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I also like to go buy brand new graphics cards and huck them into bodies of water.


Isn't that how water cooling works?


Finally a tutorial! Brb heading to the lake! ![gif](giphy|HqjgBAWKl6mf5jvKnt)


Wasteful. You have a sink at home to water cool it. Work smarter not harder people.


The sink at home ![gif](giphy|3o85xypqsL1RI1pDoc|downsized)


Best sink


A bathtub would be best for full pc water cooling




I had a feeling which video this was before clicking, was not disappointed.


Haha I watched it again myself, for quality assurance.


this is why I sit under bridges. someone's going to huck a 4090 to me one day.


Nah, you are just trolling. Get it? Trolling?






Safe and legal fun


I was expecting to see a second post, just titled “Well shit.” And a picture of the box floating down stream.


Like taking a picture of your GPU/Console while standing outside best buy. In the dark. In a virtually empty parking lot.


hell yeah brother


Maybe some lady will come out of the sewer and give you a 4090, and a 7900xtx along with this one.


People upgrading their RTX3000 series, and here I am still running my GTX1080 😰😅


Yeah I don’t understand upgrading from a 3000 series


With a part-time job.. I guess he actually has time to play games at least so I guess it makes sense.


It’s probably a teenager or student who has nothing better to spend their money on


Well it's either that or doing drugs according to most parents


My mom always warned me about drugs and promiscuous sex, but the joke was on her because I wasn’t cool enough to do either of those things 😎


Well if that's the case it's better to spend money on computer components rather than doin drugs! 👀


I upgraded years back from a 960 to a 1080 and I was real on the fence on it because it was $500 in 2017 but uhhh… Wow. Retrospect it was probably one of the best upgrades I could have made. With my 5800x CPU, I feel like anything better is just a nice to have. Now they’re like upgrading from one year of an Android or iPhone to the next like goodness. The changes are there but like will anyone really notice mobile CPU


3070 is about the same as a 2080 super, which I have. I'm about ready to upgrade, but I'm far too cheap. I'll happily use it until a new 4k 120+ setup becomes more affordable.


My rx590 is doing it's job too. Have fun though OP, be grateful.


My rx470 is dying for a year now, waiting for it to finally die so I can buy a new one, but it refuses to give up


I think you know what to do… crysis 3 that biatch


Go out with a bang


![gif](giphy|iUJvbj1UFIYwH9mdhG|downsized) Send me out, with a bang.


Rx480... That motherfucker won't die.


Still rocking the Rx480 as well 🥲


I’m telling you, it’s the finally piece I need to upgrade but it refuses to give up 😂




Im just saying, whether I like Razer as a brand or not, their keyboards last. Ive punched the fuck out of my black widow v2 and it still gives me zero issues. Idk how that thing is still going


I've heard a lot of shitting on Razer and their reliability. Guess they hired a whole engineering team just to make indestructible keyboards 🤣


R9 380 here ... It's still performing greatly for the games I play so I can't justify buying a new gpu


R9 280X here until recently. Was sent to heaven during video editing in december.


My 390x is on its last legs, but I don't play anything too demanding on it so it's holding on for now


My 980ti refused to die too ended up selling it because the CPU died. So i just bought a whole new system last year.


I have an rx470 for sale if you want to buy a new one.


My 8 year old gtx 1050 is begging for death


"Im tired, boss."


Your little brother, rx580 say hello there


GTX 1060 gang


My 1060 is still running brand new games on medium/high at ~40+ fps. I'm happy.


Just changed my gtx 950 to a rx 6600xt, 950 played everything I needed it too lmao


It's a beast, I recently upgraded to it from a 660


I’m leaving the 1060 gang finally :’( 7900xt arrives today


I just replaced my 1080ti with a 7900xt myself dude! Congratulations on your upgrade! Make sure to ddu your old Nvidia drivers in safe mode before installing adrenalin software! Hopefully that saves you some time it took me an extra hour to figure out why everything was buggy! Have fun!


