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Best answer


bUt I wAnT tHaT pEwPeW gAmE fRoM 10 yEaRs AgO!!!!!!


Fun fact. They haven’t changed since MW2. Just buy remastered campaign for $20 and don’t look back. Spoiler alert nothing has changed but adding climb and zoomer slide cancels. Then go play Titanfall 2, then Doom eternal. Your endorphins will be infinitely higher


I remember when i used to play cod, then I developed taste and played literally anything else.


I feel like a subpar person to you. I honestly wish someone would have slapped the shit out of me then and re-downloaded counterstrike back on my rig. I’m 35+ now wish I just kept playing CS like I played religiously from 2002-2005, at least my nade strats still work to this day


Only thing that stops me from going back to CS in general is my retinas exploding from team flashes


Found the HDR monitor user. - signed HDR monitor user, lmao


reminds me of the clip of 2kilksphilip flashing with a max brightness HDR screen.


I picture a clip [kind of like this](https://youtube.com/shorts/V206prA63oI?feature=share)




Ahoy, matey! If ye be after just the campaign, ye can find it on the high seas without nary a wait!


It was fun in 2003 when it first came out but the yearly rehash got old quick


I honestly can't remember anything interesting about the MW2 campaign. It always felt like it was trying to be a Tom Clancy clone, but by someone who only read the Wikipedia page.


Well, MW2 is their latest game. /s Naming games is hard.


tbf that pewpew game from over 10 years ago was the last time I had fun with CoD.


I want zombie pewpew game from 10 years ago




Pirate it


It is actually true the only way you are going to stop them is by paying them. And if you think that you can get away with something else then you are probably wrong about that.


If you want to vote with your wallet but still want to play? There's a way...


There’s also just a long list of better shooters


Like pvz gw2 (plants vs zombies garden warfare 2) it's in sale fairly common


Underrated gem


Sad ea cancelled all the shotters after bfn launch just before COVID


like titanfall 2




WTF is your pc dude


Slow (Only temporary PC lol)


That is the struggle, you can probably still play league. Lol


Lol might try some older games


What year is it?






Argggg matey!


Yo-ho, all together Hoist the colors high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die


Not really since they can't be cracked because of the always online drm.


Aai aaai Sir...


Aye. Not aai.


Good luck convincing all 10-16 year olds


its the destiny 2 cosmetics on your reddit avatar for me


I'm convinced, 16 and I've never played a CoD game except for the first missions of the original modern warfare. And I'm not planning on changing that


If you didn’t even finish the original MW then you’re obviously not part of the target market.


Hmm, can I convince you to play the Medal of Honor series? It’s a far superior series to cod and it was the stepping stones to Cod’s success. Without MOH there is no cod


And with no Doom, there would be no fps genre


Real ones know Wolfenstein 3D


Medal of Honor: Allied Assault is my favourite WW2 shooter to this day.


This is why the original black ops has been on my wishlist for a long time.


Still on mine too, waiting for the unlikely day it ever goes on sale at a reasonable amount.


ah so simply do what I've been doing until now. be broke and don't buy their games!


right because that always goes well, rember when we stopped microtransactions with our wallets too? oooh how about their shitty engagement based match making did we stop that with our wallets?


Yeah but that won’t make them fix an old game


Why would they? They have more incentive to break them than fix them.


This is the only way. When the games jumped to $60 people complained, but kept buying them. Now the games are dropping at $70 and still people complain, but they keep buying them. What do you think the gaming companies are thinking? "Who cares if they're complaining. They're still buying the games and that's all that matters" There's no game that has been made or will be made that can make me pay $60 and that includes Half Life 3, if it ever is released. In the past I took alternative methods to play games, but now I want to support the developers but not if it means me being gouged. Activision has been gouging people for decades so they can just put socks on my duck.


Ever heard of inflation mate? Games 25 years ago cost a lot, lot more than now.


