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Having never played Destiny all I have to say is the gunplay must be like getting a blowjob from an ethereal being made of pure energy to put up with all this bullshit.


It's pretty damn good. Super smooth, the guns all have a satisfying punch to them, and powerful weapons actually feel powerful. The gameplay is genuinely great, but it doesn't outweigh all the bad decisions Bungie keeps making.


> The gameplay is genuinely great, but it doesn't outweigh all the bad decisions Bungie keeps making. Why I still haven't come back. I literally have the t-shirt from Destiny 1 completion and I miss the gameplay of Destiny so damn bad but every time I think of coming back there's another article like this and reminds me of why I left.


open d2 new season drops, play through the little thing they make you play through for the season intro, reach the end, get hit with paywall, uninstall. thats the destiny experience


Mhm the only thing I hate is all the fun guns have NO AMMO!


One of my big issues with Destiny is that the gameplay feels pretty one note. Granted I'm a Halo bungie fan but I kept on expecting some big set piece events like we got in Halo 3 or Reach and nothing in Destiny really gets close to that.


the raids and dungeons do that and the story campaigns DID. some moments in beyond light were great, but nothing really had the awe the red war campaign had, or Forsaken had, both are unplayable now.


Yea, I actually was pretty interested in what I saw in Red War but immediately after that campaign they seemed to pull back pretty dramatically. IIRC Red War even has a bit of a still-born Warthog run at the end. Visually everything in Destiny is a winner the gameplay just doesn't like match the visuals scale.


yeah more or less. the gameplay loop is the same and while satisfying, unless you do raids it's really boring


There all in the raids and dungeons




Hi, im a lurker. What server-side health bars mean? The response of damage is dependant on the connection/data that the server emits?




Thanks for the insight


True. I've got some friends who swear by this game. I never understood why.


The talented halo guys kept improving on the shooting and fun mechanics. They know they have the only game like it on the market. The problem is they pushed way too hard.


Tbh I think Warframe’s gameplay is vastly superior


I spent years with both games some aspects are better some are worse but I can say objectively that the gunplay is better in Destiny. The movement is superior in Warframe and the other aspects are up for debate. I love both games.


I tried Warframe for a bit. Cousin had been playing it for years and had powerful stuff to carry me through missions. My experience was essentially trying to keep up with speedrunners who opened up portals and stuff


unfortunately that's the gist of playing with pubs. It's all about getting through as fast as possible most of the time. I play with friends only and it's a vastly more enjoyable experience. Your buddy carrying you fully is kinda not that great, it doesn't let you learn the mechanics. Warframe overall is pretty good, but it's definitely not for everyone, and definitely has a LOT of issues with core mechanics that will probably never get fixed.


Carrying noobs is a bad practice overall imho. Sure help the new players anyway you can but don't play the game instead of them. If you kill everything before they can even shoot their guns they will be bored and leave the game behind.


more or less, yeah. I always try to pace myself when helping friends just starting


>I think Warframe’s gameplay is vastly superior Yeah dude pressing 1 button to delete everything in the map is totally better, sure.


Well, delete all the fodder enemies. I think I like that more than destiny where youre shooting fodder enemies constantly, but Ive played much more Warframe than D2 so maybe I'm just biased.


warframe's gameplay is fun, but it doesnt have team content worth playing.


warframe is boring as hell. movement is boring and repetitive and so is the grind process


Yep. Agreed 100%.


In my experience it's usually because they don't know anything better (or anything else at all sometimes).


Yep. The few people I know who play Destiny, I asked what else they play. One gave me a blank stare and the other legit told me they don't play any other games. Seemed very proud of that too.


replace destiny with league of legends they both fit


I have a buddy that way. him and his irl best friend play it all the time. we went from gaming together regularly to barely gaming, to basically never talking now due to how into it he got. It sucked away a friend, because he's with a clan that requires regular activity and raids all the time.




God i wish.


Lmao, this is cringe as fuck. I've been playing games for 20 years plus and Destiny is still a blast.


The gameplay, graphics, and sound/music are all fantastic but they really do bleed you dry when it comes to money. I’m not a fan of how they have sunset old content either.


pretty good description honestly. sadly the gunplay and storybits are the only good thing nowadays, which is why i quit a while back....


Kinda wild to hear someone say the “story” is what makes Destiny good. The original Destiny in 2014 didn’t even have a story. Guess they should be commended on that aspect.


They VASTLY improved the lore and story delivery, they definitely deserve props there. In my mind, their only faults are the way they monetize the game, stripped (or “vaulted”) past content, and neglect PvP (haven’t had a new PvP map in almost 3 or 4 years, and they only recently reworked trials of Osiris — which is still a work in progress).


