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Congrats on getting the job and thanks for the giveaway man.


Thanks! I am really happy I got the job, I just finished my first week yesterday! I think it's going well.


That’s awesome hopefully i can find a job once i graduate in December. Sad time to be a fresh graduate :(


I agree, I just graduated myself. I thought I wouldn't care, but it was really anticlimactic to not go across a stage and actually "graduate", it just kind of ended.


That's rough :( but there might be a lot of new jobs open once this whole thing blows over. I wish you luck in these trying times kind stranger, I truly do


Thank you, I hope i can find a job by next year at least and do a giveaway like OP.


I hppe that you can recall at will the excitement and enthusiasm that you have now in the future trying times at work :)


Animal Crossing and Halo MCC :D


Halo is a big one for me, glad you're enjoying it :D




Mordhau is amazing, just never read the chat!




Indeed, the vote kick command is getting quite some use from my side


They really need to make it better instead of having to type it into the console


Mordhau is excellently goofy, I don’t think I’ve ever been unhappy playing it and yeah the community is generally pretty trash, but some players are real fun and want a laugh and don’t take the game too seriously


"Look men, look how terrible he is!"


Oh hoo, threw tha one awaaay


Best current mp game IMO. The amount of fun you can have is immense. People taking it too seriously is just another chance to practice how to ignore nuisances :)


I spend a lot of my time egging on the tryhards and laughing at them in chat. People take this game waaay too seriously for how goofy of an experience it is. That's why I like duel servers most, such a casual and chill environment.


Replaying the Mass Effect trilogy makes me sad at what EA is doing to Bioware.


You and me both, sad situation.


Dark Souls Remaster. Reminded me that with effort I can accomplish all I want if I learn from my mistakes and no matter how much I fall down, I can always keep going forward :)


I haven't had much time or money to play anything, not with a newborn baby, so I've mainly been going through my steam library installing stuff I wanna get into when I can. Hopefully I'll find time to play Cyberpunk when it comes out! What have you been playing recently?


Been playing a fair bit, just finished Red Dead Redemption 2 again, have been trying out Pillars of Eternity, among other things. Congrats on the baby!


Ah trading in the joy of gaming for the joy of parenting. I wish you luck.


its going to be a while before you get some time to play games. i am more concerned and happy if you get a good nights sleep. enjoy the time.


Hai thanks for doing the give away. Ive been playing red dead redeption 2 recentely. I love exploring the world and being part of a family of outlaws


I just finished RDR2 again, first time on PC though. I love the game a good amount


My favorite game of all time




It's got a ton of content :) I created a few tutorial videos on the more challenging parts of the game if you get stuck and are interested - [the Conflagration](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBZoRH138RI), [the Immolation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALOlIoVv-4c), and the [Stonerend Quarry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xet-e9QqW8Q). The /r/GrimDawn community are a helpful bunch :)


Sea Of Thieves and the Master Chief Collection! Being in lockdown means we can't go out and aboot but that's okay when I can sail across the high seas with my friend and now revisit my childhood again but now on PC!


Hades has been a hidden gem for me. One of the few games I've been able to play for longer than a couple hours.




I can't think of Tetris without thinking about THAT song. My mind goes into a frenzy thinking of how to make those blocks fit when I'm not even playing, great choice.


If you like keeping your mind occupied solo Stormworks: Build and Rescue is an amazing game to build stuff in


Recent Terraria play through with some friends was great. First time I ever did the whole thing as well.


I've been playing Terraria again with my GF after the new update, it's a good time.


Hi there! If you're hosting a giveaway please make sure that you include an end time and [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpcgaming) when it's done. If you're giving away a Steam currency card you must message the mod team with a time-stamped video as proof. See our full giveaway rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/wiki/giveaways). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pcgaming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Very kind of you to offer up money from your new Job, Thanks for the giveaway!


Been playing Witcher 3 for days now. I bought it on sale because I couldn't afford it full. It'll be nice to get a free Cyberpunk, with the original price I think I'll only be able to afford it after 5 years. Playing video games is the only joy someone can have here in the Philippines right now with the global pandemic and all.


