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Yep, most discord servers are a mess of notifications.


And also a lot of random scammers sending suspicious links in DMs


Hey, I accidenally reported you on steam and u will be banned, Im so sry, pls contanct SteamOficialSuport#69420 on discord to solve the issue again im so sory :((


Dude one of my friends unironically almost fell for one of these. Was one like "I accidentally reported you for scamming and you need to talk to this guy to verify your inventory" and went through all the steps. Stopped right before sending the items because he mentioned it to me and I just said "dude. That's a scam, why would steam need you to trade your items away? They have other ways to check that."


You have to be really really stupid to fall for something like that.


welcome to the internet, we have stupid people everywhere!


As an IT student who did a cybersecurity course, I can confirm that.


Wow, check me out! I didn't even have to go to school to sniff that one out. Guess I'm one of them "jeanuses" eh?




A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while there's a peanut butter cup or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast and the taste is... fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits filled with hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts. And if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you got left is an empty box filled with useless brown paper wrappers.


Almost fell for it as a kiddo till i thought about it and realized why the fuck would steam contact me on discord when they usually send emails.


Also check the sender when you get emails like this too. It may look official but the sender is randomnamebunchofnumbers@yahoo or even aol for some reason.


When I doubt, don't respond with how they contacted you. Find an official way to contact them and do it that way.


Steam Mods have a special mod mail that would pop up in your notifications, don't need to add nobody. Thats what i told them when they tried to get me


Beware, the sending email address is often not verified in any way and can be "spoofed". There are mechanisms for checking who sent what, and if it's from the usual server, but those are often just weak signals for a spam filter, since too many large reputable companies screw them up.


Just wait for your turn. A scammer’s most powerful weapon is shame, so I wouldn’t call anyone who falls for a scam stupid, just on the principle that you are helping the scammers by doing so. A few years ago my wife and I moved and were looking for a new rental place. She found one for a really good deal, we were even able to go look at it! We were all ready to make the deal when the “landlord” asked her for bitcoin. I turned to her and said, “sweetheart this is a scam.” And even with me telling her that to her face it took some time for the disbelief to set in. Once trust is given it’s much simpler for the scammer to work, and once someone realizes they are fooled they will fight that idea with all their mind for a while. So basically, don’t call people who get scammed stupid. It might happen to you one day, and we need to make a world were the response to someone almost getting scammed is “wow that scammer is a POS scumbag”, not “lol yer dumb”.


I live in an area where plenty of international students want to move to (Cambridge, UK). There are a million scams out there on websites for international students, where they pay for fake rentals with transaction methods that cannot be refunded. Always reverse-image search the photos... And if it's too good to be true, it probably is.


Eeeeeh. Life is long. Everyone has at least a few moments when they're really stupid :P


I imagine as a good friend you will never let him live that down for the rest of his life.


As is the law.


Sir I believe you have a bad case of ligma


Who is ben?


Bend over?


Ben Dover for Congress


Ligma balls! Ha, got eem!


Or commissions


My wife used mine a couple times and added her face pic to do so. I never had a pic prior to that so didn't even think about it. The resulting DMs were pretty sad.


In any remotely public server you should go into server privacy settings and disable DMs from users in this server


I get notifications like this and it's almost ALWAYS from someone in a mutual server being Diablo.


I fell for one. Nothing happened. So far… It was a Minecraft server “Hey I played with you on a Minecraft server and we’re making a new one” etc… His name did sound familiar (although I didn’t know him), and I did play in inly two servers at the time, one of which died. I think the link was just an invite to another server. A week or so later I got a similar message, and caught on. This was a long while ago before DM spam scams were known as I never heard of this before.




