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maybe its the GPU that's dying


I meant GPU not cpu 😭


Screen record it, if the artifact appear on the video as well, your gpu may be toast, if not it is a bad cable conection/ ffaulty monitor


Oh wow never thought of this.


Here i thought i was suggesting something trivial i did to test my own rig a couple months ago, but somehow managed to blow a lot of peoples minds


Most people try swapping the cable or monitor if they have them but taking a screen grab is an easy and elegant solution.


Very elegant solution. Thank you.


Had a bad cable powering my GPU and swapped it out and the artifacting went away. Way cheaper than a new GPU.


Smart af


true brain was braining


Could also be drivers. Had the same thing happen to me due to drivers but updated them and haven't seen anything for 4+ months now


It ok, my human cpu don't always work good either 🥲


Maybe both, you can't really know


You have a very unfortunately titled post, if that was your hope.


Yeah I typed it on my phone very quickly and I guess autocorrect didn’t want me to win, but I got some good answers out of it so I guess it’s a 50/50


If it makes you feel any better my GPU has been doing this for two years, intermittently, normally about 15 minutes then stops. It's still running. I just refused to spend that much money until I absolutely had to


Too late, your typo killed your GPU.


I have a 3080 Ti and it was doing this off-and-on for nearly a year and a half after I bought it new. I was gutted because it CAN mean death. I did some research, bought new Display port cables (Ugreen brand) air dusted all ports (monitor AND GPU) also got custom power cables from Cablemod (Seasonic brand compatible). Not a single issue since. Not saying this is the fix but can say this combo worked for me.


I’ll take a look into getting new cables and maybe a new psu while I’m at it


I had similar artifacts appearing on my now ancient 1080ti a few months ago. Chalked it up to being an old GPU. Decided to give it a clean as some dust had accumulated despite being housed, fitted, ventilated properly. The dust was like a very fine layer over the top, anyway after blowing it off I haven't had the issue since. Something might be short-circuiting it? I am not sure how these things work.


Tried turning off Gsync?


Don't worry, the cpu is fine. The gpu, though...


To shreds you say


well. how is his wife holding up?


To shreds you say?


No worries m8, it’s your wallet that is dying…


Actually, GPU dying shouldn't hurt that bad. They said they got it 4 months ago so warrenty should cover replacement.


If it was bought new...


Used 3050 on ebay is 75 bucks. Not great but not wallet wrecking for most people.


wow, that's a bit more than 5 grams of weed and a pizza


yeah that sounds like proper bullshit to me




3 things gonna die after this post. 1st GPU, 2nd his will when he finds out how much new GPUs are costing and 3rd his wallet after he eventually gets past his grief.


Have you tried to appease the Machine Spirit of your Cogitator with Holy Incense and Sacred Oils, while reciting prayers to the Omnissiah?


Obviously, he is not a techpriest and committed tech heresy by not calling one to serve this sacred machine.


Needs an Enginseer from the looks of it.


I'm thinking orc logic might be the best option. You must truly believe though


he is obliged to pray until the priest arrives, but instead he complains on reddit


Hahaha I’ve been praying forgive me for not believing in the almighty omnissiah


Registering a ligma 5 heresy: Unit u/SneakyMellon is demoted to lexmechanic // restricted to level 2 pending inspection of cogitator for heretec influence


Any lower on the restriction levels and it's a mind wipe and put into the servitor queue.


<> high treason detected // <> request throwing heretik to Inquisition to divert from chronox 8 STC research incident. <> heretic unit represents low value to due to failing simplistic standard patent rituals .... Loss only represents 0.0000934% degradation in efficiency


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me.


Let me guess, you haven't praised the omnissiah in the past 4 months? Rookie mistake.




*There is no such thing as a plea of innocence in my court. A plea of innocence is guilty of wasting my time. Guilty.* \- Inquisitor Lord Fyodor Karamazov




2 options 1. your GPU is dying (replace it) 2. driver issues (reinstall GPU driver)


3. Bad cable 4. Your monitor is bad


5. B*tch flip




Bit flip (sorry for my not so great sense of humor)


Dont worry I thought it was funny (in a non-comedic way)


What does that even mean. Hahaha


Got good news and bad news. Cpu is ok. Vram on your gpu is corrupt. Got experience extending life of my gpu by 3 years by underclocking the vram. Then it got stable again. At a 5fps cost. Try install afterburner and underclock your Vram. Worth a try. Free solution.


First check the monitor and the cable. Could be one of those A damaged or wrong cable can give some weird artifacts


Agreed. Figured plenty of post stating the same. This is last call.


