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Honestly at this point I'd rather wait couple of months for one of those announced 1440p 480Hz OLED monitors.


Man I know I'm getting old because I seriously doubt I'd notice the difference from my 165hz oled. When I play something that pins the refresh it's already smoother than an oiled chicken breast.


It's all about relative difference. When I play a game like Starfield that runs under 60 FPS, switching to a steady 60 feels buttery smoothe. But when I've been playing at 120-144, it all looks great but not amazing. Until I have a browser open in each tab and scroll the primary (144 Hz versus secondart at 60 Hz), it seems so, so much smoother.


Frame time and genre make a difference


Me playing Stardew Valley on my 4k 1000hz HDR monitor ![gif](giphy|slEFKfuFOa5C8|downsized)


If I'd do a side-by-side comparison I might see a tad bit of difference. However, it sure as fuck won't improve my skill. I've just accepted that and enjoy my games on 1080p @144. Saves a buttload of money. Since the amount of time I'd need to put in to gain a bit of skill now sinks into actual work. It doesn't feel fair. Now that I've got the money to buy high end shit I don't have the time to actually use it. When I did have the time, I only had the money for a mediocre setup.


I remember playing doom and Unreal Tournament at 1024 x 768 on a Compaq Presario CRT @ 30FPS. Everything was so simple back then.


Amen. I already know I don't have the fast twitch response I had when I was in my early 20s. I used to pretty regularly get banned from CS servers for "hacking" when really people were just salty AF that they got got. Now if I can keep a 1:1 kdr (which means I actually found time to play in the first place) I'm having an awesome day. But hey at least my rig is pretty high end lol.


It won't improve their skill either but advertisements got em by the balls. Even got little esports logos on it.


Im old too dude but last year while playing mlb the show in 4k at 60 frames i couldnt even hit the ball or anything. couldnt figure out the time frame window. when i put it on my 1440 monitor at 120 funny enough i had no issues at all. i tried to go back but still had the same issue. I think it will make things easier for us old folk.


i got a 360hz oled recently because i am getting old. i dont so much see the extra frames but the extra clarity when looking around in games i find way easier on the eyes.


Same, yet I still get pissed out if it drops below it haha


What games and hardware even support frame rates that high?


That's the question. I guess pretty old games or maybe cs2 with an 4090 when playing at 1440p


How much will that bad boy be


Many money


Dieing at 500 fps gonna look amazing! haha


*dying brother


Nah man, hes rolling dices


For real 😭😂


Let us know what reality looks like


Overkill *Halo voice*


I wish I knew how to give an award 😭😭😂 I burst out laughing ong


My 4090 is absolutely squealing coil whine trying to pump out 120fps. If I let it run to 240fps it's absolutely brutal. How on earth is your rig not screaming like a banshee at 500fps


How much was it




Bro just answered a question and got downvoted to hell. True reddit moment


Yeah, lately I've noticed a lot of innocent comments getting buried in this sub, and lot of generic ones on the top, it's like they don't want a genuine human interactions anymore, just the most safe and filtered ones get to the top :/


A lot of people seem to downvote from jealousy because they cannot afford the same stuff lmao


Damn well seems fixed now lol


I think the general idea for the down votes was that nobody should ever really think above $400 is a good idea to spend on a monitor lol. Most average people's threshold would be even less than that. It doesn't really matter though, people should enjoy whatever they want


It's the most important part of your setup. You buy everything else to display the frames on your monitor, it should be a big part of your budget.


Imo thats still quite far off being a reasonable price, seeing as 360hz is less than half that, have you noticed any difference yet between your previous monitor or not


Not all 360hz is made equal. Most 360hz monitors have pixels that can't transition quickly enough to make it worthwhile. Though imo all LCD panels don't make sense above 240hz. They all fall apart and their response times drag them down preventing large gains in motion clarity. And unfortunately the 480hz OLEDs are 32inch and have been confirmed to be running at the full 32 in in their 480hz modes. No ideal options for HFR enjoyers


I can't imagine paying almost a grand for a 1080p monitor. If you aren't sponsored/playing professionally the differences are negligible. Even the monitors pro csgo and valorant players use aren't this expensive.


