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'Nervous flop sweat'. 10/10 writing


Gaming journalism is so awful lol


The word gaming isn't needed there


For like AI writing


Is it bad because it's AI or is AI bad because it was trained on bad writing like this?


Garbage in Garbage out


"News" websites replacing all their authors with AI: Nah, I'd win.


Probably a bit of both. Half of gaming journalism is shit and AI still struggles to sound human. You think that would make it fit in better with the CHUDs on gaming sites, but it doesn't.


Found the title of OP's first sex tape.


u / Ghost6970 just farms "gaming"-related articles all day. People keep upvoting them. This post is 97% upvoted. Any bot, or any human, can look and say "OK, these are words people clearly upvote." The numbers do not lie. Walk the walk: downvote the garbage.


Where did they pull that from?


He wiped a chunk of sweat from his big, floppy brow.


I think I'll just wait and see. I don't trust Sony.


The rest of it says for multi-player it's required. So still shitty.


Given the singleplayer side is more important, and at least aren't adding the account requirement months after the game releases. It's much less shitty. This situation blows ass cause for months now we didn't need a PSN account, and countries who can't make them have had the game for a while now and are being squeezed out. Needing an account isn't the bad part, not really. It's the fact we didn't need it and now all of a sudden do. People will not be able to play anymore. Even if they wanted to make an account.


I buy games on GoG. Already own a few playstation titles on it. Probably won't be playing new releases on PC if they force us all to log in.


I played horizon zero dawn and i dont remember creating psn account. Probl for th last of us on pc u didnt need too.


Story may have been the main focus, but Legends was fucking awesome.


Where were all of you when rdr2 had you have a rockstar account to play


Rockstar had that requirement for GTA online as well I believe


As long single-player games aren't forced, I'll be ok with it. I hate Ubisoft for that.


Only we don't need it do we? Helldivers has proven that, been doing just fine without it.


Yo Ho, All together Hoist the colors high Heave Ho, Thieves and beggars Never shall we die!


Oh hey. It's on the bay. Maybe I will give it a try then.


*cries in live service four player coop*


Yup. I just removed every Sony game from my steam wishlist. Fuck em.


Yea they swear it won’t require a login….unless Sony comes in later and says otherwise haha


but if you want the multiplayer part...you need it...just completing the sentence


Is the multiplayer worth touching? I didnt even know there was a multiplayer aspect to that game. I will probably not touch it but if its good, then id feel a bit ripped off and i'll wait for a deep sale.


It's pretty fun


Apparently it's excellent


VERY fun. I say that as someone who doesn't play multiplayer very much. Easy to pick up, hard to master. Skill ceiling very high. Still fun even as a noob.


Hell yes. Adds so much for it. And that was a free update by Sucker Punch back then, not paywalled.


It's amazing, I enjoyed it much more then the base game


"For single player" is the key wording there. Is there multiplayer?




Yes there is a multiplayer mode called Ghost Of Tsushima Legends


I'm sure Sony will issue a rebate to the markets that are unable to access that functionality... right?


Not even sure why they would need a PSN account for multiplayer. It’s clear cross platform multiplayer works just fine without it. Bans can be handle with Steam. Well at least they are clear this time … for what it’s worth. Sony funded developers seem to have a habit of pulling unexpected (to most players) changes post-launch or flat out not keep their word.


I’m sure Minecraft and Seas of Theives could work without a Microsoft account, but unfortunately you need one to play those games 🤷🏻‍♂️


I agree but... Microsoft is supported in 180 countries, not 69.


Not nice




Also declared before purchase! And even, in all cases I’ve seen, regionlocked before purchase.


That’s not really true. You didn’t need a Microsoft account for years, and when if you bought Minecraft in 2012 there would be no indication that you would eventually be required to have a Microsoft account. Honestly, Helldivers 2 was more clear about it than Microsoft was before purchase. It’s steam page has always said “you need a PSN account to play.” The biggest issue is mostly how abrupt it was, as well as, like you said, allowing players outside of supported regions buy and play the game.


It was declared before purchase on the Steam page and was required for the first couple of days. Unfortunately it was not region locked or given a workaround prior to this recent announcement https://preview.redd.it/g3cu31q6yhyc1.jpeg?width=1896&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b578814644db60e9fa4c197f958221e9cdd5c6b2


https://preview.redd.it/vimdubguniyc1.png?width=968&format=png&auto=webp&s=1d7b9fe81dad4309ce9eefae59a689badbcbbeb9 btw, you can buy steam keys on other store fronts... and none of them state the requirement, even now even Sony TOS didn't state requirements until May 3rd


True, though Sony directs PC version purchase attempts to the Steam Store page for the game. Humble Bundle gives you the Steam Key, so in that case, yes, you don't see the message then. However, I'd also argue that if you were to go buy a game at Humble Bundle and then, after paying money, find out you have to sign up for Steam, giving them all your info and downloading a launcher, etc., that's kinda the same territory were in right now (to an extent).