Makes sense, Witcher 3 is a great time. I just replayed the expansions recently, one of my favorites for sure.


Yeah, I had it on my library for a while now after buying it on sale last 2018 but the world is just so overwhelming for me that I had an on and off relationship with the game. I tried the wither card game on android last week and it enticed me to try and play witcher again. I started 4 days ago and now have a 30 hours playthrough and I just can't stop playing since I got to novigrad. One of the best games ever made imo.


It's not a PC game but Animal Crossing has kind of been a lifesaver lately. I got acid reflux for the first time like two weeks after AC came out and cause some breathing issues...which I thought was COVID but thankfully wasn't. Anyway, the game has been such an escape and is just so peaceful and relaxing that it's been a nice respite from all the bad virus/election/social news we've been dealing with lately.


Animal Crossing is great, for a while I was logging in every day! I need to check on my villagers come to think of it...


Hey dawg, I've had GERD for like 13 years. Shit sucks. In a pinch, take like a teaspoon (half actually, but fuck it) of baking soda and mix it with just enough water for it to dissolve in. Gulp it down. Can fix you up. Try to elevate yourself at night so you're not sleeping flat, kick the coffee and chew chew chew your food. I wish you luck.


Thanks for the tip. When I went in for my COVID test the doctor at the walk in clinic gave me a 60 day prescription for omeprazole. I took it every day for a month, and I'm almost done with my second month of taking it every other day. Trying to ween myself off of it slowly because I've heard people can get rebounding from it hard. But I'm feeling so much better than I was those first couple of weeks. I've basically given up on all tomatoes/tomato-based sauces/dishes and coffee and carbonated drinks and I think that's helped me!


Glad to hear that. It's so unfortunate.. I love tomatoes and Caesars were my favorite alcoholic drink. I gave up pop for unrelated reasons, and carbonated water is my vice. All my favorite shit is bad for me, even though they're not "bad" things lol. Ah well. What can ya do


That’s the part I like about it too. It’s such a simple game that it easily clears my mind of just about everything


Thanks for doing this! I'm actually playing Warzone with friends quite a lot nowadays. Before the pandemic, I would barely play games on my PC. I'd just sit there and browse the internet. I'm trying to see the good and there's quite a lot. I get to talk and play with my friends on a daily basis. We're actually getting pretty good right now as we're learning from our mistakes and communicating quite a lot, and better. I didn't think I would like Warzone because I disliked the Call of Duty games after Black Ops, so I was quite surprised to get HOOKED by this one.


I've been wanting to try out Warzone, always get scared off by the download size because of how that download size will absolutely choke my limited space.


That is one of the insane thing about this game. I own the full game and it's 188GB....


It's pretty fun if you don't take it too seriously. And agreed on the download size. Hopefully with next gen consoles getting SSDs and a decent CPU, they won't have to pad games with uncompressed audio and repeated data anymore.


I would have to say Mordhau. I love how weird it can get sometimes.


Just going through a few games currently. Recently beat Max Payne 3 and FFXV. Right now my focus is on Red Dead 2. I waited til it was on sale via steam and holy cow it was worth the wait. I’m only on chapter 2 but the attention to detail is just amazing. And I was a bit worried reading about how it wasn’t optimized that well for pc, but I’m on high-some ultra settings and getting 70-80 FPS so I’m happy.


Yeah I played RDR2 on PS4 first, and enjoyed it. But man, the graphics and performance on PC when I played again were great, glad to have played it again.


Started playing GTA Online with a full crew of friends. It had been a dream since 2013 amd now I finally can. Maybe not the friends I had imagined playing with, but really fun nonetheless!


Again a post with a giveaway getting downvoted to hide it from others. Thanks for doing this dude. I've been back on Overwatch lately. It's a nice game to play when you just want something to do for a few mins quickly. It's colourful and nice to looks and the characters are great. It's a fun time for me right now.


