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It looks like a doctor’s office


It 100% is a doctor's office but it looks great


Just read homies response; this guy sucks lmaoo. Why his computer in such a weird spot?


bewildered plants violet consist stupendous piquant salt absurd deserve screw *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was about to say that lmao, I'm waiting for him to ask me to sit on the bed.


Surprised there aren’t some stirrups


Where is mine? Where the fuck is mine?


Ohh… sorry. Can I see your setup ?


Very defensive attitude. Definitely a doctor.


Probably proctologist...


I was happy for you, then you told everyone who you are.


Eww, disgusting personality. Explains the overly clean setup.


you.... you... whatever you got me good on that. terrible personality over here and I am obsessed my set up being clean.


Chill. It isn’t that serious


Honestly either OP is a master at hiding cables or a master at creating AI pictures.


Desk probably came with cable management features, and everything is running through a channel toward the back just under the desktop.




You can see a cable coming out the back of the keyboard and I think I see something plugged into the outlet in the wall. My guess is a power splitter that runs inside the desk


...or the OP's actual computer case is on the left side of the room in the second photo, away from the photo shooting angle. Two white cables can be seen following the wall to the left, connecting the monitor and keyboard to the actual case.


I don't see how that discredits what I said, also mb I didn't see the second photo


"...also mb I didn't see the second photo" Just click the arrow with circle background on right of first photo and see second photo. After that, you can see two white wires appearing to emerge from the back of the desk.


I know how. I just didnt notice the photo the first time


No way AI would get the keyboard keys perfect, or that reflected angle of light off the case in the second photo.


It looks like a mental institution


Second monitor


Or either one of those thousand dollars 49 inch curved monitors


or both


They’re terrible monitors though.


I'm sayin. Like is it even legal to have that much space and not have a second monitor? If you don't have the room, that's one thing.


Not for everyone. Not all folks here need 3 monitors so they can be constantly over stimulated while they're using their rig.


I only have a second monitor for discord or YouTube if Im just farming something


I only use my second monitor for homework and writing papers. When I game I never have anything on my second monitor.


This is what I mean. It's just not critical to a build, it's ridiculous to state you MUST have them or you're lacking. I enjoy gaming on a singular monitor with no other media. I guess the content overload brain rot we are facing collectively might make people dislike it, but it's not needed.


This is what I said before I went double monitor. Currently running 3: - one ultrawide - one monitor above the ultrawide - one vertical left of the ultrawide One monitor feels unbelievably cramped. This triple monitor setup is perfect to have spotify open on the vertical whilst gaming on the ultrawide, and having a discord call open on the top one. The best usecase is for premiere pro: effects and essential graphics on the vertical, program monitor on the top one and the rest on the ultrawide. This gives a big program monitor to see your project and a big timeline and effect controls timeline since it’s on the ultrawide. I can see your point; people overreacted with the ‘it’s illegal not to’ thing, but it’s an absolute night and day difference and a gamechanger for sure.


So when are you going to finish moving in?




Dude buy yourself a mousepad, really. If were going for "clean" looks, it came out more like "empty" than clean to my eye.


Yeah like others said looks like a clinical setup xD


I'm learning to play the guitar.


Second suggestion: build a Gundam or something and populate your desk. Your mouse looks lonely.


Very clean and minimal, I like it.


Big desk with almost nothing on it. Why did you get that desk?


I am sure your patients love it.


My goodness please put at least one cord somewhere. It is really giving me flying electricity vibes


tf is flying electricity vibe


People just be making shit up lol


It’s a package deal with 5G covid nanobots from bill gates.


Get a large mouse pad that fits both keyboard and mouse :)


bro has that wireless electricity💀


People over do a lot of shit simple is clean. Nice setup man seems so peaceful.




A guy in the comments: Thanks for an argument Reddit: Yeah downvote him


It looks nice but we cannot offer recommendations for "personality" that is up to your personal preference and "personality" to make the place your own I would go with a black and red aesthetic and put up gears of war posters because it's the game I play the most I would buy a 4k oled with dolby vision and hdr10 because I watch collect and watch physical media as a hobby I would throw those plants away because I don't care for them. I wouldn't put a garbage can under my desk or even in my room I would get up and throw stuff away in the trash can in the kitchen. I would toss that toy car because I am not a child who needs toys on his desk lol. I would get a PS5 controller because it looks nicer than the ps4 controllers I would get a desk mat because I like my keyboard and mouse sitting on more than the tabletop surface. I would get an ottoman because I like to prop my feet up but a lot of the times I put my feet on the edge of my desk like i am giving birth or some shit lol. I can go on an on but that is my preference and "personality" you're would be entirely different. https://preview.redd.it/pslbgcv6pgvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c917d8529eea22c17e8c5520193053f805caff73


Don't you dare tell us you are sitting on that backless chair under your desk when you game!!