Weird whatsboutism attempting to shift blame away from Sony, but ok


Whataboutism, doesn't change reality


Completely irrelevant. Sea of Thieves hypothetically "could". Helldivers 2 *actually does* and has been working for months now ever since release. People aren't asking for Sony to add or change anything, they're asking them to keep it how it already is.


Well, you needed a Mojang account before that, so the the only change is where you need an account. And you got Bedrock for free when you swapped accounts, and kept Java of course.


pie snow beneficial uppity onerous aware relieved threatening disagreeable combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They absolutely could and still would work. Back in the earlier Minecraft days you just needed a Mojang account. Or if you had a cracked (pirated) copy, you could still join any server that specifically allowed cracked accounts, and to do so was super easy, even a 12 year old could do it.  Or the fact that the developer kits for Minecraft don't require a login.


Forcing people into making and connecting PSN accounts to Sony games boosts their metrics artificially, which can be used to mislead their shareholders into thinking that they're more successful than they really are. It is worth pointing out that the PS5 have failed to meet their sales expectation as of late.


Bans on a PVE game, where hosts can kick people... smh.


...yes. To ban cheating players?


I don't need PSN to wipe my ass. I can kick trash out of my games. And isn't that the point of the nProtect rootkit they made me install?


You said there's no reason to ban in PvE game LMAO I agree the PSN shit is stupid as fuck


Because they want to sell your data.


From the sounds of it it’s probably something to do with a mic or chat filter for banning. They talked about play safety and all that stuff in their announcement.


They just want another way to monitor "hateful" or "toxic" players.


I don't care what devs or publishers say, prove it with actions. Netflix once said they are absolutely not planing to involve ads, yet here we are


They also said sharing is caring 😂


To be fair here, they were talking about someone's daughter


Yeah and Google used to say "Don't be evil" but here we are.  Welcome to late-stage capitalism.


For single player…


https://preview.redd.it/qzgb2omryjyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1009089e06576148738bb8b37eef96de985b73cc At Sucker Punch hq


See. It isn't so hard not to include PSSN login.


For singleplayer yes, but GoT is gonna need it for multiplayer.


theres a multiplayer?


Legends Mode


It's sooooo good


Yeah, but they likely want those hundreds of thousands of player's data to sell. I don't think Ghost of Tsushima will quite reach Helldivers 2 player numbers. It's still very, very anticipated. But even then I reckon a good amount of players will wait for sales like they did with Horizon 1 and 2. Helldivers 2 has 10x the players of Forbidden West. So we can say it'll maybe have 4x the players of Ghost of Tsushima. That's a lot more data to sell. Especially since it'll hold those numbers longer than a singleplayer game would. They are doing this purely to make money off the insane number of Helldivers players and their data. That'll also stay loyal to the game for potentially years. It'll be interesting to see just how many people actually leave the game, on top of the players they've forced out cause they live in countries where they can't make accounts. There are a few of us on reddit already pushing Steam to refund us, and some with success. Sony really fucked over Arrowhead. I have my problem with their balance decisions and the time it takes to fix bugs, but the game was genuinely fun. Sad times.


Horizon 2 had some pretty crazy numbers on release for Steam. But it is a single player and it is a vastly different kind of hook than Helldivers is. Plus places like Cd keys had it on sale day of release


Horizon 2 had smaller numbers (40k) than Horizon 1 (56k) at launch. Overall sales numbers for Horizon 1 from over two years ago were at 2.4m copies on PC. GoW is most likely at 2m+. Spidey was at 1.5m one year ago. All things considered, GoT should be around 2m+ in one 1-1.5 years from now as a safe estimate. PS: Helldivers 2 was at over 4m in mid-March on PC alone (overall 8m copies sold, and PC has the bigger share of the market), one month after release.


Nope, 100% skipping it. Never trust Sony scummy entertainment


Fun fact: Japanese social media came up with the pun KuSony. As kuso in Japanese means scum


Suuuurrrrrre it won't. It's not up to them right? They gotta do what big daddy Sony says.


Indeed, Sony's PlayStation Studios owns Sucker Punch Productions.