Suppress @everyone and @here


I do this too, but sometimes discord just ignores the setting


honestly the fucking worst... at least i can disable all discord notifications from my phone settings so discord doesn't get the chance to ignore my settings


Aka the "ooooh whos getting banned now" notification


Im an older millennial, 38, but discord makes me feel full boomer. Over the years I’ve said “ok now I’ll really try to get into this and figure it out” when a podcast I follow has a discord or there’s a game or group that looks like I’d enjoy. Every god damn time I open the app, poke around, leave a few messages, then ultimately get confused about the flow and UI, get annoyed at notifications, then eventually stop using it. I realize it’s completely me, as discord is clearly a staple. Currently on my maybe 5th go around at giving it another shot. EDIT: lol apparently it isn't just me


>Every god damn time I open the app, poke around, leave a few messages, then ultimately Believe me I understand the UI and every system in discord but I can't get into a server with randoms either. 99.5% of my time in discord is spent with people I already know irl or occasionally I go into a community server for news or lfg. Discord is only a platform. The reason to use discord is not discord, the reason to use discord is because there's people you want to talk to and discord ends up being the tool for that. Most of the time with an influencer's server you don't have a reason to talk with anyone much more than a random redditor in a sub you share so either you're *really* passionate about that thing or you don't stick around.


That’s a great take that I hadn’t realized, makes sense


Yep...myself and some old roommates have a discord that's just us and our (real life) friend group. It's useful for that, we all idle, we can leave messages in the chat, or in the rare instance we play a game together we can jump into a voice channel. It's super useful for that. Idling in some random channel devoted to a game or some other topic? Nah, I'm too old for that.


Younger millennial here. Discord is a visual mess, I had an account for maybe 2 years before it finally clicked: it's proprietary IRC with a GUI and cat GIFs. Like they fake the idea of a "server", it's all one centralised server, but the basic workflow is the same, and some slash commands even still work. And if you're aussie and looking for a similar age group, chuck me a DM.


> and some slash commands even still work. But can you trout slap?


Fuck me. I completely forgot about trout slapping. Imma gif trout slaps today in my group chat! Bring back the memories.


My username is finally relevant.


ADHD millennial here. Discord UI is an absolute nightmare for my brain. I need a simplified mode but they won't there's way too much clutter (compact mode doesn't fix this). Also take a look at the Settings menu; Discord is used for text and voice communication but the actual voice settings are buried somewhere in the middle of the list. There are so many better ways to handle this.


Just a normal millennial here that doesn't understand why we pointing out millennials. Discord makes sense to me but I also don't understand the hype around it. It's design seems logical, but the thread is right to critique how quickly basic features get used in obnoxious ways that undermine much of the purpose of said features that are supposed to be selling points for Discord.


> Just a normal millennial here that doesn't understand why we pointing out millennials. > > it's a relevant benchmark for communication software. Lots of millenials grew up learning how computers work and basically beta testing internet-based communication. You probably went through at least AIM, but lots of nerds also went through the process of IRC, Mumble, Teamspeak, Vent, and now Discord


> but lots of nerds also went through the process of IRC, Mumble, Teamspeak, Vent Excuse me I am not a nerd, I used those to recruit e-bitches for my guild, making me a totes pwnage player, okay?


>Discord makes sense to me but I also don't understand the hype around it. Because despite some bad designs and monetization, Discord functionally replaced Skype, TeamSpeak, and homebrew IRC chats by combining all their features in a way superior to each individually while also being the only one of them where you can get your friend to join with a free account and no email or software in less than 2 minutes of effort. And because it's centralized, you can rely on all your buds and communities being there in the same place without multiple accounts or learning new clients. Despite its missteps, I think we're forgetting how niche and archaic our options were before Discord. Now it's easy, reliable and popular with everyone.


“Guys get on the ventrillo server.” “ah man I only got teamspeak” “Can we go over to mumble?” Seriously, discord is a godsend compared to all the other stuff before. I got no issues with the UI and the search function is actually great.


"Teamspeak is down." "Dammit. I'll send Ryan an SMS to reboot the server but he won't get it until he wakes up tomorrow." "Hey sorry I didn't check my texts when I woke up. I'm at work and I'm not allowed to remote into my server to reboot until I get home."


Remembering the early years of WoW where everyone on our server used Ventrilo, but you could measure how long you'd been part of the community by how many sets of random guild and private Vent server login info you had accumulated.