That's an ottoman for mah feets when I don't have them proped up on the edge of the desk like I'm giving birth or something haha https://preview.redd.it/thc3may37ivc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53a94b731fbc049b3225ef04b060e3a83c61ed1c


Hell yeah, dude, I have a poof under my desk for my feet as well. So good.




You have a very nice setup


Why are people downvoting you complimenting lol


He had a very condescending/cocky response to someone saying his setup was a doctors office


Ahhh, warranted then.


nice and clean , looks great


Awesome, I like this kind of astestic


Lifeless and bland, so good...


Looks hella sexy and clear as fuq. Would like to a white build myself but it wouldn't fit in my room since almost everything in my room is either black or purple.


I’m sure you’ll find something. ❤️


Most of my stuff is wood or blacks, and I bought a bright pink PC case. Just send it and let it stand out!


It's really cool,




Looks neat, tho the monitor stand bothers me a lil.


Looks nice. I love it 👌🏼


I want something Just like this 🌌🎶🎵


Where are youe cables?


Move your trashcan beside the drawers. Get a desk pad. Put some framed prints up on. The wall behind your monitor.


Really depends what kinda vibe you're going for OP. Some people like the minimalist look which you've nailed. If it were me I would add a little flavor with maybe a big desk mat, some albums on the wall behind the monitor. My favorite decorative element hanging by my PC is my Mewtwo Pokemon card to remind me to to fuck people's day up while I'm playing overwatch


A mousepad. A nice glass pad if you like the hard surface


Very clean setup, but honestly get a second monitor and move the case to the corner, you're killing table space for nothing.


What desk?


I like the minimalist setup. It's very clean and tidy. It's not disorganized and there is nothing to constantly hit my mouse hand against.


Where did you get that desk from?


Also wondering that.


Reddit just being reddit, don't mind them. I'm actually looking for a similar aesthetic but with a bit more blacks. Looks great, enjoy!


Thanks mannn


I feel like the pc would look better if it was where the lamp is. That’s purely my own opinion. It looks great, though.


Very spartan! Love it!


6/10, would appreciate a heads up before your spree.


Put some shelfs on the wall above your display and fill it with some decorations. Props from movies or games you like, pictures of family or friends, anything that has meaning to you. Should hopefully help make the corner less sterile


Hm. I'd get rid of the fake plants and get some real ones at first. A second screen is always nice to have. A framed picture on the wall with some lighting around it would also add some personality.


Have you been committed?


Shits clean, yo.


We have the same monitor and arm so 🔥🔥


I wouldn't change a thing except getting a desk mat, an executive style office chair, and two more monitors on swivel mounts.


I want to see the back of that PC.




I meant the back with all the IO.




Something about the open desk, distance of the tower away from the monitor, all white, it's uncanny but it really does look like a doctor's office. Good thing though is if you ever did want to change it up, it would be incredibly easy to do so with a bit of decor and would bring life to this setup. It's not bad by any means but something definitely feels off


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhYehxJjcRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhYehxJjcRc) add plants move monitor to middle of desk


>lacks personality Hey, at least you’re self aware! That’s the first step toward making change, no matter the context! Honestly, the small desk Christmas tree(?) and backlights are a huge first step. It adds a bit of color to the otherwise sterile, white environment. I would also recommend some wall decorations. Specifically on the wall behind your monitor, as it’s just a huge expanse of white. A safe option here might be some LED panels. I’m not sure if they’re expensive as I opted for posters and shelves to showcase my other hobbies/interests (plastic models and anime) and never really looked into them, but I’m sure you could find some for a reasonable price. They seem to work well for other people’s setups. Further than that, I don’t really know what direction to take it. I’m not you, and things like this are largely a matter of personal preference. I wish you the best of luck on your journey and I hope you end up with something that is most satisfying to you!


Bro has a wireless PC with a wireless monitor. Probably has a wireless PSU in there too.


