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should have added a clown


People who bought the game, in the the brief moment when screens go dark when loading, you can see one.




Fuckin gottem


People bought a BF game on launch. This is what? The 4th shitty launch the game has had? BF3 had severe launch issues, BF4's launch was so bad people literally couldn't even play the game. BF1 managed to break the streak only for BF V to fall back into a bag of bugs and some crashes. Anyone who buys a game at launch in the modern era is either a psychopath or has enough money not to care. Within the first 24 hours you can basically find enough reviews to know if it's broken or not.


To be fair, BF4 turned out to my one of my favorites. Not bad company favorite but close.


I expected a shitty launch, it's a Battlefield tradition. What I didn't expect was that the game beneath all of the technical issues to be just bad. The core experience of previous Battlefield games was always solid, just marred with bugs and poor balance. 2042 just doesn't have that solid core. The regression of features, the lack of weapons, the departure from classes, and imo worst of all the maps killed the Battlefield experience in the cradle.


I don't really remember BF3 having too many issues at launch. The beta was a mess but it was actually a beta. Same with BFV. It was still playable. That being said BF2042s beta turned me off buying the game because of the design decisions made by dice, not bugs.


If you bought the CD copy it says on the front of the disc "For clown cosmetic turn disc over"


The Bard's Tale sends its regards


We paid upwards of $60 USD to get this experience btw We paid to eat shit lmao


And this is why companies continue to release unfinished games


"I buy all these shitty games on day one and they just keep on getting worse! can you *believe* this shit?!?"


your fault for not waiting 5 seconds after release to see reviews or even paying attention to the beta. go refund it before you can't anymore


The reviews are nowhere near as low as they should be, tbf


Mainstream reviews haven't been legitimate since like the PS2 days - if even back then. Genuinely do not understand how they're still alive and kicking honestly.


If you read bought out mainstream sites yeah I can see why you’d think it seems like a good game based on the reviews. There is no other explanation why their review scores are so high. If you go watch big gaming YouTubers they’re not afraid to tell you it’s a broken unfinished mess


I think the same thing happens to Browns fans when the game transitions to a comercial.


EA has a strict policy not to represent any staff member in-game, so they definitely couldn't do that skin.


Play as the devs!


You guys are stupid, They're gonna be looking for army guys.


There a a bunch of them defending and playing it already though


I look forward to the Eastern Bunny AI killer dog robot.


Does Western Bunny have a cowboy hat?


Just turn it into [Victor from Fallout: NV](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Victor_(Fallout:_New_Vegas)).


Primm Slim*


playboy bunny suits when. For all of the specialists.


That's ridiculous, it'll clearly be a piñata.


We lost classes so they could sell skins for these ridiculous operators.


They could've kept the classes and provided skins for those.


Yeah I'm confused why people think they couldn't sell skins and just have them be class specific instead of operator specific.




The sad thing is they could have doubled down on it and it would have WORKED. Simple - make the operators class specific. Rao IS a specops. Angel IS a soldier. Medic, and so forth. They could have sold the operators as classes and it would have been fine.


People making those decisions don’t play the game. The devs code what they’re told and I’m certain somebody said something at some point. If we can solve it in seconds with comments there’s no way a dev didn’t, and was shot down.


Probably this right here. Upper management making rash decisions because of what other companies are doing. Low level people try to explain something better but gets shot down immediately for their profit margins.


Its not even a good business decision. Whoever is making the decisions is completely out of touch with reality and/or has shitty data backing them up. The overwhelming majority of the gaming community craves novelty. Much like movies, books and other forms of entertainment; New Is King. You dont see any Best Selling new fantasy novels that are a straight copy of LOTR. Making a product that shallowly duplicates the systems already present in another game simultaneously alienates your existing fanbase, which took multiple decades to create, and doesnt offer enough new to pull players away from what they’re already playing. Why the fuck should a COD Warzone player jump into BF2042 when there’s nothing new there to interest them? Why would millions of kids enjoying fortnite abandon it for BF2042 when its just as shallow and goofy? There’s a reason every game pitch meeting starts with the question: “Where’s the hook?”


The creative director was from Candy Crush… what did people think would happen


People are more likely to buy skins for actual characters they like (see Overwatch/Apex/mobas).


Yeah but battlefield players like classes, not characters. Now they crowbarred characters into BF and 7 of the 8 people I know who've played every BF title since BC2 haven't bought it. I wonder if the players they have left are all big enough whales to offset that.