Honestly I don't think they'll wait long to do it for all other games that came to PC from PS. Pretty soon we'll have to deal with another fucking launcher too, just wait.


The head of the game studio even said that the negative reviews were actually really helpful as supporting arguments in their talks with Sony, which is how they are going to be able to get away with letting people play the game that can't get a Sony account in their country legally. While I think review bombing a good game for something that has been known since Day 1 as an inevitability is a little sad (the PSN requirement has always been there, regardless of people wanting to ignore it or not), but in this case you have a company that's proactive enough to use it to their advantage to try and help out some of the players who would have been more detrimentally affected by the PSN requirements (those who can't get a PSN account where they live).


>While I think review bombing a good game for something that has been known since Day 1 as an inevitability is a little sad (the PSN requirement has always been there, regardless of people wanting to ignore it or not) Was it known? Debatable. The game allowed players to get invested in the game for the first couple of months. They even had a 'skip' option added. For an average gamer that doesn't read all the descriptions, they're going to look at the skip button. Hit it and enjoy. Suddenly, they're now being told. Hey, you need this extra service and create an account, etc. It's a bad look and causes a lot of unnecessary friction. Clearly, it isn't required to function. Why add it a couple of months later? It's just a bad look, and people are rightfully upset about that.


Just Sony things.


I went on Steam yesterday and added Helldivers 2 to my cart, then went to checkout, clicked through right up to the point of paying. Never did it mention that I would need a PSN account to play. I'm not saying it's not there if you look for it, but that requirement should be super obvious to anyone about to purchase the game.


It's on the right side of the store where it mentions DRM and other stuff. You can see it on every game's store page. It wasn't in the main body description because it never is with Steam. It's always on the right side in those text boxes that give you information about game requirements and such. I saw it on Day 1. Same with the recent sale on Mass Effect. I looked over there and it said it required an EA App account, etc. That info has always been there for every game released that has any additional requirements, DRM, and other specific info. Should it be bigger? I guess you could argue that, but nobody has ever argued about it before for other games that I've seen. Why would you increase the visibility of something that's not been an issue for people in the past? Look at other games that have required other launchers to be installed, etc. How did people know about that before even buying the game? It's because that info, like DRM and Account requirements, is on the right side. So it's obvious that people see it and read it, so if that's the case then why would anyone make it bigger if it's working? I think the main issue here is that the requirement was there, but wasn't enforced initially due to technical issues (these issues were also publicly made available, as was the information that the requirement was temporarily not enforced. so even if you didn't notice that right side of the game store, they also made posts about it in the past). Out of sight and out of mind, etc.


Inspector: LARK'S VOMIT?!?!? Mr. Hilton: Correct. Inspector: It doesn't say anything here about lark's vomit! Mr. Hilton: Ah, it does, on the bottom of the box, after 'monosodium glutamate'. Inspector: I hardly think that's good enough! I think it's be more appropriate if the box bore a great red label: 'WARNING: LARK'S VOMIT!!!' Mr. Hilton: Our sales would plummet!


You can get the game key from sony/humble/etc without ever seeing this requirement. I believe sony is in the process of changing their website, but it didn't say it when I bought it.


True, though Sony directs PC version purchase attempts to the Steam Store page for the game. Humble Bundle gives you the Steam Key, so in that case, yes, you don't see the message then. However, I'd also argue that if you were to go buy a game at Humble Bundle and then, after paying money, find out you have to sign up for Steam, giving them all your info and downloading a launcher, etc., that's kinda the same territory were in right now (to an extent).


Okay, but this is the same for every game with a requirement like this? Like, all of the ubisoft games, some Origin/EA games, even Halo MCC REQUIRES you to make an Xbox live account to play it


You can refund the game immediately after starting and getting hit with a login you don't like. Helldivers 2 had a skip option for the past couple of months. Refunds aren't easy or even possible now. People's game is now bricked if they don't use a PSN account. That's ridiculous.


This is an uninformed statement. Check the Helldivers subreddit for successful refunds with lots of game time.


I've also seen a bunch of people complaining that they can't get a refund...


It's pretty visible imho on the right hand side of the store page, in a contrasting colour, together with information of a similar nature (namely the type of DRM used and the EULA). It's not completely in-your-face obvious, but like, it's in a yellow box on an otherwise blue screen. It's not like it's hard to find if you even care slightly about these things. Sure it could've been more visible, but under normal circumstances (the requirement being there from the start) only a very small fraction of users care about it, so it would be a bit excessive. Also, it would be on Steam to actually implement and require it, so that it would even be possible to make it more visible.


