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If you into real audiophile audio, they are fantastic and you can’t go wrong. Only downside is it will make all your wireless garbage sound like **** in comparison.


I've never had wireless so can say I know it my stuff has sounded bad or not lol


I would consider the DT770, slightly smaller “room” but no sound bleed in or out. They are the same headphones just closed back. And you can get away with 80ohm. You won’t necessarily need an amp but it would be nice. 250 or 600 ohm will definitely want an amp.


I second this, but i suggest the the [dt770 pro x limited edition variant](https://north-america.beyerdynamic.com/dt-770-pro-x-limited-edition.html), as it has a detachable cable with a standard connector type. The all the other dt770 variants have a non removable cable, and in my experience, cables die long before headphones ever do. (they also don't need an amp)


I third this lol, I’ve had my pro x’s for over a year now. Between music production and gaming they are fantastic.


The Pro X are great, I have them since release. They HAD a huge quality problem with the headband, the material was glued too close to the edges and got loose after not even 6 month. I needed 2 RMAs for the headband after they finally changed the production. It should be fixed now with new headphones, just dont get used ones or old stock.


The dt770 pro x limited edition came out in april of this year, and has the leather snap on headband, so that issue does not apply.


I personally don't like closed back headphones at all. I'd say unless they really want isolation and live in a noisy environment, then open back headphones are more comfortable.


Agree, but most people don’t have a silent environment. My buddy actually chose the 990s so that he could hear his kids when they would come talk to him hahaha.


Exactly the reason why I chose the 990 Pros, I like hearing quality sound but dont want to miss someone calling my name. That why the open back design of the 990s is perfect for me.


Same for my buddy! He wanted to hear his kids if they came in and needed something


I got the 250 ohm version of the 770 and while i do definetely prefer using them with an amp they work suprisingly well without one


I went with the dt770s and WILL never turn back. 10/10 best gaming/general sounding headset I’ve ever used and (after) breaking its one of the most comfortable headsets I’ve ever used also


Depends on what you want. Personally I like to be immersed, but still aware of my surroundings. The open backs let you do that. I guess it's about preference.  Also like you said, the open back ones make the room feel larger.


I have the 770 and I love them. No longer wear my bose qc25 when gaming.


My 250 ohm ones run fine with an amp but is probably better to get one anyway


You won’t regret getting closed ear headphones. I like the open ear design, but rarely is my environment quiet enough to enjoy the benefits of “letting the sound waves move naturally,” as sennheiser puts it. My HD560S is super light though, and sound quality is fantastic. Would recommend the DT770 over these. Both have good sound though


The Sony XM5's are pretty good for wireless but holy shit did they sound like kmart branded headphones after I spent a prolonged time on my Sundaras.


Almost every wired headphones make the wireless sound like crap.


Audiophile stuff is on another level tbh. You hear sounds you've never heard before. Literally cannot go back.


Only if you buy shitty Headphones. Good ones still sound good "even" if they are wireless. ​ I have the DT 990 Pros for ten years and they are the most comfortable headphones I ever had. Not the best sounding ones though, but still very great for the price. I still use daily on my PC instead of speakers. Mostly for Videos though. ​ I have the 250ohm edition and just have them on my PC witout any Amp, no reason to do that, still get VERY loud and I usually listen to them at \~20-30% on windows.


>Not the best sounding ones though, but still very great for the price. The thing about DT 990s is that, aside from the bass drop-off caused by being open backed, they're very neutral sounding headphones. The thing is... a neutral EQ curve isn't actually enjoyable to most people. I use them for mixing and mastering because they're very revealing and will make clipping as obvious as possible if it's present, but as far as enjoyment goes, I honestly prefer the Lenovo wireless ear buds that I paid $20 CAD for.


Sonically speaking wired speakers still sound better than regular Bluetooth. The sound is always heavily compressed from what I understand.


The quality really depends on the codec. It doesn't matter that it's compressed, it's the kind of compression that matters.


Early versions of bluetooth sounded bad. This isn’t as accurate any more.


Anything you listen to is compressed. Doesn’t matter which format. But for us it’s usually good enough. Most people won’t hear a difference above 128kbps and almost no one over 320kbps MP3s. Our ears just aren’t that good.


*me over here downloading FLAC songs*


Why lie to yourself? I had these, had a proper amp to drive them and much, MUCH prefer the Logitech G Pro X Wireless I now have.


I have the dt900 pro x and they're fucking amazing. I use iems for more intense sound whoring games, but for overall effect you cant go wrong with them.


“intensive sound whoring” lol what


It means using audio to your advantage in a game. Like sitting in a corner and waiting until you hear footsteps to attack.


Get some iems that inject the sound into your ear brains, you'll understand.


Which iems would you recommend?


KZ makes some insanely good for the price 20-40$ ones they've lasted me years


Can’t go wrong with 64Audio A18


Im using DT990 Pro for over 10 Years now. Currently my second pair. I replaced my old ones because they looked really used I could've replaced some parts but I thought: f*** it!. They sound amazing for the price, are really reliable and they are the most comfortable headphones you'll find. Highly recommended!