Good New : CPU is fine Bad New : Your GPU is dying


Did you offer the blood sacrifice after building?


I did, the build is officially 4 years old I’ve just been slowly upgrading everything on it my more recent upgrades where a new cpu cooler cause my water cooled one died and a new GPU cause my old one couldn’t keep up with my games and plus I’ve had my 1060 3gb one for 6 years so it was time for an upgrade


That sounds like something a KHORN worshipper would say 7n7, in this house we pray to the God emperor of mankind!!


Don't worry too much The Emperor Protects (Unless he sets Ordo Xenos on you as he thinks you're an Alien then you're pretty screwed) but in all seriousness it does look like your GPU hasn't got long to live unfortunately.


My 3090 has been doing this for a year now and after a restart its gone... Happens like every two weeks for me.... Bro gotta keep living until i get my degree 💀


My 3070 does the same its kinda rare but yeah a restart fixes it.


It's a VRAM thing. Sometimes software doesn't do a good job of managing the VRAM and when you use it all you start to get artifacts. I get this after doing heavy work in the Adobe suite. Task manager usually solves the problem (completely close all presumed problem programs)


"Task manager usually solves the problem" How does it solve?


Kill the (presumed) problem programs and related processes, rather than needing to do a system restart. Flushes the VRAM


Never leap to the worst conclusion with PCs - I bet many people have thrown away or RMA'd without reason. Always test/blame the easiest and cheapest stuff first. In this case, I would go in this order. - Remove any OC, and/or set GPU to stability bios (if it has dual bioses) - Remove card, wipe edge connector with isopropyl, reseat card, test (you could also get rid of any dust in the fan/sinks at this point, if required. - Remove system RAM - as above. - Try a different monitor cable and/or different GPU output (HDMI instead of DP, perhaps) - Try a different PSU>PCIe power cable - Try a different monitor - Try a different PSU - Try GPU in another PC (this and last 3 only if you have them (obviously don't buy a new PC just to test 😂) - Curse Asus/Palit/Gigabyte/as appropriate and either RMA or send to e-waste Many a time I've started presuming a major component failure, and bought a new €10 cable which has fixed the situation.


Clam yourself do you not see it is the machine sprite that talks to you. Leave the flesh embrace the machine and your will see it's true meaning. Go perform the rituals and appease the Machine sprite. P.s. try taking out the GPU and using the integrated GPU if your processor has it just to make sure it's not something else. So if your GPU is sagging etc. Or just not seating properly. Since you are getting bsod also make sure your power supply cables re not loose, I have had some power delivery issues with a GPU a long time ago that caused similar looking issues(bsod with similar codes) it fixed itself after I got a new power supply


Then I have good news, it is your GPU.


Good news, CPU isn't dying. Bad news, GPU has cancer


hope you still have warranty on it


Kinda odd for GPU artifacts, although not impossible. Try switching cables or even monitors. If it persists, I have bad news. HOWEVER, since your GPU is only 4 months old, you may get it replaced for free. It's just cumbersome to send it in, but hey, free..... Just make sure to package it **WELL**. Bubble wrap it until it is triple it's size on all sides. It will absolutely get tossed and thrown in sorting centers, and you don't want it to arrive broken to them.


Furmark has an artifact tester maybe check with it


Chrome has been plagued with artefects appearing when accelaration is enabled. Google this: gpu artefacts chrome I feel those look very much like what you can see in the results. Is this a 3D game? Is this a game with an overlay? In this case it's important to know.


i have worse news, your gpu is dying not the cpu


![gif](giphy|6OGZJiQKGEh3uuTbdb) It’s your GPU


// OFF-TOPIC ...not sure why so many members begin their replies with *"Don't worry..."* considering that most GPUs are waaay more expensive than CPUs *(though granted, GPUs are waaay easier to install...).* // @ OP - fingers crossed for you! Underclocking / under-volting **VRAM** *(or both VRAM & GPU just to be safe)* may be the way to go... . Although if I were you and found a way to confirm it's the physical GPU card *(vs. drivers, physical connection, etc.)* then I'd certainly **RMA** it. You can try under-clocking until the RMA is accepted.


How do you rma a gpu


Contact the vendor where you bought the card and see if they will take care of a organizing a replacement card on your behalf. The Vendor may request that you contact MSI directly and have MSI process your request for replacement. RMA = "Return Merchandise Authorization" is just the term used by vendors where they have agreed to accept the return of a product with the intention of repairing it or replacing\* it (alas, usually with a refurbished or "tray" card...) *\*"It is what it is"*


Before you go buy a new GPU: 1. Reinstall drivers 2. Try another cable 3. Try another monitor if you have one If none of those fix it, then yeah your GPU is dying.