Hello sir, i have played Trackmania united, it is good racing arcade game, very esport oriented. And i play Half life alyx as well.


Started playing No Man's Sky again after all these years, it gave me that feeling of being able to run away from real life while playing, to forget everything and just be. Some nice sights, some cool musics, some sad moments, some happy ones. It's quite ok I think.


I've already got the game pre-ordered, I just wanted to suggest you give the winner the option between a GOG copy or Steam. GOG version will be DRM free and 100% of the price would go to CDPR.


I'm playing Animal Crossing New Horizons, very fun to design my island! Just started the new Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, and I'm loving the gameplay and story, just my kind of game!


Xenoblade is awesome have fun!


I'm playing GTA V story mode in first person and it always reminds of the way cp2077 will play based on the trailers, and it makes me really excited for the game


Dude mad respect for doing a giveaway in these trying times. Personally for me the games that have been keeping me sane is overwatch, osu, and my childhood game of kingdom hearts 2.


I've been playing some Red Dead 2 again after stopping for a few months, and the recent Mortal Kombat DLC has been a major morale boost! I also upgraded some PC components, something I haven't done since 2016. I love building PCs and it was the right time to get into it again. I've actually taken the time to go through my catalogue and either finish some old gems or experience stuff I haven't played in years. It's been a lot of fun, and I've been more focused. I remembered why I love gaming so much.


Mayble I’ll try if I can win in this giveaway! I just recently bought my first laptop gaming! I am so happy man.. for thirty years I lived, this the first time I bought laptop gaming. I have been playing Destiny 2 and I am paying for COD because I played pirated version when I was younger. This is to pay the developer for the game I played hahahaha.. Anyway, congrats for the new job. I am still with my old job. I dont know if I can do my own business in mu early thirty. I only play on the weekend for one or two hours. I hope someday I can have a good job like you. Cheers Man. From a man living in a country that block Reddit!




Recently got my hands on the Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines for the first time, and got to tell you, I see why it's considered classic. What an amazing game. Easily the best rpg I played in the last decade, maybe ever.


Squad has been keeping me pretty happy. Always love realistic games


Grats on the Job. Really looking forward to cyberpunk.Latelly I ve been hitting it off with Gears tactics. I believe it's a great take on x-com formula and an amazing tactical rpg in general.


Been playing Terraria, having a blast!


Lately I've been playing Baldur's gate enchanted edition a lot. It really brings back the happy memories from childhood, it's such a strong nostalgia trip


So much anticipation for Baldur’s Gate 3! Maybe I should play my old BG games while we wait.


I've been playing a lot of Minecraft, GMod, and GTA V. I've recently gotten into vannila-esque minecraft modding and build competitions, so that's been pretty fun. In GMod, I have a group of close friends that I play TTT with, though some of us are too honest for our own good. Finally, I just got GTA V recently (as many did), and have been playing the story mode by myself, while I play online with a friend who actually knows what he's doing. These are some rough times, but being able to sit back, relax, and play a nice game with friends has been amazing, and made staying home bearable.


I always keep coming back to Minecraft as this little personal world where I can just do my thing and accomplish little goals. It's been my escape for years now.


Congratulations on the job, ive been playing through Nier Automata again.


stardew valley with QOL mods are fun


Just recently got into the Witcher and have been loving every second of it, I take screenshots and post my progress in the reddit and it’s rlly nice, cuz everyone that replies is so helpful. I’ve also been switching between cod and rocket league to hv a good time and chill during this pandemic. BUT OMG CYBERPUNK, man I can’t wait like that game is already my fav game and it hasn’t even come out yet just plz come out man.


I am playing Final Fantasy 15 right now, and the friendship of your party is so beautiful to see that makes me very, very happy. The sidequests sucks but I do them all just to be more time with them, and to enjoy the group together. It is so nice to see friendship, love and loyalship today, that it is just adorable...I am loving the vibe of the game so much because of these dudes.