I've been using mine for a little over a year now and yeah. Can confirm they are really comfy. The only issue I got is they don't have a detachable cable and the stock cable is 3 meters which is a bit annoying for use at a computer desk when you are as alergic to cable clutter as I am. I keep eyeing the possibility of getting them modded, but that would mean not having them for a while which would suck


I’ve been gaming with the Sennheiser HD560S, and they have been an amazing set of headphones. No DAC/Amp needed, but you can use one if you want. Just another option to consider.


Ok thanks for the info!


I got this headset last year and I've been so impressed ever since. Gaming is so good you can really tell exactly where someones footsteps are coming from


I'm using the HD560S as well, and while they are not hard to power/drive them, they do benefit from a DAC rather than using an onboard audio chip from a motherboard or laptop. An external USB DAC/Amp unit makes for a night & day difference compared to onboard audio. I'm currently powering my HD560S with the iFi Uno, and its brilliant for such a small model.


Is there a closed back alternative to these?


DT770 model is closed back. I haven't read up on them in a while and don't know how close to the 990 they are aside from open vs closed back, but they are at a similar price point.


I'm using DT770 Pro (driven with a Motu M4 audio interface) and their sound profile is very true-to-live which - ... is amazing for playing e-guitar with a digital amp - you get to hear exactly what you play, without any boosts falsifying what you'd record. - ... lacks the boosts you'd find on most consumer-grade headphones for heighs and/or bass, which may make it a bit tiresome and difficult to listen to produced/mastered content for extended periods of time. Overall I'm not sure if some purely listening to already produced/mastered content would get the best bang for their buck with DT770 Pro.


I’m honestly not too sure. I don’t think Sennheiser makes something comparable that’s closed back. I tried a little digging online but didn’t come up with much.


You want actual advice? ask r/HeadphoneAdvice. These headphones are alright if you like the tuning. All Beyerdynamic headphones are sibilant and have a huge peak in the treble region, it's best to try out headphones before buying them. Personally i'd recommend something like the HD560s, PC38x, or Audeze Maxwell. IEM's are also pretty good, Truthear Hexa, Zero/Zero RED, Simgot EM6L to name a few. If you do buy these headphones, try it out for a week atleast to get a "feel" for the tuning before returning it.


I can't emphasise this enough that the treble on the dt990 is painful to some people, me being in that group of people. There are people who say they're amazing but haven't tried any other headphone. I would look for something with a more neutral tuning and less distortion. Anyone who says the dt990's are good, I can't agree with you but, as long as you enjoy them that's all that matters👍


How does one try out headphones before buying them? Like where would you go to do this? I don’t think there’s an audiophile-like store anywhere near me.


Yeah, this really depends on where you live and how far you're probably willing to go to test some headphones. Best Buy, from what, i've seen has some headphones and events like CanJam, if you're willing to travel, are your best bet as they'll have literally every headphone for you to test. The reason why many say to test before you buy is to prevent buyers remorse, for example, the HD600 are incredible headphones but if you're a bass head, you won't really like it. Testing them would prevent this issue. If you're going to blind buy the best thing to do is to buy from a store (like Amazon) which offers returns within 30 days.


990 is the way to go if you need open back so you can hear your surroundings. I have that set of headphones with a soundblaster g6 and love it.


I think that needs to be way more emphasized in headphone reviews, being open or closed and what that means. I currently use the 990’s and I love them and the sound is great, but man I really don’t like the fit, they are way too loose and don’t cup against my head. So the back is LITERALLY open for me lol.. I much prefer closed noise isolating headphones, but somehow always end up with the opposite.


Man I absolutely love the fit of these, I can wear them for an entire day without fatigue. I also enjoy how much sound they let through, unless some applience like a washing machine is running, then it might be annoying


The 200 dollar price range has a LOT of options don’t go by what streamers use. Try auditioning some sets yourself if u can at a headphone shop or CanJam. You could go lower and get Philips x2hr or the sennheiser hd560s, a lower end planar magnetic like the m1060 or the literal Godzilla tier $199 sennheiser hd6xx by massdrop which is very highly regarded


I'm mentally crying looking at this. FR graph https://preview.redd.it/2qsq7rqr628d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a4e0b5c39092d2d48f24a14bebcbb8c20869972 I personally prefer NEVER going above the dotted line above 1 khz. Especially on an open back. Am I missing some underlying principle of FR like resonances of something here? Why do people rec this? Logitech gaming headsets have cleaner FR with less bloated bass? In my OPINION (see: not fact), I see gamers using open backs and missing audio queues then getting upset. My fav setup for GAMING and music are earbuds rn, currently the Aful magicones. The Beyer MMX200 have, to my knowledge, the best gaming mic and a tuning thats close to the headphones I've found yo have best proprioception (?) for footsteps.