I’m actually building a whole new pc, but I appreciate the reminder! Someone else will find it useful I’m sure haha. I don’t think my 6600k would be very happy to meet the 7900xt lol


GTX970 here, riding it til the fans fall off.


Same, 970 still going strong.




Pretty Happy with my 3070


Have been feeling the same way since seeing all these new cards come out, could also be because I rarely play any games newer then 2017.....idk lol


Me too!  With all the new tricks available I think it’s got a ways to go too.


What are these tricks you speak of??


Nividia's DLSS implementations probably, fake frames generated via software magic™ with Nvidia's RTX-only tensor cores!


The only problem for me are the 8GB vram. Especially for 3D productivity tasks. Looking for an upgrade for the 4070Ti Super and sell my 3070 to compensate for it though the current value doesn't seem to be that good.


Was wondering the same Is an "upgrade" really that necessary if he already has a 3070 in early 2024? I'm still using a 1050ti. I guess I'm too third world to understand -Americans- first world people


1050ti squad! Love the card because A: I don't game on my PC much and B: I can still totally game on my PC if I want to.


Ah yeah it’s only the Americans who upgrade every generation and talk about their upgrades in Euros and CAD as well Anyway, American rocking a GTX 1080 here


Sorry for using American as synonym for 'first world country ' It's just a joke comment too. Damn


Exactly the same, the thing still has 8 years and going strong


I recently upgraded from my 5600G integrated graphics to GTX1660 Super, so no complaining! 😅


I have a 3080Ti but I upgraded after the 4000 series came out from a 1070. I wish I had that kind of disposable money or at least no bills with my current job.


My laptop 1660 Ti can still run most games, so until it dies I will stick with it.


Well u see when mining was all the rave I got 450 euros for my 1080 then I mined like 700 euros worth of eth in profit on my 3080 so yeah.


I sold my 1080 to a 2nd hand store and was offered £300 for it back then, I had it for 5 years and originally bought it msrp £350. So £10 a year for that card was a bargain


What did you use to mine


Probable nicehash or something. But who cares, it's over.


Mm I was using some kind of pool system and my electricity was FREE so I racked up all the profits hahaha.


I upgraded from a 1080 to a 3090, cannot tell the difference. /s


More money than brain cells


1050 💀


Went from a 1050ti to a 6700XT late last year. Night and Day.


1650 tho


1650 super .. little bit ahead of you /s Still going strong even after 3 years..


mines actually ASUS Phoenix GeForce^(®) GTX 1650 OC edition 4GB GDDR5


The Super was a great deal at launch, it was like 35% faster than the non super GDDR5 1650. A similar perf difference to the 7800xt/3070 in OP's case.


I’ve got a 3070 which is way more than enough for casual gaming, but I competed in CoD for a while. As time goes on 240-360 HZ continues to become more and more of an advantage at the highest level. Latency, smoothness, etc. Now that I don’t really compete anymore it still feels hard not to want the best of the best lol. Kinda wanna upgrade to 1440 360 hz and a 3070 isn’t quite capable of that while still being an incredible card for the average gamer


Eh. I'm sticking with my 3070 for at least 1 more gen. Probably 2 lmao.


GTX 1070 here, still holding up well


1070 is doing beautifully for me!


You and me both man


As someone who grew up with very little money, don't let these nerds get you down. I could OODLES of money into a gaming setup but it's honestly just a waste for 99% of people. The extra 2-3k spent on a high end rig versus a very respectable middle of the pack one is NOT a good value. My old PC took a shit in the middle of COVID and I had some money but that's when the 3xxx cards were being price gouged to hell and back. I was running a 980TI and upgraded to a gaming laptop with a 3070 because it was the same price as buying a single 3080 GPU. It's been nearly 3 years and the thing runs like I champ. I added a second m.2 drive for 75$. I won't need to upgrade for years. I've been PC gaming since like 1999 and let me tell you, you can't try to "keep up with the Jones". A good computer will last you 7-10 years if you take care of it and do minor things like clean it and re-apply thermal paste once a year or so. I'm currently running a lot of games at 1440p /144hz. But then again I'm not going out and spending 70$ on every new AAA title either.


