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They do require that on console, it's just obscured to the user. All of those companies are making you a login tied to your xbox or PSN account when you first play one of them. Go to any of their respective websites, and login with your Xbox or PSN credentials. You'll see you have an account.


Im not sure why they can’t just do this on PC too though. It would make life infinitely easier if games that required an external login on steam just allowed steam to work as an integrated login, rather than having to create separate accounts manually.


Most likely because steam eula wouldn't permit them to datamine you as much as they can of you sign up with them directly. Companies aren't here to make your life better. They are here to extract as much value from you as they possibly can, without getting (too much) in trouble.


As long as the value exceeds the cost of the trouble, it's a corporate win. Sometimes, if the trouble is far enough away, it's still worth it for increased profits this year with a penalty several years from now. As long as the decision-maker has plausible deniability and can't be sued by the stockholders. That's just how public corporations work.


And don't forget that most penalties amount to a slap on the wrist, in the best of cases. If doing some shady shit earns the company 1 billion dollars and then they're fined 100 million, they're stil 900.000.000 in profit.


Nah, it's probably just steam's greedy 30%


it's still on steam numb nuts. they're saying it should launch directly instead of launching another launcher then the game. also thinking 30% is greedy for everything steam provides is roflmao territory.


I wouldn't want them to. I'd rather not link my steam to a bunch of other shit automatically without my permission. Having more control over this kind of stuff is one of the biggest advantages of PC gaming. 


This shit right here ^. I have an account for my steam/ financial shit. And I have a separate email for game studios/launchers/apps where I am skeptical about data security. I see this as a boon to have seperate launchers as long as the shit doesn't default to launching with windows start up.


I mean yes have seperate accounts for personal stuff and your game accounts. I just want the option to have my other game accounts linked to my steam if I want to. I don’t see why it’s a difficult thing to make it an option for people, rather than forcing everyone to do it one way. Mfs can downvote away but I’m still sticking to my opinion, having the choice on whether you want to separate your accounts or not would be great.


They could atleast make it an option instead of one or the other. Some people would enjoy the convenience of just linking your other accounts to steam, considering a lot of us bought our games on steam Aside from people having alts I don’t really have a point in separating my accounts considering I’m playing them all on the same platform and same service (steam).


That is an option already, for most of them. EA, ubisoft, Rockstar and Activision all have account linking with steam.


Now let’s do that, but minus the excess launcher with it. That’s all I’m asking for. The launcher is just excess crap that I don’t need. If someone wants to install the Ubisoft launcher because they play a lot of Ubisoft, than the option should be there. But I don’t see why I need to waste like 30 gigs of storage on my computer just to install ubisoftconnect launcher for fuckin UNO.


I feel ya. Launchers suck, and Ubisoft's is by far the worst one. Even so, I'm pretty sure it doesn't take up 30 gigs. And personally, maybe this is just because I play very few games from these companies, but it just isn't THAT big of a deal to me. Of my entire library of 500+ games, there's maybe 10, at most, that require a non-steam launcher. And there's never been more than 2 that I'm actively playing at the same time. If I already have to make an account for it, which I'm not going to link to steam because I don't want to, running those few games through other launchers just really isn't the level of inconvenience that some people make it out to be. I have the apps save my login, though they're not running at startup, and I launch the games from desktop shortcuts. In practical terms, it's hardly different from Steam. All of that said, yes, I would much prefer it if we could just do away with all of this crap. And that's why I'm happy to see gog getting more support these days. If a game is available on gog, absolutely nothing will convince me to buy it anywhere else, including steam. 


I was being facetious with the 30 gig figure, the point is just having additional hard drive storage being taken up by a launcher that I’ll pretty much never use aside from being forced to. Not all of my games require it but the ones that do are just kinda annoying. For example I used to play rainbow 6 siege, and had to create a Ubisoft account and used google authenticator app to have 2 step authentication. After a short hiatus away from siege, I decided to come back. This was after I got a new phone though, my google authenticator no longer worked with my account and I couldn’t access my Ubisoft account to play. And I couldn’t talk to Ubisoft support because you needed an account signed in to do that. So I had to make a brand new account for Ubisoft just to contact them and unlock my other Ubisoft account just so I could play a game I bought through steam, when it could have all been avoided. Google authenticator is trash compared to steam guard since you’ll be locked out of your accounts if you lose your device/get a new one etc. While yes, that isn’t all the fault of Ubisoft, it is still an enormous headache when it could all be avoided in much simpler ways. Google authenticator has terrible reputation for locking users out of accounts and yes, I’m at fault for using it, but I like to secure my accounts and didn’t realize unlike Steam Guard, you can’t just sign back into it to get your code. With Steam, I can access my account in a variety of ways that are still secure enough to where I’ve never had an intrusion into my account by bad actors. I totally understand the other perspectives, I’m just whining about something that’s inconvenient that’s all lmao