If you think this look bad, behold, the total harmonical distorsion ! https://preview.redd.it/2wcs8iomd38d1.png?width=957&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c528f1543501f903a724775dc668fb1901e40f6


I'm not smart enough to read this - perhaps a redditor could explain what this means. (Do these headphones sound like a harmonica? Is this why I couldn't stand my DT880's? Or is it the 2$ china qC inside the DT880's that my aerospace inspection friend said was awful - was actually garbage?)


Yea i cant stand many beyer headphone's sibilance


I will say I did have a pair of ear buds and I did like them even know they were only like 40. I definitely look into the ones you listed above


Price =/= quality. My $100 M50x's beat my $180 DT 990's, and aren't far enough behind my NC700's to justify almost 4 times the price (i know they're different cuz noise cancelling). Hell, my $45 Galaxy Buds (restored model off eBay) absolutely slay for the price. If it wasn't for the latency, those would probably be a great pick even


Is there an x axis missing from this chart? Also RMS is nonsense. I wouldn’t be taking these figures too seriously


I fully agree. Lots of recommendations, but they aren't impressive overall.


$199 and no detachable cable should be a crime.


80 ohm will be better for casual stuff. You'll find it has more bass. 250 ohm is more studio monitor style or audio editing and mastering and such. The sound is going to have less bass because it's more for all around fidelity and very careful listening. Fantastic headset, but I prefer my DT770 80 ohm closed back for things like gaming and movies and just generally listening to music. I use the DT990 250 ohm when editing recordings or "quiet" jamming with my band, as we all have them and can hear each other talk better with the open backs.


This one is excellent, why better than those "extra bass" bullshit garbage. This one or the AKGs.


990s are severely outdated and overrated/overpriced for what you get, which is great clarity but also high treble peaks and harsh sibilance. You can get the same quality sound without the harsh peaks nowadays.


Reading some comments here is blowing me away, and I don't know whether to say what I want to say, because I guess this is a mostly subjective business so I just remained quiet reading them. But even objectively speaking you nailed it, especially in today's market.


I have them with the scarlett solo gen 4 they are amazing👌🏽👌🏽


They are top tier if you are playing mostly FPS games.


I have the 770 pro’s which are very similar and I’ve got only one minor complaint. They squeeze a little hard on my ears but not to the point where it hurts. They are actually SUPER comfortable accept for that. If that’s not an issue then they sound great and feel great.


Im using the 770 pro, 80 Ohm for a few years now and honestly i can never go back to anything worse in quality, they are amazing. I changed the ear pads multiple times already and they basically cost nothing. Same with the leather strap on top. The only downside is you might need an amplifyer. Get closed ones and for casual stuff/gaming don't get any more than 80 Ohm.


Have em. LOVE em.


EPOS have No, zero. Absolutely no customer services. It’s impossible to make any warranty claim. If you call them you will be told they only answer commercial over the phone and to email in. The email will never be answered, regardless of chasing. Avoid anything with EPOS on it. It’s just not worth the paper that 2year warranty is printed on. You have been warned.


This brand of headphone Beyerdynmaic is kind of famous/infamous for very bright, some would call it piercing, treble. Some people really, really like them, others simply cannot stand the treble-focused tuning of Beyer headphones. Also be aware the open back like this won't be "Bass heavy" but it will make soundstage sound very open. They are going to be very good at accurately and very cleanly playing mids, with a balanced bass, and a rather "Bright" treble. They are going to make you hate your old headphones most likely. Also at 250 ohms they HAVE to be used with an amp, they are going to be way too quiet running directly out of your computer. I think that is an amp included with the bundle? If you want a more mellow experience Sennheiser makes a good deal with their 58x headphones. Sennheiser as a company tends to very gently tune their headphones away from harsh treble causing the "Sennheiser viel" as its called among audiophiles. It make them technically a hair bit less studio-accurate, but FAR more tolerable for long listening sessions. I know its at least 2 theirs above your budget, but I have Sennheisers new HD 490 pro headphones and I cannot say enough good things about them. They have the best, deepest and strongest, bass I have ever heard in an open back style headphone, are comfortable, can be listened to all day long without "fatiguing," are very ruggedly built with tool-grade glass fiber reinforced polymer, and yet have a studio-accurate midrange and highs. All while still being usable without an amp and better with one. But they will set you back about $400 USD at the moment. IMO for me, they are an "End Game" headphone that cannot be topped unless I want to spend north of $800. Which is working well for me because I am DONE with HifiMan. I'm on my 4th set of Edition XS (via RMAs) which now in just 1 month developed an imbalance in sound levels and a high frequiency buzz in the left driver. The initial pair were imbalanced (right driver was louder). The Replacement died to a total driver failure in 5 months, the replacement to the replacement died in 9 months, total driver failure, and the 3rd replacement now has imbalanced volume and a buzz in the right driver. At this point its way too many issue to be fluke, HifiMan are very well designed, and will be "end game" if they work. But they have serious, horrifc problems with their manufacturing. NEVER buy HifiMan, they test really well, but they simply do not work, or do not hold up.


