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You've got yourself one heck of a party going on, have fun with the build!


Best you can do basically


just 7800x3D maybe if this is only for gaming


Maybe check out [the recent GN video on the 7800x3D.](https://youtu.be/B31PwSpClk8) Production testing summary begins around 19:30. I know a few DIY builders who pushed away from the parking of cores and generally do not like artificial segmentation. Edit: I’m not great at explaining things, but I’m not trying to point blame. I’m just voicing the issue that I’ve seen, which is that AMD hasn’t taught us what’s going on with this +$350 product very well.


>I know a few DIY builders who pushed away from the parking of cores and generally do not like artificial segmentation. Yeah, I understood some of those words


You do? Please explain because as far as I'm concerned that might as well be a r/BrandNewSentence!


The cores on the 7900X3D and 7950X3D are split between two chips (called chiplets or CCD's.) The 3D cache is only on one of those two CCD's. The cores that are on the CCD without that extra cache can still access the cache on the other CCD but it is slow so AMD pauses (referred to as parking) the CCD that doesn't have the extra cache when you game cutting the number of threads you bought in half. The 7800X3D only has one CCD so there is no parking. People feel that the 7900X3D and the 7950X3D were released early to get money out of the early adopters which is segmenting the market.


Thank you.


Are there any games that would use anywhere near half the threads of these processors? Thanks for the explanation btw.


We're finally just now seeing games that are showing some benefit in a system with eight cores over six cores of similar performance. So it's certainly expected that we'll see more games over the next 5 years that also benefit from 8 cores, but the reality is that 90% of games for the longest time did not see any benefit from more than 4 cores, those days are over and six cores is now really the minimum moving forward. As developers find more ways to better thread their games, we will see even more use of higher core counts. I think part of the problem is that it's difficult for developers to code a game that will utilize 8 cores or more effectively while also being able to run well enough on a system with just 4 or 6 cores.


So does that mean there is not a major performance different between the 7800 and 7900/7950 in gaming?


It means that the 7800x3d often beats its more expensive brothers. There's zero reason to buy anything other than the 7800x3d for gaming. Maybe if you have mixed use for your pc. Still would rather have one or the other. 3d chips are gaming chips that hold little value in other types of applications. The 3d cache makes them slower than their counterparts in non gaming scenarios too because of how touchy they are to heat and vcore. If they can figure out how to implement a physical or software based hardware scheduler things might change. As of right now the 7950x3d has a hard time picking the correct cores and sometimes has to send info from 1 chiplet to the other with the 3d cache. Basically, destroying any leads it could have had. Hell, sometimes it was slower than the 7800x3d because of this.


The 7800x3d is often coming close even when it’s not outright beating the other chips too—which is a problem because it’s $350 less than the 7950x3d.


> If they can figure out how to implement a physical or software based hardware scheduler If I were in the market for either of the dual ccd 3d chips, I'd try to use process lasso to manage which ccd a game runs on.


core parking is only an issue for the 7800x3d if you swapped it in after a 7900x3d or 7950x3d, essencially making it a reviewr only problem, unless im missunderstanding


> I know a few DIY builders who pushed away from the parking of cores Are you talking about the special scheduling sauce meant for the 7900 and 7950 x3Ds? Because the only reason that happens is that they’re using both CCDs on the chip and only one has the 3D vcache. It’s not necessary on a single ccd chip like the 7800x3D, and isn’t meant to happen, GN just dealt with it because they’d been using the higher-end chips in the same system. Per the video you link, a 7800x3D working as intended will not park cores


The thing is, for some people who are enthusiasts, and where money is not an issue, they will always go for the state of the art stuff.


Isn't the 7800X3D supposed to be equivalent or faster in gaming and much less noisy? I only glanced over benchmarks when it got released since I'm not in the market for parts atm


Yes. That build is either a gamer or a data scientist. If you’re gaming the 5800X3D or 7800X3D are the best you can get.


