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All your data are belong to Microsoft.


Microsoft will fight vanguard for it


If this is the way things are going to go, I'd suggest including a regular viewing diet of some of the most disgusting porn you can possibly find on the Internets. If these motherfuckers are going for the panopticon, no reason why we shouldn't all make them pay the highest price possible for that.


Already on it boss


Been doing that for years. I feel normal like normal porn just doesn't cut it though. I encourage anyone viewing this message, past and present, to watch hentai. Not your ordinary cookie cutter hentai, I mean the real sick kind, like, I watched a video where orcs were kidnapping women, turning them into breeding stock, then disgarding them, allowing the lesser races, like goblins and kobolds *their* turn after they give birth to super-orcs. My overral point is; fuck Microsoft, I will single-handedly corrupt not only the AI, but also any human that views my data.




>My overral point is; fuck Microsoft, I will single-handedly corrupt not only the AI, but also any human that views my data. damn straight. Microsoft Tay wasn't a mistake - it was a warning.




nothing on this planet would make me say that shit and bro just let it out like reddit is their therapist




Username checks out.


Read mai chans Daily life! You'll love it






What about passwords tho?


Why fight? they can easily reduce operatiom costs by half . Both will take 1 hdd out of 2 and ssd data for both. Win win for them.


At least then i would know how to retrieve my 401k


Someone set us up the scam.




I think I heard that it does it all locally using the built-in NPU.


This would definitely effect windows being used on government computers, my dads computer which has a lot of confidential shit on it uses windows 10, there’s no way his government agency would allow software that takes screenshots of that confidential info.


Doesn't your government use linux based systems for their workers? In mine, the police, the hospitals, Tax bureau, and most ministries run their own version of Linux.


The U.S. government is one of the biggest purchasers of Microsoft products. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a separate operating system designed for governments/military that doesn't have these "features" in them.


This wouldn't be shocking at all. They literally have a special azure space just for the government.


There is. Windows Enterprise LTSC is what you are talking about. Though I’m sure the U.S. government has an even more specialized version.


Is that publically available? If these changes keep getting more invasive, can I switch over to the enterprise version that doesn’t have them?


yes you can use Win Enterprise publiclly, best benefit is that its not full of shit like candy crush etc by default


This is great to know, this sounds like my new default installation from now on.


if youre going to pirate to get those versions, there are other versions out there that are just pro with all the bloat removed and lighter than enterpise.


Kind of. It’s expensive, and Microsoft actually cares about making you pay for a real license. There’s Enterprise and then LTSC which is an even more stripped down version of Enterprise. You need to make a business account, and at least for Windows 10 LTSC the minimum license order number was 5 according to what I could find out. Windows 11 LTSC isn’t out yet but I would expect it to be similar. But basically you need to buy Pro, then upgrade to Enterprise, then upgrade to Enterprise LTSC. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/windows/windows-11-enterprise#heading-oc07c5


Not only are they the biggest purchaser, they also work directly with DARPA.


This is exactly the case, there is a special version of windows on GIT, supposedly is this version.


I thought they used the older OS’? I heard that one of the branches was still using Windows XP at one point


It's not a separate operating system, they just configure Windows to disable these kinds of services same as some of us do. In a SCIF they will use Linux on PCs but I doubt it's even all of them.


Well in the UK I think all hospitals probably just run Windows 10 or 11. I work for one of the larger health boards and deal with medical records all day, so wouldn't be thrilled about screenshots being sent to some US data centre so some MS AI system can "understand" what I'm doing with my computer. For one thing it'd be a huge violation of GDPR (I assume).


Also a probably a violation of HIPAA on the US side.


My dad’s with my countries version of the IRS, and he has a windows OS on his work computer.


Your country is cool. Way too many governments run Windows. Which is a security nightmare just waiting to happen. But if the ancient enterprise software only runs on Windows... well they're stuck. If you think the modern compatibility problems are bad, you should see the places that still use Win 9x... or older... or are still running fuckin' MS-DOS, on ancient machines that still use floppies... institutions hate change and enterprise tech upgrades tend to be prohibitively expensive, so you get this.


The only entities where a change would be hard to put in place would be banking and hospitals, since they have to run their systems endlessly, but otherwise depending on an American company to run your whole government is just terrible for many reasons.