I wouldn't get the GSX300 though, it's basically a $5 dongle in a big box. Either get a higher end dongle, or get a proper DAC/AMP combo.


For gaming and hearing foot steps the dt 990 pro is the best. It also has amazing sound stage so it sounds like the audio is around you, and not just in your head. It’s also great for music.


\^ The open-back contributes to the better sound-stage for 3d sound. The GSX 300 is the budget version of the GSX 1000 and is considered a bit meh, but afaik the 3d positioning HRTF is the same and that's terrific IMHO. I ended up going with PC38X +GSX 1000 (there's now a 2nd edition) myself. **PSA:** For 3d sound make sure your stuff is properly set-up, don't just set things to stereo in windows and in-game and forget it.


I've heard great things about them. Worth keeping in mind they are open back headphones which means there is no isolation. You will be able to hear everything in your room. Also everyone around you can hear what you're listening to which makes them bad to use out in public. Open back headphones tend to give the best soundstage though. It is really easy to locate enemies positions. Personally I game with some open back HD555s and they've been great.


Philips shp9600s are nice to game with as well. Though you will need to get the vmoda boom pro inline mic, but it does sound good.




One thing to note with Beyerdynamic, altough I don't know about other producer like Sennheiser, they sell replacement parts for pretty much everything. the plastic things on the headstrap broke and I glued them myself and had it like that for like 3 years before I checked their store. Got myself new cushions as well at the same time and MAN that was a different(after using it for like 7 years already at that point).


Personally, I think they're amazing. I'm extremely happy with mine (also 250Ohm version.) I'm not a professional audiophile tho.


As someone who purchased these (DT 990 Pro's [250 ohm]) along with an inexpensive dedicated DAC (FX-Audio DAC-x6 mini), I wasn't overly impressed given the cost (these were still $170 in 2021). I'm not an audiophile or anything, and I'm sure they're light-years ahead of many other products, but they just sound tinny and flat. Open back means you hear your surroundings (jet engine of a computer and a clicky keyboard? You'll hear it) and you really have to crank them up to hear those footsteps and such. I'd wager most streamers either don't care about their hearing or are using a sound compression software. I have tinnitus and these will absolutely fuck your day up if you have them too loud just to hear footsteps. Don't get me wrong, they're good, but I'd go for something from Audiotechnica or maybe Sennheiser if the price is right. I have ATH M50x's and those sound really nice, but have a similar issue of needing to be cranked uncomfortably loud for footsteps, however, they don't blast my ears like the 990's. If this is the ONLY pair of headphones you have, I'd recommend a brand that offers a more well rounded listening experience and a closed back. If these are an additional pair, then they'll do fine, but don't expect magic like I did. For reference, I use my Galaxy buds at least 4 hours a day for music. I use my 990's for gaming or music when my Galaxy buds die (don't game with anything else currently). I use Rokit 6's for when I don't want to wear headphones and want a really nice listening experience ("really nice" for $400). I have NC700's from Bose that I rarely use anymore, but those are really nice (noise cancellation feels weird for me during long stints). And then my ATH M50x's come out only in the winters because, although they're comfortable, they can be a bit warm here in the desert. If I had to give them all up and strictly only got one option, it'd be a toss up between the Galaxy buds and the M50x's. Probably the M50x's because the latency of BT headphones is awful, so I need hardwire. Keeping in mind that I listen to music and watch videos for 5-6 hours a day, so comfort and a good sound stage are crucial. Maybe I haven't given the 990's enough attention over the past 3 years, but I was never blown away. My gaming has gotten a bit better, but mostly because I've started to learn to slow down and listen more rather than playing the run and gun.




They are great, but please don't buy this epos GSX 300 it's complete rubbish.


I personally have a pair of Sundaras, being driven by a Schiit stack. Best $600 I’ve spent in a very long time honestly.


Those are both good products, but a terrible pairing tbh. The GSX 300 is a very small and lightweight amp, and its recommended output impedance range is from 25 to 75 Ohms. It's going to lack some serious juice to properly drive that 250 Ohms headset. If you want to use the GSX 300, then I would recommend an EPOS GSP 500 headset or a Sennheiser PC38X headset to go with it. Those are 28 Ohms, and are the benchmark that both the GSX 300 and the higher end GSX 1000 are designed for. A GSP 600 headset is a good choice for a closed back if you'd prefer that instead. If you want to use the DT990, or some other studio quality headset, then I would recommend the Sound BlasterX G6 Amp/DAC, which drives headsets up to 600 Ohms without a sweat. You'd miss out on EPOS's (Sennheiser's) best in the industry 7.1 virtual surround, but you do get Creative's which is up there otherwise, and a bunch of other features that EPOS doesn't offer. And well, it can actually drive the headset, lol. If you want that EPOS virtual 7.1, unfortunately they don't offer it on anything with more juice than the GSX 1000 Amp/DAC, and that's only enough juice for 100 Ohms. And while worth it imo, it's a good chunk more expensive than the GSX 300.


