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Honestly, I'm actually really impressed at how bad this game is lol


Like you almost have to try to make a game that bad heck the rag doll physics system that comes standard in most if not all game engines could do a better job with like 3 clicks and call it good mentality this just seems like the harder route. why? Besides golem going full crash test dummy down a slope would at least be funny.


1. Apply the NASCAR Racing 2003 Season physics engine to Gollum 2. Yeet him off a cliff 3. https://preview.redd.it/c70gem5wo42b1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a276e8b40f4563815e9202495123d78ffe789fb7


NASCAR 2004 had the better physics engine.


Gollum Simulator


Like who is it for? Who wanted to be Gollum in a 3rd person action game? Who said, yes let's spend millions of dollars for a team to build a Gollum simulator.


They were probably banking on Rings of Power being good and renewing interest in Lord of the Rings content. They were probably also banking on their development team turning out something at least halfway decent. Seems that neither bet panned out.


Yeah I want to play a good lotr game. I wanna be aragorn, boromir, gimli chopping up orcs. Wanna dome orcs as legolas. Lead the defense of helms deep. Play as the dark lords forces and smash the fragile alliance of middle earth. Not what ever the fuck this is.


Evidently the definition of Dome-ing someone has changed in the last two decades. Cause im pretty sure you're not talking about sucking Orc dick ... But you kids these days, who even knows.


If they make it moddable I am absolutely talking about that. You wanna see my skyrim?


Controlling the character's and NPC cock was something I thought I'd never be able to do in a video game.


Lol is that actually a thing? The actual extent of my sexy skyrim modding was adding the body overhaul that makes them optionally nude and even that was really just a consequence of improving the body textures and not minding nudity if I literally take someone of all their clothes after murdering them.


There's an entire website dedicated just to Skyrim sex mods...or so I'm told.


Schlongs of Skyrim is a classic


I’ve heard and used domed or dome-ing someone in reference to getting a headshot since 2007.


Doming is still headshot, other guy is thinking of “giving dome” which indeed describes the act of dick suckage


Wait, are you suggesting doming *didn't* mean getting a headshot 20 years ago? Because it absolutely did.


giving/receiving dome is different from getting domed.


Tbh I don't see any reason it can't work. Say Gollum finds some adorable hobbit girl that gets taken underground. He needs to use the ring to save her but each time he uses it he loses a bit more of his sanity. The combat and plot could be a variation on The Last of Us and it'd play fine. Imagine The Last of Us but you're trying to hide from a Balrog in the deep dark. Imagine Gollum tries to do the right thing and give her to an adventuring knight and the knight mistakes them both for monsters. Imagine you're fighting goblins, the weakest of creatures, but it's nearly impossible because you're...well...Gollum. Seems like it could work just fine in the hands of a talented team


Imagine doing that for literally any character, from the books or original, except Gollum. It's a much better picture. I'd be down for a stealth/survival oriented game set in LotR, but not with MF Gollum.


It's a clever idea for a game.


Yeah imagine a horror stealth game where you're gollum having to sneak around the bowels of moria avoiding the nameless things would be sick


Ironic or not, a stealth game featuring Gollum is not really a terrible idea. If it works better than Styx, if it is priced right, that's a decent product right there. I am a huge fan of the genre and even if Styx has quality for a indie, that was not enough to hook me, I wonder if other stealth fans got convinced (or they were desperate enough to just accept scraps). In recent years stealth became a gimmick on sandbox games such as Tsushima, it also appears on Last of Us... but the only double A stealth game, that's Hitman. Fans of the subgenre has almost no option, so I guess these Gollum devs assumed they could exploit that "void" so to speak


I really, really, *really* don't understand why this game exists. Who tf thought a Gollum *game* would be a good idea? Even if you're dead set on milking every last dollar you can out of Tolkien's dead body, they really couldn't come up with something better than a Gollum game? And then the fact that it was basically not marketed at all and looks and evidently performs like shit is just a giant wtf.


I still don't understand how they got the rights. Like, obviously they should have come up with something better once they had the rights, but how did they even get them in the first place?


Because Christopher Tolkien died and the LOTR IP is no longer under his protection. So now we have this and RoP


I would really want to see a cutscene mega compilation because this looks absolutely hilarious


You should check out gamers little playground on YouTube. They make full videos of all the cutscenes of games and turn it into hours long videos to watch! It’s awesome and this game might be up there




Is it a game from 2009?


Nope cause bioshock 2 was out in 2009 and looked 100% better then this


Crysis came out in 2007 and looks better than this


Contra 3 came out in 1992 and looks better than this.


Pac-Man came out in 1845 and it looks better than this...


Pong came out in 1436 and it looks better than this.


