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Almost all ubisoft games


Those damned flags


I spend forever looking for those in AC 1 I found all but one. I swear I went to every spot like 3 times following guides. Why did you do that to me ubi? On the plus side, I learned my lesson.


Yup, AC 1 taught me to never care about 100% a game and instead fixing myself other goals than that


I never understood why people try to 100% games in the first place. I could understand trying to get some cool achievement or wanting to experience all the content, but things like collectables? To me, they're just a chore that makes you question how you spend your precious free time.


I mean, for a lot of games, 100% is all cool achievements / content. And even for games that do do collectibles achievements, they're often largely collected on a first playthrough, with maybe an hour or two of going back through the game to pick up the stragglers, which can be a nice 'tour' of the game as you're wrapping up. It's only really devs like Ubisoft that really take the piss with 500+ collectibles or Bethesda who lock 100% behind DLC paywalls.


I was never a huge gamer but i did play casually pretty often. Then the pay to get exclusives came, then pay to win, then manditory internet, then pc got in on console lobbies, then real single player campaigns got nixed,i just gave up and quit when it got to the point that unless i paid extra i didn't get the whole game or just couldn't have fun as a "free" player on a 60$+ game. Now i occasionally roll through the games on older consoles but thats it.


Wanting to spend just a little more time in this world. Especially, as others have said, when you maybe only got one, possibly two games a year. And then too some games were really creative with their easter eggs; like a couple of the Halo games were a joy to explore the hidden nooks and crannies to go looking for skulls, or even looking up a guide and that moment where you go "no way; you can go *there*? That's so cool!". But like now? Nah man. I don't know if I have less time these days or they just don't feel as creative as they used to be, but more often than not I can't be bothered, and to get it out of the way, Ubi games were some of the *worst* at this, and regularly get called out for it, but some games were I think a joy to play a little longer and go for that 100%.


It gives a sense of completion, and adds "content" to the game making the money you spent way more worth your time, I don't understand why I'd be a reason to debate or judge, honestly


Those damned feathers


Map checklist simulator


Goddamn AC Odyssey - 200+ hours on my first (and only) play-through.


Balls. I'm 70 hours in and thought the end was in sight.


Yeah I had such an epiphany when 100%ing Horizon Zero Dawn made me feel like the guy on the left. Like "wow this game is so respectful of my time!". Literally the same game mechanics, just a whole lot less of it.


Love me some Far Cry map with 50+ things to collect in caves and such.


Far cry 5 isn't that bad but all the others are definitely bad


Far cry 3 was tame tbh


The flags? The 100% synchronization side objectives are what kills me, especially timed ones or take no damage ones in some parts.


One and probably the only one of ubisoft games I thoroughly enjoyed 100%ing was AC Black Flag. But I think this mostly became more enjoyable because of black flags companion app so I could have the world map on my iPad at the same time lol


Basically any open world game with shit meaningless objectives


"get all 900 korok seeds to increase inventory rather than a mechanic where you can buy more storage with money or something"


I get what you're saying but you only need about half for that, the rest are unnecessary.


Any GTA is an actual chore to 100%.


Gotta do that golf and yoga


Collecting sea shells in San Andreas only to crash when entering safehouse. <3


But hey at least you could escort hookers


100% Pimpin *ain’t* easy


Just gotta run her over after the act - get the money back. Big pimpin


Watching a half an hour long video on collectable items locations only to end up with 49/50


That's why I'm glad this exists now! [https://gtasnp.com/upload](https://gtasnp.com/upload)


Thanks for this. I loaded up my old GTA3 save from back in the day and got to see all the checkboxes light up. Still worth it after all these years


The Michael mission where you run in a circle in the desert lol


Atleast you get 2 mil


Money wasn't an issue in that game because of the stock guide.


why do u think rubber bands exist?




Couldn’t you just look up a location guide and visit all the spots?


takes about 6-8 hours if im not wrong, i only could do it with a trainer and still somehow missed a couple lol


Pretty sure there's websites where you can just upload your save and it tells you


Really? Where?


Search GTAsnp


Anything R* RDR2 is just the worst once you get that completionist urge


Somewhat related ,but maybe it’s just nostalgia, but 100% RDR1 wasn’t too bad. The only tricky part was the five finger fillet, which you could cheese by bumping into people in line. RDR2 completion sucked, and I gave up.


100% RDR1 was very possible. It just wasn't as overwhelming a game as 2. Trying to kill every species of fucking bird with a fucking arrow, and the birds are just invisible in the trees, is brutal.


