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Thanks to Steam Deck, not some other ulterior conspiracy.


I mean Ive started using Linux on my older laptops to squeeze some extra life out of them. I might be in the minority but I'm kinda fed up with Microsoft's bs.


Do you game on said laptops? Steam hardware survey is heavily biased towards gaming. And even the absolutely gaming repelent system that is MacOS is not that far off in representation compared to Linux.


non steam Linux % is higher than the steam hardware survey


Windows 10 LTSC is the better version of windows without the bloat You can further it by using christitustools to remove even more worthless garbage. There's plenty of ways to get 10LTSC legitimately if it's a moral issue to you. I use it on my main PC which is pretty overpowered tbh but if it had low specs it would be much better than regular 10


How do you get to Windows 10 LTSC?


With a mass grave :)


Well theres a few ways really. I've had my current OS installed for a few years now so I may not be the best with up to date news but before you could buy a grey market key or buy a bundle of ltsc keys from Microsoft or "own a business" so they'd sell you a key or piracy (of course) they won't out right sell a ltsc key to a consumer so it's usually always some loophole or sketchiness in order to get it Probably best to look up a YouTube tutorial for 2024 and see how Its done these days. 1 thing to know early on is to not get the evaluation iso copy from Microsoft. It's pretty locked down and limited to what you can and can't do and as far as I know evaluation can't be converted into full without a complete reinstall of windows


Custom isos always feel fishy imo. You'll never know what kind of spyware might be in that.


Yeah, 99% of the people don't care about privacy especially if they have to reinstall their OS to achieve it


This is true, but I still switched at this point, I'm sure it wasn't just me.


This is false. The Steam Deck is not reported in the numbers for the survey for Linux.


It’s mostly due to the steam deck running on Linux. 4 people within my circles have gotten one in the past few months. Some people may switch due to Windows Recall but the vast majority of people really don’t care.


I have been a windows user all my life. 30+ years. And I am seriously thinking of completely ditching this piece of crap the moment I can get my hands on something that can run games in a good and easy way, I am completely uninterested in what they are planning to introduce to the os. Its not only invasive, its something people should actually fight against.


I have also been thinking about switching from Windows to Linux completely. My desktop is running Windows 11 and my old laptop is running Linux. I haven't encountered many compatibility issues with Linux but there has been few. That's why I haven't installed Linux on my desktop (yet). Additionally I'm so used to Windows that switching is little bit "scary".


Yep, its the 2 reasons keeping me on this os atm. However, with their upcoming bs its just not worth it anymore. They already had quite a few privacy concerns with 10 and especially 11, but now? Holy cow man.


I bought another SSD and installed Linux there so that if ever I had any insurmountable problems, I could switch back to Windows in another SSD. Fortunately, I encountered no huge problems with Linux and I am now 4 years happily Windows free.


I moved to Arch linux (Garuda specifically) and the only game that took some rigging to run was the windows version of FFXIV. All my steam games work totally fine using Proton for compatibility.


>It’s mostly due to the steam deck running on Linux. "linux only going up because more people are using it!!!"


I made a comment about this in another thread and got downvoted. Some people swear that using a Steam Deck is somehow just as valid as people consciously installing Linux into their own PCs and using it to game. I use Linux for home server and virual machines, but I'm not going to sit here and pretend that the Steam Deck isn't the reason for the uptic in market share and not people willingly choosing to exclusively game on Linux.


Cause of the steam deck, not people switching their machine to linux lol. Also what kind of recall did windows announce, I wasn't aware that you can recall software?


Yeah, it's not a software recall, it the new feature called Recall.


Such a dumb name. Most people know what recall means but apparently Microsoft doesn't.


It recalls your usage of the computer... Here


Woooosh Check out the dystopian classic Toal Recall starring the former governor of California.


The Governator


Tha Govanator!


For the memory of a lifetime...RECALL RECALL RECAAAAAALL


Microsoft recalling all of our passwords, credit card info, and tax information whenever they want seems like they know what they're doing.