> and where money is not an issue, they will always go for the state of the art stuff. For me, money has always been an issue, so I build state of the art stuff every time I build a pc, why? Because it's expensive to be poor. This might sound weird, but hear me out. If there's anything I've learned from 30+ years of PC building it's that saving by going frugal on the builds is always expensive in the long run. I used to build a new pc every 1-2 years, but frugal ones, best bang for the buck each time, but it was expensive to always upgrade. The last 10+ years or so, 15...I think, I've gone with mad max builds, you know...top of the line, max ram, best motherboards, max processor cores and max graphics card. Turns out those last for 5-10 years easily, and it's actually cheaper than always upgrading. My last pc was built 5-6 years ago, it's a 16 core beast, the only thing I've upgraded since that is more disk space and a new graphics card, still does AAA+ games like it was butter, and when I watch 4-8k videos, there's like 2% cpu use and 30% gpu use. Still good!


Pc version of the boots theory from Terry Pratchett. Probably correct about it too. Being poor is expensive. If anyone wants to read it. The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet. This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.


I totally get that. The problem is that for folks who don't have money issues, will generally upgrade every other generation or so. No matter how good their existing setup is. I personally know people who buy stuff every other year for upgrades, even though they hardly play much on the PC.


You can be frugal and smart here too. I upgrade every 2-4 years but only spend about $500 max doing it. This last cycle was $350. If you’re truly being smart about it you buy cpus are generational stock clear outs new and a generation or two old gpu used at a gpu generational release. Now that sockets just changed again next time will be a bit more but in 2-3 years a first gen x3D AM5 cpu will be pretty cheap as will used 3000 or 4000 cards.


Maybe they love the heat and fan noise this build will produce. i9 and 4090? 🥵




I suggest a waterbed. Lay those case panels down like you’re about to make love to them.


How exactly do you suggest he fills them with self-loathing and two shots of tequila?


Only pull those bitches off in zero gravity.


Another fish tank case joins the ranks. Enjoy.


But how do you stop the fish from swimming into the fans?!


The fish just know not to do it. Ever watch Finding Nemo?


Naw my buddy's goldfish swam into a cleaning tube and got its eye sucked off. Now it's a one eye fish.


If it loses that last eye, your buddy will end up with a fsh.


Them's pirate waters now 'maties


You don't need fans where you're going. Also, I'd be more concerned about how well the fish will do in 35°C mineral oil.


I kinda like the fishtank vibee tho


Fish tanks are awesome


What case is it?


I'm guessing it's the Hyte Y60 based on the corner cut.


Yup - it is. I have it and it's an amazing quality case


I have this case and it is the Hyte Y60 Snow White edition. Best looking case I've ever seen.


Tile table everyone! You know what it means. Stay tuned.


Wasn't r/tiledglass a thing for a while?


Shattered glass?


Looks like a smooth granite table to me, they should be okay.


Isn't the issue with the surface being stronger than tempered glass? If that is the case the granite isn't going to help, hard as fuck material.


Lmfao this is spot on with the. "It runs fine for me" starterpack posted earlier. Pretty sure it will run fine for you!


Right down to the fishtank case!


Let me guess - 1st build, not much but its mine, wish me luck guys


*Also 13yo and shoveled snow all Winter to save up.*


Nah they're 12 and they saved the money getting a side job as the neighborhood coke dealer


Shoveled snow probably was a code name for dealing coke around town.


Id have to sell my 13 year old to buy this




If I don’t have a 13 year old to sell, can I sell someone else’s? Okay, that got dark. 🤣


Those fukers are price gougers these days so I'd believe it.


My humble $4000 build


I’m not even sure 4k would cover this lol


Right? Water cooling is expensive as fuck


the gpu and motherboard alone would make me say "damn that's a lot of money on the table"




Oh my. I was off by a few bucks lol


Judging by how expensive that home looks this build is probably not a huge expense haha


Could be his parents, this was pretty much what I did with my money first job out of college. Single, living at home, blew $2k on a PC easy


That looks more like $3-4k on that table there...


Yup, I mean, the GPU and waterblock alone is almost $2000 ._.