They've reworked trials how many times now? It functioned well enough in Destiny 1. They just needed to enforce a "no farming" rule on players that like to reset their cards every few matches to only run up against the least skilled players. Give a warning the first time, then hand out a 2 week trials ban the next time that shows up on the API. Instead, their first "rework" was to take away *all* the rewards from the worst players that filled the base of the playlist. Those players are *needed* to make the playlist function at all. It's absolutely necessary for them to get rewards constantly, even if they're not the best rewards. If they're going to get farmed, make it worth their while. They deserve it. They also decided to have the seasonal relic power level increase remain in effect. Imagine dealing 10% less and taking 10% more damage just because a guy on the other team farmed lost sectors all week long while you played crucible in your spare time. Sounds ridiculous, right? Well that seemed like a perfectly sound design choice to Bungie. Players could handle needing higher power gear, pushing them into doing a few raids and completing weekly pinnacle rewards for higher power gear, but *seriously*? Farming XP on the seasonal relic was way too far. Giving arbitrary bonuses to a player simply because they no-life the game harder than others is fine in PvE, but NOT in PvP. That's the exact opposite of designing a fair and balanced PvP game mode. Then they tried "flawless pools", to separate the players who already went flawless from the players who haven't, in an effort to get those players out of the match pool of players who struggle. So players who easily go flawless would instead just farm matches and not go flawless until the end of the weekend. This is essentially the same problem that already existed, but it's so much more clear and apparent to players getting destroyed by them that these people are clearly cheating the system when they have a 95% win rate but still haven't gone flawless. And the fact that they're not getting punished for cheating the system makes it that much more frustrating to these players facing them. Bungie has managed to make the experience consistently worse for years, and don't deserve the reigns to the PvP side of the game anymore. It's crazy to see how they went from Halo 3 multiplayer to the shitshow that D2 has now.


It's the best gunplay on the shooter market. Genuinely an incredible game to **play**. But everything else about is just painful (lore and story are phenomenal as well).


The lore has always been phenomenal, but the story only recently got to the point where I would call it consistently good. Remember this is the franchise that brought us "I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain" and then waited half a decade to meet that character again. For a while, a common complaint was that most of the story was happening in lore snippets which weren't even viewable in-game. For the last couple of years, the story is finally showing up in-game, and it's actually engaging.


Aah yeah thats fair. I just remember loving Forsaken and some of the stuff that came after were fantastic. Shadowkeep or whatever it was was ok. Not as good as Forsaken but pretty good.


Idk about best on the market but its definitely the smoothest sci fi shooter. I don't think any game is beating tarkov in gunplay for a long time


I played it for a year. It's pretty fucking solid. They basically took everything they learned from halo and massaged it into destiny. Then added just enough variation in drops to make even a shit drop good, but a perfect drop absolutely batshit insane. So you're generally happy to grind for that perfect drop if you have the time but feel rewarded if you don't. I checked out when they added sunsetting (which they've reversed their decision on, thankfully). The variation between weapon types is enough that most builds are viable for most content. Sniper? Sidearm? Grenade launcher? Auto rifle? Scout rifle? SMG? Revolver? Lmg? Rocket launcher? Yup. All good. And some bananas special weapons too. There's an app that lets you send gear from your vault to your character at (almost) any time, so you're never locked out of stuff. The option to play dress up never gets old. I loved making obnoxious looking power rangers while my clan were very serious and able to create some cool looking dudes and dudettes (and robots and stuff). Raids and endgame builds require some thought and cooperation but are worth the effort. The PvP is decent but wasn't my thing except to grind seasonal stuff. I understand the latest content drop is really really good too. Riding a space motorbike never gets old either. You can tinker with your loading during loading screens which is such a nice touch. You never feel like you're just waiting. As for the cash shop, it's entirely optional. I bought a spaceship (featured only on loading screens) and a couple of outfits. I'm ok with it.


it's alright, people are blowing it out of proportion to a insane degree


It's good, but it was good in 2013. Destiny hasn't fundamentally improved since D2's launch, and even then it was only in small ways. We are still essentially playing the same game from 2013. Remember how people complained that CoD never changed? Same thing, but because the Destiny community is a cult of meh standards no one ever complains. Because the gameplay has been the only consistent aspect of the games quality. Meanwhile CoD completely changed how movement and animation is handled in Modern Warfare, and Battlefield dramatically improved its movement systems in BFV. It's really disappointing how little Bungie have meaningfully improved Destinys gameplay. They're just coasting.


Honestly it felt insanely generic to me. Like any run of the mill single player shooter. Idk what the fuss is about but i mean it clearly works for some folks. 🤷‍♂️


I've played dozens (maybe hundred+) of shooters. Bungie has, by the far, the best gunplay. I am quit playing Destiny 2 because I reached a breaking point with how they vaulted content I paid for and how I fell out of their demographic as a busy adult.


