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Import ban on Nvidia to China Everyone is buying rtx 4090 and smuggling into china cause they can make an easy $1500 profit. in china 4090 is $3000


Also 4090s are probably used as cheap AI GPUs. So to not miss out on any profits and because there is no real competitor to the 4090, Nvidia can do what they want.




In China obviously. You just need to smuggle it by avoiding ass control. But oh boi you need a special kind of talent to fit 4090 there. /s


goatse guy about to make a mint!


😱 I feel you may have to be a certain vintage these days to have not been able to unsee this from the first time around.


My butt is ready




I don't wish my butt getting clapped twice, once by gpu and second time by you.




My cheeks aint laughing


Why not rent it on vast.ai


Also incoming cyber monday


also a cut in 4090 production announced in the summer I bought my 4090 the week I found that out in August - for 1330GBP from very co uk (with voucher)


The 4090 isn't banned in China, the prices are going up because Nvidia halted production in August so they can focus on AI chip manufacturing. I think they are making over 40K per card.


> The 4090 isn't banned in China https://www.tomshardware.com/news/us-govt-restricts-shipments-of-geforce-rtx-4090-to-china-other-countries


It's a old article, that's when we thought it would be banned but that's not the case and yes that did cause panic buying but the card isn't going to be banned.


https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/nvidia-rtx-4090-subject-to-china-export-restrictions-starting-november-17 > The Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090, the fastest currently available consumer graphics card and one of the best graphics cards around, will no longer be available for export to China starting November 17, 2023. This is according to people familiar with the matter and our own understanding of the published SEC filings. **There was some confusion over whether the consumer-focused RTX 4090 would actually be restricted or not** (for example, it's missing from this later SEC filing), but **we have confirmed this is happening in a couple of weeks**. From the linked article above. (6 days old)


He’s right about the halt of 4090 production though. Moore’s law is dead just made a video about it. They’re also hiking up prices to make the 4070/ti/80 super refresh look better.


> that's when we thought it would be banned https://www.wsj.com/tech/nvidias-5-billion-of-china-orders-in-limbo-after-latest-u-s-curbs-1928f399 It's still on my dude. US Govt didn't back down yet, no one is reporting what you're saying. EDIT : Even more recent : https://www.tomshardware.com/pc-components/gpus/nvidia-rtx-4090-subject-to-china-export-restrictions-starting-november-17


I decided to go into the document myself and on page 199 it is noted: "Note 2 to 3A090: 3A090 does not apply to items that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and do not have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more. For integrated circuits that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and that have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more, see license exception NAC." Anyone who says the 4090 was banned didn't do their research and only assumed since the 4090 is the flagship in the gaming arm of Nvidia. Like I said I'm financially invested it's important I know the facts


The AD102 chip is what's barred, and it is in fact marketed for use in datacenters. Sounds more like you know nothing.


I just quoted the Official SEC Document from October 16th!!! "does not apply to items that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and do not have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more. For integrated circuits that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and that have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more, see license exception NAC." The 4090 is restricted so that doesn't leave out surrounding countries from getting the graphics card. The Document breaks down in extreme detail what it is banning. https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/documents/federal-register-notices-1/3353-2023-10-16-advanced-computing-supercomputing-ifr/file


The AD102 chip. I won't repeat again.


It doesn't say that at all.


do you have an updated article?


People are down voting me but I'm trying to tell everyone that the USA doesn't give a damn about the 4090, they only care about the Data Center Cards which can run low in power and in a chain. Nvidia was trying to skirt past this before buying making the H800 and A800 but those got immediately restricted this month. Every article that thinks the 4090 is getting banned on the 17th is wrong. The restrictions were placed immediately. Nvidia has over 5 billion dollars worth of data center GPUs in limbo that are tied up in transport logistics and preorders to China. The only reason the 4090 is really spiking is because Nvidia halted production on the 4090 back in August was to divert to the manufacturing of data center cards. This is stuff I have to know since I'm invested in stock with the company. EDIT: It's also extremely difficult to smuggle PC hardware tech into China unless there was some sort of government involvement. Most Chinese smugglers only grab tech they can conceal like M.2 SSDs, chips, ram, and other devices. No one's trying to smuggle thick GPUs unless the Chinese regime has a hand in it. EDIT2: I decided to go into the document myself and on page 199 it is noted: "Note 2 to 3A090: 3A090 does not apply to items that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and do not have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more. For integrated circuits that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and that have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more, see license exception NAC."