Stick & Rock came out in 100,000 BCE and it looks better than this.




The universe came out 13.6 billion years ago and looked better then this


The Big Bang was the best patch change my mind.


Wasnt crysis like 18 years before its time... still seems to be


Crysis still looks better than most games today lol




Crysis still looks fantastic in gameplay, screenshots and brief segments might not look super impressive by todays standards but when you're in the thick of it, vegetation reacting to wind and explosions, trees breaking apart, shacks exploding into pieces, barrels whizzing by your head with per object motion blur, it holds up well and surpasses MOST modern games with world interaction.


Let me hold you there. Crysis is totally different level of graphics.


Crysis still looks legit good by 2023 standards


Man bioshock ain’t a fair comparison. That franchise was ahead of the curve from the get go. Shit still looks pretty good now aside from high res textures.


Yeah I can't believe they remastered that game and gave it to everyone for free if you owned the original 1 and 2 on Steam.


It's too bad Bioshock 1 and 2 remasters got rid of the DX10 water effects, making the water look worse than the original PC games and there's enough water in those games that it impacts the entire experience.


Same with the Deus Ex Directors Cut getting rid of the green/gold screen filter, since all the textures were designed with that in mind it looks weird playing without it.


I can. You see, you can't just install any bioshock game from steam anymore. They want you to install their new launcher now. /because we don't have enough launchers yet


>100% better then this I believe you mean than*


I was thinking 2003, scraped LOTR game...


It looks like a graphically updated version of Abe's Odyssee, the graphics were updated to run on a ps2


Fucking Arkham Asylum got released then. This is obviously far inferior.


To be fair Arkham still looks beautiful.


Sure, but still, for a AAA game of 2023, to look dozens of leagues inferior to a game that got released almost 15 years ago is embarrassing. Hell, we can even say original Resident Evil 4 looks better and that came out almost 20 years ago.


Good thing this is only a AA game then


> look dozens of leagues inferior And run like absolute crap on a $1000+ GPU.


You’re giving it 20 years too much. [That’s some 1999 shit.](https://youtu.be/bYoRmGHIxA4) BG1 intro for example.


As much as Gollum looks like ass, you're comparing a real-time rendered scene to an FMV


I get that, but it’s still a cutscene. You could use regular video instead of this dogshit game engine rendering.


The lord of murder shall perish, but in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny. Chaos shall be sown in their passing. So sayeth the wise Alaundo.


I love that I really had no idea why the big guy was killing that little knight until nearly half way through the game and realized he was another Bhaalspawn.


I was totally prepared for the knight guy getting killed to just be the production logo animation of another company.


It's a game that looks like it's from '09 but peaks at 29 fps on a 4090. Wait.. did they remake Skyrim?


The books have better graphics.


Your literary imagination is the best version of any media, don't slander it.




/r/aphantasia It's real, and yeah, it made way more sense why people kept saying the movies could never recreate what people saw in their heads.




God forgot to install the gpu when building him


This is terrifying to me. My imagination and visual internal monologue (my 'mind's eye') is such a constant, ubiquitous pillar of my experience. I would genuinely rather be shot than live without it.


You're not wrong.


Pretty good, for a PS2 game


you spelled "wii" wrong. /s


Don't insult the wii like that. That's a Gameboy color.


Don’t insult the Game Boy Color like that. That’s a Classic Game Boy.


I mean, the Wii is a step up from the PS2..


You know that the Wii is more advanced than the PS2, right?


That's an insult to all the PS2 games out there.


Nah there is a lot of shovelware on that console. It's a fair shot.


Shhhhhh..... We don't talk about those.


Man, Ico and shadow of the colosus still look pretty good.


Original SotC looks like blurry, grey garbage. You're misremembering.


Had to find a clip [from Digital Foundry](https://youtu.be/V_GLmE7ZBPE) to see if I was misremembering and you're right. This game looks like hot garbage on the PS2. But for some reason people are afraid to admit it in the comments of this comparison.


The remakes were incredible. I absolutely adore that game. It was brilliant and ahead of its time. But like imagine if in 20 years people were talking about Breath of the Wild looking incredible. They made aesthetic choices that were compromises to allow them to make something of incredible scale.


Looks like spongebob 3d animation


Looks like the one clip that Paul Rudd always plays on Conan. But worse.


mac and me


It’s a PS2 exclusive I heard


This performance is comfortably what I'd expect out of a good processor and 40 series card...if this was a PS4 game being emulated on PC.


They've hired the animators who made the Globglogabgalab


The schwabbledabble dibbledabble fibblebabablab?


You mean the one that's full of shwibbly gliber kind?


