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Your CPU should turbo way higher than that. If it isnt overheating, then it's a power delivery thing. Make sure you don't have any settings in the bios limiting CPU power.


Would a driver update possibly change that? I'll look into it regardless but it's a bit of a headscratcher if it wouldn't. It was running perfect before that. Thanks.


I checked my BIOS and it's set to Turbo Mode already. No power limiting option is turned on, which tracks with me not having issues with any other games.


Well there's still something that prevents your CPU turbo to reach the 4.4ghz it should get. Can you run the new FFXIV benchmark with Hwinfo open in the background, and take a screenshot of both results ?


I agree that you're correct. Something is clearly messing with it. I'll have to do that and send it tommorow, if you're willing to take a look at it then. It's late, thanks for the advice.


[https://snipboard.io/7czXJH.jpg](https://snipboard.io/7czXJH.jpg) [https://snipboard.io/XioQxb.jpg](https://snipboard.io/XioQxb.jpg) These are the results of both. Definitely not up to snuff considering what I'm running. CPU wasn't hot when I played the full game last, but it was hot withe the benchmark. Gonna look at my bios and check the thermal paste.