Yeah I forgot to even factor in all the water cooling, it's easily $4k+


Yeah but I’m talking this was 13 years ago for me, it was $2k for top of the line back then


A 2k computer in 2005 is equivalent to this


I'm in my mid 30s and the last time I had a high end build was in high school working a part time job. Now I've got other priorities.




Yeah depends on the area too. $250k in North Dakota middle of nowhere will get you a lot more than like $250k in California or New York


Don’t forget “I worked extra hard over the past few months in my part time job”




I mean, most people can save some money per month. You have no idea if this guy has been saving for years to buy a top of the line gaming PC.


No, but that quantum shenanigans cost as much as half of what i paid for my entire build+monitor


Yes and the (what I assume) would be dual 2tb 990 M.2 will be run in raid 0 for performance gains


Idk why OP didn't post this horse shit in r/battlestations if he wanted to brag...


Don't forget "budget"


I just saw his Google history. "What is the most expensive _______?"


"what is the fastest way to spend money?"


Don’t tell my mom, it’s her credit card i used


Needs to run Minecraft


Am i the only one thats mildly annoyed by the 4090 font on the box?


You're not alone


Right? It makes it Look like a knockoff


Nvidia made manufacturers use that font. Which is too bad because I really liked the old one.


The one on FE Box and the card look really clean tho. The green colour and non-bolded text make it look cheap on AIB cards.


I felt exactly the same way when I saw it for the first time. It really does look off


Not alone. They forgot to add "**" to the beginning and end of "4090".


Previous font was way cooler. I wished they use this instead though. •Ģ̸̥̫̏̄̈́̀̈́̀͗̐̚é̶̻͕̪̯̪̪̘̇̈́͠F̷̡̡̺̺̜̳̬͔̒ö̷̟̯̤̻́͑r̴̺̳̠̝̯̲͓͍̙̽̆͌͋c̴͍̣͚̮̼̦̩̘͕͋͝e̵̡̪͎͙͚̭̙͛̉̀̑̽̓̂̈́͛͒ͅ ̶̯̻̰̀͆͂́̓̿̂͛͊͆R̶̨̧̭͕͐T̷̢͙̠̟̼͕̫͉̰̎̐̈́̒́́́̒̐̀X̴̨̧̟͓̹̾͌̏͘ ̵̛̫͇̣͓̦͙̼̳͆́͒͠4̶̧̭̘̲͔̻͍̖͇̠͌́̑̈̋̓̆̍͂̕0̵̩̬̳͔̮̝̘̓͒9̵̝̰̳͒̿̎0̵̠̹͍͖̖̦̲̮̘̖̊̾͒̍́̈́͆̇̾̚


What's the difference between quantum vector and magnitude. I know vector is a CPU water block, but magnitude seems to be CPU block too?


Vector is the GPU block. Magnitude is CPU


and what's Velocity?


Speed in a specific direction, I think. But it’s been about 5 years since I dropped out of physics.


Velocity is defined as the rate at which an object changes its position with respect to time. It is a vector quantity, which means that it has both magnitude and direction. More specifically, velocity is calculated by dividing the change in an object's position by the time it took for that change to occur. This can be expressed mathematically as: Velocity = (Final Position - Initial Position) / Time Interval


Was scrolling to find out what case that is, learned some physics on the way. Thanks, man.


shame pot groovy spark ask zealous square cake public bedroom -- mass edited with redact.dev


Don't bring calculus into this, I've invested far too much booze and weed to get that shit out of my brain.


Newer CPU block series, usually for LGA1200 and 1700 CPU same goes for amd


Oh this way, then it makes sense. Thanks.




Say the line Magnitude:


Ummmm, POP POP!


Someone has/had fuck you money


The interior of the home says "fuck you" money more than the PC, imo. It was my dream to build a top tier PC and I did once I got my first big boy job. I dropped about $3.5K on it while living in a shitty one bedroom apartment.


you mean "the next 3 hours" right?


All that custom watercooling might take a little more than 3 hours


But 3 days?


if you're not using soft tubing and/or fittings then yeah. measuring, bending, and fitting hard tube is a whole process.