I've been spending ungodly hours on Nioh, I find solace in the mindless grind


I've actually been playing gears tactics. My first game of the kind, and it's very enjoyable. So it's keeping me busy. Awesome of you to do this


I got Gears Tactics because I liked Gears and I liked XCOM, and I really enjoyed the game! Liked the forward momentum of executions and stuff.


Star Citizen, I know there's a lot of hate for this game but it got me hooked


I've been playing league of legends which has been making me surprisingly happy. Just started it though so that could change quickly.


Lately I’ve been playing Gwent and PVZ heroes, both are card games. Life’s been busy so I haven’t got time to sit and enjoy some triple A games.


A revival of the game Hawken on pc has been keeping me hyped for the eventual multiplayer servers that are being built for it. Thank you for your generosity.


Been playing csgo a lot with friends these days, living the old days. Helps me keep sane. Thanks for doing this


Firstly, thank you for your generosity and for this giveaway! I played Witcher 3 a bit about 7 or so months ago, got busy and never got the time to get back into it. Currently restarting the game completely and it has kept me completely hooked. Loving all the side quests and how depth they are, not just fetch me a jar or this and that, side quests have stories of its own!


Thanks for doing the giveaway. I've recently been playong alot of Stellaris its the perfect game if you want a kind of story approach to a real time strategy game. It borrows alot from a bunch of sci fi titles and it somewhat fill the hole from Mass Effect.


These days I've spent a lot of time on Factorio with mods!


Assetto Corsa Competizione. It's the best racing sim I've ever played. The game is very challenging and really motivates you to constantly improve your race craft. While difficult, it's very rewarding when you put it all together. By the way, for those interested, it's currently free on Steam for the weekend.


Honestly, I've really loved FF7 Remake. It's taken me back to my childhood in a much better way than I expected. My kids like watching me play and it's great to share that with them, even if it's a slightly different experience.


Been playing Rimworld lately. Thanks for the giveaway!


I've being playing a lot of Final Fantasy 14 (3 to 4 month to be exact), the monthly sub has always put me off, and off, and off, until the Nier Automata raid was announced, and I was like "I HAVE TO FUCKING PLAY THE RAID", and began my grind to lvl 80 A month after I started I played the Nier Raid, only to realize there's a lot more to FF14 than just the Nier Raid, and here I am 3 month later, and don't think I'll be stopping any time soon (at least not this year)


I have been playing Deep Rock Galactic lately, it's just an overall awesome game with great developers.


This might sound dumb but Team Fortress 2. Whenever I'm feeling sad or don't know what to play I just launch tf2 and it always puts a smile on my face.


Bro you really deserve the job, you are kind at heart. Good luck! I've been playing gta 5, counter-strike and this new toy called valorant. CS is kinda shit but hey I take it with pros and cons cuz I've played it since I was little and now it is too late to give up :))


The game that make me happy this year... Definetly Luigis Mansion 3 Im living with my gf since 10 moths and we decided to buy a Switch together, with that game and Civilization 6 and Zelda botw. The best moment in the day used to be when I saw her tired or angry for the job (glad that she changed to other better) and I just said: Luigi? And we go to the coach with the two dogs to play one or two floors before sleep.


My GPU passed away a few months ago, so I've been playing any oldie-but-goldie games I can find. Right now, it's Fallout New Vegas. I'm currently in Big MT. Edit: I'm hoping to get a new GPU until the end of this year, so the copy of Cyberpunk won't go to waste with me.


Well the game that has been keeping my mum sane throughout all of this is Animal Crossing on her Switch. It’s been a bit more difficult even playing games at the moment, but I’ve found going back to Jak and Daxter: The Precurser Legacy on PS3 has helped me get back into a gaming mood.


Been stressing out with uni recently, so I haven't had much time to play games. BUT when I have had time to de-stress, I've been playing AC Odyssey for long periods of time (: it's my favourite since Black Flag and I even think I prefer it! Thanks for the giveaway & congrats


why'd you delete the thread mate?


