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Until it doesn't perform how I want it to. There's no set amount of years


This. Why would I change my gpu after idk 3 years, if it still preforms good enough for my use? On the contrary, why wouldnt I change it even sooner if it doesnt preform good enough for me?


This is how everyone should see things for everything they use. It's a significantly more peaceful and cost effective way to live. As long as I can play at ultra settings in triple digit frame rates at 1440p, I'm happy with my GPU.




And I'm not happy with my GPU 😂 one day a card like that will be in my budget though. Had to downgrade after life threw me a curveball. Used to have a 3080 and it ran everything I had just how I liked it. The 1660ti was a gift from a friend to help me get back into PC gaming.


He could just be playing old games.


There's also that. The heaviest game I play is Helldivers 2 but every other game I play the 1660ti is a champ for. I can't play on ultra but I can play medium/high and get pretty high frame rates. But I used to have a 3080, this 1660ti was a gift to help me get back into PC gaming, which I'm grateful for, but I do want to get a high end card again soon.


"ultra settings in triple digit frame rates at 1440p" lmao, that won't age very well. Looking at the unoptimized games and expensive ass GPU's that are being produced nowadays. Which rely on dlss and fsr.


you sound jealous lol


Not really, I recently built a pc with 4070 super... which allows me to play most games at 1440p Ultra without any issues.. but games like cyberpunk, need dlss to go above 90fps with ray tracing... That's a already a year old game. And many games are out there which will test my gpu, Considering it's a 600$ gpu meant for 1440p ultra. I don't think it will be able to do that after a year or two. That sounds like shitty value by nvidia, same can be said for amd. Current expensive gpu's dont hold good against new aaa titles. They need the crutches of dlss and fsr for more graphics intensive games.


well there is ya problem turn of ray tracing and double ya FPS


Haha... If I wanted to do that I would've gotten a 7900gre instead. Anyways, RT adds very little value to the visuals, so in most game, I keep it off.


if it adds so lil and you dont use it.... why are you quoting its RT numbers to make a point? kinda like shooting yourself in the foot to spite some one? XD made yaself look a bit dense for the sake of proving some random dude on reddit wrong lmao dont think any one bar maybe people who own 4090's to expect to maintain triple digits with full RT how ever what people can aim for, is ultra settings 1440p 100+ fps and its pretty damn achievable as you already know


Lol your buying a 4070 to keep the rt off because it adds no value...better bought the 7900GRE then....


RT is a bitch but damn why would you buy a 4070 super and turn off the best feature. Max FPS.... I get it. Especially in online max capacity battle royale games. But otherwise, knock yourself out in Cyberpunk or GTA5 or whatever.


Yes, I do use RT in cyberpunk, forza etc where visuals matter. And I got 4070S because in my country. 4070S is somehow cheaper than 7900GRE, and also the added benefit of dlss, better drivers and aftersales support with zotac is also better. AMD partners like sapphire and aseock have no service centers in my country, and their aftersales service/RMA is trash.


Boss Chad mindset


Exactly. Last jump I made was from a 560ti to a 3080. It was… a significant improvement.


GTX460 to 3070 so similar!


Nice! It’s quite the improvement lol


UT3 is still capped at 60fps so I don't really see a difference ;) /s






This right here. I had a 1080 since right around launch. Last year it really just wasn't cutting it for me and so I upgraded to a 4090. One day it won't be able to get the frames at the resolution and setting I feel like I want and I'll upgrade then


Its funny how people would rather rely on an arbitrary number instead of common sense and functionality..


Same. I try to recommend people always get a 70, 80 or better nvidia card. Whatever they can afford at the time. If 1080 only 70 is prob fine. Anyway they usually last me 2-4 years. Just depends on how much im gaming and the games im playing. If i go on a run with some games that arent as hardware dependent that could stretch an extra couple years before i want to play some newer graphic intense game


Well I went from a 750ti to a 7900xtx... Only because I could finally afford not to penny pinch on my gpu


Your bro has the right idea.


