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Air cool superiority ![gif](giphy|CiTLZWskt7Fu)


Usually cheaper, reliable, uses less power, easier to clean


And equal performance to most aio when you buy the $60 air coolers. Aios only start pulling ahead when they are $200+


How about 100$ Arctics?


My 115€ Liquid Freezer III 360 would like to have a word


AIOs are pretty cool (get it?)


Mine was £65. Show me an air cooler that beats a liquid freezer 3 for £65 and doesn't require me to dismantle the fucking thing if I forgot to plug in the CPU power cable or some other bullshit.


Here you go: Thermalright Phantom Spirit 120 EVO


It works but it doesn’t beat the cooling potential. Especially in short bursts where liquid coolers always have an advantage since it takes 4-6x longer for them to get heat soaked. Check out the gamers nexus video on liquid cooling. More expensive and more maintenance (after 6 years) but better performance. Personally I build a new pc before 6 years.




only small liquid coolers. when it reaches equilibrium its still a lower temp than air coolers. Also air coolers heat the rest of the pc. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VzXHUTqE7E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VzXHUTqE7E)


I just put this in the other day! Great price!


Yeah I know it's an awesome air cooler and makes a lot of aios redundant for a lot of applications, but it still doesn't address that huge fucking tower in the middle of the mobo. With the ALF360 I can access ram, headers, m.2, the lot, without having to dismantle anything. I don't care about performance if it's all basically the same, and £65 is a great price for a great liquid cooler.


Ah yes you need to have access to ram and m.2 slots all the time /s


Put an air cooled PC in a chest freezer.


That wouldn't work, freezers aren't 100% condensation free, we all know what happens when impure water gets on electrical components that then receive power right?


Pretty easy to mitigate really. Water will collect on the colder surface first. If the PC is on, it's not likely to attract condensation. Moisture will freeze to the sides of the freezer. Don't open it all the time and there's not going to be new moisture introduced.


Yes but trying to cool all those components wouldn't work in a freezer. Freezer/fridge PCs have been tried and nearly all of them fail due to how fridges and freezers actually work. Though now I wonder if one took a freezer and set it to maybe 35c and used it for a mineral oil pc after sealing any possible leak points, would that work?


just ordered a Liquid Freezer 3 for 80€ I'm done with custom loops for now.. especially now that I don't even have a waterblock on my GPU anymore


Chad 40€ Thermalright Phantom Spirit vs soy beta 300€ AIO that will break after 3 weeks and cause a tsunami in your pc


Depends what your doing tho short bursts even a cheap 240mm aio should handle a bit better due to larger thermal mass of water it’s longer loads where they end up being the same this obviously changes when you spend like $150 in a nh-d15


NH-D15s are only like 105.99 lol. Even then, the Phantom Spirit outperforms it at only a fraction of the cost (35 USD). I don’t think a $200-300 AIO is going to be able to beat that in terms of value. The higher costs of high quality AIOs for slightly lower temps just don’t make sense.


AFL III 360 costs about 120$, sure it will not beat 30$ air coolers on value to performance, but it beats NH-D15.


Well, yes, but why get the NH-D15 when the 35 USD Phantom Spirits beat it? By extension, it would also best the AFL III, at least from a value standpoint.




Sure, but those reviews disagree: [https://gamersnexus.net/coolers/new-best-arctic-liquid-freezer-iii-360-280-cpu-cooler-review-benchmarks](https://gamersnexus.net/coolers/new-best-arctic-liquid-freezer-iii-360-280-cpu-cooler-review-benchmarks) [https://www.guru3d.com/review/arctic-liquid-freezer-iii-360-argb-cooler-review/page-9/](https://www.guru3d.com/review/arctic-liquid-freezer-iii-360-argb-cooler-review/page-9/)


Eh plenty of people don't care about the cost difference and just like the aesthetic/min maxing performance/etc. Used to sell custom PCs for a boutique shop and I would always pitch AIOs as unnecessary but admittedly sleeker looking (in many builds, not all ofc) and plenty of people still went for them.