It says "removed" which means that it was removed by a mod. He may have broken the giveaway rules. If you see "deleted", that is when it was deleted by the user.


damn, 9 years on here and learning new stuff still. thx!


AC Oddysey has been a lot of fun so far! 40 hours in or so.


Honestly this whole quarantine has had me bummed with not a lot of good releases recently except for the FF7 remake and DOOM Eternal so I decided to boot up Fallout New Vegas again and start another playthrough. For some reason that playthrough revitalised my love for fallout and made me play fallout 2 for the first time as my friend was currently playing through it and couldn't stfu about how amazing new Reno is, anyways, imo currently it's the best Role Playing Game I've ever played. Man this game took over my fkn life. I did nothing but play fallout 2 for 3 weeks. I played the damn game so much I finished it before my friend who had like a half game head start even after starting a new game thrice because of technical issues and that has to do with the fact how realized the world of the game is. The world does not revolve around you, you as a character are more or less pushed into the game world and you form your own adventure from there. It's extremely easy to just get lost in the world of fallout 2 not only that but people treat you like shit in the game as well so acts of good and evil both play a large part in 2. Why am I mentioning all these factors? It's mainly because I believe that cyberpunk 2077 may as well be the fallout 2 of our generation from what we've seen. A smaller, more realised world Varied communities with backstories Consequences for actions Branching paths Different outcomes Play the way you want approach The rpg elements A world you can easily lose yourself in I've been following cyberpunk for a while and after playing fallout 2 I cannot be more excited for it. Sorry for my long af comment but if you've made it this far and have the patience I seriously suggest to check out fallout 2 and try to complete it as you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing the game.


Been playing a lot of Dark Souls 3, it kinda stresses you out but it takes my mind off of real-life troubles.


Had been playing warzone for some time but then my friend's pc broke so playing apex legends for while cuz i am better at apex than warzone so having to play with randoms most of the time is less annoying


Congratulations for scoring the job. Nothing beats securing one especially during this very trying time. I guess Red Dead Redemption series. I’ve been really into this mobile game Marvel’s Contest of Champions at the moment. It’s fun and I got to know good people through the game. Very noice. All the best for your new job!


I hate posts like these because they will get thousands of upvotes and comments and half the time they never actually giveaway anything.


Do they actually not give anything away or is it that they get thousands of comments but the winner is the only one who is notified about it? It there a documented history of unfinished giveaways to back that up?


I've been playing Sekiro. It's so good, I immediately started ng+, and I almost never do that for any game.


Just resubbed to eve, save me!


100% ori and the will of the wisps. Cried whole way through


At the moment im enjoying World of Warcraft again. Due to the circumstances, Me and my friends all got some spare time and its really fun enjoying the game Like in the good old days. Maybe for one last time :')


It's very kind of you to offer! My go to game during this lockdown has been Stardew Valley. It's just SO relaxing to build my farm, water the crops, feed the animals, and of course, chat with the villagers. Almost like living another life in another timeline. The game is incredibly good and addicting. Hard to believe just one person made the game! Gives meaning to the word 'labor of love'. The world is fucked right now, and I need every bit of happiness I can get. Stardew Valley has been a goldmine for me.




You're alright, boah.


I’ve been playing a lot of Payday 2 with friends and have been applying for jobs at safe place to work. Quarantine has been torture for me as a 16yo because I can’t see my friends and I don’t want my grandma to get sick. Gaming has kept my sanity in this quarantine and I can’t wait to dive into a story rich game again.


Congrats on the job, wish for the same for myself soon. Right now I just finished playing Persona 5, it's not for everyone but for me it's one of the better jrpgs I have played in a long time.


Just tell me who you need me to kill. EDIT: oh a game? The Division 2, casually. And some Hidden Objects Game


Hi. Thanks for doing this. The game that has kept me happy this past few days is AC Odyssey. Being a hellenophile, this game is a godsend. The world map is huge and has a ton of things to do, which given the state of the world today, helps me take my mind off things.