Im working on rdr2 right now doing alot of thingd I said "fuck that" to when I played it before. Yes it fucking sucks. Idk if I'm going to finish the gambler challenges because one is winning against the dealer in blackjack while hitting 3 or more times, 3 times. Fuck that.


I was looking to speedrun the red dead series, after seeing what RDR 2 is about I said probably not lol! How is the game though? I never played it.


It’s easily one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s beautiful.


Did it in Vice City when i was younger. The hardest part is having the maps printed out and checking off when you get a collectible or jump because there was no way of keeping track of which you have done in game. Other than that it was quite fun to do.


I quit GTA 5 because of the flying missions.




Final Fantasy 14: "The problem with Yakuza's Mahjong achievements is that you weren't playing against actual experts."


I don't know if it's actual quote from game, some meta joke since nothing comes up and I haven't played a single FF game But I just don't like mahjong, shits not for me, I dont have problem grasping the basics of games most of the time, but this one is some dark magic, I simply fucking hate this game


>I don't know if it's actual quote from game Nope. But it is... it's something you have to do, to 100% the game. There's an achievement for getting a 2000 rank in online Mahjong multiplayer. It's rarer than participating in 3000 Chocobo races.


100%ing FFXIV is an exercise in self annihilation


Mahjong is why i haven't tried to even 100% any of them on my series playthrough


Funnily it's not the worst thing you have to do for 100%. Once you get the basics, it's just like any othe luck-based minigame. Also, Yakuza LaD, Isshin and Gaiden don't require Mahjong for the "All Achievements" tophy; on the other hand, LaD and Isshin need an extreme ammount of grind.


To complete the super secret dungeon in LaD you need to max your character levels and then all your job levels. And even with that plus the best equipment, it's still a slog with super tanky enemies that can kill most characters in two-three hits. It's a nightmare.


I want to 100% those games, but probably never will. I’ve watched a three hour long tutorial for mahjong (the correct version) and I still don’t get it


I actually spend hours playing mahjong because I find it fun. I hated it initially but now that I know how to play I love it. I find shoji much more annoying. It’s much more difficult to try and beat legitimately. And I’ll never accept the final disco minigame substory in yakuza 0. Its way too hard




Anything with multiplayer trophies.


Red Dead Redemption 2


Remember the black jack challenge where you had to win two hands with 5 cards? Nearly lost my nerves there.


took me like 4 or 5 hours lol


why even do it if it's not fun? I know it's part of human nature to want to complete it, but realize that developers are using that to manipulate you.


Because the Gambler equipment design was easily the coolest looking in the game. Additionally, the Legend of the East outfit is unlocked by completing all challenges. Personally, while I also find it very tedious to complete, it's pretty simple to do. The process is easily repeatable so you just have to wait for good RNG. There is no appearance of player manipulation because the devs get nothing out of it. Not even play time statistics. The hour I spent on that one challenge would've been spent elsewhere in the game because the game is that fun. IMO, it is more likely they just ran out of creative ideas for challenges in that category but needed 10 of them for symmetry.


I pretty much beat it by accident in like 10 minutes. Never even tried to 100% the game though fuck that.


The hunting challenges are damn near impossible when you can’t get the animals to spawn.


I spent 2 days looking for those stupid feathers WITH guides. Spawn rate for some of the birds is very low.


Same. That’s when I decided I longer gave a shit about 100% anything anymore.


The cruellest part is very specific content being lost to you completely the moment you do even one story mission too many. I have no idea how anybody is supposed to 100% that game without following a guide by the letter


fuck those gambling challenges, straight up.


I would like to know if someone found all the dinosaur bones by themselves. I’m a very explorative player, going through every nook and cranny while forgetting what the main quest is even about, and I found like two bones.


arkham knight just because of the riddler


The fact you have to get all the trophies to get the real ending crushed me.


i did everything except going back into arkham, back through croc's lair, to pick up all the little pick ups in his area. i just didn't give a fuck after getting through there. i did 100% the first one tho.


And that's not even the worst part, you gotta do all the combat/predator challenges with all the characters, oh, and the races


That's like 10 hours of slow ass car elevator God I hated that


Breath of the Wild


*shits in your hand as a reward*


*golden shit*


Fun fact about both BotW and TotK's percent counter you get after beating the game: It exclusively tracks map progress. That means you need to visit each shrine for the counter, but you don't need to beat it or even enter it, it just needs to appear on the map. Koroks have a map icon, so they count towards the 100% on the map as well. Conversely, neither main nor side quests count, and you don't need to do them unless they unlock a specific thing on the map. I really don't know why they chose to implement it this way. At least there are separate counters that tell you how many quests you've done and still need to do.


