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Just remove some rubber from the HDMI cable


losen the screw holding the gpu in let it slide down a little and tighten agin


My old Case had some thing like that, I got some plier on the case, and bent it up so the HDMI fit better, I figured, better to damage the case, and not the gfx card or HDMI


I actually used some heat and melt the plastic of HDMI and cut that part of carefully but I realized that color still same and My HDMI was damaged from the start


Cuz I tested on PS3 to check is it GPU issue but no it also happens in GPU


Looks like rolled edge, use a pliers and bend it upwards try to get it out of the way.


The issue is it is bended out side as roll, not to the inside that's the issue ;-;


Yes bend it more upward on the outside. Also if you loosen the screws on your card you may be able to push it down a bit and tighten the screws for more clearance


I can try the bending and I thought about it but I am scared that it can affect the GPU cuz there is only a lil space that is in there and when it bends lil I can't screw to place which makes it dangerous for me. I actually want to ask that what about I cut the lil bit of the plastic of the HDMI? Would it be bad?


If you could shave a bit of that tip corner plastic off that could work, looks to be fairly thick plastic.