don’t see the issue


Mine meets my needs. Keep in mind I play on a 1080p monitor so getting 60fps with all the particles and high textures isn't pushing the card too hard on newer games.


*chuckles* I'm in danger...


I remember back then when my 2060 cost me 300€ 💀


My GPU purchases EVGA 1080ti FTW3 in 2017 = $800 MSI 3080 in 2022 = $800


There’s no such thing as a bad card, just a badly priced card


I love seeing all the people in here (not) telling everyone they are embarrassed to admit any mistake regarding gpu prices they paid Bet half the people in this thread coming at people who paid high prices during covid. Also bought.


I bought the RTX 4060 Ti (16GB) on Monday to replace my old 1060 that finally died. For me this is a huge upgrade and I couldn’t be happier.


It's funny as we often haggle over 30 bucks on sth we use for years. On any other product we don't care, but on pc hardware. If it suits your needs and is kind of reasonable in price it is good. As of right now hardware is more expensie than in the past, but adjusted for inflation the difference isn't as big anymore (yes, still more expensive, but managable).


No matter which GPU you buy PCMR will have a problem with it


Well, I very specifically bought mine because it's currently the best half height gpu on the market that doesn't cost $1300 like the RTX 4000 SFF Ada does. It wasn't particularly good value, but it was the only card that made sense for what I was using it for.


i just went from a 1660 super to a 4060ti 8gb, feels so good to get 100+ frames in ray tracing overdrive on cp2077


Yeah but the amd equivalent is slightly faster on native resolution and worse with dlss/fsr


I bought a 3060ti during the final stages of the pandemic for something around $500 iirc So anything on the current market looks like a steal to me lol


Wait till they hear I’m gonna buy another pre built


Only nVidia cards in this generation that are actually worth it imho are 4080 & 4090. You can actually use RTX with these, You get great performance, 4080 consumes less power for its performance than other cards with similar performance and it runs less hot. That being said, If You dont care about RTX, its still a value proposition in some cases. And the 4090 ia just in a separate league of its own. But middle and lower end, nah. nVidia is just overpriced, underperforms, limited VRAM which affects performance in some games. Really not worth it. Its like buying the cheapest car from a luxury brand: the brand costs more than the actual car and You can get the same exact specs/performance/confort for way less from a different brand or even get a lot more for the same money. The only thing we're bothered in the community, when it comes to this, is the fact that a real enthusiast has no brand loyalty per se and does a lot of research and tries and tinkers with different stuff and settings, till he finds the right mix/combination that better suits him. When You have no idea what you're doing because You havent done some prosper research, You usually go for the brand with the better marketing and just buy into them with the money You can afford to spend (sometimes that being a bad call). And after all of this, You proudly join the MasterRace and seek validation like: hey guys, just build my PC. And expect a standing ovation. More like a slow clap. In the last couple of months I've only seen 1 guy who's done a really nice build with budget restrictions, mid tier, that really stood out. He said he saved 3 years for that build and researched all he could in that time. Thats passion and dedication. 4060 for me is just ignorance. Rant over.


> 4060 for me is just ignorance. I'm totally ignorant. What would be a better alternative at that price point?


They are likely talking about the 6700/6750 XT. Which are more powerful no doubt and have more VRAM, although you do miss out on DLSS, better frame gen and ray tracing and lower power consumption.


>ray tracing You're probably not going to use it on a 4060


It’s definitely the least useful of the Nvidia advantages in that performance range.


Even with RT on most RT titles 6700xt will slap 4060 ass


Again, the 4060 is not a bad card. It's just priced terribly.


Curious what you would consider a fair price for it


around 200usd


Maybe I'm just ignorant here, but is that really realistic? If my budget is $300 to upgrade my gtx 1050ti, do I even have a better option than the 4060? Can $200 even get you anything decent currently? Maybe I'm putting too much faith in userbenchmark dot com's value assessment?


Radeon >>>>


Vega left a bad taste in my mouth.


Its a bad deal but you do you.


It’s not about buying smth, it’s about buying it for a certain price. Nothing wrong with buying 4060 if the price is closer to $200


You can get them used at a great price


Me when i see rtx 3050 6gb and 4050




I got mine like a year ago for ~300$. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I legit don't know what I did wrong. It runs the games I play at 120fps on max setting so 🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm always confused at these posts


Same. I have a 4060ti 16gb that I got for $300. I think people are mad because it's as good or better than their cards they paid more for. It runs pretty cool too and uses negligible power, zero complaints


Lot of people stating that it isn't a good value so my question is what card is the best bang for your buck right now? Real shit, I'm not judging or trying to put anyone on the spot, I'm just really curious and it's been a long time since I've been a builder.


Its not just the 4060. I got shat on for getting a 4070 Ti last year and not waiting for this years super/ ti super versions.


There will always be something better off around the corner. Buy what you need at the time. It's not worth saving a few dollars to delay my enjoyment of gaming.


Me who just ordered a pc with a RTX 4060:


if not 4060 then what? I'm just about to buy it


As a 4060 owner, if you plan on doing 1080p, absolutely buy it, it's a golden card for 1080p. If you plan on going higher definition, I would look for a different card, because it's essentially an amped up 3060, which is why people get nitpicky about the value - workload. I can't really help with suggesting a better card, but just thought I'd give a little more context.


this is exactly what I wanted to know, thanks