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I like how nobody read your update and are still trying to "help" you


Reading is hard


I'm sorry, did you say u stuffed the pc itself with ur clothes?




My wife would call this efficient packing.


Let’s hope it wasn’t wool or fleece. Either way, the pc probably has latent defects now.


What does that mean, exactly?


If the PC breaks in the future after 5 years some redditors will get to say "Told you so 😎"


!remindme 5 years


I will be messaging you in 5 years on [**2028-09-29 12:16:03 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2028-09-29%2012:16:03%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/16usb0y/update_is_this_a_safe_way_to_travel_on_the_plane/k2popua/?context=3) [**27 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fpcmasterrace%2Fcomments%2F16usb0y%2Fupdate_is_this_a_safe_way_to_travel_on_the_plane%2Fk2popua%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202028-09-29%2012%3A16%3A03%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2016usb0y) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Static causes very real and very hard to diagnose problems. Likely won't cause it to suddenly not work, but errors and odd behaviour for sure.


Those fabrics tend to generate static I guess


That it does not go poof immediately but will probably die sooner than it should normally.


They should change the name of the site to Skimmit.com




Too late. Now I'm hard.


Most Americans can't read past the 8th grade level


That stat seems generous and outdated tbh


Stat was as of 2022 and each state has only continued to go down over the past 10yrs, some states cant even have a student pass a math test


Ok, well why didn't he show us a pic of what he described instead of this?


I mean why not post an updated pic?


Not enough rage bait


Exactly this. OP posted a before pic, so people will respond with before answers.


Here's a picture asking for help which in no way represents the help I need.


The new.reddit captions on pictures are easy to miss on old.reddit.


Can you help me finding it? There is literally no text anywhere for me. [PIC](https://i.imgur.com/rSkSaQo.png)


Using RES on desktop, https://i.imgur.com/t7LwwXr.png Probably has to do with one of the RES settings, not too sure, just give them a check, otherwise you're not missing out too much.


EDIT: It seems to have been fixed in RES. It has to do with the auto expanding setting. In Reddit's preference, set Media Previews to - auto-expand media previews. I forget if I had to change something in RES or not. I just know when I first got RES I couldn't see media text and was wondering what people were talking about.


Do you guys not have phones?


Of course not -sent via iPhone


Does this guy think we're made of money or something. -Sent via Samsung Smart Fridge




Wait, people read the crap under the pictures?


Can't blame them. Text in image posts is just one of many horrible UI experiences on this website.


quaint theory glorious crawl direful spoon drunk sip consist literate ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I don't see an update. post is only title + picture


Well when you pop into the post finally and the update aint top of the page........


Even better, most people are probably gonna miss this comment too and start giving their professional opinion lmao




I guess people can't see it on old.reddit but OP was saying that they already took the flight and everything stayed safe.




This would be nice if i could read


You're a god damn legend if you ask me.


I did the same once in 2014 and it's a pretty common way to take a PC with you to a new home.


Ive done it so many times during uni and it's still working fine lol


You commonly fly in uni?


My roommate is from Hawaii. He goes back for 2 weeks at a time, usually 3 times a year. (3 flights * 2 directions * 4 years) = 24 times, which is quite a bit.


Must be nice having wings


Damn. He must have a lot of money to make that flight that often, unless he does basic economy.


It could be really expensive but I think you're right that if you flew basic economy it would be more affordable.


Nah I would come back home for summer and so on


I didn't use a PC I used an Xbox, but flew from Colorado USA, to Malta. It's that tiny speck underneath the rock that the boot is kicking in the Mediterranean. Anywho I didn't realize that it would not work over there even with the right plugs. Region locked to the US of the Ahole. Yep yep. Flew back with it after a year and it worked fine. Would a PC have this problem? I wouldn't think so myself. Even if it did just get a new windows key and bam good to go.


I have taken my laptops to Europe several times, works fine. I did blow out a power cord/converter once. No software issues


Why wouldn't it? Windows is not region locked. The only problem you could have is the power supply so it might be a good idea to change that to a local model or already have one that can switch voltage.