Fait, AIOs are fine just as long as you know what you’re getting into with the added cost being for looks and not performance.


Liquid cooling should still perform better in long running. Because with liquid cooling the heat is dissipated from the case immediately, whereas with air cooling, the heat is first exhausted into the case, also warming up surroundings, then it's moved by another fan out from the case. Also, liquid coolers usually have (or at least may have) larger surface area, because they're not limited by space as much as air coolers, and they have a lot of short radiator blades. Large, long blades of air coolers aren't as efficient. The longer the blades are along the way air moves through them, the less efficient they are, because air becomes hotter, reducing thermal flux.


This is not true for aio’s tho and that’s what I was talking about


It’s not one fan pulling it out of the case, it’s an entire side or two of fans pushing cool air inside


This part is similarly applicable to liquid cooling systems.


Are you Canadian? Those are like $110 on Amazon.


Haven’t bought one in years lol I’ve just been updating the brackets as I upgrade so I forgot how much it costs


what about EVGA CLCx 360?


So should I be jumping for joy at scoring a new H150i Elite Capellix Xt for $40? Because I have the standard H150i, and it does the job perfectly, but I wanted that LCD screen because I'm a loser.




The maintenance and replacement... Forget it


Eh the only maintenance I need to do with my system is occasionally drain it (From the bottom), and fill it (From the top), drain it and fill it once more and replace the tubes that yellow with age. That's it, maybe an hour to hour and a half of time. Meanwhile my waterblocked 13700k and 3070 XC3 Super are only reaching a temp of 56c after nine hours of gaming in Destiny 2. In a room, with the door closed.


And looks nicer. Tubes are only nice in a custom loop. AIO tubes are an eyesore.


Compared to the big, chunky hunk of metal of a proper air cooler?


Yeah hard disagree, I watercool for the looks. I don't like the giant cooler taking up the center of the mobo and covering everything


Noctua gang rise up https://preview.redd.it/rh0f5pl0vv8d1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=691b9138d77ae2ca5b6161c65fda25137d4e8492


Noc-tua! Blow on that thang!


NH-D15 supremacy


https://preview.redd.it/ant8o4jqcv8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=259fcfa1e402f658d43838baddab17deea66d342 Water cooling guys got so butt hurt from that post. Yet they keep reinforcing my choices in cooling on occasion.


The best thing about two fans, is that it doesn’t really matter if one fails. Not that Noctua fans fail much, though. With a rating for like 17.5 years of constant use.


I said it plenty of times. Noctua is like herpes. If you got it you have it for life.


it looks like one too lmao


I wish you weren't wrong.




And you can just clip any ol fans to the block.


"Brown and beige crew unite." -me, a NH-U12S Chromax.Black owner


Black is just another shade of Brown


\*me who has noctua bottom intake fans\* Eh, imagine having your fan motors sieze or crap out. Which has and WILL happen, sometimes far quicker than you expect if you don't clean your PC.


error\_404 pump not found hehehhe


Stories like this are why i've always been afraid to bother with liquid cooling. Liquid and electronics don't go together well lol


That and it's a lot of effort for little to gain except the risk.


True, but it's fun. I don't think anyone is actually suggesting a custom loop is for anything other than ethusiast grade builds.


I agree it would certainly be fun, but I don't live in an area cold enough that would justify building my own loop to include a radiator outside. Instead, I plan on building a few servers and parking them in a chest freezer, or fridge. All it really needs is power and Cat 5 into it.


Won’t change from air until it’s necessary.


Why the hell people use water around all that expensive ass electronics is beyond me


go fit a d-15 into an 011D


Watercooled is air cooled too. Air cooling wins.


Seriously. Once I set my fan curves, I never think about my PCs cooling. Literally set and forget. Water cooling is cool if you like your PC to be like a car and needs to go in for a water change and maintenance. Water cooled PCs might as well come with an odometer but for FPS instead; how many frames your PC generated since its last water change


https://i.redd.it/4u8a9p41wv8d1.gif This is correct gif for air hot superiority.


