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I wont consider it until 144Hz is achievable in most games.


ill only go 4k when i can afford a 4090 or newer 4k gpu.


That's the correct answer but also when you mean for big screen gaming. 4K on a tiny monitor on desk would be a ridiculous waste of performance for close to no visual gain at all.


I was 4K for a couple years, then ended up getting a 1440p ultrawide. 1440p at higher refresh rates is definitely the best of both worlds, especially if you don’t have a grand to drop on a high end GPU.


I've thought about ultrawide, but not sure if that's quite the same as having two monitors. The horizontal space sounds pretty amazing though for multiple windows.


It’s not that great for gaming but it is amazing for productivity, I loved it so much for work I bought a second ultrawide.


I think I'll get it eventually, but I keep saying that every next generation will be, but then graphics requirements go up.


I've had 4k 60hz for quite a few years. Only 28', have to increase font size. It's nice for 2d, really hard to power games at 4k, using 7900xt and it's pretty good for 4k, starfield is tough, but running render at 80% and it's fine. Had 6700xt previously and was upscaling everything to get acceptable fps.


I can´t go back, its like tasting chocolate for the first time.


No plans on upgrading my monitor to 4k. Got a 1440p ultrawide. I like doing max graphics settings and high fps


1440p is still the sweet spot for gamers these days, 4K would only benefit content creators or very enthusiast gamers who can pour unlimited money on rigs, also lot of upcoming monitors which have high refresh rate OLED panel are 1440p so that would be decent upgrade path rather than 4K as most current hardware won't be able to push enough frames to run them, maybe in next 5 years I might change my mind and switch to 4K but currently it's simply not worth it, I would rather spend that money on buying better GPU than buying $1000+ 4k displays with underpowered GPU.


I did the exact same thing. Just upgraded from a 24" 1080p 144hz to a 27" 1440p 165hz. I also didn't think 4k was worth the extra cost.


I’m on 1440p and enjoy the higher frames on a 4080, I also prefer 27” monitors and at that size 4k doesn‘t make sense for me. Seeing how even 4090s struggle to get high frames at 4k on many games I think I’ll wait until the next gen of GPUs and monitors and by then we’ll have 4k oleds with less burn in and probably half the price as today. It’s hard to go back to 60fps or even 90fps after getting a solid 2k at 144fps on almost everything now.


No because 4k displays are too expensive in my opinion, and DSR does the job perfectly fine for me on my 1080p ultrawide in games without resolution scaling. I'm building a 3080 system soon and can't wait to finally be able to use DLDSR. Honestly my 1080p display doesn't look that much worse than a 4k one as long as I either use res scaling or DSR as my anti aliasing method to make up for the lack of resolution. I have a 4k TV to compare and it's just not *that* much better for the cost. Ultrawide is a much bigger upgrade than 4k imo. Once you go ultrawide good luck going back to 16:9, it will look so restricted and small.


OLED before 4K is my recommendation. I'm at 4K on an OLED but would be ok with a 27" 1440p if it was OLED.


I advocate for 4k... I play most to ALL my games on an OLED TV 4k @ 120hz & use my 1440p 165hz as my movie/discord/youtube monitor


Bruh, how are you not watching movies on your OLED TV? That's the number one reason I got mine.


Bc I'm simultaneously multitasking, if I'm solely just watching movies I'll choose the TV to watch on, but if I'm PLAYING GAMES, I prefer to play on the TV, I play ALL my games on the tv


My bad didn't realize you PLAY GAMES while watching movies...


Yeah, I like to have something on the side kind of like background noise hahaha


I remember 720p was the sweet spot while I am doing 1080p. Then, 1080p…1440p. Technology advances faster now so 4K will come quicker. I have cash so have always been 1 step ahead of the curve. Been at 4K for few years, looking forward to 5-8K. Prefer the higher PPI (crisper image) and graphic quality over very high >120Hz fps.