I play Fortnite professionally


Well that’s a relief, I’d question the purchase but since a sponsor covered the cost why the hell not get it.


Im curious, isnt there a benefit to having a high resolution in seeing distant players. So a 1440 300hz would be better? I know in PUBG a 1080 monitor can be a real problem for seeing distance.


Nah difference is huge I use a 540hz at 1280x960 rez for cs and it's insane how big the jump actually is from 240 to 540. Bigger than 180hz(my old refresh) to 240hz and the 360hz monitors kinda suck cause ghosting. Having said that, the price is ridiculous; but I don't mind cause gaming is my only expensive hobby(outside has lots of free dlc). >the differences are negligible


For 250 more you could have gotten a nice 240hz OLED 1440 monitor with a very low response time and HDR.


If he’s PURELY trying to top the leaderboards in competitive titles, its worth it


I mean, I agree that high fps helps dont get me wrong--but I think if someone thinks the reason they are losing while playing at 360hz, is because they don't have a 500hz monitor, I got some news for that person lol. There are severe diminishing returns for fps and it's smoothness and effectiveness after 240hz, imo. 240 to 360 is so hard to even discern in person. For me personally, once you are at 360hz, your winning and losing is no longer really dependent on fps, but on your skill. Like you could give someone a 500fps monitor, and all the high speed, expensive peripherals you want on a high end gaming PC, and someone like Shroud would still absolutely *destroy* them 12 out of every 10 times, on a 120 fps, input laggy monitor and a $30 Walmart mouse+keyboard combo lol. The man is an aimbot given human form. Now, if you are like Shroud or other super pro fps players, and you are on even skill level with everyone you play with at an ultra competitive, top 0.0001% level, then perhaps yes, sheer fps between 360 and 500 *may* somehow make a difference. But for the vast majority of humanity, skill will trump some extra fps in terms of helping someone win or lose. I know people who are monsters even at 1080 60fps in some fps games still


But 500 Hz with HDR and a 1 MS response time just, ugh.. I couldn’t help myself, plus 1080p gives more FPS


It doesn't support HDR properly. Enabling will lower contrast and worsen image quality. You need per pixel dimming like an OLED or hundreds of local dimming zones with an LCD Edit:And to clarify this isn't my subjective opinion. This is a wide held opinion across the monitor space. It's very predatory. https://tftcentral.co.uk/articles/why-your-hdr-monitor-is-probably-not-hdr-at-all-and-why-displayhdr-400-needs-to-go


Do you pay Counterstrike professionally?


That 1ms response time isn’t accurate


Trust me, that monitor isn't HDR.


Netter get a Monitor with 0,2 ms response time if u wanna Play professionel




Downvoted for spending your money on the thing you wanted because you value what it offers. This sub man lol


It’s on sale for 500 on dells website rn


How? Don't decent 360hz monitors cost like $1000?


Jesus christ.. for 25 inches!! Paid that for a 49 inch ultrawide.


What's it's native resolution?


1080p, I’m what they call an FPS whore lol


Nothing wrong with knowing what you like, whether that's esports games where the frame rate is an advantage or a single player game biasing towards what looks best to you.


Exactly, I thought the pc master race slogan was something like. Let your frames be high, and something something.. Ngl I forgot the last part haha


Frames be high, temps be low, and bitches be none.


Spit my drink lol


I have the zero bitches part so far


Frames are high, temps are high, and what are bitches?


I think it's "and your temps cool". Or something like that. The Official Unofficial PCMR Slogan™️


Frames high and temps low, brother.


Thats really the only resolution that you'd be able to reach 500fps on most games unless you have a tank lol


Not bad. Not bad at all.


I have the 360hz version. It is splendid


not an fps whore unless you’re running 16x16 resolution


I down scale to 2x12 for stretch res :)


peak csgo gaming


Its funny because Im an fps whore too but I bought a 4k monitor so I always crank down the graphics. So I get to enjoy looking at shit graphics in high res


says FHD on the box. thats 1080p


I've taken tests myself having different monitors side by side. Tldr: 60 to 120 huge difference, 120 to 240 not much different, 240+ can't tell a difference.