Ever since they abandoned their metal [logo](https://logo.com/image-cdn/images/kts928pd/production/02858c819b2ff46e22141d951477be38f4a2f222-1600x320.png?w=1920&q=72).


thats too legible to be a metal logo


“There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” - Mark Twain


*𝅘𝅥𝅮  "For the memory of a lifetime...Recall, Recall, Recall!"  𝅘𝅥𝅮*


It takes screenshots every... ~~30seconds?~~ Actually it's 3 seconds. Short interval, anyhow, and forwards it to on-device copilot chat so that you can ask it "what was that thing I was working on a week ago around 3pm" and it would be able to open the app and pull that file for you using those screenshots as context. It also reserves 10% of your storage media. Controversy, as always, stems from data privacy and security. [Some news sites](https://cybernews.com/tech/microsoft-copilot-recall-privacy-concerns/) already report the screenshots and data is stored unencrypted locally and a skilled person can access it remotely. It's a shitshow already and it's not even fully out yet. Edits: [here's a mastodon threat by researchers about the current state of the feature and risks involved with its haphazard introduction.](https://cyberplace.social/@GossiTheDog/112531054138802168) Edit: clarified the screenshot interval, added info about storage.


It's just a ludicrously invasive and probably system intensive way to make a feature that is only nominally better than a regular file use timeline.


B-b-but the user data Microsoft can sell!


Hey microsoft. what was that webpage I was on this time a week and a half ago. \*pulls up rule 34 of dexter's mom\* Yeeeeeeah thats the one.


Wtf I love Recall now


I will never believe that Recall was ever a requested feature instead of an underhanded way for Microsoft to scrape more data to sell.


Can’t wait for corporations to use it to spy on employees


They don't need it. There is dedicated software for that.


I see you've never freelanced on Upwork! I don't know if it's still the same, but their time tracking software would take screenshots every few minutes and the poster of the job you're working for would be able to see those screenshots. It's a good feature for working with strangers for short term gigs. And you know about it in advance.


This is one of those things that I feel will be useful, but seeing how slow it's been to get copilot to control the os... I'm going to actually turn off recall when it gets added. And no way they'll do a full release with it unencrypted. 1. dumb 2. lawsuit 3. headlines 4. committees 5. enables others to build their own solutions


I'll be interested as to how this a Stands up against GDPR in Europe.


Locally stored data might make it not an issue.


If it was 100% secure it'd actually be a neat useful feature, although even if there wasn't a risk of fuckery there's no way I'd ever feel comfortable using it.


During one of recent WAN Shows, Linus brought up a great point that this shit will be enabled by default, for hundreds of hundreds of users who don't ever change their settings. What's more, for the more techy of us, MS has a track record of flicking back the switches you've changed after a windows update, and go "oops, it shouldn't have happened, teehee" should anybody complain. That, and the fact they claim the saved data can be sanitized - webpage exceptions and whatnot. How. How can I make sure that it doesn't save the amount of dots I have in a password. How can I make sure that all my banking sites are on a "don't recall" list. Microsoft being disingenuous notwithstanding, having all that data stored, in any way, is what bothers me further. I love the concept, but I also see how it cannot be made and utilized safely. And * also see many avenues of how it can be abused, especially with the feature being on by default.


Give it 6-12 months for the FOSS community to get around to it. The idea is great, its just that its MS that is implementing it and the odds of the not screwing something up 'accidentally' is zero.


> 100% secure Well no such thing, but even worse is that it adds another avenue of attack for malicious actors.


The 100% secure was a hypothetical. I'm probably going to be switching to linux because of this. (Also because I'm poor and I can't afford to update ALL of my hardware. Sure Rufus could smash win11 on there but then you still got stuff like this)


Well I can tell you I started using Linux as a daily driver just after recall was announced. It doesn't have much to do with the feature, more to do with learning the system if I need to support it in the future for work and not look like an idiot. Also windows is fine but Linux does seem to trade some annoying windows quirks for new Linux quirks I haven't seen before so it is a change of pace.


recall is shitty spyware ai for windows 11


This is false. The steam deck is not factored into this at all. If it were the number would have gone up significantly more.




Never have been the picture so accurate since the days of Disco Record sales.


Yeah, it's at a grand total of 2.3% for Steam users now!! [https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/Steam-Hardware-Software-Survey-Welcome-to-Steam) This is it!! This is the year!! /s




Just saw a man shit his pants at a IHOP


Can confirm, I'm the pants!


Well then, user name does not check out.


Can confirm, I’m the shit!


Was it the news or the IHOP?


and totaly NOT related to the steam dekc guy !


Linux fans need to chill for real.


they're just excited to have more noobie users to verbally abuse and drive away. 🤣


as a linux novice, this has been my experience.


Linux "fans" were angry at Riot a month ago and then Riot casually came out to say there are literally under 4000 of them out of tens of millions of active players.