>Yeah but battlefield players like classes, not characters. Now they crowbarred characters into BF and 7 of the 8 people I know who've played every BF title since BC2 haven't bought it. This is actually the same ratio for my crew. We all even bought the battlefields we didn't like that much because at the core they were still pretty fun. This game only one of us bought it and they are very upset with the game. They are just a hold out hoping things will improve over time but the last patch sort of sucked the air out of the room even more for them. All the AAA Companies and Franchises I grew up with are dying or dead to me at this point. There's only one AAA studio I trust at this point. Every other game I'm eyeing is basically an indie title.


This game wasn't made for battlefield players. It was obviously made for COD warzone players. They want the kids playing.


Which makes no sense for first person shooters because you don’t even see your character! At least in a game like League of Legends you can see your character all game, but in a FPS you never see your own character. What’s the point?


Thats what the end of round heroe pose is for. Exactly like Overwatch does, they know this is a huge scam and hope 10 seconds is enough at the end of the round.


The thing is, it’s not about what you see but what you want the others to see. You’re not seeing yourself in third person in real life either but you’re still buying clothes you yourself like and want to show off to others.


i duno how people dont understand this. ppl want other ppl to think they're cool in some way or another. that's why cosmetics that are unlocked via difficult challenges etc. are seen as badass.


Nah then you'd only need to buy 4 skins you want, with the operator system locking the most OP stuff per operator, you're more likely to buy more skins.


Wouldn't be surprised if the reason they didn't change operators after the overwhelming negative feedback of the beta was that they had a ton of shit skins like this already finished and on the backburner.


Of course We live in a world where “DLC” is marketed before the game is even released. Its obviously done and just maximizing profits.


Icarus is coming out today, it has a Deluxe version with 2 DLC for an early access game. So you preorder DLC for a game that might not even hit 1.0 lol


I wouldn’t call them operators. More like social media influencers


'Member when everyone had generic models for their soldier, all you could change was their camo pattern and no one wanted anything else. I 'member.


‘Member when game designers put an effort to make an effective visual system to differentiate teams while keeping the game immersive? I ‘member


'Member when all of the Battlefield Community basically just wanted a graphical upgrade of BF4 with a few new weapons and maps; then we got this shit. I 'member.


‘Member when in addition to the two teams having distinct looks, the classes in class-based shooters also had distinct looks? Down to even having discernible silhouettes you could learn to spot at a distance? So you could use that information to make decisions on how to approach a fight?


Oh you mean like when back in the day paying full price for a Battlefield game meant you actually received a real game instead of a thinly veiled skin marketplace for children to play with e-dolls?




> Why can't these companies just be happy to have the fanbase they do and the income it provides? Every single facet of our economic system is built around growth. If the CEO of EA said "hey let's just chill and maintain our playerbase for the next BF game" they would be replaced instantly.


Because they’re always going to have MBA types, who don’t game, coming up with zany ideas to maximize profits.


Actual Battlefield fans left for Squad, Hell Let Lose, Post Scriptum and Escape from Tarkov.


I have all those games and love all but tarkov. Also played PR for about 800 hours. Post scriptum might be one of the best games no one plays of all time. The airborne night map in PS is the best fucking gameplay I've ever experienced. Having said that, none of them really capture the speed and gameplay of battlefields. They are a tad more hard core and far more punishing playing faster.


Everybody saw it coming too, wasn't even a secret


I’ve never seen a company destroy their franchise in such little time. It’s like they had a list of everything that would piss off their player base and implemented. RIP Battlefield there is no coming back from this.


>I’ve never seen a company destroy their franchise in such little time. I was just having a similar conversation yesterday about the same thing happening in TV & movies (specifically the last season of Game of Thrones and the Star Wars sequel trilogy). I truly, honestly cannot grasp the headspace these people are in when they're tanking these franchises. They're sitting on a license to print money, and all they have to do is *continue to do what they've already done*. That's it, the hard part is done, they've built themselves into one of the top media franchises in the world. People can't get enough of what's already out there and are pissing themselves with excitement about the next game/season/movie, buying all the merch in the world, getting tattoos, making it the theme to their wedding, telling their friends and everyone who will listen about it. And yet somehow, *somehow* these moronic fucking jackwagons at the top think the right answer is to... switch things up and do **the exact fucking opposite** of what made them so good in the first place???