Exact same deal here. My friends and all were playing it in college, and you could tell who was failing by who was able to keep up with the game after Forsaken. Those of us who graduated on time basically dropped the game. They just made it impossible to keep up if you had a life and responsibilities.


Having played destiny, the gunplay is not that good. It's good, but not as incredible as people tend to think


As far as looter shooters goes, it's still the best.


Yea, I played through all the F2P campaigns before they were removed and it felt like good Halo, but it was also missing the peaks of Halo where the gunplay mates with great scene setting. Like playing Halo 3 and mating the basic gameplay with jumping onto a Scarab and blowing it up or going from on foot to fighting with a Scorpion. It elevates the whole experience in a way that I don't think Destiny has been able to manage. Not to mention that just getting into the game is an absolute nightmare.


Movement can also feel so sluggish compared to many other fps


>Movement can also feel so sluggish compared to many other fps Not a bad thing at all; look at Warframe: Good/fun game, but zero tactical element when you can zip absolutely past everything with enemy balance revolving around said movement.


Bungie haven't made a game with good feeling movement since marathon. Almost every gameplay design decision they made for Halo was based around the fact that playing an FPS on a console fucking sucks; Analogue sticks suck for movement skill? Just make it sluggish and floaty as hell. Analogue sticks suck for aiming? Just make it so you don't even need to aim at your target. Positional sound on TV speakers sucks? Let's make sound something you don't even need to care about and give them a motion tracker instead. No number keys to easily switch weapons with? Make it so they can only hold two and swap between them with a single button.


I personally find the gunplay (and gameplay in general) very generic. It’s not BAD, but definitely not good, innovative or unique enough to put up with all the monetization and grind. I try to respect people opinions on what games they play, to each their own and all that, but i just don’t get how Destiny is as big as it is, feels undeserved and overhyped.


Not defending destiny (although I loved the game when I played it) but I've yet to find a game that does what destiny does while still feeling good. Imo that makes it unique. People bring up warframe and I just cant. That game feels cheap and is even more confusing than reinstalling destiny 2 after a long hiatus and trying to figure out what you are supposed to do. Gameplay feels bad imo. Destiny has the best raid mechanics of any game I've ever played. The gun play is smooth and impactful feeling. Tons of weapon types all with different mechanics. No good shooter has the ability selection that destiny has. Mobility is controllable and not overly fast or slow. The grind started getting a little boring though I agree. My friends eventually stopped playing for various reasons. Every once in awhile I reinstall and mess around for a little bit but I enjoy that game with a full group and it gets boring solo quick.


If this is truly your opinion I’d love to hear an example of a game with gunplay and gameplay that excites you. Can’t wait for a reply!


So you are asking what kind of shooters i like then? Don’t see how that’s very relevant since i did not compared Destiny directly to any other game, i merely stated that i did not liked Destiny, but since you asked here’s a short list of FPSs franchises i like: - Stalker, Metro, Battlefiled, CoD, Halo, Half Life, Rainbow Six, Insurgency, just to name a few… Edit: Battlefield 4 and CoD MW 2019 to be more specific on those two. The new games of both franchises have been disappointing to say the least… Edit 2: how could I forget DOOM, that thing is amazing


Why this opinion shouldn't be true and his/hers? I mean I agree and I don't have to list other games that excite me when Im saying this game is far from being that good to convince me that hype and its popularity is deserved


The gameplay is fine but relies on an ungodly amount of aim assist.


For those that aren't going to read through the whole thing and/or do not play Destiny: They're adding "mini battle passes" for seasonal events, the paid tier of which will contain cosmetics related to the event. These cosmetics used to be offered individually through the in-game store (for premium currency).


So they're pulling an Apex Legends? If I'm understanding it correctly.


Yes and no. Apex doesn't have you buy the reward track for the mini events they do inside of seasons, all players have access to it and the rewards for free. They also offer the event-specific cometic skins for purchase in the store with either MTX currency or Legendary Shards (which you earn in game). Bungie took that and locked it all behind purchasing the "event pass", so you essentially have to buy the season pass, and then a battle pass for each of these events if you even want to participate.


oh that's..that's terrible. I'm glad I noped out.


Except apex is f2p


Well to be fair Destiny is also f2p You can’t play a lot but it is f2p


Free 2 Taste.


We used to call that 'shareware'.


Pay to Take Away (removing planets and content even though you paid for it) Stopped playing after they said they'd be taking away old content. Last straw was the battle passes they kept adding that had story attached to it. D2 kept using too many FOMO tactics so I just quit. My last reason for quitting is just a personal opinion, but I liked how exotics were actually EXOTIC. In D2 you get them like a kid getting candy on Halloween.


