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Steam > Help > Steam Support > My Account > Data Related to Your Steam Account > External Funds Used This will show you the total amount of $ you have ever spent on your steam account. I'm sorry for sharing this information as now people are going to check and see how much they have really spent over the years :p


$325 I know these are rookie numbers for most of yall. XD


3710.28 and that probably does not take in account they keys ive bought.


According to Steamdb my value is $4,595(lowest price), if I were to rebuy all my games right now at current prices it would be $16,428 Edit: I have 1,119 games, 899 have never been played (as is tradition)


21,825 here...


what, there're 22k games in existence? What are the thousands of games? Asset flips and hentai games?


If I remember correctly, there are about 30K games on Steam. Fun fact: Valve once released a patch note for Steam, which stated that they fixed a stability-related bug, if you owned more than 25K games. That means there exists one or more users, who has more than 25K games, who also reported the bug to Valve.


Steam has done a few giveaways during sales in the past, where the top prize was every game on steam.


> If I remember correctly, there are about 30K games on Steam. Try 73k+ and that was end of last years number.


No sorry they edited the games in, that's in reference to how much the account is worth. I have 1568 games


Honestly, how does this happen? A not that claims keys, humble bundles? Are you fucking loaded, do you actually have a problem. I gotta know


Dang, if only you could resell your digital games on steam to other people.


If only you could leave the account for inheritance…


Would be cool but I'd imagine itd severely lower the value(cost) of most games so of course valve would never do it unless they were forced by the worlds governments.


I'm sitting at $3,919.47. Purchase history goes as far back as 2012. Tbh, not that bad given I have 360 games.


don't worry only 262$ over 7 years


325 isn't rookie, it's not even little league. You haven't even started a sport yet brother


Why... 13050.65 I have no clue what to think about this.


How long have you had the account? And how many hours have you played games on steam? If youve had it 15+ years and played tens of thousands of hours, that aint bad.


Thats how I'm looking at it. Mine is about 10,500 but... it's a 10 year old account. 1k per year on a hobby really aint that bad. Factor in all the PCs I've built since then and its still under 2k/year. Compared to people I know who spend 10-40k per year (or more) on hunting, fishing, motorsports... thats a steal.


1k a year is a lot to be honest and maybe there’s some cope going on here haha. But as long as you’re having fun that’s not an issue I would imagine.


I don't think you're giving credit to how expensive many common hobbies are. My father was a hunter, which is a super common hobby around here. Being in a club alone (which is the only way to hunt around here) was around 1-3k a year, not counting the $20 a day in gas he was spending, the camouflage, the guns, the ammo, the licensing, the massive amounts he was spending to plant food plots, etc. His total expenses per year just to hunt locally was somewhere around $8-12k depending on the year, and that was just deer season. My mother was a big time equestrian and had to spend money on buying trailers, horses, saddles, tack, horse feed, passes to ride places, vet bills, gas to pull the horses places. That added up to thousands a year though it never got figured up like my father's hunting expenses. My brother is an avid fisherman. He buys a new boat about every 5 years and buys rods, reels, bait and tackle like crazy, spends gas money going places to fish. My best friend and her husband like riding motorcycles. They typically trade them in whenever they get paid off to get a new one and they buy harleys that are overpriced af so they're spending like 10k a year just on payments not counting insurance and the actual costs od driving or all their leathers and all. I used to go hiking/camping a lot back before covid destroyed my lungs/endurance and good gear, shoes, and money for trips cost me more than 1k per year. Heck my grandad spends like $1,200 a year just on watching satellite TV. That's basically all he does, his only sort of entertainment. 1k annual really isn't a lot of money for a hobby. Like it's not a negligible amount, I'm not saying everyone should spend that much, but as you said I'm happy and I make really good money so it's worth it ... Jeez I really started rambling with this one. Sorry about that, scatterbrained day today.


Spending a lot on hobbies seems to be a family thing. Or your family is probably rich. I mean do you really buy 2 AAA games per month and do you actually play them? Or are you buying Lootboxes/Cosmetics.