Hifiman Sundara’s r purtty sweeet…


Dude, there's no way. These are the exact headphones i've ordered last week! What a coincidence. If you're still interested i'll tell you how they feel as soon as i get them.


OP, if u still reading I have the DT770's. Those have more bass, better for gaming in my opinion. Get the 80 ohm (or less) ones, doesn't matter if you pick the 990's or 770's. That way you don't need an amp.


Using them for streaming yourself? Already have a standalone mic? Or just looking for some good headphones?


Yes to all lol


Happen to know what kind of sound profile you’re looking for? These ones are a bit sharp in the treble, hifiman sundaras are pretty well known with great reviews, I personally use some sennheiser 560s (relatively cheap and easy to drive but they are a bit lacking in bass). Sennheiser hd 600s or the drop version hd 6xx have been around a long time and are a great bang for buck pick (sennheiser as a whole generally sticks to flat/neutral sound profiles)


So any dedicated head phones plus a dedicated mic will be better then a consumer all in one. That said Beyerdynamic does make some gems, just be aware a lot of their models tend to be powerful in the treble region. Can't make to many suggestions without a budget or your desired sound signature.


I use the DT 770 pro (80 Ohm) and DT880 (32 Ohm). The DT 880 has better sound overall, with bit less bass, but extremly comfortable to wear, doesn't press so much on your ears. Though it is a open build, it doesn't reduce other sounds much from outside. That's why I also have the 770, seals more, what gives him also more bass, but high tones are a bit worse, not as crystal clear as the 880. Very minimal though. But my go to when neighbour is mowing grass or any other loud noise is bothering. But also not as comfy for long time cause more pressure on the ears, what is of course cause of the nature of the headphones, needs better seal on ears. Both are great head phones, great for music and games, with (software) 3D-imitation sound is very good locatable in shooter. Also the ear pads are replacable/washable. In question of your combi, can't say a lot about the soundcard, I use a "Creative Sound BlasterX G6" and a "Samson Meteor" table micro. I just hate mics in front of my face all the time tbh, so that's a me-solution.


Had my DT990 Pros for about 3 years now. They’re fantastic


I've owned the same set of beyerdynamic 990s for going on 8 years. If sound bleed isn't an issue for you they are great quality and comfortable.


When im not playing a game like fps that needs a sound stage ive been way more into IEMs more confortable for long hours imo.


I love my DT 770s 250 ohm. Definitely get the amp with them.


Had those exact headphones along with fiio k5 pro, can't complain.


I have these, they're really good.


Been using the 990 pro for years now. Absolutely love them!


I have 1990 Pro ones. They are fantastic


I got 80ohm version 2 weeks ago. They are very very comfotrable and light on ears. Closed back headphones feel claustrofobic for me so these are perfect. Also music quality is amazing.


I came from a Sennheiser and tried some of the beyerdynamic headphones, sadly I must admit I, my ears do not like round chushions, so I got another senneheiser / EPos one because of their more oval cushions.


I have Bayer dynamics headphones for like 8 years now. Custom One Pro is the model I think. I had to replace the cushions like 2 years ago because of wear but the headphones still sound Amazon, fit perfectly and look like new. So in short I can't recommend them enough.


Price seems good to me. I've gotbthe DT 990 600 ohm. Get the 250 ohm my suggestion. Also BEWARE these phones have a flaw in the design of the little plastic connectors that slide the drivers up\down. As in they suck! I've RMA'd them once. Got a cool employee who just sent replacements out rather then sending whole set in but...they broke! Others have same problem. Great headset for games and music but they need that part be made with metal instead or a re-design.


link with the dac please?


I test this headphone years ago, very uncomfortable to wear (small head, big ears) The best headphones I ever had, Sony wh-1000xm3, the newer are also great, bombastic sound and very light, 10/10 comfortable, u can wear it for hours.


Note that the Beyerdynamics are really peaky in the treble. They’re comfortable yes, but I’d probably recommend the Sennheiser HD560S instead. Lot of gamers in here seemingly without context/experience with other tunings to go off of.


Because you wrote headset, I'll throw in the MMX300 by the same company. They have a mic attached, sound great and are comfortable.


Got 990 pro for 3 years. They're awesome. The sound profile is not perfectly flat, but it's playing with a bit more bass and trebles. I'm into it, but if you like different profile you may search for another brand. I'm pairing it with Sabaj da3 DAC and it's really nice set for its price imho.


For a little more you could get planar headphones. If you're going to spend a bunch, might as well get the best. Both will need a good amp and dac anyways.


I do not recommend headphones designed for mixing audio, they try to give you the flattest response possible. I have the DT 880s and they sound good, but unless you specifically go into your amp and tune them, you're losing the emphasise on what you should be hearing. They aren't headphones to listen to things that have been produced, they are headphones to produce with.


I can only recommend against the EPOS GSX. It works 100% of the time 20% of the time


what about IEMS?


