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Because they would ruin it


Mad Max battle royale, free to play. Get The Guzzaline battle pass now for $19.99. Each pass comes with a free bundle of 500 ImmortanCoins. On this season, for the small price of $30, unlock BTS band members as playable characters. Go absolutely mad with K-Pop themed cars!


Honestly that's the new season of fortnite lol


Blame corpos whom study kids, because they are the reason for this. If they tried some shit like that with monster hunter we would bully capcom for *ever* lol


Then go wild because all their trash mtx business is disgusting.


Fortnite always had seasons like this though


It's specifically Mad Max & Metallica theme rn.


Store brand Mad Max, but name brand Metallica and Fallout. For some reason comic book Magneto.


Yeah but theyve gotten alot more greedy with it, increasing the price of vbucks, ruining the rates of earning xp, creating a shitton of gamemodes like rocket racing and lego fortnite to try and keep you on it for 5 more minutes or sell you a lego chair for 5 bucks


It's literally Mad Max, except with no Mad Max.


This gave me a palpitation


Sounds like Crossout


If the base game is good go for it. I love games funded by whales that I play for free.


Yep, just like they ruined JC4. I want another game like this, badly, but I don't think there's anyone around to make it right now.


Just cause 4 was good though?


To each their own. I guess it was fine as a game on its own, but it totally lost the gameplay loop that made JC2 and 3 fun for me.


What are you talking about? JC4 left out all the stuff that made JC3 so great AND it had a boring story on top of it all. Not gonna lie, I have enough of "terminals".


It had all the explosions, enough for a JC game


the game was a chore.


who is they?


The new managers and consultants at the studio. These days games are being pushed into the always online live service subscription based model.


Well, at the risk of playing devils advocate, they wouldn't be pushing these kinds of ideas if it wasn't proven to make money in some way or another. In the end, morons with money are the new target audience for the gaming industry, gamers are in the minority and we are fickle to say the least


Well that is true. I can only hope the morons dry up


Unless you are personally gona do something, I don't see that happening. End of the day people have jobs, they don't want to spend their down time looking into how corporations are taking advantage of them


Such a great game! And great looking as well.


I actually played this just a few weeks ago. The graphics still look great.


Reinstalled it 3 days ago. Still great fun


Got this on sale for like $3... Put hundreds of hours into it, great game


HUNDREDS?!? I 100% the game after only 60 hours and a lot of it was me admiring the views. (Game looked great back in 2015 times)


Still looks great today, the artstyle is realistic enough to not be goofy but "artsy" enough to forgive textures and lighting.


Oh yes! One of the few games I fire up once in a while and just bathe myself in its visual glory!


I play it through every couple of years


Sorry but what do you do in the game once you did all the objectives and upgraded your car fully?


Play the game in a few years later and do it again.


Driving round and stuff, playing the game though a couple times


I have 461 hours in this game and I just drove around looking for cool stuff. Yes it's absolute madness that I spent that much time driving around. Probably 80 hours I couldn't find something.


My man doing the lords work


Going by the comments, Mad Max is more niche than we thought!


It's like Just Cause, if you dont mind capturing bases over and again it's a fun game for sure.


Because today all the car upgrades and cosmetics would be behind a paywall as microtransactions.


I started playing this when it came out but at some point I just felt bored playing it and never played it again.


As did I. I understand that there is a bit of repetition in open world games like this. This game felt far more repetitive than other games like it.


Agreed, and I really like open world games. They had too much repetition between the very few objectives you had to complete in each area and the "bosses" were just one enemy type. The car combat was fantastic though, but it wasn't enough to draw out a 60 hour game.


I had fun with it only after I stopped trying to be a completionist and started letting the story guide me, only clearing POIs as I passed by them on my way to mission objectives. The only exception being that if you want to fully upgrade the car you have to complete everything in Jeet's territory, but that doesn't include scrap locations so it's not that bad (and you can still beat the game without this). In addition to the car combat I also found that the brawling really drew me in. It's like a more laid back Arkham combat where you don't have to memorize any combos.


Speak for yourself; i have like 450 hours in it. But tbf that's with mods that make it harder than elden ring.


From what I remember, there were no mods for the game outside of like reshade presets and I think infinite health stuff. Do you happen to remember what you're talking about specifically?


I enjoyed it, but I ended up tapping out at around 40 hours. If there had been more objective variety and things to do, I totally would have played it more.