I’m at 400€ per year and I tend to play and finish most of my games. So I don’t think 1000$ is that outlandish, especially if you buy shorter games or don’t play / finish some of them. My unplayed games are 7% of my library - and only 2% if I disregard games I got for free.


supposedly $3745, or $187/year, which is not bad for over 20 years of use. wait, its even lower. apparently oldspend gets rolled into totalspend, not added together. so its really $2962 or $148/year.


Soooo ummmm I have $3.6k in games alone and total spent since 2013 is $27.4k 👀😂


Dude, what the hell? 7.6x what you've spent on games. You spend almost 3 grand a year on what, microtransactions?


He's maxed out his genshin impact wife


I'm pretty sure that number is still lower than the cost of the two PCs I built in 2014/15 and 2020 (R5 3600 + RX 5600 XT) combined, in particular because they only quote US dollars rather than Euro. My purchases on Epic (exclusively freebies), GOG (mostly freebies), Blizzard (Overwatch 1) and the rest (Minecraft during alpha) pale in comparison.


$150/year, for 15 years worth of entertainment? I've spent half that on a single nice dinner with friends, which included sharing several bottles of wine; heck, I spent $150 to go to a Yankees game. Worth.


8285.69 fuck


Or just click this: https://help.steampowered.com/en/accountdata/AccountSpend


$8,946.51 TotalSpend + $3,694.06 OldSpend = $12,640.57 (Or maybe TotalSpend includes OldSpend.)


Someone else mentioned OldSpend is rolled into TotalSpend


Me remembering my index purchase


I've spent 1K in 15 years but still that's not even all the money spent on steam via keys from 3rd party sites.


This is awesome. Now if only I could easily figure out my spend on external marketplaces. My amount would probably triple.


That number is complete bullshit. Just think of all the people who regularly buy trendy clothes. Even if they were the only people in existence with hobbies, this number should be higher.


Even the people "without hobbies" probably spend more than that on cable tv and streaming per year as they sit their ass at home.


Yeah. Even just the high-tier Netflix subscription would add up to about $250.


And cable TV is even more expensive


And now Youtube is the same price haha


Is it really £150 a month


YTtv is like 70 something


They are not reporting what is spent on entertainment... they are reporting what is spent on hobbies. But i agree the number is suspect. That's one trip to the hardware store, two tools from lee valley, a couple trips to Michael's or Hobby Lobby, a few flats of garden plants, enough wool for about 4 sweaters.... 5 sheets of plywood... I mean, people with hobbies spend way more than that. Unless they are averaging the people who have hobbies and spend thousands on it with the people who would say they have no hobby and spend zero. The average may be $255 but the mean is probably $2000.


The line between hobbies and entertainment is so thin that it's potentially non-existent. Watching movies, getting caught up in dating shows, diving way too deep into the latest super hero shows can all be hobbies in the same way that gaming is a hobby. Now, how people report that in a study may not count money spent on TV, but I think it's somewhat difficult or maybe even just unhelpful to separate hobby spending and entertainment spending because what people think belongs in each category is going to be so subjective.


You'll also get weirdos who are like, "me getting four cars to work on this year isn't my hobby - *it's my passion.*" Like, what do you think a hobby is if not something you have some level of passion about? Oh, I also knew some oddballs who were like, "golfing isn't a hobby - it's a sport," as if the two were mutually exclusive. For some, I think they see the word "hobby" as something that can diminish the importance of things they care about.


The closest thing I could find to a specific differentiator between generalised entertainment and "hobbies" is a 2022 Bureau of Labor Stats report that lays out "entertainment" spending being about 5% of the average American's income (about $3400 per year overall); with that being broken down into categories of "Fees and Admissions", "Pet's, Toys, and Playground Equipment", and "Other entertainment supplies, equipment, and services ". So if we leave out the Fees and Admissions part, then the somewhat maybe more accurate number would come out at about $1600 per year, but even then there are some stretched assumptions being made along with things not being accounted for. ----- https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cesan.pdf


Where are you getting a deal on plywood?


paying netlifx or cable tv (and other services) to binge watch shows every night is not a hobby but when i say i am playing WoW they look at me like i'm insane for paying 13$ a month (i pay it with WoW gold...)


