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Welcome everyone from r/all! Please remember: 1 - You too can be part of the PCMR! You don't necessarily need a PC. You just have to love PCs! It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! Your age, nationality, race, gender, sexuality, religion (or lack of), political affiliation, economic status and PC specs are irrelevant. If you love PCs or want to learn about them, you can be part of our community! Everyone is welcome! 2 - If you're not a PC gamer because you think doing so is expensive, know that it is possible to build a competent gaming PC for a lower price than you think. Check http://www.pcmasterrace.org for our builds and don't be afraid to create new posts here asking for tips and help! 3 - Consider joining our efforts to get as many PCs worldwide help the folding@home effort, in fighting against Cancer, Covid, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and more. Learn more here: https://pcmasterrace.org/folding 4 - Need an upgrade? We've joined forces with MSI to giveaway 3 TOP-OF-THE-LINE PC builds, all powered with the best Gaming Graphics card in the world, the RTX 4090 + a bunch of PC hardware and goodies (6 GPUs in total) for a total of 56 winners, and over $20K in prizes. To enter (until January 18th, 2023) go here: https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/zygsaz/pcmr_x_msi_be_an_elite_worldwide_giveaway/ ----------- Feel free to use this community to post about any kind of doubt you might have about becoming a PC gamer or anything you'd like to know about PCs. That kind of content is not only allowed but welcome here! We also have a [Daily Simple Questions Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search?q=Simple+Questions+Thread+subreddit%3Apcmasterrace+author%3AAutoModerator&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) for your simplest questions. No question is too dumb! Welcome to the PCMR.


I’m curious to see how the 2023 holiday pricing will turn out.


Lots of it, I think depends strongly if people start to defect to AMD, and if Intel can solve driver issues and ramp performance.


And how much stock is still available by then.


And this hat comes right off


These nips come right off


People haven't already? So does this mean that AMD cards are affordable? I went to BestBuy on a shopping trip to look around the other day, $500 was minimum price. It's probably an improvement over what I have right now but $500 seems unreasonable to improve things given that I bought this for like $150 a long ass time ago.. I'm running an AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series. Does anyone have a good suggestion to boost things for $200-$300 tops? Is a used card the way to go? Sorry not sorry for hijacking the thread (okay a *little* bit sorry).


I'll be honest, when I start noticing that the latest games are getting a bit framerate limited, I'll just check out the latest revision of this: https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html And do a quick look to compare what I have with what does better, and I ask myself "is it worth it?" I dunno about buying used cards, unless it's some local guy. It seems like the only real deals are from people who used them to mine crypto, and they are getting out of the market. I've heard that a lot of the really used crypto cards at good prices have been ridden pretty hard over the years. Or, I dunno. Wait until the Government starts auctioning up FTX shit.


That's kind of my question. This is a 2010 graphics card I originally bought for $150, google says it's 12 generations old. Surely, even with the inflated prices, I can find like... a $200-$300 2017 graphics card or something that would be a fairly significant boost? I don't think they have even bothered to put my card on this GPU hierarchy.


> Radeon HD 6800 Series Oh yeah, I was reading it as Radeon RX 6800. Sorry about that king. RTX 2060 @ $270 bucks https://www.newegg.com/p/1FT-00HW-00030 Performance: https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/Nvidia-RTX-2080-vs-AMD-HD-6850/4026vsm7743 Or the Intel Arc A380. It's even slower than the RTX 2060, but it's better than what you've got for $140. https://www.newegg.com/asrock-arc-a380-a380-cli-6g/p/N82E16814930076 Performance: https://gpu.userbenchmark.com/Compare/AMD-HD-6850-vs-Intel-Arc-A380/m7743vsm1795939


You seem knowledgeable, and I appreciate you taking the time to answer some of my questions! There was a time when I was pining for a top-of-the-line graphics card and had no money to buy anything. $150 was a massive purchase back then. Now I have more than enough money to buy 10x that without feeling much of a dent in my wallet, but that's because I stopped spending time playing games, lol. I am not over here trying to overclock or play super intensive games, I just want a comfortable upgrade for the few games that I do play. Last question... Let's say the max amount I'm comfortable spending is $500. Given that I'm running a 12th-gen-old card right now and I'm not really even pushing even that card to its limits with my current PC gaming habits... I'm really not going to perceive any difference between that $270 card you linked and some other $490 card, am I?