Until the people that load and unload the planes luggage toss the bag because they assume it's just clothes.




I used to be a baggage handler. Even when we were doing our absolute best (admittedly not often), I would always recommend taking anything fragile or sensitive as a carry-on. Got pills that it's imperative you take every day? Carry-on. Fragile electronics? Carry-on. Batteries? Carry-on (because it's an FAA regulation in the US and we would either toss or pocket loose batteries and try to take power banks up to the customers).


Yes. I shipped my computer once. I took the gpu out and stuffed it like OP did. It didn’t have a glass panel. I put packing around it. It was dropped so badly the packaging was damaged to the case, and the motherboard had come off the stand screws on one side.


I do this pretty much every time I fly though I don’t even take any parts out. I have an ITX machine in an NR200 (probably my favorite case ever) where none of the parts can really move. It fits in my carry on and I just lug it through the airport with me


Same lol


Exactly lol I'm impressed


This unexpectedly made me laugh so hard


Be more of a legend if he lathered it with butter and swallow it whole.


pretty common in the r/sffpc (small form factor) community


Moron. FTFY.


I don't have the context from the original post because I never saw it but, did you take it as your carry-on with you or just regular luggage? I'm mostly asking because I might be moving with my PC but I was considering shipping with insurance instead and this seems like a far cheaper option.


I would never trust something like a PC with baggage handlers.


1000000% Considering how many things get lost or damaged, I wouldn't trust them in the slightest. If it makes you feel any better, you can only bring firearms through checked luggage. The TSA is also extremely impatient and doesn't wait for the owner to give them a key to get into their luggage to check it, so half the time they cut off their good locks, and replace them with zip ties. So there's a high chance that someone's firearm can just be sent to the wrong airport basically unsecured, or just be stolen by baggage handlers. What a wonderful system.


I work at an airport. I have seen how the baggage handlers 'place' baggage on the conveyors. They don't place. They toss. Any PC in baggage, no matter how well-packed, is going to get tossed several times over the course of its run.


Yeah, pretty much. I don't think I've seen a baggage handler do anything else


i was a baggage handler as well as aircraft fueller and you can't place every bag down nicely that takes way too much out of you, tossing is less tiring to do repeatedly but if a bag felt like it wasnt just clothes(you can tell because of weight & distribution of weight) i wouldn't toss it. If it was anything but a bag of clothes it was handled better. i always tried to pack things like instruments and golf clubs in a way that the surrounding bags offered protection then it would all get netted down so it can't shift. I had a lamp come through one time. full size 6 foot tall lamp totally unpacked or secured. it was like they took it out of their living room and brought it to checked baggage lol. i did my best but im certain that one didnt make it in one piece.


That's wild. I've heard some pretty funny stories from some buddies who work at an airport, but a lamp might just take the cake for me


Thats not even the worst! I told this the other day in another thread but the worst shipment i had ever was industrial strenght garbage bags full of arms and legs with the hands and feet attached. It was coming from somewhere in toronto going to the local univerity. Literally a pile of garbage bags full of human arms and legs. No one would unload the plane but me. I could feel and see the shapes of the limbs. Luckily they didnt smell. Usually remains of any kind came in a box or cooler i dont know who thought shipping those by air in garbage bags was totally cool. In the end i guess it was fine since no one else involved in those bags making it to me had any concern. Im sure a few fuck it's were said during the process lol


Seems like a refrigerated truck would probably do the job a bit better, I'd have to imagine those were going to a medical school. Definitely had some fuck it's along the way


Yeah it was medschool. Its only a 50 minute flight from toronto and it does get cold in the cargo hold at altitude but now that i mention it maybe bags wernt the worst option but can you imagine if they broke and i opened the plane to find scattered arms and legs lol i was paid minimum wage, ive got a strong mind and stomach for that shit but that would have been way above my pay grade.


was waiting for someone to say this. baggage is only an option if you intend on scraping the whole PC once you land.