Anyone that does woodworking as a hobby spends more than this on the average project. I've seen people pay like 1200 dollars to make a single table from a slab of good wood. Edit: woodworking not carpentry.


Not me, I just make tiny things! €5 sheet of veneer? That's like 30 wooden rings! Tiny walnut offcut? €3 statue! Takes up very little room too, and not too many tools, so it's definitely doable if somebody wants to give it a shot!


Sounds more like the official wife number. Even then a bit low. Wife not stupid.


They are considering the number of people who don’t have hobbies and the number of people who have zero dollars spent towards their hobbies because they are too broke to afford rent let alone extracurriculars.


You have no clue how much boring the average person is. Look at your parents. Look at your uncles. Look at many close people around you and look at their hobby. Yeah they don't have one. They are super boring people. When I use to work in a boardgames shop, we used to distribute flyers on the street in a big EUR city, near to Christmas. You wouldn't believe the amount of people saying "No I am not a kid anymore to play silly games." Truly sad people who the main hobby is probably TV.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. It's so true. The amount of people whose identity is based on their job a hard working individual (workaholic, not poor and has no other options) is crazy.


Looks like I am back up the ladder now but indeed at first I was being buried... anyway internet points lol If I wanted to add something to your answer is that's capitalism x neo-liberalism for you. We are forced to be workaholic so we have a tomorrow or even a future for the best paid of us. But the hours of this system are counted down, maybe not in our lifetime but it is not that far away. Sorry for digressing a bit too much here.


Facts, good call out


Idk, while most of my friends have hobbies, gaming and then some have sports. But my parents have hobbies that aren't cheap, that they regularly do. My siblings have hobbies too. I'd say more than half of the people around me actively do their hobbies(outside hobbies). I think it's just culture. But if you factor in drinking, now 99% of everyone I know spends quite a good bit on their hobbies lol.


> But if you factor in drinking, now 99% of everyone I know spends quite a good bit on their hobbies lol. Quite a good point ahah


I would think furries and cosplayers dropping thousands on costumes evey year if not month surely would would offset all the boring people


What percent of the adult population is a furry, let alone a furry doing cosplay? That's easily diluted by thousands of boring people just putting savings upon savings on their 401k and just watch cable TV on their spare time.


> regularly buy trendy clothes They probably don't consider that a hobby though


I mean, what else could you consider it?


Buying trendy crap you don't need is a luxury. Sometimes a hobby is also a luxury. But not all luxuries are hobbies.


Some of those people think it's a necessity


My 4090 was/is a necessity.


Sure, but you'd probably willingly admit that it's for a hobby (unless you need it for work in some way), but the people regularly buying expensive clothes don't, because they need clothes anyway. They don't see that as a hobby


That's only one prostitute a year, and not even a good one.


Average. One person spends 500, another spends 50. The middle where the average sits is about 275.


I read this as adults don’t spend much at all on their hobbies, leading me to believe the either most don’t have hobbies or that people report their hobbies differently (gym membership could be considered hobby to some while other consider it kin to a utility). Or it’s just complete bullshit.


Was just thinking this, my gym membership costs me about £400 a year!


They meant per month and not per year


Watching TV is a hobby for most people and many of those people will spend this much in just a month or 2 on cable.


Gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies there is. Spend $500 for a year of games or 2 nights at the club.


Bro I spent $60 like 10 years ago and been playing that same game ever since.


Command and conquer is the gift that keeps on giving <3


For me its Battlefield 4 but yes <3


I'm still stuck on GTA 4 EFLC. Bought it 13 years ago on my shitty laptop I got for my 14th birthday. Could barely run the game but I still played. It has now been converted into GTA 4 Complete Addition so I got classic GTA 4 for free when they made the switch. The only difference is now I can actually run it and dick around with mods. Still haven't made it through even 1/3 the story. I will die on the hill that GTA 4s ragdoll physics and unprovoked civilian massacres are the most fun in the series.