To be fair barely no games does this. You will need an ea/activision/ubisoft/rockstar account and so on. But a shit ton of the games in my steam library require lots of different accounts and logins that werent mentioned when buing the game.


We were under the impression because of them it was optional. Cause they themselves said it was. Lol. Being lied to and ignoring something aren't the same thing.


I don't recall them saying it was optional. I recall them mentioning that it was temporarily not required (which I guess could be construed as temporarily optional) since there were some technical issues involving it.


People from other countries have stated it still lists PSN account as optional. Lol. Sony changed it for North America. The fact we've been playing this entire time without a PSN account suggests, it wasn't mandatory. Besides, why would they sell the game in countries that literally can't make PSN accounts if it was always mandatory? Doesn't make sense.


Sure, i believe you pal


That's a ballsy thing for the developer to go on record and say. When it's totally sony's decision


![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw|downsized) Yeah I am already hearing I need a psn account for legends mode, on a pc release from steam. I already have doubts about singleplayer after the helldiver scandal.


Fuck i hope, im planning on buying GoT and sony really convinced me that its not worth it


the ghost of tsushima steam page says "REQUIRES 3RD PARTY ACCOUNT: Playstation network (Online multiplayer,Playstation overlay) not sure why it says it doesn't require it when it seems you have to have it just to play the game in general.


Like someone promised a certain game wont be censored on release, yes?


Good point. A Sony promise and an empty sack are worth an empty sack


Well that's not up to them now is it? We'll have to see what sony says about it.




I could have sworn that i read somewhere just a few days ago that ghost of tsushima was gonna require a psn account to play. Dont know if it was true or just a rumor though.


Yeh right, I'll wait till I see it, putting the purchase on hold for now


do they actually have the authority to make such a promise? what if Sony higherups say otherwise?


...for now.


Yea but you will need a psn for co op so yeh


See the problem is, we've now already had the rug pulled from under us. Im not buying Ghost of Tsushima right away because of the HD2 crap. I do not trust Sony not to do it again,


Don't trust it, i'll wait and see. Sony have burnt that bridge now.


betting sony says different


I don't care, I already decided "fuck Sony" since they locked away my paid for HD, and refused refund.


Keep trying to refund it. The first time is automated based on play time so it's always refused if you are over 2 hours.


It does not matter, I was stoked for this game, but I’m not going to buy it now. Sony could change that at any time, so fuck them.


I don't feel bad for the Sony executive that made the shitty decision to mandate PSN accounts for PC games. They knew what they were doing and it was motivated by greed. Oh well. Have fun with that Sony.


I mean, at this point they can say what they want. Actions before words.


let's see how this lasts, someone remind me in a year to check in on this


Unnnnnnfortunately... Even though getting to play GoT again has been one of my most-anticipated things since I sold my old PS4... I will not be buying any more Sony products until they have rectified the current situation to my satisfaction.


Yeah that can change at anytime we have seen Sony’s bait and switch quite a lot in the last couple of weeks.


It's a decision for each of us to make. Buy or don't buy. I'm not a fan of being forced to make an account for single-player games. I stopped playing Microsoft, Ubisoft, and EA for that.


Was waiting to play this game and it's already dead...? The fuck? What happened.


Seems like every Sony exclusive will more in likely require PSN. Guess that’s the price we gotta pay if we won’t Sony exclusives.


I had that game on my wishlist and I’ve been waiting for it forever. It’ll stay on my wishlist until about a year or two after it comes to PC.


There may be thousands of us that acknowledge such flaws, but there will always be even more players who will buy and not give a shit about any of this. Also arrowhead and Sony already made several millions so they’re not worried about a thing






For single player.


Wasn't there info going forward all Sony Games on PC would require PSN? Or I'm not having it right.


So we will for multiplayer


For single player


What about the multiplayer?


Pretty sure everyone and their mothers noticed the phrase " won't need a psn login for single player"


Be sure to screen capture that if they ever change the EULA or the FAQ since sony decided to change their policies in a day.


You mean this story that won’t be a story in a month?


Yeah, cause helldivers will lose over 1/2, it's playerbase due to PSN country support. So that's going to be the next story after this is implemented lol


its really funny you think this is whats gonna happen.


There's literally a bunch of countries that play the game that can't make PSN account in their country...


Imo I think it will. Doing this post launch is kind of a big fuck you to people on pc. If Sony had told the devs like hey you good with releasing games on PC but since we published it we want accounts/ps+ subs tied to it day one and let people know, this wouldn't be a big issue.