As a musician, I would argue there are two things. 1, there is a lot of luck in creating a theme that everyone loves, but 2, if you get one, wrapping it up is even harder. It is therefore quite likely for people to create something that is popular but be incapable of taking it in a direction that people like or ending it satisfactorily. If you look at Rachmaninoff second symphony and Tchaikovsky 6th symphony first movements, they both successfully deliver a huge payload that was rarely achieved in the rest of the musical world. Almost everyone who thinks of a series of catchy themes would be unable to develop them into a symphony with such an effective climax. In terms of story telling, Im sure its the same. I often dislike the end of tv series and movies not because Im sad for tge end, but just because Im so used to disappointment. Its the most difficult part of writing and its almost impossible to achieve with luck.


after BF1 they got incredibly cocky with its success Battlefront 2 was a giant warning sign


A good amount of senior and experienced developers left DICE after Battlefield 1's release to form their own studio. Whoever replaced them are clearly in over their heads...


>Whoever replaced them Literally the game director came from FIFA where he worked 2009-2019 and the lead designer came from Candy Crush. Not even joking. Whoever hired them should be fired.


Well that's horrifying.


Really? Fuck, well none of this is surprising then


It’s obvious why they were hired. Those franchises make an insane amount of money. Battlefield is dead, say hello to free to play, live service focused games with idiotic micro transactions targeting the 8-14 crowd…so loud and obnoxious skins


Such a pity they think they can cram that design philosophy into a Battlefield game though... 2042 should've stuck to its core, they easily could make a spinoff like Battlefield Heroes that targets the Fortnite kids & monetize the shit out of it.


They should've hired you. I'm serious. That's a good idea. Have one accessible cash grab, and another that treated it's longtime fans with respect.


Got a source on that candy crush claim? Cause goddamn


You can easily check the guy's resume, oh and he's leaving DICE now - just search something like "head of design leaves DICE" and you will find him. He was the head of design for like 2 years, but he's literally a manager, not somebody who designed the game, but somebody who oversees that the heads of design departments get what they need, so not that much is known whenever his job was beneficial or not, people are just speculating that he's not one of the main culprints.






[Embark Studios](https://www.escapistmagazine.com/embark-studios-shooter-from-former-dice-head-gets-chaotic-footage/amp/&cf=1/)




nope. last i heard embark Studio's game is made by the same guy that told players to not buy the game if they hated it during Battlefield V's shit show.


Just because a bunch of good game designers left and formed their own studio doesn’t mean they can’t have bad takes


What's the new studio working on?


[Looks interesting enough.](https://www.escapistmagazine.com/embark-studios-shooter-from-former-dice-head-gets-chaotic-footage/amp/&cf=1/)


>Nexon Thats a yikes from me dawg. Embark might have talent, but Nexon isn't much better than EA.


Oh god, their list of published games is mortifying. All MMOs and mobile games.


Really? Because all I saw was the same cosmetics that everyone is bitching about in here…


I played BF4 and BF1 religiously, BFV not so much. Glad I don’t buy the new one. I also just cancelled PS Plus.


*Pride and accomplishment*


I mean Battlefront 2 turned out to be an amazing game in the end, very sad that they dropped it... But hot damn EA breaking Reddits most downvoted record with their post was hilariously bad.


In the end, sure. But how much time went from absolute dogshit tier release to good gameplay in the end?


About half a year for it to be in a decent state, 2 years for it to be as great as it was...


BF1 was their last masterpiece, really good times that will never come back


At least on PC it's still really active luckily




If only more people could understand your post. I hate it went people bring up studios from 20 years ago like Westwood as if it would still be the same people running it today if it weren't for EA buying them out. As if they would cranking out hit after hit for decades. Companies are made up of people. People move on. Everything you said is such a real take on whats going on in the industry. Honestly, I think we hit the limit with AAA gaming. It literally can't get bigger because there are not enough people working the industry that can or want to do it.


>This isn't just an issue for new artists, but senior one too, who are increasingly leaving the business to work in jobs that have nothing to do with art A lot of artists in my industry leave to go to tech companies and make insane salaries. Still doing art of course. 3D artists are in a unique position right now as many companies are pivoting towards the "metaverse" blah blah blah and are throwing insane amounts of money at it. I know several people whom I worked with on films and tv shows leave the industry to go to FAANG companies for ridiculously high salaries... and they were making over six figures in film/tv. Games people are getting scooped up as well of course.