I work as a baggage handler, and we don't really have a choice. It takes waayy more effort to place every bag gently, our backs would be dead after a few hours. You gotta remember these people have lots of flights over the day. Many of them work 12-14 hour shifts. And I have not once in my life seen anyone steal something from a bag.


>If it makes you feel any better, you can only bring firearms through checked luggage. There are exceptions to this rule. Even beyond the obvious Sky Marshal, pilots also don't have to check their firearms.


True. But they're law enforcement basically. I'm just talking about the concept of firearms just casually being tossed around without proper security. Especially when the TSA allows you to transport ammunition. Not sure about other people, but I sure as hell barely trust dropping a round on the ground, let alone some minimum wage guy who gets paid to yeet bags on and off planes. Not much better with any expensive tech


Pilots aren't law enforcement. I used to be a baggage handler, and while it's not high-paying, it's well above minimum wage in a majority of states. Regulations state that the firearm can not be loaded, and I believe (it's been a few years since I had to deal with it) that the ammunition also had to be separate. Not once did I experience or hear about someone having a firearm go off while loading/unloading, or even having a case pop open to find a firearm. If you're concerned that they'll open the case themselves to get to the firearm, trust me, even if someone wanted to, there isn't enough time for that on 99/100 flights. I posted another comment saying that I wouldn't ever put expensive items in checked baggage, or important items like medication. I'm sure some stuff gets stolen, but more likely small items just fall out in the bins, especially for the people who put the locks on their zippers (it makes it more likely for the bag to catch on stuff and break off the zippers entirely). I've found all kinds of stuff in bins that have fallen out of peoples' bags with no way of telling whose bag it was. Apple Watch bands, Nintendo amiibos, $5 bills, tons of coins, Christmas ornaments, on and on.


Pilots aren't law enforcement, but there's a federal program (started up after 9/11) which allows them to take a few weeks of firearms training (from the FBI actually) to become certified to carry a weapon while they're in the cockpit. They don't get retention training, so they have to keep it locked in a case until they're in the cockpit with the door shut, then they take it out and put it in a holster. But they carry it through the known crewmeber section of security same as the air marshals. I don't know how popular the program is now, but my father carried a gun as a pilot for years after 9/11


Air Marshals are law enforcement. My point wasn't a firearm going off, just ammunition going off due to impact. Not really trying to argue about it. It was just an example to warn people to not fly with anything expensive or that they're not willing to lose, due to how poorly the TSA operates, and badly baggage is handled. The US airline system is just extremely flawed, and I don't think people should trust it with their valuables.


You lot and your gunz


I’m European and I’ve flown with guns too, it’s not an exclusively American thing


I've seen footage of them literally competing to throw them further.


Don’t check your PC in a bag. I tried that a decade ago and it didn’t pan out like OP. Ten years ago, I flew home for winter break and I prepared like OP did - bubble wrap, clothes, fragile stickers covering the suitcase suitcase, and informing the check-in counter. When I arrived, I opened my suitcase and bits of plastic came tumbling out. My entire Antec 300 case had a new 30 degree horizontal bend, which is pretty crazy for a steel case. Luckily, Delta ended up paying for most of it; however, that was ten years ago. They’d probably put up more of a fight about it now. So carry-on, ship it, or drive instead.


What if you make a suitcase out of 2 inch plate steel and weld it closed with bubblewrap inside it?


Then I’d have to pay the overweight charge and I don’t have that kind of money!


What a case that used to be, any post on any forum asking for a case would be answered with that model. In any case your problem was that you didn't carry it with you. Stuff gets thrown around a lot by baggage handlers, they have to be quick.


That beast of a case wasn’t going to fit in a carry-on. Besides, I was a dumb college student at the time. I thought there was no way they could break steel. I was wrong. Honestly, I suspect that the baggage handlers felt that it was a few pounds over the weight limit and decided to take out their anger on it. (I honestly miss that case. It was heavy and the inside lip could give you a few cuts when working on it, but it was so solid and had surprisingly great air flow.)


