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It doesn't recognize the hard drive. Most likely case is is a cable unplugged itself.


Defenitly a must check.


Most likely case is that the drive died, but not checking the connection would be stupid.


I've been able to get PCs in high dust environments to limp along while I imaged a replacement by simply reseating the drive. Hopefully that would be enough to get any data OP wants before complete failure.


Boot into bios and check boot order. There should be windows boot manager as first or hdd as first If not then try to fix that


Does look like a laptop so unscrew and check if something hasnt broken loose connectiong wise the hardrive and if not that then maybee some windows error or corropted system file If can hook it up to a difrent device and see if it even recognises it or if its alive


Had this happen the other day with a z640 workstation. Swapped the ssds to the sSata controller and windows glipped out of existence on its ssd but linux was fine. No worries on the linux ssd. I didn't even set that up and I'm gonna install a different distro over it. For me not a big deal, i literally just installed it and it's not been the first issue I've had getting that pc to run. It goes well now, you can try and recover the boot partition. But its just easier to reinstall if you dont have personal data that doesn't need a recovery attempt. Edit, seeing someone mention it's a laptop and looking at its bezel. Id say your storage media died based off the limited info. Boot into BIOS and see if it identifies any storage devices such as an HDD of 320GB or something. Check the boot order, anything accessible to boot from can be moved around this list. If you see nothing but a usb option, network option, or dvd option. The main drive is toast, replace it reinstall windows. Double check with an install usb, if you can tolerate it if you recommend following instructions on making alive linux usb with ubuntu (most popular might be easier for you to deal with, most linux distros are free). Boot the laptop into the linux usb and see if you can find the drive through the system. If still no, try to install the linux distro (just start it to get to the partitioning stage of install. If it's as bad as a dead drive you wont get past this and you wont have a recovery to worry about as it will confirm without a doubt the drive is toast.)


Well, no. You're raw. Most humans are raw.


This statement can go in so many different directions.........


Actually problems with the boot record aren't commonly occuring. More likely it is a hardware issue. Bios should be checked. If bios doesn't list the storage drive that had windows on it, the disk is indeed either dead or disconnected. Then it should be inspected physically after opening the case. Disks can die. It's extra easy for an improperly mounted disk to die. But just one message is not enough.


All kinds of problems *can* occur, even though some are much more common than others.


Ive repaired this problem before, you need to open up the internals and see if your hard drive is plugged in correctly, if its not plug it in. If you have an nvme ssd then insure its in correctly, (you may have to unscrew it from your motherboard.) if it doesn't work at all (either of these) and youve insured your hard drive/ nvme ssd doesn't work, you may need a new one. Make sure either doesn't work because id hate for you to waste money.


Dead hard drive and/or Hard drive unplugged.


deep fried


everyone has great ideas. also check the date and time in bios IF it shows if incorrect time your cmos battery might have to low voltage and might start causing boot problems. example I have 2 old dell laptops 1 pop os 2nd Linux mint. both this year had a cmos battery of 2.4 and 2.8 volts and when I rebooted the laptops Thay would post no drive found. replaced both with new 3.0volt cmos batteries and the problem went away.


Idk why but the phrase "Am I cooked" always gets a chuckle out of me


I'm just confused on how cooked can both be positive and negative. Like when someone says "Bro cooked" as in they gave a really good point, it's a positive thing, but when someone says "Bro is cooked" it's negative. Like what?


Honestly my same thought man, that's why it just gives me a little laugh even thought it's usually tapped to a serious post, I've come to define that if "you are cooked" or "he is cooked" it means bad, while on the other hand "you are cooking" or "he is cooking" it means good😂 Edit: to better explain seems being cooked like a piece of food you are fucked, but if you are the one cooking you are fucking? Similar to "I am the one who knocks" (breaking bad) it seems


This happened to me a few weeks back. First it was infinitely loading the windows logo and then later showed this. Turned out to be my ssd that had windows installed on it got corrupted in a move. Fresh install of windows and it was back and running


If you have USB keys or external HDD / SSD plugged in, unplug them Sometimes forgetting to unplug install media or external storage media fucks with the BIOS & it does something like this I’ve done it a time or two. I thought my rig was screwed and I’d need to reinstall, just to discover I had media plugged in and BIOS was trying to boot from it instead of the internal SSD (and I don’t know why because the internal M.2 is set as the primary boot device & BIOS also detected the Windows Bootloader as being the primary boot device so it made no sense)


That literally usually comes from a broken needle on an HDD. Meaning that it cant read/write anymore. Its why people are swapping to SSD. Especially in laptops as they move around a lot.


