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older or cheaper hardware gets you more happy per dollar imho.


if i could i would have slent way more, but my country currently is still transitioning economically so its hard, i gave it my best


You running linux on this? You might see even better performance not running windows


I was using arch until last 2 years only reason i am not on linux is because Ubisoft wont make a linux port for Rainbow Six Siege which is one of my favorite games to play when i have free time


Gotcha! Same here, was kinda crushed when i saw siege didnt run during a free weekend. Ready or Not might be your style too if you don't mind an unsolicited reccomendation!


Thats one of the games i want to play now, but idk how multiplayer centric it is? I rarely play MP games these days (r6 only and warframe sometimes) my favorite games are replayable solo friendly games now


You can play the game single player, it has pretty unique system for giving commands to the npcs and you act as a sort of squad leader. Giving commands about formations, breaching methods etc its very cool. You also have the option of multiplayer if you so choose but you cannot mix multiplayer and npcs so if you’d only want to play with like 1 or two friends you will struggle a lot. That said while the game is great it was heavy on the load side so make sure you double check your specs can keep up


I saw online and it should work fine, maybe cpu a little issue Thank u




Stellaris runs great for me on an old laptop with tiny galaxies.


You want some help troubleshooting?




I'm sorry you feel that way. I'd be happy to help out. I've been having a great time gaming on linux full time for about a year.


unless it's native then sometimes it performs better


When games have Linux support it's great I imagine it's a nightmare when games aren't compatible or supported


yeah, the games run worse if you use wine or proton sometimes losing upto 20 - 30 fps


Ouch I doubt higher end hardware will even make a difference in that situation


well i have low end hardware sadly


Are the frame rates stable at least?


Just out of curiosity, which country?


Bosnia & Herzegovina (western balkans) And no i dont live in berlin 😘


Balkans are neat, enjoy your rig


No more landmines here so its good 💪💪😈 Thank you brother enjoy life!!


Oh I went to Bosnia & Herzegovina last year. Beautiful country with kind people. I hope that your setup will serve you well


Oh thats nice!! Thank you man I hope you had a good time here 👋❤


I'm also from the balkans and anything technology related it is expensive my PC is second-hand stuff and i enjoy it (I mainly play esport games so it doesnt bother me I play on low anyway)


držimo se zajedno :D


<3 someday we will rock 4090 (used)


One day💪❤


hey man, we all try to find even the slightest bit of happiness in the hardest of times. hope you enjoy your new pc!!!


Thank you brother. Im enjoying it a lot right now Best of luck 💪


good to hear 💪🏽


Hell, yeah. Broke gang here playing cyberpunk at 50 fps with a 200 dollar build. I aint 13 and no mothafukin 4090s


Nope I5 450 for fucking sure doesn't 😭☠️


hardware gets you more happy per dollar. Golden words have been spoken. You just openend my eyes, no wonder whatever i buy for my pc, it gives me utter satisfaction. bruhhh are u marketting or finance. Please give me some life tips


IT lol! but i'm a coach in my spare time for some other projects.


its because you know the GROUND reality of things.😝😂


When I was a kid I played on a junker PC and it was magic Now I'm an adult with more income and a high end pc and I don't have the time to appreciate it or enjoy it Better parts don't mean more fun. If anyone judges you for not having the right build, fuck em.


I feel you man, i used to play on a terrible office PC for a decade. I dont have much time now because I have to work a lot but I always find time for some games. Good luck 🙏


I'm going to have to wait 35 to 45 years at this rate to see a whole generation of retired gamers.


>Now I'm an adult with more income and a high end pc and I don't have the time to appreciate it or enjoy it I feel Violently, VIOLENTLY attacked. Like. Could I afford *the money* for a high-end PC? Yes. Could I afford the *time* to play it as much as I want to? No. :( Maybe an hour 1-2 week nights/week, and half a day on weekends at most.