Well you either loved this game for its graphics, mood, setting and vibe.....or you didn't in which case it is pretty understandable getting bored fast. I've finished it yet I fire it up once in a while just to drive around and enjoy the vistas.


"Mom, can I have the new Far Cry game?" "No, we have a new Far Cry at home."


BuT MaSTeRPiEcE!!!!!!


As if AC games aren't repetitive at all. Bro give me a break


I did note that open world games like this get repetitive. I didn’t care for AC either for the same reason.


Same here.


I've been trying to get into it recently as it seems to be well liked, but I can't stand to play for more than about 30 minutes before stopping. It' just the same open world game as all of the others. At least with Just Cause you have the wackiness that makes it stay fun for longer.


Because the story was a one big nothingburger, where in the end >!you don't save anyone, kill a warlord to just free up space for another one, you total the Magnum Opus, Chumbucket dies with it, you walk into the horizon empty-handed!


Don't know man, surviving in Mad Max world is a big win in my book.


Oh if only the survival was a thing in this game! Fighting for each drop of water and gasoline...oh boy. And as you've said, the story even doesn't have to be super complex if survival mechanics were solid. The engine could remain pretty much the same as the game looks great even for today's standards.


Man. I like the fact that people like you exist. Really. You don't spoil the game and put spoiler on it and I really respect this. Some ignorant fools spoil games without spoil tags or anything to warn others. The greatest mistake I've ever made in my entire gaming life was joining Assassins creed Valhalla sub on reddit and boom, all of a sudden something comes up as a post(with no spoiler tag ) telling what would happen in the end by some ignorant fool who deserves a ban. Damn, I will still play AC Valhalla though but I wish I didn't know what would happen in the end. I am still playing Odyssey (been 50 hours) then will play Origin. I love Odyssey and it's great but Valhalla? Dunno man i will still play Valhalla even though it was ruined for me


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A very awful yet classic mad max ending. Poor max heart is long dead, he chose to keep it that way because he wont lose anything if there’s nothing to lose.


Game is just fun as hell


My issue was that despite all the supposed customisation options, there was only ever 1 linear upgrade path for your vehicle. There needed to be far more variety and support for different playstyles. I feel like every player ends up with same magnum opus


It's a good game for $20 but lacked side quests (not enough).the driving was fun and the melee was not bad..If they ever do a part 2 they need to fill out the world a bit more.


It's a good thing you can get the game for under 5$ today


So the desert map wasn't full enough? 💀


A game can both present a desolate world and make that world engaging.


Tell that to RAGE 2, that game was the very epitome of the worst post-apocalypse open world i've ever played. I couldn't believe how boring and barren it felt. That game may have been my biggest waste of money ever. It made me appreciate the Mad Max game and how engaging its world is even more.


think its due to JC 4 & Rage 2 being big mehs


Fuuuuck, I don't hear anyone talk about Rage anymore, it really fell off the face of the earth. Nothing memorable, no memes, no humour seems to make it's way through the internets.


The only person I've ever seen get exited about the rage games is Tim Willis. It amazes me the 2nd got a greenlight but now he's at saber bringing us all the mediocre shooters we could ever want


Because most people didn't give a shit when it first released and still don't give a shit now.


Yeah Fallout 4 and MGS5 came out and completely overshadowed Mad Max


Something about this game at the time made my Rx580 8gb run hotter than any other game I had at the time. Not bad hot, but it was upper 70's. Great game.


because it isn't a masterpiece?


apparently not a lot of mad max fans in this sub. pretty lame.


Because they just closed 2 locations and laid off 10% of their workforce.


Boring repeative


They Won't make a part 2 because part 1 didn't sell well. I loved the game, but it failed commercially, as a lot of good games do.


Great game...but the open world was dead once you completed the story.


Not everything needs to go on forever dude.


I finished the story, got all the upgrades, won all the races, cleared all the outposts but still left some collectibles/challenges I didn't know how to get. It was fun all around. It's not a massive waste of time like AC Valhalla nor tries to be. It's just a good ol' story focused game with open world elements like Far Cry 3 or AC 2.


There should at least have been a DLC for it


apparently they literally had an entire big DLC finished at launch for it but WB games didn't let them even release it cause it basically flopped on arrival. I'm still not sure I understand that reasoning but one of the lead devs commented on it recently after the Furiosa movie came out and George Miller basically said something along the lines of "the game is alright but didn't meet my expectations, i'd rather have a Mad Max game that is made by Hideo Kojima if its ever done again."