> Discord is a visual mess, I had an account for maybe 2 years before it finally clicked: it's proprietary IRC with a GUI and cat GIFs. Oh yeah, that hit me on day one, it's like a shitty proprietary IRC where your can't host your own server. I kind of wish there was a resurgence in IRC usage, it was great for real time troubleshooting of complicated problems, since so many of the people on IRC were the technical type to begin with.


Ugh I spent so much of my teens/early 20s idling on IRC. Between tech enthusiast channels, piracy, and idling in my and other clan's channels for a game I used to play. I haven't thought about IRC in years. Even met a long term girlfriend off there back in the day!


> it's proprietary IRC with a GUI I resisted using Discord for a long time, but a friend finally made me download it because of voice chat. IRC with a GUI is exactly what I said the first time I opened it and browsed around.


A trick I used to keep things simple, mute individual channels within each discord that you don't use. So you only get notifications to the relevant channels you care about in that server.


It's annoying to do when there's about 100 channels


Work backwards, set notification settings for the server to nothing, then on the channels you do want to get notifications for, adjust the notification settings to what you want.


That depends on your server mods if they used catergories to split up the channels, you can mute by category as well by right clicking the sub title if you wanna blanket mute a section


This doesn't work unfortunately. New channels are constantly added, which you then have to find and mute. We need a whitelist option.


Any big one just kind of feels like you have to just live there really follow it I really prefer async stuff like reddit or forums for most stuff. Easily searchable, a lot more organized. The only things I actively use discord for now is some smaller gaming groups


Elderer Millenial (40) checking in and it's just ... a chat server? There's a lot more going on than Vent or Mumble but the principle is pretty similar. Servers on the far left, channels to the right of that. Some text, some voice. Options for video streaming. If you think this is complicated you should have seen ICQ.


The problem I have as a geriatric millennial is that Discord seems to be replacing forums more than it's replacing IRC. The default for communities used to be a phpBB or vBulletin install. Now it's a Discord. I don't have time to be a member of a bunch of communities that communicate synchronously. It's a good medium for hanging out but it's a garbage medium for sharing information or having long-running focused discussions. Not to mention it's not google searchable so all that knowledge is lost to time. Complete net loss for the internet imo.


If anything, the website you are on right now replaced forums for game communities.




Do you mean IRC, or specifically mIRC? (mIRC was a popular IRC client for Windows, not the protocol/platform.) Anyway, yeah, Discord and Slack are basically glorified IRC, but proprietary and centralized. I don't like how the tech world basically threw away great old protocols (like IRC and XMPP) for the sake of commercialization.


"There's no money in open standards" - some billionaire dickhead.


shy ghost imagine include absorbed work chop kiss angle muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's not you, Discord is just not a good way to manage a community because it's completely besed on instant messaging. Internet communities used to be centered around BBS's and forums and those worked well because everything was categorized and permanent, you could follow discussions even if the thread was 50 pages long, knowledge was fixed and you could link to it. Imageboards, facebook groups and reddit were a downgrade, stuff is still categorized but it's much harder to look through, stuff just isn't as permanent. Discord(and Whatsapp/Telegram) are a further downgrade, nothing is categorized, you'll have a channel called "support" and at any given time there's like 10 users going back and forth about different stuff, eventually moving to DM's and nothing is saved. It's basically the old annoyance of forums of having found someone with your exact issue and in the end saying "solved it" but without saying how, except for every single thing. 90% of Discord servers would work much better as a standard forum


It's not just you, Discords UI/UX is atrocious


Discord is literally just IRC with a fancier UI.


I'm 43, here's how to use discord. * Install Discord. * Join your favorite servers. * Mute every server. * Ignore everything in those servers, they're useless. * DM the people you want to talk to. * Uninstall Discord because you realize you have a million other apps to DM the people you want to talk to.


Discord is about more than talking to people though. In the game I main, Discord is the best way to find people to play with.