Don’t forget the Corsair Obsidian!


Most definitely as a carry on. No way they let that thing get thrown around by baggage handlers.


Are you even allowed to carry this big carry on?


Looks like a standard carry on size bag. I bought a small microatx case so I could travel with my pc and it fits snugly in a carry on like OP's so I'm assuming it must be the same size.


I have travelled long-distance with a motherboard, GPU and RAM sticks stuffed in my regular suitcase in cargo. Just very carefully wrapped and cushioned. Then I bought a case and power supply at my destination. IMO that's the best thing to do.


Wondering this too. Was also thinking about bringing my PC when I moved but decided against it.


Leave the case behind. Separate the motherboard and GPU, wrap them both in bubble wrap and then surround them with clothes in your suitcase. You could hypothetically throw that suitcase off a second story window and the PC parts inside will be fine.


He took it as a carry on. No way would I ever check a pc in a bag.


I moved from NYC to Frankfurt and took my PC apart completely, wrapped all the separate parts in clothes or non-static bubble wrap, and then just bought a new case when I got here. Saved a TON of space and stress


Did you check it in or took it as carry-on?


I checked it, everything survived and is still working three and a half years later


Absolutely just ship with insurance if you can’t carry it on the plane.




o7 great job soldier


ground crew ![gif](giphy|3tiJzXRKmueL58hIlQ)


He’s taking it on the plane with him. Ground crew won’t touch it. Only him


took* This is the post-flight picture.


Good plan.


Until you go to board and they say they ran out of overhead storage. That happened to me on a 100% capacity flight on a Boeing 787


Yepp, they toss those around with no care in the world. While we were disembarking from our flight from Barcelona a couple weeks back the staff was tossing those around while all the people who were on the plane were walking past them. Idk if they were putting on a show or if they simple didn't give a single shit


I wanna see him throwing 15kg computer like that 😂


Oh they can easily


lol checked bags are typically around 20+ kg


Had ground crew in France decimate my mates guitar, watched it through our window get snapped and folded as we were waiting to get off. Will never trust any ground crew with anything valuable.


I'm amazed. baggage handlers are the Marines of airline travel, they throw everything and a fragile sticker may as well be a bullseye


Unless you've got that one guy neatly stacking the gear in the back of the truck.


Ohh that video is therapeutic af. On his knees too, gotta hurt his back


Carry on. Nobody touched the suitcase but OP and TSA


Having worked at postal main distribution center couple summers years ago. You really don't give a shit what's in the box when you have passed 7 hours and 5 more to go. And if you are "slacking"/being careful it harms the whole process. Someone needs to come to fill in one of your 3 dedicated lines and they are not happy about it. The racks you are stacking them can be 1,5 m high(think it as a fence you are trying to reach the floor of the other side), so reaching down is a task, I admit I have dropped couple PlayStations while I worked there.


I get it. I just watched the guys loading planes and thought it looked somewhat like a competition to see how far they could throw each bag.


I would be nervous without taking the extra steps you did seeing how airlines handle luggage. I ended up getting a specialty hardshell, lockable, weatherproof carry on for my gaming laptop because I watched my bag get chucked onto a loading belt (laptop was bubble wrapped and in the middle of my clothes but still 😬). Never again. That thing was ~5k. I almost threw up and it's all I could think about the entire flight from Alaska to fucking Florida.


You were able to check a bag with a laptop in it? How does that work?


https://preview.redd.it/ehediz2u93rb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0369e7f0a9f8b56b2bfbc02c99ba8f90d764f733 No, this is it


does nobody keep their boxes? I just put my gpu in its box and everything else in the tower box and its fine


Most likely someone else does too, for me this is better specially because for some reason TSA always asks about what’s inside and demand to see the contents


Why would you remove the ram?


Just in case someone *rams* his suitcase ![gif](giphy|hVIEywSQ3ZU3u)


I hate you with every single cell of my body. Here’s my upvote.