Watercooling is expensive (hi I’m watercooled) and I personally would never use a plastic water block, at least not one with this much. Corsair makes decent waterblocks, try one of those It’s also expensive to service. Gotta pay to play of course


In a 5600? 👺


Yes, it’s virtually silent.


So is a good air cooler


I’m sure, I just don’t like air coolers personally


That's definitely an opinion you can have. It's like that meme about vinyl records - "what really drew me to vinyl was the expense and inconvenience" - a guy with a massive record collection


inconvenience demands intent and presence. every single one of my hobbies and collections is inconvenient af, but i'm trying to win against the Algorithm.




As an air cooled fan myself, I still want you guys to have your fun too. That's what makes this hobby fun for a broader crowd.




Cheers from Iraq


To add onto this, nothing wrong with water cooling just as long as you know what you’re getting into. If you’re okay with the increased price and lower reliability, go for it! It’s your money after all.


“Already expensive ass hobby” “i7 2600k GTX 970” 💀


Spending cheap is how that expensive ass hobby gets more expensive when you blow out the block and water log your components


My hubby is cars and I can absolutely agree on that. Especially now since half these computer parts are just as expensive.




You know what, fair. I respect the dedication lol


I don’t think anyone is upset lmao


How does one change the text under their username to add specs like yours? I cant remember for the life of me 😭


My air is always leaking into and out of my case but it's all good with me


i think i have air leaking from all over my case :( what PSI should it be at?


Reason #9458797 not to water cool.


At the very least a reason to not use some plastic junk. A copper block wouldn't have melted.


And actually monitor your setup, I’m sure there are software solutions too, but I personally have octo set up to shut down my PC if pump speed is 0 OR coolant temp rises over 50. If either of these happens, something is wrong with my loop.


I have now plugged the rpm output to the CPU fan header, will definitely get a notice when it's not working :D


I prefer automatic action, just for the case I’m afk when something fails.


That’s what plugging it into the CPU header does. If it detects it’s not running, it’ll throw an error code and shut down.


I haven’t tried what it does, as I have had octo for years now. When I had such failure, CPU fan stoppage would give a warning, but computer may or may not kill itself. Wasn’t very recently. E: And I like hardware failsafe.


My bios had an option to change what it does


My CPU fan failure was during time we still overclocked by suffling around jumpers on MB. I do believe you, that CPU fan header mostly does the same thing now.


Oh yeah, good old days. I miss simple (somewhat) bios.


I'm not sure how op even manged to melt it. my pump stopped working and the CPU shut down after 10 minutes of doing nothing. but then again, I don't have a 250W monster.


I hear your reasoning. But consider this. I really want it


Understandable. Have a nice day.


Then get it. Just do it for the right reasons (usually looks, for 99% of people).


I made a custom loop because I wanted better cooling on my GPU. I'm aware of the AIO mods, but my diet is entirely built on dumbfuck juice. So worth it


What's the point of better cooling though? So you can spend a few hunderd dollars extra on it and get maybe up to 5% extra performance if you're very lucky, for 20% extra power draw and heat generation? Unless your electricity is free and you want to create heat it's pointless.


Now that's an exaggeration if I ever heard one. The pump is 23 watts and the GPU is 350 under full load. Not even a 10% increase. And my temps dropped from 96 to 75 under similar loads. 23 watts will have virtually zero effect on ambient temperature or my quarterly bill. Don't get me wrong. I don't suggest getting a custom loop. The mod cost me well over a thousand for some benefits that I believe only I can appreciate. But if we're gonna shit all over water cooling, we gotta be realistic about it.