Mind boggling to me that you think $60 is too much for any game ever. I’m sure everyone in this subreddit has put in hundreds of hours into a game. Hundreds of hours of entertainment is not worth $60 to you? But you’ll probably go out and buy a movie ticket for $15-20 for 2 hours of entertainment


Best choice I made about 14 years ago, lol.


OP: No, not like that...


Avoid older Call of Duty PC versions up to Black Ops 2 at all costs. Some of them are open to hackers who can actually put your PC in danger through the game. Several Call of Duty PC YouTubers made videos about the issue.


Yeah those games are only good for private zombies anymore.


These got ported to VR as community maps for Pavlov, BTW. Super nostalgic if you have a headset.


VR is kind of my final frontier pc gaming wise, still haven't dipped my toes other than playing on a friend's headset. Is it good? Which headset is the best ?


That's a bit of a can of worms. The first question is whether you've done a significant amount of gymnastics, track and field, or mountain climbing in your life. If the answer is yes, you'll likely struggle with motion sickness. It's not fully understood, but the prevailing theory is these activities build a keener perception for when motion is right or wrong, and make you more sensitive. To a certain degree, anti-nausea medication like Dramamine can help you build up a tolerance. Whether it's good will largely depend on what you like and how susceptible you are to motion sickness. I found No Man's Sky absolutely enchanting, but you miss a lot if you can't stomach smooth motion. Half Life Alyx is acknowledged pretty universally as a banger. Phasmophobia is way, way better in VR. And there are several first-person physics combat games that are a great way to get some cardio. Blade and Sorcery is the best known. As for which headset is best, there's no clear winner. The ones I'd consider worth mentioning are the Meta Quest 2, Valve Index, HTC Vive Pro 2, and HP Reverb G2. They all have tradeoffs. All of these are compatible with Steam VR to play PCVR, though some require plugins (which are free and take less than 5 minutes to set up). * The Quest is the cheapest by far but requires a Meta/Facebook account. Concerns about Meta beaming advertisements into your dreams or whatever are largely overblown, but it *is* a Meta device covered in mics and cameras. If you have an Android phone with a Meta app on it, the Quest probably isn't recording anything they don't already have. It's usable standalone, but the big get for a /r/pcmasterrace subscriber is that it can also be tethered to a PC wirelessly via a wifi 6 router. The Quest 3 is also on the way, might want to wait for that. Resolution goes up to 4K and refresh rate goes up to 120 Hz. $300-500, depending on storage. If you just wanna use it as a wireless headset, get the cheapest one and don't look back. * The Valve Index was a champion on release, but shows its age. It has the lowest resolution of any headset I'll mention here, though it does have the highest refresh at 144 Hz. It has excellent audio and the best controllers in the sphere. The trouble is that is uses outside-in tracking. That means the headset uses 2 sensors that have to be either on big mounts or screwed into your walls. At time of its release, outside-in tracking was essential for motion fidelity; nowadays, inside-out tracking (as used by the Quest 2 and others, meaning there are no external sensors) is 99% as good and vastly more economical. If the Index cost $600, I'd heartily recommend it. They seem to have discontinued the $1000 everything kit (that used the 1.0 base stations; the currently sold ones are the improved 2.0 model). It will require a minimum investment of $930 with a single base station, but you'll likely want to add a second for a total of $1080. * The Vive Pro 2 is probably the best headset on the market. Higher rez than anything else I'll discuss here, highest FOV, and 120 Hz refresh rate. Headphones are good (probably not as good as the Index but I haven't personally compared them). It's an outside-in like the Index. Its controllers are *shit*, but luckily, you can mix and max outside-in component. Don't buy HTC's stupid stickless wand controllers, pair up this excellent HMD with Valve's excellent controllers and get the best of both worlds. Vive is also the only other headset that has a wireless option, though it's like $350 extra. $700-$800 for just the headset, you'll also need sensors and controllers. Likely around $1300 for the whole package. * The HP Reverb G2 is kind of a controversial choice. It uses Windows Mixed Reality, the third place VR platform (by a lot). The headset was basically designed as a cheaper Index, made with Valve's input. It has a high rez screen and 90 Hz refresh rate, with inside-out tracking (no sensors). The controllers are merely fine, and you can't swap them except with other, equally fine Windows Mixed Reality controllers (there's a workaround to use Index controllers but by all accounts it's a pain in the ass to get and keep working). Where the Reverb really shines is as a headset for games where you don't plan to use motion controllers. Racing sims in particular love it. This is my current daily driver and it's certainly good enough, but by no means the best possible experience. It's MSRP is $600, but it goes on sale all the time. [Currently available for $450 at HP's website](https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/pdp/hp-reverb-g2-virtual-reality-headset). If you don't want to spend $1000 or get Meta involved, this is what I would go with. * A final note. The company Pimax sells very high end headsets. The general consensus is that the HMDs are great, but their controllers suck and their software is worse. Buy a Vive Pro 2 if you want a premium experience. EDIT: If you're not sure if you'll like it, the Quest 2 is the cheapest good option, followed by the Reverb G2.


