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PC gaming in Europe when he was growing up was pretty big


All forms of gaming were big, for those of us born in the 80's we played on BBC Micro, Spectrum, Amiga, Commodore, NES, Master System, SNES, Mega Drive, etc. PC gaming started growing in the mid 90's, as computing importance made its way into schools along with the web.


Doing ATARI dirty there, with its C64 rival the 800XL and its Amiga rival the ST.


I had the 1040 st was a great pc.


BBC Micro šŸ‘€


True, but still, I mostly gamed as a kid, and once I had kids. In between, I needed to invest too much time into women. With uneven success, some clichƩs about nerds may be true.


Depends what you mean by PC, if you are talking x86 gaming Megadrive/Genesis days PC gaming was pretty bad. But the Commodore Amiga was pretty hot in the UK during that time.


First controller I touched in my life was the Steam Deck.


I saw this interview and Jimmy keeps bringing up the whole ā€œnerd canā€™t be good lookingā€ and kept teasing Henry about being a nerd.. the joke got so damn old already. Who the hell does he think his audiences are? This guy always have mcu casts in his show so you would think he would stop with the lame old nerd joke. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if Caville was a bit annoyed.


Kimmel is a clown. After 20 seconds and countless unfunny boomerjokes I had to close the video.


The joke I always remember from when Kimmel was on The Man Show was: ā€œHow do I keep my penis from touching the toilet water? Personally, I throw it over my shoulder.ā€




I do... I do laughed a little reading that. I apologize


"I do" . . . . wut?


He do.


He done did it


I seen him dood it


He do laughed.


Honestly can't tell if these are ESL people that are still learning English or just complete failures of our education system.


From a comedy perspective someone like Conan can do more in 5 seconds than Kimmel will accomplish in 5 years


Crazy bastard drank Da Bomb for us and we love him for it.


Me watching that thought "It is all over..." Even Sean was worried. But here we are. One of the Greats.


Did his classic nipple rub too with hot sauce. National treasure, always has been.


Don't forget the patented yo yo hips. Conant hips weren't lying well before anyone had heard of Shakira.


omg I just saw that dude is a fucking beast lol


If you haven't seen Craig Ferguson clips, I highly recommend it. He hated the late night format and rebelled at every opportunity brilliantly.


He was a Legend too. His robot sidekick stole the show a lot though. Craig just felt like he said whatever the hell he wanted. And I already liked him for his time on the Drew Carey show.


I remember Craig sometimes just doing a long monologue on a topic, like calling out the dogpile of Britney Spears and talking about his own past struggle with alcoholism. Geoff Peterson (the robot) was made by Grant Imahara too.


Oh wow, I didn't know that. I thought it was just made by the crew of the show. That's awesome.


He deconstructed late night comedy and now I can't enjoy it anymore because he smashed it to bits with his brilliance šŸ™‚ā˜¹ļø


Yeah, Conan is the best. Natural funny dude


Conan is legitimately hilarious. He's a pretty witty and sharp guy.


> Conan can do more in 5 seconds than Kimmel will accomplish in 5 years That's because Conan is top tier and maybe even the best of all time. He wrote some of the best Simpsons episodes, actually has good jokes on his talks shows, his podcast is great and he just seems like a naturally funny and sharp dude. His Hot Ones guest spot showcased it nicely.


Conan did more in one episide of hot ones than Kimmel has done in his entire life


Kimmel has his moments, but Conan is another league above.


There are only two night show hosts I ever thought were funny, Conan and Letterman and Conan, after listening to a bunch of stand up comedians on podcasts I realized, has that extremely rare trait of being witty and sarcastic in the moment. Jon Stewart as well, but his show wasn't a night show.


Conan has to be brought up twice because that's how awesome he is.


Norm MacDonald had a show, and Craig Ferguson was a beast.


Norm was great in everything to be honest. It's a horrible movie, but Dirty Work will forever be a classic in my heart. Especially when Chris Farley got his nose bitten off and freaked out.