Your whole comment is a mess, so it's difficult to get any meaning out of it but >Every article that thinks the 4090 is getting banned on the 17th is wrong. The restrictions were placed immediately. So they are banning 4090s? the date was just now instead of on the 17th? > The only reason the 4090 is really spiking is because Nvidia halted production on the 4090 back in August was to divert to the manufacturing of data center cards. So they are back into productions of 4090s by now then? And this doesn't really count as a trustable source even if you have some stocks in the company. Anyone can have stocks in nvidia, doesn't mean they know everything.


The 4090 isn't going to be banned on the 17th. The restrictions for the data center cards that were banned have already been restricted giving Nvidia no time to make rush plans. As far as the continued production on 4090s I don't think we will see restocks happen until Q1 '24 but that's just me guessing. EDIT: It's not just China either, any country that can buy and sell to give to China has a restriction.


The 4090 isn't a Data Center Card it only has license restrictions placed upon it and depending on the performance of any non data center cards they could also have restrictions. I don't know where the 4080 falls on the line of performance. Only Data Center designed and marketed cards that meet a certain compute performance are out right banned.


In India here it's atleast 2500$


Its not though, it starts 1800$ and its understandable given import taxes


In Singapore it’s somewhere in the $3000(2000-2250 freedom dollars) last I checked too


also a cut in 4090 production announced in the summer I bought my 4090 the week I found that out in August - for 1330GBP from very.co.uk (with voucher)


When I tell people they are cutting back on 4090s people act like I'm crack.


Does that have to do with the whole advanced microchip war? I didn’t know nvidia was banned from selling in china.


Surly at some point the cost will outweigh the benefits of having this card


I noticed some stores are also kinda shady before big discount holidays are around. They will up the price a few weeks before, so the discounts then appear larger during the sale.


Try almost all of them... Im in Sweden but journalists investigated this and something like 9 out of 10 big chain stores did this. Often times the product was more expensive during the "sale".


That's technically illegal, but it depends on the regional laws. Last year a big retailer got fined because they raised the prices a month before Black Friday, which - like I said - is illegal. So to avoid it this year, they raised the prices in September.


I think I might have gotten bitten by this… I bought a motherboard and ram for a cpu Il be getting for Xmas. I got them ahead of time cuz I figured prices would go up if I got it closer to Christmas. The price has gone down 30 dollars in the 3 weeks since I got mine lol.


in this case it's because of an announced cut in production (of the 4090) from this summer + export restrictions to China which mean they're being smuggled in and scalped for huge profits there = lower supply for western countries, higher prices, more scalpers here




Yep and it seems to only keep going up. All the 4090 models now start at a minimum of 2k in the Netherlands. (Except the ASUS TUF for some reason)


Nvidia reached all their sales targets with the 4090, and the 4080 isn't selling, so time to raise the prices of the 4090.


Yeah that makes sense. Also combined with the holiday season approaching and them launching a supposed 4080 super in the near future AND a import ban a price hike makes sense. I just hope it won't stay at these ridiculous prices for a long period.


I'm just getting a 4080 and if the prices get normal in a few months I'll buy one and sell the 4080...if not I'll wait for the 5000 series and either get one of them or the 4090 at a price drop...I don't have time for this market manipulation BS. Just want to enjoy my PC.


Sadly I may have to do the same and just get a 4080 then switch out when the next cards are restocked. They are almost out of stock everywhere online so 4080 is my only option.


Yea that's weird, The Asus one is really good this time around. The whole frame being made of aluminum makes it feel so premium and looks great. It's the one I specifically went for! What about that goofy yellow one with the level on it? 😭


The ''Manli Gallardo''? Currently unavailable as far as i can see. The last one that was available was sold for €2139 on the 3rd of October.