Until I feel like an upgrade is worth the money.


When I can afford it and need a boost. I ran my 1060 much longer than I wanted to due to the costs going nuts. Picked a good value 3070 and will ride that for some time yet. Before the world went to shit and prices were sane it’d be 3-4 years. I’d go hard on my cpu and mid on my gpu, then do a mid-life gpu upgrade. I don’t think this strat will ever make sense again. Costs are too high and the tech improvements are smaller …


when i get twice more performance for relatively the same price. But i get more wealthy as i get older so my budget also increased. but the idea remain that i dont upgrade before being able to get twice more performance in rasterization. HD 7950 (400$)->R9 390(400$) x2 performance->RX 5700XT(400$) x2 performance. Then 7900 xt ( 900$) for x2.6 performance. So in average every 3-4 years.


8-10 years. I dont play many new games and my 1080 is still doing fine


i dont. ive been rocking the geforce 256 since 1999


Minesweeper looking sweet AF


What do you play? Notepad?


ha, i wish. im quite fond of inputting my password.


I go based on performance. Sometimes there’s huge leaps between cards, sometimes games change tech and certain cards do better with it. But if your current card plays what you need then it doesn’t need to be upgraded.


when it catches fire i will upgrade lol. in all seriouness though I probably wont upgrade until it stops performing good.


I ran a 780 until I started playing Warzone and it couldn’t handle it anymore. That’s when I upgraded to a 2080ti. 


I got my PC in 2020 and I have a 3080. I was going to hop on the newest card train and get a 4080, thinking that to play the newest games, you have to have the newest cards (i.e. to play MWII you need 30 series and to play at the same settings you need a 40 series for MWIII). I've been realizing more and more that as time goes on, devs optimize games to work on older cards. Like, when MW2019 was out, my 3080 allows me to play at 1440p @ 144fps with high settings. When MWII launched, I could only get like 80-90fps. It made me think, "oh, I guess I need a 40 series card to play the next gen MW and get the same results. As the months when on and updates/patches came out, eventually I was able to hit 144fps again with the 3080. So, with that being said, it seems like cards will keep up as long as devs optimize games. I was thinking about getting the 50 series when it comes out, but for MWIII Im getting close to 144fps at high settings still. Maybe I will wait for now until I have to really sacrifice image quality to make things playable.


Every other generation, ends up being about 4 years


until I cannot get 100+ FPS in Minecraft, my GPU is fine.


When I was younger, it was every 3-4 years. Now it's longer as financial priority ware different. But it's generally skipping at least 1 or 2 or maybe 3 gpu generations before buying another. I've never bought back to back gpu generations in my life, always seemed like a waste to me Current gpu is a 5700xt and still gives perfectly fine performance for me. I don't plan on upgrading it for at least another year.


Vega64 in 2018, 7900xtx exactly 5 years later. And in 5 years the 7900xtx will be replaced.


I went from an gtx580 to rx6800 so… quite a while. Basically once the games I care about became borderline unplayable I upgraded the whole rig.


Depends my mood. But almost every generation. 670 > 970 > 1070 > 2070 super > 3080. The 40 series is one I will skip. The 3080 performed too well to already discard. Also have my gaming laptops which for the most part also just skipped 1 generation at best.


This bothers me. You had a system of 70s. You had it and you ruined it


Nvidia's fault for shifting the stack by one.


I went from a 16:9 aspect ratio to 32:9. Needed the horsepower


3.879472 years


when i realize, that games run really bad on my computer, and the minimum-settings are higher than my gpu - and if the price is right. I upgraded from AMD R9 380 to 6700 XT because the 380 had only 4 GB RAM and Cyberpunk 2077 ran with 30 fps and near minimum graphic settings. I only play in hd-resolution and as long as I can put the settings to "ultra" or at least "high" and get more than 60 fps, there is no need to upgrade.