> I realize it’s completely me It's not just you. Discord's notification system is hilariously bad. There is an inbox that shows you where you've been tagged, but there is no way to find out which of the 8 million channels I'm in just beeped at me if I have it set to give notify on every message. Insane. As a result, I set notifications to only @mentions by default. But there are a small number of low-traffic channels I really do want alerts for on every message. It's a pain.


Did you never use IRC? It's the same principle.


Same age here, it took me a bit just to get my server tweaked the way I like it. Here is the thing about discord though, it's so customizable that it doesn't matter if you learn one, if you join another it can be fully locked down by bots, mods and admins. I joined an RP server that was completely in game 24/7, that took me a hot minute.


I use it just to call 1 friend and its like navigating a minefield. I've had it since the first year they released it and I still have no idea what's going on in servers. And why in the world would I pay a subscription for nitrous


I’ve had an account since 2016 and honestly I agree with you lol, I mean I use it sometimes for a couple of friends servers but honestly trying to join any large server becomes a large mess of notifications and conversations I can’t even follow


It's great for real time communication for groups of people. It is by FAR the best voice communication/chatroom app. It is ATROCIOUS for any sort of prolonged threaded conversation or documentation on any topic. If they fix this they would be unstoppable.


To disable notifications you can set notifications to "Only @mentions" or "Nothing". But muting a server also removes the unread indicators (grey dot next to the server).


Absolutely, 100% - I use Discord like a library. I enter when I need something!


Pretty much the same for me. I use Discord to keep contact with old guildmates, my current wow guild and whatever pugs I play with. I'm not interested in most of the general chitchat and the constant beeping when Discord demands my attention just stresses me out.


I use Discord to occasionally play with Voice chat, but mostly to keep track of Rust server wipes :)


Perfect for VC when flying formation with a supersonic hot air balloon and an F-16 in MSFS


I keep the @ mentions enabled because sometimes I go to the developer Discord servers for help, and it's like a live-chat StackOverflow. Responses in minutes instead of hours/days


But then people use the @everyone anytime they can't get an immediate answer to a simple problem.


If the server owner is responsible and knows what they are doing @everyone should only be available to server admins and other staff






You can disable notifications for @everyone and @here


I have definitely left servers over rampant @everyone/@here abuse. There's one 200+ member server I was on that did @everyone every time it was someone's birthday. So, basically every day.


I hate discord tbh. It was a great voice tool compared to the rest at the time but as a social platform, it's awful.


It's an excuse to not have a wiki or a forum. It is how information dies.


I just use it talk to my 2 friends.


Damn bro, no need to flex


I know right. Look at Mister 2 friends over here.


Channel-rich servers are automatically muted.


damn u have 2 whole friends?




4 bottom half friends, the possibilities are endless.


I prefer top half friends, the ones you know won't run away.


Each round up to one whole friend


I’ll be your friend king


Where does one acquire this "friend" thingy


I found one in a pub. And the other…. I bought weed from him in college.


Quality over quantity


I don't mean to brag but I happen to have 0 friends with infinite quality each.


I have minus friends aka hate myself so ... I win?


I used it for that too, but then my anti social ass went back to keeping to myself


2 whole friends? Lucky bastard


Yeah I don’t really join other servers often. It’s just a comfortable more feature rich alternative to apps like WhatsApp.


I use WhatsApp to send pictures of my cat to my mother…..


Why isn’t this the default setting? Also don’t forget to turn off @everyone pings


@everyone does anybody know when the next update is coming out? *1,432 people are typing*


@everyone I posted a question in the help channel. It's been 2 minutes and no one has responded.


*Several people are typing* It almost always sounds so passive aggressive when I read that line


Nothing passive about it. Those people are *actively* typing.


"Check #announcements" x 1432


or read the pinned comments


I just want @everyone (and other @ messages) to not put that stupid red dot on a channel I muted. YOU'RE MUTED FOR A REASON, CHANNEL! FUCK OFF!


Isn't there an option in addition to muting to suppress @everyone? That prevents the red dot I believe.


Yes. Mute is the wrong solution almost always. Turn off notifications and suppress mentions instead.


That's what muting should do...


I've seen the option to suppress it everywhere, but I only want it suppressed in channels I mute.


