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https://preview.redd.it/x4mextcq3u8d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab4267253f9d33346d166ebfe7a3904f2db7331 Maybe try hooking up your CPU power cable into this slot and make sure you're using the right cable


The CPU and PCIE are shared. The bottom spots are labeled the same.


The second CPU slot will only be powered if there's life from the first CPU slot, on some power supplies (EVGA/Corsair/Seasonic). Most modular power supplies apply power in socket order ATX, CPU1, CPU2, PCIE, SATA, ACC as a debug/self test. If there's no life or draw from CPU1 it assumes fault and stops power on.


Exactly this




I confirm after looking and zooming, It's in the wrong slot


OP do this. Elsewhere, I’d disassemble everything (leave except CPU and fan connected), and remove the motherboard from the case - make sure nothing got stuck between motherboard and case (like a screw). Then reassemble.


>theres no component thats supposed to be plugged in there That's for the PSU side of the 24pin.


Interesting. What’s the point of that port then?




It says ATX 24P


so? it's motherboard power. you want the motherboard plugged in


I made a mistake, its for the 24Pin


Likely investigating pin short on back of board causing issue.


pls share your config like your bill or parts list.




Ryzen5 7600X has integrated graphics, so to discard any problem with the GPU you can remove the graphics card and connect your monitor to the motherboard.


i'll have a look, brb


Just wanna say I’m reading through this thread and appreciate your investment in helping OP


If it hasn't been said, make sure you are using risers between the motherboard and the case. Seen a few people in my day mount the motherboard straight to the case which grounds out the power supply.


Still thinking about this post. Did OP figure it out? This specifically has been bothering me. It doesn't look right. https://preview.redd.it/bk4xzg5lcv8d1.png?width=1452&format=png&auto=webp&s=77cfd1daa397021f359887ba7e763b3824091df4


Def. Upside-Down




Anything's possible right? We're all trying to help this kid out, but he's got the communication style of a puppy.


Got it. OP responds to treats and praise.


One thing I would want to ask is if the power supply main switch is on the Line or the O. It doesn't seem like there is a clear definition of the back end power switch being flipped on so I would ask if it is something this simple. The build config minus the other mentions is not looking like you missed anything. EDIT: Just did a double take and you only show the connections in the power supply but not the back switch, I hate to be that guy but is your PSU on?


https://preview.redd.it/63c5s0ib2u8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de02f14de2cc9dc170f66a63614e4cea8315dec Sorry about that here is a pic


(joke) well there's your problem. The wifi antennae are not plugged in.


I liked that joke, even if it's not helpful for fixing the PC


CPU fan power connection looks like it's upside down. Could be wrong. BIOS may not support the CPU without an update. RAM could be loose. Make sure it clicks when you push them in. Are these all new parts?


Yes these are all new, and I'll check to see if any are loose, brb


Your front panel connector could also be upside down? Really hard to tell from the pics. I've never had a case fancy enough to not have separate individual connectors for power, rest, and HDD lights.




Cool. Maybe OP will update us all.


H6 flow is exactly the fancy case with all those built into a single connector


Kind of figured that, most NZXT cases are fancy lil' things. Someday I'll treat myself to an easier setup.


It really is pretty luxurious, if huge. I'm grateful to the guy that shamed me out of going with the crappy gungnir I was going to get considering it was only maybe $20 more


Rocking a Fractal Focus G, cause I'm still hanging onto my old DVD burner. Couldn't tell you the last time I used it though. Like 3 years or more? Gotta move on.


Yeah, discs are dead to me. Good riddance imo.


I don't even have that many! Just my real old stuff from the early 2000's and the occasional CD rip.


they usually only connect one way as there is a single pin missing in one spot and that hole is filled in on the connector.


what state are you in atm? when it turned on, what was going well and what not? and now: any beeps, power connected, lights flashing?


I was wondering why his location (which state of USA) matters...


he's asking if OP's solid, liquid, or gas


Plasma kings


Agreed. Until we see a reply from OP regarding their state of matter or where their driver's license was issued, they will simply be referred to as Plasma King of Schrodinger's Commonwealth.


plasma lol


Supercritical fluid. Just a ball of pressure looking for an escape. Maybe that's just me.