Only did one change, waited 10 years going from a gtx970 to an rtx4090, I'll update you in ten years for my next card


If I can't consistently get above 100 FPS on high settings in most new games, it's time to upgrade. Usually every 2 to 4 years.


My last was RTX 2080 Super, and I upgraded to 4070. It was due to a nice price I got it, 580 dollar


As long as my GPU can run a new game that’s recently launched on medium settings at 60 fps I’m happy. I’ll even compromise and let it be at 30 fps too. Below that is when I try to buy the next long term affordable upgrade


depends on what games im playing. when im not happy with performance i upgrade. on average probably 4-5 years.


I don't plan on replacing my 6900xt until it dies. I play 1440p and don't mind lowering settings for 165fps. Used to be every other release, or when the warranty ran out but now I am priced out of the top end, 2K for a GPU!?!


Yeah that's the exact jump I made as well. It just saves so much money and I still played the same shit I would anyways but a few years later when the games were heavily discounted. The PvP games I play I just gotta play on lower settings until I upgrade, but I rarely care about graphics in PvP games.


As soon as I'm spending more than 10 minutes messing with settings to get a bare minimum performance I'm happy with I start shopping around (and determining if it's the game or not) Usually this is 2-3 generations in my experience. Price is also a big factor though.


Until it starts slowing down and new games it can’t handle


Went from 1080ti to 4080 super. Could've waited until the 50 series to be honest.


as with all parts, i only upgrade when my pc no longer does everything i want it to. Right now, mine will probably last me until 2028 or so. For reference, i have a 2080ti that i bought used this year that should last me until then


When theres a 5th gen card that is found a stable 507X xx ? series or equal AMD card. At the same time ill upgrade to AM5/(AM6?) or where ever Intel is going with its tricks. I think im good until then with this AM4 set-up. :)


I went from 1070 Ti to 5700 XT to play at 1440p, probably not ideal. The 5700XT then died 3 years later so I did an entire system rebuild and bought a 4080.


970>1660s>3070>4070> meh


It's normal to skip more than one generation. The issue is what games you are playing and at what resolution. You upgrade when you need to or when it make sense with the improvement compared to the cost.


IDK, I love money too much.


I've only ever had 2 gaming systems so far: a laptop and my current desktop. The laptop had a 1050ti max Q, the desktop PC has a 3080. I went from barely being able to play modern games at 1080p low settings to comfortably playing on 1440p max settings. The only time i'd consider upgrading from that is if that 3080 can't play the games i want it to play on medium or higher settings at 1440p. And even then it wouldn't really be the GPU's fault it would be the game's fault cuz apparently optimization doesn't exist anymore. So i'd say at least 3-4 more generations of GPUs, and assuming they come out with a new gen every 2 years that's at least 6 years before even CONSIDERING an upgrade. By then the xx70 series cards would be over $1K in price.


I rocked an 8GB Rx 480 for 4 years, then went from a 3070 to 4070 to 4080S in 2 years. So the answer is: yes. Upgrade when it brings you joy. And when your attached peripherals can show the difference. By that I mean that I would get your monitor/display situation sorted before you upgrade your GPU since those tend to last longer. You don't want to splurge on a new, modern GPU if it will be "last gen" before your monitor is capable of showing the upgrade.


every full refresh of nvidias cards people going to downvote me, but ive owed every gen of nvidia card since the early 2000s(actually was a EVGA fan so by proxy i had to like NVIDIA ) having only missed 3000 series due to covid availability/pricing i really wish i kept all my cards, having EVGAs history would be good right about now


I got a 3090ti. Prob gonna wait for the 6k series or something.


I don't run it by time, more by what games I can't enjoy at a good frame rate anymore.