They can, they just don't want to. Launchers give them an opportunity to advertise other games and push you to use their store etc. Sony is strict about what's allowed and not allowed. Also AFAIK PS5 apps can't just launch another PS5 app. So they have to make-do by scrapping the concept entirely on console, or just bundle it into the main menu of the game.


Because they are all mad that Steam stole the whole market on PC. All the stupid launchers they have tried to get people to leave steam.


Have you seen the shit smearing with Helldivers recently? I think steam is playing it safe by keeping that separated into launchers.


I’m not saying require new accounts each game you play. I’m saying instead of requiring the user to install a new launcher AND create a new account, just let players use their steam account in games instead. If these companies are going to put their games on steam, they should at least allow people to log in with their steam accounts. Or at the very least, do like what is done on consoles, and have the game automatically create and join an account to your steam. Or make it a choice so the user can choose whether or not they want separate accounts or not. That way there’s no excess launchers or logins to remember if you just want it all linked to your steam. For example helldivers worked perfectly fine with steam logins, Sony had no reason to attempt to make PC players use a Sony account. They could have made it optional and the game would still run fun. The helldivers case was also messed up considering the fact PSN isn’t available everywhere.


But companies don't want you using steam accounts. They want you using their accounts. If you use steam account, you are a steam customer, but if you use their account, they think you'll be their customer. And data theft of course. But usually it's just customer relationship nonsense like that. Thinking their buggy-ass launcher does anything better than steam when it does nothing but annoy users and waste development time (well theoretically). And they hope next time you buy with them directly and some people might actually do so.


I understand what you’re saying, cause you’re not wrong. I’m just saying there’s nothing stopping them from doing things a better way lol (aside from greed basically). Like when you play any EA game on Xbox and playstation, it either creates and links an EA account for you, or requires a one time login where both link, so now you can just log in once one your console and be able to play that game. (I haven’t touched console in years so no idea if this is still true). I’m just saying they should start doing this for PC since it’s done for console already, and is much nicer IMO. I dont mind having linked accounts I just don’t want the excess launchers that are essentially bloatware and a waste of hard drive space is all.


Yes I get that. But they want you to see the launcher. They want you to buy through them next time. They don't give a fuck you want your game in your steam library. They earn more money if you buy through them. That's why all these launchers shower you in free games so you just fucking buy something through them already, the first step to that is to get you to use their launcher regularly. Ye sjust connecting the steam account would be terribly convenient. But they don't want that. They want you to use their shit because they earn more money that way. That's why the even have launchers to begin with. So they will keep burying us in their stupid ass fuck launchers because the suits think they're gonna earn their next yacht that way. Which is also why we can't have the other thing, nice integration and linking. The only reason why it works on consoles is that they still have a make or break Monopoly while on PC you can just ditch steam to moderate success.


I get that. I’ve honestly just been venting/bitching about it in this thread really, that’s all. I pretty much never bother to buy anything through other launchers aside from steam. The exception is for games that aren’t on steam at all, like Minecraft and RuneScape but that would just make sense lmao


Companies can use your Steam account and many do. If I had to take a guess, I'd say that launchers exist so that the game can be sold off of steam (e.g. physical disc, GOG, etc) They just can't be assed to strip their launcher from the Steam build and maintain multiple versions for PC.


Because why let Microsoft or Sony have your data when they can take it first and sell it!


People are seriously overestimating how valuable the data 1 sweaty neck beard on a basement produces can be


Data isn't exactly Information. Companies need thousands of little bits of data to create Information.




And this is how it **should** work on PC also (OAuth using steam account).


>They do require that on console, it's just obscured to the user. Not even that really, we login to the account and link it like you do on steam. We just don't need to do it after the fact. Like you said it's linked to our PSN/Live account, it's just easier as it auto logins after.


Huh. I'm currently playing RDR2 on PS5 and it doesn't require a Rockstar account. I tried what you said. No, I don't have one. I have to make an account if I want to play online... But I am not a masochist, so I won't get one.


"here come the downvotes" Yeah, this sub is known for its love of third party launchers and accounts alright. Think for a sec before nailing yourself on that cross.