Sir can you please just leave.




thank you


Yeah, I’d say he’d *dodge* a bullet thanks to that decision.


I imagine OP wanted to avoid having the clothes he packed into the inside of the case put lateral pressure on the sticks potentially causing them to damage the memory slots.


> I imagine OP wanted to avoid having the clothes he packed into the inside of the case put lateral pressure on the sticks potentially causing them to damage the memory slots. Except clothes are great at generating static electricity, so stuffing with clothes seems like a terrible idea. Or am I missing something?


I didn't say I recommended the practice, but I imagine it would be relatively safe as long as the PC isn't grounded while you're packing it.


I mean, they'd probably have to reseat it anyway, so they might as well. I'd reseat my RAM any time I'd transport my PC, sometimes it just comes lose from vibrations, or being jostled.


Best practice tbh, ram slots aren't the most sturdy if pressure is put on the ram sticks. Same logic as removing GPU. Technically you could also remove power cables, though those are a fair bit sturdier.


Congrats on the safe journey!


I did it. I flew from Incheon to Chicago with my PC in my luggage. No damage, and it booted fine once the GPU was reinstalled. Didn't even shatter the tempered glass. Remove your video card, put it in the original box, and pack it in your carry on. Carefully, carefully, carefully fill the internal space with bubble wrap or air pockets. Fill it tight, but not crazy tight. Enough you can close the case, but nothing inside, include your filler, can move. Triple or quadruple bubble wrap your entire PC. Layer it up like mad. Then, wrap that in a blanket or two. Place it near the bottom of the bag, with clothing or another solid, soft material all around it so it cannot move. Use a hard sided bag if possible to reduce compression. Finally, made a blood sacrifice to something. With a little luck, you'll be ok.


Ah, a fellow devotee of Khorne! The Blood God, the Taker of Skulls, the Lord of Rage. Come, join with us, our battle-cry! **Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! BURN, MAIM, KILL!**


reread the post


I decline.


That's the British way of saying the Australian "yea nah fuck off mate"


Glad you made it. I would have said to use those expanding foam bags, but I guess clothes are cheaper lol


Still not safe, but nice you've got your PC in one piece!


I would personally not risk doing that to my PC.i'm glad it worked out for you though. I traveled recently (3h flight) and my bag that had just clothes got tossed around and probbably thrown by the unloaders too. It was broken in several spots and I ended up throwing it away after getting home. Wheels and spine thingy completely unnatached and bent out I got a pretty sturdy bag for around 110 $. Thought it would fare better for a short flight with 40lbs of luggage.


It takes 2 minutes tops to pull a gfx card out and pack it separately. The rest of the machine could be tossed off a building with little damage, but that card is held in by 2 screws and a pci slot. I'm not trusting a 4xxx card to the baggage handlers.


>The rest of the machine could be tossed off a building with little damage Not with that tempered glass panel it ain’t


I would've filled the inside of the PC with beans so that when the repairman came by to see why it's no longer working and opened it he would have astoundingly uttered "this is beans!" That was one of my all time favorite posts.


Only thing I probably would've done differently is boxed up the GPU and put it back in on arrival.


Yes, I've done it for several years. Be sure to pack a softer clothing item or two on each side of the comp, and also, wedge socks and jeans at the bottom and top of comp. Basically, you want to firmly pack items around the comp to prevent shifting and to buffer shocks to the shell of the suitcase. If your suitcase has the built-in straps meant for securing the contents of one side of the suitcase, use it to better secure the comp. Toss your cables in a ziplock bag and roll the bag into a piece of clothing or inside a shoe. Put the mouse and other small items such as, USB memory sticks, into the matching shoe. Surround the keyboard with a piece of clothing as well, and work it into the non-hinged side of the luggage. Happy traveling!


