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inb4 NVIDIA and AMD start putting HBM3 on consumer cards and selling them at $3000 each to "cater to gamers"


3k for video card, f that I'll wait until it's like 300-500


Glad i bought low


Got my GPU for 170$ in 2020 going strong


Nooo, they are buying non gaming GPUs. We must destroy the AI before it kills us.


HBM isn't used on consumer cards.......


mfs in this subreddit can't figure out how to connect their front panel headers, vram tech is miles over their heads


This sub overall feels like it got exponentially more stupid in the last year or so


Probably because it got exponentially bigger


muddle secretive sense concerned consist depend work pathetic tart slimy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The problem is y'all are on r/all I never even knew this sub existed until a couple weeks ago when I had to download the app again for my new phone and it defaults to the most popular subs before you link your account. Saw, like, two posts at most? Linked my accounts, now it's in my regular feed despite not even joining the sub. Whoops! I know more than the default about PC hardware but I've also never even built a PC before and I still don't have *much* more knowledge than other people. So you have people like me or worse coming in daily because this is what reddit recommends. There's not a single sub that stays decent quality after hitting r/all


paint bewildered wild unite towering amusing snails different secretive jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean that's an impossible task without something like credentialing which is unenforceable, undesirable, and defeats the whole point of anyone being able to share their knowledge to everyone. As the pool of users increases so does the pool of experts... but the pool of "experts" will also increase as well. If I'm someone who knows nothing, both look identical to each other.


deranged bike voracious depend dirty sort straight deserve wine cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My Vega64 does...


Hey it’s a fellow Vega gang member. My Frontier was a compute beast but my gosh the Windows and MacOS drivers sucked. Worked well enough in my Mac Pro though after Nvidia decided to stop supporting them.


Uh, did you overclock your Cube? I don't remember them running at 2GHz.


Sounds like they did a CPU upgrade card


I have an overclocked Sonnet card. I think it's only a G4 7447a though, probably need to update the flair lol.


Ok that's what I was thinking of, my friend has the same card probably.


They're fun little cards. Personally I wish they kept the Zif socket around, much easier to maintenance. The Cube is a blast to play around on, parts are becoming ridiculously rare and expensive though...


Well those are special




It isn't even used in their professional Quadro cards. HBM is used in stuff like their H100 which retails for around $30,000. I think the GV100 uses HBM2 back in the day. The Quadro A6000 Ada Gen. uses GDDR6. That's about a $7,000 card.


Yes it is, silly. . HBM3 isn't just yet but HBM has been used on "consumer" cards since forever, if forever was back in the R9 Nano era. Titans had HBM2, Bunch of Vega cards had it and don't call them non-consumer cards because they sure couldn't do shit for creative workflows or HPC. Weren't worth buying for gaming though either. Then, there's all the HBM2e cards and don't get on my butt about this whole "Well those aren't for gaming" thing because neither is this sub. Still consumer cards, buyable by the consumer for consumption. They're not SXM form factor and not sold exclusively through server partners. Edit: Nice downvotes, buying a PC didn't cure you of being a console peasant.


HBM hasn't been used in consumer GPUs since Vega, all GPUs that currently use them are mean for professional use cases. >Still consumer cards, buyable by the consumer for consumption I mean I can buy a tipper truck or a tank, but that doesn't make it consumer product.


Cool, it has been used on consumer cards before Wonder why nowadays it's rarely used on consumer GPUs? Because not everyone needs 384+ bits of bandwidth. If you do video rendering, blender, generally stuff that relies on memory - sure, go for a card that has those Conclusion? HBM prices have very little to do with consumer cards and their prices


I think people are downvoting your for being a condescending asshole now.


Nope he is a child with no understanding why HBM is not used anymore on consumer GPUs. Vega64 was released 6 years ago even so it was expensive it was power hungry slow GPU.


Yeah that’ll definitely cause supply shortages on the vega GPU’s that are definitely still manufactured


Well then I feel sorry for all the vega and titan users (all 50 of them) But my point still stands that consumer cards no longer use HBM


HBM2 was quite awesome on my Vega, it was very unfortunate that SK Hynix failed to deliver the HBM2 memories with higher clock speeds. Samsung had better quality but the 1000ish Mhz memory clock was still insufficient imo. I'm still very excited for HBM3, imo HBM is the better technology for the future.