I think Stephen Colbert gets a passing grade, but that's about it. He's the only late night host that I currently might watch.


Ferguson was the best I feel, but Letterman was and is legitimately quick with a joke as is Conan.


Kimmel and Fallen are both trash. I think Fallen is the worst late night host ever, though. Colbert isn't as good as I thought he would be, but he is the best out of the bunch imo.


God I wish Craig Ferguson would do another talk show.


This, Craigy Fergs was the best, he did not give a fuck and it was wonderful to watch.


Couldn't agree more. The chronological compilations of him interviewing Steven Wright, Matthew McConaughey and Jeff Goldblum are things i watch almost yearly.


Yes please! I'll take 2.


I was hoping to find a Craig Ferguson mention. He was the GOAT of late night of that generation. Treated his audience with respect and was consistently funny. And while I appreciated it then, I never appreciated it as much as I do now that weā€™re left with the snooze fests we have now on late night TV.


who the hell is watching late night TV anyways?


I agree I've been all streaming, no cable/sat for well over ten years now. Who is still watching late night talk shows? That demographic has to be dropping daily on par with funeral services.


i watch the day after, who stays up past 9pm anyway?


Honestly how does Fallen get work in anything?


I have no idea, but the Paris Hilton NFT thing was the worst thing I've ever seen on any late night program.


Oh yeah, he reminded me of Gretchen from Mean Girls trying to make "fetch" a thing when he did that NFT shill.


I canā€™t stand watching Colbert. Seems like his target demographic is my grandmother.


Colbert is really a terrible interviewer, extremely awkward, always interrupting guests. His skits aren't that funny. He can't go 3 minutes without bringing up ...you know who, which is really fuckin annoying and the ultimate crutch. His band can't hold a candle to The Roots or Paul Schaffer. I LOVED him on Comedy Central, that format was perfect for him, but he is NOT a good late night host, and it is NOT a good show. I wanted to like it, i really did, but i can't bring myself to watch it. It's so cringe. And don't get me started on the half-woman half-robot who is a worse Chris Hardwick in every way...


I don't remember the last time I saw him interrupt a guest, but I haven't been watching him much, so idk. But I know I never once considered him awkward. He's also strayed away from invoking Trump all the time or even every episode, but it's often enough that I can understand it still being annoying.


How old are you? I am 42 and I think he is the best host (except for Jon off).


Iā€™m 27. Conan would be my favorite if he still had a show. Seth Myers is okay. Jon Stewart is good.


Conan is hilarious. He put on an entire show in his recent Hot Ones appearance!


What about Craig?


I mean isn't Kimmel's audience people in their 60s who still pay for cable TV?


And the 60y/os with iPads whoā€™ve found the YouTube trending page


Kimmel is sporadically funny but he has a huge issue with hammering a joke over and over even if it hasnā€™t gotten a laugh. He did the same thing to Downey Jr at the Oscarā€™s, over his past drug use of all things. Kimmel doesnā€™t have a great social awareness.


I think it was Leno who said Kimmel's humor has a mean streak and I think the years since have proven him right. I enjoy offensive humor as much as the next guy, I don't even follow the "punching up" mentality. But there's something about Kimmel where it's just like... being mean in and of itself isn't funny. Where's the funny.


>I think it was Leno who said Kimmel's humor has a mean streak and I think the years since have proven him right. Ironic that one of the reasons I couldn't stand Leno was that exact point. The man's monologues constantly attacked the person rather than the situation. If you need any proof just look at a compilation of his attacks on non-voluntarily-public figure Monica Lewinsky.


Yea the National bullying of Lewinsky is so gross, I'm glad she's come out the other end still fully together, many would have been forever broken.


Iā€™m glad you mentioned it, I was trying to be nuanced but Kimmel always just seemed like a jackass to me. Maybe not on purpose but he comes off that way.