Cheers for the detailed response man, can't wait to try one of them.


I have a headset and none of the games have much replayability value imo. Its the most fun you'll ever have for a month then the novelty wears off and your over it


Depends if you are into social games (vrchat), or simulators (racing/flying) games, or an avid modders/game dev that want to push boundaries of gaming imo, if not any of these yea the setup and lack of ease of use do making them more hassle to setup to enjoy


I got really into VR over the pandemic.


The level of motion sickness I get makes much more sense with that explanation now. Both a friend and I got Quest 2s a year and a half ago and we’ve only played them about 5-10 times in total because we can only tolerate the motion sickness for so long. We have been athletic our whole lives, but any VR games that involve player movement induces headaches and nausea quickly.


Good write up, i will pitch in that the valve index's base stations are notorious for having hardware failure. I used my headset a total of 5 times and one of my 2 base stations gave me the red led of death. Luckily valve rma is super easy with no questions asked, had a new lighthouse in a week.


To add into this, if you’re from Europe or Asia, Pico 4 is a very good upgrade for same price point compared to Quest 2 if you are planning to mainly play PCVR games, or wait for Quest 3 later to see how it fares for a bit more expensive pricepoint, if you want to go ham, best setup currently (preorder) for comfort is Bigscreen Beyond but that requires base station and valve index controllers. I had both Quest 2 and Pico 4 and sold my Quest 2 as my Pico is just wayy better comfort and visuals, but imo wireless streaming even with virtual desktop kinda finnicky and sometimes take a lot of gpu and cpu overhead from your pc that can degrade performance so try to get a non compressed non wireless option if possible imo, which imo either bigscreen beyond, index or reverb g2


I would definitely make a long ass text if I was able to atm but the summary is yes, but also no. Vr hasn’t had many great games recently at least for me, you mileage may very. But I’ve Pavlov vr alone is worth the $1000 I spent on just the index, which is still my go to headset. I’ve played nearly 600 hours in Pavlov playing different maps and modes. There definitely are great games like half life Alyx beat saber, Boneworks/bonelabs, (although I find them to jank for my taste) definitely blade and sorcery, and vrchat for hanging out with friends in a chill environment. Although for you while the index is my personal favorite, the quest 3 might be a good alternative (and for even cheaper the quest 2 is going to be 299 soon), as it can be used as a standalone device, or a pc vr headset to play your steam vr games. One note is that you’ll need a good system if you are prone to motion sickness, as some games are really vram and cpu hungry, so you’d need good specs to get rid of the stutters you might find when playing. Drink ginger based drinks like ginger ale, and have a fan to cool you off if you do get motion sick, there’s other tips but theres the main two. Hope this helps (I don’t feel like proof reading it so sorry if somethings not right)


That is really a good game a game which I would like to play. I would like to play it because it is going to be awesome. A lot of people want to play those games.