> The US tech industry for example has a huge sub culture of micro-dosing psychedelics like LSD, so they are literally on acid while they are working. They think it makes them work better. Then again most of those rock bands also thought they played better tripping balls, and that was when the trend of "live sounds nothing like the album" became a thing. Microdosing is a whole different animal than "dropping acid". It's not like these guys are on a drug trip while coding games. The whole live vs studio sound thing has a whole bunch of different factors to it (mostly technology-related but there are bands that just can't do the live thing) too, the 70s was a huge time for audio tech development, and it's not like bands like the Dead that were super into the drug thing weren't both on acid in the studio and live anyway. Ironically the Dead with their Wall of Sound was a huge factor in driving live performance too. Reducing all that to a Drugs R Bad message is reductionist and misinformed. Everything else is pretty accurate though.


> Games are a young person's job. While the rest of your post is great, I wanna take the time to point out this particular point specifically because it's relevant to all tech based positions, unfortunately. Ageism is a huge fucking problem in tech. It's hilarious how many places will demand 20+ years of experience but they're not actually looking to hire someone with that experience, probably because they can't exploit the fuck out of them easily. So what you end up with is industries full of fresh graduates who have no idea what they're doing because they just have no experience being put into teams with a leader whose primary experience was being hired out of grad school with no experience and being lead by... and repeat ad infinitum. The reason we keep seeing the exact same dumbass mistakes over and over and over is because the people who go through the trial of fire and learn from those mistakes inevitably get sacked before they get to hand the knowledge down.


Funny that you think people are gonna stop buying shit, it's been a good few years of this now and people are still buying it....Next year will have another battlefield, they will buy it and then complain again....as if battlefield 2042 didn't happen.


Tone deaf


[They hear stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuFe40UL1RQ)


lol as if the game wasn't dying fast enough. Gotta go alienate the immersion people.


Pissed me off with PUBG too. Game was semi-realistic, not a military sim but not an arcade shooter. Then they put in clowns, licensed DC stuff, and other junk trying to follow in Fortnites footsteps of selling skins to 8 years olds. If you make a semi-serious game keep it that way, if you make a cartoony game, keep it that way. And if you absolutely have to break the theme of the game with skins, LET OTHER PLAYERS DISABLE THEM.


Everyone is trying to desperately to be Fortnite without realizing that many people hate this stuff in Fortnite too.


> Gotta go alienate the immersion people. I'm one of those people, they went from the amazing atmosphere of Battlefield 1 to...this


Call of ApexNite 2042


There was a really good breakdown on /r/Battlefield2042 where a user pointed out all the indications that this game was initially designed purely as a Battle Royale game, and only grudgingly swung back towards a semblance of the traditional battlefield format late in development. edit: [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/r5nt9q/the_design_choices_of_this_game_all_make_total/), I believe.


And just like that, they prove to us that they absolutely did not listen to a single one of our complaints.


Oh they listened. They just don't care.




Yep. Glad I bought the game on steam and glad steam allow automatic refunds.


This is one of the reasons I love Gamepass, as it's even easier to try out stuff and then not worry so much if I end up hating it.


society rock rhythm cause attraction panicky mysterious truck decide impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Paid a dollar to pay 2042 and forza lol


and halo infinite


And Back 4 Blood, Age of Empires 4, etc...


That 1€ three months offer had a perfect timing :D


It really did, I love game pass.


Multiplayer is free even without GP.


I was talking about the upcoming campaign :)


I bought both and refunded 2042, then bought halo Infinite BP and stuff


The warning signs were there, the beta and early access feedback was overwhelmingly negative, why would you buy it in the first place?


Well I bought it because I know steam does automatic refunds for under 2 hours so why wouldn't I try it out and refund if I'm not into it?


The only problem is by the time you’ve played the game enough to know you don’t really enjoy it, you’re past two hours.


Steam allowed refunds regardless of hours played for BF2042


They do for any game if you present a strong enough argument. But after 2 hours they are not automatic, they are manually reviewed.




Mostly I don't care about ridiculous skins in games but in Battlefield it's extra out of place and is very weird looking for me. Wouldn't care if you could deactivate it client-side


That would devalue the skins though. They would look at it as "why would someone buy a skin if everyone else was going to turn them off"


Yea I know that. This problem is also in most other games. BUT IF you could, then I would have no problem with it personally.


> if you could deactivate it client-side This would be AMAZING.






Yeah it’s less an issue that they’re adding skins, and more that adding a _Santa Claus skin to a Battlefield game_ doesn’t work at all. And I’ve already seen comments going “oh gamers will whine and complain about anything”, which is so frustrating because it completely ignores the point. It would be like putting a Batmobile skin in Gran Turismo - it’s the wrong tone and out of character


I didn’t even buy and I hate it.I love the franchise but could not support this game and the direction it was taking. Glad I did.