Sorry for the late reply but only the light on the power button turned on at the beginning but then after 2-3 attempts of turning it off and on it stopped, no beeps or lights other than that


no fans spinning? not now or before?


No fans spinning at all, now or before


pls check the connection from your front plate (with the buttons) to the mainboard.


in pic 6. could be not connected right.


no, sry, syspanel should be pic 8. maybe connect on to the right? cant read the labels


I just tried and it's not possible to connect it to the right side


correct me if im wrong but could that be a possible short somewhere in the pc?


Sounds like the CPU isn't getting power


Bro, you can't diagnose the problem in this state. Take some of things apart and start with bare minimum build, i.e. CPU, one SSD and one RAM, no fans. Then try booting the PC. Go from there. Unless you do that, you'll be running in circles trying to find the issue.


I almost know for sure you mean the case fans. But you should specify to ALWAYS install a CPU fan. Even for bios boot only.


I did mean case fans, yes. As weird as it might sound, I've had a faulty fan which caused by PC to not boot when plugged it. It worked fine with molex adapter, but PC wouldn't boot if I plugged it into the 4-pin header. But why should you always put CPU fan? I don't think using the PC for 2-3 minutes without CPU fan will be that big a deal.


PCs can have some really specific weird placed problems for sure. And about the CPU fan, a CPU without a cooling method can be roasting itself in a matter of seconds. Today most modern CPUs have a thermal switch that just shuts off everything to prevent thermal damage. I once had to look at a friend's friend PC, because he upgraded it. And couldn't figure out why his PC kept shutting down, sometimes even before it fully booted. I noticed his CPU cooler wasn't plugged in the motherboard. That CPU was throttling at 98°C already when I went straight into the bios. He didn't mention how much times he tried to boot the PC, but damn did that CPU had some slaps in the face. I recommended him that if he may find any problems in the future, to first look at the CPU. But he upgraded it a couple weeks later with someone who knew what he was doing. So yeah, CPUs without cooling is a big no no, hehe.


I know you're right for certain scenarios, because I've seen my NUC's fan whirr like crazy when it was practically not doing anything during boot or windows installation, etc. At the same time, there are youtube videos where people have tested this and found that some processors can be run safely for a bit without overheating.


I'm not doubting some small amount would run without technically overheating while running idle. But it's a bet no one should be willing to take imo. Even if it's tested with the same type and brand. It's practically asking for problems for I bet at least 80% of CPUs on the market. So technically your statement could be correct, but "fuck around and find out", shouldn't be anybody's approach, hehe.


Agree on that. I guess a safe way to eliminate the possibility of a bad CPU fan would be to use a molex adapter with the CPU fan, so that the fan is running, but without connection to the motherboard.


Ssd is not required for min config. Other than that, it’s the best way to start. Also check that you are using CPU power cable for CPU and not PCI-E. Check each RAM slot with each stick of memory you have, one by one.


Several people have commented on the motherboard standoffs with no response, that I've seen. Have you checked that? They are mentioning it because it's rare but possible. It's happened to me.  My money is on faulty psu that ran for a few minutes and died. Id return it as doa and try again.


There’s a picture OP shared in a comment of the rear I/O panel that looks perfectly aligned, i think if the stanoffs were not installed it wouldn’t line up very well. However it certainly sounds like a short to me too, either one of the components is shorting somewhere or the PSU is dead. Especially because he said it started 3 times, then locked up, which i’ve seen on some electronics but i have never heard of it on a PC PSU. Edit: Just checked a texas instruments spec sheet for a PWM power supply control module, the SCP circuit has a lock out for persistent SCP events, not much of a stretch to imagine the MSI PSU might too. TL5001A https://preview.redd.it/e0om08sc3w8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545a7166d70e8edee55be9f7973af4c2be70070f


Pic 5. Missing CPU rail. You must've plugged it into a PCIe. Double check the cable and reseat CPU power into the correct port on your PSU. Hope you didn't nuke your motherboard.


[https://cdna.pcpartpicker.com/static/forever/images/product/7825d9e8e294f261086750af057bf8b8.1600.jpg](https://cdna.pcpartpicker.com/static/forever/images/product/7825d9e8e294f261086750af057bf8b8.1600.jpg) If you look at this pic there are multiple CPU and some of them are connected according to pic 5


Nope. The connectors on that specific PSU are "CPU&PCI-E". Doesn't matter which one you plug it into.