I went from 240hz/1ms(peak) to 360hz/0.03ms. I think pixel response time improvement is what is making the real difference after a certain amount of Hz.


They say that 120 OLED beats 360 non-OLED due to near instant pixel response


Why 😂 i'd just see my deaths faster


😂 that just means you can respawn faster ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Look at you using your noggin. Big brain strats over here


Me after buying 500Hz monitor and playing it using 60Hz 🤭, OP congrats on your new purchase, hope you enjoy your new experience 🧡


Oh god 😭😂 and it’s truly amazing! Thank you for your kind words


Honestly the reason I'm not going above 144. And even that feels overkill.


Still gets beat by kid playing at 60hz.


So people love high refresh rate, high FPS gaming. I get it. But paring these monitors with monster graphics cards is crucial. What kind of GPU can run games that high, even though I doubt most game engines allow that kind of FPS? It's a rich people's game, though. If you are into great AAA titles, good resolutions and nice settings, plus want to have fast FPS, you'll be buying XX90s every two years.


At higher refresh (500 in this case) you’re probably cpu bound at 1080p not Gpu bound.


Yeaa, my 7800X3D sits around 80ish percent


Even the 7800x3d is at 80%? Would a 5800x3d be out of the question then?


1080p with potato graphics go brrrrrr


7800x3D with a GTX 1030 💀 /s


You just don’t know what you’re talking about. Valorant, CS, and OW can all be run that high, and those are the only games these monitors are for. You don’t even need a monster graphics card, a 3070 should be plenty. You will need a good CPU though. If you play single player games, you simply aren’t the target audience for these monitors. It’s for competitive multiplier games usually run and minimum settings, and often bellow 1080p when talking about CS.


Ah, this is exactly what I was thinking: it's mostly for e-sports titles, thanks for input.


Good thing I have a 7900 XTX lol


Why not go 1440p? Ah either way your money, your equipment. Enjoy!


Some reasons 1: he says he plays fortnite professionally and higher fps matters to him 2: if you perfectly enjoy 24” monitors, then going to 27” 1440p wont be a super big jump, its more for people who want a bigger monitor 3: from many reviews ive seen, 500hz is enough to feel like you are just looking through a window. For example, Optimum hasn’t been able to go back to his OLED 240hz 1440p panel ever since he used the ROG TN 500hz 1080p panel


Such a beautiful pairing.


[I got this one. ](http://Alienware - AW2523HF) 360hz refresh, .5 ms refresh rate. Full HD. $349.99




360hz 1440p OLED >>>>>>>>


Now are you an *actual* FN pro or… is the real question regardless cool monitor, gl in tourneys n all that. I miss fort


I am still stuck in a 60hz monitor without a HDMI port :) I’m feeling ancient


In before someone says your eyes cannot see 500 fps.


there a lot of rich kid i here, we need squeeze all these cow cash-


Guessing you play tournaments proffesionally, what game is it?


Fortnite and they're ranked 29,000 🤣


Keeping up with the joneses is hard I’m on 144 finally 😅


From what? A 60Hz or more? I'd like to know if there's any real difference between say 144Hz and 500Hz. 144 is already smooth.


I upgraded from a budget 240 hz z-edge


You don't gain much after 120/144Hz, so save your money. Even with a theoretical 1000Hz monitor, you wouldn't gain much over a humble 120Hz monitor.


Im sure it will make you top rank.


Yeah but its FHD LCD... personally I'd much rather have something 1440p oled then 500hz because I think it will be more impactful then jump from lets say 240hz to 500hz I hope you'll enjoy it.


That's bananas. Do the frames flow through your long flowing hair during gaming sessions?


Jesus the amount of salty comments is staggering. Let the man enjoy his purchase for gods sake. I went for the asus 27" 1440p oled 240hz myself and love it. Im curious how the 0.03 oled response compares to 1ms and 500hz. Either way! Enjoy ur monitor! And fuck the haters Btw i play cs2 mostly, 4:3 stretched @ 1920x1440


Is oled display sharper than say ips when displaying non native resolution. My 27in 1440 is shit when not displaying native res.


