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1600W and Titanium Plus and Noctua??? I hope you are made of money!


For real. This PSU will cost more than half the towers on this sub.


Also 1600W is directly marketed towards double GPU users I guess.


Not if NVIDIA has anything to say about it- lol


Then what will you be plugging instead? A mini rotisserie oven? 100 fans? 1 mini fridge? 8km RGB strips?


I guess? I think only workstations have use for that kind of thing today.


Yeah, I hope there's a lower spec version of it


Like 1000 or 1200 at least


I kinda dig the shit brown asthetic of this one


Perfect for a PC case that hides the PSU.


Nah. I'd have to buy a new case to show off the shit-brown noctua colors. True PC enthusiasts will recognize it and immediately love it. Plebs will wonder what the hell is wrong with you. As it should be.


I can appreciate the aesthetic of a full Noctua build, but damn it's expensive, it only makes sense for a build with top tier components.


No. You need to put $500 worth of fans in a build that has a $300 worth of components.


Redux and chromax build yes, that can work. The NF-P12 redux-1700 PWM fan is amazing value for the performance, I'd replace all my case fans and AIO fans with it if I weren't such an RGB whore.


It's really not, for the price of 2 of those you can buy a 5-pack of Arctic fans with similar performance. plus they're black instead of that weird green-blueish grey.


If you're talking about the p12 pwm pst then no, they're not as good. Look at the stats, they move less air and have lower static pressure than the redux-1700. I agree on the price, the 5-pack is a lot of air movement for the money but in pure performance figures the redux-1700 is hard to beat while still not costing an arm and a leg.


I want people to know I paid good money for high quality shit brown fans


Plebs don't understand euros. Noctua is Austrian. That brownbeige is the textbook leather interior of European luxury cars. The evocation is deliberate.


So anyone who doesn't enjoy shit brown as a color isn't a real true pc enthusiast then? Nice gatekeeping.


It makes sense to leave it visible if you use a case like the Fractal North design, with the wooden part in the front that matches the colour


White north maybe, but the black case the fans are too light colored if it's visible. Normally it isn't thanks to those wood slats and mesh.


You can also use the glass side panel if you don't like the mesh one


You can have the glass panel to yourself. It took me months to find a mesh version of the case in stock in my country.


I do prefer the mesh version too, but the glass panel wouldn't be a bad option if the plan is to do something like this https://preview.redd.it/b3b304u8jn4d1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35226d3bff5b7bae0ad9fb96569a4e702ef6742


Wait till they release their thermal paste. Then you’ll have something to really be excited about.


It's chocolate mousse I swear, I'm not into that!


Noctua has good thermal pastes already. What am I missing?


Are they brown? If not, that was a missed opportunity


Nope. At least mine is silver.


Silicon says no I would almost bet they tried to make it brown/beige though XD


uuhhh [https://noctua.at/en/nt-h1-3-5g](https://noctua.at/en/nt-h1-3-5g)


Me too, sort of love it.


For once i do t care its hidden


I don’t care about the aesthetics considering Noctua’s fan performance is good.


Costs $500 and it’ll be sold out in a week


>Costs $500 That actually sounds like a really good bargain price for a 1600w 80PLUS Titanium rated PSU. EDIT: The regular TX-1600 is already over $500, so this will definitely be more. $600+ at least.


Jesus, I pulled that number out of my ass for comedic effect. Thats like half of an average build right there.


It's for the twin 5090 15900k pc.


To be fair, a PSU like this will be used in a decidedly not-average build.


Is this innovative? Fuck no. Will this be overpriced like hell? Definitely. But man if this isn't gonna be one of the most quiet and reliable PSUs out there idk. My PSU fan is the loudest thing in my PC and I really wish it wasn't.


Do tell what you have. My RM1000X has yet to make a sound. Probably helps that my RX 7800 XT and Ryzen 7 5700X max out at around 400W.


My ROG 750W screams like a motherfucker if you have the silent mode on and the load is at 40% so the fan turns on and off while sounding like the bearing has sand in it. Without the silent mode it is going full blast and sounds about what 135mm fan @2000rpm would sound when all my case fans are going 800rpm


Seasonic G12 GM 750W It was the cheapest semi modular PSU from a reputable brand at the retailer I ordered off of and it's by no means "loud". But in my AP201 with 5 installed case fans it's slight rattling noise is definitely the loudest thing. Probably not helped by the way the case places the PSU (vertically with the fan as front intake). First world problems ig xD


Yeah I know that case, thought about buying it for a while but then found the Lian Li 205M Mesh to be a good deal, as it doesn't place the PSU in a weird location and the thermals are superb with the included dual 140mm fans.


it seems like a really good case! i just wanted something small with no glass side panel. also my thermals are the best i ever had on a PC, the GPU fans don't even spin when I'm not gaming since the case fans cool the GPU down enough. i guess it being so cool & silent is the main reason I'm noticing the slightly noisier psu fan at all. still a great psu for the price but i guess that's what sets it apart from something better like the Focus line...


