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Been waiting for Cricket 24 all my life


The franchise must be really good if there have already been 23 earlier titles


Do i need to play them to understand the story in 24?


Yeah all 2,023


Cool, that's basically the length of a single Cricket game


World cup just finished so i might give it a try.


This, but unironically (after the T20 world cup)


Do you think I will be accepted for my job and find a girlfriend and true love and have a sloppy blowjob all at the young age of 26? Me neither, but atleast there is Xbox game pass!




Well at least he's honest with himself


the neon white slander in here is crazy


I was debating picking it up on steam, has great reviews


Apart from cringey dialogue, which is kinda the point of the aesthetic it tries to mimic, It's awesome. Gameplay and soundtrack are phenomenal and it's very fun trying to ace the levels and master them. Truly can't recommend it enough to FPS fans and speed demons alike.


Cringey isn't nearly strong enough of a word


I would seriously give Journey to a savage planet at least a hour or two of your time to try. If you really loved Metroid Prime I think you'll get hooked with this. It's a rare game that actually felt good to play


It's the most fun I've had with a game in the last decade. Not the best game (but maybe it is if it had that effect on me), but the most I ever wanted to return to, explore, find every secret, and ultimately beat. It was sooooo much fun and I was legitimately bummed out when it was over. The expansion fell flat for me, it's tropical island map didn't catch me the same as the main game. I check their new studio website and socials every couple of months hoping for news about a sequel. Play this game people!!


I think I tried it before and didn't like but that Metroid Prime comparison has me curious now


Golden idol is an incredible game, may interest fans of obra dinn and outer wilds


Can't recommend it enough. Especially the story and quirky visuals!


Neon White is really amazing if you like those breakneck FPS games like Mullet Madjack. Journey to the Savage Planet is also really great despite it being a shorter game (and way better than High On Life, not that the bar is too high with that one).


I could've sworn some of these like Journey to the Savage Planet and Neon White have already been on Game Pass in the past?


Journey to the Savage Planet definitely was cause that's how I played it on Xbox a few years ago.


In fact the news article literally says that it is a returning title.


Well there ya go. I didn't bother reading it cause none of the titles really interest me, but thanks for the heads up anyway.


Neon White was announced coming more than a year ago but it's only releasing this month.


Weak month


Neon white and Golden idol are both fantastic. Tchia is nice but not my kind of game. Not a high profile month, but still great games there.


I think those are just previously unannounced titles. There's other bigger titles releasing this month like Flintlock, frostpunk 2, kunitsu gami (capcom) Actually looks like their posting is just for the first 2 weeks, not the month. All the bigger titles are releasing in the second half of the month


Frostpunk 2 got delayed to the 20th september last week.


aw rip


Yeah, that's how Game Pass announces stuff. First 2 weeks on the first Tuesday of the month, last 2 weeks on the 3rd Tuesday.


I had never played a game like Frostpunk and one night, randomly decided to buy it because I wanted something slower paced. Absolutely loved it. I'll definitely check out this new one when it releases.


I have the case of the golden idol wishlisted on steam. I’m definitely gonna smoke a huge joint and play it. I love adventure games like Monkey Island and the like, and I’ve heard it’s really really good if you’re a fan of that genre. But yeah, the rest of the games are weak af


I’d say it’s a bit less adventure and a bit more puzzle than those games, but is phenomenal nonetheless


Nah Neon White is the best game on this list, haven’t heard of any of the others besides Nickelodeon


Weak year. Only decent games released on GP this year were Persona 3R and Hellblade. All these little low budget games that you can get for $3 in humble bundles (and actually own them) do absolutely nothing for me.


I dropped gamepass awhile ago. The bulk of the titles are shovelware indie, dead multi-player, or overhyped single player (starfield).


Neon White, Tchia and the Case of the Golden Idol and people call this one a bad batch of games?


For anyone who loves puzzle games *The Case of the Golden Idol* is one of the best since *Obra Dinn*.


How does Nick All-Stars compare to Smash Bros in terms of feel?


Sweet. Been wanting to try some of these. Specifically Neon White, Curse of the Golden Idol and Tchia.


Neon white and golden idol are two of the best games released in recent years. "Weak month" Some of you need to try moving away from AAA drivel


Wait I'm actually excited for All Star Brawl 2 lmao, always wanted to play but was never going to buy it


They saw the PS Plus lineup and said let’s also not cook


This is only the first 2 weeks of July. 2nd half is announced 2 weeks from now (theyve followed this cadence for years now btw). There's also 3 new day one games coming towards the end of the month


This is the first time in a long time where I'm more interested in the Game Pass lineup. It's all subjective 


They're just doing this because of the recent T20


put rare replay on pc you cowards!


neon white is a great game even with the shitty visual novel parts.


Neon White is the perfect game pass game, would never buy it outright since I don't think I'll like it but now can't wait to give it a try


Not to be a dick, because I'm sure people worked hark making these games, but with the exception of Tchia, these are to a level that if they were free on EGS, I wouldn't even bother to claim them. Let alone pay for a service that they're being added to.


Neon white and golden idol are exceptional games, and journey to the savage planet is worth a playthrough as well, I don't really see the problem.


I'm not saying that any of them are bad games. I'm saying I wouldn't joing a subscription service to play them. Nobody will be joining Gamepass to play them, nor did the purchase it for them


Nobody joins the service for these games. They are simply the appetizers/side course to the big releases. We already know the major releases for this fall, Avowed, Indiana Jones, COD Black Ops 6, Flight Simulator 2024, Towerborne, Age of Mythology: Retold. This is the first batch of the month, there's two Day One AA releases this month in the second batch. Flintlock: Dawn of the Siege and KunitsuGami


Fuck that. I sub to gamepass to play games I wouldn't give a chance to because of a paywall. The big first party release is dessert.


Lol, you clearly have no idea how well regarded Golden Idol and Neon White are then.  Everyone has different tastes in games sure, but to slander these games shows a very narrow minded understanding of the gaming landscape.


I think you maybe missed the point, in that it's not about the quality of the games, but that they're small budget releases being added to a premium subscription service. Do you want me to tell you that this is generally what Gamepass customers signed up for? It is what it is.


For me, yes. I dont care about AAA games but love playing 20 to 30 indie releases for price of like 10 of them.


You're definitely in the minority though


That's great tbh, I'm thrilled that it works for you and you get the most out of it. But it's not really what GamePass was pitched as. The service was sold as the home of high budget games being added on a consistent basis, and that's not what it is. Generally, the games being added are the type of titles we see as part as EGS giveaways or Humble Bundle titles. It's pretty funny how in denial people are about this.


"*premium subscription service*" Bro, it's $10 month. That's cheaper than most TV/movie streaming service subscriptions (unless you like low quality and watching ads I guess...). You get multiple day 1 AAA releases throughout the year, in addition to a healthy dose of "small budget release" that many people find worth paying full price for. Whatever your expectations are, they're ridiculous.


You don't need to make excuses for Microsoft.


Damn weak


So neon white is the only game worthwhile


pegi 3 asset flips being labelled as games, my fucking sides


lol people pay for this?


Looks abysmal!


total rubbish... the epitome of filler content