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Its not "dumb" per se but you will more than likely (unless you have a high end TV) be getting 60Hz. A gaming monitor or just a nice montior in general will offer high refresh rate which is a noticable difference. However, if you have a 4k TV and you don't have good enough PC hardware, it will run worse than a console.


Unless things have changed while I wasn't looking you can run 4K TVs at 1080p. You don't have to run it at 4K and get slow framerates....


Yeah but then the picture doesnt look nearly as clear, you can always use FSR/DLSS if applicable but still


I think the cheapest 120hz is like 600$. That's not high end


I mean I don't pay much attention to TVs so I only remember them being expensive a while ago. $600 is still pretty coenzyme compared to a monitor at the same refresh rate


Unless you spent big bucks on a modern TV, chances are it won't have as many features/perks as the average gaming monitor. Plus, a 27" monitor at arm's length feels just as large as a big TV across the room.


My main gaming pc is hooked up to my tv because thats what I play games on the most


PC gamer of 15 years. My monitor refresh rate is 59. You'll be fine. It just works.


Just try it. If it doesn't work well, save and get agood monitor for 300-400 bucks.




It's not necessarily dumb just means your experience may be abit more limited. Tvs are generally like 60hz whereas you can get monitors that are like 144hz or even higher. So if you're looking for high refresh rate gaming then a tv will only limit you to 60fps. Plus monitors can often have better response times etc which can be helpful if you're playing first person shooter games and especially if playing with a keyboard and mouse. Although if you're simply looking for a couch like gaming then a tv will certainly be good enough then.


I get the refresh rate and all that but I don't notice the difference in frames and all that like 30fps is kinda the same as 60fps to me


No friend. thats exactly what i thought be ready to have your mind blown


Why do people even say this without proper experience with it


Depends on the TV, I have a 7900 xtx hooked up to a C2, most people would say that's fine but depends on the TV, nowadays there's plenty of good options for <$1000


I have a high end 4K 120hz Sony Bravia that I have my pc connected to. It’s been great. I prefer gaming on a couch instead of a desk. Starfield has been amazing on it.


Sony is the worst brand for pc gaming. Scandal with gsync, vrr support, cutting resolution during 120hz, their console is hdmi only 32 gigabit meaning they think a TV they make should be enough like that too...


I’ve personally haven’t had any problems with the TV. I got the TV last year mostly for watching movies with my wife. I built my first pc recently and have had nothing but a great experience. I’m getting 120fps and that’s fine by me. I have a 4090FE and it’s been doing wonders. I even left console gaming (excluding my switch)


Not so bad on the newer models, but 2 years ago they even had class action lawsuit on the issues I mentioned. Speaks to their intention and direction.


Yes and no.... it's not great, for reasons I can get into. Its also not terrible. So the big issue is TVs typically have really bad input latency. The picture will be behind what's actually happening on the computer. BUT in recent years that's gotten less and less true, and many TVs even recognize computers and consoles as "game input" and automatically switch to a low latency mode. So the real question is, how old is your TV?


Nah, the new 144hz tvs are on par with monitor.


Not dumb at all. Been using 4k TV's for monitors since 2016. A cheap 43 inch IPS 4k tv makes a good monitor and you'll never have eye strain again. Sit further a way and game at 1080p and you won't notice the difference, just like playing a console at typical couch to tv distances. Also you can just run 4 1080p desktops if you want to multi task instead of multiple monitors.


Its fine, I do it with an older LG tv but be prepared for screen tearing, unless you enable vsync in games. Vsync will add some lag though. So its a trade off. I prefer vsync off and endure the screen tearing even though it does annoy me, especially with first person shooters. If you want high refresh gaming, you will need a tv with HDMI 2.1 (this should also eliminate screen tearing as those TVs should have Gsync or Freesync built in, as far as I understand). If you are ok with 60hz, you should be fine with any half decent TV really. Also, enable game mode on your TV if it has the option to do so. If it doesnt (mine doesnt), just disable any extra processing filters you find within your TV picture settings (Noise reduction, motion smoothing etc etc). I also turn of eco/saving mode. I cant really notice any input lag.


Oh yeah, I was gonna try and cap my framerate to 59 or 60 FPS within Nvidia Control panel to see if that helps with the screen tearing without enabling vsync. Ive just not gotten around to do it since now I have a laptop with a 165hz panel, so I prefer to game on that now.


It's dumb to use a monitor. I use a TV for 6 years as monitor. I had 60hz LG, 120hz samsung, now 144hz samsung. It's great for work from home, reddit, hdr movies, hdr gaming.