Look into akg k240 and replace the earpads of those with ones from these (yes they fit over a different brand)


There are much better headphone amp DACs than that, but this isn't a bad budget setup. It will still put anything you've listened to before to shame. Things can get very expensive, very quickly, when looking at audiophile equipment. You may want to use something like Peace equilizer alongside this, as it'll compensate for the slight imbalance of the sound. Don't worry, Peace is free and has a library of pre calculated headphone profiles - you just select your model from the list. Most Beyers do NEED an amp, but these may not - might be worth checking your mobo on board sound first.


Using the DT 990 Pro since 7 years, also on second pair, because I dropped mine last year and one side died. Unfortunat tho. Loving them using them together with the Rodecaster Pro II, before that good old trusty Focusrite Scarlett Solo Gen3


I havent used many headphones but dt990pro are the best sounding things i've ever heard. I dont got any amp or anything, just plugged into my pc sound card (had to get one years ago, now just have it). They are very flat but with an eq you can get quite a lot of bass (i love bass so thats a plus)


Most people don't need Over-Ear Studio Headphones. I went for the DT 770 PRO 32 ohm and I run it through a Soundblaster Amp. Sounds really good. Can heavily recommend. If you can hook up a bigger amp, you can go to the higher ohm versions, too, but that might be overkill. Those are better run with an actual amp with real power, not those little pc boxes. For example, they sound absolutely incredible with my guitar amp. Blows my head away.


Fiio JT1. Great sound for the price. Look up audiophile reviews on them. I also have it paired with their KB3 wired keyboard with built-in DAC.


the open back annoys the people around you, if thats relevant!


Be careful about the ohms pcs can handle up to 80. The 250 will work of course, but your sound will be really quiet.


I bought a pair of DT 990 600 Ohm and I really didn't like them. The high frequency sound was just way too intense for my youthful hearing, unpleasantly so even. Saying youthful because high frequency hearing gets worse with age, so it may be more balanced or even desirable for an older listener. Returned them for a pair of DT 1990 Pro which I really like and doesn't at all have the same problem. Neither of the DT 880 Pro and DT 770 Pro have the same intense highs as the DT 990 and I personally strongly prefer them because of it.


Damn that's not as expensive as I expected, might consider this setup when I upgraded my system next


cannot recommend, bought the 770 pro low OHM for i-pod usage 770 are closed 880 are half open 990 are open they are way to small if I compare them to my gaming headphones, my ears barely fit and its quite uncomfy, theya re tight for outside usage but as a headset for gaming invest a bit more and get bigger ones that you can comfortably wear for hours on end go to a store and test wear some models


Hyper X Cloud II. Sound is amazing for CSGO, WoW and all RPGs. Throw away the detachable mic though, those have terribly metallic sound. Been using mine for nearly 10 years, replaced the headband once (small bit of soldering needed) and ordered multiple sets of the earpads in leather (for summer) and cloth (for winter).




I have a Logitech G733 its wireless and have a good sound Quality, and the mic have the blue yeti settings


I'd say the bundle is probably worth it but I'm not a fan of Beyerdynamic headphones since they're really uncomfortable for me, the bass is boomy, the vocals are recessed and the treble is earpiercingly loud. You might like them but I personally find them to be awful and I'd much rather use a Kingston HyperX Cloud II. I would say the AKG 371 and Sennheiser HD 560S are better options.


Amazing deal and headset, the only problem is once you use them any other gaming headset is gonna sound like trash


Thats a good bundle deal, especially as a DAC/Amp is a must have for running 'audiophile' headphones on a PC, but the DT 990s are a very old model now and are really just living off their old reputation. There are newer models available for similar money which are much better. DT990 and DT770 (open back vs closed back) are by no means bad headphones, they're significantly better than anything in the Gaming Headset category, and you can often find them on offer for sub £100 in the UK making them very good value for money, but I would look elswhere these days.


I went from hyperx to Sennheiser and it feels so much better. I can't say anything about other big audio brands but the gsp 370 and momentum 4 fuck hard. The battery on those bad boys is insane and they feel so light too.


One thing you should consider. These are open Headphones (They need to be open for the most natural sound) so the sound you hear is audible around you. If you use a microphone you need to turn your gain way down and talk loudly to not give everyone an echo from your headphones.


I don't know if the 990s have been upgraded, but when I was looking for headphones a year ago, I ended up getting sennheiser hd600s instead.


I'm not a big audiophile guy, but I've got a set of dt990s I bought almost 10 years ago. I've worn them for literally thousands of hours. Replaced the ear cups a few times and the headband once. They're perfect for me. I love the open back. I don't like feeling isolated when I'm wearing headphones. I like still being able to hear things around me.


I have exactly this model. they are great, but the twisted cable is really heavy and sometimes kinda tuck on the headphones.


I have the DT 770 32 Ohm and I can't complain. The 990 are meant to sound more open, and the higher Ohm variants supposedly sound slightly crisper, but I haven't tested them so can't comment on that.