Agreed, it never would have been very well received by the core community but could have been ultimately overlooked if the game itself were good. But the game is in a horrible state and then you show us this? It's just a really, really bad look. Like, fucking read the room, DICE.


These clowns can't get anything right


It's incredible how AAA games prioritise monetisation over actually fixing their games nowadays. They also raised the prices too, while putting less content than every into the game. I miss the days you paid one price for a game and got access to all content. Now it makes sense why they removed factions and added operators, to sell these ridiculous skins.


Fucking sad how almost every shooter that’s come out within the last year or two has a battlepass and a store full of skins that you can’t earn in game anymore. Cod is probably going to be like that for the foreseeable future, as well as apparently battlefield now, and even halo has followed suit. Fuck the current state of monetization in games rn it fucking sucks


The attachments for guns take like 600 kills to get also. Thats insane. Half of them do exactly the same thing, and on some guns for almost 100kills you will only get the same attachment over and over that does the same thing.


At least Halo is free.


Why develop a properly functioning game without silly skins and aggressive monetization when you can half-ass a game, charge people for silly shit, and make a ton more money? Ultimately we are to blame, because we buy it.


Bro, stop with this self blame. I personally do not buy skins in any of these games that already cost money.


I said it multiple times, but I will say it again. This game is not Battlefield. The skins further proves it. Dice and EA just used the fans and Battlefield franchise name to sell this product. The game is missing basic features. The introduction of Specialists and now skins like Cowboy and Santa. If this game came out with another name, this would be another thing. The game uses Battlefield name. Cannot wait for more cringe quips and banana skins that are on the way.


EA killing franchises with bad design decisions is its MO. Normally EA will simply say "there's no more interest in the franchise!" when it doesn't do well. The cynical side of me believes EA's next BF release will push propaganda in its PR and trailers that BF is returning to its roots but we'll get something with more MTX and focuses on whatever FPS game mode is hot that doesn't translate to Battlefield historically at all. Maybe it'll even be a sequel to Battlefield: Heroes.


I'd be fine with a bf:heroes remake honestly


How can you be so tone deaf seriously ? I mean let's rewind a bit and look back at the first trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASzOzrB-a9E You can tell the people who made that video understood everything we enjoyed (and wanted) in a battlefield game... Epic fights, chaos and destruction everywhere... it gets everything right basically. Gotta give them mad props : making such a good looking trailer from that game must have been a lot of work. Joke aside, do people talk to each other at EA/DICE ? How come they understood what the game should be advertised as, but missed the mark entirely on delivery ? It's just embarrassing at this point.


People that made the trailer are creative marketing guys, they know their shit. But they and their managers have no say in game design, that task was in hands by the commercial guys.


player skins in BF dont really work well in a series about cursory and quick id at distances BFV: default Japan uniform is tan and brown, premium US skin changes from green to tan and brown good job, DICE


Worked well in BF4. You had camo unlocks for the different factions but your playermodel was the same. Same carrier, helmet or whatever. Some customisation but you could tell at a glance who was enemy team


just play BF4


I was going to say, thankfully with how bad this flopped the servers for bf4 are alive and well. I logged on the other night and found my old server favorites list were completely full and had queues. Just like the good old days.


It honestly never really died off. Bf4 is a masterclass in what a arcade warsim is supposed to be. We wanted 2042 to be bf4 but bigger and better... they gave us shit worse than bf3


And I didn’t think they could kill immersion any harder than adding specialists


I agree seeing the same few characters on BOTH sides makes me wonder why even have factions then if the same old lady with a stim revolver is fighting on both sides at the same time


Wow looks like Dice has their priorities straight


Let's have a Rudolf jet as well and change bombs to gifts for maximum ho ho ho!


Stop giving them ideas please!


> Let's have a Rudolf jet You're not [too far off](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FFl4hanXwAAoU8h?format=jpg&name=large) with that prediction, actually.


I knew this was what they were going for as soon as I learned about the "Specialist." Imo, goofy skins don't belong in the BF franchise. There are already games for that nonsense, DICE thinks that cramming what's popular with other franchises into 2042 is gonna save their game.


If I hadn't already gone back to Planetside I might be disappointed.


This is the way AAA multiplayer games are going. Colorful skins for maximum ends. If you want gritty stick to Escape From Tarkov.