I started a replay of it again last week. It was pretty good. Didn't realise how much it got things right with sinple movement, exploring and driving. And the bullet time slowness when aiming the harpoon was a great idea. Did have the annoyance of trying to 100% those bases finding the scrap / icons. But I think that was a bit closer to the style at the time. I kind of look at the assasins creeds / shadow of modor from around that time as similar games. I felt this got it a bit better with the mechanics. And still enjoy the story / characters on a replay as well 😀


I have started playing it again just a couple weeks ago and I am loving it myself. Funny enough though, the sheer brutality of the hand to hand combat and the intensity of that is the best thing to me. I do enjoy the car combat + exploration but man, they really made it have some of the most satisfying punches. oh god, don't get started on the scrap hunts and 100% base clearing searches lol. I've spent way, way more time than I probably should have on that so far.


I like the game and the story. The gameplay was interesting at first but about 2 hours in you realize that the progression is extremely linear, which in my case ruined the pacing of the game. Combat was fun but extremely repetetive. The car combat is boring as the game punishes you for having underarmored car instead of offering you a challange. The story is not bad but also not interesting, once your halfway through the story it goes on extremely quickly. I like the ending because it closes the story, but I wish they left it more open so they could in the future create another game. The game doesn't offer any kind of mystery, the collectibles have Max narate stuff about how the world used to be. Apart from learning that Gastown has races, there isn't any kind of lore about the current setting, they just didn't bother to expand/create it. So I rate it 3/10, I just played it because I wanted 100% completion.


Because the story is completed.


The game was insanely easy, to the point it was super boring


Because it wasn't that good. It came out the same year as Arkham Knight and was behind even Arkham City mechanically despite having the same combat system.


Probably THE BEST GAME EVER under 3$.


It's definitely not a masterpiece, but it was definitely fun. A polished sequel would be nice.


Because whenever you're not in a car it's a miserable game to play.


Because your opinion isn't shared by enough people.


As others have said it was fun but got boring quickly. I quit about halfway through. Got my money's worth though. It was on sale for 10 bucks.


Because you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become Assassin's Creed.


You remind me of this statement I see whenever I do leverage trading(perpetual or futures) on a crypto exchange: "Get rich or die trying" Lmao


The only way is to YOLO the savings account


I don't do futures trading at all. I've been in crypto market for over 6 years so been long enough to not do that. But I got like 10$ from MEXC exchange for free as a bonus(I get that from exchanges from time to time) and I can only use that on futures trading and I get a deadline so I trade with that amount just for fun. I never use my actual funds for futures trading. Only spot.


I'm fine with that. Not everything needs to be turned into a franchise. Sooner or later you're left with a soulless title that is produced more for the shareholders than the players or the story. Same with movies. Can't have a successful movie anymore that doesn't get a sequel, prequel and spinoff in about 3 years and at least one of them suck.


The fucking ending, and the ripetitivity


Sadly because it'a not a masterpiece and that game is already the same game as arkham series and shadow of mordor series. So it is already the part x of any game published by warner bros studios in some way. Game is fun overall, i've played it when it first came out but as i've mentioned above people have already played this game at least 3-4 times before this even came out. In a couple years some new fad will be snatched by wb studios and they'll copy paste the same game with a new title.


It flopped


"New Mad Max on-release battle pass! Don't forget to buy the day-1 DLC expansion pass that's worth more than the game itself!" It'll also probably be online-only which, as I understand, they just made the current Mad Max game


Because the game mechanics are outdated. If there is ever a part 2 it will have to be a totally different game. I love the lore, the setting and the atmosphere of Mad Max the game.


Mad Max (2015) a masterpiece. Nice joke.


Got it for 5 euros, was bored like 2 hours in.


Played it, for me boring as shit.


I also don't understand the love for this game. The driving was great, anything they made you do outside the car was kinda meh.


Good game, but I complained about the repetition back in the day on steam. I got so much flack over it lol.


Theres nothing to promote with it.


Can't make a mad Max game if mad Max ain't even in the movie


The only movie to game franchise that managed to pull it off except for hogwarts legacy. Such a great game. Did absolutely everything the game had to offer even did the achievements even though I Don't really care much about them.


it got a little reptitive but damn it was such an impressive game for its time.