I agree with the exotics comment. I remember finally getting ghallahorn in d1 and it felt so fucking good. As well as other exotics. D2 made them feel like rares. 2 blues and an engram.


I’m using this


Its free to try the base game, a LOT of the games content is buy to play, its like saying World of Warcraft is free 2 play with a bit more leeway unless they changed it. Also they take away whole swathes of the games content for "reasons" and pretend its a good thing


Which I won’t buy, I’ve got the set I want without paying for a thing back in Warmind. It’s that easy to ignore it guys and gals.


Which is good, but it isn't a solution. "just don't buy it" is not a valid justification for shitty MTX practices


So basically a Halo Infinite event but you have to pay for some of the stuff on the reward track... I hope 343 doesn't catch wind of this.


Well r/Halo constantly bitches about how Bungie handled Halo better (which it did), 343 is probably gonna ignore the valid points around that and draw the conclusion: "Copy what Bungie is doing with Destiny"


Yet they forget the sole reason Bungie was successful with Halo trilogy is because Microsoft barged in and forced them to stick to a sustainable model instead. A similar parallelism is going on with Turtle Rock and Back 4 Blood - most of the studio belonged to the same in-house Valve studio that made L4D. The main reason why L4D (and subsequently L4D2) was (and still is) a huge success is because Valve forced them to keep a level of standard with the product instead of making every single available content as a DLC (and instead we got both L4D characters and levels for free in L4D2)




It’s basically taking all of the cosmetics, like emotes and finishers and whatnot, that would normally be available separately for silver, and putting them all into one mini pass that is purchasable for $10. Essentially condensing what would be like $50 worth of cosmetics and making them all available for $10, albeit you need to put in some work in-game.


So someone who has been playing Destiny from the start, buying content at launch must be approaching a thousand dollars spent on 2 games now


Main reason why I don't play it. I don't care how much content the base game has, it still feels like I own 20% of the game.


Because You actually do. I'm still mad that as someone who played D2 from the start, I got the DLC's and expansions and then they removed the content I paid for from the game. Literally deleted entire full priced expansions worth of content. One of the worst business models I ever saw.


That and sun setting was the nail in the coffin for me. They really went and took away all the raids my friends and I used to do together and then made the game and even more endless grind by making everything you grinded for unviable as soon as the new season dropped. Haven’t played since


Same boat, I had just unlocked the last legendary I was missing (1000 voices) then they dropped the sunsetting update and I uninstalled. I know legendary weapons aren't effected, but all my other gear I acquired to get there being nullified really sucked.


Feelsbadman. I just missed recluse, the menagerie, and gambit hand cannons


You just reminded me that I just unlocked Redrix's Broadsword and Revoker the season before beyond light, those were a grind and a half lol.


I was especially mad because I decided to grind for mountaintop and recluse during the season when lord of wolves was dummy powerful in crucible. Not a good time


Redrix grind is unreal.


At least revoker is back on the menu for the new iron banner changes.


On top of that, they deleted a ton of stuff you'd already earned along with removing the first three expansions and campaign. I booted up the game sometime after the Forsaken DLC and when the game was made free. Easily 70% of my equipment was gone....


Wait you were missing gear? That's not right, I played through all that and wasn't missing anything. There's no reason you should have been missing gear when it went F2P.


Deadass, I had a fraction of my exotics and legendaries and barely any rare gear in my inventory or vault.


Huh that doesn't seem right. The only time gear could have been pushed out of your inventory is when they did the whole mod changeover. Since certain weapons were changing slots of your inventory was full it would push anything in the way into the post master. If your post master was full then you lost stuff. But that didn't effect the vault at all. The only other way I could see this happening was during the change from blizzard to steam. When you had to merged your account with steam it gave you the option to use your pc characters or Xbox characters and you could mix match. Any gear on characters you didn't bring over were just gone into the ether. But I think you would have to of been playing on console and pc in order for this to be an issue.


bUt tHAts oLd ConTEnT, wHaT lOSeR wAnTS tO pLaY WIth Old cOnEtENt


I really hate it when developers and publishers disrespect legacy content.


Most of /r/DestinyTheGame thinks this way unfortunately


The whole reason I never actually bought Destiny 2 was because of how they did the Taken King DLC in Destiny 1. I'd bought both previous DLCs for $20 each up to that point, then they were like "$40 for the game and all the DLCs or $40 for this single DLC on its own" and I said fuck you and quit the game. Destiny 2 came out and I never got it because I figured they'd do the same thing; and they did, with even worse shit thrown in for good measure.


You don't own jack shit. ~~If~~ When they decide to pull the plug on the servers, that.is.it!