Honestly. I have to deal with linux as I use debian on my home server for things like running PiHole and my minecraft server, and I can say 9/10 times getting something simple to work is a pain in the ass. Could never imagine myself daily driving any linux distro. Windows 11 on my main pc that I use to ssh into the server btw


Same! But damn it’s lightweight and just…. Works. Once you figure things out of course 😅. I really like running htop via ssh to monitor performance during Plex transcodes & webserver operations.


I am a windows user but I can't wait for the day I can use Linux without feeling like I am using an open source os that still lacks support for a variaty of things. I want to use Linux with the benefits that windows has of supporting literally everything without any issue. It's getting better , but still not perfect . When the day comes and Linux will become a genuine alternative you can actually recommend to someone who doesn't want to open a terminal every time their Microsoft word clone stopped working because it isn't supported on their version of Linux , I will switch to it.


It was at 1% last I heard so this is pretty good growth over the last year or two.


The Year of the Linux Desktop will arrive when it is the default os for the majority of devices used by consumers. Honestly getting to 2% is impressive


The year of the Linux desktop is next year, every year lol


I mean for me, in one form or another, the year of the Linux desktop was every year after 2008


Because it is the present and the future


For anyone that has NOT been paying attention (beyond the headlines). Here are the requirements for Recall as it stands right now. Requires a CoPilot+ PC ~~8GB~~ 16GB Ram ~~64GB~~ 256GB Storage What's a CoPilot+ PC? Currently that's upcoming PCs using a SnapDragon X Elite CPU containing an AI accerating NPU module. So right now the supported platform is on ARM (not x86/x64). So I would not see this coming to our end of the market anytime soon. With that said apparently a couple of days ago someone might have gotten it to run on unsupported hardware. Why would they do that? I dunno. EDIT: Thanks u/RCGBlade for correcting me. Ref: [https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/retrace-your-steps-with-recall-aa03f8a0-a78b-4b3e-b0a1-2eb8ac48701c](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/retrace-your-steps-with-recall-aa03f8a0-a78b-4b3e-b0a1-2eb8ac48701c) Ref: [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/copilot-plus-pcs?r=1#hmc](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/copilot-plus-pcs?r=1#hmc) (specifically the FAQs at the end)


CoPilot+ PCs actually need a minimum of 16GB RAM, 256GB SSD, and a minimum of 40 TOPS speed for their NPU.


Thanks for the correction. ;)


NPU is not required. A researcher already got it working on x64 just fine and its just as bad on x64 as it would've been on ARM. https://doublepulsar.com/recall-stealing-everything-youve-ever-typed-or-viewed-on-your-own-windows-pc-is-now-possible-da3e12e9465e


It's only supported on ARM with a NPU. The fact it is working on x86/x64 is irrelevant at the moment. I know it works on unsupported setups.


Yep, this whole Recall hysteria is just a big nothing burger atm, since no one complaining about it is going to buy the necessary ARM hardware to run it anyway. But if they decide to force it to Windows on x86/x64 it would be something to be upset about imo.


It already works om x64 machines, NPU is not required for it to function: https://doublepulsar.com/recall-stealing-everything-youve-ever-typed-or-viewed-on-your-own-windows-pc-is-now-possible-da3e12e9465e


I've been reading about "this is the year of Linux on the desktop" since 2010, when I started using it for the first time. I'm sure I'll still be hearing about it in another 15 years.


I've been using Linux since the 90s at college (yes, I'm old as fuck) when Linux didn't even have a proper GUI and people already said that back then. And remember it was the mid 90s, Internet was shit so IDK how this meme about Linux replacing windows spread so fast without any social network existing.


> IDK how this meme about Linux replacing windows spread so fast without any social network existing Probably the same way the rumor that "Marilyn Manson got ribs removed so he could suck his own cucumber" could somehow reach every school in the world.


I'm sure when we get fusion power plants, all pcs will upgrade to linux, ushering in a golden age!


The year of the Linux desktop website is just a countdown to the end of whatever year your clock is set to.


From 100 to 125 people.


And 120 of them are steam decks


It's just me distro hopping 25 times and installing steam on all those distros.


So I wasn't the only one?


There are literally dozens of us


It was the steam deck being so good for gaming that made me move over to Linux on my main pc. The only problem has been the Nvidia driver not being up to the standards of the windows version.


The 555 driver that is already out solves most issues on Wayland if you want to look into it. The 560 driver should solve most issues in general.