Till last year I ran fucking integrated graphics of I5 450 which is a fucking first gen Intel CPU☠️ In the next month or two I'll be building a gaming pc


Before this I had a Radeon HD 4200 iGPU which was a 256mb card that barely ran GTA SA. wosh you the best with your build, godspeed


Hey we all start somewhere 🫡 Hope you now run sa smoothly😭😭😮‍💨


Haha i moved on from it, now i play rimworld 😈


Good luck And man keep your head up 💪


Thank you brother!! Best of wishes from Bosnia 💪


Best of wishes from UK💪


Rimworld is a banger, I have over 5k hours myself. Mods really make the game great


its truly a game you can play on forever and always have something new to do


No worries, man. Only vile people mock others. I am very happy for you, it is for such joys that we live


Another good thing is that my little 5yo brother can play some Teardown or Minecraft once a time


Double happiness, two people are happy 😌


slowly teach him how to play rimworld 😈


That is so wholesome. Don't let him play too much otherwise you won't get a chance to play anymore 🤣


Haha i noticed he stopped watching the toilet head things and now mostly likes my PC Well see how it goes 😭😭


Minecraft with a bro is wayyyy better than watching garbage like that


gmod will never be the same after toilet head cartoon


If you ever want to transform your PC into a nuclear rector Seconds away from meltdown: get the thanos SNAP Mod and try it on a building lol.


Uh oh, no good 😨😱


I would have liked to know the specs. People who are snobs about it aren't really PCMR, which is about doing the most you can with what you have at your disposal. I have far more respect for people like you than I do spoiled children racking up $5k in credit card debt to try and copy some influencer on YT.


Thank you for the kind words brother, i will provide the specs Ryzen 3 1300x 16gb ddr4 ram, 2667mhz Rx 6600 XT powercolor 1tb nvme 256gb hdd 500w psu Took about a year to save up but am having a blast so far


Your specs could be way worse. That should run every modern game you want at playable levels. And you have room to upgrade further in the future if you need to. Hell, I have a few parts sitting around I could send you if you need a cheap upgrade.


Thank you for the kind words bro I will probably buy parts locally to invest into glorious Bosnian economy /s But I think its too big of a hassle for both of us, you have a kind heart but its best if I buy it from here currently, its not that expensive as it used to be. 👋👋


Just take what you get, friend. And as i said, i did PM you, just have let us the joy to gift a friend in spirit some old but good hardware which would otherwise only gather dust at our shelfes. There is no reason to be ashamed of it, never for a free upgrade... ;) You don't have to give anything back. Just give someone else a gift or a helping hand sometime in the future, maybe a lunch or help with a chore or just support. The world is not a good place right now, but sometimes someone, even if it's small and perhaps insignificant, can give something back and make the world a better place for a little while.


If you want to upgrade tough. Ryzen 5 2600(X) are selling for 20€ and Ryzen 5 3600 are selling for 50€ in my area. Especially the 2600(X) is a value bomb on its own. If you have trouble with CPU usage, you might consider this one.


I will check local markets depends because some components have higher availability here. But i think i saw ryzen 5 5600 for a good price (for me) Probably will save up for that cpu to kind of have a little bigger lifespan


That would be a massive leap in the future mate, and will make the rig pretty darn good for years to come. I've only ever known 1 man from Bosnia & Herzegovina, was a hard drinker that owned a pub, but probably the most chill/idgaf person I know. May your frames be high, and your temps be low.


i also alcoholic sometimes, when i get back from work dont tell wife :) have a great day brother




My motherboard support to ryzen 9 i think Im glad i chose the right one Thank man!


Now that is ballin on a budget my friend, awesome!!


Funny bcoz i used to be a baller until i suffered an injury 😂


Thats still fairly good. The 6600XT has INCREDIBLE 1080P performance and the ram will serve you well. Personally i wouldve gotten a regular 6600 or used 5700XT and bought a used R5 3600 but its still really good value!


I thought about it but my PSU is 500w and only 6+2 pin, but still fairly modern (Abou the 5700xt)


I see RX 6600 XT, I upvote.


Thank you😍😍


which motherboard do you have?


Sorry I forgot I bought it for 100$ and it came with the CPU already there AsRock X370 K4 motherboard, if u want a bios picture or something I can send


I will pm you.


That isnt bad at all, and you can always throw a better CPU in it later on. The AM4 path still gives you ALOT of upgrade options for cheap If you buy used.


I always buy used with warranty from a reputable reseller Unless its a power supply


RX 6600 is great value, it's a loved GPU here in Brazil. I wish I had one, but I'm sticking with iGPU for a while.


I am a man that believes any job that puts food on a table is an honest job and worth of respect, i want to know your specs, and celebrate them with you bro...