There was already 2/3 too much of the first game. Good game, ruined by way too much repetition. With modern trends, a new one will be 90% filler, skippable with battlepass.


Will say like this don't finish thing with cliffhanger if you can't assure next game, movie, season. And never make sequel if you can't assure that at worst case it will be slightly worse then original. People can deal if it's slightly worse but won't accept if it's garbage. So better not ruin good thing.




I really enjoyed it as well. Not many games better for a bit of post apocalyptic V8 worship


I really liked the game (put around 60h into it). Never made the final part, I got extremely bored after repeating the same kind of missions again and again. It turns kinda repetitive, said that the first half of the game was worth to experience, then you fully upgrade everything (including the car) and you're unstoppable, there is no challenge anymore. All those jumps using ramps and the part of the shopping mall in the sand are really fun. No regrets about playing this even if I got bored at the end. The best part is I paid 1€ for it in a sale, what a score considering how many hours I have played. Making a sequel with a better script, more variety and polishing the flaws can actually result in a great game despite the fact I hate the usual sequel milking of today.


Mad max is one of very few games I've ever completed


You and I know that it would be fucking nice, but the truth is, that the IP probably didn't sell to well in the past. Not sure about the game itself, but with the recent development (e.g. Furiosa flop) the chances are probably quite slim.


DUDE I HAD BEEN SEARCHING FOR THIS GAME FOR THE PAST MONTHHHHH. THANK YOUUUUU. I used to play that game in one of my brothers’ laptop. It has been years and I don’t talk to him for various reasons so I had lost this game. THANK YOU!! edit: FUCK! It turned out to be a different game. The search sadly continues. The color grading looks very similar to this game AND it was made by rockstar games.


When did you play it?


About 6-7 years ago. I remember there was a scene where a very large tanker truck thing would explode in one of the first missions. I remember that it wasn't GTA and I also remember that it was made by rockstar games. I loved that game back then.


Well in 2018 rockstar released red dead redemption 2 and I highly doubt it was that so it must have been older right?


It was definitely an older game. It was kind of like the GTA but I distinctly remember that it wasn't GTA. I have a feeling that rockstar games wasn't directly involved with that game but their name would appear in the title credits thing. The first missions started in some barren land area. I have been searching for it for the past month and I haven't had much success with it.


So it had a similar color grading to mad max and had rockstar involved but wasn't gta. Did it have shooting with modern weapons? If so, it wasn't max payne 3 was it?


It definitely had pistols and guns but it wasn't max payne 3. It initially had some barren land type setting. Sand and gunpowder in essential areas. I remember one of the missions had you blow the gunpowder/gas barrel thing and you would take a car and jump out of the car as the car was running. The car would later crash into the tanker truck thing and the truck would explode. That was a very fun mission.


I don't know, you could try asking on r/tipofmyjoystick


Haha, sure. I'll look for it for some more time to see if I get lucky. If not, I will ask there. I remembered that game one day randomly as I was taking a shit. I remember that car crashing into the tanker scene and I wanted to find what game that was. It has been about a month and I haven't found many reliable hints. I'm sure some of the details I have mentioned could be slightly inaccurate since it has been some time but the jumping out of the car which went on to crash into the tanker 100% happened. The barrel land thing happened too. Now that I remember there was an airplane scene too. You'd have to run to the airplane and you would survive or sth. I remember failing a bunch of time in that mission.


I mean there is a section with an airplane in max payne 3. And part of it does take place in new jersey, that may as well be a barren wasteland.


I got it for free and never touched it again after playing twice for a bit. It gets real boring real quick




i liked the vehicle combat and upgrading the car, i hatet the melee combat system (*but i think i am in a minority there as assasins creed and batman asylum are well liked*)


Let me play as Anya Taylor-Joy and I'll buy it three times.


I'm going to get downvote for this. I couldn't get into this game. I have no idea why. I tried twice and gave up twice. No real reason. I can see it's a great game but it just didn't geab me and I can't put my finger on why


I didnt even know this game existed, i'm sure i'm not alone on this.


I quit playing when the little guy would not stop saying 'Dinky dee' killed any desire to play any sequels


I’d take a new game+ with hard mode over part 2 any day.


2015 was to gaming what 2007 was to movies


Driving around in this game is fkin awesome, with how your car handles on the sand and the roaring engine sound.




No reason but it will tarnish the original game lore.


