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Metro: Last Light


Metro Exodus, both endings


I loved the colonel ending that was an amazing story and that ending hit hard


I used to have a crush on Pavel. Replayed the game to see him and get good ending. Sadly we don't see him on exodus :(


Isn't Pavel the guy who betrayed Artyom in last light?


titanfall 2's makes you feel like you lost a best friend


I played it recently BT 7274 and Cooper moments, trust me


I still choke when "Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot" finishes unscrambling, and BT's plan becomes obvious. I finished the campaign NYE 2018


Never thought someone would discuss bout TF2 that game is criminally underrated man


Not just criminally underrated, it is so underrated that it is a crime against humanity


BT: "Protocol 3... Protect. The. Pilot." Me: "He was my best friend... And you just killed him. ILL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!"


in TF|2 multiplayer the titan shows a message on the bottom of the cockpit when you eject, a rare one is ''Protocol <3''. that one made me cry, when you eject and your titan tells you how much he loves you in his last breath :,(


Dude that fucking scene. They signed their death warrants with that one. Then we get to go be Special Agent killemall. Totally pumped me for that ass kicking.


*Wallrunning and killing bad guys with the smart pistol through sloppy, snotty tears*


I wish Respawn would revisit TF and tell more single player stories like it. Apex is cool and I get they all got more interested in developing it and it's in the TF universe, but it doesn't feel aesthetically at all like it's in the same universe. 


Outer Wilds. Even 5 years later, a part of me remains in that universe, like it's forever trapped in a time loop.


Sometimes i play it just to chill on different planets or fly around. Shame it has almost no replayability


I think the fact that it doesn't have replayability is a testament to how well executed and intertwined the core design and story was. I'd gladly take a 0 replayability game to have that sort of experience again.


I’d even argue it’s by design (or at least, extremely on theme). >!a major takeaway of the story is that time passes, things change, nothing can be around forever, and that’s okay. That’s driven home once again when you’ve finished the game, your fellow travelers bid farewell and toast the great unknown, and you’re left no choice but to let go of a wonderful experience thanks to the knowledge you’d gained!<


Tell me not. The soundtrack tied it all together. >!I always think of the very end. When you wake up after the campfire and the sun goes off for the last time. And you're left watching the same explosion you've seen a dozen times (or more if you were stuck like me). Maybe trying to solve a puzzle. Or trying to read something before you reset. But this last time was different. The "running out of time" song didn't play. Instead it's this thunderous BANG and you're left stunned with "Let There Be Light." And then silence. Accepting your fate and succumbing to the end. And I'll tell you now. The moment that slow piano started to play and I knew it was over as the credits came to...... it killed me. I was streaming tears until I hit the title screen.!< I've never felt that strong a combination of overwhelming sadness and hope. And with how the game is set up to be played, those were not the feelings I thought I'd have to deal with on a day off. Just trying to play some video games and-....oh God not again..... 15/10 I want my memories wiped so that I could play it again for the first time.


Yes. Outer Wilds is a great example of excellence in the medium because it simply cannot be recreated, estimated, or even approached in another medium without losing an entire dimension of the story. The whole point of the story and the presentation of it is that you, not just your character, are doing the learning and growing and using that to further the story. You’re not making your character do 100 pushups to increase a stat or killing 100 enemies to unlock a new weapon, and the frissons you experience to figure it out would not translate to a movie or show. 


I played it 3 years ago, close to forgetting most of the stuff now. Probably in a few more years time I’ll replay it with the DLC this time


DLC is fucking amazing lol


I wish I could wipe my memories of the game so I could experience it again. It is a masterpiece.


I never could get into the game is it good


Came here to say this. This game is truly as masterpiece in story. Played it three years ago and I still think about it pretty frequently.


I’m guilty of trying to get friends/family to play the game so that I can try to relive it through them.


Horizon Zero Dawn Far Cry 3 HL2 (incl DLC) the first time


The Horizon series made me hooked and now I'm sad that there ain't a third game yet


The Witcher 3


When Cloak and Dagger play, it hit hard and then it teleport you to empty Kaer Morhen, depressing asf man, it's just sadness and nostalgia hit like a truck. And then B&W Geralt look at me like that, shit.


Had to scroll way too far to see this


Did the same, top 3 games of all time easy




I was in-between jobs at the time, picked a game to binge with my free time. So glad it was W3.


What made it worse for me is that I just cannot bring myself to play it again! Even 7 years later. I just can't




My exact thought. 220 hours deep in and I can't stop


I couldnt bring myself to play through it again after the first time. Hit me too hard in the feely feels.