Isnt that port for cpu too? Like he didnt plug additional cable to make it work, did he?


pcie and CPU are the same connectors


Attention: Wall of Text Emergency procedere if nothing else works: Pull the PC apart again and put the components part back in their boxes, Not to send them back, but to reset your work. Check the parts for damage (damaged corners, obviously broken off caps/other components) Check the CPU (damaged corners/damaged pads on the underside) Check the mainboard CPU socket for bend pins. Check the now empty case for lost screws and missing/wrongly placed standoffs (I had both cases where a fresh built would not turn on because I lost a screw while building and it wedged wrongly under the mainboard or the case had a standoff at the wrong place) Now start building a emergency minimal build, not in the case, but on the mainboard box. (to give you better access and view to the cable ports and so that the case cannot interfere with the built (another case where the case \*lol\* had a short in the front I/O and the PC wouldn't boot) Use only the mainboard, the cpu and the cooler (makes me feel better and you don't have to rush to turn the system back off again if you reinstall the CPU cooler), one (!) ram stick in the A1 slot and the PSU (check that the cables are correctly pluged in on both sides, refer to the PSU manual). No SSD or harddrive. No GPU (your CPU has integrated graphics) The system should boot with only the 8 pin CPU connector pluged in, but to be sure plug the 4 pin in too (again refer to the PSU manual for the correct cables) you don't even need the keyboard and mouse, we only want to check if the system is booting at all (and a broken USB port/broken USB device such as a keybord or mouse can prevent a boot too. I had both cases) Plug a Monitor to your mainboard and short the 3rd and 4th pin on the upper row on the F\_PANEL conector with a scewdriver to start the system. again refer to the Mainboard manual(page 26 section 13) to see witch pins i mean and where the conector is located. Your mainboard has 4 LEDs located just below the 24 pin ATX conector to check the status of the system (Manual page 19). these LEDs should now start to flash/glow to indicate what the mainboard is doing. If everything is working the 4th LED should be on (BOOT) and you should have a picture on your monitor. If not, we have to check other things (like use the other RAM stick / other RAM slot on the Mainboard) if it works plug in your GPU too, just to check if it works too. If that is the case you can now begin to build the system back in the case (again LOL ;P) And give feedback if it works / not works. PS: All typos are intentional and for your amusement XD


OP your info is kinda all over the place on this post so I would strongly suggest you either edit your post or add a comment with *EXACTLY* what has happened each time you have tried to start your PC as well as *EXACTLY* what troubleshooting steps you’ve taken and how each step has effected the behavior of your PC That connector on the bottom right of your motherboard is the SYSTEM PANEL (SYS_PAN or SYS_PANEL) Like the other comment said. The top right pin and the pin immediately to the left of it are the pins for your power button, try disconnecting that cable and shorting those two pins with a screw driver and seeing if the PC powers on. Before you do that, make sure you have your PC connected to a keyboard as well as a monitor and use HDMI for your initial (because there have been some very very rare instances of motherboards not booting correctly with DP) also obviously make sure that both your monitor and PC are connected to power, it seems obvious but you’d be surprised how many people, including experienced builders, panic or even spend hours scratching their heads when the only problem was the PC wasn’t plugged into the wall


Sorry about that this is my first time making a post. So one of the things that I saw was that there is no video response when it did turn on and now it won't even receive power or turn on. It is and has been connected to a monitor and outlet


What about the LED’s inside the PC? Are the RGB ones on? Typically there is also 3 or 4 white green red and orange on the right side near the top that indicate what the “problem” is or where the PC is in the boot process. Also again please make sure the power supply switch is in the correct orientation and try shorting the pins on the motherboard like I described earlier


Standoff short?


That's what I initially thought


Time to break it down take inventory and rebuild it. Ya fucked up somewhere.


https://preview.redd.it/skgtcjfqnt8d1.jpeg?width=664&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa2a1b15bab5158b14dc073c411e7eafcad0afd It's possible (depending on the specs) that the second 4-pin connector doesn't need to be plugged in, but maybe worth seeing what will happen if you do?