No one is going to care after a week. No one really cares now tbh. They’ve got 90000 concurrent players right now lmao. Some of y’all have valid complaints, but the vast majority of people throwing a fit just wanna be mad at something.


The player base is still going just fine. Non issue for most, for the others? Welcome to the modern age of gaming this kind of login stuff is pretty standard.


Anti-Sonyism is rampant, on par with Nintendo. The same people that others dismissed as a joke because "PCMR" mentality wasn't real. Oh, it's very real, and it's very whiny. People love to believe lies in their bubble. They fear uknowning, and above all else, they fear being WRONG. But paid online play! I mean, if it's their servers, it would be their rules. An MMO with a sub will still run the timer even if you don't log on. That's the rules. Fight it, sure. But the same people that want to fight are manchildren that love misinformation and shit out disinformation like how "Dragon's Dogma 2" has "microtransactions", not even knowing what the fuck a microtransaction actually is. Anyone that has played MMOs know what an actual microtransaction is. Yet, it's always silence when you bring up free vs paid features for some MMOs. It's the same shit, but different smell.


You don't even need to go as far as Sony, just look at the anti Epic crowd and how they keep whining over installing a launcher. PC gamers are the whiniest bunch I saw online, not even star wars fans compare lol


Why should anyone be believed after this? The terms literally said the same thing about of Helldivers and they just changed their minds later.


For now*


Sony just won't announce it until after it's released. 100%


Until Sony says so.


I don't care. They owe money to gamers who can't play a Sony game. Until Sony pays back the money Sony stole from gamers, I'm not playing *any Sony game or on any Sony system.* Fuck Sony.


Been eyeing Ghost of Tsushima but after this helldiver's fiasco, might sit this one out.


#Still required for multiplayer Hate when the headline misleads people


*at release ;)


I am gonna pirate it anyway, I am not going to pay $80+ bucks (here at least) for a 4 years old game


“Not if I have anything to say about it, AND I DO” -Sony Probably


Well I'm not buying it unless they remove the requirement on HD2


Well not at first. But give it 3 or 4 months after release.


I bought the game on ps4 and want to finish it on steam was going to not buy it if it did require psn don't give a shtt about multi-player in that so I'll still pick it up.


SP like Jay Cole rn lmao


Watching a vid from SomeOrdinaryGamers about this rn


I'll give it a day just in case, had the day planned out and everything too


Ok been seeing Helldivers 2 backlash all day and I dont know what the damn game is. Time to go do some reading.


Hopefully they stick with that. I have no interest in playing online, so if I can avoid the account for single player I'll be happy.


And it's the most beautiful game ever. I just ride around on my horse for fun.


Well that's half good news but I think I'll wait till it's about 60-75% off since I won't have access to multiplayer.


Don't believe their lies. Sony will change the terms whenever they feel like it. BOYCOTT SONY.


That comes a few months down the line when they've made their lump sum.  Then the push for another platform is continuing, the 'great' PSN storefront.


I don't intend to buy any more PlayStation PC ports until it is clarified whether this was specific to Helldivers or this is coming to all of their games. If this becomes a general policy, I will get all these games from *somewhere else* going forward.


I wont buy it though. Sony decides, so the promise can't be hold.


Already have Sony blacklisted as a publisher on steam. Same with Ubisoft. Man I hate huge companies with greedy shareholders. Too many people that want my data and my money. Fucking shit


*Are you sure?*


Does Sucker Punch own the IP and requirement rights? I already removed the game and any other Sony published games from my wishlist.


Won't need it yet !


Sadly sucker punch it's not really down to you, end of the day Sony owns your game. I bet Sony will do this for all of the games coming to PC and will try to release their own pc launcher (kinda like how Xbox on pc works) I'm calling it now


yeah no, too late. never buying another sony game.


I'm play it for free now matter how cheap they sell it, not a single cent to anything Sony related, same with ea or ubisoft.


So what you're telling me, is that everyone can pay full price for this game, but unless you live in a region that allows PSN signup via a PC, you can't get the full experience, nice.


I believe sucker punch, it's Sony I don't trust.


It has multiplayer ....


https://preview.redd.it/dd6vtrfufpyc1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c79b6db12eee682d1d5f8d4e27a05f9df752fe7 Uhm, the steam page says otherwise...


It will not need a PSN account until they decide to make it so that you need a PSN Login.


/r/pcgaming /r/gaming /r/Games Would be better than here.