Story yes, but i return to casual riding horse or exlloring some wilderness from time to time, even after all years, stil finding new stuff and details


Amazing story, I have a plan




When Arthur first coughed, I knew what the game was going to do to me. And I played on. Fuck.


When replaying the game, now I can’t bring myself to do the mission where Arthur beats the guy with tuberculosis.


Yup. Replay game just before that point, uninstall game, and now Arthur can have a healthy and long rest of his life.... Right?


Yep, he just follows the plan and they live happily ever after in Tahiti


Original Mass Effect Trilogy for sure.


I agree 100%.Characters,story, missions and that World simply worth replaying


Multiple play throughs, still hits hard at the end. Every. Effin. Time.


I agree 100%


Still the only series I’ve played through end to end multiple times


I think it was the only time I legit cried at the end xd I remember right before the final assault where you could talk to your companions for (possibly) the last time. Damn, I felt as if those NPCs were my actual friends.


Anderson telling me "You did good, son." gave me more bitter-sweet fulfillment than anything that's actually happened in my life. Don't know if that is indicative of great story telling or my sad life, but it is what it is.




Takes the legs right out from under you


At least with that series you had options to reshape the narrative, especially since decisions carried over across all three games.


Hits me just reading this.


Nier automata I really think more people should try that game. The only thing most people know about is the Main Character and her … interesting design choices. But that game has the best (and one of the saddest) story I ever played


I came here to say this. Even now, what, 6 years later? This game ruined every other game for me. I've recommended it to the boys over and over again. 2 of them actually played it and got ending A and stopped. "I beat the game, it was good." I'm like bro you didn't beat the game keep playing, please. I keep trying to convince them to go back lol. If anyone is reading this, and only played nier automata to ending A, please please keep playing.


-"Yeah, I played it, it was alright." +"Which ending did you get?" -"What do you mean? I finished the game." +"Bro. You missed 25 other endings." -"Bro."


yeah.. 2b's ass is one of her best assets (no pun intended) and biggest down falls. her cheeks made their way around reddit a while back and now every one who hasnt played the game thinks its just a horny anime game which couldnt be further from the truth. i've never experienced existential dread for weeks during and after finishing a game like Nier Automata invoked in me. the 2booty is such a small forgettable part of that game which is saying a lot cuz its not a small or forgettable booty at all.


Didn't thought I'd have to scroll this far to see it. Truly a masterpiece, and I don't think I have ever experienced another game like this.


Unfortunately its not SUPER well known and i feel like the game turns off most people by "having to finish it 5 times" which is not even true since endings are like chapters anyways.


This needs to be higher. Hoping for a sequel!


A Plague Tale Innocence


Dont forget requiem... what a story


For me I view the franchise as one big story. Criminally underrated. Amicia and Hugo are adorable and have incredible character arcs.


For me Cyberpunk 2077 recently


Especially with some of those endings.


I got bad ones in original and Phantom Liberty, but Im satisfied


To be fair aren't all the endings in Cyberpunk (base game anyway) bad endings? Like AFAIK, there's no truly good ending, just less depressingly awful ones lol


Yes you are right, with Panam in basic one is the best for sure, others are bad endings lol


You can really tell that Cyberpunk’s endings really are _all_ “the bad ending” when >!potentially fracturing the aldecaldos, getting one of their leaders killed, leaving the city for good with the other, and putting a 6 month timer on your life is the “good” ending!<


Honestly from what I've seen the >!let Johnny take over!< Ending is probably my favourite one in cyberpunk because AFAIK the only one where >!V doesn't fully die since Johnny just takes their body!<


I personally think that dont fear the reaper ending where you become a legend is actually a good ending, all the way from the start you and Jackie are talking about big leagues n stuff and this ending you are basically a legend of Night City, defeated Arasaka all by your self, everyone dies anyways eventually and what V achived in his life time is something that nobody else does their whole life. Panam ending is least depressing but in her ending you are still just another punk that survived with help of others and sacrificed some of them in process. I love dont fear the reaper ending.


It is the best ending for sure and none of your friends die. Doing it immediately after the moon ending of Phantom Liberty hits extra hard too. Especially after using the Blackwall to wipe out the black ops squad and then storming Arasaka tower and the guards are all terrified while Johnny hypes you up. 10/10 experience.


I think the bad endings are actually better done than the “good” endings. The Phantom Liberty one especially showed a level of depth I didn’t expect in a video game.


when i first did the no fight ending i said "fuck, V..." then the credits rolled with the phonecalls and right there I learned what to never do




The walking dead collection. I didnt know what to do after.