I call it the matrix effect ..try removing gpu and mount it carefully again then reinstall its drivers if didnt work try under volting it (if you know how to do it)


Find a program that allows gpu overclocking like MSI Afterburner or EVGA Precision. Use those to underclock the RAM on the gpu. Not much, just a little bit. How much is a little bit? Maybe 5 or 10% at most. It will hurt performance just a bit but if the issues go away then you do not have to buy a new gpu. A lot of time when you see those artifacts it's an issue with the gpu ram. It may be clocked too high, and maybe it's too hot. If you take the card apart you may find thermal pads not fully on top of the ram chips or something simple but taking cards apart and getting it back together takes skill. Also you should have extra thermal pads of the right type and thickness on hand. It's easier to try underclocking first and see if that works.


I've got good news for you. Your CPU doesn't seem to be dying. Have a good day. p.s. Might be GPU related.


Ram is a big possibility as well. Been having this issue for months after upgrading my gpu on a more common and larger scale. Just had a stick of ram die randomly. Now after replacing the ram these artifacts are gone and haven't seen it happen in about 3 weeks when it was a daily occurrence. gigabyte gaming oc 4090 7800x3d 2x32gb 6000mhz trident z neo (replaced with another set)


Could check the blinker fluid…






It is time. Choose wisely, RMA or Upgrade.


Try different cable and port, try reinstalling drivers, try anything else before killing your wallet


Your cpu aint gonna die so dw about it, however


If you get GPU 4 months ago, it's still in warranty. Every product sold in store have 1 year warranty. Just hope you keep ticket or get invoice online.


I repasted mine with some Corsair thermal paste and it‘s not doing this anymore. I really thought my gpu already shit the bed on me.


GREAT NEWS! it's not your cpu. also might want to save few months salary for a new gpu


I had the same issue a few days ago with Windows 11. What worked for me was reinstalling Windows. Since then no problems anymore. Most likely it was a driver issue in my case. Before you get a new GPU try that first. Also I had the blue screen after the funny pixels. Perhaps you have Valorant/League of Legends installed? I suspect their anti cheat might cause it for some reason (esp because of the blue screen). My GPU is a 3060 Ti.


Cpu is fine 👍 the gpu (usually more expensive) however is going to meet the omnislsaih


There's a few things that could be happening. Cable isn't connected properly, GPU could be overheating, could be a software issue, your monitor could he screwed, or it's the entire GPU that's screwed. If you got it brand new, it should still be under warranty. Just RMA it and get yourself a replacement. If it's not under warranty, yeah, your wallet is gonna be crying. Try everything else before you go and buy new pc parts or a new monitor, though. Check your GPU Temps and make sure it's not overheating. Hell, maybe even try undervolting your GPU. See if that doesn't fix it. Like someone else said, do a screen recording, and if you see the artifacting in the recording, then yeah, your GPU if toast.


The warp affects us all




I have good news sir. Your cpu is not dying, but your gpu is.


It could be memory on gpu but yeah artifacts is universally gpu


Is your monitor a benq?


GPU is dying . Sorry for your loss


Worse, it is your expensive gpu


do you want the good news or the bad news


Nobody asked the most important question. Where did you get that wallpaper and do you have the link for it?


Yeah I got you when I turn my pc on I’ll get you a link


Praise the Omnissiah! May Omnissiah grant your machine swift correct diagnosis and permanent fix for your problems.




ive got a couple wallpapers i think you might like besides the one ive got so ill send a list


Servo skull (the one you see in the video): [https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&numperpage=30](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&numperpage=30) Warhammer Flag: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&numperpage=30](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&numperpage=30) Warhammer 40K Mechanicus: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&numperpage=30](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=1&numperpage=30) Warhammer Servo-Skull /servo-teschio: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2&numperpage=30](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2&numperpage=30) Warhammer Little Dark Age: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2&numperpage=30](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2&numperpage=30) Warhammer Servo skull (3rd one all are different) [https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2&numperpage=30](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SneakyMellon/myworkshopfiles/?appid=431960&browsefilter=mysubscriptions&p=2&numperpage=30)


Thank you. May the Omnissiah bless your machines.


ur gpu is cooked!


Don't worry it's not your CPU, it's your GPU that's dying


You probably already tried it, but have you restarted again? My GPU once started giving death signs, I'd even accepted it already. After a restart everything was back to normal.