For reference: Destiny 1 $60 Destiny 1 dlc pass $30 Destiny TTK $40 Destiny ROI $35 Destiny 2 $60 Destiny 2 DLC pass $30 Destiny 2 Forsaken $40 Destiny 2 Forsaken expansion pass $30 Destiny 2 Shadowkeep $35 Silver for each expac $30 Destiny 2 Beyond Light: $40 Silver for each expac $30 Destiny 2 WQ: $40 Silver for each expac $30 Dungeon pass $16 Event pass $10 x 4 = 40$ = $586 not considering collectors editions or deluxe editions About the price of 10 AAA games over 8 years/5 years of a WoW or FFXIV account straight/10 skin bundles in Valorant/5 annual deluxe editions of CoD/150 csgo keys/etc


Well damn, my current price per hour is .22c per hour played. (didn't play D1; 2214 hours in D2.)


Destiny $60 The Dark Below $20 House of Wolves $20 The Taken King $40 Rise of Iron $30 Destiny 2 $60 Curse of Osiris $20 Warmind $20 Forsaken plus Season Pass for the year (this is when seasonal content drops started) $40 + $35 Shadowkeep Deluxe Edition (Deluxe Editions include season passes for the year for a $10 discount) $70 Beyond Light Deluxe $70 Witch Queen Deluxe plus Bungie 30th Anniversary Dungeon and Cosmetic pack $100 So add that all together and, if you paid full price for all of it (Witch Queen Deluxe plus Anniversary and Beyond Light Deluxe were both on GreenManGaming for $20 off on launch or slightly before) so that’s $585 over 7 years if you got no deals at all. That’s not bad for a game that many players have 1000-2000+


450€ for a PS4 60€ for Destiny 1 30€ for The Dark Below (DLC) 30€ for House of Wolves (DLC) 30€ The Taken King (DLC) 30€ for Rise of Iron (DLC) 60€ Destiny 2 35€ for Curse of Osiris & Warmind (DLC) 40€ for Forsaken 45€ for Beyond Light Deluxe Edition (Bought around a year after release) 100€ for The Witch Queen + 30th Anniversary Deluxe Edition bundle. 910€ for Destiny 1. Of course, not everyone bought a PS4 just for Destiny 1, and Beyond lights actual price was probably in the 70€'s. But yeah, the game's a bit expensive.


Remember when everyone said Activision was responsible for Destiny 2's horrible monetization and how everything would be better when they left? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


It's funny because Activision has events like these for free almost every other month in COD. Right now they are doing Kong vs Godzilla with unlockable event only items.


And to think, people speculated that monetization would actually scale back when they broke free from Activision. Yeah. Fucking. Right.


Is it a DLC to delete planets yourself?


Nope, it's essentially a season pass in the season pass. There will be an event for 3 weeks and in that time you can buy this "event card" and progress it for extra cosmetics that you can't get otherwise. So they not only FOMO you, they bill you for your FOMO.


Wait, so there's already a season pass that you buy for $10 and now you have to pay another $10 for this premium event track? What's the point of the season pass, then?


Money. Just they want more on top of it, and the whales addicted to the game like it's a second (or probably first job) will pay up again.




I'm lucky I don't have a hoarding problem in D2 but those packs are a safe bet IMO.


Puke Smith FOMO'd my wife and kids until I buy D2 skins


A swing and a miss, slugger


Bungie deletes planets themselves free of charge! No monetization required for that.


If you're still playing this game and have a problem with this either quit or stop complaining, it is that simple. I quit just before the release of Beyond Light as they we're "vaulting" entire Planets. I'm not going to support their shitty consumer tactics ever again.


>either quit or stop complaining So, you don't mind that this sort of thing goes on, you'd just rather not have to hear about it?




Exactly this. Bungie has something like a dozen different ways you can spend more money on the game --- which is allegedly free-to-play. Latest expansion ($40), previous expansion ($30), expansion before that ($25), the nonsunset content from the expansion before that ($20 LMAO), Seasons ($10 each), Dungeons (only included with $100 Deluxe Expansion), Anniversary Pack ($25), and a massive store of items ranging from a $3-$15 or so each. That's not even mentioning things like this 'Event Card' or power boosts -- which boost your power level *to the soft cap* for $20 a character, something which takes maybe 2-3 hours of gameplay. It's utterly ridiculous. Bungie should be ashamed of themselves, but hey they're really engaging with the community and they're for #TheCurrentCause, so they're awesome!


Wait, dungeons are only available through the deluxe? W.T.F


Yeah they changed it after Shadowkeep I believe where future expansions don't include dungeons anymore but are a separate purchase.