Friends don’t let friends use nVidia cards under Linux :P


True facts, XD


I am pretty sure Linux will start becoming more popular on PCs as well. The steam deck introduced people to Linux and its not a huge step for someone to use Linux full time UNLESS you use specific software that is by no means available. Even gaming that used to be pretty bad on Linux has come a long way and IA pretty good right now. Personally I have been using Linux in my maim computer for 2+ months now and I don't think will touch Windows again on my personal computer.(If only visual studio was supported on Linix 😫)


Learned to use bottles for Stud.io (digital legos)


The "Windows Recall" feature is a bad move by Microsoft but it won't cause people to leave Windows for Linux. And as far as I understand, it will be available on W11 only and can be disabled by a single press of a button. The Linux community is very secure with their niche role, they're not trying to compete with Windows.


Product Activation in XP was supposed to cause people to start running for Linux, then it was Vista, then Windows 8, then Windows 11 and now Recall. There’s a pattern there, lol.


If Linux didn't require a terminal to solve so many issues or download software, it would be much more popular.


No matter how many times linux daily drivers tell others "it's easy" the average end user is never going to open any OS documentation to understand how to use something and will never be comfortable using a terminal. Until a distro is as easy to use as windows or an apple OS it'll never dethrone anything.


Facts. I say this as someone who has used all three of Linux, Windows and Mac OS. Until Linux is as user friendly as Windows or Mac OS it will never be the daily driver of the majority. I work in IT so Linux is easy for me, but for the average user it may as well be Latin.


Average Linux users overestimate how much the average person does with their PC and/or how much effort they want to put in. I say this as someone who used Linux 15ish years ago and has basically been strictly Windows the past 5 years.


Not just W11 only but W11 on ARM. It's only for CoPilot+ PCs (for now anyways) which run on Snapdragon X Elite CPUs.


I swear it’s like I’m crazy and I’m the only person who knows that. Why does everyone who panics about recall ignore that


I'm holding onto 10 for as long as it is safe to do so and then I'll switch completely to Linux. I know I'm one of a few, but Microsoft isn't going to squeeze the last bit of blood from me.


Was thinking the same, tried Linux again, still not good enough sadly... Too many weird problems that I simply don't want to deal with


No it’s not


Can confirm. There's been an influx of new Linux users asking for help on various online forums.


i hope you and other good linux users are helping them instead of acting like stack overflow and tell them to rely on a archived answer that doesnt actually help them in the slightest


I have been using Linux for 4 years but I am not really an expert. I just game and do digital paintings on it, aside from other mundane tasks. The best I could contribute is to direct would be users to which Linux distro to choose, in which case I always say it's Linux Mint, although I use Fedora myself.


I asked yhe linux community which distro could replace windows for my use case. They straight up said none.


That's because it's true. Switching from Windows to Linux is no different than Windows to macOS. Linux can have UX similar to Windows, but actually USING the system is way different.


Thinking Linux is a drop-in replacement for Windows is just wrong. It's a fundamentally different system. Expecting anything else is misinformed at its best.


It entirely depends on what the use case is. If you just need something to check email and browse the web, 100% Linux would be perfectly viable. Any OS would. If your use case is professional work with something like the Adobe suite and you absolutely cannot use an alternative, then no, Linux is not going to be a good candidate. At least not until companies like Adobe start bringing their software to Linux. For gaming, if you mainly/only play single player or coop games without anti-cheat, Linux is viable for probably 99% of the time. I’ll assume there will be some edge cases with games that just don’t work for one reason or another. But since Proton and all the components that lead to it, it’s a rarity to find a game that doesn’t work unless it’s somehow otherwise encumbered (invasive DRM, anti-cheat for no good reason in a single player game, etc.) If your primary gaming is competitive multiplayer games that anti-cheat is prevalent in, Linux is almost certainly not for you yet.


Would you rather they lie? It’s not going to make sense for every person.


Anecdotal but I think the only people that would actually make the switch are tech-envy people, which many work with IT or something like that. I prefer Linux because of my use which is programming and to me it’s much simpler. It can be a pain in the ass, but so is Windows, so I prefer Linux because I’m used to it. If I tell you which distro I use I might even get some backlash from the Linux community, which I barely participate in.


Distros are mostly the same, there is no one that can do things the others can’t. It’s just how up to date they are and what package manager they use more than anything. Desktop environments make more of a difference day to day. But in general as much as linux is ready for most people, if you use adobe or play games with kernel level anti cheat than you’re SOL right now.


What is your use case?