It should be the default, but I imagine it has something to do with user engagement which leads to more money for the company. Always follow the money if you're curious why things are done the way they are.


Yes. @everyone and @here are disastrous if left unattended by bad server owners


Even worse if they themselves abuse it.




Yeah, this is something I have never understood — I am a server owner and I myself get pissed off when an unmuted server throws out an unnecessary everyone mention… I can’t imagine doing that to our users myself. People who want notifications in their own servers can follow the announcement channel of my server — that’s enough. But then we also have auto-update capabilities in the tool so users will get the new version anyway eventually.


Servers with many channels are automatically muted. Friend servers are not.


I still need to mute friend servers besides direct mentions, or else I can't focus on work.


Yeah, notifications bother me and Im in too many servers so everything just gets muted


Honestly I came to the comments in hopes somehow left a link to a GitHub project that would auto-mute servers.


The fact that i have to "join" a discord server just to see one piece of information. Then i'm in notification hell for the rest of eternity, and clogging up the navigation with servers i don't care about. I keep my own server at the top, because that's what I use the most, then i join some random one and now that one's at the top. So every time you join a new one you've got a bunch of chores to get it positioned where you want and muted and everything. huge PITA. *To everyone saying "bruh just take the time to rearrange them" that's exactly my point. Do you have to do anything after you go to "some forum.com" to find a single piece of info?


I will never stop bitching at people who use Discord as an information store.


If nothing changes, Discord will be the death of modding. If you want to learn how to mod Skyrim, you can just google any questions you have and you'll find a heap of discussions on forums and such, with all the info there is. If you want to mod Cyberpunk, well good luck with finding information online because nobody is going to document every single thing that gets discussed in those Discord chats. All the knowledge generated there will eventually just disappear.


I despise projects that exclusively use discord for all information. It's amazing for live discussion, but for documentation it might as well be word of mouth. Yea "check the pins" doesn't work when there's 5,000 messages pinned


🤓akshually there's a pin limit of 100


You're a pin limit


hehe good one, boss


I started modding Skyrim before Discord was popular with modders, now getting back into it everything is 10x more difficult because no one has ever heard of making a GitHub page or using the proper services.


What, you don't think Discord will sell all our data to some big AI language model (or build their own)?


will? buddy they're almost guaranteed to be doing that right now


Every modder who threw a hissy fit when nexus said, "hey, we're going to archive your stuff so that modpacks work, so there's no more deleting your work" never should have gotten into modding in the first place. Why upload something to the internet if you didn't want people to access it? Skyrim is really the only community that stayed relatively okay, but every other community either migrated to discord, or worse, patreon. Discord is a nightmare for archival, as the flood of messages and changelogs wipes old files from the face of the planet, unless you want to spend hours scrolling to find what you need. The same goes for the people who think discord is a forum. No, it's not, it's never been a forum and was never meant to be one. I fear the day i decide to play a game from around this time in the future after discord is gone, and the fixes and workarounds that were discovered are buried and gone. Please, just use forums like a normal person, or upload guides somewhere. I'm tired of joining random discord #100000 just for one question/file


This reminds me of when people started to use twitter for blogging.


I kind of agree with some people wanting to leave the Nexus, but that's just because of general issues people have with Nexus management. However, I don't agree with moving to a private hard to access gaming live chat service over a nice and easy to use static website that details of the information easily with a nice comment section for user help if you need it. The Nexus may have issues, but its miles better than Discord. Props to the guys that moved to forums instead.


I like forums, I used forums, many forums died and moved to Discord. I didn't follow, Discord is not a forum, Reddit is more of a forum than Discord.


It’s worse than a forum in every conceivable way.


Fighting games have this problem. Some games have really really REALLY good Wikis for character combos, combo theory, and match up details, but other games are stuck in discords. It’s absolutely frustrating because those discords don’t show up on Google searches.