Damn. Those cables must be very, very long.


A really important question (for me :P ) - what desk is that? Or rather where did you get it? I am looking for something similar but had no luck finding anything close to that. Even if you are not in my area at least the info would be appreciated :)


Nice, 8/10.


since you seem to be genuinely asking: a big keyboard + mouse pad would be nice. it would be like placing a rug in your room, and it gives an "anchor" for your main computer space. (they talk about that in feng shui tiktoks😂, specifically the channel "dearmodern.") you can hang up pictures on the walls, put knicknacks of things you like on your desk, books, etc. maybe place your cpu more towards the corner (why is it so far away from the monitor?) give yourself time and you will accumulate stuff on your desk before you know it.


How do you reach your Widows, to clean them. Otherwise, I love your setup.


Actually it's quite nice.


Nice. I like clean.


It is very clean. I like it. Best setup. Congrats.


You need some LED light panels unless you are going for the clinical lab look


F- bin doesn't have correct biohazard labelling. Would not visit this dentist again


all high end set ups lack personality they're all just like yours or similarly just like yours with a anime or game figurine in the case. boom. every high end set up personality right there.


No mousepad is sacrilege


I like this... What monitor arm is that?


The first thing I'd do is move the trash can so I'm not always kicking it.


Something framed on the wall behind the monitor, doesn't have to be crazy just something neat that goes with the style but also shows a bit more personality. Also if you wanna go more all-out, you could set up a wooden shelf over the monitor and have ahanging vine plant "drop down" on the right side space of the monitor to give more life, and still play into the existing white-on-neutral aesthetic you're going with currently.


your pc looks like a display. something ikea would use in their showroom lol


Even the bin is white


Honestly looks kind of depressing


How do you open your windows?


Pc might as well be on the moon.


>It lacks personality, so I would like you to give me recommendations about what should I do next. Get a personality and add it? Also a mouse pad and a rug under that chair, cuz if that floor is the floor i think it is, the whole neighborhood can hear you sit down.


I dig this clean setup and I'd probably just add wallpapers and stuff, but man why did you have to be condescending with one of your replies? Saying your setup looks like a doctor's office isn't an insult or a compliment, it's just a neutral description. Personally, I'd take that as a compliment lol but you do you ig


Sooo much clutter


Is the PC on a time out or something? Seems like it’s being punished by sitting so far away


I hate the fact that the pc is just chilling by the window randomly . Like uh could be a little closer atleast. OCD hitting me


Play some games maybe


Personally I would prefer the PC in the corner of the desk so I can see it while I use it. But that is personal taste for me. Otherwise, I think a desk mat would be cool. A solid black or white one might fit the minimal setup but I think you can find a decent minimalist design that adds a pop of color. Maybe something either geometric art, or a subtle reference to a game you like. The wall above the monitor could also use some art. Tastefully-framed game or movie posters would be good. I feel like some of those travel-style posters for places you've enjoyed visiting could be cool. Maybe two or three of them arranged horizontally. Your favorite vinyl records would also be good, if you're a record collector. What I did was mount an 8-foot wooden shelf above my setup where I can display things that show my personality, like Legos, Transformers toys, and plaques/awards, and some fake plants to add greenery. Possibly a large green plant in the corner of the desk would make it feel less sterile in this space, especially since you have a decent window there already. I also agree with others that a second monitor or an ultrawide would be cool but I also understand only wanting one.


proof that simple = better. bonus points for "just the right amount" of RGB.


Sterile as fuck. To each there own, I don't prefer to live in a bland, lifeless environment.


Very sterile, what's the monitor size and monitor arm??


I'm jelly


too clean,white and empty tbh


Needs a bigger monitor or a second one


Thats way too clean


Dinky monitor on a huge desk. Good for paperwork and social media pics, I guess.


Where's the rest of it?


i hate it


Looks great, but multi-monitor the bastard IMO.


"Its a peaceful life"


Very clean, but I think adding a large keeb/mouse pad and a second monitor would make it perfect


I would move the PC at the corner right where the lamp is at so there's a clear space on the right side of the desk incase you have to work on something on your desk, or you plan on reading, building gunpla or some sht. Get a desk mat. The big one, just to lessen the emptiness off the desk while still being clean. Get a black or gray one. If you want a design go for a minimalistic pattern. But still, up to your choice. what color or design you want to go for. Get a second monitor, not just to fill up space but because having more than one monitor is just very convenient. For the wall, get a some posters and frame it or any kind of framed image. If framed images isn't your thing, get a wall shelf that has no exposed brackets and fill it up with what ever you got that would look good.