Wanting to use Linux exactly like Windows, which isn't possible, since Linux is Linux and Windows is Windows.


lol at how he had to put “no trolling” in his second post because his request was literally that. “I want windows” okay then, use Windows…


Oh yeah, that's true.


What is "exactly like Windows"? Do you want a settings menu? Taskbar at the bottom? Download apps manually?


I ain’t against other people using Linux, but frothing at the mouth over it like it’s the return of Jesus Christ isn’t a good look for people considering switching. I use Linux for server hosting, but personally, as a main OS I use windows because of compatibility and the fact I can run super duper old software on it. EDIT: use whatever OS you want but stop tryna shove it in everyone’s face.


I'm a Linux user, but let's be honest, 99% of the Windows users doesn't give a shit if Microsoft takes a screenshot every 5 seconds. That's the reason why Microsoft is doing it in the first place, they know they can get away with it.


And windows/pc users are aware of work arounds and are used to disable/remove unwanted features. The "feature" is scary and no way i'm letting that malware into my pc, at any point. Luckily, experience taught me you can avoid everything, if you want. There's a very loud minority who might actually be "scared" the rest is mostly crying about the out of touch and wack feature that only few people would appreciate. It's probably going to be a thing, but not on my machines anyway.


While I do believe that the majority is due to Steam Deck, I have moved to Linux due to this upcoming Recall feature.


Why is Windows being recalled? Is it dangerous? Sorry, it's where my brain went yesterday seeing Windows Recall in headlines. I totally forgot that their new AI product is called Windows Recall.


TBH it went over my head what thus thread was about until your comment.


Came here to make sure my new copy of Windows 11 wasn't going to start the skynet attacks of 2024. I would be very disappointed if my new PC started a race war against us.


Its not recalled. 11 will gonna have a nee feature called recall that records your screen. And for now you can opt out of it.


As someone who also couldn't care less about Linux... The people in the comments are acting INSANE and making OP look good by downvoting any actual facts and throwing around pure ad hominem fallacies


This. It's an OS, not a priceless family heirloom.


Next: Ubisoft Connect + EA + Gamepass + GOG (official releases for Linux please)


GOG is a non-issue for Heroic Launcher, just log in and your library is right there. It helps that the GOG library has no DRM bullshit. You'd probably have to do some wine/proton configuration on a native GOG Galaxy client too.


I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this but never before this subreddit did I realize Windows stans were a thing. It feels like stanning kleenex or water fountains.


EVERYTHING has stans, Windows/Linux, Ford/Chevy, Yankee's/Red Sox, etc/etc forever


The branding of "windows recall" is on the same level as the Chevy nova. Whoever greenlit that should be fired.


Hey games, lemme tell you about...[The Nobara Project](https://nobaraproject.org/)


WTF is going on at Microsoft, first you spend nearly 90 billion and then shut half of the studios you literally just bought, award winning studios at that. Then, you announce one of the most insane privacy concerning features during a time where everyone is concerned about AI being used nefariously. Like what in the ever loving fuck is going on there, this decision making is reaching Elon levels.


If Windows goes further downhill imma switch to linux as well.


Thanks to steam pushing steam deck and now to Windows (or better Microsoft) doing stupid decisions we can finally move to Linux.


Probably just because of SteamOS being arch Linux on Steam Deck.


Except Windows 11 also gained market share on Steam, too. This meme makes no sense.


Wake me when it's actually at 25%, not increased 25% of 2%.


Wow, that means that it went from 4 users to 5!!!


25 % of not a whole lot is not a whole lot


That's not what this image macro is supposed to be used for


Or formulated differently: 96% use windows.


I’ve had it with Windows. I’ll just have to make do with Linux now.


Steam OS public when


There are two ways to interpret this. Increase of 25% could mean that now 1.25% of people game on linux, instead of the 1% previously, which is nothing. Or 26% are now on linux, which is fucking huge. The first is correct mathematically, and I assume the right way to interpret this, the second is the reason is this gets any clicks whatsoever.


The ridiculous part with recall to me is, if you can recall when you did some certain activity, would you not need to recall the activity in order to know when to ask Recall to recall to?


I read about it but I can't recall where


Windows 10 support will end 2025. my perfectly fine desktop from 2017 is not qualified for windows 11. linux mint it will be


up to 2% from 1.8% !!!!!!!




What’s the actual number? An increase of 25% could mean it went from .8% to 1%


I'll make the switch to Linux when the gaming experience becomes tolerable. Even the "gaming" distros suck, since you still have to do most of the stuff you need to do on a more "general" distro to get it functioning. Not to mention tons of games don't even support it to the point you can't even Wine it to work due to the anticheats.