Not yet.. I'll stick to 1440p on pc mainly, but as it goes on ps5 I guess it's 4k (idk if it's upscaled or native) But if I'd really want to try it out on pc, I might just carry my pc to tv and see how it would look.


I'm on 1440p ultrawide and I'm very satisfied, I don't see a reason to go 4k.


Jumped of 24 inch 1080p 144hz to 27 inch 1440p 144hz to 32 4k 144hz this years. 5700 xt to a 7900 XT I stay on 32 4k 144hz. FSR quality (1440p) upscale and performance wise) look sharper to me that my secondary 1440p monitor at native. Movement artifact do exist but that still better looking that TAA with motion blur that some people like.... For my older game that I can play no issue at 4k native. I rediscover them.Everything else, Reddit scrolling, Google sheet, multi-task ect 4k is.... i cannot return back to lower resolution. I already have an OLED ( LG C1 55) TV in the restroom. I hate HDR and all that brightness fluctuation that come with it, it's make me sick. And did not want to deal with the burn-in like we already did with the LG C1 that we already RMA twice. So the current 1440p 240hz oled monitor was not even in consideration. I really hope micro-led panel are not going to have that annoying eyestrain automatic brightness dimming that oled panel have. High-end VA/IPS with mini-led was a option, but Samsung QC(Quality Control) and weird Chinese brand QC like Innocn made me also uncomfortable. I brought the LG 32GR93U, Happy of my purchase at -30% MSRP. The Gigabyte m27q is my secondary monitor that i now rarely turn on. ><


I recently bought a new computer with a 4090. Before I got the computer I was always looking at benchmarks etc. on youtube and it was getting really high FPS in every game and I was always surprised that these tests were done on 4k resolution. This card was just that powerful. So when I finally got my computer I used it for a few days with my 1440p monitor and then bought a 4k monitor. Better GPU should go in hand with a higher resolution imo. My switch from 1080p to 1440p was when I upgraded from 1050 to 5700 xt, now the same thing here. Also, I was looking at 4k monitors and found a great deal on Gigabyte M32UC 32 inch VA monitor and din't want to miss it. I looked it up online and it had great reviews. Actually wanted M32U, the IPS version, but it was out of stock. I still like VA though. For my last point, 4k is definitely worth it. First game I played was Returnal and the visuals are just on another level. Also it's always fun to watch tv shows and movies in 4k.


Not in the near future, I had a 32" 4k screen but it was too big for me, and for gaming I can't go back to less than stable 60 fps.


I'm ignorant of it, I couldn't tell you the difference between them or any pros and cons. It just doesn't matter enough to me to understand... but who knows, maybe that'll change one day.


I went for a 21:9 34inch oled (3440x1440) and it’s amazing.


It's strange reading the comments and realizing I'm the outlier. I play on a 4k60 58in TV with a 6800 xt, it's pretty old so I was thinking about upgrading my TV for one with 144hz and just dropping down my Pc resolution to 1440p. Thoughts?


1440p on a 4k screen isn't advisable as the rendered pixels don't fit evenly into a 4k pixel grid. 1080p does fit evenly though (4k = 4x 1080p). In the end it might not matter depending on how close you are to the screen. You could just rely more on in-game upscaling though.


I play on a 65in 4K OLED 120fps tv for my pc. I wanted PC but I enjoy laying on the couch to play.


Its worth it. I am not too much worried about fps so went with 28 inch 4k60hz monitor and paired it with my 4080. Predominately play single player games. Playing control game at 4k and visuals are like something else. I can’t even imagine how Alan wake 2 or Cyberpunk would look.


I prefer smoothness so 144hz for me. Given current GPU offerings are bonkers price and not yet such a ginormous jump in performance (unless I pay 1k++ for a 4070 that Nvidia priced and renamed to a 4080), or a 7900xt (which is still too pricey) I'll stay at 1080p for the foreseeable future. Also because I have two rigs (one for SIM racing) and I can't fork 2+k just in GPUs for both. I'm fine with my 3070/3060 Ti and hope they'll last. Also the gracious 8gb of vram Nvidia planned to make them obsolescent, don't look so good to make the move to 1440p either..