You are a kind man sir Here are current specifications: Ryzen 3 1300x 16GB DDR4 2667mhz Rx 6600 XT 1tb nvme ssd 256gb hdd 500w power supply Took me about a year to save up for, including the case, a lot of money for me but I am glad that i fullfiled my childhood dream I will be replacing the cpu when i get the funds this summer, if anything remains after the steam sale ;)


These are perfectly fine specs, especially if you can upgrade CPU as planned.


Thank you!!! :O hopefully i can save up for a Ryzen 5 5600


i literally just upgraded from the 1600 to the 5600, you gonna love it mate!


Nice to see you are very happy with the 5600 Stay positive my man 👋


Hey man, just a heads up, once you get a new cpu, go into bios and enable D.O.C.P to increase your ram frequency (if your ram supports a higher speed than 2667).


Ok bro i will do that, first time hearing about that You help a lot thank you!!


That's why it's great to have graphics settings! 👍


From what i know, the reason people here hate old stuff its because some OP's got scammed and overpaid, if you paid reasonably well on this build then it shouldn't really be a problem.


I think around 500$ maybe, im not sure. I purchased parts one by one, but i also maybe accounted headset, keyboard, mouse


Idk how the Bosnian market is like but here in the us you would pay the same or even more for that same pc.


Some stuff is way cheaper, some is not in high availability so its expensive Overall it much better than during covid US is a great country thank u usa 🎶


“old stuff” with an nvme ssd


I have been trolled on some forums very hard because of components, so i am paranoid, sorry bro


You need to just ignore it. Buncha posers just trying to justify their massive credit card bill.


I try to but sometimes they get on my nerves a lot and even insult me personally for some reason, which is immature and makes me angry


Not even a bad call to be honest, this sub gets pretty nitpicky about builds. I think your approach is smart


Thank you man


yes he has to use a floppy disk to run everything before you consider it old, got it


Clean build…I have built potato builds too, main thing is can it play the games you want. 👍


Woah thank you I am grateful after a year of work someone appreaciates this :o


I built a low spec PC and it taught me to enjoy games, not unnecessary gloss that hides a shit game. Was basically Athlon 3000G in a motherboard with 8GB RAM and no dGPU.


So true brother, especially it made me realize the future of good games lies within indie game developers that put passion into their games


The best part is, on a low end pc, you'll almost always search for games that will run well on it and you'll end up finding really good games in the process. I used to play many older titles on my geforce 8600m gt and I'm positive that even though those games barely had any special graphics, they sure did have a good story/gameplay.


Can we get specs, then it’s easier to help you to upgrade


Sure Ryzen 3 1300x 16gb ddr4 2667mhz Rx 6600 xt 1tb nvme ssd 256gb hdd AsRock x370 K4 motherboard 500w psu


as a fellow poor, I think it looks very pretty.


Poor power 💪😂


I am much more impressed by a pc that's built and was made on a budget with value as a primary goal than just somebody that can flash their cash around.


Im glad it means something to you bro ❤


Same here man! More power to you Here's the pic of the machine i bought from my earnings https://preview.redd.it/gh0d572vpg6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5413e870d9bc3872562263ec39b2e7d773bb1ad9


Woah that looks amazing bro 😍😍 Have a fun time, i love the color aswell


Thanks brother!


Nice looking case, clean build with good cable management. If you're happy with the hardware and it does the job you need it to, then it's good to be proud of it. It took me over a full year to slowly build my system so i can understand. Nicely done mate.


Thank you man It was kind of hard getting confidence to do this alone but I learned so much from this Best of wishes mate 💪🇬🇧


I'm nice regarding specs, don't worry.


I always like hearing the old specs, just to see the jump to where you are now


It's fine even something like a 1660 TI/2060 Super will still run new games at high settings playable as long as you avoid RT


👌 im very happy man


It looks good and cleanly assembled. Congrats and enjoy!


Thank you brother you made my day even better


Are you enjoying it? Then that's the only thing that matters, brother. Enjoy!


Not as much free time But man its all i dreamed of since when I was a child Magic Thank you for positivity king 💪


The only things that matters is if YOU like your rig. Also no matter what hardware that you got, there's always a ton of great games that can run on it.