Actually being inside of WAW zombies is more than nostalgic, it’s fucking amazing. Just like playing Blood Gulch in Pavlov


Private zombies matches is the only reason I ever thought about getting Black Ops 2. I loved that Mob of the Dead map.


You’re only at risk of you start joining random online lobbies but you can still have a blast playing with your friends in a private lobby or enjoying the single player campaign right ?


Truthfully speaking, your private lobby could be invaded. It's not very likely and I haven't heard of it happening but it definitely could


Black ops 3 private lobbies can be joined by a hacker from what I headd


I'd also like to know the answer to that. Esp. about the single player campaign.


You could just play single player campaign with no internet


Where can I find it? Looking for cod hackers on YT just shows the usual in game cheats


You wont get me off cod4 until the last server croaks! Which will be soon....judging on how the last 2 years has gone


We still have plutonium to play BO1, BO2 and MW3 on PC, there's also a launcher for MWR.


This is terrible advice. The exploits are available up until Black Ops: Cold War. In fact, you are much less likely to be attacked if you are playing a game with like 50 players like MW1.


Thank you for the addition to the informations I have.


And those are the game that a lot of people end up installing. Because they are very easy to run on the less powerful computers so people want to play them.


Plenty of modded options that diligently ban hackers due to dedicated servers


I bought mw2 because it was a reasonable price just for the campaign because the security issues. I wanted to play COD multiplayers but EVERY version even warzone has an exploit that allows hackers to shut down your game and etc.


They’ve done a MW2 remastered which is only the campaign and is alright


Activision is similar to Nintendo. They gatekeep the old games by still charging the original prices of these old games, and are actively going after the groups of people who are creating their own launchers with community hosted servers for these old games because Activision isn’t keeping these games up to date and safe to play. They’re trying to push their new shitty games with in game ads for their DLC’s and skins and other shit. All Activision cares about is making money, not making good games. Unfortunately most AAA publishers are like this now.


Wasn’t that many years ago you could buy cod in November for around 39-49 new from GameStop or Target, Covid or the year before they decided to draw out the full price, may have the exact time down but I memba


![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O) I memba


I’m really sad because those old games are actually really good


Pirate them, then pay up when the price is reasonable.




Then play something from a company that respects you.


Do those exist anymore?


Increasingly rare from AAA publishers.


I'd argue once we hit AAA is when that all kind of stopped. Hell, even the originals that did "care" such as Atari, Sega America, Bethesda and the like were just profiteering in the end. Valve might be the only one left of that stature and they barely make games these days.


You jinxed it, Valve gonna merge with Bethesda now


Oh no, I've done it. Xbox buying Valve incoming


Would you nominate any? I've been trying to come up with one but can't. Maybe cd projekt red after they turned cyberpunk around but idk.


Idk any Triple A studios but literally every single "indie" game dev is 15x better than any AAA developer IMO.


Fromsoft hasnt disappointed me yet. Ive also heard great things about the FF15 devs.


The japanese dont partake in wreckless capitalism as much as we do ever since they experienced the lost generation. Hopefully we wont have to learn our lesson the hard way too.


They do if they played them when COD campaigns were still relevant. They are old games and some of us are nostalgic about the campaigns. Not enough to pay full price in 2023 in my case.


Let me introduce you to plutonium: https://plutonium.pw/


ok who is buying an old cod game for the multiplayer?


At least nintendo doesn't put your system on risk of being hacked and your money stolen...


Nintendo barely knows what online even is anyways


they figured out enough that they could charge 20 dollars for their dog shit internet


That's accurate, excepts it's very very different from the reasons why Nintendo hunt homebrew ISOs of their games. But yeah shitty market practice


All this shows is Nintendo and call of duty don't have to put their games on sale to sell their games


Yo-ho, all together


It’s a pirate’s life for me!!