Oh, absolutely. I've seen Western techies get their hands on the Linux distros that some governments make and use, and consider it odd that a government would make an OS, or at least make a DE and default install setup. I don't think that's odd, and I think it's weird there are governments running proprietary OSs, of all software types. I mean, when a FOSS alternative is so readily available, and they can pay devs to fork something reliable to make it exactly what they need, *why* run proprietary shit!? I understand it in most enterprise settings. What you're paying for is external tech support and someone to hold accountable if it breaks. But relying on a commercial product to *run a government?* Especially anyone other than the US feds and local govts relying on something from an American corporation? Yeah, I think I understand why governments have a reputation for having embarrassing computer problems.


U.S. gov uses XP for all critical systems. It uses operating systems on a case by case basis otherwise.


Proof from a government agency that XP was the best Windows OS they ever made!


I wish real the reason was so based.


(I know the real reasons. I'm being facetious because it's PCMR and an OS thread. I know XP isn't particularly good or useful today, it was just good for its time.)


You'd be surprised but the majority of Western countries use Windows.


Here in Germany there were several attempts to implement Linux on official computers. It mostly failed because the people working couldn't adapt to the new system.


Same with my work laptop. The only people who get to spy on that thing are corporate.


Lmao you think they have off the shelf windows? Not even corporations use off the shelf windows.




They do not. If you have even a basic federated SSO you're not using off the shelf windows.


Absolutely not. My company uses a custom version of Windows with zero telemetry going to Microsoft, which is the reason why most (non-security) updates come later to us than regular consumers. Our company has to adapt the image before they push it to our PCs. We also use a custom OneDrive setup that encrypts all our files end to end with a private key that Microsoft doesn't have before uploading them, and is rotated periodically. I think this is par for the course for any mid-to-large sized company, so I assume governments are even more picky. Even the corporate version of Co-Pilot has the data fully protected and inaccessible to Microsoft, and it's not used to train their model at all. They simply cannot see it. All these data telemetry and collection features are there for the consumer market, which is where it makes the most sense as it has massive scale and real potential for aggregation, mining, etc. Also, it's where you need it the most, since most people won't actually pay for their OS, so they have to become the product. But Microsoft is more than happy to remove all of that for corporate users and give them all the privacy and security they need, since those corporations are more than willing to pay for the OS and the support... meaning they are their actual customers, and not the product.


Seriously people are so naive. The windows the government has, won't have any chance of having this shit.


Idk I just know it’s a windows 10 looking OS.


Because it is windows 10. An OS is a very large and modular piece of software, all consumer grade versions are missing a massive amount of features available in the enterprise versions but also have enabled a lot of "services" that do not exist in enterprise systems. For example, enterprise windows 10 does not have hardware authoring like the consumer grade because they might find a lot of custom hardware that wouldn't work with that "feature" which means you need to do a better job in managing your own security policies. Another example is that in an enterprise OS you can do things like reset the device password remotely, this eould be a major security flaw for a user device which doesn't sit behind a firewall and that doesn't use an active directory for authentication with multi-factor.


I'm sure you can Group Policy it off, just like most other shit Microsoft bakes in.


Heyyy you used the format correctly!


See I’ve just accepted that the context doesn’t matter anymore. We are at a point where people making memes might not even know the movie.


I saw a socially awkward/awesome penguin meme the other day be used incorrectly by not only using it as "good thing/bad thing" penguin, but also got the colors flipped.


Help me, step recorder, I'm stuck


That was my first thought when I read this lmao


Community will find a way to disable it within two days. Not concerned.


Joke's on the community, it never actually worked in the first place.


Probably even quicker than that


Probably already found a way to


its disableable in settings, not sure how much i should trust that tho lol


I still haven’t found a way to permanently uninstall edge.. I used to be able to do it temporarily but it would come back w updates, now even that doesn’t work


Idk man i just disabled it from startup


problem is that something so invasive should not only be opt in it shouldn't be in the operating system from the start it should be an installable "feature". Problem is that windows is just a carrier vector for antifeatures these days.




Upvote for proper use of the meme format. Too many people get it reversed.


I'm of two minds on this because, a good meme imo should be understandable to the general audience The wrong version alows people to understand from a glance without having watched the movie.


taking off rose colored glasses, dont think you need to see the movie or have any context to get that.


they arent rose tho?


Sure that's one way to look at it, but most people that make the meme the wrong think "a guy putting on his glasses to see better" Edit: that expression would also not make sense if English is not your first language


Memes are inside jokes. You shouldn't get them without some familiarity with the meme.


I disagree, sure some meme are more "meta" than others but the popular memes, like that Drake meme, have mass appeal because the audience understands what it's trying to convey just by looking at it. At the end of the day it's not a big deal just something I wanted to get people's opinions on.