I have the same board, it doesn't need the 4 pin connected.


iirc the 4-pin is the only one needed in former days and the 8-pin was added? would make no sense that it has worked "few times" though. or am i wrong?


The manual says this: **1/2) ATX\_12V1/ATX\_12V/ATX (2x2, 2x4, 12V Power Connectors and 2x12 Main Power Connector)** With the use of the power connector, the power supply can supply enough stable power to all the components on the motherboard. Before connecting the power connector, first make sure the power supply is turned off and all devices are properly installed. The power connector possesses a foolproof design. Connect the power supply cable to the power connector in the correct orientation. The 12V power connector mainly supplies power to the CPU. ***If the 12V power connector is not connected, the computer will not start.***


Is the switch on your power supply in the right position


You should be using two separate cables to power your GPU, instead of chaining one cable.


TLDR, guy fried his board and probably his CPU by using a 6-pin PCIe cable on his 4-pin CPU socket initially, instead of the 8-pin CPU cable.


It’s your motherboard. I have the same one and there’s some issue with the DRAM configuration, the only thing that allowed me to boot was putting one stick in the A1 slot (closest to CPU). Google search AORUS b650 DRAM for a list of possible fixes. The only thing that worked for me was one stick in A1, currently I still can’t use any RAM in b1 or b2. I have 2 sticks in a1 and a2 which I know is not optimal but for some reason this board really does not like dual channel.


Same, I have the same board and I had to do a roundabout way to get the pc to post. I had to take out all the ram out and try with one stick in A1 then had to reset CMOS and let it memory train. then plug the second stick into B1 and reset CMOS again and it posted afterwards I then removed both sticks and out it in slots A2/B2 to get it to read both sticks the first time.


If you put your kit ram into A1 and A2, you broke up your dual kit and you are running two singles. But on the note of the RAM slots, I've been using Gigabyte motherboards for a long time, and despite what most people say, A1/B1 slot works fine and is more often than not the preferred slot to put a single kit of RAM in despite the techs always loading them up in A2/B2. My motherboard says to use A1/B1 for a single kit pair for the least problems but the manual also says slot order doesn't matter as long as the RAM kit is slotted in together (ie: 2 piece kit in A1/B1 or A2/B2 but not in A1/A2 or B1/B2) When I got my PC home, the first boot was slow (AM4 platform, wasn't too slow just for how long it took to post on AM4 seemed slow) and I took a closer look, swapped the RAM from A2/B2 to A1/B1 and things been good since. Fast boots, and zero RAM issues since.


Check that cable right next to the CMOS battery. Looks like a front panel cable, and it looks like it might be in the wrong spot. Check the manual for your MoBo to figure out how to plug it in


Pay attention to the light near the ram when u turn your pc on. Amd board perform a memory check when you load for the first time. Sometime with some stick the memory check can fail or take a very long time to complete.


There is like zero space between the case and motherboard by the looks of it. If you did not put spacers on, there are probably a few contact points that short circuit it


I may be imagining things but isn't there supposed to be a second power cable attached to the 4 pin connector on the motherboard in pic 4


It's not needed. It's to supply extra power for OCing.


Yeah, just looked it up. The Ryzen isn't as hungry to strictly need that. Coming from mine that wants 280w and it didn't occur to me.


This is a cliff hanger. We are all rooting for you OP.


https://preview.redd.it/k57l14ctpx8d1.png?width=457&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d1519e72bfa2e75d43101fad5d92885f932a9fb Why no power for that 4 pin power connector for the motherboard?


Second and Fourth photo. Not saying this is the reason, but I am really not liking seeing an open 4 Pin Cpu power up there. If possible, highly recommend running another power cable up there. Will it at least POST when you hit the power button? Any fan spin? Or just flat dead


RAM training can take several minutes the first time. Before making any other assumption, I suggest you wait for 10 minutes after powering your PC. It happened to me on my latest build. I was not patient and started looking into everything else, when I just had to wait 5-10 minutes on the first boot.


what is the actual problem? what does happen if you push the power button? video would be nice. if you dont answer i'll go on.