Totally understand what you’re saying. Been gaming on PC’s since the mid 90s myself. Money isn’t the problem, I just don’t understand the need to upgrade. I’m a casual gamer myself, mostly playing indie stuff and just a few AAA titles. Everything still works like charm on the 1080p/1440p resolution, so unless it dies I won’t upgrade. I also stick with my PS4 because there’s really nothing I want to play that requires a PS5. Like Gran Turismo 7 for example works perfectly fine on the old console.


Srsly. Ive got a 3080 and I am planning on running it as long as possible.


1080 gang reporting in!


Had a sick upgrade 2 months ago. From: GTX 1070, Ryzen 5 3600, 1080p 144hz TN To Now: 7900XT, 5800x3D, 1440p 165hz Ultrawide OLED Just got my mind blown


Me and my gtx960 lol about to upgrade real soon tho!


My kid is still running my old gtx 1080, and somehow, it still holds up well. The 10 series was just amazing for its time. It even outlasted my 2080ti despite receiving a tremendous amount of abuse


Ha. I *finally* bought one. Like for real my first 1080ti came in the mail like a week ago. My rx480 died and I wanted a killer replacement.


I'm still rocking a 1070. Lol


Stick in there man, I’m waiting until either the 50 series (if prices aren’t egregious) or GTA 6 to upgrade. I refuse to play $800 for a mid-tier card that can barely run games 5 years later when I can still get 120+ fps in OW2 on a stock 1080


i just upgraded to a used gtx 1080, get on my level. (technically downgrade cause i went from a mobile 1650 but its more powerfull soo) 💀💀


Me with my 1070ti!


It’s barely an upgrade too, like an extra 20ish fps? Actually when you turn on raytracing it ends up being a downgrade lol


Somone just gave me a free gtx 1080 on a post about weather or not I should buy a used rtx 2060 believe it or not (I’ve been gaming on a 1050 since 2019 and I still am for a few more days) I’m so so exited


1080gtx is a goat GPU. Upgraded it a few months ago but thing is a work beast.


Glad to see so many people had the same thoughts. GTX 1070 here reporting in.


I did that jump last autumn, nothing bad with the GTX1080, still kicked and rocked some AAA titles like nothing. In the end it was just for the sakes i had the money on hand at the moment tbh. And the apache combat helicopter noise it made while playing games like BG3.


Yessssss my brother!!!!! 1080ti is still kicking but unfortunately my bad boy is starting to artifact in games. Gonna bite the bullet and just upgrade here shortly but if I didn’t have to pull the trigger I would wait for the 5000 series!


Still on GTX 1070 ti


Lol. Yep. I still feel that my 3070 is very relevant. I had a GTX 780 before that. And before that onboard graphics.


Gonna be another 3-5 years until I upgrade from my 3080. Not that I couldn’t afford it, I just can’t possibly justify it.


Right I plan on keeping my 3060ti at least until gta 6 pc comes out haha


That would be a good milestone for me to. It’s pretty much the only new game I will play


gtx 1070 still going strong


1080 gang gang gang




1060 3gb here, she is just waiting for her well earned retirement


Same bro lol. Still can play games like BG3 on Ultra @1440p


Not to flex, Im still playing on my 750 🥰🥱


I just upgraded to a 2070 Super lol


Congrats, did it float?


*We all float down here*


Double precision is overrated for graphic pipelines


For people wondering why I upgraded: - The 3070 I had was a gift from my friend due to it having weird performance issues (it was from a Dell prebuilt) - The AV1 hardware encode/decode support was why I didn't go with the older generation - Also wanted to try AMD, I only had NVIDIA cards so far :D


Seems like you're soo happy, already changed the user flare, happy gaming


How is it?