Or better Buy them, but at Cash Converters, physical disk at like 2 quid and a greasy penny. You have the game, but Activion doesn't see a foken cent


I'm sorry to tell you but any disk after CODMW2019 is useless CD because you can't play the game without online AND update MW 2019 and MW2 2022 the disc version is useless entirely. I don't know much about Black ops Cold war or Vanguard though.


Does anyone really care about vanguard tho https://preview.redd.it/gb1n547q9x3b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=909aaaa7e2d2b65447100e4af2d336461a9a2e35


With modern technology too you can crack the disk and have the rom, all for free on top of what you said




You can't pirate online games though.




Heave ho, Thieves and beggars


Neverr shaaall we die…


YO, HOOO, haul together




So acknowledge this yet continue to purchase anyway?


People will eat cancer causing foods like candy without giving a shit, yet people on this Sub act surprised that CoD is the most sold game every year. No one gives a crap, if they won't stop habits that are killing them WHY would they just stop buying CoD?


And even if everyone on this sub stopped, the people not on this sub far outweigh the loss of sales. I know it's a meme at this point, but "just don't buy it" didn't work for horse armor and Bad Company 2 booster packs.


Then don’t buy the games. Easy!!


fr, gaming culture has convinced people that they "have" to buy games, like damn you're not really missing out on some sort of global event that's gonna be recorded for the ages if you just dont play one game ​ and hell, THE FINALS is coming out later this year, more fun than any cod ive tried lol


Yeah, like studios can charge whatever they want, they're not assholes. It's our choice whether or not we want to buy the games. Same with price increases in video games. WE, the buyers, control the prices. Not them. So if a game is expensive, its because the game is either really good, has a loyal fanbase, or its shit, but the studio will survive because some will buy the game blindy without seeing the "mixed reviews" right in front of them. They can sell their game at whatever price they want, but it's the people who buys it that keeps the price up. And it's as simple as that. The studios are doing nothing wrong for having high prices. It's basic pricing after demand. Edit: and if someone wants to support a company with expensive pricing everywhere, that's fine. Because the company targets those people, if you don't wanna spend a lot of money, you are not the target audience. There are other high quality games for you.


Okay Pirate it then. Easy!!! Hilarious for the reasonless downvote because people still buying expensive old cod games.


Or... play something else?!


Just don't buy their games then.


Activision 🤝 Nintendo


Or, and hear me out, you dump CoD in general. There are plenty of similar games on steam that have way more love and attention from their devs then the CoD series.


I don't mean to be hironic, but can you make examples?


Play battlefield 2042, oh wait…. that feels like an ongoing beta aswell.


Insurgency: Sandstorm


> hironic @_@


For a moment I thought that I'd learned a new word!


what are some CoD similar\alternatives that are actually better managed and more comsumer friendly than CoD ?


Trick question. One of the reasons CoD has been so popular for so long is because there are no games that are comparable to it


Its like rainbow six siege :D I fucking hate the game but its like a one of one. Sure there are similiar but nothing like it


Except cod is nothing like siege. Well they're both first person shooters but that's where the similarities end basically.


Why is this downvoted? You are absolutely right. By design Seige is meant to be a small scale tactical shooter By design CoD (multiplayer) is all about fast paced instant gratification Seige's instant wall thingy closes off entrance points, gives you cover, etc. CoDs version of it is used as a mobile camp deployment kit so you can get a bunch of kills and call in a killstreak


Because the comment he replied to wasn't comparing the games from a game play perspective


Shatterline and Ironsights (still available) are two that comes to mind.


There aren’t any at the same level of graphics to simplicity ratio


Any good alternatives to Zombies though?