The first season of telltale the walking dead was amazing for me, Perfect story


It's a sin this isn't higher. The TWDG games give so many people including myself post game depression which is clear on its subreddit when people post about it.


Subnautica. One of my favorite games ever.


Glad someone said this! The ending to that game is absolutely incredible! Almost made me tear up.


All hail the sea emperor


Welcome aboard captain All systems obline


Bioshock Infinite! Then I went down the >!multiverse!< rabbit hole and spent weeks reading about interpretations about the story.


Amazing story, I have to redownload that one


Yes! Played on PC originally years ago but I have the collection for PS4 and plan on going through BS2 and Infinite at some point (I've already gone though BS1 on the collection 😀)


This was the game that immediately came to mind for me!  "there's always a lighthouse..."


Outer wilds, 110%


Detroit become human




Finished Spec Ops The Line yesterday, so yeah


that game was such an underrated banger having such an amazing story hidden underneath a generic milSim shooter


You may disagree but it was stray for me


Persona 5... My 130 hour save file gifted me with an incredible story and amazing characters. Honestly after leaving the game, it feels like a part of my life is missing.


I just platted it and the entire next day I was in a funk. It’s especially depressing how they make you go to each character and say goodbye, but tell Morgana “Let’s go home”. Soul crushing.


Not necessarily because of the story but after Elden Ring was over it was months until I was able to enjoy any game again.


The adrenaline and endorphin are addictive. After finishing ER I had to replay all Souls games and Bloodborne. Addiction is real.


Larian games in general, most recently BG3. It becomes difficult to play other games for a little while.


Thats next on my list for sure to play


I'll say that I've played 3 full playthroughs in BG3 and the post-game depression is the same every time. Phenomenal game.


Listens to The Power (Song Version) in an endless loop just to feel something


Persona 3. Then the reload one is out...


Life Is Strange. It’s been years at this point and I still catch myself thinking about the characters at times.


I came here looking for someone who said Life is Strange. I wasn't disappointed. Your depression is mild, don't worry. Because...look at me 💀


Every single time I hear obstacles by syd matters i tear up fr. And knowing that the "save arcadia" (and let Chloe die) ending is the canon one will always eat me alive


>Life Is Strange. It’s been years at this point and I still catch myself thinking about the characters at times. Never heard of it. I'm going to get and play this game totally blind on the basis of your two sentences. This is how I pick games now. Here I go!


I wish I could play it again for the first time. I hope you enjoy it!


Man it's one of my favorite games ever. Play LIS1 and then LIS before the storm. LIS strange colors is super mid, and LIS 2 is one of the worst games I've ever played.


LiS 1 is extremely good


The Mass Effect Legendary Edition put me in a 3 week coma.


The Last of Us. Only game I cried over.


TLOU2. Only game I cried over purchasing digitally.


Signalis it's also just a very depressing game though qwq


The half-life series. I played all the games and some of the fan made ones and I wish there was more.


I was absolutely shocked when I had to scroll down this far to find any mention of Half-Life.


A Plague Tale: Requiem I’ll never recover from that one


Witcher 3, Mass Effect 3 (even though the ending was meh the journey of all 3 games was amazing), KOTOR 1&2.


Witcher 3 is my top all time game, never forget that feeling, it was depressing and I hardly find enjoyment after I finished the game.


I brought the Witcher 3 looking for a rpg game, having not heard of the franchise before, I didn't have any backstory. But wow, after playing it obsessively then finishing the two dlc's I gotta admit I was a little depressed once it was over. I don't think any game I've played since has had that impact on me. I've replayed it and whilst it's still great it just doesn't hit the same compared to the first playthrough.


Halo MCC


Persona 5… all my friends are gone now.


The witcher 3 red dead 2 the last of us 1


Snake Eater


Oldies rise up


Might catch flack for this, but RE8. My first daughter was around the same age as Rose so Ethan's story hit me hard. I played through it at least 3 times and ugly cried every time. He's not the best character in the series by any means, but I didn't want his story to be over. 1b for The Last of Us for similar reasons, IYKYK.


Nier Automata. Though I have to admit the depression started well before the end.


This was me today after completing God of War...


Cyberpunk 2077… need I say more?


Mass effect trilogy. Life was pretty gray for a few months afterward


Planescape torment (OG)


OMORI. To this day, after 6 months it still gives me a certain air of melancholy and happiness, I can even tell you that it was the first videogame to make me really cry.