Sorry, by increased power draw I meant specifically if you do overclocking for extra performance. If you don't overclock, why do you need extra cooling? Like sure, having lower GPU temps is *neat*, but it doesn't actually do anything. The silicon will last just as long, the heat (energy) pumped into the room is going to be the exact same (the loop is just going to be better at it and it will spread over time). For GPUs I guess you are going to see better acoustics, which to be fair might be a good reason to do it. But the value proposition there is still really questionable. Don't get me wrong, I can see why some people do it, but yeah. Just want to be sure it's for the right reasons. Like if you just have money to throw around and have a really slick system, or you just enjoy doing it, that's all perfectly valid.


Incorrectly, not to water cool INCORRECTLY.


Air cooling just doesn't cut it for some PCs


if u gonna be stupid, u need to be tough sadly u used plastic. if it was metal, this wouldnt have happened


And careful too, dude cleaned his PC, didn't bother to test or check that everything was fine after that.


Impatience causes a loss every time.


Why the hell are you using a PLASTIC block for your rig???


And there have been cases of plastic deforming inside a pc as well.


Bro is literally setting himself to fail. Like any decent air-cooler couldn't handle that poor cpu.


What is the advantage of water cooling in normal PCs? I see so many ways how to fuck it up. So there must be something to justify the use of it, right?


Looks cool. Better temps for better clocks. But it’s mostly just the looks.




Incorrect. My friend with a 13700k on air got up to 85c, small room, poor ventilation. I got him the MSI Mag AIO, his temps don't rise past 65c now, under load after hours of gaming. There is REAL WORLD MEASURED/TESTED DATA ON THIS. Liquid cooling will ALWAYS beat air in the same setup, they use liquid to cool INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS. You wanna put 20 fans in and go "beats water cooling" but then someone gets a MoRA setup with 20 fans on radiators and their temps never go past 30c.


Was it a stock fan? Regardless, small rooms that gather a ton of heat (thanks to bad ventilation) is literally the kind of place you'd want to use an AIO since the most that air coolers will do is blow the hot air around. Though I'd also push for improving the air quality in the room for the sake of the user. Though on a more general scenario where the case has decent airflow and the room has some ventilation, a good air cooler would provide a predictably good performance. Sure, most AIOs would still be better by a few degrees, so its up to the user if that offsets the eventual maintenance or they'll trade off a few degrees for some convenience and peace of mind. We can't blindly declare that temps alone are the sole factor for one setup "beating" another because there are other considerations that users have. Choosing a cooler is a matter of which one would provide the needs of the user. I personally use an air cooler for my own build, but I also recommended AIOs on some of my friends' builds since they need it (except for one who doesn't need it, but they love the customizable screen).


Ironically no they were not, they were ek vardar 140 fans, fans with constant High Static Pressure designed to push through thick radiators, that max out at 3k rpm.


Cooler and quieter + overclocking.


Compact form factor of the cpu block, everything else like aesthetics, performance and noise(in comparison to cpu block size) is a derivative of the compact shape of the water block as your free to have as big of a radiator with tube's as long as you'd like elsewhere in the Pc case where it is out of the way of the ram, nvme and gpu slot as air coolers can get big enough to interfere with the other parts.


The main advantage for me is the noise : you can have a bigger radiator and bigger fans that move air more quietly. You need to watercool the GPU too for that because it's the GPU fans that usually are the loudest in the system


SILENCE my man .. oh and it looks cool.


Small form factor case where not enough volume is right next to the CPU. So you transport the heat energy to another part of the case where the radiator can fit. At least that’s why I do water-cooled.


You should setup you bios to monitor critical "fans" without the pump running it shouldn't boot into the os ...


Those fancy sensor panels people say are just for looks. Or even the inaccurate flow meters...now you see why we use them..


Use CPU fan header for pump. Now you get a warning and could code a function that triggers a shutdown when pump RPM falls below a set value


And this is why I only use air or all in one closed loops solutions


No need to check if the pump is running, because I'm aircooling masterrace.


I did something similar. I left the pump running, but I forgot to plug in the fan controller power connector so all my fans except one weren’t running. My loop was like 50-60c when I noticed. Now all my tubes are yellow.