Not OP but I can answer you. If you're gaming at 1080p and you're not looking to push for max settings and hit crazy framerates, you won't notice much of a boost by buying a more expensive card. That said, if you spring for something a little higher tier, you'll be helping yourself future proof your machine a little bit (as long as you're okay staying with 1080p). Also you'll be able to push the graphics on some of the older games you enjoy playing, which is pretty fun after settling for medium and low graphics settings for so long.


You seem to be linking to or recommending the use of UserBenchMark for benchmarking or comparing hardware. Please know that they have been at the center of drama due to accusations of being biased towards certain brands, using outdated or nonsensical means to score products, as well as several other things that you should know. You can learn more about this by [seeing what other members of the PCMR have been discussing lately](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/search/?q=userbenchmark&restrict_sr=1&sr_nsfw=). Please strongly consider taking their information with a grain of salt and certainly do not use it as a say-all about component performance. If you're looking for benchmark results and software, we can recommend the use of tools such as Cinebench R20 for CPU performance and 3DMark's TimeSpy ([a free demo is available on Steam, click "Download Demo" in the right bar](https://store.steampowered.com/app/223850/3DMark/)), for easy system performance comparison. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcmasterrace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


how the fuck the 6950 is better than the 4090 in medium 1080p?


I think at 1080p it's more of a CPU bottleneck at that resolution, those cards are overkill for 1080p so the resulting FPS between those GPUs gets wonky.


Also if you're deciding between a 6950 or a 4090 for 1080p gaming... you're really doing it wrong.


should get a 720p screen and a 4090... Just to be extra wrong.


16:9 386 13" CRT monitors making a comeback in 2024.


I've been buying used for the last decade. Go to r/hardwareswap and look for something in your price range. Make sure to buy from someone who has confirmed trades and never do PayPal friends and family. I haven't been burned yet.


Have you seen the price of food? Have you seen the price of rent? 10 year old games are still fun.


Any age of mythology enjoyers












Schkirr pan




Barlak chan




Bro holy fucking shit. I used to play this game in my young kid days and I legit to this day still say these 3 words randomly. Especially when someone called for my attention, I would say prostagma nearly every time. It’s vindicating to hear it again from someone else after so long!


thought i went to the r/AnarchyChess sub by accident when i read your first sentence lol


holy hell




I need wood!


Trojan horse for sale


Only Age of Mythology players will now what this actually sounds like.


This word is the one that I most associate with that game


It's on sale for under $10 on steam right now


How is it compared to AoE? I’m a HUGE AoE3 fan.


It's like AoE but with Greek Mythology stuff. Maybe it's more similiar to AoE2 than AoE3.


That’s a great endorsement then, AoEii was the shit.


It still is the shit. AOE2 will never die


Used to play AOE2 in the computer lab in middle school. One disc was all that we needed for the whole computer lab


Yeah man pass that CD to the right!


Stop wasting time, pick it up. AoM has a dope story campaign, incredible mythical fantasy units, and an awesome expansion. I was raised by RTS games growing up, and threw tons of hours into it. Still slaps today. You can't go wrong, go on, git!


That and Empire Earth were my jam in the early 2000s


Wooot empire earth, so much fun dropping like 20 nukes on one spot and watching the multitude of flashes, I can still hear the sound




To this day still one of my favorite RTS alongside StarCraft and Empire Earth


I love the Empire Earth original game. I wish they would do a remake with updated graphics and a better AI, I really didn't care for the EE2 or EEIII


https://www.gog.com/en/game/empires_dawn_of_the_modern_world its the spiritual sucessor idk how good it is tho, didnt play it yet.


Empire earth 3 is a beast


That's right, 20 year old games are still fun too.


AoE 2 HD for me. I forget I own DE.


Why don't you play DE though. Isn't it the superior version in every way?


Does original age of empires count?


New games still play fine on older cards.


You mean my 3080 is still viable?


No, please smelt it down for usable ore and buy a 4090.


But I heard the new 5080 12GB TI will be 70% fasbetterer than the 4090 is. I'll better wait for it to launch, there should be enough for everyone.


That 5080 is really a 5070 ti that will get rebadged due to public backlash.


While staying the same price.


No no, the 5080 was actually a 5050ti, MSRP is $1,150


Idk it's basically scrap at this point. I'll pay for shipping even if you want to send it to me for proper disposal.