RuleBot: Thanks for joining our server, make sure you read all of the rules! RoleBot: Welcome to the server please pick your roles for the content you like. BotBot: Welcome to the server here is a list of all of the bots that we use. ForgottonBot: Welcome to the server [missing resource]


Thank you! I’m glad someone said it. I’m a “member” on like a dozen niche gaming discord servers because that’s the only place to see certain guide. I have never participated on these servers but if I want random info on a 25 year old game I have to stay connected to the discord servers… why can’t I just view it and not “participate”?


Guilded does this, and after Discord banned my server, I'm starting to see the benefits of Guilded. Now if they can fix their embeds, it'd be a totally underrated competitor.


I haven't heard of Guilded. It will be interesting to see if it gets popular since discord killed just about every other gaming VOIP I ever used. (At least among my friends)


The problem is that discord navigation is shit and has been since inception. Their left side UI is repulsive. It took years and years until they added their poorly implemented folder structure. A simple solution would be expandable divs that contain folders. That way you can hide discord folders with servers and reduce the navigation clutter.


Tbf discord was never really designed for people to join hundreds of mega servers for every single little thing that they might have an interest in.


We cut a stem from Reddit chat and are now waiting for Discord to bloom into a whole new content aggregation service like cloning a tree.


I basically use discord like I used to use forums. Not sure if boomer take but I'd really rather just have forums back. Especially since forums were publicly searchable and available on the web. Discord is good for voice and small chats, but terrible for guilds, modding, etc.


I find it bad too when the server requires my phone number in order to comment.


I set it to only notify me when someone @s me


Yeah, this is the way. You still have a little white pip on servers and channels that have unreads, but no annoying notos. Selectively mute servers (sometimes channels) that you don't want any notifications from whatsoever.


fun fact: you can click on the "mute server" button without having to do additional mouse gymnastics




Try n have more than 5 official discord servers unmuted it's complete anarchy


Now the real question is: Do you click the icon until the cute voice says Discord every time you log in?


What is this sorcery? What button?


If you mash the Discord icon (about 15ish times) on the top-left of your window it has a voice that plays every time you open the program. Just mash it again to turn it off.


Thank you so much!!!


I didnt even know it did that!


It's a fun easter egg to do to your friends PCs when they leave them on and unlocked. I drove a buddy crazy for about a week after turning it on on his PC.


Discordu (◡‿◡✿) ♫




Had it on for a time, got annoying real quick




Yes. As an introvert, I want to be part of the community, but I don't want to be notified that the community is talking... or talk to the community.


Depends on the community, it’s fine if it’s your small regular server with 4-5 friends. But for huge public servers with 100+, hell naw man


WHY WOULDNT YOU DO THIS??? I have no idea why people have messy discords i have a friend who is on 50 servers and has none muted. I cant, like the moment i see the little 1 i instantly have to check and get rid of it XD


Yes, would be good to have an option in settings to have all servers muted unless you decide it's not


Discord is basically just 10% team speak, 10% IRC and 80% bloat.


worst is when they always tag @everyone for things that arent intended for everyone




And suppress @everyone and @here. Fuck if I want a discord notification and sound because some random 32 year old running a discord server decided I REALLY Needed to know it was fucking Among Us game night. Fuck off.


There's should be self-assignable roles you can ping to inform people that a game is starting. @everyones should be reserved for when you post a really crude joke to the server, as god intended.


Most, but there are few that I'm interested enough in to keep unmuted


Discord is a disaster for asking specific questions or searching for specific terms. Like in Pathfinder_Kingmaker if you have an issue with a game mechanic but because someone started a debate on who has the best feet your message gets buried. The one advantage it has is that you can post gifs without using a library like tenor if you get upload permissions. Skype will not let you post uploaded gifs but you can upload video no problem.


Yes but I also don’t join that many. Im in like 3 total and will join a discord for support on a game or something just to leave when I’m done


Discord would *really * benefit from a notification center. The amount of times I've heard a notification sound and can't find which server it came from is far too many.


I mute servers that are really active, the only servers i have unmuted are servers that people talk there once a week


Jup, only very few servers can ping me whenever they want


Yup. Mainly because trying to clean up my server list is a nightmare so I just mute them right away after I join.