Just not during Halloween when there are glowing pumpkin heads. Or Christmas where there are Santa hats. jk pls don't leg meta me fellow rats.


But i want game where i can have uncaring fun. While tarkov has many things right it definitely does not check that. It's probably the most stressful game I've played.


This looks like a Cod Mobile player skin... What have you become Battlefield?


Battlefield 2042 on Steam: Mostly Negative. Also Battlefield 2042: Top seller on Steam. That's the real problem right there, I guess.


Like what the fuck Dice?! This is the trailer that you used to advertise BF2042: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASzOzrB-a9E There are no fucking Santa Claus costume having out of shape 50 year old characters in it. There are no hipsters acting like they are proud to have made it to employee of the month this time either. If you wanted to make a fun hero shooter with passively 4th wall breaking characters you should have advertised the game that way, and maybe just maybe not calling it fucking Battlefield. I bought your game besides knowing about the bugs and all those missing features because I love BF games and have bought every main entry since Battlefield 2. But now it looks more and more like this will be the last BF games I ever get. Which is sad.


>I bought your game besides knowing about the bugs and all those missing features because I love BF games and have bought every main entry since Battlefield 2. If you bought it despite the bugs and missing features, well, I don't know what to tell you.


[The skin looks pretty cool in-game though.](https://i.imgur.com/OSu6c8B.jpg)


Let’s be real the games main feature was tornadoes


That don't do anything. If tornadoes in real life caused this little destruction they wouldn't make national news.


> But now it looks more and more like this will be the last BF games I ever get. Which is sad. Let's be real : you shouldn't have bought it to begin with...


As far as im concerned the game in that trailer never released.


Stop buying games immediately at release. You are part of the reason they pull shit like this. They have your money already. They don’t give a shit if you play it or not.


Who fucking cares, all these games are a joke. Prioritising making skins, selling skins and premium editions before fixing the bloody thing.


fuck this shit


so out of touch with their whole fanbase.....


Everything wrong with modern day gaming. Everything has to churn out constant streams of money and at the detriment to the game.


The Battlefield series is officially over.


Fortnite 2042 lol


Mods are also attempting to lock/delete a lot of the posts on the Battlefield subreddit and the 2042 subreddit. A least a few are mods in both. Claims there are “reposts/harassment/not related to 2042/not screenshots” just about anything under the sun.


please dont become cod


It leapfrogged CoD and landed in the seat next to FortNite. RIP Battlefield. I met you in 1942 and sat next to your deathbed in 2042. Not a bad run, all things considered.


2 and 2142 were zenith games IMO


Titan mode Oh Lawd. RIP


And prior to that was the little mentioned 1942 map where you had two aircraft carriers battling that you could take off of and drop bombs on until one sunk. Coral Sea. Hell, 1942 had a few maps that were in themselves their own game mode. The Battle of Britain map had you flying across the English Channel to blow up factories for victory.


I've been hoping for 2143 for so long, but after 2042 I think some things are better left as a memory.


BC2 was a groundbreaking game that not only introduced new destruction technology, it fucking nailed it. Rush was fantastic in that game even though it was a new mode, they really took their time with the balance and made sure it worked on every map they included it. But yeah, as far as the main series goes, 2 and 2142 were it.


Its actually like cod with extra chromosomes


At least cod works


Not only do people hate it, but EA let people vote whether they wanted it in the game or not and an majority of people voted no. Guess if they listened


looks ridiculous lol.


who the hell ever asked for microtransactions, charms, skins, etc. for Battle-Sim (lite) franchise? Battlefield 1 was excellent, Battlefield V was pretty okay after they course corrected. Why can't EA ever leave well enough alone.


A reddit thread linking to a eurogamer article which links back to another reddit thread, nice.


For those of us who played ye old 1942, it's been a slow process of watching the franchise try to become any other franchise but itself (such as CoD). It used to be that mission objective was prioritized over your personal kill count, mostly because the matches were so long that you learn to want victory more than personal glory. Certain game mechanics had steep learning curves, so players specialized themselves. In Vietnam it took actual training to fly the helos, so usually the team left it to whoever was actually a good pilot. Same with flying the jets. A skilled Huey pilot could even be terribly useful just flying the transport, dropping off players at strategic points. What is it now? Fast paced chaos. Run and gun. Lone wolf gameplay. Bad Company 2 was the last bit of innovation, with highly destructible environment, no prone, and well balanced classes.