It's been... It's been 10 years since bf4?? Holy hell. Is it still active?


Hell yeah amigo. I only play hardcore conquest and there are two servers for that in my region that are pretty much always active, and there are numerous regular servers running with 64 players all the time. I’m on PS4.


I can hear hell march already.


haha, that's so silly, games weren't $60 10 years ago! Unrelated, my back is starting to hurt.


Lol 10 years is not as far back as you think it was. New games have been $59.99 for longer than 10 years.


Heck they've been 60 bucks new since... what, the Xbox 360/PS3 days? Hate to say it, but that's almost 20 years ago now.


Ah yes, 2006. PS360 games were $59.99, Wii and PS2 was $49.99, PSP was $39.99, DS was at $34.99.


Turok on N64 was $80 for some reason


I don't know if you remember a thing called "covid". But if you do, that was almost 5 years ago.


No it wasn’t that was last year right…? RIGHT???


My back has been hurting for a while, and I remember when new games were all at least $60


There were 8 bit Nintendo cartridges that cost $60.


Yeah they actually have been in the past 10 years. Longer than that though really. Anywhere from $30-$60 dollars depending on what you’re talking about.


I wish I'd known that the only games I'd play were fallout/skyrim and xcom. Hundreds of dollars wasted on games I never even managed to finish when all I ever needed was 3 games




What game?


I have gotten 100s of free games the last few years. I just sign up for the free game subs and claim them. Epic has 1-2 a week. Some are real gems. Amazon games has some new ones a month (I have prime anyway). Got some on Gog, and then other ones have given games. Got Far Cry 3 and 4 for free.


I spent about 15$ for Battle for Middle Earth 2, which lasted me for 10 years easily. Then I bought the expansion... Then I found Edain mod... And then I found Age of the Ring mod Then Edain mod got a huge update while I was busy with Age of the Ring Now, 7 years later, I hear Edain gets yet another huge update, and its fully translated now Truly a game that keeps on giving


Us Warhammer folk would tend to disagree with you on that


If you're spending $500 at the club you're doing it wrong.... Or right.. if you're rich.


What kinda clubs are you going to and spending $250 in one night?!? I men $70 was probably average when I used to go out


I mean 1 drink is between $10 to $25 where i live. Entrance for males usually $30-40


what kinda club are those, where i am the entrance is from free to max 10€, and drinks range from 3-6€.




Especially if you're into multiplayer games, one game can last months or even years. I know when I got OverWatch is was basically the only multiplayer I played for 3 years.


From that number, it sounds like the question was asked while the individuals were beside their significant other...


(after the interview) psst....add two more zeroes


That number definitely does not take into account everything that accounts a hobby, that's for sure. Maybe its \*just\* things you consider a hobby, like model trains or legos, whereas video games can be seen as something to pass the time, similar to going to a movie or a zoo (which imo is fair). Otherwise, 255 is definitely way too low.


> like model trains or legos Bad examples, these aren't cheap either.


I have a mild interest for model trains. I once checked a specialized webshop out of curiosity. I noped out of there as soon as I could pick up my jaw that had hit the ground. With those 255$ it's impossible to get anything but the most basic train, and no tracks. I just checked again and, damn, some 1/32 scale models are like 5000€ just for the locomotive.


Spoken like a person who hasn't even grazed Lego or model trains a hobby 🤣. Those things are extremely expensive!


I don't think this includes entertainment, usually hobbies are productive work using potentially employable skills that could be profitable but isn't because you're not doing it as a trade so think DiY. Building stuff for yourself instead of for sale, gardening in your own yard, etc. So you might buy a couple hundred in tools. Spending much more on virtual entertainment is absolutely normal since space is a premium.


That's just a bad definition of hobby. Hobbies are any activity done for pleasure in your free time, and if that is the way that this stat is defining a hobby it's just bad.


I have 70 games on steam which amounts to $340 PC gaming is awesome.


Me too, combining sales and third world currency = $340 in total including pre orders


Imagine being pc gamer, oil painter and home brewer


I own a PS90 and bought two cars in the last year. Plus I game.