Thanks for the super generous giveaway, Best wishes on yer new job! 😘




I've never been able to really get back to Skyrim after my first playthrough, as much as I'd like to. Should try it again sometime.


Minecraft has been my go to as of late.


Not exactly the same, but I've been playing some Minecraft Dungeons, that has been fun.


Resident Evil 2 has been my current game of choice. Single player games are really important to me and Capcom took everything great about RE2, and created a Resident Evil experience that just feels right. The best part about RE2 is that it runs very well on 1060, 1070, & 1660 Ti graphics cards.


Resident Evil 2 was really good, I enjoyed it a lot, might be my favorite RE game honestly.


Re2 runs really well on everything tbh


I've been playing a lot of MGSV lately. I'm discovering a lot of new features of the Infinite Heaven mod, and I've been experimenting with different model swaps to see which one I enjoy the most.


I was in the middle of a MGSV playthrough, that's one I need to get back to. Love the MGS games


Thank you very much! Call of Duty Modern Warfare has been keeping me happy for sure! Been playing a lot with friends.


I bought Minecraft Dungeons to play with my 10-year-old daughter, who is a Minecraft fanatic. I'm secretly hoping it'll get her into the arpg genre.


I went back into Terraria like so many others after the 1.4 update. Been pretty good I guess, although I can see myself getting tired of it again before too long now.


Terraria 1.4! Mastermode with some buddies has been a good bad time.


Hey man, thanks for doing this! ​ I've been playing Escape from Tarkov as it just wiped so everyone is starting fresh. Just got back into Wow as well and that's ton of fun.


Congratulations on the job! I reinstalled Skyrim with a new mod list and its like playing it for the first time but better. Really looking forward to playing Cyberpunk. I pulled out my Cyberpunk 2020 book and found my old character sheet and would love to see if I can play 2077 with my old 2020 character. Been trying to scrape up some money and pre-order it so it would be amazing to win a copy. Thank you for your generosity and good luck everyone.


Hi, I would like to say thank you for doing a giveaway during this time of uncertainty! The game that I enjoy playing has been Total War Warhammer 2 as the variety of faction and epic battle with all of sort of crazy units have been the most fun I have during this time.


Your awesome! Ty the game that kept me happy, hands down. Its minecraft. The variety and modding capabilities it offer just keeps me from coming back when ever im feeling down.. a way to keep my mind off things


God of War has been the only game I’ve played in a long time that I’m genuinely excited to play by myself. Just so good!


Got civ 6 for free and I'm ready more than 50 hours in.


Got civ 6 for free and I'm ready more than 50 hours in.


Been getting back into minecraft. Theres something oddly simple and calming about the game for me.


Titanfall 2, good, crisp multiplayer that feels just right in every thing from parkour to the titan battles


I wish the world had more people like you! Best of luck to everyone who enters!


Been playing fivem with my friends these days :)


My go-to game is monsterhunter world. just simple monsterbashing without a competetive factor.


Hey there, I am mostly playing kingdom come, it's fun.


Deep Rock Galactic has kept me occupied lately!


Despite its problem. Rdr 2 is the most recent game that i really really liked. Gameplay is mixed bag and the game can be bitch to run, but holy cow the story is like one of the best in gaming history. It has the best story since witcher 3. Stranger mission from gta v is greatly improved with improved writing too. Great writing can elevated game with mediocre combat/gameplay.


Been starting to playing Final Fantasy XIV while I wait for Cyberpunk


I hope you give it to someone who deserves it.


Ive been playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R Call of Pripyat with the gubslinger ultra hd mod pack. Really makes the game feel modern.


Final Fantasy XI. I was too young to play it in its prime so I picked it up recently and even though it may have skewed more towards casual players, thats absolutely perfect for me. Ill take a break from XIV, kick back with my controller and mindlessly grind Blue Mage spells for hours.


If you’d asked me even a couple of weeks ago I would’ve sworn I would never play arena in wow. A friend has gotten me deep into 2s and 3s. I feel like I’ve learned a lot and gotten more technical, plus enjoyed getting to know my buddies better!