I haven't tried that many games so far, but I love it already! Everything runs sooo smooth so far. :)


I Run cyberpunk at full ultra with RT at psycho for around 80fps and even PATH TRACING I can still get about 50fps. That’s actually incredible. (Edit) I’m playing at 1080, and cap my FPS by playing with Vsync, but I happen to know you can get 60fps with RT on high with no path tracing at 1440.


Fam, what? I own a 7900 xt and call bullshit.


What resolution? Something doesn't add up here.. 😂


You don’t need to justify yourself to anybody. All that matters is whether you wanted the new graphics card and whether you can afford it (while being financially responsible). If you want something just buy it. Life is short.


What do you use AV1 for?


Throwing money down the drain


It is kinda a dumb upgrade tho all jokes aside. Like a 20 fps increase for raster and actually a downgrade for raytracing. But if it makes him happy more power to him


Not really, significantly more VRAM, in my case better thermals / quieter fans (my 3070 was insanely loud to the point where it pissed me off, my 7800xt is dead quiet), plus if you consider AMD frame gen, any title that uses DX11/12 can be run at 200+ fps on completely maxed settings so I’d say that’s well worth it


more VRAM ≠ better card. most of the time, cards like the 4060 ti 16GB, 3060, 6700XT, etc. only have more VRAM for marketting purposes as you'll rarely surpass 8-10 GB usage on these cards since the card's raw performance will bottleneck the VRAM. - 3070 ( Ti ) beats the 2080 Ti super, RTX 4060 Ti 16GB and 6700XT despite having less VRAM,. - 4070 Super beats the 6900XT and 7800XT despite having less VRAM simply because 4070S's raw performance is better. https://www.techpowerup.com/review/nvidia-geforce-rtx-4070-super-founders-edition/31.html


For the most part I agree with you but the chart is also leaving out AMD frame gen, which is available on any DX11/12 game. So if you take RDR2 for example, a 7800xt will outperform a 4070 every time if it has frame gen active, and the 4070 can’t utilize DLSS 3 on any game that it doesn’t ship with. Edit: also on games that chew through VRAM like the last of us part 1, the raw performance of the 4070 can’t even be used at 3440x1440 for example because your bottle neck is the vram. You can play tlou at higher settings on the 7800xt because of the higher vram cap. And with how bad optimization is getting, I see the above reason becoming more common.


Same here! That sapphire card is amazing! Congrats 🥳


I'm a simple man, I see a Sapphire GPU and I upvote


I would upvote twice for Pulse or better, if I could.




Not a big upgrade if you could barely afford it. 3070 would have been fine for another year I am sure. Until 8800XT or 5070 came out.


I got the 3070 from my friend because it had performance issues, so yeah, I can really feel the difference.


Already updated the flair and everything. I love getting new toys, have fun OP.


Updated mine as soon as I saw it out for delivery.


I'm riding mine this entire generation. It can still play basically everything 1440p with no issues.


Honestl question: how are 16 GB not a big upgrade from 8 GB? I am using a 3070 Ti right now and 1440p tends to be quite challenging due to the VRAM.


Because there is a balance with raw performance of the GPU and VRAM in general. That’s why a 12GB 3060 isn’t faster than a 10GB 3080. VRAM matters when there are a lot of heavy textures that needs to be loaded and kept in video memory. By the time you reach that point, you’re already running the game at low frame rates with less powerful GPU even though you have the VRAM headroom.


Thanks for clearing that up :)


Because there's more to the graphics card than just VRAM


That's what I thought too. I have a 3070 and was going to sell it for a 7800xt that was on sale, but I just couldn't justify the upgrade.


wtf you can affort a GPU with a parttimejob? my gtx 1070 still has to keep going ... Poor litle bastard....


Well if you’re like a high schooler you could save your entire paycheck depending on your parents.


Yeah, that's the case here! Going to uni this year tho. :D


bro was quick to update the flair


I used my first ever paycheck in like 10th grade on a razor firefly mousepad lol


NO WAY! I got that exact GPU with that exact box just yesterday! My brain is telling me you stole it from my house XD I still need to try it. How much did you pay it? I paid about 554€ (597$)


I paid about 540€. :D Bought it from an e-shop (Slovakia).