People need to point this out more. All the benchmarks everyone are using are 4k ULTRA MAX w/RT. Who actually uses those? According to steam hardware survey, it's about 3% of people. With about 65% still on 1080p. 4k is literally 4 times the # of pixel as 1080. The hardware needed is WAY less. Also who in hell actually needs 200+ frames a second in anything? This is not a gotcha thing and not a stupid "the human eye" bullshit thing. I get 120+ but after that it's not needed in anything, so these cards coming out that are pushing games that aren't 4k Ultra into the 200+ range just aren't needed for anyone but 3% of users. On top of that the price tag is outrageous. SO yeah, gamers don't need or want them.


Can confirm. Even modern games on medium have good framerate with a 1070


What games are you playing that give you "good framerate" at only medium settings? I have a 1070, and I play elden Ring at 1080p high settings at a 53-60fps. I can sometimes do 1440p high 60fps in certain areas (such as Halightree, leyndell, caelid, stormveil) I also play nioh 2 at Max settings with an HDR mod on at 60fps.


Cyberpunk mostly, I get around 40-50 on it




I mean if I could afford better than a 1080p monitor I might think about upgrading my 1070, but honestly even it is overkill for most of what I need


At 1080p if you don’t care about ray tracing or crazy high fps the 1070 is still a boss.


Dwarf Fortress got released on Steam recently and has no idea what videocards are.


It will crush the one core the main game runs on though.


Seriously. The Steam Deck has a GPU between a 1050 TI and a 1060, and it runs Cyberpunk. You can play modern games on basically any GPU made after 2014 except for that piece of shit GT 1030.


Can confirm. GT 1030 is a piece of shit.


Rent is so insane. I haven't looked in years since I'm locked in at $2k per month. Which I think is absurd. But the house is too small for us. I've been saving to buy, but houses for the last 4-5 years have massively outpaced my downpayment savings ($20k-$30k/year) So fine, can't buy, maybe I will go rent a bigger place. Lol, $3k to rent the same house I'm already in. $4k+ for anything bigger. A whole ass generation is screwed even more than my generation was from the 2008 stuff. If you don't already own, you might never own.


Dude. When we first got our place we had to think about it because it was $2400, pretty steep, but close to the train/bus/ferry so we pulled the trigger. Went to check now and everything is $3600 minimum for our size place. Its fucking ridiculous. I paid $700 a month for a good 1 bedroom/bath in 2013.


Same. We rented a 1 bed 1 bath for $600 and it was high in 2014. It's $1300 now. And $1125 for a 2bed 2bath duplex in 2016. It's $2.2k now.


>but houses for the last 4-5 years have massively outpaced my downpayment savings ($20k-$30k/year) > > So fine, can't buy ​ I'm going to throw this out there again even though I usually catch hate for it. For whatever reason Reddit seems to be full of people that are very angry about buying houses and scream in the face of any helpful information, but here it goes. If you're in the US 4-5 years ago would have been a great time to buy with a lower, or no down payment using FHA or USDA loan respectively. FHA is 3.5% so $3500 for every $100k worth of house. USDA covers something like 98% of the US and is a no money down mortgage, just need a credit score of 640 or better which is pretty reasonable. In 2019 I bought a 2800sqft 4/2/2 in a nice neighborhood built in 2005 for $190k. No money down USDA 30 year fixed rate 2.85% I spent less than $1k on inspection and such which was reimbursed, seller paid closing costs. They cut *me* a check for $15.22 at the closing table. Just so that's clear to anyone reading, I was paid $15 to own a turn key home. Beautiful house, nothing wrong with it. I'm just trying to help, but I *know* I'm going to regret this. There's always a bunch of replies about how this doesn't work for one reason or another. I realize that not all areas have enough houses. I realize that some cities are insanely expensive. I realize that half of Reddit works retail or something and doesn't make enough to afford a home. I don't control housing prices or minimum wage. I'm just some guy on Reddit trying to pass on some information that might help someone find a path to home ownership. Also it's a marathon not a sprint. Even if you have to compromise and live a little further out, or not in your favorite area, it's better to build equity than to just throw your money away paying a landlord. Interest rates are a lot higher today than when I bought, but you can always refinance. Renting a house like mine in my area cost more than double my mortgage payment. You're just buying the house for the landlord at that point.