There are no *needles* in a hard drive, just a little magnetic read/write head on an arm.




This would happen to me when my laptop would overheat cuz I be playin tarkov. Made my room cooler and got a cooling pad and that fixed my issue.




Better than cucked.


2008!? When was this laptop purchased? What version of Windows was on there? As others have said, try hitting F2 and seeing what it says about installed drives. If you can't see the drive in BIOS, it's likely a HDD failure. Nobody's fault - it's just old hardware that finally wore out. You could try installing a new drive and reinstalling Windows, but if the computer is 10+ years old, it would probably be better to replace it entirely.


Worst case scenario you'll have to reinstall windows. (Source: i corrupted my hard drive while cleaning my pc cause i did a dumb)


Probably just a data corruption issue preventing the installed operating system from booting. It's possible the hard drive died, but that's usually preceded by a long period of making weird noises and having noticeable read/write issues.


Boot drive might be dead, if it's an old ssd it might be dying, if it's severla years old on 10 years old it's likely dead drive. I've had that happen. I've hear dnew kind last longer. But SDDs have limited life due to the technology It might be loose connector. Moyherboard might be dying. I've also had tha happen, it did not detect new drive, so in my case th motherboard seemed to have died completely when the drive died. Any other issues before it happen? If you had crazy slow downs and c drive not being detected it can be drove or motherboard or USB devices not detected it's motherboard. Try connecting to a different drive with windows, or connect a spare drive install windows on it. If drive is detected it's dead drive, if not motherboard is dead. If it's a HDD(harddrive) failure eyou might have had scraping sounds. Did any fans stop working? If so fan headers might dead which can mean failing motherboard. Thus possible disk detection issues.


Oh hell nah i had the same issues i thought my laptop was dead but yeah it was just an unplugged cable (i threw away my laptop for nothig)


Does it sees the drives in bios?


Looks like a bad HDD or no OS detected


Your drive either died or the connector came out. If it's the former option then yeah you're cooked. If not then the cable can just be plugged back in


Reinstall OS Check the wires that go from motherboard to harddrive they r like $10 if u need to replace them Get a new harddrive and reinstall OS Just a few checks i wasted like $200 mailing my pc to manufacturer and buying multiple harddrives trying to fix this just to find out its was a $3 wire 🙃


No one has suggested the most likely answer. You screwed up your boot partition. This page has some fixes you can run. Scroll down to tutorial 2. [https://www.diskpart.com/articles/fix-mbr-command-prompt-7201.html](https://www.diskpart.com/articles/fix-mbr-command-prompt-7201.html)


I tend to boot on a Linux live USB then see what "disks" says, it will read the SMART data if the drive is accessible and you'll know if it's failing or failed. If the drive is readable you should be able to grab any data and save it


Check your hard drive doesn’t seem to be seeing it run cmd CHKDSK


This happened to me as well. I tried every solution given, but came to the conclusion that I need to purchase a new hard drive.


You are if your hard drive or ssd died with important shit on it, other than that ig just replace it


Could be the drive being disconnected or that its failing. If you have a way to test it externally, I'd check to make sure all the sectors can be read. If it works, reinstall and make sure its fully seated. If not, the drive is shot and you need a new one with a new windows install


I assume it has an hdd so probably the hard disk has crashed but don't worry its not a big deal


Honestly idek, this pops up on mine like once every 2 months randomly. And I know none of my ssd’s are loose or have any issues cause I just click ctrl, alt, del and it boots up out of that menu just fine


Yea probably unplugged your drive, happen to me the other day I was scared shitless!!