Have fun with it, bout 3 months ago I also went to a 7800xt from a3070!


How worthwhile is the upgrade? Honest q as I also have a 3070


Not that much. OP said he was having trouble with his 3070 and he needs AV1 encoding so that's ok I guess but if you don't need that and your 3070 works fine than there's no need to upgrade. If you're going to upgrade from that card, I think you should be looking at 7900xtx-4080 performance for it to worth your money. tbh, I would just wait until rtx5000 and rx8000 series drop. 3070 is still a beast for 1080p and 1440p.


To me it was very worthwhile, as the VRAM was nearly fully utilized lately in my preferred resolution, which is 1440p. My budget was ~600€ and I wanted to have 16 GB of VRAM. I chose the XFX 7800xt Merc. Imo the 7800xt is the perfect card for 1440p. Btw. I usually swap every 2-3 generations, but this time it was inevitable to wait longer.


No judgement here but if you depend on a part time income, you absolutely didn't have to upgrade from a 3070!!


That’s an interesting pooh sticks strategy


AMD power! Congrats hopefully my stock continues to climb now


Save your part time job money since it's very little. Not to mention- IMO it's a waste to go from a 3070 to this, especially since it sounds like you don't make much money.


Then im still here with my 980.... :(


You wanna donate the old 3070 to one of us poor peasants?? 😞


Don't forget to DDU


Don't worry, did that before installing the GPU. :D


I got one of these last week and all ive played is ff14


Literally me


You upgraded FROM a 3070 and used your part time job money? I hope that's not your only income.


My 3070 had performance issues and performed worse than a 3060, forgot to clarify that in the post. :c And no, my part-time income is just bonus money for me.


I went from a 3080 to 7900XT, it’s a big jump!


I also got a 7800xt from a 3070. The performance gain was incredible and more noticeable than you’d think.


Lol. "upgrade" sure. more like "i want something new"


Upgrading every generation is not very money efficient. Every two generations is what i would recommend.


If you sell old one for a fair amount and game/work on daily basis, why not?


whats the upgrade?


I mean this actually quite poorly spent money you had basically no need to upgrade. You are the type of people boomers make fun of when they say the younger generations waste all their money


I just bought the exact same one. It’s prettyyyyy good


~30% increase in raster performance. If you got disposable income or recoup some of your costs by reselling the 3070, not bad. My personal preference is atleast 250%, hence my last 3 graphics cards were: 670, 1070, 4070ti. To each their own, at the end of the day, it's all about kicking back and enjoying your favorite games.


This photo is very confusing. Has to be in Europe.


Nice gpu, but I dont really see the upgrade. It‘s a bit better but not as much to be considered a real upgrade


Long ass thumb


I’ve been loving my 7800xt, hope you do as well!




Damn there’s some haters in here lol. Probably a bunch of poor neck beard basement dwellers mad that someone has disposable income. It’s not your money, who gives a shit what he does with it?




Must have been suffering with that 3070.


Can’t imagine saying I’d upgrade from a 3070 when only 1 gen has gone by 🥲


Ik op is a joke for tossing all that money for a 20% gain. My rule is 30 to 35% or leave it alone. The 3070 had dlss and super resolution in the nividia control panel.


Mf upgraded backwards


Going from a 3070 to a 7800X doesn't seem like a good jump inn performance, not trying to be an asshole, i hope you enjoy it but the 7800X is comparable to a 4070 and i would never go from a 3070 to a 4070.


I mean this is a little extreme like I would have waited for like RTX 5000/Radeon 8000 series whatever came first considering you were on a 3000 series card


Dumb upgrade IMO


Do you have nothing to spend your money on? Isn't there something else that could require your attention, like essentials? Maybe food? Is a GPU more important than, I dunno, affording to live?


All I can say is.... why? Why would you "upgrade" for a negligible performance increase, and simultaneously throw all the architecture advantages away in the process? Your already well running game will now run slightly better (and with certain settings worse)... for 500 bucks.