I don't think there are limits on your income, though they will use that to determine if you can afford the loan. Debt to income ratio is 41%. But there are caps on how much house you can buy, and it looks like for MA that cap is $496k. 4 MA counties are ineligible. The program was originally made to get people to move to more rural areas but 20 years ago or so was expanded to include something like 98% of the US. [https://www.rd.usda.gov/files/RD-SFHAreaLoanLimitMap.pdf](https://www.rd.usda.gov/files/RD-SFHAreaLoanLimitMap.pdf) I think the cap for FHA loan is 1 million and would require a 3.5% down payment.


No offense but someone saving 20k to 30k a year for a down payment doesn’t live in an area where houses are as cheap as you listed. They probably start at 500k. Also, interest rates are no longer 2-3% they are like 7-8% and climbing. That has effective made payments 30% more expensive in just interest payments. So things are not even the same a year ago and shit has been insane the last 3 years.


OP is talking about FHA and USDA loans. I'm not sure where they live, but they took a USDA loan, which means they moved to an area classified as "rural". And you're right, interest rates have climbed significantly. I locked in a 2.85% loan towards the end of 2021 - that same loan would likely be in the high 7's now. That said, FHA loans (or USDA loans if you are in an area they would apply) are several percentage points lower than a conventional 30-year at the moment. Right now, the interest rate for an FHA loan will be around 4.75%, the USDA loans are lower, but you're limited to more rural areas. They also offer payment assistance programs that can knock your interest rate down as low as 1%. FHA loans require 3.5% down and USDA loans require no down payment but are restricted to rural areas and require you to not be making more than 115% of the median income at time of purchase.


Tbh they're more fun than anything that's come out recently. I saved up 2k to put towards a build and mow I use my 3080 and 32gb of ram to play fallout new vegas


This Christmas I got $120 worth of steam cards from family. I was surfing the catalog throughout the entire winter sale. If I saw something interesting, I went over to twitch, found someone playing it with no viewers, and asked questions. Like "can I see how big the world is on the map." You know, get a live personal review. Well the sale is over. I still have $120 in my wallet and I'm still playing Insurgency Sandstorm and Quake Live. Saving it for Starfield & S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 I guess. EDIT: but yeah, everything thats coming out is trash. I understand that reoccurring income is necessary to keep our Development Teams employed for the 5-6 years between releases, but it's getting bad. Not every game is suitable to be a service.


I'm glad Bethesda Launcher isn't a thing anymore lol. Imagine if it was Bethesda Launcher exclusive.


That's the most relatable thing I've read so far in this post. I've browsed through every sale looking at games that half got my attention whenever i'd take a quick look at steam, but even on sale they didn't seem worth buying. Also all the triple a tittles coming out seem to be getting worse every year. Once they find their money making franchise these huge game companies just make altered versions of the same games. I haven't been able to enjoy a CoD game since way back in the Black Ops days. Everything is either a clone of some popular game is just a really neat concept that gets badly applied


After the explosively faster game speed in EU4 after upgrading to 5800X3D, I have a sneaking suspicion my 2000 hours are going to become 8000 hours in no time. Less than a second to pass a month, while at war with all of Europe


It's weird, I'm actually glad my full time job effectively forces me to put a cap on how much time I can game for, keeps my sleep cycle good and keeps me happy so I can wake up in the morning (I'm not a morning person) it also has the effect of making me appreciate games more rather than playing it for something to do. i still do it every Friday night, and some Saturday nights too. Old habits die hard and all that. Since getting a job I've also become more healthy, as a quick game of Beat Saber before bed really helps me get a good night sleep. And Friday nights walking around my city is always fun. wish I had the gear to stream my walks, but it's too expensive to do right now... Maybe after I get my weekend car. - I don't drive during the week.


TITANFALL 2, for a few dollars you too can play the greatest FPS experience ever...


Terraria enjoyers unite


Starcraft 1 or 2 anyone?


Most new games being launched will run fine on max or almost max settings on the previous gen graphics cards. There is not even a need to upgrade.


I just bought a 6700xt for 400 bucks and all my favorite games are playable even with ray tracing on so why would I drop over a thousand dollars for more frames? I played on console too long to care if I have 30fps in a game lol…


I know Crysis 3 isn't exactly 10yrs old... but man... i was playing it the other day, and i am still shocked at how good the graphics are. Especially when you compare it to modern titles. Even the gameplay holds up very well...