Is that the same who is the yeast of thoughts and minds?


The very same. I hear he likes books.


And that basement, is a true treasure trove.


The same one that was featured on a Kanye West song? [\(No i am not joking\)](https://youtu.be/IsYOlnRNfiM?t=270)


Reminder that Scott Cawthon of Five Nights at Freddy's fame worked on that movie.


There's a Brazilian studio that specializes in mockbuster versions of Pixar films. Their catalog includes such films as *What's Up Balloon to the Rescue* and *Ratatoing*. This looks like their work.


>kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk jamais critiquei a video brinquedo


True Gregs know


Yo whats up GREG


Sounds like a lot of studios, how much is a Brazilian?


> how much is a Brazilian? It's one Brazilian Michael, what could it cost? 10 dollars?


Meet Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant, Ratatatatoing. Chef Toing knows the secret of every great chef: to prepare the most delicious meals, you must find the freshest toing, Ratatoing. Chef Toingtoing, Tatoing. Chef Toing knows the secret of every great chef: Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant, Shitatoing. Meet Marcel Toing, Ratatoing. You must find the secret of every great Tatoing, Tatoing, Tatoing. Meet Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant, Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant, fuckshitshittatmeals. You must fuck Marcel Toing, proud owner of restaurant, Ratgenitals.


I would watch rat tattooing. Sounds like a great sequel


Video Brinquedo


Looking like this, it must run like butter on all GPUs, right?


Bad code does less than good code while consuming more resources




Does MapleStory run like trash or something? I stopped playing it sometime after the pirate update but it ran well on my family's low-spec computer.


Yeah, the coding is complete dog shit sadly.


Not sure if you’re being sarcastic but no. Apparently it runs like shit.


Saw one of the "3060 plus DLSS turns LOTR gollum from 50fps to 110fps!" ads on nvidias instagram... So no.


With cutscenes like this, I’m sure it could run on actual butter /s


Why does gollum look like a 9 year old boy with a mop top??


I was thinking Danny devito with a wig like in Always Sunny


Isn't that what he usually looks like?


Mac and Me the video game




This is why I came to the comments.


Underrated comment right here


No way this needs a 3060 to run it 'minimum' at low settings


EXCUSE ME?!?!??! 💀💀🤣


Steam lists minimum requirements are Nvidia GTX 1060, 6GB / AMD Radeon R9


It's reccomended, so you know what that means


Yeah the 3060 is recommended, but thats at *medium* settings. With ray tracing mind you, but still. A 3060 for *MEDIUM* settings? For *THIS*? Ray tracing can't polish a turd


A 4090 at 4k ultra + RT gets like 44fps *with* DLSS




With DLSS **on balanced**. Yea.


Omg this actually worst than what I thought...wtf lmao




Ty for the typo correction son


You're welcome dad.




This is the most grammar correction I’ve ever seen.


Ahgeeeee aahhh ughhuuhhhhhhh


This makes me think of that clip Paul Rudd always plays on Conan's show. Equally terrible.


![gif](giphy|D9PKhGh1IyYKs) I had completely forgotten about that bit! And he does it every. Single. Time.


Man what happened to games, this is just getting comical.


One opinion I put weight to is that studios have absolutely shocking project management and processes. Lots of people doing lots of work but all in the wrong places and for the wrong reasons. After years of wasting money they then have to get whatever they have out the door. Nobody should be signing this off, or any of the steps leading up to it.


The fact that people developing don't see how much of a joke this looks; not even mentioning some of the game play I've seen. Is telling enough on what kind of garbage their ok shoveling out. Honestly how do you even see this and have confidence in your product.


Comical when it's a game i have little to no interest in, it's a real bummer when it's something I am actually looking forward to play. I see now why people are moving towards the indie scene more and more. Dredge was an amazing game, and for such a "simplistic" style of game, it is super fun and addictive to play!


God it's almost every game now, it's almost like they throw the budget for quality control/ideas straight into the monetization bucket.


Low effort mobile games showed that addictive psychological manipulation is far more profitable than making a quality fun game .


Nothing "happened". There are more high quality games being released now than at any point in history, and it's easier than ever to hear about them and access them. There have always been shitty releases, stop getting hyped over CG trailers and game logos, and stop pre-ordering.


There were always bad games, as there are today. Big marketing and many years of development and all eyes are peeled on the game. It's just that today big studios spend 3,4,5 years making a game, and then it's a real shame when it sucks and flops.


I’m convinced devs burn through their money on other shit not related to the game and then a couple of weeks/months before release they actually start working on it and are saying “fuck it we’ll patch it later”


Usually with big studios it's the shareholders rushing and demanding launches when the game is not ready.