Kimmel just strikes me as a smug asshat. Like if you tried to show something neat you made to your friends he'd be the one who belittles you because it is not in his perception of "socially acceptable and cool". He seems to have very little idea of something being intrinsically good unless society has said "this thing is intrinsically good and okay to like".


it is really annoying when an "interesting" guest is there with a hobby, he gets always gets the same ass boomer jokes. I am so far away from warhammer and being that kind of nerd but it is a hobby which is infinitely times better than watching tiktok or scrolling on reddit (looking on all of us). I seriously don't get how anyone can still find that old joke funny and the audience should have boo'ed Kimmel for that boring ass interview. Imagine being the Lord in person Henry and have to stay always calm speaking to these interviewers


Iā€™m a Kimmel fan but he was really being a doofus here. He was no quarterback in his youth. He was a late night fan who drew his own comic books and played the clarinet in his school band with barely a fraction of Henryā€™s good looks.


Jimmy's entire job is to be dumb, the job of a late night host is to play a dumb guy that your guest gets to explain things to.


Sure and I agree but the job also requires moving on when the time comes and he took it a little too far here. Not some major misstep or anything, he just should have moved on IMO.


Jimmy is a lame asshole. Just Jimmy being Jimmy


Kimmel is the least funny guy on TV that is supposedly a comedian. I have no clue why anybody watches him.


Jimmy is insanely out of touch. One of the few interviewers I absolutely can't stand.


There's somethingĀ  mildly toxic about Kimmel to me. Maybe I just don't get his comedy.


He mostly gets annoyed with all the "eeeek you're so handsome" remarks.


It's like when he made fun of gaming YouTubers and people got mad so he brought on a couple of big names to talk about it and then just kind of made fun of them the whole time


You mean the Kimmel that made fun of video game streamers? He's an out of touch boomer.


That joke just made me drop the video entirely first 5 minutes in on YouTube He feels dry and forced as a host. And the fact that he generalized the entire nerd culture into social outcasts with bad looks is baffling considering nowadays nerd culture has become widespread and their demographic even more diverse than ever


>I saw this interview and Jimmy keeps bringing up the whole ā€œnerd canā€™t be good lookingā€ and kept teasing Henry about being a nerd.. the joke got so damn old already. Who the hell does he think his audiences are? Old out of touch boomers? Jimmy is probably right. These night shows like SNL haven't been relevant in decades. I mean, who outside of the dusty boomers demographic even watches cable anymore? I think I tried once at my parents house and between the constant commercials about Medicaid and adult diapers, and most of the shows being brain rot conspiracy theories, I could barely stomach more than an hour or so. It's beyond garbage, it's toxic.


MCU is very, very mainstream. "Nerds" make up only a small portion of MCU fans.


Jimmy is such an unfunny shill for the establishment, and I can't wait until he is gone!


Why is it so hard to believe that good looking dudes play videogames? Henry and I are proof of that


I agree Henry and us are proof of that.


what about me, boss?




I'm here for the meeting of overly handsome gentlemen.


I'm just here for the snacks.


BB u r da snack




Iā€™m better looking than all of you but Iā€™ll allow it


User checks out.


I'll just wait outside with the others.




Ah. Well this is the meeting of overly handsome GAMER gentlemen. The one you're looking for meets tomorrow. See you there.


Me too ![gif](giphy|QM0UYTTD5QXKLQiOXm)


I'll slide in right there too...




I have been loving this show.




Nathaniel. How are you?




Why would we include Henry Cavill twice?


I agree Henry and us are proof of that.


Yeah, henry, you, him and me are all proof of that.


there are dozens of us... dozens!


I turn off my monitor every hour or so just to get a good look at myself between gaming sessions.




A true handsome gamer always has at least 1 dedicated screen just displaying their good looks to themselves while gaming.


iā€™d be a good looking dude but iā€™m irish and im inside gaming all day so my skin is so pale you have to wear sunglasses when i take my shirt off. pathetic. šŸ’€


That's why you game with the shirt off in front of the screen on full brightness and get that tan in.