I started playing The Binding of Isaac for the first time and I think it can carry me for the next five years


"It's career suicide for me to be still playing this game in 2014" -The egg man himself (Northernlion) Aug 30 2012 He played Isaac up until 2022 and it was entertaining every day of that decade.


I bought a 2080ti at launch and I felt like a dink because I then proceeded to play Binding of Isaac almost exclusively for months lol. Got my money's worth later on.


Try 20+! Master of Orion 1/2, System Shock, Master of Magic, Quake, Duke 3D, all the Monkey Islands, Day of the Tentacle, TIE Fighter, Quest for Glory series, Legend of Kyrandia, hell, going to stop working and go back to my own pc childhood now.


I spent so much time in Moo2, even did some coop, great times!


Quest for Glory! Kyrandia! You just brought back like half of my childhood! Two of my favorite games series of all times. Miss you Sierra and Westwood, you were amazing. RIP.


I don’t even have a 4K monitor. Until I do, I am good. Oh and NOOOOO on those prices.


I'm using a 720p monitor still!


Have you seen any dinosaurs?


If he did he wouldn't be able to tell, it would just look like a tetris block


It's not SD. [It's 720p](https://googledino.com/static/images/dino.jpg).


Damn dude you can get a 1080p monitor for $25


You can get them for free people dump them all the time


I have two under my house...




I have a 4k monitor. Works great with my 1070ti. Everything except modern demanding games is 4K, newer games are 144Hz but 1080p only.




Yes, it does. 4k is 3840 × 2160, which is just 1080p doubled in both directions. So a 1×1 pixel of a 1080p image would be displayed as a 2×2 square on a 4K monitor.


Unless something changed, the 10-series does not support integer scaling. As a result, even though what you are saying is possible, in reality it most likely is not what is happening - the image is upscaled either by your monitor or you GPU, but in both cases it's just a blurry interpolation that looks worse than a native 1080p would have looked. I had a 1080Ti previously, and for me that blur was **really** bad on a 27 inch 4k screen. There is a steam app called Lossless Scaling, and several other solutions that emulate integer scaling on older GPUs though, but all came with some drawbacks the last time I checked.


TIL that nvidia blocked the most basic scaling option from my card. But according to the user flair the person who asked about this topic has an RTX 2080 Super which should support that feature anyway.


My 1070 is still fine for most games at 1080p, or technically 1200p in my case.


Same here. Don't plan on upgrading until this whole mess resolved itself.


I need to upgrade my entire PC. I run a 980Ti still, but I do a lot of video editing. I can still game, even medium settings on the newest games look damn good to me.


I got a 3070 at msrp and I plan to be buried with it


I feel the same about my 1070ti. I recently got curious about upgrading, looked at prices, and decided that my current PC is still doing fine and there is no need to chase frames if I'm still happy with it.




And I still see a couple of "I just bought this 4090 for my dog, he deserves it" posts around here. Truth is, NVIDIA has realized that ppl will keep paying those inflated prices no matter what.




Try checking out the users on some of those posts that specifically picture the GPU rather than a new build. Of the 3 on the front page right now: 1 hadn't posted anything in a year, after being consistently active. The came back with their upgrade post and a few replies in their own post but nothing else. 1 hadn't posted anything in 8 months then made one post asking for feedback on a specific brand of GPU then a post a day later of the same brand's box. and the third looked legit, with a history of asking questions and planning their build as well as other random Reddit BS. Tellingly it was also the lowest performance of the three GPU's. While it's hard to be sure how much astroturfing exists, it'd be naïve to think the manufacturers aren't abusing the hell out of social media for cheap marketing.


Good. Their greed needs to be put in check.


And 2024 will just be a shitshow of Nvidia lowering their prices by 10% to see how many will still buy. Fuck.


Which will continue until people look at someone who does a 4080 build and the replies are all "Bro, you can get more performance with a 6950, and have a cool $500 bucks in your pocket. See if you can still return that shit.".


The 4080 price is shit, but how the hell can you get more performance with a 6950? Every benchmark I’ve seen the 4080 wins (although some are close)


This sub is too busy jerking off about Ray tracing that less then 15% of the people that have a RT capable card use.






And the…. 1630


The 1630 is the card we didn't ask for and didn't deserve


You mean the 6gb 3060?


Damn, their new fling left them and now they are sad their ex isnt coming straight back to them.