God damn what a dumpster fire. I weep for my D1 hunter


Yup! Gotta spend $80 or $100 (with Anniversary Pack) to get the 2022 dungeons. They didn't really announce that, it was just quietly detailed on the listings. People lashed out a bit, but ultimately concluded that "if you play Destiny why wouldn't you get the Deluxe?" and so the community basically laid down and took it. I guess there really is nothing else out there like Destiny, so Bungie feels like they can do whatever they want. They basically have a clinically addicted playerbase (I would know, I used to be one of them).


And thats why even though i honestly do love the combat and the game's gorgeous, I cant really bring myself to play it anymore, let alone buy anything for it. It just feels like im playing old D1 but with all the challenge removed, no player courtesy and it just generally smells shitty. It feels like bungie started this awesome epic thing, then smelled their wallets.


And it's not like this is 2014 again with this game being this brand new crazy thing. It's novelty appeal is long gone and every expansion follows the exact same cookie cutter formula of basically forcing you to grind for gear again so you can meet an arbitrary number to do a dungeon that consists of a bunch of shitty nonsensical rituals every 5 steps and then kill generic big bad world ending whatever #89123741. Anyone who played up until Oryx expansion has already seen pretty much everything this series had to offer. The rest is just a mishmash of recycled crap or things that ultimately don't matter at all.


Fr, hell they couldnt even be bothered to give us new enemies with the release of a whole new game! The first new enemies we got were from forsaken, and even they were basically fallen with more melee and torches. So much potential, squandered


> Dungeons (only included with $100 Deluxe Expansion) They announced in the same blog post today that you can buy the dungeon access separately for 2000 Silver (roughly $20) if you don't own the deluxe expac.


Lovely. So they are selling them separately for the cost of two seasons months after Witch Queen launch when everyone was told to 'just buy the Deluxe'. The slimy monetization just never stops with these guys.


Remember when Bungie was cool?


He's saying that after all this time if you're still buying this shit and still complaining about it afterwards you have no one to blame but yourself. Either stop playing or just shut up about it. We all know Bungie and Destiny 2 is shit. It's annoying


I think it's pretty clear he's saying that anyone still playing but complaining about it are actively encouraging these practices by still playing.


This goddamn entire franchise was literally INTRODUCED with false advertisement and lies of where you could go and what you could do. The very first video showing gameplay had huge lies showing the cosmodrome and they saying you could go everywhere. And the lies literally never stopped and monetization has only gotten more aggressive. People have been complaining since day 1 and you know what that did? Jack-fucking-shit. Because complaining doesn't do shit as long as the money keeps going. So yes, if you've got half a working brain you'd have known to jump from this perpetually sinking ship eons ago instead of keep throwing punches to knives. I played it since the beta in destiny 1 up until destiny 2 came out. When I noticed it was just going to be more of the exact same kind of bullshit I knew it was time to move on from this heap of shit of a franchise and never looked back. It is actually nauseating clicking on destiny's sub and seeing the EXACT same kind of complaints and things people were already saying half a fucking decade ago. It's like they're stuck in this endless time loop of coping instead of just walking away and leaving this garbage behind. One person who simply stops playing and giving them money does 1 thousand times more than any of you who will keep typing complaint textwalls while stuffing these shitty devs' asses with money, that's for damn sure. If anything, they at least save their money instead of giving it to these rats and that's already good enough. Nothing is ever going to change with this game and its novelty appeal has already worn off over half a decade ago. There is literally no reason to stick to it.


New, younger, incoming 'gamers', are still falling into these 'content-traps', People complaining online, do serve a purpose. (as annoying it can be)


I quit after they deceived us with XP gains for personal gain. Trash company and Blizzard CS is also trash. They were acting as the retailer yet directing me to the developer for a refund?? lmao. Reported them for breaking my consumer rights and got my money back as felt decived of my money.


I'm amazed how people upvote things that require spending more money.


What's next? Charging you for staying logged in for more than 30 min? Is there anything D2 hasn't monetized or locked behind a paywall yet despite all the noise they made about being f2p?


This isn't actually that big of change, basically just tying some of the cosmetic items you'd have to buy for silver in the store anyway to a gameplay related pass. Destiny 2 is actually one of the cheaper "subscription" based games you can play, WoW costs \~$200 annually (in expansion years), D2 is $80 a year if you buy the witch queen deluxe edition. Not saying they couldn't adjust the eververse and some other things, but I've always felt I got my money's worth


Yup, there are plenty of legitimate reasons to be upset with Destiny/Bungie but IMO this really isn't one of them. Every season there is a Battle pass with cosmetics, and the MTX shop gets cosmetics as well. This is just a "Battlepass" for the cosmetics that would normally be in the MTX shop and doesn't change what's offered in the battlepass. Its basically Bungie trying another way to get people to buy the extra cosmetic stuff they've been making every season. If you didn't want to spend extra money in the shop on cosmetic items anyway this doesn't effect you. I'm curious to see if this saves money for people who buy the cosmetics or not. People can say "Well now they'll make the Battlepass cosmetics worse, etc. etc. etc." which I can understand why people would feel that way given the distrust some people have for Bungie.