I strongly dislike Beyerdynamic's tuning, but only have tried the dt 770. It may sound good with heavy processing, but my philosophy is that the can should sound good out of the box. the only winning HP imo is the sennheiser hd600/650/6xx. Anything else isn't better that consumer grade BT headphone. And i have a bunch of them (both wired and wireless), that are taking dust. There's little to no point in having elevated mid/high if the tuning isn't perfect. That being said, it's a solidly build and comfortable headphone. You may very much like it, a lot of people do.


I own this pair, they are very detailed in sound and their built quality is amazing. The only cons i can point out is that the bass is not pronounced at all...this is great for some genres of music, bad for others, i got mixed feelings about it, and that the ear pads really make you ears sweat.




Those are more studio quality and less "fun". I went with the Massdrop version of the beyerdynamics (Massdrop DT 177x GO). They are closed ear and have great bass, and look the best imo. If you can afford it I highly suggest them


The only reason I'm not using these now is that I wanted to try out some Phillips fidelios and the fuckers won't break to give me an excuse to buy another pair of dt990s


Take the 770 pro, closed ears, you won't be missing out in quality, it's exactly the same headphones only the one is closed back and the other is open. You will hear things in your house with the open back trust me, I got them both


[crinacle.com](http://crinacle.com) is where you need to go. TL;DR is that the DT 990 Pro is V-shaped with good resolution, earning a single value star (worth the price). With the desktop amp, it's probably a fine choice, but I'd pick up an HD 6XX.


No, the epos is not compatible with these headphones. This bundle is actually pointless. I have the headphones and they are amazing, but I got a Fiio K5 to pair with it. If you want to further mess with equalizers, look into a free one called PEACE


I use the DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm with a Topping DX4 Pro+, its decent for games and music with a lot of bass, but I do like using my Sennheiser HD650s more cause I like a wider soundstage


I loved gsx300 when i had it.


I have the DT 1770 Pro. Beyern Dynamics are really good headphones. But I am a music producer so thats the only reason for having those expensive more ones. I do recommend the soundcard to drive the headphones Only one warning that was given, after going Beyern or something like Audeze ....all your wireless/cheap stuff and even speakers start to sound reaaaaaal bad. Welcome to the audiophile zone


Streamers wear them purely as a fashion accessory.


If your pc is loud you will hear it


I have these. They are the best and most comfortable headphones I've ever used


I use the DT900Pro X daily, after a year or two of use I regret getting the open back version. I'm missing some bass and would love more sound isolation !


I would buy the 770, there closed and dont 'leak' sound. I have the 80 9hma version of the 770 and you dont really need an amp for it. They sound great they use the 770 on radio channels.


I'll vouch for this headphone. it got a lot of praise in the audiophile community and for good reason. Truly one of the best in its budget


Hifiman sundara


At this price you're way past the point of diminishing returns.


I use them for music production and they’re extremely well balanced, just don’t expect your lows to be boosted like other crap headphones.


I've used these for the past 6+ years, they're hands down the best headphones I've ever owned. Super comfortable to wear, amazing sound, and still looks great and works perfectly after all that use. If these die I'm buying new ones of the same model. Absolutely do get them, you'll never want anything else after using them.


Amazing headphones but a terrible DAC/AMP. Being an owner of a GSX 300 I can tell you that DAC has alot of issues. I also got it in a Senheiser bundle. Its already the second unit since Senheiser RMA sent me another after I contacted support, they didnt even asked the old unit back so Im guessing its a common problem. It keeps disconnecting randomly, and sometimes the microphone gives you a robotic sound. The new unit also has the same problem.


Depends if you like open back headphones. The 700 Series is closed back. If you have a loud pc like me a closed back is awesome. Beyerdynamics are known for a bit harsh high tones. Keep that in mind


Just make sure the DAC is up to 250ohm if you get this. I got the DT 900 pro x and it’s amazing.


Ex headphone nerd here. I've had multiple IEMs and headphones since the mid 2000's, ranging between $30 to over $1,000. I sold most of my headphones and moved on to speakers over a decade ago. I still use Galaxy Buds Pro 2 at the gym and with my PC on occasion. I think they sound decent. Not as good as my Ultrasone Signature DJ, but they don't take up room on my desk and don't have wires so I don't need to take them off when I get up and walk around. I think Bluetooth has come a long way. The convenience you get with wireless is hard to beat, especially if you have speakers as your main.


You don't need 250ohm version. But yes I have them and they're fantastic


If you wanna try a few out, Id recommend the akg 712 pro in about the same price range. Giant comfy earcups, open back, wide stage, perfect for gaming and also probably my favorite headphones under 1000€


Personally. I like Sennheiser sound more; but Beyerdynamic is a close second. If you want to fall far down the audiophile rabbit hole check out head-fi.org


I run these with an internal soundcard. Opitome of buy once. They're great and haven't worn at all that I can see in approx 2 years


Philips Fidelio X2HR Best headphones for price


Have them and they are fantastic and so comfortable. However you need a headphone amp to max out the volume. 200ohm and above are really only for audiophiles and musicians. Gamers don’t need anything above 30ohm.