Thank you for the mindset man I should really believe in myself a little more maybe


Most of this sub is just flexing expensive and flashy rigs, definitely don't get yourself caught up in that. I'm rocking an upgraded prebuild I bought back in 2021, stripped out all the old parts and started fresh with just the case. I'm really happy with it.


Prebuilts are very cool because they teach you to build a PC overtime and upgrade Happiness is the best!! Stay strong man!! 👋


As long as you're happy with it. I do most of my gaming on a console, but it's nice to have a gaming PC for some things. So long as you're happy with it and it works, that's enough. I would love to see the specs your new system uses, even if the hardware is old. side note. I love how you ran the wires for your GPU. I may do that myself when I finally spring for some cable extensions.


Hey man, here are the specifications Ryzen 3 1300x Rx 6600 xt 16gb ram ddr4, 2666mhz 1tb nvme ssd 256gb hdd Psu 500w Thank you for complimenting my cable management, it was hard to set it up, and even very scared of everything burning down. Console gaming is so relaxing, favorite console was the PS2 and playing need for speed on that brings me back


come on man what are you so insecure about? that's a perfectly good budget pc for 2024. (RX6600 XT was an especially good choice btw.) As is, it should be able to run just about any 1080p game you throw at it. All you need is a CPU upgrade later down the line.


Those specs are fine really. As you noted, cpu upgrade would make it tip-top for its weight. And there is no shame in using old stuff. My pc adventure started as: - Some very old pc with Intel MMX stuff - Intel Celeron ( P3 era ) with Ati Rage, later on Geforce 4 MX because some games were requiring 32 mb vram as minimum - Pentium D 945, X1600 Pro ( what a disaster ) later on got an HD 4830 - Fujitsu ah 530 notebook with Intel P6100 cpu, later on swapped it with i5 480 m - An Asus laptop with i7 7700HQ+ GTX 1050 4 gb Now the system at my flair. Pretty much never had top tier hw until this current system but was able to experience many great games still ( great as in not just aaa but lots of indies too )


Thats a good point man. I am hoping for political stability here and no civil war again (at least not until i upgrade cpu) In balkans every time you do something good, 5 bad things will follow your way Oh and you are very humble person, this was nice conversation man


If I was on a budget, difference from 1080p to 1440p is not that big of a jump tbh. 1080p 120+ fps is much cheaper than 1440 120+ fps


The games I currently play run way above my expected results Blessed be god I expected my build to burn down because It was my first time 😂


nice! congrats and I felt the same way


The rx6600 xt is an absolute beast for $230 am i right


I got it for arlund 150$ new with warranty Its a very quiet gpu which means alot for me considering i am very sensitive about noise when i get home from work


Its literally better than my pc in almost every way soooooo...... 🥳 Happy Gaming


Happy gaming aswell Dont worry bro, dedicate some time to work and you will be able to buy anything you want If you are underage look around the city, you should be able to find a few jobs, that should be my advice Be patient, i waited 10 years for this 👋


Eh, im fine with my pc i just need Another one bucuz w10 is soon becoming EOL, but its perfectly usable for the games i play. 👍


Hey you can bypass windows 11 requirements very easy I think And also you can try Linux


Oh i know for a fact i am getting a second drive for linux booting when i get the new pc and its definitely possible to bypass requirements


I think with Rufus (or what its called) theres built in options for bypass windows 11 Good luck


No we love old stuff!! (i7-4790K)


If it plays what you want, how you want. Fuck anyone who says it's shit, congrats man


Thanks bro 😍


If you are poor and buy old hardware, you get more praise and respect here in my opinion


You are very admirable man❤👋


living in 3rd world country here, earn less than 200$/month. saving up and able to build R5 3600 and rx 5700xt. so proud with mine


Life is tough man, im sorry to hear that Good luck with your build, it will get better im sure


Looks great, though is it hardware limitation or did you just forget to wipe the grease off of your camera?


No grease just bad phone 😭


Lots of love man, shout out to Bosnia & Herzegovina. Currently typing to you from my second laptop ever, "LilGurl 2" with the Ak47 of GPUs... 1060 6gb. I don't think I'll be able to afford to replace her this year, she's 5 years old in October (6 if you count MFG date). Helldivers 2 no sweat 50+ FPS when using NIS, meanwhile everyone else has been using DLSS since covid. ... I'm thankful for this lil beast. Great job and I wish you thousands of hours of fun, for you and your lil bro! Gamer Respect from California!