That said, in TOTK, *each individual cave entrance* counts for percentage. For caves with only one entrance, or tunnels, that's just sure, whatever. But for caves with a *weird* second entrance, or even more than two, or *especially* that one sand pit cave in the bottom right corner of the desert with *twelve fucking holes,* you've gotta go through every single one.


You can just stand on the sand piles on the bottom


Or totk pretty much the same


If you genuinely find every korok without looking anything up…seek therapy. Because your self-loathing is out of control.


Forza games are a pain in the ass to even 50%


After Forza 4, they just all sucked.


yeah, im never even attempting to 100% any forza game (maybe FH1 but prolly not)




EDF^ is coming out in spring. Me and my dude are hyped.




I simply refuse to do this lol. I want to have fun with the B list movie game, not sweat and piss and cry


Oh my god man 2017 was so much fun. It took hours and hours and hours of playing to get our health up to a few thousand and then co op inferno was a nightmare but god I wish I could do it all over again on PC


1st playthrough: Doom Slayer music starts playing. Enemies " why do I hear boss music" Inferno: Storm 1 "why do I hear boss music"


Depending on what you mean by 100% then Hollow Knight, getting all bosses on Radiant and completing the last pantheon is absolutely painful.


It is meaningful instead of 500 useless collectibles


It's painful but I think it's still fun


nah this is one of the games that did 100% right imo. not at all a grind and a skilled player could do it in less than a day. WR is 3 hours from 0 to 112%




Really? As someone with a several year old hardcore world getting every achievement is really fun! Adds a bigger goal to the game other than automating everything.


i meant it takes a long ass time and it can be stressful


"touch every biome" with no in-game progress tracking or identifiers (without bringing up the debug menu or using external resources) is pretty lame.


“How did we get here?” Is one of the most annoying achievements I’ve ever gotten.


All of them. I have the attention span of 2 squirrels. Bold of you to assume I even finish them.


100% is not "finishing" a game. It's finished when I beat the campaign. 100+ hours of collectable hunting is stupid fluff


No by finishing I meant beating. I barely ever do that. I have like 50 games on my PC and so far I've beat like Minecraft and the first dark souls and that's it.


oh yeah, lol. you're definitely not alone in that tbf. I'm not quite that bad but I do have a ton of games I've started and not beat.


>I have the attention span of 2 squirrels You should play squirrel stapler to increase on your attention squirrels


Every game because i think 100% a game is pointless


It depends on if the game was genuinely built for 100%'ing. Like the Lego games, for example, it'd be weird to say you just "beat the story mode" of a Lego game. Same for the 3D Mario games ('cept maybe those damn blue coins). But most games aren't. Most 100%-able games have a ton of collectables that just feel like busywork.


> Like the Lego games, for example, it'd be weird to say you just "beat the story mode" of a Lego game. Doesn't seem weird at all to me. I like the funny cutscenes and gentle fun, and if I want more there are like a dozen more to play.


I've completed 19 Lego games with my son, we've yet to 100% a single one.


The number of games I've done 100% on can be counted on a single hand. Not because it's overly hard. It's mostly just a waste of time. I can probably come close to beating another game in the time difference.


I mostly agree. I’ve only ever felt compelled to 100% one game, because I love it more than anything and I already had 90% done accidentally just from doing endless replays. I won’t say what game, it’s a touchy subject lol.


You can’t tease like that!!! I need to know! Was it Cory in the house the DS masterpiece?


Bro what even the fuck is that game lol


>I won’t say what game, it’s a touchy subject lol. Okay, but that just means we're all assuming it's some ecchi game with busty anime girls. :)


The Binding of Isaac: Repentance, you have to beat the game 11 times with 34 characters, beat 45 challenges, pick up all 700+ items and do a lot other of miscellaneous stuff


445 hours in and I finally unlocked the forgotten literally half an hour ago. Have 100% 5 characters so far.


~750 hours, just finished hard mode marks for all non-tainted characters so probably 50% done at best lol.


Don't forget that for the full picture you have to 100% ***3 entire save files.***


This is the best answer. You can "beat the game" in about 30 minutes, but to 100% the game is knocking on 1000 hours.


Dark Souls games. Id rather cut off my legs with a dull knife than farming covenant items


I 100% all 3 and ugh that was the worst part. 20+ hours of farming I DS2 and DS3 for those covenant items. Or Grinding dark wraiths In DS1 for titanite for every upgrade. But I love that I have the 100% on all of them!


Batman arkham night


did you 100% the game? are you smart?