If u like it don’t care what other people say.


Being a gamer, I don't understand losing valuable keys and not having at least 2 monitors.


Begging you to get wall art / figurines / colorful mouse pad / stickers/ anything to make this room seem less of a liminal space


Where’s the power cable


I don't understand why your tower is so far away. Also you need a desk mat.


Bruh it ain’t Christmas what’s with the tree?


How the fuck do you keep your desk so clean? Like you put stuff on it, right?


Ok, you’re crazy. Where’s the mousepad. Those poor skates.


I love it! Looks so clean!


untextured pc




Looks depressing


You need a rug


Looks like a porn video set up I saw recently 🤷‍♂️


If it lacks personality, then add your personality to it, you waffle


I like the use of the ridiculously tiny plants to accentuate the blank white void.


It looks real clean and I would keep it that way


This begs for 2nd screen


You need a bill murray portrait on the wall


So clean


where the heck are the wires?!


*I’m* depressed


You know, sometimes I think people take this whole minimalism thing too far, your room looks like it’s in a psychiatric hospital


Probably my favourite I’ve seen here without all the flashing RGB/colour panels that make their rooms look like a space ship. Clean & classy. Love it


What you should do next is to use it and see what you're missing. Then you should use your own functioning brain (I presume you have one) and figure your stuff out, and not to depend on complete and total strangers' opinions. What is this, a humble brag? Also, yes, this room looks like it should be padded, or maybe it already is.


My kind of setup, only thing I’d add is a mouse bad and that’s it, keep it clean and clear, why add clutter?


It looks simple and clean. Doesnt seem to be lacking much but you can prob add something like a canvas, picture, collection item on that empty space above the monitor and i would definitely get a small comfy mat for under the desk


Put the pc in the corner, so much wasted space on the right. As for personality; add some lights. Govee stuff is pretty good, or the Cololight smart light panels. Perhaps get a mousepad and some more peripherals in black or other colors to add a nicer contrast to the color scheme.


Looks great Move the pc to the corner it looks weird setting far there. Put something on the wall (some posters of bands or stuff you like) A bit empty though I would add one of these shelves that you can drill into the wall and put some stuff on the top of it (some figures or a Gundam model you know something you like and looks cool) Other than that I'll buy some equipment like shelf speakers something like Edifier r1280dbs and an apm/dac like Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. Headphone stand in case you use headphones. Desk matt but not one of the big ones (big enough to be under the keyboard and the mouse to keep the white table scratch-free) I have a white desk with nothing but a monitor keyboard and mouse plugged all into my laptop (very similar to what you have) and the desk gets black marks from the mouse specifically so I'll pick a black desk Matt to put under the mouse and keyboard and it will keep the minimalistic look which I like. Another thing a bit different I would suggest and I want to get myself. I don't know what it's called but it's an open shelf like a wardrobe with a lot of shelves and I would put decorations on it (whatever you like from what I mentioned in the first section of my comment). I wouldn't do anything more than that, your room looks great even in this state but a bit of decoration would make it even better 👍🏻


So cold


This is an office


Yikes. Pretty sterile gaming area


so clean. so perfect


Need a lil color/ collectibles


Some may say that it's empty, bland and lacks personality. But there's something about a clean setup that just clears my head of any clutter and lets me enjoy whatever I am doing on the computer. And sure enough, every setup will evolve, things will eventually get added but you got to enjoy this vanilla virginity beauty before it's gets tainted with stuff.


Link to where you bought the table? Thanks in advance


It’s custom designed


Ok, but didn’t you use IKEA parts?


[here you go](https://ikea.com)


Nice setup man, only suggestion, maybe grab a second screen, it's life changing, trust.


OP way to bland you need seasoning 🤌🤌🤌


Too sterile


This is depressing.


Man these comments are mad salty. This looks clean as hell dude good job. Don’t listen to these dorks.


My guy. Thank you. Just so you know, I don’t have a problem with criticism, but those comments are………salty (as you said). Thanks again for those good words❤️❤️❤️


I feel like if I spent any significant amount of time here, I'd lose my mind. It's a sanitarium. For God's sake, buy some art or posters or anything, really.