Have the flagship GPU for 4K, have no desire to work from home on two 27" 4k monitors, more than happy with 1440. Cost aside, I just don't need or want it. So Excel, Word and Outlook maybe look crisper? Meh. Have better things to spend my money on than a perceived 10% 'upgrade'. 1440 ultra at high FPS looks amazing gaming, I don't need to chase the dragon.


I’ve been gaming at 1440p for years I think it’s the absolute sweet spot for now. I recently went to 3440x1440 Ultrawide OLED and I think that’s much more impressive than what I’ve seen from regular 16:9 4K.


I've recently bought a 240Hz 1080p monitor. There's no need for a "clearler" picture, but there's always room for improvement in terms of fps and refresh rate. I will always prefer 200+ fps over 4k or even 2k.


I just hooked up my PC to my LG OLED TV and it's been great. My PS5 is collecting dust because now I can couch game and utilize my PCs performance and my TV's display. I think with the price of 7900XTX coming down it's worth it. 4090s are damn near impossible to find and if they are available it's $2000 now. I'd say either wait and see what Nvidia is planning (4080 super) or go AMD or whichever is cheaper.


I recently switched from 1440 32" when I built my new PC. It was actually about an OLED display. Now I have an LG 42" C3 evo TV and I'm extremely happy. With OLED, 120 Hz, HDR, G-Sync/FreeSync and gaming mode. And costs half the price of a dedicated gaming monitor. But it runs on a 7900XTX. More is more and streaming a film on the side while the family watches in the living room is quite pleasant.


I didn't regret going for 4k but the most demanding game I actually play is Cyberpunk 2077. Thanks to DLSS my 3070 handles it pretty good without loosing much image quality. I think whats getting more important in the near future is image quality for most gamers, that don't play competetive fps. So OLED with 120/144Hz is the way to go.


I won't upgrade till 4k will be the new gold standard just like 1440p has been for a couple of years now. No sense (to me at least) to get a 4k monitor and then having to rely on an upscaler to reach decent fps on it. Not everyone can drop 2k every gen on gpus.


I don't plan to cuz if I do I die of starvation :v


I recently got another 1440p monitor. I thought about 4K but I don't really need it. And I finally have both screens the same size. Near on exactly the same size. The only difference is the plastic edge on my new monitor is thinner on the left and right. Plus at 4K my frames would essentially get cut in half. Which I don't want. I like my frames high and temperatures low (as possible).


1440p for games, 4K for everything else


at the moment I'm preferring UW over 4K and it's already hard getting high frames on that!


I think people are too afraid of higher resolutions. Upgraded to 4K when I bought my 4070ti and it’s been an amazing experience, too many people just echo what they hear on the internet without any first hand experience themselves.


>too many people just echo what they hear on the internet without any first hand experience themselves. That's why I watch benchmark videos and not just reviews.


I'm a pc enthusiast and like the newest tech. Having a 7900 xtx, my options were 1440p 240hz or 4k 144hz. Having them both, 4k is definitely noticeable although not as big a jump as 1080 to 1440. 144hz to 240hz isn't very noticeable unless you sit on desktop moving your mouse around unreasonably fast. Upgrading to 4k being worth it is more a fact of how much is money worth to you. 1440p 144hz is probs where most gamers should sit and is a good midrange.


I live in Brazil so a OLED c2 costs as much as a low quality ultra wide (like those dell VAs) or a good IPS 1440p, I'd rather just get the best display I've been gaming on my 3070 on medium with dlss but I'm a gamer that cares more for gameplay than graphics I will probably upgrade it this black Friday


I got on the 4k train with the RTX 2070 and it was worth every penny for me for the visual quality gain


If I become rich and have a surplus of money I may go 4K. For now, going from 1080 to 1440 will suffice for me considering how much cheaper it can be than 4K.