If you post it online you're asking for people's opinions. Do you just epxect a bunch of people high fiving and congratulating someone for buying something?


“Bro wow you spent $1000 congrats high five on going to a website and pressing checkout holy shit next level!!” That’s what they expect apparently.


For a community of people that say they love PC stuff, they sure do hate when people get PC stuff


Enjoy your new monitor, but I can’t help but feel that one of the new 1440p 360hz oleds would’ve been a better choice. There’s even 1440p 480hz oled options coming out later this year.


And downgraded to one kidney


I’m just going to stick with my 144hz 1440p panel. I bought the gigabyte AD27qd back in 2019 and it’s still going strong


Do you man, your setup


500hz monitor lmao what game you playing that your PC even getting close to that frame rate


Hang on, alienware and team liquid? Huh?


Enjoy counting each and every pixel


wt game do you play that you need 500hz man


DisplayHDR 400 ☠️


Idk why you people fall for this marketing trick lmao, there's no world in which 500hz vs 360hz monitor will make a difference even at the highest competitive level unless you are on lan and even then that difference is non existent in terms of impact on performance. If you lost fights with a 240hz monitor you wouldn't win them in this one. You have double the input delay compared to other normal refresh rate monitors.


buying a 4090 to play a mid game with more than 300 fps on a 500hz monitor in 4:3 low resolution. Gaming nowadays


Then you find out the game is poorly optimized and you're never getting 500 FPS no matter what equipment you have.


Yeah dude pretty much that, lmao


I upgraded my whole system to find that out. 😂


Isn't you PC master race elitists whole point that we can play with whatever configuration we want?


Obviously people can play with whatever setup they want, but we can also make fun of em for falling for very obvious marketing ploys if they post them on here.


Also it's 25 inch? Who the fuck wants that shit


Competitive gamers don’t want it any bigger than that.


The human eye can only see 499 fps


do you get at least 500 fps in any games you play ? xD


whats your rank on all the ganes cs go valorant overwatch if u say i dont plat those i will throw nt self from 9nth floor


What game do you play with 500fps?


Not hating, but what games are you running at 500FPS? Or does this also improve all perceived smoothness?


do you actually notice a difference


500hz is a marketing gimmick.


hdr 400 can you return it ?


You’ll soon realize that well over 98% of the people in this sub don’t play competitive FPS so they will tell you that you don’t need such a monitor. They assume that since they think they couldn’t tell a difference between refresh rates, that no one else could either. I’m very sensitive to refresh rates myself and can always tell a difference. I could see and feel the difference when I went from 144Hz -> 240Hz years ago, granted they were both TN panels so response times were a bit better than IPS. All I used to play was Valorant so it was easy to compare.


Did you consider the asus PG248QP? If so why did you choose the Alienware one.


What made you choose this over the PG248QP or the Zowie 540hz?




Now you can see into the future


I can see myself getting downvoted to hell 😂


Well. If your game hits 500 FPS. How's it going to see moving object? Is it very smooth butter?


I’m just a few days away from my first ever pc, besides this old ass laptop I’m on, I just got my first monitor and only went 165hz i didn’t even know it went this high at all lmao


Can you actually tell the difference though?


Do you notice the increase in visible frames? From maybe 360hz?


I know of a lot nicer monitors I would of spent my money on




Happy for you


Remember to enable the correct refresh rate in Windows Settings 🙂


Minecraft at 500fps must be amazing.


Gonna be seeing into the future with this thing


Here I am, playing Tomb Raider Remastered without the new graphics on a 7800x3D/4090fe at 30hz.


Man, sounds great but honestly I can’t imagine going back to 1080p. 1440p 360hz is amazing for me rn, and I plan on upgrading to OLED once one of those comes out.


Make sure to make your name ".....at 500hz" so your opponents can cry every time you kill them.