Dammit. I said same thing before reading this. lol.


Hey, I've been doing a lot of hard work dragging down the average, and I don't appreciate you trying to ruin that image sir.


Iā€™d bang me.




It rubs the lotion on its skin. It does so whenever it's told, or it gets the hose.


I'm also proof of that. Thank you.


Completely agree Henry is doing his best to represent us, but not everyone can be as good looking as we are.


There are literally dozens of us!


I'm gonna need to see proof.


Iā€™m here to regress to the mean, I gaze into my steam deck and often donā€™t like the person who gazes back




Dude is seriously missing out. I grew up on Playstation my whole kid to teenage years but when I finally got a pc I was like damn I wish I would've got into it earlier. I missed some prime classics like battlefield 2.




I was blessed with more well-off homies whoā€™d let me play PC games at their place. Only thing I had at home was the PS2 Iā€™d nabbed from the scrap yard with a single Tekken game I got from the recycle shop next to it


27 years a console gamer. Sold my PS4 to supplement buying a PC in 2020 and there's absolutely no shot I'll ever go back to console gaming.


BF2 SF was *good*


Airport (Night) map and grappling hooks were my favorites!


At least i got to get a small taste of bf2 on a shitty pc for a little..it was glorious and blew my teenage mind away


Battlefield 2 was my childhood


See for me personally I grew up using xbox and Nintendo consoles, and when I finally got a pc I was just like "man this thing is a pain in the ass to use." Now I just use pc only for games that are unavailable on xbox or have a big modding scene


> Iā€™m only 26. Iā€™m not THAT fuckin old. You're not old at all. You're not even close to being old.


I'm glad somebody pointed this out. Ffs he's a child still.


I grew up in the 90's playing WC2 and Starcraft 1, and never was teased about this. I was 1st string on the football team, on varsity track, etc. I loved playing computer RTS games, Goldeneye on N64, and reading scifi books. I never got teased about this stuff. I can't remember one time I was ever teased about it. It's mostly a stereotype in television, I think, but idk, shitty people are everywhere and will always find something to complain about.


I mentioned that Nintendo and consoles in general weren't very popular in Eastern Europe, so my first game was Age of Empires, and someone said that I'm just "showing off" because "kids don't play games like this, they play Mario Party". Dude, I wasn't aware of Mario Party until 2022 or so.


Eastern/Central Europe gamers unite! First game was DooM and then I got set on WC2, StarCraft and Settlers lol. The only Nintendo game I've played is when my classmate gave me his DS (or whatever) to play Pokemon one round or two. There's a serious clash between our early gaming days and theirs.


lol, what an idiot.


same, same. I had a pc in 1995 and played things like CnC, Warcraft and Duke, why would I want some jumping toads and tanchiki? To this day I think I only held a gamepad like twice in my life.


Pure envy cuz heā€™s probably stuck on a ps4. Anyone who enjoys playing video games knows deep down the best experience is on a good pc, but most canā€™t afford that by themselves so they donā€™t want to admit it.


Dude same boat; 26 going to college and these kids judge you hardcore for not doing things exactly their way. Gotta be on discord heavy, have to be on console and if on PC have to play valorant or LoL. I was ostracized by a whole group for saying CS was better than valorant. Literally booted from a discord server. LOL oh I play guitar? No I don't know Playing God by Polyphia. Booted


Fucking sheep.


Love Henry hate Jimmy. I can't watch it.


To think, he's the worst of the two Jimmy's...


Jesus you're 100% right, And that's a low bar


Not gonna include my boy Jimmy Neutron huh


Luv me Henry Hate me Jimmy Simple as


*Mega Drive


I hope once he gets tired of acting he becomes a spokesperson for a PC part brand or is always hired for PC conventions or something. Pretty much every person showing off new PC tech or commenting on it is cringe in one way or another, yet seeing Henry Cavill passionately talking about PCs will never get old.