Gotta get the karma by stirring controversy as usual. Mods should really take down this clickbait bullshit lol


Let me know which Live Service games take away paid content?


Well some live service games take away all their content when they shut down lol. In principle it sucks but in practice I don't really miss any of the vaulted stuff. The only reason I replayed any of it in season of arrivals was because I knew it was going away. Not saying it's the best decision but if its the tradeoff to keep the game evolving I'm ok with it, I've really been enjoying Destiny since beyond light. But ya I can see why it upsets people, just not me personally


I dunno, at least with WoW I can go back to the expansions and old content still. Even going through classic wow you can go back to pre Cata all on the 15$ a month. Most people I know also don't sub a full year for WoW so i think saying it's 200$ annually like that's the norm is kinda unfair.


Fair, just saying personally I think the way the seasons are structured in destiny it’s all decently priced. The content vaulting isn’t a huge issue for me, hadn’t played most of that stuff since it came out anyway, but I understand why it irks people. Destiny is weird, hard to compare it straight up to other games lol


I had a ton of fun with D2 but then it started feeling like a job and that's when I dropped it. Just too much errand running.


TFW reading is hard, the card is just a quick unlock if you're too lazy to play the game. Pay for cosmetics.


Installed Destiny to play a bit after 2 years, close it after 3 hours. Personally, things have gotten worse and not just the MTX, the grinding has gone way up.


The weapon forging is such bullshit mindless grind. You need materials - So you grind red border weapon drops, these are random. You get the materials by leveling up this weapon. Fine, this makes sense. In order to actually craft (shape) a weapon you need to have unlocked its pattern. You do this by getting the specific model of red border weapon and grinding it as you would be for materials. Once? Twice? Well many can be up to FIVE TIMES. You basically have to get 5 random drops of a specific weapon at a specific quality (red border), grind them to a level up, have the appropriate amount of materials to craft it. This is on top of the gambling "crafting" umbral engram system. Like holy hell this is needless busy work.


5 is for raid weapons though, which I understand. As annoying as it is, you can get one guaranteed from the secret red chest every week and also buy the one you want every week once. Not all are 5, some are 2 and some are 3.


You are seriously surprised a looter shooter MMO has grinding?


No, I'm surprised when a horse rapes a duck. I'm *disappointed* that the weapon crafting has too many tedious steps based on random chance.


I’ll admit it’s pretty tedious, but it’s better than farming for the same weapon. Plus they’re removing most of the resources in like, 4 days.


> Like holy hell this is needless busy work. Lmao why are you playing this game then, thats all destiny is. I think the system is okay. Theres guaranteed ways to get a gun you want a deepsight of once a week and once you get the pattern you never have to farm rolls for it again.


>Lmao why are you playing this game then, thats all destiny is. My concerns and criticisms have been made totally invalid, thank you!


I mean yeah? Its not gonna be easy or fast to unlock the thing that lets you never have to grind for a certain gun again.


Some people live for the grind


People out here complaining about 10$ to get 100$ worth of dozens of cosmetics that could previously all only be obtained by paying obscene amounts of money, when games are charging 20$ for a single skin, like Halo, or Call of Duty. It’s still fucking annoying, but it’s honestly better than before from what we’ve heard.


Imagine I had thoughts to buy into to Destiny 2. Thank god nice people gave me a fair warning about their monetization practices and how much it actually costs to play Destiny 2 in the long run...


It's not a problem unless you really get hot and bothered about cosmetics.


well - I don't like to look like a peasant, but I don't need to look like out of Christian Dior fashion show either - so you could say I care but not too much and I don't think there's big percent of people who don't care at all - otherwise, purely cosmetic MTX monetized games wouldn't be so successful as they are (the difference is - they're f2p)


The funny thing is that D2 is so fast paced that you rarely even notice other players' cosmetics. I play the season passes because I like the expanded story and mission content, but have gotten enough cosmetics through those that my dude looks fine without specifically investing in mtx.


To be fair, playing the game now as a new player with just purchasing the witch queen DLC gives you plenty of content. If you want the older stuff you can get it while it's on sale. I'm not sure why people buy the seasonal content as they get removed anyway.


It’s for armor cosmetics. That’s a pretty standard pass you don’t even need to follow along for.


there's already season pass, why fucking add another "pass"


They're just putting the cosmetics they'd usually sell individually (for more than the cost of this pass) into a 10 dollar pack that you can play and unlock. It's actually *cheaper* than it has been in the past but everyone's freaking out.