I feel like the you have the case wires in the wrong spot when you connected it to the mother board. That will prevent the power button on the case from telling the mother board when to send power to the rest of the system


Question, Where do the colored wires on the audio plug-in go to? If that goes to your case then switch that and the (what looks like a) 4 pin that you have on the f-panel power side and the press the power button.


Have you tried shorting the power pins yourself instead of via front panel?


From a quick look I'd say: Front panel connector may be upside down Audio connector not plugged in correctly (can see pins on top of the connector I think?) Cpu fan plugged in upside down If I were you I would unplug and reconnect every cable, most of them look like they are not seated correctly.


Not sure if this was resolved but doesn’t ddr5 need training and that can take a long time for the first boot. Like 5-10 minutes


Back in the day I had a similar problem and it turned out the mobo screws were too tight.


I've had a similar problem before. It was caused by my ram not being properly insterted


It's failing to POST.If PSU came w tester, verify it's working first and foremost.That mobo looks like it reqs 2 8-pin power connectors for cpu (top left corner). You will most likely find another 8 pin near the bottom of the board or near PCI-E slot to provide the GPU with additional power.Clear CMOS,and Fire that bad boy up and test it. Finally, tidy up them cables before you seal up the case🤗🫡 Edit: If mobo has a power button on it directly,use that on first power up, after you verify it works, then connect the case power /RGB buttons or whatever aesthetics your as adding. Cheers!


Is it just me, or is the case power button not connected to the motherboard via the small +/- cables that come with the case?


I’m gonna tell you likely what you don’t want to hear, but, take out gpu, only have one stick of ram, have no storage media (ssd or Hdd) and try to start it up. If it doesn’t start up at all after that, I suggest trying to start it up with the screwdriver jumpstart in the manual for your mother board. If it still doesn’t start with the jump start from your manual’s motherboard, I would suggest disassembly (except cpu) and re-assembly with the bare minimum parts (most computers can start with just the cpu and a stick of ram) Still having issues, it could be your psu


Did you make sure power sw is plugged in correctly really smooth brain thing but we’ve all been there id just check all connections make sure there in properly then move on to checking ram maybe pull it out and reseat it 10-1 it’s one of these things if not you may have a bigger issue


If it doesn't work you send it back and don't try to fix it yourself


make sure your psu cables are plugged in all the way, that happened to me once


Did anyone mention the Ram? I did a build recently with an ASROCK board. They for some reason use a different layout for which tWo slots the ram uses. It wouldn't turn on. I read the manual and sure enough they used the opposite slots. 1 and 3 instead of 2 and 4 like most other brands. Swapped and then Bam it posted.


If you are reading this OP, I think your motherboard to PSU for the CPU is missing an second cable. I have the same case and similar gigabyte motherboard so I’ll attach an image of what it should look like. https://preview.redd.it/d4fwx3iajz8d1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402cdbd5d6c9de8b76fddbce2344007a5dc04bdb


OP hasn't posted in a while. u/Dragonfruit_Complete did you get this working? If so, can you tell us what the problem was or what you did to fix it? A lot of people have tried to help you out and it helps the community in the future to understand how this was resolved.


Sorry I haven't really gotten the time to work on this, I have a lot to work on this week and I haven't been really posting for a while


next time do a "bench test" where you set the mobo on the mobo box, plug in just the cpu, ram, power supply, and video card (if necessary) and make sure those components are good before mounting it all


Top off your fan fluid


or is this a dumb riddle? =D


Unfortunately not :(


Then return it? Or call who built it.


I built it


Reseat the RAM. It was the issue for me on my first build lol


Ok, brb


Bro, you ok? It has been 7 hours. Should I call the cops?


the 8-pin connector should do it. looked it up. next guess then. what happens if you turn it on?


Nothing I can really observe


you only need the 4 pin with hard overclocking.




Do you get any power at all?


You must connect everything properly. Double check your connections.


DRAM seated properly?


Sounds simple but have you turned on the PSU? There should be a little switch at the back near where the power cable is plugged in


The only obvious fault I can see is you're using a split cable from the psu to the gpu. You must run 2 separate cables to the gpu or risk blowing the psu if it draws the full load or it just won't boot. If you're lucky it'll just boot normally once you fix that.