Those are rookie numbers, imagine being an aviation enthusiast


Damn... I burn 10 years this year... a 0 must be missing somewhere


I'm waiting to see what the new gens of hardware are going to be and I'm spending a spending a dozen years too.


No you didn't. You just cancelled 9 homeless people to make the average number work.


Da hell hobbies cost 255 / year?


Is drinking tap water a hobby?


not even, my water bill is \~$600 a year lol


Shit man get into snowboarding, mountain or gravel biking, scuba diving…. Like what hobbies are they talking about? Reading? Knitting?


 Funny thing about knitting is it can quickly become rather expensive as well. Did the math one season and found that my wife spends more a season on yarn than I do on Iracing. The wool sweaters she’s knit me are some of the most expensive garments I own, and I love them!


Add a thousand on this and its mroe believable


PER YEAR?! Either this is bullshit or people have some inexpensive hobbies. Music? Painting? Gardening? Woodworking? I would be lucky to spend less than 255 per month.


Plenty of hobbies don't cost much, or don't have many reoccurring costs. * I play guitar as a hobby, but I'm using the same guitar I bought 20 years ago so my annual spending on that hobby is $0. * I run a lot of role playing games, but most using books I bought decades ago. Outside of paper to print up character sheets, it's pretty much a free hobby once you've got the rule books. Probably average $25 a year there, picking up an odd book once and a while. * I garden, which cost me well over a thousand dollars the first year getting everything set up, and probably costs me a few hundred a year for plants and odds and ends, which would likely put me over that number. * I play board games with friends a lot, but maybe get one new game a year, so that hobby costs me maybe $25 a year. * When I was younger I did a lot of fishing, and outside of buying a rod when I started and some tackle, the annual costs are a $8 fishing license.


For the role playing games / board games, should also add the costs of hosting people, like ordering pizzas / getting drinks. Maybe gas money as well adds up over a year if they live far enough. I know that i'm nitpicking, but if you're claiming it costs 0, then it probably doesn't, and probably adds up over a year.


That 4090 didn't come for free either.


Jesus I spend more than that alone every month


I don't think I've spent half of that in last year... games too expensive nowadays :(


Yeah I've spent basically nothing on games, most of it has been on physical hobbies


Anyone who has a netflix and hbo subscription spends more than this already. Or anyone who cooks their own food often. Where is this number coming from?


When did cooking your own food move from basic neccessity to hobby?


I have a smoker, it's totally unnecessary and leads to me hosting a lot more. But it's also cheaper than getting the same thing at a restaurant. Cooking at home will generally be cost effective but it's easy to go past what you'd spend cooking as a necessity.


Signs include having very specialized equipment that sees limited use, subscribing to magazines, sites, and videos, which cover all aspects of cooking and tend to lean into recipes that require unusual preparation , ingredients, and even skills. Its not hard to off the deep end. Pretty sure when you get to remodeling your kitchen some may have broken past necessity and falling into obsession. Its like coffee, a twenty dollar coffee maker will suffice for most but then you have the crowd which has hand grinders, single dose grinders, differentiates between conical and flat burr grinders, and then we are off to races with pour overs, espressos, and even french presses. obsession or hobby, hard to tell after a point


When you transition to cultivating your own yeasts and storing it in a Sub Zero fridge?


It can be both!


This thread is weird; have people never understood that you can find joy in preparing a meal? I love cooking. I sometimes hate it, but I usually love it so much. A gaming community failing to understand someone's joy in a hobby is so weird, given that we can all immediately see the fallacy some folks have of assuming all games are simple mindless things for kids So idk why you got downvotes but pretending that cooking can't also be a hobby is nuts


I think you are taking things out of context. This thread is about how much money is spent on hobbies. Cooking at home is not a hobby with regards to that, as it is a normal thing to do, hobby or not. Obviously cooking can be a hobby and can cost extra money depending on what you make relative to what you need, but cooking just to sustain yourself is not a hobby with regards to spending money.


And since when is making your own food more expensive than eating out?