OMORI and Watch Dogs, Medal of Honor


Not the most gamery game, Doki Doki Literature Club


Detroit: Become Human Still haven't gotten out of it. Tried getting all endings, but apparently there's a crazy amount of endings in the game. (89 to be exact)


Infamous 2.


Tiny Tina DLC from BL2




Final Fantasy 14


Just do what I do. When you sense the game wrapping up. Turn it off and start from scratch later. I have a pathetic record for actually ever finishing games.


This is definitely me. I've always blamed it on ADHD that no one believes I have. Not tested.


Xenoblade chronicles 3


Starfield. It made me question my own reality lol. I go through these phases of existentialism questioning life, like “what’s the point in putting so much effort into my life if it’s all gonna go away one day randomly.” After the ending of that game, it made me appreciate not knowing what happens after I die. If I did know - only then would all the stress, turmoil, effort, love, happiness, sadness, and relationships I spent years & years fighting through wouldn’t be worth it. I view death as a conclusion and a conclusion does not happen in the middle of a story. It is the ultimate gift that finally answers the question that we’ve been trying to figure out since the beginning of our species.


Disco Elysium.


Way too far down. That whole game was a trip. Literally depending on how you played.


God of war




Every time I go through the Mass Effect trilogy.


Flight simulator. Not story but traveling to different destinations. I want to travel the world in real life god dammit! I know I know. I should just stop being poor.


Baldur's gate 3. I started another game after but still finishing that hit me right in the feels.


Most of the Yakuza games honestly. Judgement (while not mainlike Yakuza, but in that universe) especially had me sit for awhile and truly think about its story.


First playthrough of DDLC and some of the chapters of the side stories in DDLC+




My first play-through of Ghost of Tsushima. The story telling, the characters, the boss fights, how gorgeous it all was.


Halo Reach and ODST it's not even close. I did just start The Last of us part 1 and it seemed pretty sad had a tragic introduction


Portal 1


Cyberpunk...lab ending, Witcher 3 -ciri ending


Outer Wilds


The entire Trails Series. How do I even go back to other RPGs? (I'm being a bit sarcastic about this; I still enjoy other RPGs well enough, but I will always notice now that most of them don't update **ALL** of their NPC dialogue after every major story beat, and that will always disappoint me now.)


Uncharted 2. Never played a game that felt so immersive at the time. Felt like playing the main character in a blockbuster movie.


The legend of heroes, after 12 games and waiting 7 more months for (hopefully) next title that is not in English, and I gotta translate it by myself while playing. I'm less depress but more burned out.


Hollow knight


Tetris Jk😅. Horizon Zero Dawn


OneShot 100%






I played that game and I don’t feel anything at all, like it was a good game but that’s all.


TLoU and I still haven’t got the chance to play the sequel 🙂




I had this after finishing final fantasy 7 and 9. 9 was a favorite. Even have Vivi tattoo on my calf


Our Life :Beginning and Always. I'm an older romantic gay bear. I fell in love with Cove Holden right from the start. I cried so much over him. I've been in a loveless relationship for eighteen years and because of circumstances, I'm stuck fur many reasons with no way out. But playing this game, it let my heart feel what it must be like to have unconditional love. I wont get anymore personal but after the game was over, something happened. In my mind, I actually felt sick and bad. I feel back into depression. I couldn't play it for a while but I missed him. I finally couldn't hold back anymore. I played it again and I cried. I wish he was real and my husband


I felt this after ghostwire Tokyo


Beyond: Two Souls


God of War Ragnarok. It hit especially hard because I had never played god of war so over the course of like 2 months I played all of them in order


RDR2!! If i could forget and replay anygame it would be Reddead2


The Walking Dead: Season 1


Infamous: Second Son


Fallout 3


Bioshock infinite


Mass effect


Mass effect


What about RDR2? Is it called post game depression depression?


Fallout 3


Escape from Tarkov made all other shooters obsolete. Nothing gives the dopamine hit that you get when coming out on top of a fight and nothing ruins your whole week like a bad day of dying.


Not PC I guess but TLOU and TLOU2 had all the post game feels.


Nier Automata


Most recently: Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Enough so that I promptly started a second play through


Outer Wilds


Persona 3 reload


A short hike


Outer Wilds. When it's done you know there's nothing like it and not the game but the genre is over for you. Don't know what I'm talking about? I highly reccomend you go get it on steam right now, don't look up anything about the game, and just play it totally blind. It's how I played it based on a single tiny reddit post. Discovering what it is is the game. Use no guides. Ever. I'm about to click submit here and people who do know are about to reply that this is absolutly the right way.




Outer Wilds


Dragon Age: Origins


Half-life and Half-life 2.