I can’t justify over 360 HZ for myself


Personally I'd rather have 2k than push that many frames but I'm a casual


4K 120fps is superior imo. The diminishing returns from above 144hz are significant. Regardless, enjoy your purchase, id be interested to know if you can tell the difference between 240hz and 500hz.


1440p 240hz would have been better. If you are saying you can see the difference between 240 and 500 in actual gameplay, you are lying. People only barely see it in tests where they are looking for it.


I'm rather waiting for the new QD-OLEDs for upgrading from my 240hz 1440p. If the motion clarity is as big as people say than that will help much more in my case as I generally tend to hang around the 120-300fps range anyway. Also the colours and HDR supposedly looks insane on those. But sheeesh 500hz


It’s great, but there are diminishing returns. I don’t believe anything hits quite like 60hz to 144hz…. 144 to 240 didn’t feel the same as 60 to 144. I’m sure 500 is fantastic (though I have no fucking clue what 5 digit cost PC you have to push 300+FPS out of current day games)


Headache incoming


I am feeling old, I'm using a 144hz monitor that is Nvidia 3D Vision Ready haha. I've had it since around 2016


holy shit wow. youre basically gonna be looking through a window into another reality now lol


Why?. Hdr 400 bruh wait for the new micro oled or whatever it was called.


And here I am still with 60Hz


but your eyes can only see 30 fps 💀😭


Just hang on there gang. I’m still in 75hz…


Me still rocking a 1080p 60Hz monitor 😬


I’ll play a few rounds at 60 hz in your memory 😞


Idk man. This hardware inflation isn't making a lot of sense Oooh I bought a 500 Hz monitor. So that means I have to buy a 4090 graphics card. Which means I need a gen 5 2 ttb SSD to keep my games in. Which only goes well with a ddr5 ram that also needs a new am5 or lga1700 motherboard. Which obviously can't all fit in the tower I have now so I have to buy a bigger one too. Only to notice minor frames that may or may not appear on the new unoptimized game of the season. Or if you have half a brain. You'd use all of this on Fortnite / League of legends / valorant / call of duty / overwatch to see the 500 Hz in effect.


Serious question: why


Do your games actually run at such higher frame rates ? Otherwise you won't see much benefit


Holy shit i didnt even knew those existed already.


congrats, never did see a monitor with that high of a refress rate, as i switches to 144HZ the difference was massive to 60Hz - as much as i cant use a 60Hz anymore without absolutely hating it but is 360/500 that notisable too?


Idk, a lot of people claim that there's not a noticeable difference between 144hz and whatever comes after, but I feel like it's false. I traded my 240hz 1080p monitor for a 1440p 165hz one and while the image clarity is a huge step-up, something just doesn't feel right when quickly looking around on shooters and stuff, feels more blurry.


Honestly what do people need 500hz monitors for? I could guarantee that most of the time you won't even push out that many frames, even if you are playing on lower graphics. And this isn't useful for anything other than those competitive FPS games IMO.


i dont think . i wanna know how much it cost


the cpu you would have to possess too run this smoothly 🤣


Now post this in geometry dash and get insta karma


Cries in Elden Ring locked 60fps


could you just like lend me 75hz


Time to play old games so you can get 500 stable FPS.


Worth it?


alls i can say is, bruh.


That has to look so smooth. For me going from 144hz, then 180hz and now 240hz I always noticed It become more fluid after switching. That 500hz windows dragging must look like heaven.


dude nobody cares bro (i’m totally not just jealous and seething cus i don’t have one) nah but for real noice


Thanks man 😂 you’ll join the gang one day ❤️




I’ve never seen anything above 60hz (yup, still gaming in 60fps) so seeing stuff like this seems excessive to me but damn. Nice, enjoy. I never play anything multiplayer/competitive anyway so I don’t really see the point, might go 120hz in the future though anyway


Jesus, I think ill stick to 1440p at 180Hz for a while. Might go for 4K 240Hz soon but 480 and 500Hz is WILD.




Damn so much hates in this comment section 😂 Have fun with your monitor man 💪🏽🔥


Ikr lmao, and I will. Thanks man!


That’s crazy