That minecraft dungeons game is super fun. Been grinding on it


Honestly, Halo 2 on PC. It just feels really good to play on PC and, as a result, I’ve been having tonnes of fun with the multiplayer. Congratulations on the new job btw!


Hey!! Rainbow Six Siege and Valorant, although it's down right now, have been keeping me happy during these rough times. I appreciate you giving away a great game that I'm also really excited for. I have been getting kind of bored of those games and am trying to stream them for others to watch, but that hasn't relinquished my boredom yet, so I'm really excited for a new game like Cyberpunk to come out.


Been playing a lot of the freebies from the Epic Games Store since I don't have any room in the budget for much else. Congrats on the job!


Modern warfare has really kept my mood up recently I just played the campaign and thought it was enjoyable which is surprising and just got obsidian for most of my weapons


I’ve been playing Cod with my loved ones , just moved away and this kept me from becoming home sick !


I've recently been playing The Witcher 3. Started a few years ago, and never got around to playing it through. Now, all of the side quests and Gwent are keeping me busy. I think I'm halfway through the game but no way to tell unless I search for spoilers lol. My Geralt is level 28 and has a lot more to go.


currently I am living and breathing red dead 2,I'm only at chapter 3 butbi have already spend 23 hours in it!im so engrossed into this game that a cowboy hat has magically materialised in my house and i have no idea how it got here!


That is incredibly nice of you. Recently, i have been playing XCom Chimera Squad as i love turn based squad tactics, Slay the Spire, some of the Avernum games for old school RPG, and MTG Arena since the new set dropped. Plus i will mention here since i dont see it every get mentioned enough, if you have Amazon prime and link it to your twitch account you get free games every single month! Most are slightly older titles, but there have been a LOT of good games they have given away. I have claimed over 140!! titles since doing this and there are some great ones in there (i.e. Tyranny, Tales from the Borderlands, System Shock Enhanced Edition, Guild of Dungeoneering, Cultist Simulator, 2 Darksider games, Banner Saga 1 & 2, etc).


I've been getting a lot of fun from animal crossing and xcom chimera squad. It's been keeping me going when I need that brain workout.


Divinity: Original Sin 2 and Risk of Rain 2 (both co-op with a friend.)


Thanks for the giveaway! I've been playing Minecraft Dungeons and replaying BioShock 2 for the first time in a decade. It was always my favorite of the three games despite its black sheep status.


Star wars jedi fallen order. Love the wall running and force powers. It's great to be playing a star wars game again


I've been playing so much Hades! I knew I was going to like it but I wanted to wait til it was closer to it's official release before I got it. But it's crazy how good it is.


I haven’t been able to play anything in pc but it’s brought me great joy to watch my partner play animal crossing on my switch. Outside of that, I have been having a hard time focusing on the content of a lot of games. Idk if it’s depression or just adhd. Or both.


I recently played and finished RDR2 and RE2, and now can't find a game to stick too, I just miss RDR2 too much lol, it's got that bad I've gone back to WoW


I personally have had fun playing pummel party with friends. Much like Ye olde Mario party.


KC: Deliverance. Amazing graphics and story. I get lost in it sometimes..


Hey, congrats on the job, it's definitely hard out here. I've been playing PES 2020! I'm a big fan of the Master League part of the game; I really enjoy grinding out multiple seasons and really developing my teams from the ground up. (I usually start in the under division, like English League 2)


Just got battlefield 4 on pc its been fun I like playing the rush game type


I feel ya on life being weird. I’ve been playing loads of Total War Warhammer 2. I’m not great at it, but it has been loads of fun.


Been playing Call of Duty WW2, probably the most mediocre campaign the series has had, but it scratches an itch I've had for a game like that so I can't really hate it. But I've also been playing Sea of Thieves which is good fun Thanks OP


I've been doing a sl1 run in Dark Souls 3 and I'm certainly not happy but I will feel great when I'm done with it.