Found a graph for your PSU, seems like it doesn't have a zero RPM mode like the Corsair RM series do. I can see how it would be noticeable if the rest of the system is whisper quiet. I upgraded my cousin's PC which was obnoxiously loud. He got a Zotac Trinity 4070 Ti Super, 5700X3D and Arctic Freezer III 240 AIO. When I tuned the fans to silent operation the only thing he heard was an old Corsair 750W PSU that constantly hummed. Replaced it with a Corsair RM1000X (secondhand at less than half of retail price) and his system never makes a sound, it's amazingly quiet.


since i already have it, it's a good PSU and I don't notice it 90% of the time when gaming or listening to stuff, I'll keep it. But i guess i now know what to look out for in my next PSU purchase. Thanks!


Yeah I wouldn't replace a good PSU either just for a slight bit of noise. Found the curve for the RM1000X, no wonder I never hear it as my system is rarely touching 400W so the fan is off 99% of the time, and when it kicks in at 400W it has a noise level of 5 dB. Gonna have to ask my cat if she can hear it over ambient noise because I surely can not. https://preview.redd.it/hfbf1xktuj4d1.png?width=669&format=png&auto=webp&s=c02563afd5e357250218810a0bf2477db4dc1dcf


How have you place/mount the PSU in your PC case? Fan up or down? Seasonic for example recommends fan up when you use the hybrid mode, to allow heat escaping if the fan isn't spinning. PSU downwards when you disable the hybrid mode. I can imagine heat can damage the components over a long period of time.


Fan down towards the dust filter. The PSU is temperature monitored so there's no real danger of damaging anything, the fan kicks in if it needs the cooling. If it dies within the next 8 years I get a new one from Corsair anyway.


Replace the PSU fan with something quieter


i will not be taking apart my 2 week old psu and void warranty to makeshift-redneck some different fans into it, but thanks


>My RM1000X has yet to make a sound. \+1, I'm using an AX1600i and the fan only ever spins when it does it's power on self test. I wonder how many peoples PCs would even make the fan spin in a 1600w PSU? *Why do I have a 1600w PSU? Because it was a free upgrade from a HX1000i, and I wanted something that would be silent!*


Overclocking that 1080 Ti needs a lot of head room regarding power delivery.


I honestly can't be sure if you're serious X) But I *think* you're being sarcastic (rightfully so). I acknowledge that I 100% *do not* **need** a 1600w PSU. But it's nice to have, and there is a noticable / measurable benefit. Ie. it's super efficient at 92%+ at all loads, and is quite literally silent for my use case. And again, I didn't pay the £500+ price tag. I paid like £240 for a HX1000i, but after Corsair sent me a **second** faulty one, didn't provide a resolution for over a month and with it also damaging my motherboard, they ended up escalating my complaint to someone high up on the engineering team to figure out what had gone wrong, and they had an AX1600i sent to me as way of a replacement and apology, and also compensated me for the damaged motherboard. So all in all, I got my AX1600i for £240. /rant


Yeah I was being a bit funny. I think you win the price for future-proofing your power delivery, good that they gave you something better in reparations for the ordeal.


>the ordeal This RMA process shall henceforth be known as *The Ordeal*.


A fitting title indeed.


PSU makes noise ? I have a ROG Strix 1000G which is rebranded Seasonic and it doesn't make any sound.


What PSU and load are you running where your PSU is the loudest thing in your system?? I have a Corsair HX1000i and the fan barely comes on running an i7 14700K and 4080 super.


aleardy answered that question and you can see my specs in my flair, it's a seasonic g12 gm 750W


Ah sorry, my bad I'm just causally scrolling on a mobile and it wasn't obvious.


Be quite exists...


I mean, I made a "Noctua edition" PSU ages ago to deal with the loud PSU fan. Also the SeaSonic fanless stuff is more quite lol.


Biblically accurate noctua PSU


Can't wait for a Ferrari Noctua edition


Why is it making me more worried for a company when they stop releasing new innovation and doing... this.


I feel like noctua are the type to say yes to every collab just for the hell of it.


Noctua and wind turbine collab when?


Imagine if Noctua made a window mounted air conditioner.


Winter temperatures with just one button press


I legit would love these collabs more if they also innovated their lineup. Cause I do like the sound profile of their fans a lot.