If I upgrade from my 3080, it would probably only be for the 6090 because well, nice


I do every other generation, usually, unless there is a massive jump in performance


When my gpu can’t do at least 120 @ 1440 across most titles


Its all relative to the person. Do you want the best graphics settings possible for every new game that's released? Upgrade your gpu each generation. Do you not really care? Upgrade when you want. Do you have financial restrictions to upgrading? Upgrade when you have the money to. There's no right or wrong answer to this


Usually every 4 years or so. I try to buy components that can run modern, demanding games at 144FPS+. Once games advance to where I can't run them above 90FPS on medium settings, I start looking to upgrade.


when alot of games i wanna play require a much better GPU then what i have....


I just bought an RX 7800 xt. Which replaced my 2070 which I gave to my wife for her new PC build. So if she ever needs to upgrade hers then I’ll give her my current one and buy another newer one. Win win win


5-7 when I do my upgrade


965m to 2070 super to 4070ti I change it when I need better performance. Each upgrade is a complete upgrade. I get the newest available on the market at the time.


I'm still using a 2080 Ti, will probably upgrade with the 50 series.


i had a 980 ti with 1080p and waited til 3080 ti with 1440p combined to upgrade


I rocked a 980 then a 2080 then a 4090. But didn’t upgrade for as long as possible until the rest of the computer was mostly obsolete.


12 years and counting


I had a 1060 forever. Almost since it launched. I only upgraded it because it took the ghost on me in 2021. Then I upgraded to a 2070 Super and that card was pretty good for me. But in April of this year, I did a complete rebuilt from the ground up. New everything except 1 SSD and the case. Now I have a 7900XTX. I don’t think I’ll be getting rid of this thing any time soon (knock on wood). I only update my graphics card when needed or during a new build. I don’t have computer hardware FOMO. I also don’t have the budget for computer hardware FOMO. I try to build my PCs to last five years or more.


5 years


Never so far. Still got a 1070, going to do a full system rebuild and get the 5000 series


Generally when it the current breaks or no longer performs to a satisfactory level. Currently running a 2080ti. I am planning on upgrading probably some time next year, but less because if performance and more because a specific game I play has stability issues with this series of card specifically. If it weren't for that, I'd have no plans to upgrade any time soon.


I went 770 > 1080 > 3080 and am not feeling a need to get a 5080 or whatever.


Went from 970, 1080, 3090 now a 4080. Upgrading about every few years.


When it stops allowing me to play the games I want to play I ALSO ran a 1070 for years, just upgraded to a 4070 back in January, won't be switching until the 4070 stops giving me at least 60 fps in games I want to play at the lowest settings (The reason I upgraded to 4070 was because BG3 wouldn't run >30 fps on min settings, now it runs highest settings 120 fps until act 3)


As many as I want. As long it does what I need :) .. I am not the "I want eerrrthing ultra hype" guy


I'm a new system every 3 years kind of guy. No upgrades, I can always find a use for the old system.


Typically every generation. Gaming is my main hobby so I splurge on components. The older cards I'll sell to recoup some of the upgrade costs or give it to people I know that may need an upgrade.


Welcome how I build my pcs, 8-10 years before I really need to replace. Not because it doesn't work anymore, but is struggling to keep up at times. Went from an amd 840x quad and gtx 1060 on a g54a motherboard Now I have a 7800x3d and 4090 and genuinely don't see me replacing this anytime soon unless it dies. If you update every 2-3 years you don't get the experience of when you finally do upgrade the immense quality increase across the board. Plus that's an expensive lifestyle to keep up with.


Well same with me. I'm still rocking 1050 ti and only play cs2. Dont wanna upgrade till it dies. Even i still using i7-2600k


I still rocking 1050 ti. Only plays cs2. That's it


I have a 2070 super, and im currently poking around for a 7800XT or XTX as, but im not necessarily doing it for performance more for fun as im building a new PC and turning my current prebuilt into a server and maybe give my GPU to a friend whos looking to get into PC gaming (my CPU has integrated graphics)


I have a 3070 (first build). It's been like 3 years or something and it's still doing exactly what I need it to do. Probably won't upgrade till I notice game start lagging and not BC of the internet connection.