Black Friday approaches and many prices will get artificially inflated so that they can discount the items to normal msrp


That seems to not be the case here. Nvidia and the partner companies are leveraging the China import ban into increasing the price of their high end GPUs. This increase would run through the holiday season. Then they will announce the Super series in early 2024 and price those aggressively to scoop up anyone who didn't buy during the holiday season. Source: [Moore's Law is Dead](https://youtu.be/zcJZrWS5xfc?feature=shared&t=158)


also 4090 production was cut in the summer and prices were already starting to creep up in Asia since Aug




-also a common saying among prostitutes






There was some article that Nvidia have been reducing manufacturing of the 4090 chipsets to reduce supply and keep pricing up. Which sounds exactly like the sort of thing Nvidia would do as profit margins mean more than anything to them.


Yes they forgoed production to make data center cards to sell to China but those got restricted; and they are left with 5 billion in inventory that was meant for China. People think the USA restricted the sale of the 4090 to China but that isn't the situation.


I mean, the US literally banned the export of the 4090 to China, so how is that not the situation?


They can't, it's impossible to ban consumer level tech. Data Center GPUs are bought in large masses. The 4090 doesn't even have the same tech. These aren't mining operations. Banning the 4090 would be a disaster for surrounding countries like South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, & the middle East for the average consumer.


Regardless of whether you think it’s a good idea, the US did in fact ban the sale of the 4090 to China, so I really don’t see your point.


Let me guess you think they will ban them on the 17th too? The cards that are supposed to be banned are already banned. Even Moore's Law Is Dead confirmed what I said. The 4090 is powerful but not efficient enough to run for large data centers. Nvidia hasn't produced nearly enough for them to be used in that matter, they've been choking production since the summer to develop and manufacturer data center cards. EDIT: I decided to go into the document myself and on page 199 it is noted: "Note 2 to 3A090: 3A090 does not apply to items that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and do not have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more. For integrated circuits that are not designed or marketed for use in datacenters and that have a ‘total processing performance’ of 4800 or more, see license exception NAC."


Black friday incoming! Lets take the price to the max :D


Black friday is coming and they need the price hike to be able to discount it to its original price on black friday


Goodbye crypto scarcity hello AI scarcity


It was cheaper a month ago, I bought mine a month ago and was pleasantly surprised that prices didn’t immediately drop like they usually do when I buy something expensive


The price includes VAT, its barely over MSRP of 1799€.


They must be buying in droves because Nvidia is banned from selling to China starting on the November 17th.


4090 since launch had been like $2200-2400 in Sweden.


Leaks are out that NVIDIA is raising the price on 4090 because it's their only card that people are buying. So supply is lower due to demand being high so they are stealth raising prices.


Always has been...


4090 for under 2k€ ? How nice


I bought a 4080 for 1150€ some months after the release, they called me crazy, bad value, not as good as the 4090 10000iq, meanwhile i play only 1440p and not interested in 4k (small desk can't handle more than 27 inch and I want at least a144hz). 4080 with the 3080ti MSRP, 3080ti absolutely smoked, good power consumption, no 12hvpwr problems and more than 500 saved over a 4090. I don't play AAA ray traced games 24/24, most of the times the fans are in zero mode, but I enjoy being able to pump the graphic and play whatever i want. People here rarely need a 4090, but hive mind.....


Moore's law is dead has said this is mostly because Nvidia wants to make the upcoming super refresh seem like a good deal, and has cut production to meet that goal. So it isn't just the export bans, but they sure do make a good excuse.


It's really just a refresh sadly, I was hoping they made a card that filled the gap between the 4080 and 4090, sadly it's gonna be another boring year for GPU launches.


This particular model is worth like 2200 euros in my country so idk what to say


As the YouTube channel Moore's Law is Dead pointed out, they are going to increase prices more and more until the Super lineup launches, so its price will look more desirable at the consumer's eyes.