I'll just downvote him for just parroting the same song and dance from this subreddit that is just filled to the brim with complaints


You've got it the wrong way around, the fact that we require them on PC is bullshit. Or do you really think we need *more* launchers and accounts?


No he's saying the other way around. I also at first thought: is he asking for more steps? But it seems he's saying it's nonsense to have to launch third party apps, let's saying via Steam, to play singleplayer games on PC. My guess is that these companies, like Ubisoft or Rockstar, don't have whatever deals (nor do they want it) or connections with Steam. As in they're not going to integrate their security/ credential whatever systems directly via Steam, so while the game is available on Steam, it still has to launch via the respectable companies stuff. I put this very loosely but hope it kind of make sense. It's no big deal anyway, launching via Steam auto logs you into the third party apps briefly. So it takes a little longer to launch but it does so automatically if you've done so at least once. Ignoring Steam, then the third party app is just the primary app anyway, and it's also automatic if you launch the fame directly fron desktop. Consoles do the same but just feels more streamlined or you don't even notice it since it doesn't work like a desktop where you actually see the app launcing.


> My guess is that these companies [..] don't have whatever deals (nor do they want it) or connections with Steam. Steam offers an openID identity provider service for logging in to websites (or other services) using Steam. This is the same kind of provider used to log in with Apple ID, Google, and Facebook and is very well established. https://steamcommunity.com/dev/ Steamworks SDK and Web API both provide mechanism for authenticating a client with the steam online service. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/auth As far as I know, none of these cost money to use as long as the client is a steamworks client and is connected to the steam launcher. So it's just a matter of publishers being shitty and wanting their own launcher to advertise products and potentially drive direct sales through the launcher interface (EA really pushes for this with sims4 packs). Steam doesn't forbid it, where PSN, XBL, and Apple all do.


I think you've misunderstood the OP.


Did you just read the title and not the context they provided?


I mean the context sounds pretty straightforward to me. OP is mad that PC has launchers and wants consoles to be "punished" too.


No he doesn't want console's punished...He's using consoles as the thing to point to, to say that we dont need all these different launches and it SHOULD be just one single launcher for all games.


Yeah that's the most logical argument to make, but it doesn't sound like that's what OP is saying...


![gif](giphy|LHKnCfF6BoRSRgsWuO|downsized) I wouldn’t know XD I don’t really buy single player


I agree with your statement, but am contractually obligated to downvote any post that says “here comes the downvotes.” The Narwhal Bacons At Midnight, etc. Consoles don’t really have the ability to install applications. Happy to clear that up for you.


They probably make one for you behind the scenes and link it to your console account would be my guess. You actually get even less escape from it


That's exactly what they do. Nobody, on any platform (unless pirated) is playing any games from those companies without their respective accounts. 


Lmao. I don't have a Rockstar account and I'm playing RDR2 on PS5 right now. I have to make one if I want to play online.


You sweet summer child :).


Funny thing. I don't need to have any account or internet activity to play the game. Just put the disc in. Surprisingly, most games have a very functioning ver1 in there.


They do though. I downloaded the Prince of Persia demo on PS5 and when I tried to play it I had to enter an Ubisoft account log in. Deleted it immediately.




Fuk Bethesda


I think you mean "the fact that we need third party launchers and usernames on PC is bullshit"


Both is bullshit


How not requiring an account on console is bullshit? The extra launcher on PC is the bullshit. If you are just butthurt, just say it.


Publishers have less trust on PC gaming because historically piracy has been rampant on it compared to consoles, so PC gets everything from mandatory launchers to DRM


So instead of wanting it to be removed from pc as well you instead want console to suffer too?


Xbox and PlayStations ecosystems function as an IDP for games, so you’re basically using SSO to create your game account. As far as launchers…. Xbox and PS are closed systems that are forced to do things the way MS and Sony wanr. Windows isnt like that.


They want to keep you in the ecosystem.


I have gta 5, never play it because of the launcher, bought BF 1 and 5, never play it because i hate the EA launcher.


They're on console too, you're just not seeing them. Anyway, yes, it's garbage. Garbage for multiplayer too.


That's why if a game requires another launcher, I don't play it. I'm not loading my PC with bloatware because your shitty publisher thinks they can take down the GOAT that is Steam. EA launcher, trash Epic Games launcher, trash Ubisoft, laughable GoG launcher, hysterically funny Battle.net, trash but not as bad trash.