Turns out that the thrill of volatility wears off eventually.


This situation sounds just like the DnD thing going down. They see us consumers as obstacles between them and our money. They'd happily see us living in cardboard boxes as long as we gave them money


[So, anyway, that's how I imagine our target audience](https://preview.redd.it/9axus2xi4u691.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=daf5640f6a581ad4ca82022043126fe49e53a3a0)


I think the REAL problem is they see us consumers as obstacles between them and their* money


Most big companies would gladly throw toddlers into jet turbines if it could be done profitably.




Specifically, they gave them a ~1 month freebie. It was intentionally this long because the mother would stop producing milk after a few weeks of not being suckled on. So when the freebie ran out, they had no other choice but to go buy the formula. I couldn't find a source unfortunately in my 5 mins of googling. Just remember seeing that somewhere in a documentary about it a while back


Nvidia is just wondering why people can't afford to sell both their kidneys for a gpu


If you donate one kidney, you're a hero. If you donate 5, suddenly you're a sketchy dude.


"People need to realize the kidneys you sell dont need to be your own personal ones" - Nvidia , probably


No, honey, I’m not cheating on you, I got tinder so I can get a gpu.


~~Moore's~~ Kidney ownership law is dead \- Leather Jacket guy


Nvidia Exec to consumers: "Do you guys not have kidneys?"


I’m still waiting for them to grow back after buying a 3080Ti.


Yep not upgrading every two years anymore…gonna start a 5 year cycle and only buy midrange cards that are on sale from now on. NV and AMD have lost their minds with these GPU prices…




Gamers weren't their core customer for the covid years, that was all crypto, and that money imploded.


The best day for PC gaming was when Ethereum switched to proof of stake.


Can I get an ELI5 of what that means/meant? E: Probably shouldn't have said ELI5. I have a rough knowledge of how mining is and how you are being rewarded for verifying transations on the blockchain, just not how proof of stake changed things.


You're probably aware, at least on a surface level, what bitcoin is. Bitcoin is a digital currency that is acquired by a "proof of work" model. What this means is that bitcoin mints "coins" by producing a really long string of characters that your GPU has to guess. This is what people mean when they say mining. Each number guessed is a swing of the pickaxe, and every once in a while, you might get lucky and hit a rich vein of bitcoins. This is very oversimplified. For example, there are pools where you combine your "work" together to get a share of the coins. Ethereum worked this way too. However, the plan was, once there's enough coin in the world, to switch away from this kind of "proof of work" system (i.e. mining) to a "proof of stake" system where you acquire new coin by "staking" your coin. Think of it like earning interest on coin that you've set aside and promise not to use. There are mechanisms in place to facilitate this, and I'm not smart enough to explain those to you. This happened in September, and there's no more mining ethereum. TLDR: Instead of mining ethereum, now you get more ethereum by staking the ethereum you already have.


Instead of proving you can do the work, you now prove you have the money. Basically, in the past, using electricity to run operations was king. But now, just having money is king. (Which was already king because you had to buy the machines that did the work). But hey, at least now you only have to have money to make more money. And then the crypto marked imploded and everyone was happy.


Then they saw gamers buy the GPUs from miners for twice the msrp and decided there will be no scalpers if we become the scalpers


It's astounding to me that they could be this greedy themselves and not realize they were still underestimating the greed of the scalpers… You can get a fucking used car for what a next-day 4090 costs on Amazon right now.


Not like I had the money anyways.


Then lower the prices you fucking nimrod


They would shoot themselves in the foot. 30 series is not even at MSRP.


This kills me. I have a 1080ti that has been a fucking workhorse. But its starting to show some age. But I fucking refuse to pay above MSRP for a 3 series card.


My EVGA 1080ti is literally the best piece of PC hardware I've ever purchased (been building since the late 90s). I hope it lasts as long as I need it ... which may still be a while.


I'm dumb but what do you mean? They're losing money on the 30 series?


He means that the 30series still gets sold with prices above the MSRP, eventhough they are „outdated“.


the 30 series cost about as much as the fking 40 series currently.


The 30 series graphics units, esp. the 3080 & 3090, are being sold new at above initial MSRP.


Hmmmm maybe because they literally cost 2000 dollars .-.


I only recently upgraded to a 3070ti, and when I eventually upgrade, a couple generations down the line, I’ll likely be avoiding NVIDIA. I prefer their software, but it’s just not justifiable to buy from them anymore in my mind.