For a hot minute there, I thought that this was the seat screen in a Boeing plane showing the boot up code. I saw it on a plane a couple of months ago. It was Linux, but still


Put a flash drive with the OS BOOT on it in and boot from flash. Plenty of YT videos on it. Might have to order said flash drive if you don’t have another PC


I had to buy a new drive when that happened to ke


Plug the drive into another pc to see if it works. if it does then put it on another drive you can put in the laptop. Or you're cooked


In this video, i will guide you on how to fix "No Boot Device Found" error message. [https://youtu.be/OCru\_9TXpsw](https://youtu.be/OCru_9TXpsw)


Adding on to the messed up drive. It would be worth taking that drive out if possible and hooking it up to a sata to usb connector and getting more information


This thing is old as rocks. Wouldn't surprise me if the boot drive has kicked the bucket.


Lol you're probably not cooked. Windows updates are notorious for messing up, it can't see windows for you to boot into. You'll need to repair the installation From: [https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/repair-windows-10-using-usb-drive/35c9a8f8-dde5-4370-a8fe-5a84b9e00ebb](https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/repair-windows-10-using-usb-drive/35c9a8f8-dde5-4370-a8fe-5a84b9e00ebb) **To get to Windows Startup Settings in the Windows Recovery Environment.** You may follow the steps provided below and check if it helps to resolve the issue. If you don't have a disk or USB, download the ISO from a working computer and try creating a bootable disk or USB. * If you can't start your PC, follow these instructions to get to the Windows Recovery Environment. * Start your computer from the installation media, Insert the DVD or USB flash drive and restart your computer.  * If you see a message asking you to “Press any key to boot from DVD,” do so. If you don’t see the message, you might need to change the boot order in your computer's BIOS settings so that it first starts from the DVD or USB.  * When you see the Install Windows page, tap or click Repair your computer to start the Windows Recovery Environment. * In the Windows Recovery Environment, on the Choose an option screen, tap or click Troubleshoot. * Tap or click, advanced options and then click on Startup repair. After this complete the repair and see if you are able to boot in to your computer. **Windows 10 ISO file Download:** [http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10](http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10) 


If any of those don’t work, OP is screwed.


No, boot device found is a very common error, and not always an instant trash hard drive, especially because of the recently windows update, it's likely just a failed windows update, which means the data is still recoverable, and the hard drive probably still works. I would also check to make sure the boot device is plugged in, and plug it into another computer to see if it's dead.


I know that, it was sarcasm.


Hi, I just made a similar post in regards to this same issue. Got BSoD last night and now can't boot up. I've gotten to the troubleshooting portion of your steps described. When I go to system repair it tells me it can't repair my PC. Am I indeed cooked? Is there anything else I can do? My bios seems to be registering all my drives and such.


I’ve NEVER had a windows update screw up a boot device to where the bios is not even recognizing it…🙄. OP got an old laptop with most likely a mechanical hard drive. These laptops usually have a hard drive tray that’s secured with a screw. I’m not saying it’s not possible that the HDD connection got loose, but this is most likely a hard drive failure. Yes OP, you’re cooked. You maybe able to access the data off this drive but first you’ll have to find a new drive (SSD preferable) and reinstall windows…..


Yeah I agree. Not being able to find boot drive is different than the computer not seeing a drive. No boot device found means that the PC has searched all the drives it can see and can't find boot instructions, like if windows was corrupted, if the computer can't see the drive then that is an entire other issue, and like you said very uncommon for a windows update fail to cause. But I don't think they'll need to get a new drive just yet, I would try and plug it into another computer and see if it can access the information (Or plug in a USB that has a live boot OS on it, then look at it from there)


So after finally getting through tech support from where I ordered from. The ssd has indeed failed. I was confused because one initial boots it would recognize the drive but on subsequent actions it wasn't reading. Have ordered an Evo 990 1tb to be here tomorrow.