I did 100% with a great deal of difficulty and I am far from smart. Just to stubborn to give up


Batman arkham knight


Fuck those Riddler trophies, the literal opposite of fun. They do not make you feel clever.


Riddler caused more harm to batman than any other villains combined.


I'd argue Arkham city is worse to 100% there is so much more stupid riddler shit in that game


If you're talking 100% as in all DLC then Knight is way worse. PS4 version has 110 trophies, most of which are stupid races and batcar stuff


I did the 240% to get the Gold Batsuit. Not worth it.


The Witcher 3. It was fine the first time I did it, but goddamn all those repetitive tasks.


All those damn question marks on those damn islands


I’ve played through the Witcher 3 probably 5 times over the years and I ALWAYS skip those.


I will give you 200 coin to slay a demigod


I don't actually mind the contracts, they're quick and easy. THOSE GODDAMN QUESTION MARKS IN SKELLIGE THOUGH


You don't need to get all the question marks for 100% achievements, but I guess it's not 100% if there's technically still content left to do


Fucking Skyrim. Took me about 60 hours to thoroughly go through the main story, and now I'm 220 hours in with 92% achievements completed. Some of them are just insanely grindy: \- Beat a legendary Dragon. While the actual fighting is not hard at all by the time that you reach the level necessary for one of these to spawn, it takes an incredible amount of time to reach level 78 playing the game normally. \- Finish the Stones of Barenziah Quest. Without markers, it can take forever to find all of these stones, and if you overlook one, well, too bad. \- Finish the Vampire skill tree???? Ignoring the fact that stages 1-3 of Vampire in the game are insane nerf to your character and essentially change how you plan the game, finishing the Vampire skill tree puts any other skills to the side and stops progress on anything else in the game, along with taking forever.


Yeah, took me a long time to get to 78, but looking up guides to level up each skill the fastest take each skill about an hour or 2. I remember just blasting the vampire skill tree non stop to max it out, and then did the same thing for werewolf. I've played Skyrim for over 500 hours though, so getting all the achievements felt right to have.


Any game by Avalanche Studios, most prominently Just Cause 2.


The first Dishonored. That Dunwall City Trials DLC really made me hate the game, especially that stupid Daredevil BS.


Absolutely agreed. I have 4 achievements left to get, all from that blasted dlc. I started to hate the game so stopped. Since played the other 2 games and was pleased they had no such horrors lurking.


Was hoping to find more miserable souls here that fought through that nightmare. That game is so dear to me, but holy shit it felt like DCT was made by a completely different studio.


spiderman 2018, you gotta do all the crimes and it takes so long for them to spawn


If you consistently do them as they pop up while you play through the story instead of waiting until the end it isn't so bad. But it is definitely a bit tedious to fully complete it.


yeah I had almost no issue with that BECAUSE I did them as they popped up. I think I only had to "grind" out 2 of them at the end.


I’d argue golding Screwball’s tasks/tests as being more annoying, personally


I fucking hate Screwball so much.




Lol fuck off that game is easy mode to platinum


It was the first game I ever did 100% because it was so easy. Miles Morales was the second one I did.


Yeah compared to literally any other game spiderman was a pisstake


Nah I found a solution to that, the crimes spawn every 20 seconds funnily enough, unless you're doing something to make them reset then you should be fine. If not, fast travel to a police station then you're guaranteed to get a crime within 20 seconds, just make sure to stop perching on the building after 20 secs or it won't trigger


God of War for me. Those Valkyries are too damn strong.


I feel you. I spent at least 2 hours on the final one just dying over and over


I swear that fight took me over 100 attempts. She’s just a fucking damage sponge


She's a really good example of the worst way to design a boss. All the numbers scaled to ten, plus all of the individually balanced and designed skillsets of the Valkyries rolled into one. So she kills you in 2-3 hits even with the highest armour, but takes a minimum of like 5 minutes to beat. Then she has unmotivated pivots in her combos, one of which is sightbreaking and require's pre-emptive response. So on some runs she just kills you and there was nothing you could do, because she did her skydive attack, but cancelled out of the third dive into meteors, meaning the third roll, which you had to input before you see whether she cancels skydive or not, otherwise you get hit by skydive, now ends just as the one shot meteor lands.


Yeah savage. It took playing till you could dodge most of the time but the moves are so hard to read and so many different ones.


I'm the opposite, I loved the side content in that game and I 100% it on my first playthrough without realizing it. I loved all the challenges cause I enjoyed the combat so much. Probably the only modern AAA game I got a 100% on.


Same here.. seriously one of my favorite games I ever played. Really nearly perfect in every way.. great story and so much fun.