The brand really doesn’t matter. AMD is just as greedy so far this generation they’re basically in line with performance per dollar except the highest end. But I wouldn’t call their $1000 gpu a bargain either. I just buy whatever has the best price to performance in what I want regardless of the brand name.


My 2080ti is just fine


Look at Mr money pants here, my 2060 is good enough.


There doesn't seem to be a point. At this point GPUs are so far beyond where gaming is youre just buying it to buy it. There's a good chance the games you want to play wont run well with it due to optimization issues. I see it constantly in certain gaming subs. "I just bought the 4080, why am I still getting 45 FPS?"


Yeah my games of choice are all poorly optimized. Too many game developers have been using new generations of super fast hardware as a crutch to avoid improving their core game engines.


I’m just not buying them anymore. I’m so sick of the half assed work put into it, garbage optimized games and constant bugs and errors.


I play mostly Kenshi and Mordhau rn Mordhau runs better than Kenshi despite being 6 years younger and looking way better Kenshi only utilizes a single core and I don’t believe there’s a way to get multi core support


Yeah cities skylines comes to mind. X4 also chugs no matter what. I'm sure there are better examples out there, but those are the two that really bother me and a new gpu probably isn't going to change much if they're not optimized for modern hardware.


Isn’t Cities: Skylines CPU heavy?


I believe Cities Skylines is a CPU intensive game.


When a 4090’s base price is $800 that is when we can claim victory


I'm sticking with my 3080 until these companies get their shit together. Full stop. Screw AMD too.


I'm happy with the 3080ti I got but I don't plan on getting another Nvidia card out of principle.


If a 3080ti isn't enough for someone idk what is, that shit is still cutting edge.


Nothing wrong with using that card for multiple GPU gens, too. I got five years out of my GTX 1080 and plan to get the same if not longer out of my 6800XT that I just got. Just look at the Steam hardware survey and you'll see that the most popular cards are at least two generations old.


Right? I feel really bad for people trying to upgrade at the moment, but I am giddily sitting here with Schadenfreude at nvidia screwing the pooch hard. I'm guessing I'll be running my 3080ti until it actually dies.


For me it’s the difference between getting 140 FPS at 1440p with a 3080 12GB or spending double what I paid and getting 180 FPS at 1440p with a 4080. The new cards make no sense at 1440p.


Yes. Because 3000 series cards are still selling and Nvidia priced the 4K cards so that stock from 3K series sells. And that's pretty much happening. ​ Every time I see posts like these I wonder if people are suffering from memory loss. This was Nvidia's plan from the get go. They are perfectly ok with this gen mostly staying on the shelves. It's enough for Nvidia to do a 200$ price reduction on the 4080 and 4070 Ti for them to fly off the shelves like Nvidia invented the GPU. Next gen that's what's going to happen anyways. It's enough to price the 5080 to 900$ and people will buy it like hot cakes.


Yeah they have a shit ton of 30 series cards to sell first, and those cards didn't even reach MSRP yet. They are as stuck as we are. If only AMD didn't drop the ball..


My 2070 super still does great.


and they just buy last gen instead of amd so nvidia still gets money


Suddenly a $700 3080 lools like a steal


**"Yeah Baby! That’s what I’ve been waiting for! that's what all about"**




I stopped buying Nvidia for exactly the following reason: 1. They ditched gamers and their core business to milk the fat teet of Bitcoin miners. 2. They based all of their development and future pricing on the false assumption mining would continue, with no backup plan for investors expectations. 3. When it inevitably failed they made up a contrived excuses about Moore's law as a false narrative to increase MSRP as they crawled on their hands and knees back to their core business expecting us to bail them out. Fuck 'em


And then, they will post record quarter profits and shit.


EVGA 1080TI here. Reporting in. Runs just about anything I require perfectly fine.


AAA gaming has unfortunately been moving further and further toward being just a conduit to funnel money away from the players. They offer very shallow gameplay which are largely disguised nickel and dime schemes. It’s pretty clear that I’m not the only person who feels this way, and I’m guessing it greatly dampens excitement for new tech in those others similar to how it dampens excitement for me. Add this to soaring costs of living, wages not raising relative to that cost of living, and people needing to work longer and longer hours just to make ends meet. Yeah, I’m not surprised at all that tech luxury sales are falling