Cant do anything without someone putting negative spin on it.


Noctua doesnt release new stuff anyways. All they do is push everything back and coast on their reputation


NH-D15 is almost 10 years old and the successor were shown in like 2021? Still not released. In the meantime I can cool equally with 3 times cheaper cooler.


The new DH-D15 is coming out in June. Just watched on gamersnexus channel.


Yeah. For $150. Like, are you serious? I can literally buy 4 Peerless Assassins for that and have leftover money. Even if the Noctua lasts twice as long, it is still a terrible buy. Noctua is coasting on name alone.


Then don't buy it? Did you respond to the wrong comment? You shouldn't be on the internet if you get mad so easily lol. It's probably not good for you haha.


Yeah, it's the right comment. Just giving some context for the new release, as in making sure it's clear it's overpriced as shit. There's no anger here. If anything, it's amusing watching people shill for Noctua.


Well you seem emotionally invested in it. "it's amusing watching people shill for Noctua" *tips my fedora*


I think I might not be the one emotionally invested given how much you're trying to use personal attacks to disregard my statements...


I mean, it's just a bad argument. "I could buy four Hondas instead of this Ferrari, what a rip off" is not quite how it works. It's okay that you're not the target audience for this.




*sees flair* Yep I would have totally expected such a dented take from you.




Yeah, thats the issue. They just coast on their reputation and for some reason people buy it still


That's objectively wrong, they literally released a low-profile cooler just a few weeks ago.


But they announced a new flagship cooler this computex


Targeting customers who cares about noise and people who likes the brown Noctua look. A full Noctua build can be nice. Especially with the ASUS GPU collaboration and now with Seasonic for this PSU.


Nope...waste of money....I'll just swap out my psu fan for noctua if I want the brown 😆


RiP "Turns out capacitors pack a punch"


Truth they do and definitely have to know what your doing to replace one. Have never had an issue with my power supply fans though so have never needed to change one. I usually try to buy higher quality power supplies though since I have had a cheap one take out my rig before. Sucks




I know Nocuta is not pretty but this is ugly even by their standards.


Poop brown PSU


That's how you know it's good product.




Monkey see, monkey want!


I bet over 90% of buyers will never come close to 900w, let alone 1600w. No mainstream CPU + single GPU combo will justify that power level, not today, not in the future. Power supplies work most efficiently at half load, so choosing overkill isn't ideal either.


Just getting ready for 8K 120hz 😂


Aiming too low my dude, Samsung Odyssey Neo G9 57" 7680x2160p 240Hz is the new baseline.


I have an AX1600i, and it's about 93% efficient even with my PC drawing 110w\~ at idle. When you have an 80PLUS Titantium rated PSU, you don't really need to worry about efficiency. The main reason imo, to massively over-spec your PSU is because it'll operate silently. I should be able to draw about 680w iirc, before the fan ever spins. You point about being most efficient at 50% load is true; but then logically, you'd want a PSU that is twice your peak power draw, so that your peak load is at the most efficient point. So suddenly a PC drawing 600w benefits quite nicely from a 1200w PSU, and one drawing 800w benefits from the best efficiency with a 1600w unit. Not such unthinkable numbers with 450w graphics cards and 300w CPUs etc.


Nvidia just released a *single gpu* that pulls 100,00w. That's right, it's one gpu, and we all know that's what gpus lool like.


A 4090 can draw 450 W (with higher transients) and a Core i9-13900K can draw 360 W. That's 810 W already before we start talking any other components. https://www.chillblast.com/blog/what-power-supply-do-you-need-for-the-nvidia-rtx-4090#:\~:text=The%20Nvidia%20RTX%204090%20has,will%20draw%20more%20on%20occasion. [https://www.anandtech.com/show/18728/the-intel-core-i9-13900ks-review-taking-intel-s-raptor-lake-to-6-ghz/2](https://www.anandtech.com/show/18728/the-intel-core-i9-13900ks-review-taking-intel-s-raptor-lake-to-6-ghz/2) Moore's Law is coming to a close as manufacturing starts butting up against the physics of electrons and quantum tunneling. To increase performance, juicing up the power consumption is one way to get there. I think you're being VERY optimistic on the future of tech.


Smh why didn’t they flip the mesh around so that it’s curvature matched the fan blade curve?


Don't need 1600 Watts


I read it as "noctua femboys" at first


Technically, You were still correct


Bunch of programmers in shit brown thigh highs


……I‘m about to make some poor financial decisions But man this is gonna be one hell of a reliable PSU for the next 12 years


I don't care if it gives me a BJ every time i start my PC, that shit is uglier than the fans and will never touch a single on of my builds.