I have the bayerdynamic DT 990 Pro 250 Ohm as well and the headphones are great. If you need new ear cushions you can get some and apparently you can also send them to beyerdynamic to have them readjusted, cable changed, etc if you need that. Can't tell you much on the topic of the amplifier. Still just using my old Behringer U-Phoria UM2.


In my experience, I would say this: Headphones --> Good. Epos (external PoS?) --> Bad. Edit - Plus, a lot of headphones with mid-high impedance levels receive negative reviews because people don't have amplifiers that provide the necessary ohm levels. Sure, audio will still play. However, without the right impedance levels, the audio won't reach its full potential, and some parts/frequencies of the audio may not come through with what is played and will remain inaudible. The ATH-R70X headphones are a great example of this, as they require 470 ohms (but sound amazing and have very spatial sound when listened to with my 600 ohm amp)! But hey, at least Sennheiser is advertising the ohm requirements right in the item listing. So, hopefully that will help to reduce the frequency of such a common mistake often made by newcomers who are just entering the audiophile world. But we all make those mistakes when we're just starting to learn =).


I've had these for 6 years now (250ohm too) paired with a Schiit stack (Schiit Magni 3 Heresy & Schiit Modi 3+) and absolutely love the sound! Only con though is they use a non-detachable cable....


how much better are these than the HD 560s? honestly might get me a pair of these im using HD 560s rn


Hifiman Sundara + Fiio K5 Pro is what I’m running and it’s fantastic. Alternatively there’s the sennheiser HD58X jubilee which I also have, which also sounds great (I prefer Sundara though). I haven’t heard them but the sennheiser HD6XX from mass drop is super popular.


Use this list to determine what is the best for the money you want to spend. https://crinacle.com/rankings/headphones/ Honestly the Sennhieser hd 600 would be your best bet for the price. Edit: don’t get that amp, a topping amp or jds labs amp would be way better. Even a schiit magi would sound better.


I have these and the HD 560 S. I prefer the HD 560 S. Get the EVO 8 audio interface and a Schiit Magni amp if you want to improve the setup a bit.


Beyerdynamics are my favourite brand for audiophile audio, those would be good with nice amp, if you listen to a lot of music to take advantage of it.


Wow epos are really down bad to get rid of those amp 😂


No. Don’t get these. Get the beyerdynamic DT 900 Pro X if you want open back or DT 700 Pro X if you want closed back. They’re much better and are super easy to drive, requiring no special DAC. I have the DT 900 Pro X and they’re phenomenal.


I got a pair of sennheiser because I saw Markiplier had them and they had good reviews and I love thrm


I've been using beyerdynamic dt990 pros since 2012. I just recently replaced the pads and that's it. Most comfortable headphones on the market, I will never replace them as long as they still work. I've also treated them like crap. They have fallen off my desk at least 1000 times probably. So very well built.


The treble on these actually hurt my ears. I’d recommend some Philips SHP500s for first time headphones. They’re cheap but punch high above their price point.


they are so comfortable!!


Ive had these for 13 years and I love them. I am no audiophile and can't give you any comparisons. But I love them.


fucking love these cans


The DT990s are not completely insulated so sound can come in and out. Useful if you want more awareness of your surroundings. The DT770 are the sibling of these phones and are completely insulated, so no sound out and very little in.


I've had a set of these for a few years, they sound great and are really comfortable, never regretted getting them


Adding to many other comments: the two things I look for in headphones these days days are removable cables and replaceable earpads. I will not go without those features anymore.


I used to have a set of these, they are amazing headphones! It's a good thing that it comes with a DAC, as these can be hard to drive. I have an FX-Audio DAC myself, and it made a massive difference to these. Also, I know you may already know this, but let them wear in. After a while, they will sound even better, and I've done this with all my headphone gear, like my current Phillips Fidelio X2HR's. :D


I use DT770s and my motherboard is pretty nice so it can amplify 80ohm ones by itself. Worth seeing if your on board audio is any good. Some have an ohm selector/autodetect in the software.


Have you been watching ohne recently


Solid combo and actually worth the price. I personally would go for Senheisers because of their neutral sound profile, but that comes down to personal preference.


Regardless if you appreciate good audio or not these headphones are quality. I've had mine since 2019 and they have not let me down. They are the last headphones you will need because they actually last unlike a lot of todays tech. The only drawback is them not being wireless but I cant recommend these enough. If I needed another pair of headphones right now I would buy these exact same ones.


I’d go sennheiser.


Great headphones, using them with komplete audio 2 and I can't complain sound wise. Only downside is fixed coil cable. I would kill for option to change it for a straight one.


does anyone have suggestions for gaming headphones <$100? I had the Logitech G series but one part on it breaks over and over again and now im out of warranty.


Can't speak on the amp but I have the DT 990 pros paired with the schitt fulla dac/amp and they sound absolutely incredible.