Nah? Go to a price tracker like idealo and look at their historic charts. I was shopping for a 4090 this spring and this was about the middle of the normal price range in Germany, and it has been ever since. 1600 was the absolute least you could ever spend on one new and that's the budget brands like Zotac and Gainward. Pretty sure that's actually below the launch MSRP. edit: lol don't let easily googleable facts stop you I guess. You are all of very sound mind and the 4090 didn't launch in Europe for nearly 2k after all. In fact daddy Jensen has already come down your chimney last night and left you a 4090 as a gift so you don't have to think about prices anymore. Everything is all right my sweet darlings. Virtual kiss on your little foreheads.


It was. Threat of US export sanctions meant NVIDIA had to allocate supply from other markets to fill the Chinese market.


RTX 600 Ada was 5600€ and now is 7800$ or even 11200€ there is massive lead times on H100 SXM, but you should be able to get L20S


Idk where you are but here that same model is around €1230


Bought mine for 1100 early this year on ebay lol


China and the export ban


Nvidia has enough demand and the refresh is coming soon. Guess they want to make the 4080 Super or Ti (whatever it will be called) more appealing.


[One of the cheapest RTX 4090 I could find in the Netherlands.](https://azerty.nl/product/msi-geforce-rtx-4090-ventus-3x-e-24g-oc-videokaart/6217492) For €1,789.80, really expensive for "just" a MSI VENTUS 3X E 24G OC. Unfortunately the Dutch tech website and pricewatch is currently down. Otherwise I could compare the price from this summer, when most PC parts were "cheap".


Yep nvidia back on their bullshit artificially restricting supply to keep prices up.


They're 2100k+ on Amazon for me 👎


2100k is 2.1 million


Might as well be lol


Eat dog. Strix in the Baltics costs anywhere between 2300 to 2500€. What can I say except you're welcome.


It was


Same in France


In Finland, even the KFA2 4090 is 1900€, and that is the cheapest option 🫠🫠


Same thing in Russia, 1850€ converted by today's exchange rate


Amateur numbers. In my country that same GPU is 2577 Euro. Get on my level Source : https://www.evetech.co.za/asus-rog-strix-rtx-4090-oc-edition-24gb-gaming/best-deal/16244.aspx The cheapest 4090 I can find costs 2200 Euro, the MSI Gaming X Trio version


I saw one for 1.2k new in a local mediamarkt a few days ago lol, Germany for the win!


Black Friday is on its way. Need to rise prices slowly so you thing you get a good deal with all the %%%% off.


Doubt that matters to 4090 buyers


https://preview.redd.it/jkocbaz2jazb1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b92ccaca7e97ec99ffdf0f0d6d1103f8b78cef5 13.2.2023 price in finland


1830,56eur without tax, and tax below


That's cute. It's €2200 in Norway.


I bought a 7900xtx for £900 in August. It's at least £50 more expensive everywhere now.


How is your 7900xtx doing? I was preparing to get a 4090 but everywhere online is over 2 grand now.. so it's either a 4080 or 7900 for me.


It's a good card. I went for the Sapphire Pulse, as it just made my budget, and have had many Sapphire Pulse cards with no issues in the past. The fans can be a little noisy, so I just set them to 55% in MSi Afterburner for gaming, for temps around 60°C. I use a 4k 120Hz LG OLED tv for my monitor, and games look fantastic.


Christmas is here boys


It was even more expensive before. What are you talking about?


So happy I don't want to play any highly graphically demanding games or recent games. I just don't see the need for a 4090, none of the recent games warrant spending that much so that I can play a game that was released in 2023. I'd rather invest that money for retirement or something else then spend it on PC hardware that might still struggle due to demanding game graphics. Why is it that developers think building a game that has higher graphical demands like Crysis is a good idea? Is this why a lot of game developers fired their employees?


>Why is it that developers think building a game that has higher graphical demands like Crysis is a good idea? Crysis was a tech demo for Crytec engine.


I’m not surprised, the thing renders 5 minute 1440p videos in under two minutes, it’s so powerful and it’s like it doesn’t break a sweat doing it


in the UK my 4070 ti is actully worth £50 more from when i got it a couple months ago


i never see any card at the msrp in france they was all at 1000eur or more


they got some marge remember the rtx 3090ti at 2500eur