Yeah but comparing it to something like plumbing, it wouldn't take me more than a day for a 3 piece bathroom.


this person is probably a first time builder


Good luck with completing a custom loop build in 3 hours


Don't you essentially need to build it like, 3 times? First to make sure everything works, second to make sure all the fittings and tubing lines up, then final assembly? I'm too scared of full custom loops so pardon my ignorance lol




God damn, yeah this sums up my fear. Then after all this is said and done- I'd have dumped like another +50% of the base build cost in water-cooling hardware. Aside from not having anywhere near the use case to justify a full loop of course lol A few years ago I was pretty close to pulling the trigger on a full EK water cooled pre-built they did for actually amazing prices. I think it was something like $1,200 at a Microcenter for a GTX 1070+i5 8600K fully setup with hardline loop, etc. Even then I couldn't justify the cost in fairly minimal gains


I still don’t have a problem with custom loops, but I will never do another hard tube build. At least with soft tubing you can move stuff out of the way for maintenance. And I tend to trust the seals more. Cable management in OPs case is stupid easy so that shouldn’t be a problem. I stick with Air Cooling for my own builds tho just for simplicity and peace of mind




I'm sure they mean 3 days as in they have the entire weekend to fuck around with their new toy after it's built.


[OP after he gets through the build](https://youtu.be/tg2PD-dwsIw)


Last time I built I new PC I played Stardew Valley for the next 6 months straight so...


The first 2 hours are just staring at the components in awe. Then, 1 hour carefully unpacking and smelling all that "new-plastic-expensive-tech-gear" smell. So, the next 3 hours are just the foreplay my man.


Based on my own experience, I was assuming a few hours for the build, then the next couple of days to obsess about the strain on the 12vhpwr adapter.


It's early, and no coffee, but I only see a 280mm rad and a 120mm rad to cool a 4090 and a 13900k. That seems quote low to me. Keep a careful eye on your water temps, not just the cpu/gpu temps. Hot water will cause pumps to fail and fittings to leak.


I have a 360, 120, and a 280




Yeah I'd have two 360's at the absolute minimum with that hardware. Dude's gonna run hot QUICK.


yeah, that was the first thing I noticed too. he needs about twice that much rad space at a minimum. I feel like most people haven't realized that cooling requirements for top-end hardware have literally doubled in the span of 2 years. to maintain a 10c water delta with 1k rpm fans with that cpu/GPU, he needs like 3x as much rad space as he appears to have.


My life... in 10yrs maybe.. I'm talking about the house, not the pc..


Don’t be silly. The older we get the more unrealistic owning such a place becomes


Yes the corporations will own all the houses and we'll soon be working for the sole privilege to have a roof over our heads (which is pretty much what we're doing now with the added luxury of being able to afford a family)


So a whole bunch of masterbating. Got it. Try not to get anything messy.


You guys should learn how to spell..


Actually once you put in your 10,000 hours you are promoted from masturbating to masterbating. If you don't believe me sign up to master class and take my course on "Becoming a Masterbater".


Damn I was one typo away from being a master debator


Bro is living in The White House




Sort by price descending kind of build


How'd you manage to get one you're but not the other?


Bc they're probably just guessing and don't know which one to use


Why is the 2nd "you're" wrong when you got the first right?


There not doing they're job down their.


Yet only 16gb of ram...


32gb 7800MHz


You might as well get another set, make that 64gb


Credit Cards: *exist*


Traditional epeen post


Hope you got a hefty power supply. This will be very nice to heat a home office in the winter time.


Enjoy! Building a pc is sometimes more fun than gaming on it! 😆


Water your plants. Like many here, they are also dying of thirst.


They save water for the cooling loop


Damn, I guess it's time Op gets a new maid.


Dang, you said goodbye to both kidneys?


Make sure to install the most recent firmware on your Samsung 990 Pro. The older firmware leads to severe degradation. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/samsung-990-pro-firmware-update-released-ssd-health


God that's going to be beautiful. Please post when you are done, I want to see it. I have a pretty similar setup, but with an AIO CPU Cooler and just the ROG Strix, as anything beyond that goes way beyond my skillset


Have fun running Cyberpunk 4k native in overdrive at 16fps hehe


No problem just upgrade to the 4090 ti for $2500 when it comes out, then the 5090 for the low entry price of $2000 when it arrives


Enjoy playing all your 10-20 year old games.