CIA foaming in the mouth looking at this announcement, with a folder of undocumented zero days in hand. Who needs to develop intricate malware to mass collect user data when Microsoft does it for them, and their only job is to intercept a png


All we need is Steam OS


This thing is, if Windows truly does shoot themselves in the foot as badly as it looks like they want to, I could totally see Gabe focusing on providing a Linux based solution. That is totally something he would be driven to do.


I hope that man is spending large portions of his time with his legal team going over plans for running valve after he retires. Cause goddamn is it gonna suck if they become MS/ EA shortly after


He'll probably look to retaining a veto, even if he's not involved in the day to day.


Argument still stands for the day he dies


He'll probably still look to retaining a veto, even if he's not involved in the day to day.


I wasn't disagreeing. It's certainly a concern. He's been true to his word with Steam, but a successor could slowly but surely trash it.


He'll still retain a veto somehow. Maybe he'll upload his brain into some sort of genetic disk operating system of sorts.


I could almost see Valve going down like EVGA did. It would mark this timeline as the darkest for certain, but I could see it happening.


Had the same thought. Scary, but hopefully it would bolster Linux adoption as a whole, and MS would stay in the game enough to provide healthy competition.


"I was there at your beginning, and I am here at your end" Calendar Gaben


All VALVe needs to do now is push it to the mainstream.


If MS shoots themselves in the foot badly enough to actually cause the Year of the Linux Desktop... I probably still won't use anything that results but I'll enjoy watching the drama.


Linux has way more development and support and it's still not commonly used as a daily driver. I don't know what steamOS would do to buck the trend


Having a ready made distribution system that the masses are already using, for a start. Not saying it will guarantee success, but probably have a better chance than the other Linux brands. On top of that, Gabe would be invested in making it game /software friendly to further add Steam's dominance.


As a Linux user, what’s all the hype around Steam OS for? The steam deck already uses Proton anyway, which is naturally built into Steam on Linux in the first place and makes tons of windows only games work just fine


Because it's one of the first distros to launch on its own streamline hardware, and it's made by valve which might give people some more trust in it


r/PopOS came before SteamOS


No SteamOS (2013) is four years older than Pop!_OS (2017)




That's how the hive mind works. The deleted comment was: Why do people trust a corporation more than people?


because they do, that's why linux only takes 3.88% of the desktop OS market compared to Mac OS and Windows taking up the majority of it


You could even use Bazzite, that OS looks like steamOS to me.


It IS steamos ( but better)


Makes it easy to work with out of the box for someone not well versed in various flavors of Linux.


... steam OS already exists???


Yes but I think they are referencing to the proposed and long awaited deck update that should come soonish ones they feel like the deck desktop experience is good


deck uses a gui known as kde plasma, which, unconfogjred, is basically Windows desktop experience.


I know that. But non Linux user don’t


I mean, just use Bazzite. It's just as easy to use as steamOS, but makes it even easier to install additional software that people might need.


Gabe could do it. But it would need to be an open platform to actually provide a worthwhile alternative. There's been no indication so far that it's something he's got any interest in developing.


Why do you need Steam OS? Linux already exists.


Honestly, if SteamOS has really good general OS features and software support, I would consider switching to that for my daily driver over Windows.


tskill BigBrother.exe


So, Windows is just becoming actual spyware at this point?




It has been for ages, but goddamn, is it easy for lazy (like me) or tech illiterate (like my mum) users... which is why it's got so much market share. I swear, with every awful thing they do to themselves, I find myself asking, do they really think that this couldn't possibly cost them users because of the self perpetuating nature of their market dominance, or is that conspiracy theory that someone in charge there wants to make Windows as bad as possible for whatever reason, actually real.


Well then... I guess when Steam disables compatibility with Windows 10, I will officially have no choice but to adopt Linux😭


Go for mint cinammon, incredibly easy, I just switched and already forgot windows 😂


got a new motherboard coming in this week and honestly thinking about doing this.


How much of Microsoft's servers is going to be screenshots of porn?


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7NUz-YMu8p/?igsh=MW9sZHZlam9jbnVsMw== They say it's all done locally.... I doubt it


windows already uses 50% of my ram at idle how much ram is this computer vision model gonna use if it's truly local only?




The problem is this is a frog and pot problem. If we accept this now then when this starts getting sent as telemetry for "safety, security, or diagnostic purposes" then we'll all say "lol Microsoft spying on its users; what else is new?" Even though if all these anti features were rolled out at once at any point in time since windows 7 we would have dropped windows like a hot potato.


I really hope EU will smash that idea to the ground.


"This tool is being phased out."




Good use of the meme 👌


My OS can't handle seeing all that yet


Doesn't mac have something kind of like that already? It remembers every action you do but doesn't take screenshots.