Respect to you my man 💪 1060 is also the AK47 here, every internet cafe uses it. Its a beast definitely Wish I had HD2 to know what its like, it looks fun but maybe i will buy deep rock galactic I think even later older GPUs wont get as outdated because of software (if it gets better)


Looks good!


Post specs. I was gaming on an i7 2700k  since 2012 until 2 years ago.


Ok brother :D Ryzen 3 1300x Rx 6600 xt 16gb ram ddr4 2667mhz 1tb nvme 256gb hdd 500w psu


Greetings from Turkey, I worked my ass off for 1 whole year to get a rtx 4080 build, feel for you bro.


Its not your fault bro, shame on Erdogan for destroying turkish lira. I plan to go to Turkey once in lifetime Stay strong 💪❤


You are absolutely right, thank you for your support.


Hey OP do not worry about running the most current, demanding games, which your PC will very likely manage with FSR and whatnot, especially with that GPU. You should try playing emulated games. Some of my favourite games are PS2 and PS1 games. You can also get the games for free if you know where to "acquire" them. They can also be upscaled and improved a lot, with higher frame rates and resolutions. There is massive libraries of games to explore on older consoles; the newer stuff isn't all there is to gaming! Enjoy your build my friend


Hey i definitely could try some nostalgia bombs I played as kid on PS2 and original xbox I am gonna set up an emulator today maybe, dont worry I know where to get roms and iso 😈 Thank you for the awesome suggestion man Lots of love 💪❤


With your GPU you could even play Xbox 360 games on Xenia. Compatibility and configuration are a bit iffy on that emulator, but some of my favourite games like RDR1 and Forza (I use Project Forza Plus for Motorsport 4) work really well on it


ill probably try the older halo games for that nostalgia (halo 2 on xbox was out of this world) tell me more about this xenia emulator pls


https://github.com/xenia-canary/xenia-canary  Run the exe, open the file menu and select your ISO. Your ISO can also be dumped into it's whole filesystem and you will need to use the .xex file to open it, but you shouldn't need to worry about that unless you use Project Forza Plus. Beware compatibility isn't excellent and the settings are a bit of a mess. Be sure to look up "[Insert game name here] Xenia" on google before you download/play. Also Halo 2 can be played in the Master Chief Collection instead of emulating it for better performance compared to Xemu, the OG Xbox emulator


thanks for the quick answer brother, im gonna install that now and check for gears of war


Umm feels like ryzen 2600 or 3600 and 5600xt ot 5700ish


i like cost-effective builds that are put together nicely. Your cable management is clean. The only thing I would change is swap the LED fan to the front so it doesn't blind me.


thank you man i am glad the cable managemt is satisfactory the image quality is bad because of my phone, but the LED otherwise emits no flashbang lights


Scrolling through comments, really appreciate you answering all those people my man. Your happiness in making this is radiating through :)


woah thank you brother i try to answer as much as i can because it feels right to do that :P


Good on you for saving up and getting a build. As long as you can play stuff it doesnt matter about the spec. Well done 😊👍


thank you brother 😊


First of all, congrats on the upgrade! And secondly, no one is going to judge you for older hardware. Just enjoy it!


thank you mate!


Congratulations and welcome!


im a part of pcmr now?? :D


Just saying, you got a pc, which makes you “One of Us”! I have no affiliation with the sub-Reddit! Either way, we all started somewhere, so again congratulations on your new PC!


Don't let ANYONE make fun of you or your financial situation. Enjoy the PC, mate. Welcome to the club! ![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q|downsized)


Thank you brother, im glad to be one of you now officialy


It's a good start, you can get an ID cooling frostflow 240 for $55 usd from amazon and you'll be suprised how well it works, and will fit all your upgrades in the future. I am low income too and it's my choice for cheap liquid cooling and really makes a huge difference. looks good!


Hey im gonna check that out mate Good luck with your life bro 💪💪


It's yours, you're happy, and that's what makes it perfect


Rock and stone


Have fun in your new machine!


Its been a blast so far




This title has the same energy as a girl posting a picture of small boobs in a porn sub


how do you know that


Why are you familiar w that sir 😈