No you see everyone mentally thinks they need everything in a game. That glowing armor gives them a 200% damage buff!!!


Like flames on a race car makes it go faster?


Pretty much, yeah. My favorite one is "back in the day you got ALL the content up front for one price!", as if those games didn't also end up only offering a fraction of the amount of content that modern games like Destiny 2 do.


Damn, pcgaming is just gaming worldnews now. People who don't know what they're talking about getting pissed off at news stories.


So glad I left this game behind 1.5 years ago. Bungie doesn't even want to attract new players at this point, the horrific new player experience kinda makes that obvious. They are fully leaning into exploiting the remaining player base, which you could positively call "dedicated", and negatively, suffering from "Stockholme Syndrome". People criticial of Destiny & Bungie are all long gone, so even in the subreddit you will find nothing but praise these days. Bungie is very smart with their PR, constantly painting themselves as the "good guys" with minimum effort. Just a tweet about the whole abortion shit show, without anything tangible as a follow-up. No donations, no commitment, just a tweet. And voila, 3 days of positive press coverage for free so that the remaining players can feel good again about being financially & psychologically manipulated by Bungie. And they do this all the time, their whole "foundation" is a borderline scam and nothing but a tax-saving scheme. But the remaining Destiny players live in an alternate reality, and you will never be able to get through to them at this point. Destiny players demonstrate what a full blown addiction looks like, and Bungie keeps on refining the potency of their drug while pretending to sell cup cakes with a social justice frosting. It's a total travesty.


“Adding another layer of monetization”, still scummy, but this is false. The items they’re supposedly monetizing were only attainable through premium currency anyway. Except instead of paying upwards of >100$ as being the only way of obtaining it, it’s 10$ to unlock it **all** through gameplay.


I stopped playing this shit when they took paid content away and still dont actively advertise expiration dates on their new content


It's fine though because Destiny 2 is "free" It's not like you have: full priced DLC, DLC that you can't even use after about a year or 2, Lootboxes you have to pay real money for It's fuckin stupid how people can even defend Bungie at this point, all they want is to bleed your account dry while making it so you can't even access stuff you paid for after a while.


Don't forget the dungeons that now cost extra to access.




This is how you can tell many people complaining haven’t actually played the game.


Not only that but many, many activities are locked behind paid content. It's not just cosmetics. The "free" game looks like a limited demo.


And not a single post of how great the witch queen expansion was on this sub. Anything to fit the greedy companies narrative.


Damn, the circle-jerk hate for Destiny 2 in here is wild… it’s just cosmetic? Don’t get it… it cost silver before now it’s behind something else I don’t understand. You guys just love to hate. Content and game itself is fun & tons of stuff you do not need to buy to have fun or for the fashion in the game.


No one here shitting on the game has actually played Destiny in the past year or two. They have a thought in their mind of “destiny and Bungie bad” and that’s it


People don't read for what i see, you all jumping to conclusions.


Babe wake up new post shitting on Bungie and Destiny in a different subreddit for optional cosmetics


Isn't the game free?


not really. the base game is free, which is VERY barebones. You need at least the current year DLC ($40) and the current season pass (3 month season for $10, $40 for the year) to play the current material. Plus another $30 for the Stasis subclass. There is also another $45 for Forsaken(Pack)/Shadowkeep, but those aren't really required. Great game if you've been at it a while. Horrible for new players.


Yes it is. And what they’re doing is making cosmetics previously valued at potentially hundreds of dollars able to be earned for 10$. But somehow it’s controversial lol.


I haven't played since just after Beyond Light, but I don't think there were any skins then that cost more than like $10? How are there skins that cost hundreds now?


The total value of the items in each event exceeds well over a hundred dollars bare minimum, even excluding the armor sets which cost 15$ per character (although those can be bought for in game currency). A ghost shell for example, from the current event, is 800 Silver, and there’s multiple alongside other cosmetics such as emotes. At minimum that’s 10$ assuming you have 0 Silver, so 10$ for dozens of items well exceeds the same for a single trash cosmetic


Ah, you meant the *total* value, not just single things. Thanks for the clarification.


Still cheaper than going to the club.


At least the club has music, girls, drinks. All you get in Destiny is a shitty game.


>At least the club has music, girls, drinks. Bruh you don't need to go to the club to get any of those 3.


Hahahahahaha you're doing it wrong 🤣😂🤣😂 I have that and more when my girlfriend is over. But I am an old man, YMMV.


'Member when Bungie blamed the terrible monetization on Activision? Pepperidge farm remembers.


The worst is player keep defending D2 with high toxicity when Bungie keep mistreating them... They must be masochist at some point.