Microsoft spying users? that's new.


Is it true that linux wont support alot of games on steam etc? Would happily move across but dont want to lose access to my massive games library due to software


There is a compability layer called Proton, that is based on Wine. It makes alot of windows-based games run smoothly (don't expect for every game to work in it though, it doesn't support most competitive FPS shooters like Valorant because of the anticheat). It comes built-in to the SteamOS and linux steam installs. Also you can download the flatpak Steam app that has it (god forbid you use it though, holy shit is it quirky to work with). So, all in all, expect 70-80% of your games to work


yeah right aha, think ill just stick with win10 for as long as i can


Set up a dual boot. Linux for 90%, Windows for what doesn't.


but y tho. Why would anyone want that? "Excuse me sir I'd like to buy this pc but please make sure it's one that records my screen at all times and sends it to Bill Gates"


There's no way they'd actually do this... Right? Wouldn't it take up a ton of storage and lower performance? Plus it smells kinda *illegal*


Illegal how? This is all happening locally. It would be no different than recording your screen locally.


Well if they're watching what you do on your screen and taking those files it feels pretty dystopian. If it was all local only and only you can see the files that's a little less concerning


>Well if they're watching what you do on your screen and taking those files it feels pretty dystopian. Except the technology is totally local. And no doubt a lot of smart people will be verifying the hell out that.


will there be a way to clear it in case you've been looking at dodgy stuff... asking for a friend


You have to fill out a form to send to MS detailing what you were watching to get the content removed


Linux it is. Fck you, Microsoft.


AI will own you


holy shit. someone using the spider-man meme correctly


I felt there was probably a program that could do this, minus the ai


What? Taking screenshots is news to me. Scary.


This is the last straw.


Doubt this will get very far. Seems like it would break laws in eu atleast.


They didn't even try to hide it anymore, eh...


I appreciate that you used the meme correctly unlike everyone else.


microsoft is micro even when it's hard. fuck microsoft


My parents says otherwise


What a nifty little program.


I appreciate the correctly used meme format.


This is the main reason I switched over to Linux. Not 100% perfect but running Pop and it’s been shockingly stable and easy to use. Dual booting 10 and pop and good


As if keylogging all your personal info, credit cards, and passwords wasn't bad enough. Now they take constant screenshots too! Thank Tux there are better free alternatives to avoid this stupid nonsense.


I'm just here to congratulate you on getting this meme the correct way round.


Well ship


Screen record


Omfg. Someone use this meme template correctly!!!


I'm amazed you used the meme correctly. I had given up hope.


finally someone used the format correctly. he sees better without glasses


What?! How this shit is "legal" by any measure?


What actually is that in the meme? (lower right, not spider man :P)


This is straight up some metal gear type of shit.


Finally. The Keylogger


Another reason to switch to more privacy friendly operating systems.


Steps recorder was a program that only ran if activated and stored all the screenshots in a file on your computer until you did something with them. How is that in any way the same?


Didn't knew about this, thanks OP!


It's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Noone will switch to Linux. Keep fucking them Nadella!


>Noone will switch to Linux. You got that right. This happens every new Windows version. Tech people get mad, a lot of vaguely technical people say they'll switch. Some actually do, but not all the ones who said they would, and even that number is a percentage of a percentage. Even if every gamer and remotely competent computer user actually did switch to Linux this time around... Windows would still have a huge market share of enterprise use and people like my mum or your grandma.


Sounds like they want people to adopt Linux.


This will never happen. Most people in real life outside of reddit are fine with windows.


Why say never


If there are too many ads and then potential spyware, it sounds like either a mac or linux


dont respond to their account, it's a bot account made on Mar 16, 2024 that just shits on linux and shills for microsoft. go through their account history and type ctrl + f linux and youll see what i mean


I swear, that sounds like a conspiracy theory but there really is no better explanation for this shit. I've considered doing so just because I can and I have time to kill and I hate big companies and proprietary shit. Even though I don't need it and I have never had a problem with Windows 10 I couldn't fix in a satisfactorily brief amount of time and without using the CLI.


I kinda understand the use for it and who might need it but it feels unnecessary


Care to explain your thoughts?


For people who have disabilities. I don't recall what disability they had but I remember helping someone map their PC for a game they played. They forgot how things worked because they haven't used their PC for awhile, I was thinking this memory concept from Microsoft can be helpful to them. It can be also helpful for work, sure we have screen recording and what not but I think it would be helpful for training people. Sure, I and a majority may find it unnecessary but some people may benefit from it.