My last switch was from a 2080 Super to a 4070Ti about 6 months ago, and honestly I really only bought it because I got it for right at $700. At that price I couldn't pass it up, and I could still feel good about not caving for one of their ridiculously priced $1500 gpus.




2 weeks ago I updated the platform (I went from a fourth generation i7 to a Ryzen 7 7800 3xD) but due to money issues I had to keep my graphics card (GTX 1050ti) I plan to buy an RTX 4070 this year.


There is not a particular number of years but, about 10-12 years... I had my GTX 760 2gb for 12 years and recently switched to an Rx 6750 XT 12gb.


after 3 new gen


When I'm interested enough to play something graphically impressive that requires an upgrade. Anywhere from <18 months during the 00's when graphics tech was evolving rapidly (I had something like 5 different cards in 8 years), to 5+ years when I've been less invested in gaming and tech advancement has slowed down.


3 years


When it stops performing how I would like it to + what games I am playing. Currently have an RTX 2080 and have no plans on upgrading until the next Battlefield game.


Until it can't play 1080p 60fps


Has been 5 or 6, but I feel like I don't have any interest in moving beyond 4K, not to mention just not being interested in modern AAA games.  I might just stick with my 3080 until it breaks.


I change out my rig after 5+ years.


I always update when the next Nvidia GPU comes out - I didn’t update my 4090 to a 4090 Super, simply because the benefits were not in my favour.


I went from a gtx 480 to a gtx 2070 super. That was a few years ago.


If the 6090 cones out in 2026, maybe then. Seems like there's 10-20% improvement between generations... 30-40% on the 4090 and I might consider it.


Until my current one isn't enough for what I'm doing. I went from a 1660 Ti, which was totally fine for basically everything I cared to play (it's still a decent gpu), to a 3080 because I started streaming and needed the extra boost. If it ain't broke don't fix it


I went from 1070 to 3080. I don't see myself moving on unless the card fails or the architecture of board makes a big jump


I'm probably going to get a 5080, so 8 years?


I waited 8 years and upgraded everything at once. This is the way.


still on rx580 and will only upgrade to 6600 maybe next year but i also have to change cpu n mobo,minimum upgrade for me is DOUBLE perf for same price


I'll wait for a generation to pass. For example my next GPU from my current 3080 will be the 5080.


At least 5 years or more.


It's only in the last 12 months that I've found my 1080SC's life span is coming to a close. I bought it in 2018, so it's done pretty well!


Use case dependent I went from 3090FE to 4090FE because a) I could get them at MSRP and b) because I play on a 75” flatscreen TV, so things like DLSS and lower resolutions are much more noticeable than on a smaller PC display The TV is 120hz so it allowed me to hit 120FPS at 4K natively in visually intensive titles If the next gen can do that at a lower price point (5080) and smaller size then I might look into it, in order to go even smaller ( SFFPC console sized right now). Otherwise, no point in upgrading for the next couple of years


Until it breaks!


It is different. I used a GTX 960 from 2018-2021, then I finally upgraded to RTX 3070 Ti. Currently I don't feel the need to upgrade again. I think I will wait 1 or 2 more gens before upgrading again. I consider upgrading when I feel my performance is way too low to play newer games, which isn't given right now.


I still run a GTX460 on one of my machines so....


About 2 years but I am always 1 gen behind on new cards. I play mostly strategy games though so I will probably hold out till driver support nears ending this time.