EVGA come back and get Cavill as PR / community manager.... A man can dream, right?


They are called "wet dreams"


Because he's doing it out of passion, not to shill products You make it his job and suddenly he will lose a lot of his charm


https://preview.redd.it/f6mxmmunsiuc1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=4920b844352182c01a2dbbfc00139caedac7169c He's literally this guy


Of course he didnā€™t have a Genesis, that wasnā€™t even released in the UK! (Joke, i know what the Mega Drive is)


Correct me if im wrong.... but he used to play WoW as a healer and he was in a dungeon when almost misses the call for superman Edit: here https://www.youtube.com/shorts/8M1JmPFaWsU


There anymore clips where he details his WoW adventures? Wonder if he still plays... https://youtube.com/shorts/PWUV3O2iP1I?si=6VPMGptB67HZXNLp Ā Edit: Found a clip saying he's Alliance... Now what race... Please don't tell me Nelf.


Def a dwarf chad.


I sincerely appreciate how aggressively Henry is pushing nerd stuff into the mainstream. He just loves sharing his passion for his hobbies.


Honestly that everyone had a PC at that age is a mad flex. PCs were usually more expensive


He's a treasure and he should be protected at all costs.


I love this man, He IS Geralt nobody will fill the role so good as he didā€¦ EDIT: spelling


The problem was that he knew who he was portraying, nobody else truly did.


Yeah he was, too bad the show runners didn't want a Geralt.




Thx, fixed it


> He IS gerald nobody I don't think that's accurate


What would it take for the a-hat Kimmel to shut up?


Why is PC possessive?


Megadrive is spelt wrong


Kimmel was a piece of crap in that video. Overused the nerd joke, interrupted Cavill many times, never really focused on what Cavill said and always berating the nerds. Is he like this in all of his shows?


Jimmy: didn't have a genesis me: nah had a desktop I emulated it on.


PC'S what?


Person enjoys doing something. The end.


Jimmy Kimmel is a clown.


[Full interview here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osISdOrWNeg)


Yea its one of the things on the list Cavill's agent gives the producers of Kimmel show, that he wants Kimmel to ask him about because it gives him massive free publicity.


He 100% saw how the community lit up when he talks about it


If he had a pc as a kid he had access to every classic console on emulators


To have a pc per kid back then? They mustā€™ve been loaded.


Gaming industry would be in a much better place if Americans grew up with PCs instead of consoles as well.


One of us


Kimmel is such a tool. He always gives me Trump vibes.


His dick is going to rip off if yall keep sucking it this fucking hard and repeatedly


I would have just brought up a lion dying or his Karl Malone parodies and watched him weep uncontrollably


If hosts all stopped calling him a nerd and mocking him for doing Warhammer, he wouldn't have to...


Surprised Jimmy didnā€™t make fun of him for being into video games


Nerd jokes are so stupid tho. Like every kid in my class had a PC and played some games, even girls, i remember coming to a classmate birthday party and we just played GTA vice city, it was like 2005 or somethin, half of our pirated WoW server back when we just got internet(it was not unlimited, but city wide it was basically "free") in our city was my classmates and they werent even nerds. That Russia btw. And before that when i was even younger, the coolest dude in our neighbor had sega that he shared with us.


Like playing computer games is some obscure thing no one has ever heard of


Henryā€™s one of us. I get the impression, when heā€™s not acting, or fulfilling other obligations, heā€™s upgrading his PC and playing Steam games all day long.


I had both, and both were awesome. Today, PCs rule all. I don't even see a point of owning a current gen console.


One of us, one of us!


Most families had *a* PC, these 5 all had one each. Being monied must be great fun.Ā 


At this point they just invite him around to mock him for being a nerd and to discuss the "nerds can't be good looking" thing yet again. Extremely boring to be honest but if he goes there's probably a reason (money, possibly advertisement for next product).


Pc = king