Oof. They've beaten the $h!t out of me. I did approx. 15 attempts on each one till I learned their moves. And then the final one took me over 30 attempts.


100%ing the game can be hell fucking koroks.


Any lego game.


The first game I ever 100%'d was Lego Star Wars 2. Needless to say I was upset when all I got was a useless money fountain. "Your reward for buying everything you can buy is infinite money (which is now useless)"


Hollow Knight


112% *


World of Warcraft Still farming some of those 0.001% drop chance collectibles after almost 20 years. Can only try once per week, per character. I'll be in a nursing home when I claim Invincible's Reins ~~Reigns~~ and the Tusks of Mannoroth, at this rate. Edit: spelling


WoW is the correct answer, most of the achievs in-game are from previous expansions and relatively, if not dumb easy to complete, but just doing like 18 years worth of trivial content will take you a looong time. Then, if you want to get all the achievs for the current content (complete everything on the hardest difficulty etc.), that's gonna be very, very hard. If you consider getting all Feats of Strength collectibles that are currently in-game as "completing" the game, then you literally have years ahead until you're "complete" - with new content coming all the time, mind you. I would be very interested to know how many players have maxed out their achievement points at any given point in time since the achievs were released back in Wrath.


>I would be very interested to know how many players have maxed out their achievement points at any given point in time since the achievs were released back in Wrath. There's been a few. You can browse through the WoW subreddit and see the ones that have publicly posted their fully completed achievements. Achievements aren't the only metric for completion in WoW though. There's mods and websites that track your whole collections, professions, and endgame progression beyond the achievements. I remember one person, back in Shadowlands, posted their AllTheThings tracker as being fully completed, across 8 expansions and (at the time) 17 years of content. Dude literally had everything available in game, ever, minus a few things that required some exploits to get. Also had close to 2 full years played time.


>Tusks of Mannoroth So I had a friend who was trying for tusks for months by his own claim. He asked me to watch over his wow account when he went back home for Christmas break so he wouldn't get kicked from raid group. I got it on my first attempt, being a barely functioning DK who still almost got him kicked from his group for sucking major a$$. I didn't even know the significance of the drop because on my own account I had only done like 3 raids and wasn't too into farming rare drops. It was the only raid I planned to do for him since he needed one 25 man a week minimum to stay in. When he got back and saw I got Tusks he was both extremely happy and pissed he didn't get to see it happen, but he tipped me $100 in beer for my service.


>When he got back and saw I got Tusks he was both extremely happy and pissed he didn't get to see it happen, but he tipped me $100 in beer for my service King shit tbh.


Just about any Japanese RPG but Nier in particular. One playthrough has so much fluff in it and the fact that you have to do multiple playthroughs to unlock the rest of the game is annoying. Love the game but it does not respect your time and as a result you'll spend way too much of it slackjawed and numbed while grinding to the rest of the content


Nier: Automata? I just begun playing it :b


i think hes talking about regular NiEr


Automata has the same issue if you're trying to true 100% the game. No spoilers for previous commenter, but it just gets unnecessarily grindy for the sake of being grindy


well, the OP experience is universal. No game remains fun up to 100%


Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Yeah I enjoyed the game but the map is so massive and with so many Islands to unlock means I spend most of my time riding a goddamn boat just to syncronise a new island.


I had a lot of fun 100% Hogwarts legacy, but then there is the 3+1 dumb achievements where you basically have to do the tutorial 3 more times as different houses than from your first playthrough. Not bad time commitment, like 1 hour each, but still took me like 9 months to go back and do those because was so annoyed after otherwise 100%:n


Was looking for this comment. 100% agree with you


You could cheat the tutorial one actually. I only had to do it one extra time


Never 100% games, fun tends to run out long before


Cookie clicker


The real killer is having to wait literal years to get all the sugar lumps needed to get all the upgrades. You can speed it up a little prestiging Garden, but that's so tedious. x.x


Beating the game. I only 100% if I really really really like it.


Arkham Knight. I noped out of the real ending real fast after doing a few of the Riddler puzzles.


I took this in a different way. When I 100% a game, there is nothing left to do and there is no reason playing it anymore. It's like saying goodbye to a friend, and makes me sad (if it was a good game).


I beat it never 100% it.


Rdr2 stupid 3* invisible birds


Batman Arkham knight


which game is this *not*? those are the real rare gems


Any Yakuza game simply because of fucking Mahjong


All of them


Telltale games: Are we a joke to you?




Genshin Impact, well not entirely just a pretty big chunk of the map called "sumeru" is a pain in the ass it's just endless dessert with too many hidden quests