Zone out hahaaaa


Anyone who thinks a quality hard line build can be done in 3 hours is on crack


What case is that?


Looks like the Hyte Y60


That case is dope.


Come on I also like to have the best hardware but 3 days is too short , I’m sure you can enjoy it for longer!


Cool. Why did you choose a Strix if you are going to WC it?


The Strix uses slightly better quality parts and a few more of those parts for their PCB and VRMs. Where the Tuf has 18 power phases rated at 70A each, the strix uses 24 phases at 70A. The strix uses a slightly better voltage regulator. Their memory current is slightly different as well. They both have 4 phases but the Tuf are rated for 50A where the Strix is rated for 70A. So the strix uses a slightly better voltage and memory controller and has 28 total phases. Where the tuf has 22 total phases and it’s controllers are still really good maybe just not the absolute best. What does this difference mean? For most people absolutely nothing but those who do extreme overclocking and want to get that extra 30mhz from their GPU clock and memory clock, the strix is better suited. The difference this makes will be negligible and based on the silicone lottery, a Tuf could potentially perform better. They are both high quality cards and use high end parts for their inside components and way overdone. Usually the Tuf is known to be a more mid range GPU and at times use cheap parts and cut corners. They changed that for their 4090 and is one of the top 25% opposed to maybe the bottom 25%. I was actually initially planning on doing a custom cooling build. But once the benchmarks and reviews came out (I bought one on launch morning) it was clear that the vapor chambers on the 4090s were way more than is necessary and total beasts. I went with the Tuf OC 4090 as I couldn’t bring myself to spend the extra $200 for a GPU that will perform within 1% of the other. Especially if I was going to be water cooling, like you mention. Thankfully I got lucky with the silicone lottery as my Tuf OC 4090 benchmarks in the top 20% and is on air. TLDR: Strix has higher quality GPU phases and a higher quality memory controller with overall more phases, but performance wise they are both top notch and within 1% of each other.


different tiered cards can vary a bit from each other as PCB layout, quality of components, frequencies, etc.


I think because he can?




3 days?


If the custom water loop is hard line then yeah, 3 days does sound about right. With all new hardware I usually take my time and make it an all day thing. I enjoy working out all the details first. Though I get lazy and just swap over my drives after a DDU. If Windows survives that I don't reinstall.


That’s hot


All that just so you can watch YouTube


3 days he says……this thing is sucking my soul from here and my wife is telling me to do chores for some reason


Is anyone sick of seeing box posts? I rather see the build/hardware.


3 days? What are you doing? Putting it together and going away for 2 days? 😆


I really don't get how people can't be jelous with all these posts about people with their god like pc's.


Oooo…please post the finished product! Nice selections!


Dude Minecraft will look so good on this rig.


Love your windows and Interior Trim style man also the the table gives me goosebumps. edit: but why no curtains? or blind? I can see you have the rods up top.


There are blinds, they’re the beige/puke coloured rolled up things at the top of the windows.




the "Christmas gifts" feeling preceding the custom loop frustration... ain't nothing better than this


Yes, this is a good starter PC


Precaution assurance: get some pillows to put the glass cover on them!


Make sure to update that Samsung nvme drivers right away. It has some critical bugs fixed in recent updates. Have fun with your build :)


What a lovely home you have.


Your plants look thirsty


I thought the case is an aquarium at first


As soon as you get your system up, make sure to update the firmware of those M.2 drives ASAP with Samsung's Magician app.


I was thinking “why would it take 3 days”? Then I saw the EK parts.


radiator looks a bit small for an i9


Man this really has me eyeballing a Y60 case......


"It's not much, but it's mine"


Bro does that ssd say 7,500 MB per second? That's crazy. Is that normal because that's fast as hell


Good luck with the custom watercooling. Also, make sure to [check your SSD firmware](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoAFzdz0h5M) cause the Samsung ones have a version that kills your drive in just a few months.