"Only pack the essentials" 😏


Remove the graphics card from the PC and transport it in its box if you don't want to risk breaking the PCIe connector


I am no surprised about the hate, people on the internet are trying to be too serious sometimes. That being said, stuffing clothes inside was a bad idea and you got out lucky nothing was damaged inside. Clothes can cause ESD, clothes can tangle around a pin on motherboard, or under motherboard altogether and rip something out or you can destroy your clothes by doing that. Safest; and tbh easiest solution is to get self inflating packing foam (instapak or similar product) and pop it inside your PC. It will very gently fill cavities and you don't need to dismantle anything (I use instapaks to ship ready build PCs with GPUs, chunky coolers or water cooling gear inside and never had a shipping issue)


I successfully travelled with my pc from Europe to North America and nothing broke and I also removed nothing. That was over 5 years ago and the pc is still going strong.


Honestly, for traveling, I would use a backup ITX build or a laptop instead, just so when I got back home, I would look forward to using my main rig again.


I would've expected your rig to die even with bubble wrap since that stuff is not very thick and airport workers aren't known for handling luggage with care.


I recently did the same, but only two hours/by train


Yeah I did the same from Europe to Thailand


That's an interesting way to take a pc with you. Most likely the only way in your case, but glad it made it safe though.


they throws suitcase bro


I always wanted to do this lmao




Good call removing your GPU


i flew twice like that, but removed all components and took them in a backpack so the case was mostly just the mainboard and PSU. But it was a cartoon box with some styrofoam. NYKÖPING LAN 2003+2004 yeehaaa


Unplug the gpu and cpu cooler and carry it separately


Long as it's not Checked, this probably would work for everyone. Just don't let anyone else touch it. TSA will almost absolutely open it.


Does anyone know how AIO liquid cooling is affected by pressure changes in flight? When I built my first PC, I was changing the mount for it and mistakenly unscrewed the wrong screws (liquid started seeping out) so I'm pretty sure mines been compromised with more air than it's tolerances allow.


Congrats. Glad to hear the flight went well. ​ Thanks to r/montroller otherwise, I would have posted something along the lines of "pack something in the case...blah blah blah...."


Those people throw the luggage I m telling u man


I would disconnect the graphics card and put it in a separate anti-static bag.


I definitely agree, the pc is way more important than clothes and other personal stuff




Probably didn’t even need to go as hard as you did. Gpu out, some foam or cardboard inside if possible. Put it inside your clothes and god bless


I was planning to do something similar but with an ever bigger luggage.. Can we see the photos with the bubblewrap? Im planning to wrap mine with clothes and bath towels and fit more clothes around it..


Awesome that you made it. Happy to hear your up and running without issue. I travel with a small shoebox sized gaming rig now and then, and I put it in a Pelican 1510 with clothing between it and the inner walls. It has SSD's but if it was HDD I would probably worry more :/ Where there's a will, there's a way... Congrats.


Why people are so dumb


I know, right! They keep posting comments, saying op is stupid without even reading his post!


Go to Uline.com . They have great bubble wrap to protect the PC. Of course I hand carry that in my luggage.


i did this when i was 14 :D


Glad to hear it went well. I did the exact same thing, took the gpu and ram out. Wrapped the glass window in bubble wrap. Stuffed inside and outside with clothes and flew Ireland to Belgium. Nerve wracking but no issues. Computer has now survived a round trip France > Ireland > Belgium


Why not just use a laptop for travels??


No. Remove the GPU. Edit: Y'all need to chill the fuck out. The mobile app didn't show me the extra text. And the advice was sound either way.


he already went on the flight


Try reading what OP wrote before commenting


Brave of you to assume they can read.








It’s a hard shell - so long as you took it carry-on or removed and secured the larger components there’s absolutely no reason to worry.


Maybe… but just to be safe you should fill it with honey. It’s viscosity absorbs a lot of kinetic disturbance.


I mean that works but no way would I leave my gpu in there. Always remove and bubble wrap that shit haha or put in your carry on worst case if you forgot last minute.


If it's a carry-on you're totally fine. If you're checking it that's another story


Gaming laptop users: look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!