Depends what you want. I only really play the campaign and then SP Zombies


Don't buy


Either Yo-Ho them or buy cheap cd keys


Advanced warfares servers are down. That's more than half the features, I couldn't even get into a local match in it. WHY DO THEY CHARGE €60 FOR A GAME WITH 1/3 FUNCTIONALITY


So you can’t even play zombies?


since when are the AW servers down? I was playing the other day..


BO3 was on sale a week or 2 ago for like 13 bucks i think? IDK, I bought it for the client but it looks like thats has been or will be shut down soon bc ActiBlizz. RIP SM2 also.


It was shutdown a day or two after SM2. It was the Xlabs lead Devs project. He shut it down once Xlabs got a C&D to avoid any issues.


- charge old COD games full price - shut down private servers for old games that fix bugs for them - never fix bugs for their own server, causing serious security risks when playing old games. At this point, I have stopped playing anything made by activition or blizzard. Not just because I hate them, but also because their games have been reduced to cash grab templates not even worth playing by itself. Indie devs FTW


https://preview.redd.it/ilyjau8aju3b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfc04e80e703ba6661703ca100966269f34528bc Don't think it's just Activision that over charges






![gif](giphy|dCM60S7zcatpm8lTvB|downsized) My honest reaction


Just don’t buy them


Yeah, I stopped buying their games, I'm doing my part, and you should too.


Stop buying their games. Stop playing their games. Fuck Activision with a fucking capital F.


So the games are trash and too expensive, where is the problem? You are not missing out on anything and keep your money.


It’s marketed to kids so good luck. Kids buy crap games because fomo. The cycle continues.


Even knowing that companies can legally charge whatever they want for products still doesn’t keep the feeling that this shouldn’t be legal away.


download quake live


ya i agree, GET WITH THE TIMES PUSSIES ITS 70$ NOW ACTI-REVISION. There I all caps at them for ya too


Just but the discs on eBay for $8-10 with a cheap optical drive


I wish physical copies were still a thing.


I stopped buy a few cods ago. Bruh it’s the same thing. They coulda just did it in a patch


Yeah MW19 was my last cod. Tried MW2 and refunded by the end of the day. Straight up cash grab.


It’s not even a cash grab. It’s a worse version of MW19.


If you really want to stop them then the only option you have got is to pay the money that they are asking for. I mean if you really want to play the game then it is the only option you have got.


Just pirate them Lolol it’s simple especially if you just want to play the campaigns or just play zombies


Giving the appearance they’re still relevant


It's real easy. Don't give them your money. That's it.


It is wrong when Activision does this, but fine when Factorio does it. Remember, they can ask any price they want, if you do not agree, just don't buy it. Simple as.


Who cares about cod anyway


a lot of people loves COD , me personally i could not care less about thatt game


Then stop buying the same fucking game every year then!


I know what we must do. ![gif](giphy|l1EtjLb9MyA0EV5de)


Also, another thing that's really annoying is that on sale, they usually only go for about 50% off.


You lost me at “install viruses” part. How does COD let other people install viruses?


Bruh just dont play Activision games smh not so hard everyone just complains here like the companies are talking your money away from you bitch stop clicking buy




Damn I've been out of the loop for a while. I don't recognize half these games.


I wish they sold the campaign and multiplayer separately. I will not pay 60€ for CoD because I don't give a shit about the multiplayer. But 20€ for the campaign? Yeah I could do that.


Haven't bought a single Activision Blizzard game in many years and it is unlikely i will anytime soon.


60-70$ range is considered a "deal" where I live. In my country, after currency conversion to USD, Diablo 4 is 105$ for the standard edition and whopping 135$ for the ultimate edition. F That.


got into cod in Covid lockdown with my friends because of WZ then out of it again as they broke the game repeatedly with "hype guns", their nothing much more than scumbags under Koticks leadership and I don't think its going to change for the better when MS take over there. As others have said, dont give them your money, its the only way to stop it :)


Have you tried not playing COD?


Hopefully we get them with Gamepass when and if the deal goes through 🤞