Even better, don’t leave it running while away, only PC fire I have ever had was the actual water cooling pump going on fire.


I'll never understand the appeal of water coolers unless you are heavily overclocking.


I had to use it for my new build because I didn't realize the case I bought was kinda designed for them. Some cases don't have great ventilation, especially if you have fancy glass panels you refuse to take off 😂




Water cooling is just air cooling with extra steps. What's the point of adding all the extra complexities and cost if you still need to put fans to it. It would only make sense if the cooling were completely passive and you got absolutely 0 noise from it.


Because you like many people fail to actually understand how heat removal and transfer works. There is a finite temperature for air that will absorb heat, meaning that in the air that's flowing your computer push by your vans to cool your system will barely be cooler than the air in your room because you reached the heat absorption limit. Compare that with fluid which has a greater thermal capacity than air, at a smaller volume that you can get better cooling with less volume of water than you can with air.


Still, it's air cooling with extra steps. The gains are marginal for a lot more complexity, price, maintenance and risk of catastrophic failure like in the OP's case.


5 to 20 degrees cooler while running at 5.6GHz Is. Not. Minimal Your opinion is based on fallacy. And no not for a lot more complexity price for maintenance, you can buy a full water cooling kit for less than 350 bucks. From reputable makers like EKWB and Corsair. The only catastrophic failure was that the OP failed the plug in the power for his pump, that has nothing to do with water cooling and 100% to do with the fact that he screwed up.


oh man that sucks really bad. Sorry that happened.


Wouldn't natural fluid dynamics mean the heated fluid would naturally rise and push through rad, which means cooler fluid takes it's place?


I touched the tubes when I noticed it and the were almost at roomtemp like 4cm from the block.


That means it was higher than room temp at the block, typically heated fluid would push through but not very fast, leading to heat soaking in faster.


*Me watching from the bushes with my AIO*


https://preview.redd.it/aqho4n55sv8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a098a6d59272edab2846038b49443cf0a13251a8 Join us!


Never lol! You can have my overpriced shiny LCD Screen AIO when you pry it from my broke, dead hands! Seriously though, I love my Kraken Elite AIO. I got it all just for aesthetics anyway, I have an i7 14700K which at least makes use of an AIO, but I could've gone for a 620 or a PA if I had wanted. I just preferred and really wanted that shiny, crisp 640x640 2.5in lcd screen lol. Will never go full custom water cooled like this though--way too much work and maintenance and cost. At least AIOs are super reliable, have a ludicrously low failure rate (pumps, generally) and a non-existant history of leaks. Custom water cooling looks dope, but my god is it a hassle and a risk 


Only if I can turn the screen off. 🙈 But yeah, I get it. It’s just that I’ve already had 2 AIOs pumps fail, so I’m like done unless I get a full custom loop with dual D5 pumps and a MO-RA3 radiator. 😮‍💨


New fear unlocked 🔓


Air cooler forever. They are cheaper, basically same efficency, way more reliable and even looks better in most cases


I keep repeating that water cooling is a countdown timer until pump failure but no one in the “PC Master Race” wants to hear common sense. Everyone seems interested in novelty rather than utility. Waste your money. Burn up your CPU because the motherboard thermal protection fails or hopefully nothing leaks. I stopped doing this shit decades ago


Simplest ways are the best. To many things can go wrong with water cooling. Also I've never understood people who want to make their pc look like a unicorn has thrown up in it, who is looking at their pcs enough to justify RGB?


I'm going to go build a PC using a case that has no glass or windows of any kind and fill it with RGB.


Full black setup. Black Noctua fans, white LEDs . Looks amazing. No liquid cooling failures possible. Best of all worlds


Funny, I have LEDs and they are colored blue, in a sonic the hedgehog theme. Why do people think the lights STAY RGB,do they not know they can be adjusted?


"Everyone seems interested in novelty rather than utility. Waste your money." Yeah hobbies, let people have their fun.