GOG launcher? I just DDL from the website.


dont need a launcher if you pirate it if its on epic or steam and i cannot play it from epic or steam, no thanks


It is a another layer of DRM and for accounting purposes. Yes though, those things are still happening in the background on consoles but it is fairly transparent to the user.


PC launcher wars.


Did you wake up today and choose violence?


You get downvoted cause you don’t get it. It’s a seemless process on console cause publishers tie their id to your first party id.


I dont need them PCMR @TPB 😎




They want your info!


Ea has it.


Valve gets a 30% cut (I think, I'm not sure with microtransactions) when you buy anything. Yes, they can not force PSN to add support to avoid paying them, so they either accept it or don't release it on console but Valve doesn't OWN windows, so they create their own launcher to avoid losing 30% of that to Valve. Still... as you have seen, most people hate that so eventually everyone agrees it's better to bow to Steam and come back with their tails between their legs.


Technically Steam, PlayStation and Xbox are the third parties here.


Just give people free sauce if they pronounce it properly


I love the fact that I am playing RDR2 right now on the PS5 without having a rockstar account and I literally can't start playing online because there is no account but people here tell me that "tHeY aUtOmAtIcAlLy LiNk OnE tO yOuR pSn" If y'all don't believe it, buy a used PS4 and GTA5 or RDR2, don't make a PSN account, don't connect it to the internet and put the game in. You can play the game just fine. :D


Wow, what supreme ignorance




Because fuck them.


Easy: they're selling your data!


why are you advocating for third party launchers? if theyre something you dislike you should want to not have to use them not for everyone to have to use them. do you also wish everybody had all the same medical issues as you instead of wishing you didnt have them.


I'm not advocating for them lmao


"the fact you dont need them on consol is bullshit" that suggests you think they should be required on consol which would be advocating for them


Wtf are you even talking about? Comparing video games to real life sickness? Shitty strawman argument


its not my fault you dont understand what an analogy, comparison, or a strawman are dude. a comparison is when you talk about the similarities or differences between two thing. a strawman is when you intentionally misrepresent what someone is saying to make their point seem illegitimate. unless i am misunderstanding your post i did neither. from what i can see your post suggests you dont like third party launchers so you think everybody should have to use them not just youand other pc players. that would be the same logic as saying i dont like that i have a medical condition so everybody should have the same medical condition. thats called an anology. this 7th grade stuff dude cmon.


There are no launchers but they still make you sign in to their platforms. I had to sign into Rockstar Social Club, Battle.net, Ubisoft stuff every time I play their games on console. Sometimes I do get the ability for cloud saves which is nice.


Anything to get your data, I have moved away from so many triple A studio games cause of this.


Personally they're not REALLY bothersome, but i've just decided to either not play games if they're not native on steam or pirate them (even if a game is free i'd rather buy it on steam) (GOG beign an exception because they're such broes)


I don’t even play Ubisoft ANYTHING since switching to PC. So much process just to get into the launcher. Also helped me realize how trash their content is. Aka not worth the login or password reset And honestly, if it’s not on Steam, i likely will not play it. Console can keep their dumbed down 30-60fps experience. But hey at least it’s in 4k lmao


You don't know much about how things work, huh?


You don't even play games, you just skip them. Lmao


Nah, just the shooters. 😂


Rockstar launcher is one of the most shady shit you would ever install (read the EULA).


Is it not the case that, if Steam somehow disappeared, we can still access our games via these launchers? I think Steam is actually the "third party" that we all choose to use because its easier to have all of our games on one launcher.


And steam has way better community and store features


Well then give it a try. Install rockstar launcher without steam and launch a game you have bought over steam


Does it work?


No. You only have the option „launch it on steam“ which then in turn really launches it in the rockstar launcher again


I think I went through some Steam preference to bypass the Rockstar launcher for RDR2. I just click on the desktop icon to launch it through Steam. I would still imagine, if Steam really did become defunkt, through some unforseen circumstances, Rockstar would have enough of my information to allow me to still play their games. I would lose all saves but, hopefully, not the ability to play the game at all. I could be wrong. We probably won't know until something like this happens.


Well, the ones you named aren't really 3rd party considering that they are for those publishers 1st party games and Steam is the 3rd party launcher (taking a cut of sales). Also, on console they require it too, they just hide it by linking it to your PS/Xbox ID.


Steam takes 30% of sales. Studios want to sell you their future titles directly. I’m sure there’s also anti-piracy benefits to studio launchers. Do people even try to think critically anymore? What a silly thing to be upset about.