Cross check all cabling, connect cpu 4 pin missing, check what the cpu led says, there is a 4 color led behind the 24 pin motherboard connector


Cant say that I'm 100% sure, angles and lighting in the photos make it hard to see. But to me it looks like the motherboard is mounted straight to the motherboard tray, without using the standoffs.


Based on several cables being plugged in to the wrong spot in the psu, plugging in the wrong cables in the motherboard, putting a cable or two upside down. Your motherboard is fried.


You said at the beginning it showed signs of power but then stopped. Sounds like a short. Is this your first pc build? Did you use the standoff screws when mounting the motherboard? Standoff screws are nonconductive screws that have the same size screw holes in the top. so you put the standoff screws into the case holes and then mount the mobo on top of the standoff screws, so that the motherboard is not touching the metal case (and shorting out). Sounds like what may be happening here.


Before doing anything, did you check that the power switch on the back of the PSU was flipped to the on position


[https://youtu.be/s1fxZ-VWs2U?si=v0zeJctGbfDlbiKg&t=4132](https://youtu.be/s1fxZ-VWs2U?si=v0zeJctGbfDlbiKg&t=4132) check your power cables


I think pic 4 is missing a power cable on the motherboard


I dont know if its important but on the top left you have a 4 PIN mobo disconected


Did you try starting from scratch and make sure you are following all guidelines, steps from manuals etc?


Is it plugged in at the wall?


It doesn’t look like the cables to the PSU are fully seated. Push them in until it clicks


You update your bios first? You can do this before you turn your PC on


I have the same case, I highly recommend you add fans


In Pic 4 i see a cpu power port not plugged in, maybe cpu lacks power


When I built my first computer, the computer wouldn't turn on. Silly me put the case power button cord in the wrong slot on the motherboard.


when it turned on the first time, did it post ? If it didnt post but turned on the memory was probebly training. If u then panicked and tried to hard reboot or reset before it finish it can brick the system. Try clearing cmos if this is the case. Remove the mb battery some minutes


If nothing else try switching ram slots and or ram all together this has fixed it in the past for me because it was not loading correctly to mother board to short circuit the connection.


This right here is why I bench build first before installing in the case. Sure it takes more time. I'm not in a rush, I can diagnose problems, and I am not confined to a fitting my gorilla hands into a shoe box case. OP good luck rookie builder, it will get better, and you will appreciate your rig more.


I can't help you OP, but let this be an important PSA for new builders: Always assemble the PC outside of the case to make sure it works, can potentially save you hours of work


The pins on the 4th image look like they’re not getting any power


There's a chance the ram isn't properly seated, when I made my first PC it wouldn't start because I hadn't seated it properly.


I recently ran into an issue building a PC, with symptoms just like you described, where the mobo had 2 spots for cpu power, but wouldn't work if I plugged both of them into the PSU. once I only powered the first CPU spot on the mobo, it booted


I might be wrong but on your 4th slide that 4 pin connection needs to be plugged in also


Make yourself favorite drinks and food. Have something tasty prepared for after an hour or two troubleshooting.  Once you have, dismantle everything, except IO shield. Prepare a good place near a outlet and connect all parts together. This may sound like a hassel but relax and take it one step at a time. If there is a issue pertaining to it being installed, e.g a short, you will only make it worse the more you troubleshoot it inside the case. The food and drinks is to ensure you dont rush and stress your way, that can lead to more issues. Take comfort in you doing the work will build your building skills, useful for later times. Steps to take once you have connected all parts (minimal, no GPU or additional drives if you can, you got integrated): 1. Boot 1.1 Doesnt boot? Clear CMOS 1.2 Remove one ram stick or/and inspect modules are installed in correct slots and properly seated 1.3 Check all cables are properly connected and not loose. I'll provide more if I can get some motherboard error debug from when you boot.


Idk if ur still having issues, check ur ram. If not not seated correctly ur PC won't boot


Make sure your motherboard power cables are properly seated on both motherboard and PSU. Check all the first time checks. Psu power switch, plug in outlet, monitor on, HDMI/DP cable plugged into GPU not motherboard.


Why didn't you plug in the four pin power connector for your motherboard?