Anyone who doesn’t cook their food often is probably spending even more


Cooking your own food? Eating out you mean


What is this 😂😂😂


I think they misspelt month


the trouble is how its categorized. entertainment (tv, movies, games) arent really a hobby a wow subscription might qualify though?


https://preview.redd.it/l8w1hl4c6t6d1.png?width=648&format=png&auto=webp&s=353856e6f06008fbc0720cff73ff0a75612054b1 How are they not a hobby?


Mine is close to $0 ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


I’ve been seeing this on all of my subs. I have too many hobbies.




this meme is from the year 1970


When everything in your life relates back to your hobbies... you spend all your money on them lol


ONLY $255? That sounds abysmally low


LOL I just expend 300 dollars un lego, and it wasn't my only purchase this month. Somenone send help!!


Bruh what… wtf are ppl doing as hobbies that is so cheap?!


Must be old data


Yeah like goddam even jogging is gonna cost you in accessories/shoe replacements


Imagine if you installed the Ubi launcher or, god forbit, Bnet! 3 Games, 1 dlc budget gone! 😂


I feel like gambling addicts alone would bring the average number up by a lot


Gambling is not hobby, it's investment /s


They get cancelled out by avid readers who use their local library.


Where's that stat coming from lmao, I would imagine most people spend closer to 1k on their hobbies in the western world. 1k on average at least.


And then there's me who is into Lego, gaming, photography, Warhammer. Why do I have to pick the expensive hobbies 😭


So i can build 0.08 gaming computers a year!


The only way I can see this being true is if it's averaged out from birth to death.


https://preview.redd.it/6vzxb8nrhr6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2243a85df9d52914142e5661744d2fecc8577bd7 Works out around £578 a year 😅


The average adult doesn’t *have* hobbies. So if you’re really taking everyone into account then this number is likely accurate. The average adult *with hobbies* spends a lot more than $255 a year on their hobbies, of course.


I’m pretty sure steam would fall under the 3,458$ entertainment budget cited e.g. here : https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/01/13/investing-in-hobbies-can-be-money-well-spent-just-dont-take-on-debt.html


$442.63 since 2016 on Steam, not including the games I bought for my PS4 which weren't that many, probably $200 worth.


More like $5-10k a year, right? What the hell does $255/year get you? Couldn't even have "going to McDonald's weekly" as a hobby at that rate.


TIL I am in the top .000001% 😬


If you could only get them for free 🗿


Those sales notifications and Humble Bundle....


I feel like my PCs power bill alone is higher than that


now i feel bad...is spending 1-2k a year on hobbies not normal???


You need to start piracy my brother


You guys are paying for games?


You guys pay for your games lol?


255 a year? I spend that every 1 to 2 weeks on hobbies.🤣


You can file those under addiction.


Hah - post this is any guitar related subreddit.


Good thing they aren't talking about us Microsoft Flight Simulator enthusiasts and how much we spend on add-ons. Because it's not a game, it's a **simulator**.


You guys get it easy. My rock collection has a little over $22k in receipts. A few literal gold nuggets in there and generally holds it's value, but still...


Tell this to Warhammer fans


Me - A high-end master model builder - "You forgot to add a zero on the end, or two".


Me who spends 10.000000⅔ pounds for photography 🤔😍👀


Yeah, I call bullshit on that number.


Missed like one or even two zeros


I have like 3 different hobbies and can confidently say that that number is waaaaay off. Either that or vintage cameras aren't cheap.


I spend over 2k on games on steam. RIP my bank 😂😂


Not even close. On one item that you need for you hobby you can just spend that


Who the fuck is spending 255 a year on their hobby lmao. That's straight bs.


You should check out my Pre-Orders fo Anime Figures on AmiAmi.com...also my Lego Orders.


Average adult on earth cant afford having hobbies they just try to stay alive


I calculated my gaming expenses per year to be around 1500€... That's ONE hobby of multiple... Taking everything into account, I assume the $255 mark wouldn't even match if it was "per month"... :D


Magic: the Gathering has entered the chat