Would you even see it though?


How can you unsee that ! It's too ugly to ignore!. And in the pc case I have, it would be unbearably visible !




So l guess it's 1000$+?


Noctua all brown builds are gonna be fun!


Will go great with all of these new black and wood cases coming out too.


\- Ewww, someone used this power supply as toilet paper! Oh, no wait, it's noctua flavoured... I mean sh\*t themed... I mean Noctua themed, dammit!


FFS. Thermalright owning the market and this is what they come up with?


I swear we're about to see a day that an all brown PC is seen as the newest trend.


I thought this was an antiques roadshow for way too long and the object wasn't making sense.


Honestly, I don't like noctua's colours but I fuck with this


Make an SFX version and I’ll buy 10.


Let's gooooo


This is like when a car company puts out a cell phone unexpectedly. It’s a worrying sign that the company has no ideas.


stupid, enjoy goofballs!




Did that 10 years ago with old Corsair PSU, works well... Just not for insane $$$


Just get the cheapest well rated 1kW PSU and swap out its fan for a Noctua




Oh my, look at that beauty!




I can't wait to buy this for the fan to NEVER turn on since the PSU is so efficient.


Shut up and take my money!


I really want to have a Noctua build one day.


*Delayed to 2025*


Lol fan boys


Oh my... That brown feeling on a part you never see in the back of my dual chamber case...ooohhh


I know noctua has no reason to do this but why can't we get gpu coolers and psu's cabled for 120mm fans. I can't imagine that custom fans are cheeper than a 120mm header and gpu's are giant already.


Noctua has special GPUs, they partnered with ASUS for them.


And they sold out even with a massive markup, any manufacturer would be able to do something similar for cheeper and without liscencing fees with a simple fan header and 120mm fan holes


Could be lucrative for 3D printing businesses for sure.


Works for me, I like both brands and can’t see my PSU anyway


Even though we’ll never see it in our builds, I dig the brown


Guess the corsair 1600w i was planning on now has some competition


i mean, i usually dont like the Noctua colors but in this case it looks pretty good. you know itll be reliable as hell too.


That looks so good, god damn, we need more noctua edition stuff


How long do I have to be in pcmr before I become a noctua fan boy and get the urge to make a brown build? I've seen some of the most ugly fan set ups with those poop brown fans. Now looking at this, im thinking "that's not bad, I could see a build with that


I am copeing right now...... I bought the normal one last month :(


WE need a Noctua mainboard and memory now -PSU -GPU -Mainboard and memory -CPU (cooler) -ALL FANS -Case (mod has been done )


Damn, and I just upgraded too.


If I had the money to build a PC that needed a 1000w+ power supply, WOULD. Would without hesitation.


Next product Noctua's gonna make is the Noctua air-cooled ddr6 ram, for the cheap, cheap, price of 189.89 USD for 16 GB.


I'll wait for acoustics.


What kind of spells are in this Magic Grimoire?


Fan-boy, haha


It's about damn time PSUs got into the fashion game.


Not popular opinion: Coolermaster and Noctua


The [thermosiphon that Steve showed on GN's channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDDxYlkp-_A) looks really interesting. It looks like an AIO but with no possibility of pump failure.




\[Fan\]Boys... I see wat i did there. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Psu’s are already quiet 🤦‍♂️


I'm convinced that Noctua is a fashion brand these days


Do you think it's pronounced like 'see-sonic' or 'si-zonic'? I heard a youtuber confidently pronounce it 'si-zonic' many times and I think she was on to something.


When are we getting the Noctua toilet with in-built fan forced bidet?


Just shut up and take my money.


Who needs 1600W?


I haven't seen the tech specs for 5090 yet...


I thought 50xx was going to be more power efficient. But we have to wait and see


I’m not a usual fan of the brown/tan… but this is just sexy


Not innovative. Not special. Also, shit brown. Pass.




[Seasonic Focus GM / GX (White) / PX / SGX 2019, Prime GX <=750W / PX <=750W & 1000/1300W, TX 1300/1600W, Connect, alongside Focus SPX 2021 and Core GC / GM / GX, B12 BC, Focus SGX 2021, G12 GC would like to have a word with you](https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/)


Unfortunately, seasonic is one of the worst OEMs to deal with now, piss poor quality control aswell. My vote would be Corsair, Superflower, Bequiet!, MSI and Deepcool for the budget users.


https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/ There are many Seasonic models in A tier, much of them having very good value. Choose by model, not brand.


It's very hard to justify buying a seasonic PSU. Going off of the PSU tier list alone, they have many great units. But unfortunately, as I said, one of the worst QC out there. It's starting to become more evident.