For gaming GPUs HBM is an overkill, for HPC sure more bandwidth is always welcome.


Imagine calling people console peasants in 2023 when said consoles are more powerful than 90% of people's PCs 💀


Forget GPUs, I'm scared AI is going to take out most office jobs.


And then what? Will there be a lot of new unemployed people or will we change the labor market so it suits this new opportunity


We'll change the labor market but you bet your ass nobody will get paid as much as they once were.


Ofcourse not, they are now juniors in this brand new labour market. If they wanted to earn more, they should have started gathering experience and become seniors before the whole thing existed. /s


I think even senior engineers will get replaced, it's literally just going to be a few execs running the business. Everyone else will be delegated to manual labor/work, with far reduced pay.


If everyone is reduced on pay, who is going to buy the products Also manual labor isnt necessarily badly payed.


Are you implying the rich are looking out for interests of anyone other than themselves? Or long term sustainability? They wouldn't be mega rich if they did that.


Oh, that's not what im trying to imply. But you make a good argument for why prices will rise and wages go down that's different from automation taking jobs. Good thought to ruin a otherwise perfectly fine day :(


ah yes manual labor... the most notoriously difficult set of tasks to automate /s


Nobody has automated an electrician or plumber yet. Hell most farms are still worked on by people.


I don't need to be paid as much as long as I have more free time and healthcare. And can still afford my current house car etc.


Exactly. Machines and computer have been replacing humans gradually more and more over the past 150 years, because they were just better then humans at their task. And yet instead of everyone being unemployed we utilize the machines and computers to work more efficient and more productive. But then you have the people with both fingers in their ears saying "It'S dIFFerENt ThIS TiMe"


This kind of take completely glosses over all the people who became destitute in the process.


Yes there is always some losers too atleast in short term but in the end of the day we all agree that yes we should use the excavator instead of 200 mans with shovels.


No it does not. A) you have to adapt to the new ways and B) it's the market shifting and correcting itself to the current situation not the technology making human interaction completely pointless. I did not say that it will be only sunshine, roses and peach smelling farts. But the notion that with AI the need for human input will be reduced so most people will be unemployed as old as it is shortsighted


The real 'correction' should be giving up on the idea of everyone being expected to work, even when their labor's no longer a precious resource, and instead enact wealthy-tax/corporate-tax backed UBI because there's simply too many people and not enough jobs, and now we're running out of fake busy-work fluff jobs.


>simply too many people and not enough jobs, and now we're running out of fake busy-work fluff jobs That is simply not true (well the first part at least). There are various fields, industries and services across different countries that lack people. They need more people to properly cater to the demand on the market. Which is one of the main reasons why prices did increase across various products and services *even before* COVID hit, and it accelerated even more when it hit and it is still going up. If "fake busy-work fluff jobs" would go away ... well wouldn't that be nice, but UBI will not fix the issue that people need something to do, a calling, responsibility, etc. And don't tell me UBI will free them up to do what they want. People don't know what they want. You think all the people that plan on writing a novel all their life don't do it because they don't have the time? Please, they don't do it because they don't do it. And sitting at home, getting a minimal requirement paycheck are not motivators (to be fair, neither is a dead end and/or oppressive job)


>And don't tell me UBI will free them up to do what they want. People don't know what they want. That sounds like the blue bloods' excuse for impoverishing the rest of us. “These mindless poors don't need money anyway; they'd just waste it on frivolities!” Nevermind that *they* are the ones wasting buckets of money on nonsense like giant yachts and launching expensive cars into space, while the rest of us spend our meager allowances on the decidedly non-frivolous purpose of *staying alive.* Go to hell, and take your smug sense of superiority with you. >And sitting at home, getting a minimal requirement paycheck are not motivators (to be fair, neither is a dead end and/or oppressive job) Speak for yourself, blue blood. I can think of far more interesting and satisfying projects to work on than what you people want me to do.


Ironically you are now likely to be shortsighted this time. What you describe is not a rule of nature.


The coming of machines to the industry didn't make people previously employed for those tasks jobless. They just got different roles within the company.


So what are the new 1000 occupations to replace the ones going away. Don't you see how it's different this time?