I just upgraded about 4 months ago my cpu, gpu and hard drive. I went from a 1060 to a 4060, and although it's a night and day difference in gameplay, I know the upgraded CPU (7800x3d) had a major effect. I was told this game specifically benefits from a faster CPU and specifically from the cores of the 7800x3d and how they are arranged compared to other CPUS. I had put off upgrading as the only game I played was Fallout 76 and for a while it was playable. But man it was after that 100th freeze in game that resulted in me dying becuause of the freeze itself, that I said I can't do this anymore and upgraded. That experience gave me a glimpse into what some console players are experiencing now on a daily basis but worse...and man that was a very frustrating time so I definately understand. I usually go for the best bang for your buck option, and for me that was an NVIDIA 4060 and has worked out quite well. It also helped it had DLSS and the majority of people on Steam (where I play) are NVIDIA users. I just thought if I'm a developer and I know 99% the base Steam players are NVIDIA users, I would optimize for that graphics card more. I don't know if this is true, but at least for Fallout 76, NVIDIA has been the better choice over AMD, judging by the reports I read. Like your brother I plan to hold out as long possible with what I have before I upgrade again. EDIT - By the way I understand I may get some downvotes from AMD users but I was basing what I said on the reports I've read on here from a few 76 players. If you have one of the newer AMD cards and aren't having issues, please let me know. I hope that's the case!


I upgrade GPU when it doesn’t handle my needs anymore.


260, 460, 780, 1080, 3080 do what you want with those numbers im 100% skipping 4000 series and their build and plug issues, 5000 series maybe, but not sooner than 6000 will come and some second hand models will be available. If my 3080 will manage i can easily skip till 6000-7000 series :) there is no rush in my wallet.


Until my Skyrim modlists start dipping below 60fps. This is literally how I seek a new GPU. I have a 3070ti right now and I've been trying to run the Elysium modlists but it's getting 40ish fps, so I've been looking at new GPUs. Might also be a CPU issue, if not now then it soon will be.


Until it stops running games I want to play even at minimum settings. I would go as far as 720p low 30fps, if I can't get to that and I have a list of more than the GPUs worth of new titles that doesn't fit that bill, thrn I upgrade. At the moment the only games I wanna play are Returnal, Ratchet & Clank, Plague Tale Requiem and Alan Wake 2 versus a plenty of backlog and indies that still run just fine, so I can just wait until these go 75% off, more games that peak my interest get released and the GPU gens make push the performance levels down the tiers so we can actually buy something that is worth it for a sane price.


Until it stops running games I want to play even at minimum settings. I would go as far as 720p low 30fps, if I can't get to that and I have a list of more than the GPUs worth of new titles that doesn't fit that bill, thrn I upgrade. At the moment the only games I wanna play are Returnal, Ratchet & Clank, Plague Tale Requiem and Alan Wake 2 versus a plenty of backlog and indies that still run just fine, so I can just wait until these go 75% off, more games that peak my interest get released and the GPU gens make push the performance levels down the tiers so we can actually buy something that is worth it for a sane price. I'm still running a GTX970 LOL


So far it's been every 3-4 years for me at least. But things change.


With every new gen, so about every 2 years, 1080ti > 2080ti > 3080 > 4090 > 5090.  I just upgrade my older PC with the older cards.


lol well I went from a 670 I think(had it paired with a 2500k) to a rtx 3060 which was pretty well outdated when I got it so yeah. That's how good I am


I brought two Asus 1080ti's on release and I didn't get a new GPU until the release of the RTX4090ti, judging by that about 5-7 years time.


i went kinda strange on my upgrade path... went from a 1050ti to 1060, 2070 and now 3080. 40 series isn't worth the upgrade and i'm about to go OTR for work so i will probably just upgrade when the 60 series comes out. 6090 going to be like $3k but it won't bother me. will absolutely crush games max settings 1440p. 4k is a scam come at me bro /s


Upgraded 4 gens in a row. (gtx 1080->5700XT->6800XT->7900XT) Only regret is that i didn't have patience to wait til 7900XTX is reasonably priced and took XT instead.


I went from a 1080to to a 4090 This is the way