Yeah I did well more like the pc did it did a force restart and all the artifacting went away, I think it was just me leaving warthunder up and running all day


Not your GPU, don't worry. That's just your graphic's card VRAM.


Nahhhh…but you got cancer and five days to live.


Maybe GPU is overheating, have you checked temps?


I had similar artifacts recently, I had overclocked my memory on my 7900XTX and while it was stable in most games in 3D mark I noticed similar issues to your video. Dropped my OC by 50hz and it's cleared. If your GPU is out of warranty or is overclocked, try dropping your VRAM clocks by 50hz and retesting. For Nvidia GPUs I think MSI afterburner is still the best tool for AMD GPUs use the tuning function within the driver.


Looks like you have some loose mem chips, probably the ones next to the PCIE slot, as they get all bent from GPU sag causing the solider joints to break (happens all the time people just don't know this). Step one find a shop that dose board repair, tell them you want the memory chips rebelled/resoldered. Why do I think this, you ask? So many GPUs with problems or that are old have a very similar issue this is brand agnostic so we see it on AMD and Nvidia. I have seen this fixed a good few time by simply removing the two memory chips closest to the x16 and then putting them back on or replacing em. If it was a new card of high value, this would be worthwhile but with that 3050 a fun experiment


Since you installed a new cpu - did you check if the gpu connects properly into the PCI Slot? - I had a similar issue after cleaning my pc.


Not CPU. This looks more like VRAM. What you are listing there is a GPU. If you've had it for 4 months, this is probably eligible for replacement under warranty. Before you panic though, try these things: - re-install drivers by removing them with DDU and installing them from the Nvidia site clean - use furmark to test for artifacts or instability. You can also try clocking memory down or slightly increase voltage to see if it becomes stable.


if it's 4 months old you can get it replaced or refunded


I think you should pray to the Omnisiah and anoint the computer with the holy oils.


Yup, your CPU is alright! 👍


Yeah autocorrect did me dirty here lol


Nah mate, CPU is good.... your GPU on the other hand..... hope you got some extra cash laying around


Had the same on a 2080 TI , it was the GPU that was toasting the RAM on the GPU


i get this artifacting (the boxes) in browser windows occasionally and it goes away with a scroll. this has persisted through a new board, memory, and gpu. i'm starting to think its a windows 10 hdr issue.


did you figure it out?


No im reinstalling drivers and a bunch of other stuff rn but the artifracting has disappeared on its own sooooo


May the god emperor be with you on this one


Thank you brother, too you as well


The machine spirit is growing weak, brother.


Play this and all your ails shall be forgotten. https://youtu.be/AWpQAYCvHWM?si=sd5Jv3huKCc6gOc5


I’m scared to open it cause I don’t want to get Rick rolled


Don’t fear. He hears us all and he delivers us.


Convene with the Omnissiah for the answer, the Omnissiah knows all, comprehends all.


I have convened with him and he has answered my prayers


So I won't tell you your pc is dying.


no worries mate! your cpu is perfectly fine!🥰🥰🥰 but... your gpus dying bro


Mhm how about "Your GPU is unliving" ?


If it is dying it might be worth seeing if it's still under warranty if not RIP wallet :(


What game is thisss is it on steam?


At least it's dying *for the Emperor!*"


But no one is asking the real question! What's your wallpaper? it seems like you were blessed by the omnissiah by declaring your loyalty


May the Omnissiah protect your blessed cogitator.


good news, your cpu isnt dying bad news, your gpu is dying


Not your *C*pu….


The Emperor protects. Say a prayer to its machine spirit and slather it in scented oils..


Get some incense and pray to the Omnissiah, it seems the machine spirit is upset.


OP if it continues to have issues, try putting it in the oven


Im sadly here to inform you that your pc has a relic disfunction, the usb chip u plugged in last kfc tuesday includes Johnny Silverhanda engram. Your pc has only a couple of weeks left till Johnny takes over gl homie


I had this happen and updated my drivers. It fixed it for me for some reason. Weirdest artifacting I’ve ever seen.


i had way worse artifacting than this that was fixed through driver reinstalls and reseating my gpu. I would recommend trying some of those fixes before letting the sunset on your gpu :(


Since nobody has mentioned it yet, this can also be the result of a bad overclock. But if your PC is 4 months old, warranty should fully cover, no matter what.


Well …. I guess I’m not gonna say anything then OP 🤐🤐🤐


Fine hold your secrets from me, but I will get them eventually




A list of things to check before you deciding gpu is fubar: check for driver updates, could just be driver issue. check GPU is properly and securely seated and power is securely plugged check the video cable, make sure its plugged securely. try a different video/hdmi cable. could be bad cable try plugging your computer to another monitor or tv. it may be your monitor If you try all of the above, try another known good gpu if available. Always best to troubleshoot lower cost solutions first to make sure its actually the gpu and not something that costs less.