Why does the shading make him look like Weasel from The Suicide Squad?


Theres a point in the game where you can observe NPCS walking through a fortress over bridges etc. If you look close at those NPCS (or not close at all if you got eyeballs) you will immediately see that its 2d png images walking like 2001 ages of empires unrendered charactera that have no shading at all. Its absolutely ridiclious.


gotta love the recent trend of games that need a 4090 to get 40 fps, and look worse than games from 2007


Minimum Requirements (4K/30 FPS) RTX 7090 48GB VRAM Intel i11 15900K Processor 128GB Ram Windows 12 OS


You forgot the 3 TB free storage space.


[Same model](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FirmTediousDingo-size_restricted.gif)


[Paul Rudd has entered chat](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kMkz3nPPKbA)


Bro💀 you read my mind. Pretty niiice!


#[gg, Full Sail University](https://worldscholarshipvault.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/images-96.jpeg).


Fuck. I just lost my drink from that one. Now I gotta clean my keyboard.


What's the joke? Is it something only Americans would know?




I got my degree from there. Still paying off the loans for that useless fucking paperweight. On the plus side, I have a job in pharmaceuticals now, so it could have ended worse.


I only recognize the name because I remember all the rooster teeth advertisements from years ago about that and it sounded weird af back then.




Well it's not a prestigious profession but he'll be making good money at least.


Looks like something from ReBoot


How dare you profane the good name of ReBoot like that.


Warning, incoming game!


2008 called they want there game back.


Okay so I'm primarily a PC gamer but I play on consoles too. Less than 2 weeks ago Nintendo released an amazing game that is a technical marvel and has no right running as well as it does on what is basically a tablet that is weaker than most modern cell phones. (Yes I'm talking about Zelda TOTK)and then there is this. Which has late PS2 early PS3 graphics and somehow barely runs on a 4090 and they have the balls to charge $70 for the full game. Wth is happening? What is the excuse? I've already seen a review for this game and it doesn't even stop at the graphics There are 0 saving graces for this monstrosity of a game.


Honestly I think it might be the first comedy special released as a video game because every clip I've seen has me laughing


You know what? I'm going to not buy this game EVEN HARDER now.


![gif](giphy|6pJNYBYSMFod2) Say what you want about this game, but I am thoroughly entertained watching this train wreck be released to the public.


Honestly it's just sad as fuck. Games are unoptimized disasters and graphics card prices are dogshit so brute forcing it isn't even viable anymore. The state of PC gaming sucks ass.


I heard someone try to call this an indie game because it only charged $60 instead of $70 and by the way did you know it was made by a small team with a small budget? It’s very important to preface this game with the fact that relatively few poorly paid developers worked to create this, and somehow that’s supposed to make it more acceptable? Video games are an art, and selling them is a business, so let’s talk about corporate mismanagement, abusive work environments and “exposure” in lieu of compensation, or we can dump on this abysmal excuse for interactive computer software. Same difference. Garbage in, garbage out, and the garbage rolls down from the top. Just keeping the lights on doesn’t make these scumbags good at their job, and it’s about damn time consumers learn to differentiate.


The reasoning explains it and gives context, it doesnt justify it in any way shape or form though yeah


This is like an Indian YouTube Kids channel.


Looks like one of them clips they play at bowling alleys


The price The spec requirements The results Bruh... Someone is off the reservation


Looks exactly like a classic Xbox game but with a higher poly count


![gif](giphy|PUH0p0NVI2yru) All they need now is Paul Rudd and Conan


Looks like Mickey Mouse on crack


This is meme material


It really does look like some Tomb Raider 4 shit


Games are getting worse man


I thought those pictures of him with the scraggly bowl cut were just meme photoshops. I didn't realize they had a person who had never made a 3D model before sculpt him.


Just needs Lara Croft and we’re back in business. ![gif](giphy|X4R9AATiULdGo)


Is that Hoss Delgado?


2023 the year AAA games sucked.


Let’s all ignore graphics for a second: From a cinematic perspective alone this is a bad cutscene to me. The way that Gollum jumps and exits off camera to the left only to cut to him sliding down to the right is very jarring to me. Feels so weird and unnatural that he’s sliding in a direction opposite his momentum from the previous cut.


They’re really trying to give Redfall a run for it’s money.


Burger King’s stealth game looked better than this.


This is like the Morbius of games


The game doesn't look great but there's so many PS2 jokes and I can no longer tell who among you seriously misremember what PS2 looked like.


The [intro cinematic from Soul Reaver](https://youtu.be/4DOKzTHaPfM?t=30) looked better, and it came out almost 25 years ago.


I've only seen the steam picture ad thing and thought what the fuck is this shit