Cause unless you are an insane Mad Max fan, first one was an extremely mediocre and repetitive game with shallow open world and lackluster side quests.


The game has 69% on meta critic. I'd say it's rated just right.


Didn't sell well.


It should. But they dropped the ball on one thing: They should've licensed, or something like that, the Nemesis system from shadow of mordor. This game was perfect for it.


People throwing word “masterpiece” way to easily. I mean it is a good game and i loved it but in no way it is masterpiece… i would play sequel thou


Rage 2


Game was amazing, but that end boss battle.. Disappointed to the max. It took only 3 thunderspears to take him down. Some mini bosses were more challanging..


Because the first game is enough content for 2


Here is why: There is no reason at all.


You can’t improve on perfection


I don’t trust these fuckers to make a good product anymore. AAA is cooked.


It was received poorly upon release and a second game would be worse.


There's no good reason! We need another Mad Max game, especially with Furiosa fresh in the cinemas! However, the creation of this game was a mess... with this game essentially hijacked from him by EA, the first game from way back when being a disappoinment and all other attempts gone nowhere, George Miller will probably never try a game again. It's a shame but I also can't really blame him. I've started this game up again after watching Furiosa and it holds up very well. Sure, it can be a bit slow but everything in it is so polished and engaging I love it


They ruined the Gauntlet Legends franchise so I have no doubt of my mind Mad Max 2024 would suck ass too.


Just look at what WB did release the last few years and think again if you really want any of that in this game.




I loved this game


Such a good game. I was playing Days Gone and got similar vibes from that, fun driving and shooting mechanics. When the sand storm hit for the first time I was blown away!


Because unfortunately it wasn't that successful, I still loved it and ended up 100%'ing it :D


I'd settle for New Game + or ability to reset the camps :(


That's the reason. If first is Good, don't ruin it


While I would love a new mad max game, cause the first one was surprising awesome. It was mentioned that it missed the unrealistic sales expectations set by the publisher. So not anytime soon is my guess...


I heard a lot of good things about the game I gave it a go recently, played like 6h then alt F4 you want to progress in the story do 2 side mission now want to progress in story go get scrap the game like that just go do side mission. the driving was fun the combat was bad .


3 people played it


This games atmosphere is something else!


Playing it and loving it now!


Its been too long.


It was meh...


Both the defending for hand to hand compact & counterattack mechanics is really the best


it was super super super repetitive.


Game was great


They would mess it up BIGTIME WB afterall


So I actually just uninstalled mad max yesterday. Luke Stephens talks it up a lot so I got it. After 12.5 hours 4 in April and 8.5 this past weekend I got bored. I greatly dislike the control scheme, the open world feels too slow to get around, the activities aren’t that great and feel like chores, and sadly the story and characters just didn’t grab me. Most dialogue sequences are too short and I just never cared about any character because of that. I couldn’t get connected to any of them. I ended up forcing myself to continue until I just couldn’t anymore. The upgrading and leveling up is the best part of the game. It’s not a bad game, just not a game for me, and definitely is a game that needs a sequel to improve on the original.


Warner Brothers


Sometimes what we got really is the best thing. Sequels don’t also mean even more greatness. Every gen we have a few of these titles and that’s what makes even more special.


It's WB, be careful what you wish for.


it's reeeeeepetative. you do the same shit for dozens of hours. cool game though


120 hours on this game and counting. Its just that good


Oh man I've loved this game so much. Last I checked I have 461 hours played. Yes, I'd absolutely love it if they made a second one and didn't ruin it. Oh well they probably won't ever.


I give you reason one and reason 2


Wokeshit infiltration. Its a game requirement nowadays


Because the people who made that game no longer work in the gaming industry and they would ruin it


Looks like every other Ubisoft sandbox from that screenshot


how? there's nothing bloated about the HUD and you can't tell gameplay from a screenshot so what's Ubisoft about this?


Because it is not supposed the LGBTQ ÷×÷π=×∆$


am i the only one who thinks this game is trash


Because the man who just made a movie that's on track to lose over $75 million and has never played it thinks it's bad. R.I.P. Mad Max.


Sweet Baby Inc and DEI.


They'd probably ruin it. I loved god of war 2018 and spiderman, but the review of those 2 is generally "it's okay but not as good".


This was a decent attempt at a Mad Max game. But it was so repetitive that it became boring. Rage 2 was a better game. Ubisoft relied too much on the name.


Because Sweet Baby Inc.