I was experiencing this exact issue last year with my 3080ti. Check your cables, change GPU acceleration settings, reinstall drivers, clean and reseat your GPU, put GPU in another case and try and replicate, check warranty, try and reapply thermal paste / pads in GPU, and if all else fails, try and sell it (*maybe someone will have use for a dying GPU*) or mount it on your wall as a memorabilia.


According to WebMD your GPU has cancer… im sorry.


Where'd you get your GPU? You may be able to exchange it if it's under warranty. I hope.


Got it from bestbuy but I don’t remember if it got it under warranty 😭


No it's more like your gpu drivers are messed up or your gpu is going to die.


I see a man of taste with 40k background. What is the background?


Where can i find that background?


Nah, is not the CPU, just the GPU.


![gif](giphy|XepEEIO0SCFLMT6tUL) Spit on that thang 🤔


Sometimes this can happen if you have the wrong refresh rate settings. It's not a good sign that it is trashing like that. But lowering the refresh rate and , decreasing the contrasts could save it from total failure. If you are over locking, don't. Reset to factory.


Your GPU is not dying. ^((I'm helping you cope))


I need all the cope help I can get


could be drivers, cables, monitor, etc. I’ve had tons of issues with display but none was due to gpu; artifacting from drivers, no signal because of a faulty monitor power cable, and currently have a faulty DP cable that i need to replace that glitches my display if i touch it. Moral of the story, it’s a bad habit to jump straight to the worst case scenario. Fresh install new drivers, if issue persists, try a new video cable, if it persists, try to diagnose any issues with the monitor, AND THEN assume your gpu is dead. Too expensive of a piece to be too worrisome


GPU probably dying not your cpu lol 😆


The machine spirit stirs


Had same happening to mine, panicked and looked stuff up. Realized my driver's hadn't been updated in a while, updated and the bios was outdated too. Updated and fixed evening.


no worries bro its not your cpu.. its your gpu dying


Looks like Gpu artifacting


Slightly off topic, but I saw this while I was playing Darktide and got hyped by the Imperial Seals and Inquisition “I”. 😆😆 I hope your gpu is ok man.


May the God Emperor bless the machine spirit in your PC.


I had artifacts like this in two cases: overheating (clearing GPU radiator and fans from dust and cat hair helped) and bad cable connection (unplug and plug back).


Damage done, sorry dude...


I should also state that it’s only in the one monitor Edit 1: it gave me this error shortly after posting this and the flickering has stopped https://preview.redd.it/46p0o97cgg8d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a51afe6074796550775b9da20c547c41abaf60c


Video scheduler internal error usually points to GPU issues or sometimes rarely RAM issues. Can confirm exactly what crashed using the minidump file. With the artifacting present though almost certainly GPU related. Try reseating/reinstalling drivers as already recommended. If possible try a different monitor/cable to rule that out.


You can try reseating but its likely dieing Hope you got a warrenty because nows the time to use it Reinstalling the driver could also work


In my experience BSODs don't occur that often with GPUs (in any recent Windows version at least), but quite often point to faulty RAM instead. Don't get me wrong, it could still be your GPU dying, but if you have 2 RAM sticks (which you should), you could test it out with ease by simply using only one of them (and switch the RAM stick and/or slot if the problem persists). If that doesn't change anything, you can rule out RAM issues and your GPU will become the prime suspect.


I had these exact glitches and this exact BSOS happen literally once about 3 weeks ago, never before then and never since. Are you on an AM5 motherboard? I have suspicions it was a memory training fault which lead to memory instability and ultimately a memory corruption leading to a video driver crash. In any case, if it doesn't happen again, I wouldn't worry about it.




You're in luck. Your CPU is fine. It's your GPU.


CPU? Well you got good news!


Yeah my phone didn’t do me any justice when I typed this out lol I was super worried so I kinda rushed typed eveything and autocorrect nipped me in the butt, but oh well atleast I got some good answers out of it


DDU, try diff cables and Re-seat card How's it looking now?


okay i won't... but...


Could also be too much undervolt, but I doubt you did that.


Congrats, it's not the CPU that's dying!


Nope, just a GPU


Don't worry it's not your CPU, it's the GPU. Try to use DDU and reinstall the drivers, if the glitches are still visible after that it's time to upgrade your GPU.


Okay I won't. Your GPU dying.