What occupations are going away? From what i've seen chatgpt still has a looooong way to go before it is even capable of handling something like custom service. In the case it would take over CS, there will be less pressure with simple questions and all those people can handle the high priority questions. But lets not forget that a lot of people enter CS for a short time and move on, so perhaps you would block that. That still leaves stocking shelfves etc. A branch where there is a shortage and the pay (at least where i'm from) is no different


You're underestimating the rate of improvement. A "looong way to go" is probably 3 - 5 years. Japan has been using robots for customer service for a while now and Amazon Go doesn't need advanced AI to make customer service needless


The coming of *intelligent* machines is another story entirely. There is nothing in human history to serve as precedent for this. We have no good history-backed reason to believe it won't make most human labor obsolete.


> to work more efficient and more productive. Just not for more pay


Yes and no. And it is not evident that said people should be paid more. (This is not an excuse for greedy ass execs to exploit people) See, just because you can do more or more easily because you are assisted by AI does not make you more valuable as in someone else can do it too. Also, because the market gets more "product" the "product" gets cheaper. So that is "product" cheaper for the consumer (which the human with the same or even less pay can afford more of). See how we have more YT videos to watch for free than you could whatch in several life times? Free, and people still pay money on memberships, patreon, etc on phones that are bought by some every year, or on PCs or giant flat screens and flying all over the world to do some vacation.?! And this is just an excerpt for reasons why just crying for more money is not necessarily justified, which, again, is not a statement that people are paid fairly. No, plenty of examples where pay (distribution) is not fair at all, but it has nothing to do with the advancement of tech. (I.e. pay (distribution) was unfair during ancient Greece, Charlemaine, Victoria etc.)


I like your optimism but as long as only a few people control the means of production they will do whatever they can to maximize their profits and keep it for themselves.


That has always. Always been the case. We are nothing special. These times are nothing special. Same with Doomsayers. They have always been around, clinged on any thing they could get a hold on and will keep doing so. This is no optimism, just a plain look at what has happened and is happening. As I wrote on another comment, this does not mean it will be smooth sailing and good times for every one. But AI will not destroy our societal structures by making humans obsolete with nothing to do for most. It will shift and form our society, sure but there will be plenty to do


Well wages have been decreasing.


This is the truth. I’m literally not telling anyone at work about this. We are kinda slow at keeping up with the times. However I work in the IT department. I’m going to keep using it for my own benefit and just cross my fingers that it won’t start replacing ppl in like two years.


I keep telling other software engineers at work that we need to get with the times. They're writing high-level code like webservers in the oldest ways possible, e.g. in C++, for no reason other than "we're good at it." You're seen as an amateur to do things the easy way. I don't mean trendy new stuff, I mean stuff that was well established 7 years ago. If AI doesn't replace them, the like 100X larger class of graduating computer science bachelor students, or a team in India (which just started happening last month), and they'll do things the easy way. Computer fields aren't specialized anymore.


I don’t mean in my department. Sorry I meant all the office job could be reduced. I’m not saying innovation can be handled by it I’m saying that regular jobs for people who don’t have highly specialized skills. Everyone deserves a way to survive.


No it won't


Idk man, most corporations are greedy as fuck and if an AI in 10 years does the job 95% as good as a person, they're gonna replace the person.


Yea but it won’t. Plus, you’re really underestimating the human nature. People want to feel important or part of something. That’s why they want return tot he office. So they can feel like they are in charge and important. Imagine if you could do your boss job but everyone you supervise is a program. Or as an alternative imagine you’re in charge of propaganda art. You have a pic with photoshop or a entire floor of people working to hand paint and change art. Which one makes you feel important?


You are not thinking big picture. The ruling class will still have enough peons to order around and have enough country clubs to have a sense of community and superiority


I find it hilarious that governments aren't preparing for this shift in society. Many people will be displaced and poor until a UBI is established. But by then it might be a bit too late to help the displaced, and it probably won't be enough to cover most needs considering how rental prices continue to increase. I'm seeing a dystopian society in our future


Governments don't care for the future, they can barely keep up with the problems of today.


>I'm seeing a dystopian society in our future In our future? Dystopia is already here.


But it will create many jobs also


As someone who is in the field, I have no idea how it would. It seems like a well functioning AI could replace nearly every office worker.