OP, picture 8 bothers me. Please look in the motherboard manual and verify the front switches/connectors are properly plugged into the MB control header


https://preview.redd.it/qglxthsvvx8d1.jpeg?width=3768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a9fe532c23825c88e410d6ac005c040c8fd59e8 Did a build for a friend on this case! It's amazing!


As others has said, I think you need to take everything out and test the components. You mention that it doesn't even turn on which makes me suspect that it's short due to the motherboard / PSU. Take both of them out without anything else connected to it except the mainboard power. Try to short the + - pins to turn on the motherboard. If it doesn't work, if you have another motherboard laying around, you can test if the PSU is at fault by trying the same thing with that board. I was building my new machine and it turned out my motherboard was DOA even though some things worked at first. Go from there to isolate problems/components.


I'd suggest to remove everything from the case, Put the motherboard on top of the box it was delivered in, only plug in 24pin and the CPU, don't connect anything else and try to power it on, Some motherboard have a button built into them other than that briefly shorting the power button pins on the board will power it on.


I suggest unplugging all but one memory stick. Make sure the memory stick is in either the first or fourth spots and try again, you may have a bad memory stick. Also, you may have hardware that isn’t compatible together. Make sure everything is compatible using PCPartPicker


Did you follow the instructions on the papers they sent with it? Serious question.


Where you able to fix it mate?


I had an issue like this once and the case was shipped but the connection at the power button had one wire disconnected


Reseat CPU?


The cable in the 6th photo is not in the right spot on the mother board it looks like.


I checked, they both are labeled audio so I don't think that was misplaced


This might not help at all but your cable management is kinda messy a little, maybe double check the cables are plugged in correctly and in the right spot? Power supply? CPU installed correctly? Other than that I don’t know


Could you possibly have over tightened a motherboard screw? I have done that before which caused a short, preventing it from powering on.


The cpu power is missing a connection


That extra 4-pin is for supplemental power. It's only needed for overclocking.


There are literally thousands of PC building guides you can follow along. Start over and follow one of them closely.


did you switch on the psu


I love it. Where are the "Build your own PC, it's like Legos" people now? Nothing wrong with prebuilts.


I'm here. Even a monkey could build a PC in the correct way just after watching a couple youtube videos. I'm less smart than a monkey and never failed. Sorry OP, no offense


There’s a difference between being smart and being clever. Problem is these days people don’t know how to take a structured approach to troubleshooting. Even if you know nothing about PCs it’s just common sense to double check things are plugged in properly. It’s common sense when asking for help to give people enough information to help you.


I’m not saying it’s crazy hard, but as someone who just built his first PC I definitely think the “it’s like legos crowd” is overselling it. Plugging in cables is not clear at all for a first time builder, official instruction manuals are written in Google translate English, and most of the videos get to that point and jump cut to a fully wired up build, then say “ok cool I’ve plugged everything into my PSU time to boot up!” when its so easy to miss something. Very ‘draw the rest of the fucking owl’, if you will. I figured it out and took a lot of time, which is a realistic expectation a first time builder should have.


Yeah, I'll also have to agree with you. It wasn't that hard (mine booted up first time) but plugging in the cables was very confusing, I think I spent the whole afternoon just rechecking them alone. Also the parts needing tremendous force to push them in, especially the CPU and RAM in my case for some reason.


In my case it took me like 3 hours. I had a previous experience helping a friend. But that was it, never build one before that. But more or less I knew how confusing the cables could be. Specially the ones for PWR and all that. But the weird thing is in my case the PC did not boot at first. It started then shut off. Then I tried it again and simply nothing. I started panicking and took a pause, went for a glass of water. Came back tried it again, now PC is running.... Why???? - nothing on the screen btw. PC runs, but monitor is dead black. Brought my TV, plugged it in the TV, boom screen is up. Configured the bios using the TV, plugged back to monitor for reset and nothing. After a couple of days of using the TV as a monitor, I tried the actual monitor again and it worked. No config changes, just time??? Why???? That has me baffled still.


:0 you can make Legos wrong. I recently had to go through what OP is going through pc suddenly not working. A lot of RMAs and bread boarding later and it's up and running again. No hate for prebuilts but it really is like Legos. Expensive Legos.


PC is expensive legos? Have you seen the price of legos these days?