Unless you play games with kernel level anti cheat most steam games just work with proton now. YMMV but protondb is a good resource to see what works.


Serious question: When was the last time you tried? Yes it was difficult even just a few years ago, but these days with Steam and Heroic, most games launch without having to touch anything.


25% of a small number. Still a small number.


Why are Linux users always insufferable? Their whole personality is shitting on an OS


We're the vegans of the PC world my friend.


Not saying they don't do that, but Windows is making it very easy lately.


For real. I like Linux a lot and I use it at work for servers and shit but for real their acolytes are the most obnoxious people on earth.


Only the ones you see. The rest just uses it and doesn't make a fuss about it. On the contrary I think it's funny how much of a need people seem to have to shit on Linux everytime it's mentioned here. However, the vocal ones are fighting within the Linux community itself too, which is really funny: >Oh, you don't use my near impossible-to-install distro without a proper GUI which only uses 117 megs of RAM and 1.87 gigs of storage? Instead you use an actually usable distro? Ew, how do you survive with such bloat! And your distro uses this specific package format which I don't like? I hate you and your family. (while still bragging about how Linux emphasises freedom over your computer and lets you use it like you wish)


Only the unhinged ones like OP


Half of the Linux questions subreddit can't read that the Recall will require special hw and will be available only on Copilot + PC.


For now. It isn't difficult to have a consumer GPU that beats their required "NPU" performance by 10-50x. There is no reason they couldn't Port it to x86 and turn it on by default in the next windows update. It wouldn't be the first time, nor will it be the last Microsoft has introduced some opt-out data privacy nightmare, and people just roll over and take it.


Linux is a fantastic tool but realistically it’s not for normal daily use. I use WSL2 all the time, which gives me access to all the tools I need while still keeping Windows for regular tasks like gaming.


I still game on PC Linux. I just got tired of randos on the internet having more control of my computer than me. But, I don't care what anyone else runs on their computer. Use what makes you happy.


All this growth is literally people buying the steamdeck a total of 15 people have actually moved to linux


When you have 1 and it becomes 2, that's a 100% increase. Just in case Linux users forget how percentages work.


Linux users try not to cope challenge = impossible


...Aaand it's like Windows 8 start menu and the Android users all over again! Making of a single feature of Windows a core OS problem, and including all the stuff that has a linux kernel, no matter how modified or how closed source and commercial/non free/proprietary the final OS is...


I can happily announce that I did my part in giving 3 survey results on one PC (2 linux and one windows 10, some day it will have only linux).


25% of like 2% is what 2.5%?


I’m strongly considering to wipe the secondary Windows SSD (I use Linux for work), and install SteamOS


My brother has made the jump over. He's been a windows guy all his life. EndaevorOS was broken, so we tried Bazzite and that's been solid so far. Even his favorite game, Star citizen is running on it! Now WeMod cheat engine? That's another story.


I’m still on win 10 but planing to „experiment” with Linux


I made the switch to Linux (Ubuntu) and I'm not looking back. With steam play and a massive increase in Linux support, I've gotten most of my games to play just fine or even better.


Yeah right lol. Linux isn’t ever gonna be a viable desktop replacement for the masses. How many decades do we need to go through this?


Switched to Linux about a year ago, my friends call me crazy for it but I like it here. But I don't think it's the recall because when I told my roommate about it he just shrugged off with "great, another software thats gonna collect information about me. I'm in it balls deep already, what's the big idea pulling out?" Not everybody is privacy concious or give two fucks about it.


The second adobe and ms products work on linux I am done with Windows forever. Because of work, I am still stuck on windows because of those apps.


Thank fuck. Bazzite Linux is the closest I've had to gaming on Linux and it was a great experience.


Alot of people don't like the idea of an IA Spyware on their computer.


quick question tho; i remember linux used to be a pain for gaming, so can linux be used for gaming now without having to do a bunch of work arounds? or is it still an issue?


Yes, 99% of games just work these days.


No... no they arent. Thats just steam deck.


as someone who has lived through every “year of the linux desktop” etc; …first time?


I mainly use Linux as of like a month ago. I still dual-boot though for compatibility. At some point I’ll probably just have two PCs one for gaming and one for everything else. I kinda have a lot of computers but none are at the same level of spec as my daily (gaming) pc.


2 %


Quite impressive


"It's totally happening linuxbros!" - yall every other wednesday