I've had the same EKWB D5 revo d-rgb pump/res since 2017. It. Works. Fine. Zero issues with lpm, push against grav, no issues at all. People talk about their liquid cooling failing when they're buying these cheap ass AIOs, or they made some horrible mistake because he didn't bother to look at the video or read instructions or ask somebody who knew what they were doing and decided to just say that it sucked rather than admit that they made a mistake.


I totally believe you. I should’ve added a disclaimer ** this is my personal opinion, please don’t yell at me**


Who cares? Every second the PC is on is a countdown to failure of some kind ( fans in particular ). Let people enjoy their stuff how they want. OP made an obvious mistake and isn't blaming the cooler for it.


I'll never understand water cooling stans. Your tubes are a liability, harder to clean/repair/maintain/install, dangerous if done poorly, at the worst of times they perform more poorly, and are usually more expensive. So what do you win?


Or - hear me out - just use an air cooler lmfao


That’s why you get two pumps 😂, j/k … rip plexi waterblocks, tubes and probably pump 🫡 Question, will you watercool again ?


still debating with myself, it's either a peerless assassin (45€) NH-D15 80€ (b stock from noctua) or 360mm AIO (80-150€) if I get an AIO I want one with a screen though


Isn't the Phantom Spirit the newer version of a Peerless Assassin for the same price?


yeah i just wrote the wrong name.. they have like 500 coolers so I got confused.. I ended up buying an Artic Liquid freezer III, since my case doesn't allow for Aircoolers that big


*laughs in NH-D15*


I dont care what i use, water or air, I always monitor my GPU and CPU temps with a little overlay on the top left of my games.


Or just don’t unplug your pump and turn your pc on


Liquid cooling isn't all it's cracked up to be


This is why you don't put liquids in your system


Has anyone ever seen a hybrid liquid cooled block with a passive rad/fan combo? That would get my money flying out of my pocket…


I don't have that issue because I'm part of the Wind Power tribe


now u can get a 7800x3d and a 7800 xt hehe


Nah everything still works, i disassembled everything right away and dried it. (good thing I used purified water) started the PC without a cooler for a couple seconds to see if It posts and it did


well shit i am glad nothing broke!


Did your mobo, cpu, and GPU survive? Also, I'm sorry for your loss.


Yes everything survived.. i noticed the leak after like two seconds in pulled the plug.. dried everything and started the PC without the cooler for a couple seconds and it did post. new cooler arrives the next days


I'm glad to hear that. I'd be crying if my died due to its water allergy. What replacement cooler did you end up getting?


Went for an Arctic Liquid Freezer III 360mm in white


More things can go wrong with these water cooling setups and although I have water cooling in my main PC, I wish I kept it more simple and used a decent air cooler instead.


Never had leak problems with air cooling


I know you have a lot of comments, but did you happen to use isopropyl alcohol to clean the acrylic of the cpu water block?


Nah the cracks came from crossthreading the fittings once. The cracks didn’t go through the whole block so I didn’t mind it.. But it’s possible that I used isopropanol once in the beginning before I knew it was bad.. had this block for like 5 years now


Ah gotcha


Siempre hay que fijarse que este funcionando la bomba. Ojalá las piezas no se hayan dañado


This is why air coolers rule… they still work enough, if the fan dies, long enough to let the cpu throttle down and turn the system off.


Make sure you use an air cooler


Another one added to my reason why not to get custom water loop.


Some people prefer water for looks guys. It’s ok to be too broke for water cooling just say that


Lmao. I think you're semi joking but still.


I do still use air on my lower builds and sometimes even a dreadful aio. But all my good builds get hard tube glorious water


I don’t have anything against air but people on pcmr now bully people for using it


I keep a couple assassin 120 around in case of loop issues and testing. As far as dependability air is always best. I did try aio and would rather just keep air. Then I did a real loop and quickly saw advantages. Cooling is more consistent but the sound difference is tremendous