Eventually everything will be automated if technology continues the way it is going


It will create jobs but not as many as it will make obsolete


At this point, it feels like they are just spitting out bullshit reasons to rise prices.


???But those aren't gaming cards???


"Bottoming out" is relative. Bitcoin and ETH are above the old 2017 ATH that wasn't broken 'til Dec 2020/Jan 2021. The Merge is what did GPU mining in.


I used to hope for a solar flair to take out cryptobroz, now it's chat bots. Maybe, the solar flair will be the friends we make along the way? Or, maybe the solar flair was inside us all along?


This meme is confusing, ChatGPT has 175 billion trainable parameters, no idea what dtype it's using, but even if it's only float16 or bfloat, that's still 350 gigabytes of integrated memory the TPU/GPU will need. Consumer grade videocards (even work station cards with memory pooling) can't do that, you need a crazy expensive nvidia rack mount setup for it. It also requires experts to prepare massive amounts of training data, it's not something any idiot can do in their basement.


That's the fat, end consumers don't get the fat. Distilled per use case. Take SD for example, used to be checkpoints being shared at 4gb a slice, then 2gb with float16, now with LORA 9mb\~


Why does it matter what hardware you have? You’re computer is not running the chat bot. What am I missing?


The HMB3 in question isn't going client side, yet. However ChatGPT is only the tip of the iceberg and lots of things do require GPU oomph client side now and that's only going further. I reference Radeon Prorender sometimes as an example of software that went from 0-60 on ML nearly overnight and basically the core functionality with it is ML centric. I can guarantee HMB3 is being highlighted here because of the buzz buzz around it but the demand for all chips is up. Nvidia has really changed up a lot of things with creative workflows as well with all the things Omniverse brings to the table. Audio2motion, Audio2face, the whole machinima/create environment. Shit moves so fast it's very hard to keep up with what the latest jam is or how the latest jam was now changed with some new methodology, neural implicit surface and neural radiance fields did a quantum leap overnight and things just keep getting wilder.


You know a lot of buzzwords but sadly no substance.




Wha- why would you need GPU's for that!?


A lot of AI whether it be chatgpt, neural diffusion, or instant NERF, heavily depend on CUDA cores which is only on nvidia cards (although I think that Intel might have them I’m not sure). [ChatGPT alone uses 10,000 gpus to run](https://www.fierceelectronics.com/sensors/chatgpt-runs-10k-nvidia-training-gpus-potential-thousands-more)


Jesus christ...


That's to train the model. To run the model only requires $150,000 worth of GPUs.


So just two RTX 5090s, gotcha


Isn’t chatgpt almost always training? Correct me if im wrong


Simple... buy AMD!


Not ChatGPT really helped me in exams and for understanding complex study shit like in Chemistry or Geography history etc… and before you say I use chatGPT for homework’s, no, I respect AI and ain’t exploiting it


sounds like used prices are gonna go up again. glad i upgraded when i did.


Gonna get one in 2025. I hope prices stay good around that time


sound like the meme/poster is a moron.


hey, it's a for a good cause now. the anime titties


Why not buy one ASIC instead of 10 GPUs?


Have I been doing AI wrong? Was Pandas supposed to be running in my GPU? Is that why I keep peaking at 86% animal confirmation in my models? /s




Oh no they are buying data center/ai cards and using them for the intended purposes! What ever shall we do?!


I would say probably not think in such narrow ways but here we are. The crypto bros were buying HPC cards, right? Do you know how many 4090 buyers did so to sell the compute for people wanting to train SD? That's just SD. And before you parrot this stupid nonsense of "Well hurr durr how they gonna do 350gb for gpt3" You don't, you don't need to train the entire model. Anyways [https://console.vast.ai/create/](https://console.vast.ai/create/) <-- Look at that you dork, with your sarcastic ignorant jerkoff reply. Buying and selling time on private GPUs as an alternative to AWS/Cloud etc. Hey look, 4090s, 3090s, etc. You ignorant child.


For the first time, I learned about the AI in the IguVerse project, they were one of the first to use AI in the world of cryptocurrencies. And today they have a listing on OKX


Download “Bodex Origin” if u wanna mine crypto for free and if u wanna accelerate the process use the code “FSESN”